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Physical Education 11

Quarter 3 – Module 1:
The Role of Physical Activity
Assessment in Managing One’s
Physical Education 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: The Role of Physical Activity Assessment in Managing one’s
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Physical Education 11
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
The Role of Physical Activity
Assessment in Managing one’s
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the nature of sports and stress management. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

● Lesson 1 – Introduction of sports and its nature.

● Lesson 2 – Importance of sports in managing stress.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to;

Describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress


What I Know

Activity 1: PRE-TEST
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is NOT considered as a combative sport?

a. Wrestling
b. Kick boxing
c. Badminton
d. Taekwondo
2. Which statement is incorrect about sports and concentration?
a. Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you
b. Sports can help improve critical thinking.
c. Sports have no mental benefits.
d. Engaging in sports three to five times a week for at least 3 minutes is
beneficial to us.
3. Which statement is TRUE?
a. Sports improve your mood.
b. Sports reduces stress and depression.
c. Sports has been linked to leadership traits.
d. All of the above.
4. Which of the following statement about sports is not TRUE?
a. Sports require nonphysical actions and skills where individuals or teams
compete under the set of rules.
b. Sports include all forms of competitive activity or games.
c. Sports improve physical ability and skills and in some cases
entertainment for spectators.
d. All statements are correct.
5. Which of the following sport is a good example of track event?
a. Long jump
b. Basketball
c. Volleyball
d. Boxing
6. The following sports are considered ball sports EXCEPT.
a. Football
b. Volleyball
c. Swimming
d. Table tennis
7. The following are the PROs of playing team sports EXCEPT.
a. Playing as a team promotes good sportsmanship and helps to put
winning into perspective.
b. Team sports promote cooperation.
c. Team sports can breed competition among teammates, particularly when
it comes to receiving individual trophies or awards.
d. Participating in a team sport can also be a powerful and fun way to stay
motivated and push yourself.
8. Which of the following that is played by a team?
a. Boxing
b. Fencing
c. Golf
d. Soccer
9. Which sport used ball over the net?
a. Volleyball
b. Swimming
c. Taekwondo
d. Running
10.The following sports are associated with water except.
a. Swimming
b. Synchronized Swimming
c. Ice skating
d. Water Polo

Introduction of Sports and
1 Its Nature

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;

1. Describe the different types of sports under its categories and its nature.
2. Have awareness on how the different categories of sports are being played.


Sports-is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where

individuals or teams compete under the set of rules. It classified into individual,
dual or team sports. Individual sport is a sport in which participant compete as
individuals. Dual sport is played by two people striving against for one another,
while team sport a sport competed between with two teams each with two or more

Different types of sports

Ball Sports

It is a type of sport involving the use of balls. There are three categories of this
sport, namely the ball only, ball and a stick or bat and ball over the net.
Basketball, soccer or football, bowling, football, paddleball, handball and table
tennis are some of the classifications of the ball only.

Basketball, golf, field hockey, lacrosse, billiards, and softball uses the ball and the
bat. In tennis, badminton, water polo, pickle ball, and volleyball game the ball, is
played over the net.

Strength and Combat Sports

Strength and combat sports are sports that involve strength and fighting.
Some examples of sports that are strength-based include body building,
weightlifting, and powerlifting.

Meanwhile, some examples of the combat sports are boxing, ultimate

fighting, wrestling, and the ancient martial arts such as jujutsu, karate, and
taekwondo. Kendo and fencing are examples of the combat sports that allow and
use weapons.
Endurance and Track sports

Another popular sport today are endurance and track sports event. Under
the track sports are the marathons, sprints, relays, long jump and high jump,
javelin throwing, pole vault, and discus throw which are some can be played either
by a single person or by a team. Mountain biking, road cycling, BMX, track cycling
and cyclocross are included in the track sports as well.
With the endurance sports, the duathlon which consists of biking and
running, the biathlon which consists of skiing and shooting, and triathlon,
consisting of swimming, biking, and running are some examples of this type of
sports. The decathlon which consists of running, long jump and high jump,
hurdling, throwing such as javelin throw, discus throw, and shot put is under the
endurance sports as well.

