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SPEAKING A2 How much? How many?

Look at this:
How much chocolate have you got? How many hamburgers have you got?
A lot. A lot.

How much milk have you got? How many cherries have you got?
Not much. Not many.

Interview your partner. Ask questions with HOW MUCH...? or MOW MANY...?

How much pocket money do you get?

How many brothers and sisters do you have?
... money do you spend each week?
... pets do you have?
... friends do you have?
... time do you spend on homework every day?
... EMINEM CDs do you have?
... chocolate do you eat each week?
... sweets do you buy each week?
... books do you read in a year?
... coca cola do you drink a day?
... time do you spend watching television every day?

You are planning a party with your friend. You are making a shopping list. You
have to discuss with your friend what to buy. You ask her how much or how
packets of crisps = How many packets of crisps do we need?
orange juice = How much orange juice do we need?

Practise with these:

bread ham peanuts cakes
sausages cheese coca cola biscuits
frozen pizzas mustard apple juice strawberries
packets of chips salad mineral water ice cream

Feyertag - Grübl
Put much or many into these sentences.
1. There aren't ................. apples in the fruit bowl.
2. How ................. chips would you like?
3. We haven't got ................. rice left.
4. Was there ................. milk left in the shop? No, there were not .................
bottles left. You will have to hurry.
5. There aren't ................. biscuits left in the tin.
6. Have you got ................. friends?
7. How ................. homework have you got this week?
8. There weren't ................. people in our class yesterday and so we didn't
do ................. work.
9. How ................. did you pay for that video?
10. How ................. times have I told you not to do that?
11. Fortunately there was not ................. traffic on the motorway this morning
so I got here on time.
12. Did you find ................. information for your project in the library?

Feyertag - Grübl

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