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Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

DOI 10.1007/s00477-015-1186-2


Estimation of desertification risk from soil erosion: a case study

for Gansu Province, China
Chen Zhang1 • Edward A. McBean1

Published online: 24 November 2015

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Desertification is of increasing concern over Keywords Desertification risk  Soil erosion  USLE 
recent decades. A methodology based on soil erosion from Wind erosion  Gansu
water and wind is developed, to evaluate desertification
risk. The approach includes utilization of both the
Universal Soil Loss Equation and the Wind Erosion 1 Introduction
Equation developed by California Air Resources Board.
The desertification risk is mapped using ArcGIS techniques Desertification has been rapidly expanding during the
and is compared with the assessment from the environ- 1990s and is of concern as one of the biggest challenges to
mentally sensitive areas model. The methodology, applied sustainable development (UNCCD 2012). Degradation of
to Gansu as a case study, one of the driest regions in China, lands and ecosystems are the result of climate change,
indicates that severe desertification is occurring in the including rainfall variabilities and changes in temperatures,
Province, particularly through wind erosion. Approxi- in addition to human activities such as cultivation, irriga-
mately one-half the land areas in Gansu will experience tion, and mining (Poda et al. 2014; UNCCD 2014). Dry-
high risk of desertification, especially in the western lands, which cover approximately 40 % of the world’s total
regions. The mean water and soil erosion in Gansu is 0.05 area, are highly vulnerable to desertification due to low
tonnes/ha and 44 tonnes/ha per year, respectively. The precipitation, low soil fertility, as well as easily eroded
maximum per hectare soil loss through wind erosion is soils (Reynolds et al. 2007). It is estimated that 70 % of the
estimated as thirty times larger compared with water ero- dryland areas have been affected by desertification, which
sion. Improvements in vegetative cover as well as cropping may cause a relocation of approximately 50 million people
methods would significantly reduce the high risk of over the next ten years (UNCCD 2014). Therefore, a
desertification from 46 % of Gansu to less than 10 %. The methodology to identify the degrees of desertification, and
analysis also shows that desertification is sensitive to cli- strategies in response, is needed.
mate and terrain slopes, and that human influences such as Desertification has been studied for many areas in the
land use and population density can aggravate the degrees world (Han et al. 2014; Khosravi et al. 2014; Verón et al.
of desertification. 2006). Current research can be categorized as involving
field experiments, applying remote sensing techniques, and
using models integrating related indicators. Earlier studies
were primarily developed using only climate-based indices,
but the importance of using multiple representative indi-
& Chen Zhang cators in assessing desertification potential has been rec-
[email protected]
ognized (Santini et al. 2010). According to the United
Edward A. McBean Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD),
[email protected]
soil erosion and drought are the two most important factors
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, governing the rates of desertification (Al-Bakri et al.
Canada 2014). For example, the study of Basialashvili et al. (2014)

