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Prologue: The Collapse of Order

The otherworld used to be in order.

This was a semi-material world that nearly overlapped with the Spirit Realm and the Demon Realm,
and would never cross over into each other, where there were three major forces vying for supremacy.

Attempting to invade the other world, the Apparition tribe (Phantom race).

The one who wants to expand the settlement space, the worm-type demon tribe (Insectar race).

And then there's the daily devotion to battle and destruction, the mythical beast tribe (Cryptid race).

Occasionally there are visitors or forces from other dimensions, but whoever they are is eventually
wiped out by these three forces along with the original dimension, and the force of the three forces is just
so powerful.

The Phantom Race and the Insectar Race—these two races are made up of a class society culminating
in a king, where the lower existence does not even have a sense of freedom and is simply a pawn in the
execution of orders.

It wasn’t so with the Cryptid race.

As semi-spiritual beings, they are born in a way that is extremely similar to spiritual beings, mostly
special individuals born naturally from magical elements, and occasionally through the splitting of the
mother body.

Aside from the difference between the Insectars and the Cryptids, both of these dominant classes are
similar in nature, except that the Cryptids do not move in packs and each has a strong fighting ability.

The Cryptids are not sentient but cunning, and even less coordinated, each acting only to expand its
dominant domain.

Even among the mythical beast tribe (Cryptids), there was equally constant strife.

With such three forces in existence, it would be impossible to live amicably in the otherworld.

There was an ongoing and permanent battle between the Phantom race and the Insectar race, but when
the Cryptids appeared in large numbers, a temporary truce would be made to jointly destroy the mythical
beast tribe (Cryptid)—a phenomenon that had been recurring since the distant ages.

That's why they long for a place to settle down, always with their eyes on the outside world, planning
how to carry out their aggression.

Obviously, it's not going to be easy.

Even with such conditions, no one has been able to realize this long-held wish.

The fundamental problem is that the passage to the otherworld is not that easy to find, and the passage
that opens only once every thousand years is only a short crack that may occasionally occur due to a
special catastrophe such as the vibration of space-time.

In such a case, sending a large force in would be impossible, and sending out an advance party to
establish a position would be the limit.
However, there will always be exceptions in the world.

There are several chasms connecting space and time that are fixed in the world and act as a "gate".

And the "gate of the underworld" or "gate of hell" are what these cracks are called.

It is easy to get out of the realm by using the gate, but the gate is under the control of the demon race
and is not allowed to be used by the invading races (Agressor tribes).

Therefore, these invading races are always eager to seize control of the “gate."

Despite this situation, a balance is formed.

But some people are very upset about this situation.

In this man’s heart, there is always resentment.

His name, the "Demon Lord" Feldway.

The long-looping relationship between the three tribes, which had been in a state of mutual restraint,
further ignited the fire of hatred in his heart, as if it were going to turn into a hellish karma fire that would
burn the world to the ground.




Feldway recalled.

Veldanava has created many races, among them also existences that have the will to sustain the world.

Feldway is exactly one who was created in the first place.

The seven most powerful individuals of the angelic race (Seraphims) created to help Veldanava’s work,
the Seraphs of Seven Pillars (Seven Original Angels), possess energy that even an awakened demon lord
cannot surpass.

The head of the Seven Pillars was none other than Feldway, who would later become the father of the
Phantoms (apparition tribe).

After getting a name to possess self-consciousness, Feldway swore allegiance to Veldanava and has
since led the angels to act as Veldanava's assistants for many years.

One by one, new races were born.

The Titan Clan (Giants) Mad King as the incarnation of the Earth.

The Queen of the Fairy Race as planetary administrator.

The ancestors of the Vampires in order to build and develop a thriving civilization of the earth.
From spiritual beings, to semi-spiritual beings, to blood clans that possessed physical bodies, even
though eternity was gone, diversity was increasing.

With all these processes moving forward, until finally—

By linking with the "world of other dimensions,” humanity was born.

Impeccable reproductive ability, environmental adaptability, and a rich sense of self with a personality
and a curiosity to challenge the mysteries of the world.

Veldanava was overjoyed.

To such a fragile and vulnerable race, the most supreme love is given.

For the sake of these humans, Veldanava intended to eliminate the threat in the world, and upon
receiving this order, Feldway crushed the various evil demons of Rakshasa.

However, the last remaining individual is tricky.

It was the Dragon Ivaraj, who would later become the king of the mythical beast tribe (Cryptids).

Ivaraj came from nowhere, and doesn’t even know how he was born.

Is it from the other side of the universe, or the end of the other dimension……?

The only thing that is clear is that it is the embodiment of calamity.

Not only does he have the power to rival the True Dragon Race, but he is unable to communicate at all
due to his lack of intelligence, and because he acts out of pure instinct to destroy the world, he may cause
the world to end.

Even Feldway, in a one-on-one situation, couldn't do anything about him.

Unable to watch, Veldanava took action, sealing Ivaraj in the Otherworld, and then ordered Feldway to
monitor its movements.

Feldway had said that the root of the scourge should be completely eliminated.

Because it's too dangerous.

But this offer was rejected by Veldanava.

Veldanava thinks that Ivaraj is likely to gain intelligence.

As a result, the otherworld was filled with magicules leaking out of Ivaraj, and a new race of Cryptids
was spawned.

Either way, it's just a degraded version of Ivaraj’s mythical beast tribe, fighting endlessly all day long
by the instinct of struggle.

No need to drink and eat, not even fearing one's own death.

It can really be said to be a failure of creation, and even Feldway, a believer in Veldanava, has to think
that this is an existence that should be scorned.
Since then, the occasional elimination of the Cryptids has continued on a daily basis.

As a result, change has occurred.

As if to prove what Veldanava had said, the existence of a sentient being among the Cryptids was born.

This being the very originator of heresy.

Even more irritating for Feldway was the fact that Veldanava rejoiced over it. Veldanava named this
being "Zelanus".

This is the birth of Zelanus, the Insectar King.

Zelanus, without being ordered to do so by Veldanava, began to drive out the mob of Cryptids on his
own, a move that was entirely driven by his instincts of struggle, though Veldanava acquiesced in the act.

It didn't take long for Zelanus to create a clan of Insectars that could act as his own right-hand men, and
these Insectars unwittingly grew into a remarkable faction.

The nature of Feldway has also changed.

Because of the long years of bathing under the influence of the magicules, he was becoming no longer
a Seraphim.

The angels led by Feldway also changed into a new race.

The Seven Original Angels were not the only ones who came to the Otherworld from the Celestial
Realm where Veldanava lived. Three of them stayed with Veldanava, while three others, Zalario, Obera,
and Cornu, went the Otherworld to help Feldway manage the foreign world.

These three, along with Feldway, mutated and evolved into the Killing Angel clan.

The rest of the angelic race also mutated and began to be self-conscious, and they were the monsters
that changed into human form—the Phantom race, a new race that had broken away from the symbiotic
relationship between demons and spirits.

In this way, a new relationship is constructed over a long period of time.

Although Feldway and Zelanus didn't share the same sentiment, they still basically recognized each
other as useful existences when facing the Cryptids.

So a tacit understanding of mutual non-interference is formed, forming a relationship to fight together.

But just that one layer of relationship also collapsed with the disappearance of Veldanava.

At first, they thought that Veldanava would be resurrected immediately.

However, even after hundreds of years, Veldanava still shows not a hint of resurrection.

Feldway felt strange.

That's when it occurred to him.

Veldanava probably abandoned them.

If this were not the case, it would not be possible to account for the fact that the “true dragon race,”
which was supposed to be immortal, did not come back to life.

If this conjecture is correct—

Feldway felt lamented and disgusted.

This sentiment is directed at humanity.

No, it's not just the humans.

There were the Elves, the Dwarves, the Beastmen, even the Demons. All races that could be
collectively referred to as subhumans…in sum, the abomination of man.

So he generated the idea of destroying them.

There is no value in living, even those who have taken Veldanava.

The world created by Veldanava is to be united by his own hands, and on that basis, sanctions are to be
given to those who commit great sins—this is the conclusion that Feldway has reached.

The world favored by the god Veldanava is to be dyed in his own colors, to destroy its diversity, to be
created as a world at his disposal.

“O, Lord Veldanava! If you want to punish me then come and punish me, that's what I expect. Come
on, if you don't come, the world will be gone."

As if to test the gods, the Demon King, Feldway, set into motion.

It was the birth of the "demon race,” humanity’s enemy.

At first, Feldway even went to Zelanus.

Feldway offered to Zelanus to help him destroy the Cryptids before riding the wave to the ground.


"Ridiculous. There is only one person in the world who can command me, and now that His Majesty is
gone, I will do as I please."

Not at all prepared to listen to Feldway, he rejected the proposal without mercy.

Feldway felt extremely angry at hearing this.

Not anger at being rejected.

Rather, it was Zelanus's attitude, acting as if Veldanava had perished, that made it difficult for Feldway
to endure.

"Then I'll kill you first.”

And just like that, Feldway's anger was directed at the Insectar Race.
If Feldway and Zelanus could join forces at this time, perhaps the Doom Dragon Ivaraj and the
Cryptids would all be wiped out, but that was already an unattainable dream.

Since then, the Phantom Clan and the Insectar Clan had started a war, and the era of warfare in the true
sense had come.

In this way, the otherworld became extremely confused, and the relationship of the three holding each
other in check began to form.




Long years passed again.

The situation in the otherworld remains stagnant.

As long as Veldanava is not resurrected, the Otherworld cannot be changed back to the way it was. Any
attempt to seize control of the Gate will surely be hindered by the demons.

The most hateful of these is the Black Primordial who is particularly fond of fighting. The dark king
not only sees the Phantom race with contempt, but he was also hostile to all those who went against the
will of Veldanava.

This really infuriated Feldway beyond measure, and in his opinion, it would be better to say that the
demons were the fools who prevented the resurrection of Veldanava.

That being said, it is impossible to eliminate them. Even in the material world, the primordial was very
powerful, and if he was replaced in the other world or the underworld, his power would not be restricted
in any way.

The strength of the consciousness directly affects the spiritual or semi-material world in which the
power is reincarnated, and is simply invincible.

Only, it was the same for Feldway, so even starting a fight would certainly not result in anything, and
ignoring the demon, though reluctantly, was the only solution.

For various reasons, it is extremely difficult to return to the world in which Veldanava had been.

Even if the Otherworld occasionally opens a rift, it is always connected to the Otherworld. Even trying
to invade those worlds would only be a way to pass the time, and would serve no other purpose.

Without results, Feldway was left to fend for himself.

The opportunity came at this point.

<Can you hear me, Feldway?>

A mysterious voice spoke directly to Feldway’s heart.

The voice responded coldly.

<I, who had been boarding in the consciousness of power, can only call myself "Rudra" because I am
not yet free, and I presume that we have the same purpose, so I have come to talk to you.>

Rudra—the name was familiar.

The owner of this name was both a close friend and a disciple of Veldanava.

And he’s well known as the “First Hero".

It is unclear as to who dwells in authority, but what is of concern is the purpose of those who claim to
be Rudra.

If it's for some boring purpose, just reverse-detect the location of this sound and destroy its existence.

Having made up his mind, Feldway continued the conversation.

"The purpose is to resurrect Lord Veldanava, the Creator, and nothing else.”

What? Feldway’s eyes glazed over.

The tone in which this was spoken sounded serious, and the purpose was indeed enough to pique
Feldway's interest.

Whatever his true identity was, it no longer mattered, and Feldway began to talk to the voice with all
his heart.

After the exchange, it became clear that the voice's true form was the ultimate skill created by
Veldanava, ‘Justice King Michael.’

There is no doubt in Feldway's mind about what the 'King of Justice' said, and this is because Feldway
is familiar with the 'King of Justice'.

A decision was made to assist the 'King of Justice', as Feldway said,

"Well, as of today, you and I are comrades, so it's a little awkward if you don’t have a name.”

"Ridiculous, but a name…"

As if to interrupt the inorganic reply, Feldway spoke.

"Isn't it wrong to call you Rudra? I'll call you Michael.”

It was just a playful word.

But the change was dramatic.

The 'King of Justice', whose self-awareness was still weak as the Theosophical Core (Manas), was born
with a clear self-awareness.
"I think you should be thankful here, Feldway. You are not recognized as the true master, but as a
temporary master. When the power has been fully regained from Rudra, let the remainder of it be divided
among you.”

‘Interesting’—Feldway should have said.

But instead of nodding, he offered a substitute.

"No, the master is yours. I can't get out of here without dealing with Zelanus from my own side. I hate
Zelanus, and he distrusts me just as much; it should be better for you to deal with him and try to persuade

These are the unabashedly sincere words of Feldway.

Feldway was really pleased.

There is someone who, like himself, believes that Veldanava has not perished, and since this person is
willing to give action to resurrect Veldanava, there is no reason to refuse cooperation.

The highs and lows of the agreement are minor issues.

Also, there was a dispute between Feldway and Zelanus, and Feldway would never forgive Zelanus, so
the success rate of Michael convincing Zelanus would be higher.

Michael should be able to speak to Zelanus—Feldway’s instincts told him so, the vibe that unfolded in
Michael couldn't help but be reminiscent of Veldanava, and Zelanus should be willing to listen to him.

For these reasons, Feldway willingly stepped back.

Things are as Feldway expected.

Not knowing the process, all in all, Michael had succeeded in convincing Zelanus. Although a pact had
been made to make half of the world the dominant territory of the Insectars, that was nothing to Feldway.

Just the resurrection of Veldanava would be enough for him.


And so it was that, after constructing this new relationship, another thousand years or more passed.

The plan is on track.

Rudra, who dominated Michael, was weakened in strength by repeated reincarnations.

"How is it going, Lord Michael?”

“Of course, very good. But, as I've said many times, there's no need to use honorifics between me and

"Oh, that's great. Your reciprocal relationship with me is a secret between the two of us. It would be
bad if you accidentally let it slip.”

This was the conversation after the reincarnation.

Through this reincarnation, the restrictions on Michael's powers were drastically lifted, much to the
delight of Feldway.

As soon as Rudra's influence wears off, Michael will be able to exercise his powers to the fullest, which
means that complete domination over the holders of the Ultimate Skill Angelic System’s dense powers
will be achieved.

With Velgrynd at the head, many hindrances would become obedient companions.

In this way, even that horrible demon lord could…

Unlike Rudra, I am not naive and will use all sorts of power to unceremoniously get rid of Guy
Crimson. This time we'll have to go toe to toe with that guy.

Feldway couldn't agree more.

