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Technical OSA 5548C SSU

Specifications SSU
SSU for
for SDH,
and Mobile
Mobile Synchronization

Overall Architecture Re-timing:

! 5548C 6U/12U ETSI SSU main shelf: 8 inputs + 2 GPS receivers, ! Re-timing modules take same slots as main output modules
200 outputs
! 8 E1 traffic carrying signals per module
! 5548C 3U/6U ETSI SSU main shelf: 4 inputs + 2 GPS receivers,
60 outputs ! Up to 80 re-timed E1 signals on SSU
! Up to 4 Expansion Shelves per main shelf, 200 outputs each for
! Configurable alarm thresholds in slips per hour/day/week
1000 outputs total (dedicated redundant communication bus
between master and expansion shelves). ! Protection with by-pass relay 5548C SSU-6U
! Remote shelves can also be connected, using E1 in order to
propagate correctly the SSM (E1 signal). This allows a virtually
unlimited output capacity.
! All cards can be protected 1:1
! Up to 8 line inputs in 6U SSU (4 in mini SSU),
optionally 1:1 protected, 4 inputs/ module
! Status LED’s on front panel
! Contact relay alarm closures (2x3 N.O. or N.C. contacts)
! Electrical alarm collection inputs(10),specific user-defined
! Input types: E1, 2.048 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz individually
alarm messages
SW-selectable ! Local RS-232C port, TL1 protocol on front and rear panel
! Up to 2 GPS inputs, active L1 antenna, 1575.42 MHz
! E1 inputs can be terminated, “terminated –20dB” or bridged
! Remote 100BaseT
! Remote management via OSA SyncView New Generation
SSU for SDH, SONET and Mobile Synchronisation
SSU : Synchronisation Supply Unit
(high impedance) Synchronisation Management software supporting full FCAPS SSU : Synchronisation Supply Unit
Input Selection: Performance Measurement:
! Priority table ! Phase measurement on all inputs, GPS included
! SSM value ! 1 ns resolution
! Performance Threshold Mask ! MTIE, TDEV, Ym curves computed locally ! Unique design for Master, Expansion and Remote shelves
! Manual selection ! Alarm thresholds, user settable
Tracking and Holdover: Expansion Shelves: ! Entirely new family of SSU with 3U and 6U 19” shelves, or 6U and 12U ETSI shelves
! DDS-based Tracking & Holdover functionality ! Up to 200 outputs per shelf, optional 1:1 protection
! G.811 PRC reference with embedded GPS ! Up to 4 Expansion Shelves for a total of 1000 outputs per node ! Adapts to all telecom node sizes, from a few 10’s up to 1000’s of synchronisation outputs
(or external Cesium) source (dedicated redundant communication bus between master
! Intuitive and modular architecture (protection groups, visual display of selected channels)
! G.812 Type II SSU based on Rubidium holdover <2E-12/day(at 25°C) and expansion shelves)
! G.812 Type II SSU based on BVA holdover <1E-11/day (at 25°C) Power: ! Extremely compact: up to 200 protected (1:1) outputs in a 6U 19” or 12U ETSI shelf
! G.812 Type I & III SSU based on OCXO SC-P3 ! 5548C SSU: -48 VDC power (-40 to –60 VDC)
holdover <1E-10/day (at 25°C) ! Power consumption: max. 200 W (fully equipped) ! Single System (Master and 4 expansions) allows up to 1000 protected outputs
Outputs: Simplified Maintenance ! G.811 PRC with optional GPS card(s)
! 20 outputs per module (2 groups of 10) ! Universal Input and universal Output cards
! Up to 200, optionally 1:1 protected, on 5548C SSU ! Upgrade of all cards via SW download ! G.812 Type I or II or III SSU holdovers
! Output type configurable by group of 10 outputs ! Dynamic inventory data accessible via management SW
! All cards software included in the same system release ! Universal output & input card design
Time Code Outputs: Mechanical: ! SSM on complete system (Master, Expansion, Remote)
! Up to 10 TCU (Time Code Unit) modules on SSU ! 5548C SSU: (HxWxD)
! NTP (RFC 1305), SNTP v4 (RFC 2030) ETSI/12U rack: 532x535x240 mm ! Manageable with intuitive Local and Remote Graphical User Interface
! IRIG-B, AM-coded and DC level shift 19”/6U rack: 266x483x265 mm
! Each time distribution card occupies one main output slot ! 5548C mini SSU: (HxWxD) ! Up to 80 re-timing channels
ETSI/6U rack: 266x535x240 mm
19”/3U rack: 133x483x265 mm ! Optional NTP and IRIG-B output modules
Standards compliance:
! IETF RFC 2030 (SNTP v4), RFC 1305 (NTP) ! ETSI EN 300 462-6, -4
! ITU-T G.703, G.811, G.812, G.704, G.781 ! CE approved
Oscilloquartz SA reserves the right to change all specifications contained herein at any time without prior notice. Ed. 03-June 2005