2216 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

indicated that the desertification in east Georgia was very slope length and steepness factor (LS), vegetation cover
sensitive to droughts. The most frequently applied methods factor(C), and erosion control practice factor (P) (Eq. 1).
for estimating soil erosion are based on the Universal Soil A ¼ 2:47  R  K  LS  C  P ð1Þ
Loss Equation (USLE) and Wind Erosion Equa-
tions (WEQ). Al-Bakri et al. showed that drought was a where A is the soil loss by water erosion per year (tonnes/
key factor in accelerating desertification, in combination ha-year); R is the rainfall erosivity factor (100 ft
with exploiting groundwater for irrigation. By incorporat- tons inch2 Þ=ðacre hourÞ; K is the soil erodibility factor
ing four groups of indicators (soil, climate, vegetative (tonnes acre  hourÞ=ð100 acre ft-tonsinch2 ); C is the veg-
cover, and human management), Benabderrahmane and etation cover factor (dimensionless); and P is the erosion
Chenchouni (2010) indicated that human activities control practice factor (dimensionless).
including agriculture and overgrazing were the major fac- R factor in Eq. 1 is estimated using the 30-min rainfall
tors in accelerating desertification, followed by type of erosivity index (StormEI30 ), and is expressed as REI30 (see
vegetative cover and climate, for eastern Algeria. Kosmas Eqs. 2 and 3) (Khosrowpanah and Heitz 2001).
et al. (2014) noted that rain seasonality, terrain slopes, nX
vegetative cover, and intensities of land use were the most StormEI30 ¼ 1099  ½1  0:72  expð1:27  Ir Þ
important desertification indicators. Kairis et al. (2013)
 Pr  I30 ð2Þ
also agreed that indicators associated with soil erosion,
water stress, salinization, and forest fires were the most REI30 ¼ 0:01  StormEI30 ð3Þ
important for assessing desertification. In general, deserti-
fication is widespread due to both natural and human where StormEI30 is the storm erosion index (100ft
induced reasons, and the selected key indicators in tons inch2 Þ=ðacre hour), Ir is the rainfall intensity during a
assessing desertification are identical. time interval (inch=hour); Pr is the rainfall amount during
Generally, challenges in characterization of desertifica- the same period of time (inch); and I30 is the maximum
tion rates are limited to assessing areas through identifying 30-minute rainfall intensity (inch/hour).
desertified land areas and vegetative covers, meaning that a Equation 4 is used to estimate the value of K (after
methodology is needed for determining the degrees of Wawer et al. (2005)).
desertification risk, as well as the means by which the risk K ¼ 0:01  ½0:00021  ð12  omÞ  M 1:14 þ 3:25
might be reduced. This paper develops a methodology for ð4Þ
 ðs  2Þ þ 2:5  ðp  3Þ
evaluating desertification, using Gansu Province as a case
study. The Province is prone to aggravated desertification where
with severe issues of soil erosion (Fu et al. 2005). The
methodology is applied: (1) to estimate potential deserti- om = % organic matter;
fication risk of Gansu Province based on soil erosion; and M ¼ ð%silt þ %findsandÞ  ð100  %clayÞ;
(2) to evaluate the options for reducing the risk of s = soil structure class (integer values from 1 to 4); and
desertification. p = soil permeability class (integer values from 1 to 6).
The slope length and steepness factor (LS) is estimated in
ArcGIS based on the digital elevation model (DEM) data
2 Methodology following the procedures demonstrated by Pelton et al.
The methodology for evaluating desertification risk Values of vegetation cover factor (C) are assigned based
includes four sections: (1) estimating soil loss through on the land cover. Values of support practice factor (P) are
water and wind erosion; (2) evaluating desertification risk mainly determined from terrain slopes, assuming contour
based on soil erosion; (3) comparing the erosion-based cropping is applied. The values of C and P factors refer to
methodology with the environmentally sensitive areas Peng et al. (2007), Kuok et al. (2013), Parveen and Kumar
(ESAs) Model; and (4) Using Gansu Province in northwest (2012) and Stone et al. (2012).
China as a case study.

2.1 Soil loss through water erosion 2.2 Soil loss through wind erosion

Soil erosion by water is estimated using the Universal Soil Soil Loss by wind erosion can be estimated using the
Loss Equation (USLE), which consists of five factors: modified Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ) from the USDA-
rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), ARS WEQ by U.S.EPA (Eq. 5).