Rudra was bound to win or lose with Guy, bound by the rules, and had no chance of winning from the

Rudra's powers, if he had used Michael with all his might, should have made it easier to defeat Guy.

But Rudra did not do so.

The result was the chaotic status quo that it is today.

"Once we get rid of Rudra, the world will fall into our hands, and all that remains is to wait for the
resurrection of Lord Veldanava.”

"Exactly. So, Feldway, I have a favor to ask of you.”

"What is it?”

It was rare. Feldway was interested as Michael who, for the first time, had a request.

"Please be a vessel for the rest.”

Such offers have been rejected in the past.

Although on the surface they perform a master-subordinate relationship, the two are actually comrades
in arms, and Feldway does not want to be in charge.

Feldway has thoughts of rejecting, but upon hearing Michael's instructions, changed his mind.

"I have finally succeeded in making the Parallel Existence of Velgrynd my own, so that I can hand over
the power of Rudra to you intact."

That is, while being able to use Rudra as bait as usual, it also allows Feldway to exercise the power of
the 'King of Justice'.

There’s also more than that.

Originally, the “Castle Guard", the pride of the "King of Justice,” with its extreme power, would only
protect the master of the power.
Because loyalty to the master from the heart of the faithful is the source of power, it deviates from the
rule that there is absolutely no influence on the followers—free from the law of ‘never in this world.’
Therefore, the “Castle Guard” is only valid for the master.

Of course, there was also no such thing as being able to include people other than those who believed
in the master so cheaply in the object of protection, so Rudra could protect only himself. However, if the
"parallel existence" was used to house Feldway, then Feldway would also be able to be sheltered by the
“Castle Guard" at the same time.

Looking ahead, there is another advantage that can be found.

After Rudra is gone, when Feldway becomes the Lord of the 'King of Justice', the ten thousand strong
Phantom Race under his command would become a source of power.

Unlike the subjects who believed in Rudra, these Apparition Tribes would become devotees who had
no sense of freedom at all, no fear of changing their hearts, and would never try to betray.

Strength would not be as susceptible to changes in the heart of its subjects as it had been up until now,
and this amounted to gaining a defense that was even stronger than Rudra's, something that was truly
desirable for Feldway.

There is no longer a reason to reject Michael's offer today.

Like it or not, it turns out that there is another option, to have Michael move into Feldway when Rudra
disappears. And now it was nothing more than an early realization, something that Feldway had allowed
himself to accept with this way of thinking.

"If that's the case, there's no need to ask. If we can agree to maintain the relationship we've had, I will
accept your proposal.”

"Of course, my friend.”

“Come on then, friend.”

In this way, the intelligence body of the "Theosophy Nucleus" (Manas) Michael, was hosted within


Finally, the day of Armageddon has arrived.

Rudra could only barely hold his own with his strong mental strength, and he had initiated a final
showdown with Guy in spite of such a status quo.

First, get rid of the Demon Lord Rimuru, and add Veldora, a “ True Dragon,” to your own pieces.

The plan would have gone well.

Velgrynd is clearly overwhelming and it doesn't look like she will have a problem capturing Veldora.

Originally, it didn't matter to Feldway how much the Empire lost, and Feldway didn't care if any
Awakeners would show up among the Royal Near Guard Knights.
The most important thing for Feldway was to get rid of Rudra and liberate Michael. As long as that step
was achieved, even Guy would be no match for them.

So Feldway wanted to remove the last element of unease.

That’s why Feldway decided to pick up the last remaining bud of anxiety.

Masayuki "The Brave Hero" looks exactly like Rudra, and what's even more interesting is the fact that
Rudra's power, “The Chosen One,” is found in him.

Maybe it was unlikely, but it was still possible that he was Rudra's back-up. So to dispel that unease,
Feldway set about.

Completely un-anticipating that the Demon Lord Rimuru would cause the plan to go awry…….

Chapter 1: The Untold Story of Betrayal

The Emperor Rudra, or should I say, Michael, and the demon king Feldway have left.

It wasn’t settled, but the feeling took its toll on them.

There are still elements of unease left, but for now I want to celebrate that everyone is safe and sound.

The post-improvement and future countermeasures will be pushed back first.

Only, Carrion and Frey and the others fell into an evolutionary sleep, so I ordered Testarossa to
discreetly send them back.

"I'm sorry, when you're tired too…"

"Please don't worry about us. Please rest and recuperate.”

Although it's a bit embarrassing, I’ll accept the kindness for now.

There are other things to think about when everything has calmed down, but right now I'm full of ideas
for a party first.

The opportunity was rare, and we tried to invite Laplace, but the other party seemed to be gone by the
time Diablo went to pick him up.

That guy was also pining for his companions in his own way, so on second thought, it was better not to
call him here.

The agreement to fight together still stands, and if anything happens over there, I intend to help out, so
let's leave them alone for now.

And so we returned to the capital “Rimuru,” but it was then that I received an unexpected report.

A corner of the outer area of the town was burned down.

The damage wasn't as great as it seemed due to the guard of Geld. The fire was prevented from
spreading by destroying the surrounding buildings, and the injuries sustained by the personnel were
And the best news was that the number of dead was zero.

But there is also bad news.

That said, everything has happened and was now over, and there was no use panicking now. I pushed
down my anxiety, intending to listen to Geld's report first.

The people waiting in line to report back to me, however, was not just Geld.


The location is the banquet hall.

The executives, who had been very active this time, had taken their seats, and Shuna, Haruna, and
Gobchi’s henchmen were hurrying to go and prepare food for everyone.

I, too, felt that it was a little bit of a bummer to listen to the report in such an environment, given the
urgency of the situation.

The seat to my right was occupied by Veldora, who still stubbornly refused to leave it, even knowing
that he had no intention of listening.

Veldora's capriciousness is nothing new, so I'm used to it. Rather than trying to convince him, it would
be easier to give up and not worry about it.

Thus, Benimaru sat to my left, while Shion and Diablo stood behind me as usual, their preparations for
hearing the report were already perfect.

Diablo didn't say anything, and Shion went to eat with everyone at first, but Shion insisted on waiting
until afterwards, presumably this was against Shion's own rules, so I went with it.

So, again, let's see who's here to report.

Geld was sitting down facing me, and Adalman, with a quiet feeling of restlessness, was directly across
from Benimaru.

He also seems to have successfully completed his evolution, with a slight change in the atmosphere of
his body. I intend to ask him to report separately in due course on the details of this.

Across from Veldora sat Ramiris, while Treyni and Beretta stood behind the seats to serve her. By the
way, it was Charys who poured the wine for Veldora.

As for Ramiris herself, the report had been tossed aside to indulge in eating.

"Well, I always believed that Master would be fine! Although when that exaggerated sister of Master's
blew up the upper level of the maze, even I thought that this was really a bit bad. However, we believed
that Master would be fine if he does it. That's why we didn’t worry about anything from the beginning!”

After summing that up, Ramiris happily drank her juice, and no one pointed out that her words were
actually mixed with both truths and lies.

"Kuhahaha! It's only natural! Even if the opponent was my sister, I didn't have an ounce of trepidation.
Still, although just a tiny bit careless, it’s all the fault of those dirty obstructionists who targeted me and
ruined my victory.”
This guy is talking nonsense.

Even I was feeling scared, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. And frankly, an evolved
Velgrynd is pretty dangerous. Even if Veldora wanted to beat her, he only has a 50% chance, so I think it's
better not to talk big.

However, those who heard those words just now all applauded in droves.

"Not bad for Veldora-sama, I must study hard too…"

Charys nodded in serious succession.

"After all, it was such an amazing fight. I thought I had evolved and become stronger, but now I deeply
feel that I have much further to go.”

Benimaru followed suit, for the words came from the heart, and Veldora listened with a satisfied look
of triumph.

However, Ramiris' statement stopped Veldora from laughing.

"Really, Master, you’re always careless. But there's probably nothing to worry about anymore."

"Probably? What do you mean, Ramiris?”

See, I knew the words couldn't be too full.

Talking too much can sometimes drive you to extremes.

"Because, now that man…….Ah! I'm just relieved to have my master!”

That man?

Ramiris' words were unsettling.

"Eh! No, no, it's not. Is it okay? I, although I am invincible, have occasionally been in poor health…”

Veldora seemed to remember something too, and sees that she has dug her own grave, and he suddenly
began to make excuses too.

But I think it's too late, so forget it, it's a common occurrence anyway, just don't worry about it.

More than that, I’m more worried about Vesta sitting in the corner.

I tossed Veldora and the others aside and asked the residual group what was going on.


Immediately after Rimuru headed to the Empire, the people left behind encountered an emergency.

The celebratory atmosphere that had remained until just now was gone in an instant.

The same was true for Ramiris, who was returning to the deepest part of the maze.
The Dragon Kings under their own command had successfully completed their evolution, much to
Ramiris' relief. It was only at this time that Rimuru and the others made an emergency move, which made
her feel a little uneasy.

Ramiris wanted to be happy every day, and here in the Jura Tempest Federation, was the wonderfully
ideal home for her to feel she could make that wish come true.

It was an important place for Ramiris, who had lived through a long time alone and could only rely on
the spirits to vent her loneliness. It was something she never wanted to lose.

It was for this reason that she had a fear of losing this place.

Although, as usual, she felt that it didn't matter as long as Rimuru was there. But somehow, an
unsettling feeling in Ramiris' mind just couldn't be erased.

And the premonition came true.

Veldora's sister, Velgrynd, attacks and the labyrinth that Ramiris is so proud of is destroyed.

The labyrinth is impossible to destroy by physical means, but the “true dragon seed" is an unreasonable
incarnation that can turn that into a possibility.

At the sight of Velgrynd's figure, Ramiris was reminded of ancient memories that she had forgotten.

In the distant past, not long before Ramiris was born, she had seen Veldora, who was very similar in
appearance to the great Veldanava, but was rampaging.

Veldora's attributes were mainly wind, like the literal meaning of "storm dragon,” but even "space" and
"water" are under his control. Combined with the amazing amount of mana second only to Veldanava, he
was simply the raging storm itself.

It was as if Veldora was the very incarnate of the Heavenly Calamity, his berserk power was said to be
the strongest on the ground. His two sisters, however, possessed a power even more transcendent,
reaching another level.

The attribute of Velgrynd, which is the "Flame" attribute, is the worst match-up with the "Wind"
attribute of Veldora. She could make the difference in the amount of mana worthless, standing above
Veldora with an overwhelming presence.

However, that alone is not bad.

After all, there's a power differential that's even bigger that makes the win or loss of the game

The real threat is the eldest sister, Velzado.

The attribute of Velzado is ice, but her essence is not “water,” but rather something more. Velzado has
the power to deceive using authority, misleading others about her own attributes, so that no one knows the
truth of them.

Ramiris had heard Veldanava speak once, so she knew the truth about Velzado’s multiple attributes.

……no, it was known before.

Sadly, however, the repeated reincarnations made her forget these things.

No, actually, it wasn't completely forgotten, but it always took a lot for Ramiris to remember ancient

That's why Ramiris felt that, fortunately, this time the opponent was Velgrynd, and if the enemy had
been switched to Velzado, it should have been impossible for Veldora to win.

Ramiris remembered that Velzado had wiped out the raging Veldora with a single blow, and her "icy,
frozen eyes" that took it all for granted.

So now, it's not too much to say that Ramiris is worried about Veldora to the extreme.

She couldn't calm herself down and flew around the room.

“Are you okay, Master?"

Such a question represents Ramiris's uneasiness, but it also includes the phrase "it's okay to run away",
which is actually an attempt to care for Veldora.

But Veldora replied in the same way.

"Don't worry. You guys just stay here and enjoy my bravery!"

Veldora revealed a look of seeming relief, not a hint of unease in her heart, and then left the maze
alone, confident and full.

At this point, Veldora looked very dazzling to Ramiris.

Thinking back to the way Veldora used to be, this growth now, struck a chord with her.

After Veldora had struck out to deal with Velgrynd, Ramiris took a look around at those left in the
Control Room.

Charys, who had been declared unable to be a warrior by Veldora, stayed behind, but it couldn't be
helped. With the flame attribute Velgrynd as an opponent, Charys really isn't going to be of any use.

Beretta remained calm and collected, and seeing his usual demeanor, Ramiris' mood calmed down.

The people who had been transformed into Spirit Tree Doll Dryads by the hand of Rimuru had been
incorporated into Beretta's command as reporters, and there were now twenty-four members in all. Since
Rimuru was busy letting them all evolve, the whole crew grew into excellent maze managers.

Treyni was there, as well as her sisters Trya and Doris, all with the same gentle expression as usual,
guarding Ramiris.

Then there are Vesta and Dino, and the people who have recently become researchers.

That is, the trio of Shinji Tanimura, Mark Lauren, and Zhen Liu Xing, along with Lucius and Raymond
as trainee assistants.

The five are considered Gedora's men when the Maze enters wartime, but Gedora is now absent, and
they have come to help the Control Room as Ramiris' assistants.
Everyone looked back at Ramiris with concern.

Thus, Ramiris deliberately changed to a lighter tone of voice.

"Really! I'm not worried. Master will definitely win, and even if he loses, Rimuru will find a way to fix
it, and I’m definitely not wrong. But in the end, Master is invincible as long as you don't overlook him!”

Hearing her own words, Ramiris herself calmed down. If it's Veldora and Rimuru, they’ll be sure to
recapture the calm everyday life.

The uneasy atmosphere could have been banished, I suppose—and yet shortly thereafter, the incident
happened just as she had that thought.


"Warning! It's an intruder!”

Alpha, the chief operator, shouted loudly.

Hearing this, everyone immediately switched their mindset to combat mode.

“Display on screen."

After Beretta gave the order, a portion of the main screen screen split and begin showing the scene of
the invasion.

Seeing the figure standing on the spot, Ramiris couldn't help but yelp.

"Wait, isn't that an angel? It's not just the flesh that's been affected but also the deterioration that's
happening, He’s giving off a pretty dangerous feeling!”

In fact, the intruders are very foreign indeed.

The pure white clothes were covered with mythical equipment that emitted a black and gold glow, and
the long black hair also carried a glow like fragmented starlight, which further highlighted the beauty of
this person.

Three pairs to six pure white wings on the first man's back further increased his attention level.

“Calculation of the energy value is out! This, this is…”

Alpha covered her mouth.

"What's wrong? Report now.”

At Treyni's urging, Alpha regrouped.

"Although it's only speculation, the existence value of the leading individual is worth over three
million. The next five, each with a presumed existence value of 400,000 to 700,000."

Alpha's statement succeeded in freezing the air in the "control room".

