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CPWD Account code

Difference between Administrative Approval & Technical Sanction

Administrative Approval​ – This terms denotes the​ formal acceptance by the

administrative department ​concerned of the proposals for incurring expenditure in the
Public Works Department on a work initiated by, or connected with, the requirements of
such administrative department.
For example​: A college building is to be constructed by PWD but is to be used by the
Education department. Then , PWD is the technical department whereas Education
dept is the Administrative department.
It is, in effect, an order to the PWD to execute certain specified works at a stated sum to
meet the administrative needs of the department requiring the work

Technical Sanction​ – this is the responsibility of PWD. After administrative approval,

PWD obtains technical sanction of authorised officer of PWD. It is issued for sanctioning
a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work proposed to be carried out. The
issuing of Technical sanction signifies
● design is technically sound
● suitable to the needs
● reasonable economical
It is guarantee of PWD that the proposals are structurally sound and that the estimate of
work is based on adequate data and at authorised rates.

Objective questions​: -

Q.1​ Technical sanction is also called :

(a) Expenditure sanction
(a) Financial sanction
(b) Sanction of contract
(c) Sanction of Detailed estimates
CPWD Account code

Q.2 ​Technical sanction is an indication of the guarantee of PWD that the ----
(a) Funds for the proposal is provided
(b) Site is available
(c) Proposal is structurally sound
(d) Administrative approval is accorded

Q.3​ Administrative approval in PWD stands for

(a) Allocation of fund
(b) Formal acceptance of a project by Administrative department
(c) Formal acceptance of a project by Finance department
(d) Approval of a tender by PWD

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