Water, snow, and Ice sports

Water, snow, and ice sports are sports that associated with the elements of
water, snow, and ice. Some examples of the water sports are swimming,
synchronized swimming, diving, wake boarding, surfing, sailing, and rowing. Some
of the sports which can be played on the ice are the popular ice hockey, figure
skating, speed skating, and curling. Meanwhile, under the snow sports are the
snowboarding skiing, sledding, luge, skeleton, and bobsled or bobsleigh, and ski
What’s In

Have a good day! Let’s see how you will remember the different nature of sports that
would help you to enhance your knowledge with different types of sports.

Activity 2: I Love Sports

Direction: Identify the following sports if they are classified as Ball Sports, Combat
Sports, Track Sports. Write BS for ball sports, CS for combat sports, and TS for
track sports. Write your answers on the space provided.

____1. Taekwondo _____7. Sumo wrestling _____13. Judo

____2. Volleyball _____8. Badminton _____14. Arnis

____3. Table Tennis _____9. Billiards _____15. Jujutsu

_____4. Running _____10. Pole vault

_____5. Triple Jump _____11. Boxing

_____6. Cycling _____12. Discuss Throw

What’s New

Lesson 2 – Importance of Sports in Managing Stress


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to.

1. Identify the types of stress and,

2. Discuss the benefits of sports in daily life.

Managing Stress through Sports

Notes to the Teacher

Is there a positive or negative stress?
This contains helpful tips or strategies that wil l help you in guiding
the learners.
Stress-is your body’s reaction to challenge or demand. The imbalance between the
demand from the environment and the person’s ability to cope can trigger feeling
anxiety. Some responses like being irritated, frightened, or anxious can cause
headache or stomachache. Eustress-positive reaction to stress to overcome a
challenge. Distress-results from something bad and we react negative.

Types of Stress

Negative Stress-it is a contributory factor for minor conditions such as headaches,

digestive problems, skin complaints, insomnia, and ulcers. Excessive, prolonged,
and unrelieved stress can have harmful effect on mental, physical, and spiritual

Positive Stress or Eustress-stress can have a positive impact, spurring motivation

and awareness., providing the stimulation to cope with challenging situations. It
provides a sense of urgency and alertness needed for survival when facing
threatening situations. Positive stress (as against distress) is desirable for efficient
Acute Stress-this deals with pressure of the near future or dealing with the very
recent past. Activities like running or exercising on a treadmill is an acute stressor.
Some experiences like riding a roller coaster is an acute stress but may be
exhilarating. Since it is short term, it does not have enough time to do the damage
like long term stress.

Chronic Stress-this is a Long-Term Stress having serious health consequences

leading to memory loss, decreased drive for eating, loss of concentration etc.
women can take long term stress better than men showing the same maladaptive
changes. Men cope with short term stress better. Such stress can be caused due to
say loss of promotion, death of loved one etc.

What Causes Stress?

Stressor-an event or a situation that causes stressful situations, which are seen as
risks to the wellbeing person.

▪ Family Relationships
▪ School
▪ Peer Groups/Friends
▪ Discrimination
▪ Injury
▪ Sickness
▪ Fatigue
▪ Any major changes

Which of these common reactions do you experience during stressful situations?

Physical Signs Emotional Signs Behavioral Signs


▪ Anger, ▪ Loss of
▪ Muscle
irritability appetite
▪ Impatience ▪ Overeating constantly
▪ Headache
Nervousness ▪ Drug abuse ▪
▪ Pounding ▪ with other
▪ Sleep people
heart ▪ Forgetfulness
feeling of
▪ Shortness of ▪ Inability to being a
breath concentrate ▪ Restlessness failure
▪ Increased ▪ Negative ▪ Hurrying and ▪ difficulty in
sweating thinking making
▪ Dry mouth ▪ Excessive to fast loss of
▪ Skin rash worrying ▪ Criticizing ▪ interest in
Grinding others other
▪ Loss of
▪ teeth, nail reckless people
biting interest behavior having a
Self-criticism fidgeting hard time
▪ to
▪ crying ▪ ▪ concentrate

What is It

How can stress be managed through sports?