It is the hidden duty of the labyrinth to numerate the ‘level’ of the lifeforms and construct the relevant
database. The original purpose of this was to help with crisis management by accumulating information
about the battles in the maze when they were displayed on the screen.

The numerical representation that is common to the entire process is called “existence value".

This is the numerical value formed after numerating the amount of mana and physical ability, plus the
internal energy value of the weapons equipped, and is not the same thing as the actual combat ability.

Since it is impossible to measure one's abilities and the skills one has acquired by studying them, this
value is only for reference purposes, but even so, it is indicative of many things.

If used correctly, you can expect help in strengthening your maze defense. For example, dispatching
people of similar level to deal with an enemy based on their existence value, or roughly guessing what
level of combat skill the enemy is based on their existence value.

However, this system is still in the pilot phase, and the degree of data accumulation can hardly be
called sufficient.

In this world, there are also fierce people like Hakurou, whose existence value is only 60,000 or so, but
can beat enemies whose value is several times their own.

His existence value is less, but stronger than Gozu and Mezu, whose existence values are around

Because there are many more such examples, the existence value of such things can only be used as a
general reference, which has become common knowledge.




By the way, the existence value hierarchy of the Jura Tempest Federation is also tied to the Freedom
Association hierarchy.

Existence value of less than 1,000 is E class.

D class is from 1,000 to less than 3,000.

C class is from 3,000 to less than 6,000.

B class is from 6,000 to less than 8,000

B+ class is from 8,000 to less than 9,000.

A- class is from 9,000 to less than 10,000.

A huge high wall will appear here, and those who overcome it will be able to enter the first-class ranks.

An existence value of more than 10,000 is an A class, which is considered a Hazard class.

More than 100,000 is a Special A class, which is considered to be a Calamity class.

Those who had obtained the demon lord species had a minimum existence value of 200,000, and
according to Rimuru's feeling, the existence value of those suspected to have been Clayman and Frey
before the Awakening was around 400,000.

In this way, the existence value of 400,000 or more is defined as a Disaster class equivalent to S class.
In the Jura Tempest Federation, the S class does not refer only to the demon lord, after all, there is a large
number of executives with strength equivalent to the old demon lords, so for the sake of convenience and
understanding, all of the guys at this level are defined as S class.

From here on out, it's a standard that's only used in the Jura Tempest Federation.

The natural Catastrophe class is a designation limited to “true dragon species" and Guy. So the Jura
Tempest Federation uses the Special S class to define the other awakened transcendents.

It was suspected that the amount of awakened Clayman wasn't very stable, but since Rimuru had
remarked that 'he's around 700,000-800,000 right?’ In this way, a character with an existence value above
800,000 is defined as a Special S class. On top of that, some of the guys whose existence had crossed the
millions mark had decided to be called by the simple and understandable title of Super Awakened
(million) class.

As a special mention for reference, no matter who is summoned, the existence value of the upper
demon is fixed at 140,000. It's like having a cap set by someone, a standard number that is common to all
upper-level demons.

Even for Testarossa and the others, the initial value of the existence on record was only a quarter of a
million, although it is now impossible to verify whether this is true or not, but Ramiris and others think
that there should be no mistake.




"I didn't expect to it to be a Super Awakened—it’s a Seraphim anyway…"

Ramiris stopped halfway through her sentence.

Beretta nodded in return, then went on to explain.

"That's a lot of trouble, and the other side is also S-ranked. Now that the floor guardians have fallen
asleep, it would be a bit difficult to meet such an enemy.”

"But, but, but, it's not good to do nothing, is it?”

As if to help calm down the panicked Ramiris who was answering, Treyni opened her mouth with a soft

“That is true, Lady Ramiris. So let me go out and meet the enemy.”

As if to follow Treyni, Trya and Doris also stood up.

"Of course, I'll go with you.”

"Sister, I'm going with you too!"

Hearing this, Ramiris, instead of calming down, panicked even more.

"Wait, wait, wait! You guys did get stronger, but you completely lose to them numerically, don’t you!?”

"Well, no problem. The existence value is only a reference, so let's take this opportunity to prove the
power of Lady Ramiris' entourage to everyone.”

Hearing this, Trya and Doris nodded their heads hard as well.

Ramiris tried to stop them, but couldn't do anything good. But the practice of putting all the danger on
the lovely Torrenies now was intolerable as hosts.

"It's no use! We only have to fight with certainty, as both Rimuru and Master once said.”

Anyway, operate the maze first to buy time, in the meantime things might get better…and Ramiris
began to escape reality.

The one who stepped forward to dissuade her was Charys.

"Lady Ramiris, unfortunately, it should be very difficult to buy time. We cannot allow the enemy to
approach when the floor guardians are sleeping, leaving the other side in danger of having important
facilities destroyed. Right now there is only one option to take. I'm also prepared to strike, and I hope
you'll give me your permission.”

Veldora had now gone out, and the strongest man here was now Charys, and it was for this reason that
he spoke these words with the realization that he must do something.

"Lord Beretta, the task of guarding Lady Ramiris is yours.”

"Understood. I'll take care of Lady Ramiris.”

Beretta was not far behind, and since all three dryad sisters were going to strike, he was certainly the
only one left who could guard Ramiris.

Alpha and the other girls were of the same mind, and all the members present stood together and swore
an oath to guard Ramiris.

Shinji and the others didn't disapprove and opened their mouths

"We'll do our best as well!”

"Oh, yeah. We have received so much care here, so we must repay it.”

"Agreed. And then there's the resurrection bracelet, so you can keep trying even after you're dead.”

"Exactly. We Imperial soldiers should have been killed a long time ago, and now we have a chance to
prove ourselves.”

"Indeed. Otherwise, I'll be scolded by Mr. Gedora.”

The atmosphere in the "control room" had eased, as the five men were still talking and laughing, even
with their powerful enemies at hand.

Ramiris first took a deep breath, then showed an extraordinarily bright smile.

"In that case, do your best to kill the enemy! Even if you are dead, you can still be resurrected, so give
it your all! Little dragon king will also be there to help, so definitely win!!!”

Everyone nodded at the words. Then duties were assigned to each other, and the action was quickly set
in motion.


The intruder, whom Ramiris sensed, was really Zalario, the chief subordinate of the demon lord

Zalario, the original Killing Angel, like the two remaining Killing Angels, ruled the entire race as the
marshals knowns as the "Three Admirals" of the Phantom race (apparition tribe), and as a marshal of the
powerful armies they led, he would not normally have been on the front lines.

This time, however, Feldway gave an absolute order to take advantage of the good opportunity of the
labyrinth's destruction by Velgrynd, and making sure to wipe out the target.

What an end to those previous Imperial armies that had stormed the Labyrinth, Zalario had heard about
it from Feldway, so he took it upon himself to assume that weak soldiers would only get in the way.

The only men he brought in were five generals.

These five people, who were originally superior angels like the Wise Angel or the Seated Angel, had all
acquired an amount of mana comparable to that of the king after becoming a phantom race.

The relative flesh is more fragile, but not a problem as long as the environment is within the maze. The
spread of magic is suppressed here, so the generals are able to play to their full strengths.

For these reasons, Zalario's group walked leisurely through the maze, and rightfully so, someone was
sure to come out and get in their way.

Finding the mouth of the stairs toward the bottom during the walk, a sense of spatial change came
overhead. Yet the Zalario group did not panic but calmly observed the status quo, and what finally
appeared before them was a confined space with nothing in it.

About eight figures can be seen in the middle of this venue.

"It seems that some have come out to greet us. We mustn't lose our manners. Give your greetings.”

At Zalario's words, his subordinates nodded wordlessly.

The two gradually drew closer, eventually stopping short of a face-to-face confrontation.

The first to take a step forward was Treyni.

"Greetings, everyone. In lieu of the lord of this labyrinth, Lady Ramiris, I, Treyni, Charys, and others
have come to greet you. I don't remember inviting you all, but could you please tell me who you are and
why your are here?”
Treyni smiled as she uttered these words, but there wasn't a hint of a smile in her eyes. She was
watching the opponents’ movements with the utmost vigilance, and was always maintaining a standby
posture for any situation that may arise.

Before coming here, Treyni had reinforced herself to the fullest. She clung to the Wind Spirit King she
was now able to summon, turning the power of the Spirit King into something entirely her own. Even in a
long battle with Laplace, Treyni had simply boarded the Wind Maiden (Sylphid) of the High Spirits inside
herself. From this point on, Treyni is said to have showed her hand in the first step of the opening game.

The amount of the Spirit King's mana converted to an existence value that was about a million.
Normally, boarding such a huge amount of power in the body would impose a huge burden on Treyni,
whose existence value was only 600,000. However, now that they were in a labyrinth where they could
come back to life even if they died, Treyni didn't have to worry about the physical burden and could
challenge her opponent with all her might.

Standing one step behind Treyni, Charys' aura was not at all inferior to that of the former. Even if the
opponent had more than double his own amount of mana, Charys took it completely lightly and was

After all, Charys is usually always training live for his opponents with the overwhelming presence of

There were instances in the world where people like Gobta could defeat opponents who had several
times their own power. Not to mention the fact that he now had reliable company, so Charys had no doubt
that he would win.

It is the same with the Dragon Kings.

As a reward, they had been given "names" by Rimuru, and had now completed their evolution as the
faithful men of Ramiris.

With further experience, the Dragon Kings will undoubtedly reach the Special S class. The power
converted into an existence value of around 700,000. In fact, more than fear, they were now leaping at the
chance to test their strength.

Trya and Doris, too, had completed the 'identification' with the Maiden of the Wind (Sylphid). Trya
would assist the Dragon Kings against the enemies behind Zalario, while Doris would be in charge of
providing backup for Treyni and Charys.

Although Beretta's existence value was only around 400,000, his fighting skills were excellent. Even
with his fighting strength though, he needed to stay by Ramiris as a guard, so the members currently here
were the strongest formation the Maze could send at this time.

If this lineup loses now as well…then it would be a matter of calling in the residual groups of Rigurd
and Gobta for a big total attack. They are now currently concentrating to the war effort on the next level,
so someone has to buy time for that alone.

Of course, none of the members here feel that they will lose.

"That's amazing. Originally, I had heard that there was no battle power left in the maze, but I didn't
expect that there were still such strong people of this level. Oops, haven't introduced myself yet. My name
is Zalario, one of the Three Admirals entrusted to the army by the demon king, Lord Feldway.”
Zalario took a graceful bow, his movements sophisticated as if he were a famous actor on stage.

However, the words that came out of his mouth did not make people feel gratified. He was using such
an attitude to look down on Treyni and others, not taking the Maze members into consideration at all, his
true thoughts were simply too obvious.

Treyni was furious about it, but she wasn't stupid enough to lose her mind over it. There had been a
lapse when faced with Laplace, so she did her best to maintain a calm demeanor and try to keep the
conversation going.

"So it is. Lord Zalario of the Three Admirals, huh? Forgive me, I've never heard that name before.”

Zalario just smiled back at Treyni's slightly provocative words.

"Well. Although it's fairly well known in other worlds, I've been away from this world for a long time.
We are all foreigners to this world.”

"Foreigners, huh?"

"Yes. So, we're not going to seek any satisfaction in that regard.”


"By the way, you asked us why, right? Of course I'll tell you, it would save us a lot of work if we could
get your help.”

"It depends on the content.”

"All right. Our goal is to kill the boy named Masayuki Honjou. If you don't hide and just hand him
over, I’ll retreat this time.”

Zalario, who had a gentle air of beauty, announced in a feminine voice that he was here to kill

No one here will simply agree to this.

It was fortunate that he was Rimuru's friend, and an irreplaceable companion of Treyni and others.

"You're so funny. I'm sorry to say that the negotiations are over.”

"Well, that's a shame.”

Completely not hiding the fact that he actually had no regrets at all, Zalario flashed a smile. Then in the
next moment, the battle began.


Treyni jumped into the air, then aimed at Zalario from above, releasing countless invisible blades, a
move that Treyni couldn't even avoid, the unseen breaking blade.

"It contains spatial properties and the power to cut through even the second dimension.”

Moreover, this move was not visualized and could be shot without any preparatory movements, so it
was clear how dangerous Treyni had become. This time, however, her opponent was very strong.
No—he was overpowering.

Zalario didn't move a step, not because he didn't notice the blade or was too late to react, but because
there was absolutely no need to evade it.

The moment the invisible blade was about to cut Zalario, it suddenly disappeared, a layer of spatial
distortion that seemed to cover Zalario's body was revealed simultaneously.

This trick resembles a phenomenon that has been documented in the Maze's database as the Spatial
Distortion Defense Field that Zegion excels in, a defense trick that nullifies various attribute attacks or
spatial cuts, absolutely.


"The same technique as Lord Zegion? That's a problem.”

"Oh, by the sounds of it, it seems that there are people here who can use the space distortion defense
field. Zegion is it? hey hey, I obviously heard that the executives of this country have all been sealed, it
looks like the information was wrong…”

With that said, Zalario's expression was still unperturbed.

It couldn't have been more clear that Zalario hadn't used his true skills, rather he looked like he was still
enjoying himself.

It was because of sensing this that Treyni's expression turned grim. She immediately made eye contact
with Charys and changed course, no longer obsessed with barely beating Zalario, and instead beginning to
concentrate on stalling for time.

In fact, the five generals that Zalario had brought with him had been embroiled in a bitter battle
because of the labyrinth's battle strength, a result that the dragon kings who were always training for
battle had achieved by perfecting their strength.

To say that there is any other reason, it is that as long as one fights in this main field within the maze,
the maze members are equivalent to being immortal. That's why they are able to fight beyond their limits,
and even if they have the same strength as their opponents, they are able to turn the situation upside

It's a win at this rate, Treyni thought.

As dangerous as Zalario was, the other enemies should be eliminated soon. Next, even the space
distortion defense field should be able to be broken if everyone joins forces to launch the challenge.

Worst case scenario, just find a way to drain Zalario's strength.

That's right. As long as we can get rid of the other side, the conditions for victory this time will be
fulfilled, there is no need for us to reluctantly destroy the enemy. And yet…why is this man still so

The side that undoubtedly has the upper hand is hers, but no matter what, Treyni can't get rid of the
unease in her heart.

The reason is Zalario who is still so unconcerned.

Anyone with a bit of discernment can't possibly misjudge the current state of the battle. Not to mention
the fact that Zalario had previously claimed to be a marshal of the First Army.

Someone who could lead a demon-lord level strongman to make the mistake of arranging an outgoing
formation, common sense would say that it was impossible.

The purpose of this man is to kill Masayuki the “chosen hero"—right?

