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(A) Use the verbs from the box below to fill in the gops in sentences I - 20.

20. Use eoch verb once only. You moy need to chonge the tense
or form.

facilitate rSsue overrun direct aud it write

face put convene embark budget
operate put engage wind recapita lise
float strip merge form cut

l. All staff have been warned that they the axe should productivity not improve, and that no one, no matter
how senior, is exempt from having to up their performance.

2. Rumours abound that Maxwell Mining is about to on the stock exchange.

3. There is talk of the two struggling companies , and it is believed that they would benefit significantly from
synergy were this to happen.

4. The company is willing to _ on a hostile takeover bid if necessary as it has well and truly set its sights on acquiring
a majority share in lndie Motors, which is by far and away its biggest rival in the industry.

5. Management has promised to an easy transition to the new ownership structure.

6. The company an unexpected profit warning on Monday sparking a two-thirds drop in its share price as
investors in panic-selling.

7. The owners have made the decision to the business up as it can no longer as a gorng concern.

8. The owners a very tight ship and are highly-regarded for what they have achieved with very limited resources
in a very short space of time, owing almost completely to their efficiency and excellent organisation of the business.

9. The two former rivals have an unlikely strategic alliance leaving everyone perplexed as to why they were at
loggerheads for so long.

t0. The board has forward a motion of no confidence in the Chief Executive and his days at the head of the
company now appear numbered.

il. The company's assets have been down to the bare minimum with all non-core business units having been sold off.

12. Thecompany'sbookswere-byDeforbesAccountantsforallthreeyearsduringwhichtheywerebeingfiddled
by the Chief Financial Officer and questions are now being asked as to whether Deforbes was negligent in carrTing out its duties.

t3. The additional expenditure arising from the snap decision made by the board to acquire Boovampe Limited had, naturally,
not been for.

14. The interim management team is looking for ways to the firm and investors are being sought.

t5. ln an effort to _ wage-related costs, the company has ceased to allow staff to work overtime on weekends.

16. Staff have been on notice that their jobs are at risk should the company remain in financial difficulty much longer.

17. Financialmismanagementhasresultedinspending

t8. The value of the company has been down after it was found that it had not been depreciating its assets
according to the guidelines of the FCA.

t9. lnvestors reacted favourably to the news that the company had succeeded in even for the first time since the
restructuring and cost-cutting measures were introduced.

20. A meeting of the Board of Directors has been to discuss the implications of the offer tabled by Manton lnvestments.
It is largely assumed that they will shareholders to accept same.
The BusinGss Wonld
(B) Motch a - k from Column A with their strongest collocates in Column B.

(a) credit (i) industry

(b) credit (ii) recession
(c) double-dip (iii) check
(d) cottage (iv) crunch
(e) corporate (v) floor
(f) cash (vi) bottom
(g) junk (vii) ladder
(h) false (viii) flow
(i) factory (ix) bond
O cut-throat (x) business
(k) exit (xi) strategy

(C) Now use your onswers from (B) obove to complete the sentences below.

l. This is a(n) so don't act like you are surprised that I double-crossed you. I believe you would have
done exactly the same thing to me given the opportuniry.

2. lnvestors have paid a heavy price for not recognising last week's share-price low as a ; although the
stock briefly rallied earlier this week, it has plummeted to new lows as the week fras progressed.

3. The company went into the market blindly without having thoroughly thought through the connotations for their core business, nor
did they bother to develop a(n) in case things should go wrong.

4. lt has had its rating lowered again and is now only one level above being regarded as a(n) - it's hard to
believe now that iust three months ago it had an AA rating.

5. The company was quick to reassure shareholders that its is in a very healthy state and that there is no
liquidity issue - and will be none for the forseeable future.

6. They ran a on her and rejected the loan application based on its poor results.

7. Word on the is that staff on the production line are preparing to go on strike to protest against what
they perceive to be unfair conditions of employment.

8. The much-feared has become a reality after it was confirmed that the country has been in negative
growth now for three consecutive months.

9. You will never reach the top of the unless you change your attitude towards your superiors; it is not
only about how good you are at your iob, but also how well liked you might be.

10. The is having an effect on the number of houses being bought. Figures forJanuary were at an all-time
low and there was a notable lack of interest in the housing market from prospective first-iime buyers.

I l. She has grown her business from being a(n) to become an international power house in the catering
world with remarkable speed.

(D) Use i - v below to fill the gops in the text. You will need to chonge the word-forms so thot they ore correct to filt the gaps.

(i) consort (ii) conglomeration (iii) delegate (iv) solicit (v) ascertain

It is a huge l. with activities in diverse industries ranging from extraction and mining to call
centre support services, but that hasn't stopped a(n) 2. of ambitious investors from launching
a takeover bid. Unperturbed by a valuation of $ l8 billion, Matriarch lnvestors, as the group call themselves, have sent
a(n) 3. of high-powered lawyers to meet with the present owners to discuss possible terms
of sale, although before discussions can begin it will first have to be 4. whether or not the
owners are even willing to tolerate such talk as this takeover offer is entirely 5.
(E) Tronsform the word in brackets so that it fits correctly in the gap.

I . The level ofmarket (penetrate) has not been as high as desired. That said, we are confident of making steady
inroads and growing our market share significantly over the next two quarters.

3. There were _ (mitigate) factors at play and I do not think the product's failure was down to it simply having been
poorly conceived.