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2217

E ¼ 2:47  A  I  K  C  L0  V 0 ð5Þ land cover and cropping methods. The effects of the
adjustments were compared through changes in percentage
where E is the total suspended particulate portion of wind areas and the amounts of soil erosion under the risk levels.
erosion losses (tonnes/ha-year); A = 0.025 (ratio of total The scenarios are described below:
suspended particulate to total wind erosion losses); I is the
soil erodibility (tonnes/acre-year); K is the surface rough- – Scenario (1a): replace the sparsely vegetated lands with
ness factor (dimensionless); C is the climatic factor (di- grassland.
mensionless); L0 is the unsheltered field width factor – Scenario (1b): replace the sparsely vegetated lands with
(dimensionless); and V0 is the vegetative cover factor forest.
(dimensionless). – Scenario (2a): adopt strip cropping on slopes instead of
Soil erodibility (I) and surface roughness factor (K) are the assumed contour cropping for the current scenario.
determined from soil textures and land covers, respec- – Scenario (2b): adopt terrace cropping on slopes instead
tively. Although climatic factors are calculated using Eq. 6 of the assumed contour cropping for the current
in the U.S.EPA-modified WEQ, the equation from FAO scenario.
(Eq. 7) is shown to have improved evaluations for the C
factors (Shi et al. 2004). 2.4 Environmentally sensitive areas model
W3 for desertification Risk
C ¼ 0:345  2 ð6Þ
The environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) model is
where applied in comparison with the methodology based on soil
W = mean annual wind speed at 10 m (miles/hour); and erosion. The selected indicators were grouped into six
PE = ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration. categories and were considered as six indices: soil (S),
X12   climate (C), land use (LU), land cover (LC), human
C ¼ 0:01  u3i  ð1  Þ  di ð7Þ influences (HI), and water stress (W) (see Fig. 1). The six
indices and the integrated Desertification Risk Index (DRI)
where were determined using Eqs. 8 and 9. DRI ranges from 1 to
10, where 1 represents the lowest desertification risk and 10
i = the number of month in a year (i = 1–12); represent the highest risk.
ui = monthly average wind speed at 2m height for month
i (m/s); DRI ¼ ðS  C  LU  LC  HI  WÞ1=6 ð8Þ
PETi = monthly potential evapotranspiration for month
i (mm); Indexn ¼ ðI1  I2  :::  Ii Þ1=i ð9Þ
Pi = monthly average precipitation for month i (mm);
di = number of days in month i. Indexn = S, C, LU, HI, and W;
Unsheltered field width factor (L ) and vegetative cover I = Reclassified indicator ranging from 1 to 10; and
factor (V0 ) were replaced with the erosion control practice i = the number of the indicators in Indexn .
factor (P) and the vegetative cover factor (C) in the USLE
equation due to limited available data for the study area as
well as the similarity of the corresponding parameter. 3 Case study for Gansu Province

2.3 Evaluation of potential desertification risk 3.1 Study area

and options in response
Gansu Province is located in northwest China. The Pro-
The potential desertification risk is evaluated using the sum vince covers an area of 425,800 km2 and is divided into 14
of per hectare water and wind erosion for the 1 9 km raster administrative prefectures (Fig. 2). Gansu is bounded on
cells. The risk is characterized as: very low, low, moderate, the south by the Qilian Mountains, and the north is adjacent
high, very high, and severe. Spatial distribution of the risk to portions of three deserts. Elevations increase in Gansu
is mapped using ArcGIS. from 1000 to 5000 m from northeast to southwest, and
To evaluate the potential to reduce the risk of deserti- 78 % of the area in the Province is mountainous topogra-
fication, two scenarios, each with two subdivisions, were phy. Fifty-three percent of the total area has been used for
created, using adjustments in the human influenced factors, agriculture, including approximately 20 % used as crop

2218 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

Fig. 1 Components of ESAs


Fig. 2 Location of Gansu


lands, 19 % as forest lands, 58 % as pasture lands, and as rainfall concentrated in the summer (June–August). The
orchards with a minor proportion of the agricultural lands most arid western portion of the Province has an average
(GBLR 2010). annual rainfall of less than 50 mm, while the eastern por-
Gansu is one of the driest land regions in China. The tion has an annual rainfall of approximately 500 mm. Mean
general climate is semi-arid to arid, with aridity increasing annual potential evapotranspiration varies from 1400 to
from the west to the east, and with the majority of the 3010 mm.