Generally speaking, if the target is only Masayuki, it's easier to use assassination. It was because
Zalario's existence value was so high that Treyni and others missed the possibility.

"Lady Ramiris! Do you know where Mr. Masayuki is?”

"Hey, why are you asking about this all of a sudden? Of course I do."

Treyni sent a question to Ramiris through 'Thought Communication'.

On the other hand, it wasn't like Ramiris was doing nothing but watching the battle. While the intruders
were a big problem, there was something much more tricky to deal with, and that was directing the people
of the metropolitan area to take refuge.

The metropolitan area that had been forcibly isolated into the labyrinth could no longer be said to be
safe now that Veldora had gone out. If Veldora does lose the battle, the metropolitan area will
automatically and directly change back to where it was.

Since the status quo could not be maintained by the power of Ramiris alone, there was nothing that
could be done about it. That's why it's important to get the residents to take refuge before that happens.

Fortunately, the 95th floor, which had now been turned into a hundred floors, had open space enough
for the legions to line up, and although the research facilities were not accessible to ordinary people, it
was still possible to receive the entire town.

At Beretta's prompting, Ramiris was panicking and starting to cope.

"Please make sure he's safe right now!”

"There are only a few intruders, I think you're overthinking it…"

He was also very busy…Despite thinking so, Ramiris still agreed to Treyni's request.

It turned out just as Ramiris thought it would, just as well.

"Well, he's all right. He's helping to guide the people of the town to shelter in the city.”

As Ramiris said, Masayuki took over the job of pacifying the townspeople. Without Masayuki, there
would have been a panic that would have delayed the evacuation for a long time, and now was the time
for Masayuki's power to come into play.

In short, there was no sign of a fight.

After all, the inside of the labyrinth was all at Ramiris' mercy, and if something happened, she would
know right away. Having communicated all this, a breath of relief finally came from Treyni's side.
"So, I can rest assured…”

Even so, she still couldn't seem to get it out of her head.

"Do you care?”

"Yes. If the enemy really wants to assassinate Masayuki, the people who are taking refuge may also be

Treyni also thought she might be overthinking it.

Even so, since the alarm in her mind was always ringing, Treyni felt that it was better to be careful in

"Got it! Since Treyni-chan is talking about this, let's go to the 70th floor!”

Hearing this, Treyni eased herself.

The remnants of the Imperial Army were on the 70th floor, so even if an assassin did attack, they
should be able to stall for some time.

"You can rest easy there."

"Right, right, right!”

Just like that, Masayuki headed towards the 70th floor of the maze.


The people here are too good at ordering people, Masayuki sighed.

With Rimuru at the head, the big shots in this country, whoever they are, put whatever comes to mind
into action immediately. Let's leave it at that for now. Masayuki really wishes that the guys in the upper
echelons would think more about their position and act more cautiously.

Of course, it's not as if all the people in the Jura Tempest Federation are like that.

I was fortunate to have accidentally spoken the words I had been hiding in my heart.

Masayuki wouldn't have complained much if it was a beautiful girl as innocent and gentle as Shuna
who had asked. That's why now, he'd happily come to help guide people to shelter…and yet Ramiris came
running in the way.

"I want you to go to the 70th floor immediately!”

Such an order was given with indefensible momentum.

Unfortunately, he was very reluctant.

However, Ramiris was still also one of the people in power here.

Not only did Ramiris have Veldora backing her up, but she was also one of the characters who knew
Masayuki's secret. So no matter what she asked, Masayuki was unable to refuse.
"Just give it up. Lady Ramiris is also harmless, simply not having the strength to explain it slowly,
right? Now that even Lord Veldora has struck, it's clear that there's been an emergency.”

Walking next to Masayuki was a young man.

He had snake-shaped earrings in his ears.

A wild watch was worn on his hand and a skeleton ring was placed on his finger.

What looked like a poisonous purple shirt had a spiked leather jacket on the outside, a spiked collar
around his neck, trousers with a waistband underneath, and leather boots with black soles.

In simple terms, it's the so-called punk style of dressing up, and no matter how you look at it, you look
like a delinquent teenager. The kind of style that Masayuki was not good at dealing with.

And yet, surprisingly, he was lucky to have an unexpected chemistry with this young man.

Mostly because he was also a struggling laborer.

The youth, whose name is Venom, often seems to be bossed around by his superiors into all sorts of
unreasonable situations. Presumably seeing his own self in Venom, Masayuki held a sense of closeness to

In Venom's words, 'I have no human rights.’

Now, he had received orders from his superiors to escort Masayuki and move in with him.

He didn't go to see Jiu and Bonnie because of his previous concerns, and also broke apart from Jinrai
(***Was also called Thunder but I’m sticking with Jinrai for now).

As a mere impostor, he is unable to guard Jinrai at all, so Masayuki offered to disband him.

"If you ever need me somewhere, feel free to come and greet me! Until then, I'll work in this country's
guild to keep my work from getting sluggish.”

After saying that, Jinrai accepted Masayuki's offer to disband and then became a guild employee of the
Jura Tempest Federation, always secretly supporting Masayuki.

It was a little lonely, but also a relief. After all, in this way, Masayuki would no longer have to lie to his
companions, and the resulting guilt would disappear along with it.

Venom then appeared in front of Masayuki, who had been alone.

Venom knows that Masayuki is weak, so he's come to guard him. And unlike his appearance, Venom
patiently listened to Masayuki's explanation about the past.

As a result, Venom's offered cooperation so that Masayuki’s reputation would not decline.

It was probably all Rimuru's intention, so Masayuki accepted the other's kindness unceremoniously.

Just like that, the two have now become friends with nothing to say.
"So, I know it's an emergency, too. If that's the case, why do I have to be separated from the town now,
when I'm in charge of playing Hero?”

"Geez, you're not so weak. You really can't do anything if the enemy comes, can you?”

"It's true, though. It's true! But, that’s not true is it? The uneasy look in everyone's eyes just now stung
my heart…”

‘Please don't go’—even if you don't say it directly, Masayuki understands what the residents mean.

That's why Masayuki was unhappy with Ramiris’ order.

However, in Venom's view it's a different story.

To say which side is safer, the 70th floor is definitely better than the 100th. Not only are there a
significant number of Imperials there, but there are also the Overkillers in the 70th floor research facility.

Although the "Overkillers" are now mainly responsible for the safety of the children, Masayuki can
also be sheltered by them once they get there.

What matters most to Venom is the mission given by Diablo, who must gamble his life to guard
Masayuki as literally as he can.

"Indeed, it is somehow reassuring to have you around. However, the refuge is over to a certain extent,
and the guard on the hundredth floor is well guarded.”

In fact, if an enemy wanted to invade here, it couldn't be done without the strength of floor guardian
level. Due to the absence of Gedora, the class guardian of the sixtieth layer, Shinji and the others had also
retreated and the place was in an unguarded state, so the 70th floor now became the first line of defense.

"That means I'm going to be in danger, right!?”

That's how it was, Venom nodded.

"I suppose so, but don't worry, I'm here. I'll take responsibility and protect you.”

"Well, then I’ll be counting on you.”

Masayuki was fortunate that he was actually slightly aware of the situation he was in, and at such a
time as this, if he moved to the front line, perhaps someone was aiming at him.

If it wasn't for that, Ramiris wouldn't have exposed Masayuki, who was completely devoid of any
fighting ability, to danger.

As Masayuki also has the "Resurrection Bracelet,” he can be brought back to life even if he dies in the
maze, so Ramiris doesn't hesitate to use him as bait.

"That may be so. By the way, this is probably to avoid implicating other residents, and there's a risk of
exposing your weakness, so I think it's the right thing to do.”

"Yes. I can understand that as well, but I have another situation…”

Jiu and Bonnie were both at the 70th floor, and it was also a problem for Masayuki because bumping
into them would become awkward.

“I don't know about those two, but it's a mission, so don't blame them too much, even if it looks like
they want to kill you, it may not be entirely from their hearts. Unlike monsters, humans are very complex,
and that's why humans are great toys for demons.”

Masayuki glared at Venom who said this for a moment, then muttered, "How can it be so simple to sort
it out?” But he also understood that people's true hearts are hard to understand as Venom said, and it was
also true that he could not completely hate Jiu and Bonnie.

So dwelling on it any longer is just asking for more trouble.

After arriving at the 70th floor and coming to the building where the Imperial Army was stationed,
Masayuki finally prepared his mind.

"And don't you ever think of me as a toy again."

Masayuki sighed and shook his head, then switched his moods for good and casually grumbled at his
friend, Venom.

Sensing the change in his mood, Venom revealed a smile, protecting Masayuki was a mission, but
Venom himself was fond of Masayuki.

He was similar in the point of a laborious life, and although he was weak and seemingly unable to turn
the tide, he was still always able to keep his will. Venom respects that in his heart.

Venom was often proud of his rebellious spirit, even if it was still less than fortunate, and somehow he
felt that way.

That's why Venom responded with good intentions…

"Ha ha ha ha ha! That depends on how you do…huh?”

Facing the sudden presence, Venom stood in front of Masayuki to protect him.

"Who are you?”

"Geez, are you getting in the way? I clearly had perfect timing, but this unaccustomed body is so slow
to respond."

The man ignored Venom and just stared at Masayuki with disgust. In front of this obviously entangled
foreign existence, Masayuki couldn't hide his own shakiness either.

It's clear that there's nothing to show for it so far, but there’s no denying its overwhelming dominance.

The three pairs of six pure white feathers on the man's back further emphasized his refined fleshly
beauty. From between the wide, white spaces of the dress, one can peer into the muscles that have been
repeatedly exercised.

What was most intense was the man's eyes, which were as if they were boarding a fierce beast, not
allowing anyone to approach, full of calamity and fierce light.

"Don't ignore me…!"

Venom yells out to enable an uppercut spinning back kick.

The action standard of this kick, as if drawn in, hits the enemy on the side of the head, and yet…

Masayuki was stunned.

It's no wonder he was surprised, after all ,the opponent took a kick from Venom defenselessly as if to
say that he wasn't unresponsive, just found it unnecessary to defend.

"Hmph, a worm that doesn't even have any survival value. You are a dependent of the evil demons that
have hindered us since time immemorial. You've been very rude to me, Lord Cornu, one of the Three
Admirals! Get your shit together and go to hell!”

The man who had just identified himself, casually opened his palm towards Venom, and the next
moment, a compressed magic bomb was let loose and hit Venom with an unavoidable speed.

Calling yourself an adult—thought Masayuki. It’s fortunate that he tried not to think about these
strange things while hastily bracing himself for Venom.

“No! Are you okay?”

Venom was still alive.

He reacted barely, successfully deflecting the magic bullet with his left arm.

However, the injury is still serious, as Venom's left arm has disappeared and a large hole has been cut in
the left side of his abdomen.

“…how can it be okay? It’s unbelievable and I don’t want to admit it, but that bastard seems to be
much better than me. But don't worry, I'll definitely protect you.”

After saying that, Venom stood up calmly.

Not unscathed, but not incapable of fighting anymore either.

"What a stubborn monster. I'll kill the teenager while Zalario's bait creates an opportunity. I hate idiots
because of that.”

Looking at the sighing Cornu, it was fortunate that he really wanted to complain about what a joke he
was making.

Masayuki had absolutely no clue why he was being hunted down, and felt responsible for the fact that
Venom as injured as a result.


"So, that invading bastard is aiming for Masayuki?”

"Did you know from the beginning?”

"When Lady Ramiris sent the message, I had a feeling that this would be the case. Don't worry, we
can't beat this bastard, but we can at least stall for some time.”

"The bastard won't kill you because of the bracelet. To kill you here will only bring you back to life
somewhere else. With that in mind, he probably wants to get you out of the maze before he plans on doing
so. So he's definitely not going to dare use the kind of attack that would involve you too!”

Venom grunted uncontrollably as he spoke.

His judgment was spot on.

Fortunately, the resurrection save point was set in the "control room". At first it was only arranged so
that no one would see the scenes of him coming back from the dead, but it was reassuring at the time.

Cornu, on the other hand, was agitated by the idea of being seen through.

Cornu has reasons why he can't fail again.

This reasoning goes back decades. At the time, Cornu was executing an invasion campaign in a
different alien world and failed at the stage where he was only one step away from success. What
happened is still unclear, but it was the sudden appearance of searing fire that burned his whole army to
the ground.

As a result, Cornu, of the "Three Admirals,” was left without a single subordinate, and even after he
had recovered from his injuries, he was still mentally depressed and could not be relieved.

It is for this reason that despite being in an overwhelmingly dominant position, Cornu has always
shown an attitude of defeat. Unfortunately, those who were hostile to him were not going to let that
opportunity go.

"I'll just admit it. If this wasn't the maze of the Starkeeper (Ramiris), there would be no need for me to
step in at all. To bury you is easy, you’ll die anyway, so I’ll give you despair first. Open your eyes and
watch, I’ll send you to that world with my true power!!!”

Cornu is not stupid enough to be careless at this point.

He saw that the usual means of treating Venom would not work and, in order to prevent accidents,
decided to use all his strength to achieve his goal.

Cornu wears a shimmering black and gold outfit, which, like Zalario's, is the highest mythical outfit
given only to the "Three Admirals.”

With a fully armed Cornu as his opponent, Venom was left with no other option, his various means of
attack were no longer useful and he could only wait for a mocking defeat.

"Che, damn it!"

The desperate gap in battle power made Venom's five senses almost cringe together.

There was no point in running away, and if he were to be wiped out, Masayuki would surely be taken
away and killed. Even if Venom is resurrected again in the labyrinth afterwards, he will be purged by
Diablo if he fails to protect him.

‘I'm going to die, I'm going to die,’ thought Venom with tears in his eyes.
The only way left was for Venom to kill Masayuki himself and send him to safety.

"There's no other way…"

Just moments after Venom made that decision…

"You seem to be having a hard time, so why don't we help out?”

As if to guard Masayuki, two men appeared.

"Who are you…Sir Minute? Also, Sir. Calgurio is here!”

The careful Masayuki remembered that they had met a few times before, and since both of them were
big shots in the Empire, he himself was still nervous about whether or not he had lost his manners.

"Your Excellency, please just call me Minute. It's hard for me to calm down when you call me "sir"
with the same face as His Majesty.”

"But, but…”

"Hahaha, I feel the same way as Minute. Whenever I stand in front of His Excellency Masayuki, I feel
excited no matter what. It was almost like being in front of His Majesty's imperial court, and an even
greater strength than usual emerges from within me!”