w w w . o s c i l l o q u a r t z . c o m The leading partner for your

Oscilloquartz S.A.-Rue des Brévards 16—2002 Neuchâtel—Switzerland
tel. +41(0)32 722 55 55—fax +41(0)32 722 55 56—[email protected] synchronisation needs
Introduction OSA 5548C SSU Management OSA 5548C SSU
The OSA 5548C Synchronisation Supply Unit (SSU) is the latest The management card provides connectivity with local and
breakthrough from Oscilloquartz, a pioneer in synchronisation of SSU for SDH, SONET and Mobile Synchronisation remote synchronisation management systems via a TL1 interface SSU for SDH, SONET and Mobile Synchronisation
SDH/SONET and mobile networks. It is designed to provide tele- over RS-232C (local) and TCP/IP (remote). OSA Local Manager
com operators with reliable synchronisation, using the latest in and SyncView Next Generation Remote Management software
hardware and software technologies. The 5548C system provides provide, locally and remotely, powerful fault, configuration,
a scalable synchronisation solution ranging from 20 unprotected Input Selection accounting/inventory, performance and security management Re-Timing
up to thousands of 1:1protected outputs. The active reference input is selected among the set of eligible functions through an intuitive graphical user interface. Local Each re-timing card provides 8 E1 re-timing channels and
input signals based on one of the following criteria: alarm information is provided as: the card occupies only one output card slot.
Unparalleled flexibility ! Priority table ! Internal buzzer (audible) Configurable alarm thresholds can be set via management soft-
ware in terms of slips per hour/day/week. This allows continuous
! SSM value ! Relay contacts (electrical)
The 5548C can be a redundant G.811 PRC source if you decide to monitoring and immediate detection of synchronization
! Performance Threshold mask ! Status LED’s on front panel (visual) problems on the incoming traffic signals and results in a higher
include one of two possible GPS cards (this does not change the
number of inputs or outputs available). In addition to E1 and ! User selection Third party equipment can easily be managed through a set of Quality of Service.
2.048 MHz output cards, any of the 10 main output slots can be 10 electrical alarm collection inputs; a specific user-configurable
equipped with time distribution modules (NTP or IRIG-B) or with Tracking & Holdover alarm message can be associated to each alarm input. As a Expansion or remote shelves
E1 re-timing cards. With it’s complete and consistent family future option, the 5548C will also be manageable directly by
(6U/12U ETSI: 200 outputs, 3U/6U ETSI: 60 outputs, expansions,... ), This card forms the beating heart of the OSA 5548C SSU. SNMP with embedded agent. Up to 4 expansion shelves can be chained to the main shelf for a
the 5548C is the SSU of choice when you need scalability and re- total of 1000 outputs, optionally protected 1:1.
duced spare parts inventory. This flexibility makes the 5548C the The input reference jitter and wander are filtered by a high quality Chaining of the expansion shelves is redundant in order to
most versatile SSU in the marketplace. oscillator with DDS technology. Performance Measurement ensure maximum reliability.
Three types of oscillator are available: All active inputs are constantly measured against the current Simplified Maintenance
Extreme Compactness ! Rubidium (Rb) output reference with 1 ns resolution. The local processing of
performance data presents the data in a way that reduces network SSU and Expansion Shelves share the same cards; this reduces
Each card is only 100 mm tall, contributing to a higher overall ! BVA Quartz
overhead for remote retrieval. The computed MTIE and TDEV curves are: homologation activity, stock of spare parts as well as overall
port/volume ratio, and therefore reducing the size of the 5548C ! Double Oven Quartz (OCXO) administrative complexity and results in reduced cost of
! used internally for the input selection
shelf design to accommodate overcrowded Telecom Hub Rooms ownership.
and Switching Center rack spaces. ! compared to standard masks to raise alarms if the curves
All cards are easily reprogrammable via a simple software
are out of limits
download and managed via a global
High Availability ! sent to the management station(s) for display, user
validation and storage.
shelf release.