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2219

The Province has been experiencing severe sand storms created by the IFPRI (2002) and obtained from FAO
and soil erosion from the Loess Plateau over the recent Geonetwork. Values of support practice factor (P) were
years. In addition, increased human activities such as land mainly determined from terrain slopes, assuming contour
cultivation, irrigation, overgrazing, and mining have cropping is applied (Peng et al. 2007; Kuok et al. 2013;
aggravated the rates of desertification. Parveen and Kumar 2012; Stone et al. 2012). Assigned
values of C and P factors are listed in Tables 1 and 2.

3.2 Parameters and data sources for the case study Population statistics were aquired from Gansu year-
books on the website of CDC (2013). The classifications of
Due to the limited available 30-min rainfall data for the soil loss refer to the Standards for Classification and Gra-
study area, a relationship between daily rainfall (Pdaily ) and dation of Soil Erosion published by Ministry of Water
StormEI30 was developed through regression where the 30- Resources of the People’s Republic of China (1997) listed
minutes rainfall data are available. The relationship was in Table 3.
based on a two-year time period and is described using a
power function (see Eq. 10).
4 Results
StormEI30 ¼ 116:43  ðPdaily =25:4Þ1:6798 ð10Þ

The R2 value is 0.95 (see Fig. 3) between non-zero daily 4.1 Soil loss through water erosion
rainfall and StormEI30 , meaning the function provides
good estimates using daily rainfall data. Figure 4 shows the water erosion throughout Gansu Pro-
Daily data for wind speeds from 1979 to 2010 were vince. The results demonstrate that the majority of the
acquired from climate forecast system reanalysis data Province has low levels of water erosion. The areas of high
(CFSR data) on the website of GWDSWAT (2013). Raster soil loss due to water erosion are concentrated along the
data of mean monthly precipitation can be accessed from southern boundary of the Province and are as high as 15
CRU CL 2.0 Data Set developed by New et al. (2002). tonnes/ha per year for the 1 9 km grid cell areas. The
Potential evapotranspiration were obtained from CGIAR- southern boundary has the highest elevations and slope
CSI (2015) attributed to Zomer et al. (2007) and Zomer gradients in the Province (see Fig. 2), and rainfall erosivity
and Trabucco (2008). is larger than other regions as well.
Data regarding the soil erodibility factor (K) were Zonal statistics of the 14 prefectures are listed in
gathered from Digital Soil Map of the World (FAO/ Table 4. The statistics indicate that the entire Province is
UNESCO 2007) from FAO GeoNetwork. DEM data were likely to lose more than 2 million tonnes of soil per year, on
obtained from the China Historical Geographic Informa- average, due to water erosion. The main contributing areas
tion System (CHGIS) (Harvard University and Fudan are Jiuquan (approximately 30 % of the total water erosion
University 2010). Values of vegetative cover factor in Gansu), Zhangye and Longnan (both approximately
(C) were assigned based on the 1 9 1 km land cover data 20 %), followed by Gannan Tibetan (10 % of the total

Fig. 3 Regression of non-zero

daily rainfall and StormEI30

2220 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

Table 1 Land cover and C factors of Gansu Province

Description Cropland (%) Pasture (%) Forest (%) Others (%) C factor

Cropland 100 0 0 0 0.38

Cropland/pasture 50 50 0 0 0.3
Agriculture with forest 75 0 25 0 0.3
Agriculture with other vegetation 75 25 0 0 0.3
Agriculture/forest mosaic 50 0 50 0 0.2
Agriculture/other mosaic 50 25 25 0 0.2
Other vegetation with agriculture 35 30 30 5 0.2
Primarily Forest ([60 %) 0 20 80 0 0.006
Primarily Grassland ([60 %) 0 80 5 15 0.04
Other vegetation: wetlands, mangroves 0 0 100 0 0.006
Non-vegetated/sparsely vegetated 0 0 0 100 0.4
In-land water 0 0 0 100 0