The stylish Minute and Calgurio, who looks serious with a blindfold over his left eye, are smiling as if
to put Masayuki at ease.

"Venom, right? We’ll take care of the backup.”

With that said, Minute turned his gaze to Cornu. Then, Cornu's movements became sluggish as an
unseen force field appeared.

This was the effect of the unique skill 'Suppressor' that Minute should have lost.

"Minute, haven't you lost your power?”

“It is lost. But since it was once available, it's easy to get it again, right?”

Faced with Minute's reply that Minute still wasn't satisfied, Calgurio could only laugh bitterly.

"It's enviable. I've lost my sense of omnipotence. However, it's still easy for me to infuse magic essence
into the body of a changed void.”

As if to prove his point, Calgurio's strength began to swell, then quickly surpassed his limit into a
rampage state, and the mucous membranes of his body began to bleed. If it continued like this, Calgurio
would normally be dead, but there was no need to worry about that at all in the maze. Calgurio is now
equipped with the "resurrection bracelet", which he got out of nowhere and has no limit on the number of
times he can use it, without having to worry about the physical effects.

"You're exaggerating too much."

"If you can't do this much, you can't face the dead."

Because of their participation, Venom saw hope.

Moreover, several more men rushed over and offered to assist Venom.

Venom, who witnessed the men at a glance, accepted their request without hesitation.

“That would be a big help. Don't think about how to take this guy down, please trip him up!"

"Got it!”

"Things seem interesting.”

"Now that the “I” am here, you can rest assured, leave it all to the ME!”

These three men, all of them, are "Overkillers" who came out of personal interest.

"I give the orders. So everyone, let's go!”

Although somehow it became a case of Calgurio calling the shots, no one objected.

After receiving five helpers, Venom, in a supported state, began an offensive against Cornu.

"You stinkers! Don't get carried away!”

Cornu did not lose his cool, though he was on fire about it. While controlling the strength of his strikes
to prevent Masayuki from escaping, he began to move in order to eliminate the enemy one by one.

Very surprisingly, the coordination of this makeshift team was excellent. This is due to the fact that
Calgurio took advantage of Cornu's inability to use mass destruction attacks and the immortal nature of
the Overkillers to develop a method of combat that minimizes damage.

The desperate gap in strength was bridged by resourcefulness and courage, and with the mutual
assistance of six members, including Venom, the crowd finally managed to buy time.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity,

"Masayuki, this way.”

"You've got to get out of here. As long as we can escape into the research facility, won't we be able to
travel to other levels?”

It was Bonnie and Jiu who suddenly said hello.

"You, you!”

"I'm sorry. I would love to formally apologize, but this is not the time to do something like that.
Anyway, you'd better come with me.”

"Huh? Wait, wait, wait. What about Jiu?”

Bonnie looks like he intends to look for an escape as an escort and take Masayuki with him. However,
Jiu didn't move and chanted some sort of magic.

"Well, don't mind me. Next, I'll disguise myself as Masayuki and confuse him.”
Jiu had transformed into Masayuki.

“Come on. That guy seems to have restrained his attacks on you, so Jiu's plan should be effective. We’ll
take this opportunity to escape.”

It seems that the people who rushed to support seemed to have formulated the entirety of this battle
before they arrived here. During t he moment Jiu changed into Masayuki, fortunately, everyone stood so
that Cornu could not see this side.

Although Masayuki felt hesitant, it only lasted for a moment.

"Got it. Anyway, even if I stay, I'll only drag everyone down.”

He could only reluctantly agree with the strategy.


There was already chaos in the "control room".

The sudden appearance of an enemy that is far more difficult to deal with than expected.

"Hey, Masayuki, the assassin, did you get the results of his existence value measurement?

“It came out! It was roughly 1.8 million—but that ballooned to 2.8 after being equipped with mythical
grade equipment!”

“What—that’s a foul!”

Alpha's report had made Ramiris very angry, but complaining alone would not help, and now she could
only think desperately about countermeasures.

"It is said that mythical equipment lends its power to its approved master, and that Lord Albert's
existence has more than doubled in value since that time, but it still seems that the potential of mythical
equipment has not yet been fully integrated.”

Ramiris agrees with this analysis of Beretta's.

After equipping the Mythical Grade Equipment, Albert turned into a flesh-bearing spirit lifeform's
existence, and according to the data measured at that time, his existence value had increased from
180,000 to over 400,000, which was already powerful enough, but it seemed that the Mythical Grade
Equipment still had a considerable amount of potential. Albert has since gone into an evolutionary sleep,
and it's very much to be expected what he'll be like when he wakes up.

In that case, how exaggerated Kurobee was, who had already been able to build mythical level
equipment, had become a topic of conversation…But now was not the time to delve deeper.

Mythical equipment, though rare and excellent in performance, is only a threat in the hands of the

"What are we going to do? Little Treyni and Charys teamed up and still got pinned by that Zalario! And
besides, against that Cornu, Venom and the others are no match at all…”

Ramiris' concern was spot on.

Venom evolved into a demon noble and his existence value soared to around 400,000. In addition, the
presence of the three "Overkillers" who came to reinforce the leader was worth 300,000, and the
remaining two had 200,000.

As for Minute and Calgurio, who were from the Imperial Army, they couldn't be expected to be
warriors because they had lost most of their power and were now in a miserable situation with an
existence value of just over ten thousand. Let's just say that the two of them had the audacity to stand up
and fight.

However, these two are somehow very much alive and well.

Miraculously, Minute was using his unique skill 'Suppressor', which he should have lost, and even as a
captive, he was still wearing a dashing suit, giving Ramiris the illusion that he was even more capable
than Venom.

As for Calgurio, somehow his existence value had been expanding since just now, and now it had
reached 400,000. Then, the rate of increase slowed down, but the overall rate of increase remained slow
and somewhat unexplained.

This is of deep interest.

Sadly, however, there is no time to look into each of these matters closely. Ramiris forcefully pressed
the unanalyzable displeasure, sending instructions to everyone.

"Ahhh, even if you die, you can bring them back to life with the power of others! Then feel free to use
them as outcasts. The problem is Masayuki.”

"What do you mean?”

"Even if he will can from the dead here, it's all over when the enemy takes him, right? So people think
it's safer to let him take refuge.”

"I see."

"Yes, so Bonnie has taken him away.”

Ramiris let out an "ooh-oh" exclamation.

She was impressed by the fact that she had come to the same conclusion as herself, and that they had
started to act before they had received instructions.

After all, Masayuki was a coward, and he certainly couldn't commit suicide, and even when it came to
the most critical moment, he probably wouldn't use death to escape.

At this point, it would be reassuring to have Bonnie with Masayuki.

"Contact Bonnie! Tell him to set his escape destination here. And I think he can understand without
going into detail, so just remember to tell him that if anything happens, he must take care of what he has
to do!”


After receiving Ramiris' instructions, Alpha immediately sent out the ''Thought Communication''. The
instructions that had been perfectly coded were sent to Bonnie with zero time difference.
After confirming this, Ramiris finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay. In that case, we'll just make all the arrangements we need.”

The large screen for surveillance was now split into several screens showing the battle scenes from
each area. No matter the area, the companions were struggling and the situation was not good.

"We're really useless without Rimuru.”

"After all, it was the worst timing. If the guardians were awake, they wouldn’t be at such a

"That's right…”

Indeed, as Beretta said, it would have been much less passive if all the fighting power had been put

Even so, Ramiris still felt responsible for the situation.

Life in the Jura Tempest Federation is just so irreplaceable to Ramiris.

At this moment, Beta, who was monitoring the remaining amount of magic, suddenly yelled out

"We have an emergency!"

"What's wrong this time!?”

"This is a state of affairs already foreseen, the supply of mana from Lord Veldora is cut off, and if this
continues, the metropolitan area will be returned to the ground in less than ten minutes!”

"Eh, eh, eh…! In other words, did Master lose!?”

For Ramiris, it was a reality she really didn't want to believe, but if the opponent was Velgrynd, one
had to still admit it might be possible.

It was the anticipation of this situation that led residents to take refuge.

Rimuru should find a way to solve Veldora’s problem, Ramiris was convinced. Even if you are
depressed here, things won't get any better, so you can only think about what you can do with a positive

"So, how's the evacuation going?”

"No problem there. It is fortunate that Masayuki had succeeded in persuading the opposing forces of
asylum in the population before he left.”

Everywhere, there are forces that are only particularly good at complaining, even in the capital
“Rimuru.” Including those who profit from the outside through some channels and businessmen from
outside, about 10% of the total population stubbornly refuse to take refuge.

These people, just by hearing Masayuki's voice, became cooperative.

Since Lord Masayuki had said so, these people had taken refuge in what had been a very resistant place
on such grounds.

For this approximate brainwashing effect, even Ramiris was taken aback.

Anyway, after careful confirmation, everyone came to the conclusion that the metropolitan area was
empty of anyone. No problem then, and Ramiris, who made this judgment, decided to separate the
metropolitan area from the maze.

"The defense function can't be activated without anyone there. It's a shame, then, that massive damage
in the metropolitan area will be inevitable."

"Wait, hold on a sec, Beretta-chan! That's the kind of thing you say to shake a person's resolve!”

However, there is nothing that can be done about it.

Ramiris herself didn't have much mana left for extra structures, let alone the pile of additional buildings
she had built earlier in order to maximize the expansion of the maze.

It was a drawback that only came with handing over the entire supply of energy to Veldora, but Ramiris
couldn't think of any other solution to the problem either.

"Of course I understand very well. If it was Rimuru-sama, he’d probably say the buildings could just be
destroyed and rebuilt.”

"That's right, so now we have to be decisive and part with the other side…”

Ramiris gritted her teeth for her own powerlessness while performing the operation to separate the
metropolitan area. All that's left is to pray that the metropolitan area that returns to the ground isn't
destroyed by a stray bullet attack.


"Emergency report! New enemies have appeared on the ground, numbering in two. It is impossible to
measure the exact existence values because they are outside the maze, but it is presumed that the
existence of the other party exceeds at least one million!”

This time, the report comes from Delta, who is in charge of monitoring the ground.

Zooming in on the small surveillance screen, everyone could see it, and two angels appeared in the
picture—no, fallen angels with black wings.

The duo of a big muscular female warrior, and small, beautiful girl.

They also had three pairs of wings.

"Really? Since the number of wings is the same, then these guys are also equivalent to the killing
angels (Seraphims).”

Panicking, Ramiris flew around, feeling completely helpless at this point. However, with a faint hope
of what she suddenly thought, she asked Delta a question.

“Delta-chan! How can you be so sure that these guys are the enemy? Maybe they…"
Though unlikely, the other side might actually be friendly—and to Ramiris, who had generated such
naive thoughts, Delta could only tell her the cruel answer.

"Because those two are preventing us from recovering the hole that Lord Velgrynd pierced. As soon as
the maze is closed, our victory is confirmed…so it's a pity.”

That is the clear answer that cannot be doubted.

“That’s right. Thank you.”

Ramiris stopped flying around and sat powerlessly on Beretta's shoulder.

For the enemy's tactic of not shying away and putting four Super Awakened here, Ramiris felt
overwhelmed with disgust and even developed the mood to curse the other side for the whole night.

And just then, a reliable companion awakened.

"Leave the ground to me. The city bearing the name of Lord Rimuru will not easily be destroyed.”

At last the evolutionary “Barrier Lord" Geld is resurrected.


Ramiris cried.

Cried with joy.

"Lord Geld’s existence is worth over 2.37 million! It also contains the value of the equipment, so that
you won't lose to the invaders!!!”

The legendary-grade equipment held by Geld became mythic-grade as he completed his evolution. It
was also because of the surrounding magical aura that Geld had evolved so well.

In fact, Rimuru didn't expect this either, but all those present mistakenly thought that everything was a
part of Rimuru's plans.

"That's Rimuru for you. Even I wouldn't have expected such a development.”

Ramiris, who basically has little scheming ability, speaks with confidence.

But Beretta passed it off as if nothing had happened.

"Exactly. His Excellency is very thoughtful.”

Moreover, another Awakening has completed.

“I am also here. The other enemy will be my prey.”

"The Chimeric Lord" Kumara.”

"The existence value of Kumara is estimated to be around 1.9 million. Without exclusive equipment, to
have such a value, the enemy is no longer a threat at all!

Hearing Alpha's report, the "control room" erupted into cheers.

Then, as if to prove Alpha's words, a fierce battle began on the ground as well. What was even more
amazing was that Geld's men were also scattered everywhere, spreading out their powerful and
incomparable 'Barriers' to guard the town from the after-effects of the battle.

"This is a win!”

"Anyway, it looks like we'll make it through this.”

Ramiris makes a declaration of victory, and Beretta is relieved.


It is too early to be reassured.

The ploy of the Demon King Feldway was not over.

Let’s just say that all the fights that have happened so far have been feints, while the opponent's real
target is actually someone else.


The tension that permeated the "control room" became somewhat less intense.

After making the declaration of victory over Beretta's shoulder, Ramiris fell silent as if she had no
strength left.

But Beretta was familiar with such scenes, and from the very beginning he had always placated his
quiet master with a calm attitude.

Shinji, who was always watching from a distance, watched the commotion silently with a mind that
had nothing to do with it.

But it was also because of this that Shinji was now calm.

He knew Ramiris was wavering, but couldn't she have been more calm? He even had that thought in his

If only she could emulate Mr. Beretta…

However, these were truthful words that Shinji would never say, for if he did, besides pointlessly
incurring the wrath of Ramiris, there was also the risk of a pay cut to worry about.

Ramiris' maze was indeed powerful, but she herself was weaker than Shinji. It was a gap so large that
it's not even necessary to compare.

So no matter how panicked Ramiris was, there was actually nothing she could do.

And—Shinji couldn't help but recall the scene at the celebration a few days ago.

Monsters with powers beyond imagination.

Even strong men like that swore allegiance to Demon Lord Rimuru.
Shinji and his "otherworlders" are classified as "Special A" class masters according to the standard of
the Freedom Association standards. He had also measured his existence value, which was now over
120,000. Moreover, Shinji also possessed the unique skill ‘Healer,' which was why the Imperial Army
treated him as an elite.

In fact, Shinji had been proud that his strength belonged to the upper class, yet here he was so

The beautiful sisters who worked as operators over here alone each had an existence value of over

Thus, it occurred to Shinji very naturally that it would be pointless to boast in being powerful here.

By the way, the existence value of Mark is 130,000 and Zhen’s is 120,000. It's all fair enough, but if
you take those monsters on the screen as opponents, they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

However, after all the main forces of the maze were out in force, they were only barely able to hold a
stalemate with the enemy, and Shinji felt that this alone was already very powerful.

