Agricultural Credit: Monetary and Banking Developments

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Agricultural credit farming, agro-processing, livestock, micro-

3.49 Agricultural growth is crucial for irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, watershed

alleviating rural poverty. Access to institutional management, village pond development and
credit to more farmers and appropriate other agricultural activities. NABARD has been
quantity and quality of agricultural credit are asked to advise District Level Technical
crucial for realising the full potential of Committees to review the scales of finance
agriculture as a profitable activity. Recognising to meet the realistic credit needs of farmers,
the crucial role of credit, the Tenth Five-Year especially for capital intensive agricultural
Plan (2002-07) envisages a substantial jump operations. The Budget for 2004-05,
in credit flows to agriculture to Rs.7,36,750 presented in the Parliament on July 8, 2004,
crore in the plan period as compared to the proposed doubling of credit to agriculture in
credit flow of Rs.2,29,956 crore achieved in three years and announced further measures
the Ninth Five-Year Plan period. Credit flow to to achieve the target growth in agricultural
agriculture sector from all formal sources credit. These measures include holding the
amounted to Rs. 70,810 crore in 2002-03 and sponsor bank of each RRB squarely
Rs.86,981 crore in 2003-04, much below the responsible for the performance of RRB under
levels envisaged in the Tenth Plan. Concerned its control and an incentive scheme under
over the slower growth of agriculture credit, which RRBs adopting new governance
the Government announced a comprehensive standards and abiding by prudential
policy on June 18, 2004. The policy envisages regulations will qualify for receiving funds from
a 30 per cent increase in credit to agriculture the Government for their restructuring. The
sector in 2004-05 over an estimated credit Budget proposed setting up of a Task Force
flow of Rs. 80,000 crore in 2003-04. The to examine the reforms required in the co-
implementation of the policy has been operative banking system including the
entrusted to PSBs, private sector banks, appropriate regulatory regime. The Task Force
regional rural banks (RRBs) and co-operative has since submitted its draft report. The draft
banks. The policy has indicated that each rural report has been put on the websites of the
and semi-urban branch of commercial banks, RBI and the Ministry of Finance on January
on an average, will take up at least two to three 11, 2005 for inviting comments. The report is
new investment projects in the area of likely to be finalised shortly after taking into
plantation and horticulture, fisheries, organic account the feedback received.

Monetary and Banking Developments 67

website : http:/
3.50 As indicated in its mid-term review of and allied operations. Also, as a measure to
November, 2003, the RBI constituted an minimise the incidence of under-financing, the
Advisory Committee on flow of Credit to scale of finance for crop loans and unit costs
Agriculture and Related Activities from the of farm investments have been further revised
Banking System (Chairman: Prof. V S Vyas). and made more realistic in the current year.
The Advisory Committee submitted its interim Furthermore, to mitigate the risk of agriculture
report in April, 2004 and the final report in June, arising out of drought conditions, banks either
2004 (Box 3.2). postponed the recovery of loans or converted
short-term credit into medium-term credit with
3.51 Based on the recommendations
appropriate reschedulement in repayment in
contained in the interim report of the Vyas
the concerned areas. The norms of financing
Committee, the RBI, in its annual policy
in the Rabi season have been liberalised taking
statement for 2004-05, announced a number
into account the likely shortfall in Kharif output
of measures to improve credit delivery to
on account of deficient rainfall.
agriculture. These included, treating loans to
storage units designed to store agricultural
products, irrespective of location, as indirect Box 3.2 : The Advisory Committee on flow
credit to agriculture, treating investment by of Credit to Agriculture and Related
banks in securitised assets representing direct Activities from the Banking System
(indirect) lending to agriculture as direct
z A review of mandatory lending to agriculture by
(indirect) lending to agriculture, and waiver of
commercial banks to enlarge direct lending
margin/security requirement for agricultural
loans up to Rs.50,000 and in case of agri-
business and agri-clinics for loans up to Rs.5 z Public and private sector banks to increase
lakh. In addition, RBI also aligned repayment their direct agricultural lending to 12 per cent
dates with harvesting of crops by treating loans of net bank credit in the next two years and to
13.5 per cent two years thereafter, within the
granted for short duration crops as an NPA, if
overall limit of 18.0 per cent of total agricultural
the instalment of the principal or interest lending.
thereon remains unpaid for two crop seasons
beyond the due date. Loans granted for long z Banks to increase their disbursements to
duration crops are treated as an NPA, only if small and marginal farmers under Special
Agricultural Credit Plan (SACP) to 40 per cent
the instalment of the principal or interest
by March 2007.
thereon remains unpaid for one crop season
beyond the due date. As recommended by the z SACP to be restricted to direct lending and
Vyas Committee, RBI announced that micro- extended to private sector banks.
finance institutions would not be permitted to z Reduction in cost of agricultural credit by
accept public deposits, unless they comply enhancing the cost effectiveness of agricultural
with the extant regulatory framework. The loans.
recommendation relating to service area z NPA norms for agricultural credit to be aligned
approach (SAA) was accepted and an with crop seasons. Loans for allied activities to
announcement to this effect was made in the be classified as NPA after 180 days of default.
RBI’s mid-term review of annual policy
z Credit flow to small borrowers to be improved
statement for 2004-05. through reduction in cost of borrowing,
3.52 During the current year, most of the revolving credit packages, procedural
simplification, involvement of Panchayati Raj
PSBs, co-operative banks and RRBs have
institutions and micro-finance.
reduced the rate of interest on farm loans up
to Rs.50,000 to 9.0 per cent and, in some z The SAA to be modified to remove rigidities.
cases, to 8.5 per cent. This has enabled the SAA to be mandatory only for Government-
farmers to derive the benefit of falling interest sponsored programmes and the format of
village surveys to be changed in view of current
rates and to improve their margins on farming

68 Economic Survey 2004-2005

website : http:/
3.53 Aggregate credit flows, both short-term Rs.86, 981 crore in the previous year
and long-term are estimated to reach (Table 3.8).
Rs.1,08,500 crore in 2004-05 from a level of

Table 3.8 : Flow of institutional credit to Agriculture

Rs. crore
Agency\Years 1997-98 1999-2000 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

Co-operative banks 14,085 18,363 24,296 26,959 31,000

RRBs 2,040 3,172 5,467 7,581 10,500
Commercial banks 15,831 24,733 41,047 52,441 67,000

Total 31,956 46,268 70,810 86,981 1,08,500

Source: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Monetary and Banking Developments 69

website : http:/

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