4.2 Soil loss through wind erosion

Table 2 Terrain classes and P
Terrian slope classes P factor
factors of Gansu Province The wind erosion map and the related factors are shown in
Inland-water bodies 0.55 Fig. 5. The maximum wind erosion, which is as high as 475
0–2 % 0.55 tonnes/ha, is 30 times larger than the water erosion for a
2–5 % 0.6 1 9 1 km grid cell area. Unlike water erosion, wind erosion
5–8 % 0.6 is more intensive along the northern boundary and
8–16 % 0.8 throughout Jiuquan which is located in the western end of the
16–30 % 0.9 Province. These areas are adjacent to deserts and the climate
30–45 % 1 is drier, compared with the remainder of the Province.
[45 % 1 Zonal statistics (see Table 5) indicate that Gansu is
experiencing severe desertification risk through wind ero-
sion—a total amount of more than 3 billion tonnes of soil
loss per year. Jiuquan contributes approximately 75 % of
Table 3 Classifications of soil loss levels
the total soil loss through wind erosion, with the largest per
Desertification risk level Soil loss (tonnes/ha-year) hectare loss as well. The average wind erosion per hectare
Very low \10 for the entire province is 44 tonnes/ha per year. However,
Low 10–25 the amount for Jiuquan is as high as 168 tonnes/ha per
Moderate 25–50 year—i.e. 4 times above the average level. Jiayugan,
High 50–80 neighboring Jiuquan, has half the amount of wind erosion
Very high 80–150
per unit area (97 tonnes/ha per year), followed by Qin-
Severe [150
gyang with an average soil loss of 74 tonnes/ha. Zhangye,
which is close to Jiayuguan and the deserts in the north, has
an average of approximately 50 tonnes/ha per year. How-
water erosion), and the soil loss from the other prefectures ever, the maximum per unit loss is relatively high com-
are relatively slight (adding up to 20 %). pared with other areas (242 tonnes/year).
The Provincial average water erosion per unit area is
0.05 tonnes/ha. Although Jiuquan has the largest amount of 4.3 Reduction in potential desertification risk
soil loss compared with the other prefectures, the average
loss per unit area is only 0.04 tonnes/ha (with a maximum The potential desertification risk related to soil loss (Fig. 6)
loss is 6.13 tonnes/ha) since it covers a relatively larger present similar spatial distributions compared with wind
land area (36 % of the Provincial area). High rates of per erosion (see Fig. 5), since wind erosion is the primary
hectare water erosion were found for Longnan and Zhan- cause of soil loss in the Province. In other words, high
gye (0.18 and 0.12 tonnes/ha), with the maximum soil loss desertification risk is resulting primarily from soil loss
to be 5.21 and 11.33 tonnes/ha, respectively. through wind erosion.

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2221

Fig. 4 Map of soil loss by water


Table 4 Water erosion for prefectures

Prefectures Area Percentage Average total Percentage of total Mean water erosion Max water erosion
(106 Ha) of total area (%) water erosion water erosion (%) per hectare (tonnes/ per hectare (tonnes/
(106 tonnes/year) ha-year) ha-year)

Pingliang 0.96 3 0.06 3 0.06 1.04

Qingyang 2.55 7 0.07 3 0.03 0.68
Tianshui 1.37 4 0.08 4 0.06 2.14
Longnan 2.63 7 0.47 22 0.18 5.21
Dingxi 1.95 5 0.07 3 0.03 1.27
Gannan Tibetan 3.19 8 0.20 10 0.06 3.12
Baiyin 1.89 5 0.03 1 0.01 0.49
Jinchang 0.73 2 0.01 1 0.02 0.81
Lanzhou 1.3 3 0.02 1 0.02 0.92
Linxia Hui 0.97 3 0.05 2 0.05 1.93
Wuwei 3.17 8 0.04 2 0.01 1.13
Zhangye 3.13 8 0.39 19 0.12 11.33
Jiayuguan 0.14 0.4 0.002 0 0.02 0.42
Jiuquan 13.77 36 0.61 29 0.04 6.13
Province 37.75 100 2.09 100 0.05 2.62