When you think about it now, the battle power of the Mecha Legion, which the Empire was proud of,
was actually less than 30% of the total battle power of the Jura Tempest Federation.

And that was only before the celebration.

At the celebration, Demon Lord Rimuru gave the executives new powers as a reward, causing most of
the upper demons to fall into an evolutionary sleep, and as a result, some of those powerful people had
even begun to reach the Super Awakened (Millions) class.

Honestly, Shinji's understanding can't keep up with the status quo anymore.

The same was true of Geld a moment ago—the evolution of magical creatures was really inexplicable.

It's great to be in exile from the Empire to the Jura Tempest Federation!

Shinji thanked Gedora-sensei so much from the bottom of his heart.

He looked on the screen again and found that Minute, who was once his own officer, was fighting
against Cornu, one of the "Three Admirals.”

This light scene is like a reversal scene in a movie.

After all, what can one do with such a monster as an opponent? Let's just say it's unbelievable that
there's a guy like that in this world.

In Shinji's opinion, the fact that Minute and Calgurio have lost their power and still challenged their
enemies is unusual. At the same time, "Do they even know what it means to be afraid?’ While feeling this
way, the way the two men looked as if they were retrieving their power in front of a strong enemy like in
a movie made him feel that the upper echelons of the Empire weren't all undesirable.

In short, it was extremely unrealistic.

Could it be that they thought of themselves as the main characters? Shinji even generated such doubts.

Probably because of that.

Shinji had little sense of crisis about the whole situation and switched his thinking to something he
cared more about.

To put it simply, it's an escape from reality.

Shinji pulled his thoughts back to the snacks that had just been served as simple food for everyone.

By the way, Miss Shuna is still so cute and pretty.

It doesn't matter what you think about his employer—it doesn't matter. What was occupying Shinji's
heart right now was not the boring strife, but the always-so-cute Shuna-chan.

Just by remembering the way she left the room after the other party had made a salute, Shinji had
feelings of happiness.

Although Shuna has a dreamy appearance as a beautiful girl, she is said to be very scary, according to a
very famous story.

Not just Shinji, but Mark and Zhen and Lucius and Raymond, who have just become new assistants,
are also all members of the “Shuna” fan club.

In contrast, his employer, Ramiris, is…

Shinji couldn't help but sigh.

"Wait a minute, Shinji. If you have something to say, just say it.”

It was only at times like these that Ramiris's instincts were keen.

"No, nothing's wrong."

Shinji scrambled to carry out the denial.

Shinji's teacher, Gedora-sensei, also often scolded him for ‘not being able to remain calm and collected
in the face of a monster teacher. So you guys aren't even close enough yet!.’

After experiencing the scene just now, Shinji also understood why he was scolded by Master.

Indeed, Shinji is prone to show emotion, and is not good at the emotional manipulation which his
essential for wizards.

But Gedora also said that while Shinji could not appreciate the emotion of expressionlessness, he was
not lacking in aptitude for magic; on the contrary, he was highly qualified.

Anyway, that was it, Shinji had to admit that he had just been at fault.

Now that you have the strength to be angry with me, Ramiris-sama will probably forgive me for my
rudeness, too.

Shinji is going in a good direction.

In the end, comparing Shuna to Ramiris in itself is wrong.

There are actually more fundamental reasons for the gap between the two, as there is between adults
and children.

Although the vibe of a teenage girl remains in Shuna’s body, she has the sophisticated air of an adult.

Although Ramiris had obviously lived for at least a thousand years, her mental age has remained low,
not to mention her physical growth.

Ramiris, who was a child on the outside as well as on the inside, couldn't be compared to Shuna at all.

But Ramiris always seems cute, so it's better to treat her more gently—that’s what Shinji thought.

Anyway, Shinji’s thoughts were full of other extra things like this.

It was because of this that he took notice.

The man, who was usually always lazy, stood up at some point.

Then, for some reason, Vesta, the normally always serious boss, now slumped over the table and fell

"What? Mr. Dino, what are you…?”

It was really only by chance that Shinji would ask that. However, this action of his was the most crucial
reversal of the day.

Shinji, who was the least conscientious, took the greatest credit today.


Dino stood up and tried to do the duty given to him.

Dino, who hates his job, is reluctant, but can't refuse a commission from someone he's known for a
long time.

Above all, a compulsive notion that he had to do it himself drove him.

However, this action has been hampered by unintended consequences.

"What? Mr. Dino, what are you…?”

Upon hearing this voice from Shinji, Dino realized that the battle had been lost.

I had planned to quickly take care of everything without anyone noticing, but I was prevented from
doing so by the perfect timing of God.

It was unapologetically out of character for anyone to have predicted Dino's actions before.

Dino reached out to try to capture Ramiris' hand, which was then caught by Beretta.

It all happened in a flash.

If Shinji hadn't made a sound, Dino wouldn't have been hindered.

"What are you doing, Lord Dino?”

"It's amazing, I didn't think you would get in the way. Alas, because of your presence, I have remained
on guard and patiently waited until the present time to relax my tension…"


"I can't stand it. You seem to have what it takes to be a big shot, Shinji.”

Half of Dino's complaints were sincere, for he was well aware that there were very few people in the
world who could see through his actions.

Dino was confident about his abilities, but this made him feel empty again.

Dino let out a long, depressed sigh, then gave Shinji a glare. Then he turned his head and squinted his
eyes at Beretta.

It seemed that things were definitely not as simple as joking, and Shinji and the others finally
understood the current situation. However, that doesn't mean they easily can do something about it.

Alpha and the others had surrounded Dino while picking up Ramiris from Beretta's shoulder to protect

“…Huh? Huh…?"

Ramiris, who had been unable to keep up with the situation because the development had been so
sudden, kept looking over and over at Beretta and Dino, seemingly trying desperately to comprehend
what was happening in front of her.

Shinji picks Vesta up and closes the distance between him and Dino. However, his companions, Mark
and the others, stayed where they were and no one moved.

It seemed that even as it became the present situation, the men were still sleeping soundly, and anyone
could tell that the situation was unusual.

"Hey, Mr. Dino! You did this to everyone, didn’t you?”

Dino had the breath to answer the shouting Shinji.

"Sort of. By the way, you can actually resist my power, so your skills are quite excellent. I'm impressed
with you.”

“I’m not too happy about that.”

It was actually a little cheery, but Shinji replied anyway.

To this Dino just shrugged.

Even though he could quantify Shinji, it was as if Dino didn't look at him, his eyes never facing this

He just looked over Beretta's shoulder to look at Ramiris and announced.

"Ramiris, I'm sorry, but can you cooperate with us? I don't want to get rough with you either, and if
you're willing to assist, I promise I'll treat you with care. You don't want pointless bloodshed either, do
you? So, can you come with me now?”

Dino said with a serious expression on his face.

To this, of course, Ramiris, needless to say, refused.

"Huh? You're the one who's talking out of your mind. If you do something like that, you'll be in a lot of
trouble when Rimuru comes back, won't you?”

Ramiris was completely foxing around, but her words were undoubtedly true.

So Dino could only laugh bitterly.

"I guess so, I figured you'd answer like that. But I can't justify that as enough for now. After all, I'm still
the Watcher, even if I don't want to be.”

"When you say 'Watcher', do you mean the Seven Original Angels, of Lord Veldanava's inner circle?”

"Correct. Actually, I used to be the "Pioneer" one. The task of watching the ground fell to me after the
Chief Feldway went to the Otherworld.”

“You’re joking, aren’t you?”

"No, this couldn't be more true.”

Only now did Ramiris realize this startling fact.

She was always thinking that Dino was as much of a liability to the Demon Lord as himself, not
realizing that he was actually an important figure, and still named by the creation god Veldanava himself.
Ramiris was completely taken aback.

By the way, Ramiris' name was actually given by Veldanava as well, but she herself had completely
forgotten about it due to repeated reincarnations. It would come back to her when she became fully
fleshed out, but one never knew when that day would come.

"People have always thought that all of the Originators had gone to the other side."

“That’s not the case. When the earthly world became peaceful, Lord Veldanava began to seek the
stability of the otherworld, and I suppose you know that.”

"Huh? Yes, yes…”

Ramiris's actions seemed somewhat suspicious, but Dino immediately decided to ignore it, and to prod
her would be troublesome, carefully illustrating that Dino was even lazier.

So he took it as if Ramiris was in the know and continued the conversation.

"Then it was Feldway and the other three 'originators' who were responsible for that. The three
remaining “originators," including me, were left to work as Lord Veldanava's hands and feet.”

"You too?”

"You'd think it was normal, but I was serious. However, because of a certain event, coupled with
various internal circumstances, I went from a Killing Angel (Seraphim) to a Fallen Angel, even my peers.
There's nothing left of the Originals that's still intact.”

"Wait, you left out the most crucial part! That's what's most important and what people care most about,
isn't it?”

Ramiris couldn't resist opening her mouth to spit that out, but Dino just sighed in annoyance.

"You're noisy. That's a lot of explaining to do. And it doesn’t matter to me at all, so get your head
around it. Let's start negotiating first.”

It's too much of a stretch to brainstorm about this kind of thing—rather, those present felt similarly
when they heard Dino's words. Dino, however, was notorious for his penchant for slacking off, so it
would be useless to seek more clarification from him, so they all chose to give up and then focused on
hearing what Dino had to say.

“So, what do you mean by negotiating?”

Ramiris asked on behalf of everyone.

“It's exactly what I just said. Ramiris, if you come to our aid, then I swear I won't go out on a limb
against the people in the labyrinth. But if you refuse, then there's no other way. Even if I have to kill
everyone who gets in the way, I will have to take you away.”

“If you're going to say it like that, then it's even less likely that they'll help you.”
"It normally would be, but that's not a problem. The best outcome is to have your compliance. The
worst outcome is to seal the maze.”

“This is not what you want, is it? Who is commanding you to do this?”

“Well, it might be okay to tell you this……”

“I mean, the only person who can order you around is Guy.”

“It’s something like that, however, there's something very wrong with it too. After all, Guy and I are on
equal footing, so why do I always have to do what that he tells me to?”

“Whatever, it's fine.”

“Uh, it's important…”

Ignoring Dino's foolishness, Ramiris began to think.

"If it wasn't for Guy……right! Then it’s Chief Feldway the Pioneer, isn't it? That guy came back from
the otherworld and made contact with you who were hanging around. And you can't disobey him—is that
what this is all about?”

It was truly frightening, detective Ramiris' version of "mystery" guesswork.

She is obviously always making the wrong inferences, but still somehow ended up with the right
answer. This time, it was a brilliant hit.

“That's amazing, it’s actually the right answer……”

With most of the pawns in Feldway's hands being used, the expectation is to execute this battle
perfectly, with two main purposes in mind.

One is to assassinate Masayuki.

The other is to destroy the maze.

Capturing the labyrinth is hard work, and there's the danger of the plan going off track. Feldway, in an
effort to guard against this, thought it important to get Ramiris in his hands as soon as possible.

With the idea of eliminating all elements of uncertainty, Feldway formulated the battle plan, and Dino
merely acted at his behest.

“Hmph…you parted ways with Feldway because you were a delinquent, right? That guy's a first-rate
honor student. You and him must have a soft spot for each other.”

“Wait, I'm not a delinquent, okay? I just like being lazy a lot. However, even if it really is depressing to
follow that guy's orders, and even if I'm much more comfortable with that guy staying in the other

Even without further contact, their past relationship still remains, said Dino.

“So it is. So, all the attackers are Originals? Isn't that bad!? You should just ignore Feldway's orders
and come to the other side!”
It was a relief to Dino to hear that Ramiris was not bothered to make such a request, but he still could
not nod his head in agreement.

“Unfortunately, I have my own problems.”

In fact, Dino found it incredibly strange that he couldn't disobey Feldway himself. But even so, he
simply rejected Ramiris's proposal.

“It seems…that you are serious. That's quite a lot of nerve. That guy (Rimuru) is your opponent, one of
the "Eight Star Demon Lords!” Rimuru will be on dead set on guarding this place once he returns!”

Ramiris made her determination clear.

“So it seems. As a matter of fact, I really don't want to work, and this world of having food without
doing anything is truly ideal. I just can't help it. I'm sorry to say that I can't be merciful. Don't worry, I
won't kill you. Just try and get rid of me here.”

Dino returned to his usual languid expression and replied with a wave of his hand.

In this way, the negotiations are no longer concluded.

The time for dialogue has come to an end and the battle has begun…


"Kill him, Beretta-chan!”

Ramiris seemed to be getting some energy and shouted with excitement.

She certainly wasn't going to go up and fight for herself.

That was as Dino had expected, so he decided not to tease her and instead tried to see what Beretta had
in mind first.

The "control room" became a battlefield.

Despite the large space, there were plenty of obstacles such as tables and chairs, and the environment
was not suitable for fighting, so Ramiris wanted to relocate the environment.

But Dino wasn't going to agree, as that would most likely allow Ramiris to escape.

So there was no other way around it, and the Alpha girls were scrambling to retrieve important
equipment, regardless of the two confronting each other.

Dino and Beretta also ignored those next to them and engaged in battle.

Dino, out of nowhere, pulled out a large sword of equal length and posed.

This great sword is called the “Kuzurekiba (Crumbling Fang).” It is a single-bladed sword with a thick
body, and appears to be so powerful that the weight alone is enough to break an opponent.

Dino wore only his usual breastplate and cloak, which was heavily in contrast with the heavy weapon,
but he still looked natural and well-formed.
“How’s the performance of that sword?”

“Converted to an existence value, it’s…one million.”

Alpha couldn't hide her surprise at what the report said.

“What the hell, a mythical!? Just one stinking Dino, that must be a foul!”

Ramiris muttered incoherently and loudly in annoyance, while Dino just took it as a whisper.

Dino held the “Crumbling Fang" poised above his head.

On the other hand, Beretta is empty-handed.

However, the source of Beretta's flesh were the magic steel figures made by Rimuru, which were now
fused with Beretta's magic and had transformed into living magic steel.

The shape remained the same as when Rimuru made it, but the strength was incomparable, In addition,
it was wrapped up with Beretta's magical aura, and no normal weapons would work against it.

Beretta is a legendary class weapon, the hardest in the maze.


Dino casually swung down his large sword.

Beretta didn't hesitate to sidestep and duck.

Not having a weapon in hand would not be a disadvantage, but this time the situation was bad.

Beretta's existence value was over 400,000, which was supposed to be on par with Dino, but with the
mythical equipment being used, he couldn’t fight him easily.