Stress is inevitable and eliminating it entirely from one’s life is impossible. Stress can
be managed through physical activity.

Benefits of Sports in Daily life:

Stress Buster

● A healthy mind in a healthy body might be a cliched adage, but it is so

because it is true. It is no surprise that since most sports usually involve

● Regularly indulging in sports helps in keeping the immune system strong,
and hence, helps in preventing any kind of disease from occurring. It also
increases the appetite of the person.


● When something is improving your health, making you physically fitter,

earning you respect among people and generally making you feel better
about yourself, it is safe to say that such a thing does a whole world.

● In sports, a person must make quick decisions depending upon the situation
that he is in. thus, a person who is involved in sports is able to make wise
and quick decisions in other areas of life as well.


● Many popular sports like cricket, basketball, volleyball, soccer, hockey etc.,
are played in teams. This inculcates values and skills like leadership,
communication, and sacrifice. Not only does this benefit the person but also
helps in developing a better teamwork.

Build Character

● All sports have an outcome. One entity wins, and the other loses. Winning
and losing is a part of life. Sports inculcates this lesson in people.

Source of Entertainment

● Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an

audience or gives pleasure and delight.

The Mental Benefits of sports

Sport improves your mood

● Get involved in physical activity like playing your favorite sport can help to
improve your mood. Aside this, sport provides social benefits by allowing you
to connect with teammates and friends in a recreational setting.

Sport improves your concentration

● Sharp thinking, learning, and using good judgment are benefits of a regular
physical activity. The ability to concentrate is the key for an athlete striving
to reach peak performance.

Sport reduces stress and depression

● When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stress.
This can help to avoid negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of
stress hormones in your body. At the same time, it stimulates production of
Sport improves sleep habits

● Sport and other forms of physical activity improve our sleep. It does this by
helping you fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep. Better sleeping can
improve your mood. Do not worry it is not too late to engage in sports.

Sport helps you maintain a healthy weight

● The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend sports
participation as a healthy way to maintain weight. Staying within
recommended weight range reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes,
high cholesterol, and hypertension.

Sports boosts your self-confidence

● The regular exercise that comes with playing sport can help boost your
confidence and improve your self-esteem. Through sports we develop our
skills, pride as well as your self-image will improve.

Sport has been linked to leadership traits

● There are many different things that can be seen as examples and elements
of successful leadership some of the key elements associated with being a
successful leader for a coach is building a positive relationship with the
athletes or students, challenging the athlete, supporting and encouraging
them and driving them for results.

Benefits for young children

Sport can benefit children and adult in different ways. The biggest difference is that
when children start participating in sports at a young age, they are
far more likely to say active as they grow older.

What’s More

It’s good to know that you really learned a lot in the last learning session, the next
activity will you give a deep understanding about stress.


Direction: Look at the warning signs of stress listed below. Write down all the
warning signs that apply to you. Provide a separate sheet for the answer.
Physical Emotional Behavioral
Headaches Mood changes Smoking
Stomachaches Lack of concentration Nail biting
Dizziness Nightmares Tapping
Backpain Panic attack Pulling hair
Neck stiffness Anxiety Grinding hair
Ulcer sores on mouth Anger Use of alcohol
Jaw pains Irritability Use of medication
Weight loss Crying Compulsive dieting
Weight gain Thoughts of suicide Hair chewing
Twitches (eyelids, face) Depression Nervous laughter
Weakness Confusion Pacing
Nausea Feeling of helplessness Lateness
Indigestion Restlessness Putting things off
Excessive sleeping Racing thoughts Not caring about
physical appearance
Overeating Aggressiveness Compulsive overeating
Loss of appetite
Inability to sleep
Skin problems
Constant fatigue
Cold hands or feet
Excessive sweating
Chest pains
High blood pressure
Rapid or difficult

Follow-up Questions

1. How much stress do you think you are currently under?

2. What are some ways that you usually remove or reduce the
stress that cause you physical, emotional, or behavioral

What I Have Learned

Great job! It seems that you already equipped with the information that you have
learned from the past learning sessions so let’s try to answer the next activity for a
better understanding the learning session.