All cards are intelligent and communicate with each other to im- 5548C Mini SSU-3U
plement a distributed intelligence message passing system. This Time Code Units (TCU)
approach ensures absence of single points of failure and reliable
uptime. Time Code Units (TCU) allow precise time distribution when at
least one GPS card is installed. This is a major advantage com-
pared to having to additionally install and manage an external
Inputs Standards Compliance
Pass-through receiver with its GPS antenna and cabling. Two kinds of Time
Code Unit output cards are available: TCU-NTP and TCU-IRIG-B.
The OSA 5548C SSU uses a universal Input Card (INC) designed to The OSA 5548C SSU complies with all relevant telecommunica-
In the extreme case of total failure of both oscillator cards or if The NTP card provides full NTP server functionality on a separate tions standards from ITU-T, ETSI and CE.
reduce spare counts. It accepts the following signals: they are pulled out, the pass-through feature of the 5548C SSU 10 BaseT RJ-45 connector. The IRIG-B card provides four IRIG-B
! E1 (G.703/G.704) with or without SSM allows to still keep the office alive. In this case synchronization is signals (two 1 kHz AM, two DC level shift) on BNC connectors.
! 2.048 MHz (G.703)
obtained from one E1 input reference of the first TNC’s group and Time output cards can be fitted into any main output card slot.
distributed without filtering to the INC’s output section.
! 5 and 10 MHz sine
Each Input card can accept up to four signals and can be 1:1
protected with an adjacent identical “B” card. Two input groups
Outputs OUtput
Tracking & OUtput

(therefore four slots) are available for Input Cards, giving The 5548C SSU uses a universal Output Card of 20 outputs that INput
Card 1
Holdover Card

flexibility from 4 unprotected inputs (one card) to 8 protected

20 Outputs
will configure itself automatically (20 E1, 2.048 MHz or 10 E1 & 10
20 Outputs

inputs (4 cards). The universal input tile in the back of equip- 2.048MHz). Output cards slots are, like all the other functiona-
ment includes the following connectors: lities on this SSU, separated in intuitive A and B groups (adjacent Tracking & Output
20 Outputs

cards slot). The 5548C 6U SSU counts 10 groups of outputs, giving

Input Generator 20 Outputs

# 120Ω balanced on sub-D

Holdover Phase
Text Selection Card
Oscillator Alignement
Card 2 (SGC) OUtput

you the flexibility from 20 unprotected outputs to 200 protected (INC) OUtput

75Ω unbalanced on BNC

# outputs on one shelf (and the flexibility of having some outputs
20 Outputs
20 Outputs

protected and some unprotected).

# 50Ω unbalanced on BNC Antennas
Up to
10 slots on SSU
Receiver (3 on mini-SSU)

GPS Modules Output Connectors 48 VDC (A)

Pass-through functionality

Power distribution to all modules


In addition to line input card, one or two GPS input cards can be
48 VDC (B) Power distribution to all modules

The 5548C SSU provides maximum flexibility towards different

fitted to meet G.811 requirements without the need of instal-

interconnection requirements with its choice of modular tile sets: server

ling and managing external receiver(s) or Cesium clock. This

allows the simplification of the sync plan by flattening the sync # 20 x 120Ω balanced (E1, 2.048MHz) on sub-D MAnagement Card (MAC)

distribution hierarchy and results in a reduction of the overall # 20 x 75Ω unbalanced (E1, 2.048MHz) on BNC
provisioning, operating and maintenance costs. The presence of Status

# 10 x 75Ω unbalanced on BNC and 10 x balanced on sub-D

LEDs COM Ethernet
a GPS input also gives access to precise time information that can Alarm
Ports Port
Up to 4 chained
be distributed via NTP or IRIG-B. Additionally, 5548C can accept Slave or

any external GPS reference as one on the input Line of the INC. = 1:1 protection possible

OSA 5548C SSU Block Diagram
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