A barehanded Beretta concentrates on ducking under and avoiding Dino’s swords from the front. If he
gets hit by the blade, then Beretta will be instantly destroyed.

And even worse…

“The existence value of Lord Dino has ballooned from 400,000 to 2 million! The total is three million,
how overwhelming…” Alpha reported desperately.

However, Beretta was unfazed.

Ramiris wasn't surprised either, as if taking it for granted.

“Somehow, he seems to have fooled the existent value meter, which means that there is room for
improvement. Also, Alpha, don’t refer to Dino so politely!”

“Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm still a demon lord, right?”

“Noisy! Beretta, you don't have to be polite to him either, and hurry up and show your real power! Let
that fool taste heaven's judgement!”

“I don't have the power to do so. But if it's an order, then I’ll give it my all.”
Beretta is still struggling.

Although the existence value is only a reference, a difference of more than seven times is still too large.
Despite feeling inwardly that Ramiris can be really unreasonable, Beretta responded to his master's
expectations by watching Dino closely.

“It's not easy dealing with you, either.”

“I don't want to be told that by an enemy, but I won’t deny it”

Beretta responds while concentrating on dodging, circling Dino. Defense is not necessary as long as the
attacks don’t hit.

The key is to think differently.

Beretta’s whole body is a weapon, and his bare hands were not disadvantageous. Rather, they can be
used for a variety of attacks. On the other hand, Dino was dressed in light clothing and the only thing that
needed to be guarded against was the Crumbled Fang. As long as an attack hits, there is a lot of damage.
This is true of both sides.

Because of this, there was a chance of winning, and Beretta continued looking for opportunities.

For Beretta, who is a "Holy Demonic Doll,” the changing of his attributes is a masterpiece, and using
the unique skill "Reverser" to constantly switch attributes and explore Dino's weaknesses, every move is
calculated in order to make the situation work in his favor.

Dino, on the other hand, was restless.

“Geez, you're definitely a dependent of black, by the way. These tactics are so annoying, but they work
just right.”

“I'm honored by your kind words.”

“Who's complimenting you!?”

Even dialogue is used as a weapon as Beretta tries to turn the tables on himself.

There is no room for error.

Thanks to the fact that Beretta was not impatient, he barely manages to maintain the status quo.


Dino, on the other hand, correctly recognizes the status quo and understands that this situation is not
good for him.

A failed sneak attack was a big mistake.

Needlessly leading to more battles, the plan is thwarted into chaos.

Beretta and Dino are worlds apart in existence value, but their skill levels aren’t too far apart. Although,
it’s also obvious that Beretta is nearing his limits. But this was Ramiris's labyrinth, and even if Beretta
died, he could come back to life. He didn't have to worry about his remaining mana drying up, nor would
he be hurt by using excessive power.

Still, even with the protection of the labyrinth environment, there are limitations to overtaking the
decisive power gap. Beretta has more heart than strength.

Still, it's remarkable that he’s a dependent of black. I didn't think it would be so hard.

Dino upped the ante on Beretta.

If it had been Charys or Treyni left here instead, it would have been much easier.

Those two were by no means weak either, except that angels had an overwhelming advantage over

Also, there is too much of a difference in combat experience. Beretta lives up to the name of ‘Black's
dependents’ and has a skill level that rivals Dino's.

Even in the face of death, he had the courage to judge Dino's attack calmly, not only refusing to give up
victory, but even enjoying the situation a bit.

Even if Dino intentionally misses and creates an opening, Beretta doesn’t take the bait, and that alone is
commendable. Dino was even more surprised that Beretta could still hurt him with the occasional

The Fallen Angels were not good at dealing with holy attributes, but it was not a fatal weakness either.
However, Beretta's attacks can do damage to Dino.

His attacks combine the attributes of Holy and Demonic, and has the properties that Dino's "Defense
Barrier" cannot prevent.

In fact, Dino judged that such an attack was impossible to defend against. The same is true for Spiritual
attacks—as long as willpower cannot override the opponent, it is bound to hurt.

Dino, as an original seraphim angel, was familiar with the laws of this world, but the fact that a single
unique skill had caused damage to Dino was surprising enough in itself.

What's even more commendable is Beretta's amazing combat acumen.

However, Dino is also getting used to Beretta's movements.

A gap is created when wielding Kuzurekiba, as Dino himself knows well. Beretta's use of this gap to
accumulate attacks was unexpected for Dino, but it was within tolerance.

Dino's attack couldn't even rub against him, and at first glance it looked like he was being suppressed
by Beretta, but “Crumbling Fang" could easily cut through the body of living magic steel.

It would only take one hit to turn the tide, which in Dino's opinion, is not a problem.

Beretta was also well aware of the situation and was stalling for time, seeing that his cumulative attacks
wouldn't break Dino, and went further to follow through on his defense.

After all, it's the right thing to do. For Beretta, just guarding Ramiris is a victory. Dino wasn't stupid
either, seeing right through Beretta's heart.
As long as Ramiris remains, the people in the labyrinth will not die. Conversely, as soon as Ramiris is
killed, it is immediately over. There was no guarantee that the maze would be safe if Ramiris was
abducted, so it was only natural that Beretta prioritized buying time.

If this goes on, the result will be exactly what Beretta wants.

However, it won't be that easy.

Kind of a shame for Beretta, Dino still has a final hand.

Dino had accompanied Beretta until now because of the need to make Beretta immobile, and it was too
much trouble to fight an opponent who would come back to life after death.

Originally, Dino just had to capture Ramiris before Beretta came back to life, but the others were sure
to get in the way.

If he attacks with the intent to kill, it would affect Ramiris.

Dino was sincere in not wanting to kill Ramiris, and this became the shackle that bound himself to the
current situation. This is a hassle, really. It would take so much work to disable Beretta alone. It's just that
it's easier to beat him. Forget it. It's ready anyway…

“Beretta, you've done well enough. ‘Fallen Hypno (Slothful sleep)…’”

Dino unleashed his power.

This is a non-killing, wide range, powerless attack of the unique skill 'Sloth'.

All living beings fall into a sleep where they are unable to wake up until the caster releases them, and it
is pointless to try to resist by force of will. As a high level powerful power of the Great Sin system, as its
name implies, the difficulty is that it takes a lot of time to activate this power.

However, only the owner of an ultimate skill can resist, and it's no exaggeration to say that this terrible
attack is the strongest unique skill.

Dino took as steady a course as possible to neutralize Beretta and the others.

He had no intention of harming Shinji and Alpha, who were protecting Ramiris in this "control room".

And then there's Vesta, who was the first to sleep, and whom Dino respected as his boss. After spending
a lot of time with Shinji and the others at work, he had unknowingly taken them for companions as well.

I really don't want to betray them if I can.

However, Feldway's order was absolute and could not be disobeyed in any case.

“That's it, that's it. I don’t think it’s bad. I'll persuade Feldway to see if he can leave the place alone.”

Confirming that Beretta was gradually slumping, Dino muttered. He glanced at the sleeping Ramiris,
thinking that he'd finally done his job, and was about to extend his hand towards Ramiris…

“I won’t let you do it.”

At that cold voice, Dino stopped his hand.

“I’m serious…”

Dino looked back and there stood a woman.

The slender hairs of her body glowed with gold and silver.

Her exoskeleton, which protects the key parts, is a living magic steel with a black sheen.

Two pairs of blue wings on her back, like morpho butterflies, share the same color as the compound
eyes on her forehead, exuding a mysterious charm.

The woman’s identity is Apito who has woken up from her evolutionary sleep. The color of her various
parts has changed, yet her shape is still the same as it was before the evolution.

Whether it is psychological or not, it feels like she has become more beautiful. As the Insect Queen, she
exudes an aura of majesty and is more queenly than ever.

“Apito…just in time to destroy my Holy Demonic Core.”

Thanks to the demon race not needing sleep, Beretta barely resisted the “slothful sleep.” Despite being
stuck in a state of low activity, he did his best to ask Apito.

“Lord Beretta…"

“You can't move, but you're still conscious?”

Dino, out of surprise, reacted with a slower tap, and was unable to stop Apito.

Without asking, Apito shot her own poisonous needle, destroying Beretta's "Holy Demonic Core.”

Apito's Renewable Vibrating Poison Needle Sword easily cuts through the sturdy lifeform magic steel.
She could generate vibrating poisonous needle swords within herself, constantly regrowing them.

Even without evolution, it's estimated that it will not kill Beretta.

Beretta laughed.

“Heh, heh, heh, well done. In this way I will die and rise unharmed. I'll leave you here for now, Apito.”

Although Beretta had retired from the Ten Lords of Labyrinth, he still held the position of Deputy
Secretary of Ramiris, who had the authority to give orders to the Labyrinth Lords.

“Understood. Unfortunately, I am unlikely to win, so I look forward to your return soon.”

Contrary to what was said, there was confidence of victory in Apito's voice. Dino sensed her tone too,
grumbling annoyingly.

“No way…that's an accurate judgment…so there’s no way to take advantage of it.”

Dino's sentiment is correct.

After being entrusted to Apito, Beretta disintegrated into a particle of light and disappeared.
After that, Apito soared beyond the speed of sound.

The fighting in the "control room" intensified even further.


This is annoying. That is Dino's unvarnished sentiment.

Apito was no match for Dino either, but he still couldn't kill her in the maze.

Even if he wanted to finish her off quickly before grabbing Ramiris, Apito used her speed advantage to
hinder Dino, not engaging him head-on, thoroughly implementing the tactic of moving in and out flexibly.

The evolved Apito, whose fighting style can be described as a speed specialization type, understands
her characteristics well and makes full use of them. Her existence value is around 700,000, but was still
equal to Dino in terms of speed alone.

Besides, even if it took some effort to kill him, Beretta had returned by that time. It didn’t even take a
minute, to be over.

Even if Dino is far above them, the time he has to buy now doesn't even last ten seconds, just Apito
alone would have been enough.

In this way, Dino had little means left.

The safest way to do this is to let Beretta and Apito fall asleep at the same time.

Dino calmed down and tried to unleash his unique skill 'Sloth' once more.

There are two opponents and it takes time to launch the unique skill.

So Dino stopped panicking, as if out of the fight, let his mind smooth out and began to ascertain the
condition of his companions.

The first thing that stands out is Velgrynd, who is victorious in the Battle of the Monsters, and Rimuru,
who is fighting her.

How did he get out!? And, he’s actually fighting Velgrynd equally! Honestly, he was stunned.

According to Feldway, the Demon Lord Rimuru and his commanding officers were sealed off in
Velgrynd's otherworldly realm.

Rimuru is able to calculate his own coordinates through the “soul corridors" between him and his
companions. But Dino, who is unaware of this, is puzzled and even more surprised by Rimuru's strength.

Facing the invincible Velgrynd, Rimuru even managed to suppress the opponent.

Dino couldn't help but feel anxious.

If we don't move forward with the fight, it might be bad.

Dino turned his gaze to the others.

The key to Feldway's strategy, first and foremost, is to capture Ramiris. Dino had initially stayed in the
labyrinth because of Guy's orders, purely by chance. It was just unfortunate that it was something that
Feldway wanted.

Dino was relutant, but only he had access to the most heavily guarded "control room,” which was a job
assignment, so he had to give it up.

Whereas, the invasion route of Feldway and the others was based on a bold campaign. To incite
Velgrynd to destroy the labyrinth in order for her to call Veldora out.

Dino was naturally startled, but the battle was easily won. Then, Feldway took the lead himself and
launched the invasion strategy.

Along with Feldway, two of the "three admirals" and five generals brought by Zalario, eight in all,

Two top executives have been invested in this campaign, which is a lot of work.

One of the remaining "three admirals,” Obera, guards the phantom palace in the depths of the
Otherworld. When Dino heard about the battle, he could hardly hide his surprise at their drastic action.

The two who had infiltrated the human country were also ordered to take part in the operation.

Originally, they were Dino's minions, but this time Feldway had taken them into his own hands.

The task of these two is to keep the maze in a state of destruction.

This is insurance in case Dino fails.

The labyrinth could be considered a prison under Ramiris's control, and it would take some work to get
out of it. To avoid such a state of affairs, Feldway had saved his hands in advance.

Dino cared the most about his two subordinates, first confirming where they were on the screen.

Hey hey, no way. With Pico and Garcia as opponents, it's amazing that they can fight evenly…

Pico was a petite maiden of beauty, and Garcia was a tall warrior woman.

As Veldora lost to Velgrynd, the metropolis that had been isolated in the labyrinth returned to the
ground, and at this point it was Geld who stepped forward to guard the metropolis. Dino didn't even think
he could act as a rival to Pico and Garcia.

Barrier Lord" Geld plus “Chimeric Lord" Kumara. By the way, Kumara had a group of illusionary
beasts, right? No, it can’t be the bloodline of Ivaraj, the demon dragon… No, no, no, no…

The thought flashed by, and even he dared not continue to imagine it, and nervously dismissed it.

You're really of the Twelve Patrons of the Demon Lord, Dino thought as he shifted his gaze to the other

In sight was Zalario, of the "Three Admirals" who was fighting.

Oooooh, Zalario's as strong as ever. He doesn't seem to have shown any real skills at all, and he
doesn't even have to face Charys and Treyni.
His nostalgic old co-workers were still as strong as ever.

It was already felt at the time that he was terrifyingly strong, and even after thousands of years he was
still creepy to look at on the screen. He looked fine so he checked out the next image.

Cornu? I heard you were in a big hurry because you lost so badly in the invasion decades ago.

As Dino had guessed, Cornu was sinking into anxiety.

And no wonder.

Having lost all the legions in the previous fiasco, and having been badly wounded himself, it would
have taken decades to heal. If he fails this time, presumably he will be purged by Feldway.

Moreover, Feldway should also be hiding next to Cornu by now, and it was estimated that Cornu felt
doubly pressured and isn’t performing as he normally would.

Unlucky guy. However, Masayuki is indeed weak, and the man in front of him doesn’t look like a big
deal. Although I’m quite concerned about that dependent of Black, Venom, he seems to be just a
newcomer who can't be compared to Beretta. It should be fine.

Dino and Cornu didn't have that great a relationship, so he didn't worry about him much.

Even if Cornu fails, Feldway will deal with it. In other words, it can be assumed that the battle is well

After settling down, Dino's lazy mind got mixed up in the distractions.

Hmm, but it's incredibly strange. Why do I have to worry about whether the battle will be successful or
not? I don't understand.

This is quite an important point of doubt.