Table 6 shows the percentage areas under each risk level severe risk due to soil erosion, which can be found in the
for the current condition and the four scenarios with following areas: (1) along the northern boundary of the
changes in vegetative cover and cropping methods. The Province involves Zhangye, Wuwei, Baiyin, and Tianshui,
current condition has 30 % of the entire province under (2) essentially the entire areas of Jiquan and Jiayuguan in
severe risk of desertification. Nearly half of the total the western boundary, and (3) Qingyang in the eastern
Provincial areas (46 %) are likely to experience high to boundary. These areas can be found to have high erosion

2222 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

Fig. 5 Map of soil loss by wind


Table 5 Wind erosion for prefectures

Prefectures Area Percentage of Average total Percentage of Mean Wind Erosion Max Wind Erosion
(106 Ha) total area (%) wind Erosion total Wind Per Hectare (tonnes/ Per Hectare (tonnes/
(106 tonnes/year) Erosion (%) ha-year) ha-year)

Pingliang 0.96 3 34 1 36 94
Qingyang 2.55 7 234 6 74 191
Tianshui 1.37 4 28 1 24 82
Longnan 2.63 7 50 1 18 100
Dingxi 1.95 5 25 1 13 79
Gannan Tibetan 3.19 8 48 1 14 95
Baiyin 1.89 5 55 2 25 181
Jinchang 0.73 2 27 1 38 190
Lanzhou 1.3 3 6 0 4 31
Linxia Hui 0.97 3 23 1 16 82
Wuwei 3.17 8 181 5 34 150
Zhangye 3.13 8 143 4 52 242
Jiayuguan 0.14 0.4 13 0 97 236
Jiuquan 13.77 36 2802 76 168 349
Province 37.75 100 3670 100 44 150

related to climate, loose soil textures, and easily erosive reductions in desertification risk, especially for the western
surfaces. The mid portion of the Province, such as Lanz- regions. For example, areas under severe risk would
hou, has very low risk of desertification with only minor decrease from 30 to 1 % if the non-vegetated areas are
soil loss through both water and wind erosion. replaced with grassland and forest, and the areas having
Increases in vegetative cover as well as utilization of high to severe risk would decrease from 46 to 8 %. Sce-
improved cropping methods will lead to significant narios (1a) and (1b) which involve increasing vegetative

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2223

Fig. 6 Map of potential

desertification risk

Table 6 Percentage areas under desertification risk levels

Risk Levels Area (%) Scenario (1a) area (%) Scenario (1b) area (%) Scenario (2a) area (%) Scenario (2b) area (%)

Very low 25 27 63 41 54
Low 20 45 20 12 12
Moderate 9 20 9 8 23
High 5 4 4 11 10
Very high 11 2 2 20 2
Severe 30 1 1 7 0

cover, would lead to the reduction in soil erosion mainly in and (2b) will result in decreases in the risk not only in the
the sparsely vegetated western regions including Jiuquan, western regions, but the southern areas such as Qingyang
Jiayuguan, and northern Wuwei, which are the major and Longnan as well (see Figs. 7–scenarios (2a, b), 9). The
contributing areas of soil loss. The desertification risk will reduced soil loss from changing the cropping methods
become even lower if the non-vegetated lands are replaced would be at least 50 %, which is nearly 1 billion tonnes of
by forest, than by grassland (See Figs. 7–scenarios (1a, b), soil per year.
8), with 83 % of the areas under low and very low risk in
Scenario (1b) and 72 % in Scenario (1a). There would be a
reduction of approximately 80 % of the soil erosion—an 4.4 ESAs-based desertification risk
equivalent amount of approximately 3 billion tonnes of soil
per year. The normalized ESAs-based desertification risk is shown in
In comparison, the effects of changing cropping meth- Fig. 10(b). In comparison with the normalized erosion-
ods are smaller in terms of decreasing the potential based desertification risk (see Fig. 10a), the risk estimated
desertification risk. Areas under high to severe risk would by the ESAs model is lower for the western regions of the
be reduced from 46 to 38 % if strip cropping is applied, Province. However, the ESAs model shows a relatively
and to 12 % if terrace cropping is applied. Scenarios (2a) higher risk for the mid and southern regions. In general, the