4. The bank has been accused of "

(pr"y) lending and its loan book is to be closely examined by the financial
ombudsman, government sources have clainied.

5. This business is a _ (merit) ; we are led by and reward our best and most talented staff members; who you know
counts for very tittte frere.

6, (protect) and the notion of free trade are two (idea) opposed economic philosophies.

7. He was awarded (punish) damages over and above the amount of compensation he was due for loss of profits
asthe iudge felt th-e
defendant needed to be iaught a lesson.
8. Our boss is a (nepotic) of the highest order; he just hired his niece for the newly-vacant position of Financial
9. This sets a _ (precede) of sorts by sending out the message that the mere act of calling a lightning strike is
sufficient to get you exactly what you want from the owners. I have never seen a more immediate (capitulate)
by those in authority, have you?

10. The decision was made (lateral) ; he did not consult his partners prior to the announcement.
I L The (viable) of the proposal must now be called into question on the basis that the estimated cost of the build
alone is now three times greater than the original figure quoted.

I 2. The business is (solve) as it can no longer meet the repayments on its debt.

I 3. The company was put into _ (receive) by the court after it was declared bankrupt on Monday,
14. The army issued a _ (require) order for 50 new tank units.

I 5. There is a strong likelihood that your home will be (possess) if you continue to miss your repayments.

(F) Which of the words used to fill the in (E) obove meon the following:
(i) the act of surrendering
(ii) the capacity to be sustainable/successful
(iii) relating to one side only

(G) Choose o word from the box to ftll eoch gap. Use eoch word once only.
mark-up yield tranche boycott
remunerationloophole purveyor mandate mogul
margin nominal inventory indemnify

l. The to lure him away from the company.

package was not lucrative enough
2. He is a business who holds much sway in the political sphere, too, and is viewed as one of the best
ambassadors the countryh-as on account of the high reptite in wliich he is held abroad.
3. They exploited a(n) to avoid having to pay tax on the profits from the transaction.
4. The insurance company agreed to the business against losses arising from civil disorder.
5. He has been given a(n) by the shareholders to proceed with the expansion of the company - how else
could their o;erwhel#ingEndo$r-rsEment-dffim'in the vote at the AGM be interpreted?
6. The profit is not high enough to make this a viable business.
7. lncluded in the was a one-of-a-kind platinum necklace which has been described as irreplaceable.
8. The company is a(n) of jam to the royal family.
9. The of goods from Zimbabwe ended when the corrupt regime was removed from power.
10. The interest rate may have risen but the real interest rate remains the same.
I l. There is a considerable on the price of bread considering that it costs wholesalers in the region ol t0.20
per loaf yet they chargeZ0306fr ave@e to consumers.
I 2. A large of money was transferred to an account in the Cayman lslands, raising suspicions that the
comflanyE olfiEET mod-us operandi is but a front to mask a money laundering racket.
I 3. The on German government bonds is lower now than it has been at any other stage since the introduction
of theTuro currerrcy.
The Busin€ss World
(H) Choose o word from the box to fit in eoch gop below. You should use eoch word once only.

intangible gagging nest learning labour

insider golden passing sleeping inheritance
hyper pyramid majority hush stamp

must be quick to catch on to succeed in this company.
3. He was paid some money in return for his public silence on the issue of who the child's mother was.
4. He invested in the company:$ a partner, leaving the running of the business entirely in the hands of the other owners.

5. lt was exposed as a scheme and he was arrested on the charge of misappropriating some f6 million in total.

6. The trade in this area is quite strong, which is lust as well because there is not enough local business to sustain a
serviEEJtati6n round here.

8. The couple were exempt from paying duty on their house purchase as the home's value did not exceed the
threshold of f250,000.
9. Hestronglyrefutesthechargeof-tradingandclaimsthatheisavictimofhisownsuccesS.
t0. The judge issued a order to prevent the witness releasing a statement to the press.
Il. He secured a interest in the company when his brother died as the laffer's shares passed to him.
t2. He was given a handshake to ensure that he would leave his post without incident.

t3. Naturally, you will be liable for tax if you stand to gain to the tune of f I million or more from the proceeds of
your father's will.
14. The phenomenon of inflation is seldom an issue outside of wartime, during which it is nearly impossible to avoid.
15. Goodwill is one of the most significant assets found on this company's balance sheet.

(l) Motch the following wordslphroses in Column A with the wordslphroses of similor meoning in Column B.

(a) tycoon (i) bonanza

(b) windfall (ii) dole
(c) sabbatical (iii) self-employed
(d) donor (iv) pension
(e) outlay (v) insolvent
(f) bankrupt (vi) expenditure
(g) speculator (vii) working class
(h) blue-collar (viii) magnate
(i) sole trader (ix) benefactor
fi) annuity (x) market player
(k) unemployment benefit (xi) leave of absence

Now complete the sentences below using wordslphroses from Column B.You will not need to use oll the wordslphroses.

l. He has been drawing the for well over a year now so his employment prospects must surely be diminishing
by the day.
2. The Russian oil has bought a majority share in another of the Premiership's top football clubs.
3. has exceeded income for the third successive quarter - soon we will have serious cash-flow issues.
4. She has taken a in order to spend some time caring for her terminally ill partner.
6. lf the company is rrs you speculate then it is only a matter of time before it will miss one of its repayments.

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