Activity 4: Self Reflection

Directions: Cite at least 5 examples of stressful situation that you have already
experienced or encountered in your life. Then state how to deal or managed your
stress in the situation. Write your answer in the table given below.
Stressful Situations Strategy in Coping Stress






I have learned that stress management is about.


What I Can Do

Good job! it seems you equipped in the past learning session. it is time to engage in
physical activity.

Activity 5: Performance Task

Directions: Rate your skills after performing the different tasks/skills assigned by
checking the description stated below. Compute your scores and refer to the

Score Equivalents: 16-20 = Outstanding

11-15 = Good
6-10 = Fair
0-5 = Need Improvement

I am good I am
TASKS/SKILLS I need at this I am very skillful at
improvement skill. satisfactory this skill.
to practice at at this (4)
this skill. (2) skill.
(1) 3)
1. Chess pass

2. Overhead pass
3. Bounce pass

4. Dribbling in selfspace
with preferred hand.

5. Dribbling while
Total /20

Follow up questions:

1. After you performed the activity what do you feel?

2. Do you think that by engaging in physical activity could possibly to manage your
stress? Yes/no explain?
3. As a student how will you manage your stress specially in this pandemic time.
Can you give at least 10 roles of physical activity such as sports in managing
one’s stress.


You made it! It seems that everyone is fully equipped about the past learning session
let’s proceed to the next activity it will great help to understand about stress.

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The following are benefits of exercise for mental health except.

a. Increase stress level.
b. Reduce anxiety.
c. Boost brain power
d. Improve social well-being.
2. The following are common physical signs during stressful situation except?
a. Dry mouth
b. Negative thinking
c. Skin rash
d. Nail biting
3. Excessive worrying and frequent crying are common reactions of what signs
during stressful situation. a. Physical signs
b. Emotional signs
c. Behavioral signs
d. Psychological signs
4. What are psychological and emotional signs of stress?
a. Making good decision
b. Depression and anxiety
c. Motivated and focus
d. Positive thinker and people oriented.
5. In what way you can relax your stress mind?
a. Take a slow and take a deep breath.
b. Listening to loud music
c. Smoking
d. Drinking alcohol
6. Which of the following statement about stress is Incorrect?
a. Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension.
b. Stress has no positive beneficial in attaining best performance.
c. Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to light experiences.
d. Stress is a situation that triggers biological response.
7. The following are ways to deal stress in the sports except.
a. Going to a happy place
b. Visualizing success
c. Thinking negative and developing negative self-talk
d. Mindfulness
8. In what way to keep your stress levels down?
a. Eat Nutritional food and get enough sleep.
b. Overeating
c. Do not something fun and relaxing.
d. Constantly irritable to other people.
9. In what ways you prepare yourself to deal with stress include.
a. Finding support through friends.
b. Organizing your lifestyle.
c. Re-examining your obligation.
d. All of the above
10.The following are benefits of exercise in stress except.
a. Improve mood and mental health.
b. Boost energy and brain power.
c. Prevents and fight illnesses.
d. All of the above

Additional Activities

Activity 6: Let’s Have Fun

Direction: Choose any sports that you are played before. Do your own creative
dance routine that shows at least 5 basic skills in sports. The dance is
accompanied by music. Your score will be graded base on the rubric that shown on
the table below.
Note: Before you do an activity, you need to perform warm-up exercises to prevent
injury and muscle pain. Ask the assistance of the members of the family to guide you
before you do the activity.

Criteria Poor Fair/below Good Above Outstanding

2pts average average average 10 pts
4 pts 6 pts 8 pts
1. Creativity

2. Preparedness

3. Enthusiasm

4. Member

5. Overall performance

Congratulations! you made it.

Answer Key


Assessment base on the rubric.

The activity will be graded

What I can Do

base on the rubric. CS

The activity will be graded CS
Additional Activities TS
Answer may vary. TS C
Learned What I Have
Answer may vary. CS C
What’s More What’s In What I know

Physical Education and Health Volume1 Lualhati Fernando-Callo Peter Fermin
Personal Development Grade 11 Learner’s Materials

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