2224 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

Fig. 7 Map of potential desertification risk—adjustment scenarios

Fig. 8 Per hectare soil erosion

by prefectures under scenarios
(1a) and (1b)

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2225

area with higher risk (‘‘IV’’, ‘‘V’’, and ‘‘VI’’) is 46 % from erosion for a 20 km2 area in eastern Austrias and provided
the erosion-based model and is 34 % from the ESAs reasonable results (Klik 2004). Although the applied
model. Areas under the risk characterized ‘‘V’’ and ‘‘VI’’ method herein was originally developed for California, the
from the ESAs model are only 1/8th of the areas from the results are appropriate to compare with the relevant studies
erosion-based model. Moreover, the highest risk level for Inner Mongolia and Qaidam Basin which are nearby
(‘‘VI’’) covers one-third of the Province from the erosion- Gansu Province [e.g. (Hoffmann et al. 2011; Li et al. 2004;
based model, which is nearly zero from the ESAs model Rohrmann et al. 2013)].
(See Fig. 11). The analysis of the four scenarios involving adjustments
The combination of larger Land Use Index (LU) and in vegetative cover and cropping methods provide insights
Human Influences Index (HI) are the reason for the high into the strategies for desertification management. The
risk for the mid and the eastern regions from the ESAs assessment herein shows that high levels of both water and
model, meaning dense population and human activities wind erosion exist not only in drier lands such as Jiuquan
may aggravate desertification risk. and Jiayugan in the western portion of the Province, but
also in less arid regions with overgrazing issues such as in
Longnan in the eastern portion of the Province as well.
5 Discussion Results indicate that increasing vegetative cover as well as
changing cropping methods will substantially reduce the
The evaluation of potential desertification risk for Gansu potential risk of desertification. Since nearly half of the
Province herein indicates that the Province is experiencing Province is non-vegetated, especially in the western pre-
severe risk of desertification, particularly through wind fectures, the effect of increasing vegetative cover would
erosion. Research has shown that China is one of the most decrease the areas at high and severe risk from 46 % to less
affected countries by wind erosion in the world [e.g. (Shi than 10 %. Changing cropping methods would have a
et al. 2004; Han et al. 2014)]. However, there are no relatively smaller effect of reducing the areas at high
regional models and databases, as well as validated refer- desertification risk compared with increasing vegetative
ences for the wind erosion situations in China. Taking the cover, but would be more effective for the southern areas
Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) as an example, of the Province. Similar conclusions have been made for
Wang and Wang (2013) tested the WEPS for an area in varies areas; for example, Miao et al. (2012) showed that
Minqin Desert and concluded that WEPS would have poor regions with high levels of wind erosion had the lowest
performance if there lacked the measurements of required vegetative cover in the Yellow River Basin. Guo et al.
parameters. Therefore, a database is in need for WEPS to (2013) applied the Revised Wind Erosion Equa-
provide better predications for wind erosion in China. Klik tion (RWEQ) for the agricultural lands near Inner Mon-
(2004) also mentioned that the physically-based WEPS golia, and indicated that conservation tillage could
model can lower the accuracy of the simulations if the eliminate the chances of heavy wind erosion for the study
parameters needed to be estimated through correlations area. From the analysis of the NDVI data, Tan and Li
with available spatial data. In such a case, the empirical (2015) confirmed that the shelter forests which were aimed
Wind Erosion equation WEQ was applied to simulate wind at preventing the ongoing desertification, had achieved

Fig. 9 Per hectare soil erosion

by prefectures under Scenarios
(2a) and (2b)

