Eugenio G. Sy Tamco Elementary School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Hagonoy East
San Isidro Sr. Hagonoy, Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health V

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to;
A. Describe the effects of the winds, given a certain storm warning signal
B. Identify the different storm warning signal
C. Understand that storm warning signals affects living things and environment

II. Subject Matter:

“Public Storm Warning Signal”
References: Developing Science Power 5, pp.206 – 207, Headways in Science and Health
5 TX. pp. 232-234
Materials: pictures, charts, video presentation
Unit IV: Earth and Space
Vocabulary: Public Storm Warning Signals No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Science Processes: Observing, Predicting, Describing
Value: Be ready always. Listen to a radio for storm signals. Prepare foods, medicines,
etc. before the typhoon comes.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Pre-Activity
1. Review
What was our lesson yesterday? Our lesson yesterday was about the soil
What is soil erosion? Soil erosion is the wearing away of
broken fragments and soil from one place to
What are the agents of soil erosion? another.
The agents of soil erosion are water,
wind, animals and humans.

2. Motivation
Do you know an agency that is PAGASA is the agency which is
responsible in advising people if there is a responsible in advising people if there is a
typhoon? What do you think it is? typhoon.

B. Activity Proper
Before we start our lesson for today, I
will show you a short video clip. (Pupils watch the video presentation)
Listen carefully as you watch the video.

What have you noticed on the video The video presentation is all about the
presentation? typhoon.
What does it shows? It shows the how strong the typhoon is
and the effect of winds it bring.
Today, we are going to study the
different Public Storm Warning Signals.
Look at the first picture.

What can you say about the picture? The picture shows moderate rains and
light winds.
What about the impact of winds on the The impact of winds may cause twigs
surrounding? and branches of small trees to be broken.
Some banana plants maybe titled or put
Some houses of very light materials like
nipa and cogon.
This picture shows Public Storm
Warning Signal No. 1. The wind speed is not
more than 60 kph and is expected to affect a
certain place in at least 36 hours.
Classes in preschool levels in all public
and private schools in affected communities
are automatically suspended or broken.

What is the speed of wind when there The speed of the wind is about 60kph.
is Storm Signal no. 1?

I have here another picture.

What is shown in the picture? Some coconut maybe tilted, few big
trees may be uprooted.
Large number of nipa and cogon houses
may be unroofed.
How about the rains it brings? The winds may bring light to moderate
damages to the communities affected.

What will you do if this would happen? I will stay in safe places and don’t go
outside anymore.
Signal No. 2 is announced when the
maximum wind speed is greater than 60 kph,
but not more than 100 kph is expected to affect
a certain place in at least 24 hours.

What is the speed of wind in signal The wind speed is greater than 60 kph,
no.2? but not more than 100 kph.

Look at the third picture.

Based on the picture, what happened to They are all damaged and destroy by the
the houses, trees, buildings, everything? wind.
There may be considerable damages to
structures of light to medium construction.
There may be widespread disruption of
electrical power and communication services,
and, in general, moderate to heavy damage
may be expected,
What must people do? Stay inside the house to avoid any
unnecessary situations.

This picture shows Storm Signal No. 3.

It has a maximum wind speed of more than
100 kph up to 185 kph is expected to affect a
certain place in at least 12 to 18 hours.
With public storm signal no. 3, people are
advised not to travel and should also seek
shelter in strong buildings, evacuate from low-
lying areas, and stay away from seacoasts or
river banks.
Classes in all levels are automatically
suspended in affected communities.

What usually happens if there is a storm Classes in all levels are automatically
signal no. 3? suspended in affected communities.

The next picture is really bad. Look at it.

What do you see in the picture?
In this situation, many large trees may
be uprooted.
What other situations may experience
during this storm signal? Most residential and buildings of mixed
construction may be severely damaged.
Electrical power disruption and communication
services are disrupted.
Massive damages are expected in
affected communities.

We experience this kind of situation

during Storm Signal No. 4. It is declared when
very strong winds of more than 185 kph is
expected to affect a certain area in at least 12
At what storm signal do we experience a We experience it during Storm Signal
very strong winds of more than 185 kph? No. 4.

Look at the last picture.

What have you noticed? We can see nothing because of the strong
winds that typhoon brings.
What do you think happens during this There is a widespread destruction
time? anywhere.

The picture shows Storm Signal No. 5 or

we can called it Super Typhoon because the
heavy rains it brings and winds of more than
220 kph.

What do we call to Storm Signal No. 5? We call it Super Typhoon.

C. Generalization
What are the Public Storm Warning The different Public Storm Warning
Signals? Signals are Storm Signal No.1, Storm Signal
No.2, Storm Signal No. 3, Storm Signal No. 4
and Storm Signal No. 5 or Super Typhoon.

D. Application
The class will be divided into two groups.
Each group will be given an envelope. Inside
that envelope are pictures that show different
Storm Warning Signals.
Each group will be given 2 minutes to Pupils do the activity.
finish the activity. The representative of the group will
present their work to the class.
Group I – Arrange the following pictures in
Group II – Identify the Storm Signal shown in
each picture.

E. In fusion of Values
What should you do if there is a typhoon Be ready always. Don’t panic.
coming? Listen to the radio or watch news for the
storm signal.
Prepare important things like foods, water,
medicine, etc.

IV. Evaluation

Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B

_____1. It is also called Super typhoon. a. Storm Signal No. 1

_____2. It is declared when very strong
winds of more than 185 kph. b. Storm Signal No. 2
_____3. People are advised not to travel
and should also seek shelter in c. Storm Signal No. 3
strong buildings.
_____4. The winds may bring light to
moderate damages to the communities d. Storm Signal No. 4
_____5. The impact of winds may cause e. Storm Signal No. 5
twigs and branches of small trees
to be broken.

V. Assignment
Copy or cut out a news about the storm signal or typhoon from the newspaper.

Prepared by:


Teacher I


Principal I

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