2226 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

Fig. 10 Comparison of
normalized desertification risk,
a erosion-based model, b ESAs

significant improvement for the study area that covers 6.9 semi-arid regions were more likely to be influenced by
million km2 in north China. wind erosion due to insufficient rainfall and soil moisture,
The results of soil erosion analyses herein show that the especially when wind speeds are high and lands are less
maximum per hectare soil loss through wind erosion is covered by vegetation. Rohrmann et al. (2013) also noted
more than 30 times larger than through water erosion in that wind had a stronger effect in soil erosion compared
Gansu Province, and the difference between the average with water from the field study of erosion in Qaidam Basin
per hectare soil loss is even larger—i.e. 0.05 tonnes/ha for in northern China. Guo et al. (2014) pointed out that wind
water erosion compared with 44 tonnes/ha for wind ero- erosion could be the primary factor for soil degradation in
sion. Several studies have agreed that wind erosion plays a arid and semi-arid regions in north China.
more important role in desertification than water erosion. The assessment of soil loss in this paper indicates that
For example, Dong et al. (2000) indicated that arid and climatic factors which are related to wind speed and the

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229 2227

Fig. 11 Percentage areas at low

and high levels of desertification

degrees of aridity have significant impact on both water methods on slopes would be helpful in controlling soil
and wind erosion. Specifically, the erosion due to climate is loss—i.e. approaches such as strip-contoured cropping,
more severe in the cold and dry periods from November to zone tillage, and tree planting, are encouraged on the
June compared with the warm, and relatively wet periods, sloping areas to reduce soil erosion.
from July to October. This is similar to the situations in The comparison of the erosion-based model and the
many places around the world. For example, a study of ESAs Model indicates that dense population and human
desertification for Iraq showed that high temperatures and activities may increase the risk of desertification. The ESAs
limited rainfall, in addition to minimal vegetative cover, Model provides insights into evaluation of desertification
were the most important factors in the process of deserti- risk; however, it has limitations that handles the six inte-
fication (Ali et al. 2013). Sterk (1997) commented that the grated indices as equal in importance. Although the
dry season and the early wet season were the two periods impacts of human influences were emphasized, as men-
during which erosive winds would most likely occur. In tioned by Izzo et al. (2013) and Salvati and Bajocco
such a case, ongoing climate change may accelerate the (2011), that desertification is sensitive to land use and
progress of desertification through intensified soil erosion management, the effects of the nature-related indices
by both wind and water. including soil, land cover, climate, and water stress are
The assessment in this paper also agrees that in addition diminished.
to large rainfall erosivity, slope gradients can significantly
increase soil loss through water erosion. Specifically,
although the western regions of Gansu Province have a low 6 Conclusion
mean annual rainfall (less than 50 mm per year), the areas
along the southern boundary experience high levels of The methodology for evaluating desertification risk
water erosion. These areas are close to the mountains and demonstrates the degrees of risk as well as the strategies in
have steep slopes compared with the remainder of the response. The methodology is primarily based upon
Province. Kosmas et al. (2006) indicated that slope gradi- assessment of soil erosion through water and wind. The
ents would increase the risk of desertification through high results of the case study for Gansu indicate that wind
rates of soil erosion. The study by Zhao et al. (2014) erosion is the primary cause for soil loss in the Province,
showed that soil erosion was related to both rainfall leading to increasing risk of desertification. The typical
intensity and slope gradient, and larger slope angles could arid climate is closely related to the rates of wind erosion.
lead to higher erosion rates, especially under the condition Specifically, the amount of soil erosion in cold and dry
of low and moderate rainfall intensities. Liu et al. (2001) periods from November to June are larger, compared with
noted that when land cover and control factors were the wet seasons from July to August. The high levels of
identical, the terrain slopes would have a major influence water erosion in regions along the southern boundary
on water erosion. Similar conclusion that higher soil ero- indicate that slope gradients have significant impacts on the
sion rates may result from steep slopes was mentioned by soil loss through water erosion. Nearly half of the Province
Jang et al. (2015) and Zhu (2014). Therefore, increasing is likely to experience high to severe risk of desertificiaion
vegetative cover and applying conservation cropping resulting from soil erosion, particularly for drier lands with

2228 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2016) 30:2215–2229

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