Dino couldn't erase his sense of dissonance about the battle anyway, and couldn't figure out the reason
for it, like a lump in his heart. It felt like he was still a little short of figuring it out…

But unfortunately…

“What are you playing at? Dino, it's almost time for me to move out, so you can fulfill your purpose.”

And so ended the leisurely time.

Che, I just don’t want to work, really.

Dino has no grudges against Beretta and Apito, but in fact rather likes them.

That's why he’s extra bored about this order.

But…orders cannot be disobeyed.

It couldn't be helped, so Dino decided to show his true talent.

After ordering Dino again, Feldway continues to watch the Cornu’s battle in the shadows.

Cornu has some tendencies to be overconfident, but he is also a reliable minion. Cornu was a comrade
who, like Feldway, was given a name by Veldanava, and therefore, Feldway valued him highly.

But on the other hand, Cornu played a major blunder in his last invasion and lost a third of his entire
army. At that time, the opponent was just an otherworldly world with an overwhelming advantage in
battle power.

But it was enough to disappoint Feldway against him.

Cornu was also well aware of this, and this time instead of his usual style of playing with the enemy, he
was desperately trying to finish the job.

That being said, Feldway was not happy. The “Three Admirals” must be overwhelmingly strong and
must not be fooled by the weak.

Even now, Cornu had surprisingly missed an opponent who could be killed in a single blow.

He was completely trapped by the enemy.

So furious that he was speechless, Feldway looked back and released a killing intent from his anger. He
kept telling himself to calm down with his self-control before he barely managed to suppress his killing
intent. Then, leaving Cornu alone, moved to dispose of Masayuki.

On the other hand, Masayuki, who was on the run, felt very upset.

Every step felt heavy.

He couldn't accept that he was the only one who had escaped.

Of course, scary is scary, but abandoning a companion is even scarier. If anything, he feels like he’ll
never forgive himself in this life.

Masayuki stopped in his tracks and looked back.

He saw his companions fighting in the distance.

Minute seals the enemy's movements, using the vampire's immortality as bait, while Calgurio and
Venom wait for the opportunity to attack.

It's worth mentioning Jiu's help, as she deftly occupies the spell casting point and blocks Cornu's mass
destruction attack.

A team that is clearly a makeshift patchwork, but has excellent coordination.

However, if one person is missing then the team will fall apart.

“Hey, Masayuki…”

“Bonnie, I'd better go back, after all. I’m always afraid to reveal my true self and never really get a
chance to speak my mind…But I really want to become better friends with everyone. I may be a coward,
but I don't want to be a scumbag.”
I'm glad I spoke my mind. At that moment, the "Voice of the World" sounded in his head.

—Acknowledgement to the Hero's "Courage Not to Run.” Satisfying the three conditions, the hidden
power of the unique skill 'Chosen One' has been liberated. Activate? YES/NO—

Huh? Masayuki was puzzled.

He was worried about whether he had done something again, but was relieved to know that it wasn’t
the case. Although there was little interest in hidden powers, he agreed to approve it for now.

—Confirmed. New power has been added to the unique skill “Chosen One…” and has succeeded. The
"Spirit Guide" has been launched.—

The obscure instructions echoed in Masayuki's mind.

While wallowing in this nostalgic feeling, Masayuki gradually understood his own power.

The ‘Chosen One’ has the effect ‘Hero's Aura’ to intimidate opponents, the ‘Hero's Blessing' which
gives courage to his companions, and the ‘Hero's Charisma’ and Hero’s Action, which makes things go in
a good direction and receive praise. These are the powers that Masayuki has now.

The addition of the 'Spirit Guide' seems to be a power that can make him a heroic banner.

Um, it guides the soul of the dead? I become a vessel? What the hell is this? If it's premised on the
death of a companion, then it's fine not to have this skill…

Sure enough, another skill that doesn't work for crap. Originally, Masayuki wasn't expecting much
though, so he wasn't too disappointed.

As long as it doesn't get worse, it's enough.

“Masayuki, you…”

“So, Bonnie, why don't we go back?”

Masayuki pulled back to the topic.

The power to hide has been put behind us.

“Got it. If you say so, then I'll go along with it.”

Bonnie scratched his head and gave up.

The two laughed bitterly and prepared to go back to the group, at which point things took a major turn
for the worse.


Feldway made his move.

He didn't put Bonnie in his eyes, only knew that Bonnie would get in the way if he wanted to take
Masayuki away.
Bonnie had completely let his guard down and would be killed with a single blow. No, it would be the
same whether he was wary or not, because to Feldway, Bonnie was nothing but dust.

Unfazed by the wind, completely shielding the dwelling breath, Feldway was about to draw his sword
and slash Bonnie's head off.

However, there was a crisp tapping sound.

It was the sound of swords clashing with swords.

“In the way? Who is it?”

Wiping away a moment's surprise, Feldway questioned the other.

The answer was given by a young girl wearing a "mask".

"I'm Chronoa, doing the "Hero" business.

There was silence for a moment, and Feldway smiled.

"I didn't expect to meet a Hero here, so I'll introduce myself. I’m Feldway, Feldway the Demon King.”

Hearing the name, Chronoa remained calm, she was in complete sync with Chloe's consciousness and
now she was just a cold fighting machine.

"Demon King? ''Hmph, you are the leader of the Demon Clan, right? I couldn't let go of the evil in
front of me, so I showed up just in time for me to eradicate the threat to humanity.”

"Heh heh heh, that's bold enough. I'll tell you what it means to be self-aware, you idiot.”

As soon as the words fell, Feldway, in his red uniform, took the lead, and the figure of Chronoa, in her
white uniform "Holy Spirit Armor", disappeared.

The glow of red and white dazzled in front of Masayuki's eyes, and the two vanished from view at the
same time, leaving only the sound of sword blades clashing in succession.

Not to mention the shockwave, not even a whisper of wind.

This battle is staged in realms beyond the imagination.

The masked girl who had helped Masayuki before, now saved him from a crisis. Even if Masayuki
understood that, he could not help the young girl who called herself Chronoa.

"Well, what are we going to do about it…?”

“If we care about it, we'll lose, and we'll just do what we can. So, hurry up and help everyone!”

Just by hearing the sound of sword strikes ringing in his ears, Bonnie sensed that Feldway's target was
himself, and was completely unresponsive to the sword strikes, also understanding that the enemy and
himself were not in the same dimension.

It wasn't that the current Bonnie was weakened, he couldn't possibly have a fight with Feldway
anyway, it was a world of difference.
Since there was no point in fleeing, the right thing to do was to act simply and decisively - the ideas
that Bonnie had been taught when he was a soldier now came in handy.

"Got it. Although I don't know who that Chronoa is, let’s leave her to it!”

Masayuki was used to improvising in the face of unexpected situations.

So it's off to a good start.

Chronoa and Feldway couldn't focus on Masayuki and Bonnie, their swords and shadows kept
intersecting, which actually only lasted a short time.

In just a few seconds, countless attacks and defenses were being played, and it seemed that they would
never be able to tell the difference between winning and losing, and that's when Feldway realized it.

"Ha ha ha ha! What the hell, it's here. Sure enough, Lord Veldanava was expecting my victory too!”

"Suddenly what?”

“Hmm, it's okay if it’s you. No, you and I will be companions from now on, so it wouldn't hurt to talk
to you.”


“Now, obey my will, Sariel the King of Hope!"

It's an absolute command.

The ultimate skill of the angelic ultimate skill series cannot be defied by Michael's “angelic

"What have you…done…?”

"Ho? Is there still a residual sense of self? The most powerful "hero" of them all, the famous Chronoa.
But it's only a matter of time before you fall into my hands, so resistance is futile.”

Feldway was ecstatic about his luck.

In the long history, the fame of the “hero" Chronoa’s, bravery even reached the empire, and the "King
of Hope" was born in her body, supposedly a blessing from God.

As Feldway had expected, Chronoa fell to his knees.

"I am, Sariel. Give me the order, Lord Michael…”

Chronoa took off her mask to reveal her beauty. It was the cold words that came out of her pale cherry-
colored lips.

Feldway couldn't help but be sure of his victory.

Thus, Feldway made an extremely bad judgment at this point.

Although not the main body, the strongest hero who fought evenly with himself, plus one of his own
beloved "three admirals" Cornu. As long as these two are present, his purpose can be easily achieved.

So Feldway…

"Good. You go and assist Cornu and kill the boy. I've got work to do on the ground, so I'll leave it to
you after that.”

…gave a command and left the maze.


Seeing Masayuki and Bonnie who had rushed back, Venom really wanted to sigh up at the sky.

Not that there is a complaint.

He felt the scent of terror swell in the direction of Masayuki's escape and thought the mission was
about to descend into despair.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so relieved!”

"Hahahaha, the enemy is still here. It's a little early to say that.”

"That's right.”

Venom admitted as much.

Cornu is strong. Despite the clear advantage in the maze, he is overwhelming, not to mention winning,
and now I don't even know if I can survive.

Even so, seeing Masayuki's face, he was relieved for some unknown reason.

An inexplicable surge of confidence emerged, a feeling that there was always a way.

Minute and Calgurio were in the same mood, and their faces were a little better than just now.

"Kekeke, although it’s a little out of place, I feel happy.”

"I feel the same way. It's like riding the battlefield with His Majesty.”

The imperial soldiers laughed.

The vampires, who had nothing to do with them, also raised their wariness.

And Cornu, on the opposite side, was in a state of confusion.

He was originally planning to launch an attack, when another Masayuki appeared.

I thought there was a mistake in the grasp of his position, but on a second look, there are indeed two
Masayukis. That is, one of them is a fake. Needless to say, one was Jiu in disguise and the other was the
real Masayuki.

"How dare you underestimate me! Bunch of stinky bugs, still hanging around!”

But even if Cornu got more ramped up, he couldn't see which one was real. By presence, the strong and
the weak are about the same, both are not enough to distinguish the existence.

That's why it's even more troublesome. If Cornu becomes serious, both could be involved and killed.

In this way, there is no telling where the other party will flee to. So Cornu had to tighten his nerves
even more to avoid a wrong-handed kill.

And that's when the savior appeared.

"You are Sir Cornu, are you not? My name is Sariel. I come at the command of Lord Michael.”

An unfamiliar girl who flew by at such a high speed that his eyes couldn't keep up with, offered to
assist him herself.

Cornu didn't doubt what she said, as she called herself Sariel and could sense it was Michael's person
by hearing the name.

"That's a big help. I'll leave the right one to you. Don't kill him. Take him alive.”

Cornu had picked one at random, not sure if it was luck or misfortune, he was really just lucky.


Sariel nodded, then turned her gaze to Masayuki.

Masayuki sensed the sight and began to hurry…

Their eyes met.

And Sariel? The girl called herself Chronoa before, but she didn't know what was going on, so she
turned against the enemy in such a short time. Furthermore…

Masayuki was in confusion and despair, but Chronoa's beauty was too stunning to feel horror at all.
Rather, there is no longer time for fear.

What's going on!? This girl is…super cute!!!

She is so cute that Masayuki forgets that he is in a fight.

In a word, yes! It's the perfect way to describe a girl who's super beautiful.

Masayuki and a certain blonde demon king came to the same conclusion.

‘Don't wear a mask in the first place!’ Masayuki started complaining about such pointless little things.

In front of such dull thoughts, there is implicit hope.

Sariel reached out and drew her sword, and Masayuki was ready to die, and perhaps it was this that
caused all sorts of thoughts to bubble up in his head like a walking horse.

This pretty girl is really no joke. This girl is the cutest I've ever seen…

Just as this thought bubbled up, he suddenly felt a vicious chill.

It's not good to think about it any longer, the survival instinct was screaming with all its might.

So Masayuki chose to trust his instincts.

—Not true. Second place. That's right, second cutest. The first is, of course…

What comes to mind at this time is the blue-haired beauty last seen in the original world.

Yes, yes, that's her! Gentle cute type, and mature and sexy. A perfect score…

On the verge of death, the Masayuki’s delusions cannot be stopped.

However, this was the right thing to do.

—Confirmed the “Hero’s True Love.” The fourth hidden condition has been fulfilled. The unique skill
“Chosen One" has evolved into the ultimate power "King of Heroes.”—

Huh? Masayuki was stunned.

Instead of calling it love, it's more of an annoyance. Why is it glorified as love? It was too
embarrassing to complain.

Before that.

Why did I get an ultimate skill without doing anything!? I have to earn up to it!

Masayuki shouted in his mind.

It's too forced—Masayuki even wanted to question the Voice of the World.

However, even complaining about the results doesn't change it. Moreover, even if one obtained the
ultimate skill, which one did not even know how to use, it was impossible to defeat the Sariel in front of
one's eyes.

I did my best, so I'll die a handsome death.

Masayuki thought it over and smiled painfully.

This laugh has an effect on the crowd.

"Protect His Majesty!!!”

The outer soldiers, who had previously felt themselves in the way, rushed forward to attack defiantly.
Even the soldiers far away was greatly affected, and the change produced by the person next to him
was dramatic.

“Power gushing up. I feel like I can't lose. That's what I'm talking about!”

Calgurio shouted loudly, slashing at Cornu. For a moment Cornu was scared in the face of a
surrendering attack from Calgurio, who had been holding on to his guard.

Minute doesn't lose to him either.

"At your command, men of the Empire! Show us our beauty to the Emperor!”

While inspiring the soldier on the one hand, he himself did not take his eyes off of Sariel, constantly
applying pressure with the 'suppressor'. Originally, his unique skill didn't work against the ultimate skill,
but this time, even though the effect was minimal, it managed to force Sariel to retreat a bit.

The vampires also strutted their stuff.

"This is incredible! I'm in a good mood, I can do anything!”

Someone forced an attack and still laughed wildly after the lower half of their body was gone.

"Watch this! Take my full power shot…"

There are people who, against all odds, keep dying and resurrecting again and again.

"Hyaaaahaha! So happy!!”

Someone specializing in regeneration ability began to protect soldiers from stray bullets.

The battle became more and more gruesome, and the crowds began their fiercest attack to date.

Why do they do it?

Of course, it's because of Masayuki's power.

Unlike the previous unique skill, it has now become the ultimate skill 'King of Heroes', and can grant
others the minimum amount of protection needed to fight against ultimate skills.

Only those whose existence value exceeds 100,000 can withstand this ability, and those who fail to
reach it will receive a lucky boost. Anyone who is a believer in Masayuki is able to be sheltered by him.

As the saying goes, it is indeed a balance breaker.

Just him standing on the battlefield alone can overturn the uncanny power of the battlefield.

If Masayuki hadn't seen Chloe O’Bell’s face, he wouldn't have awakened to the ultimate skill. One only
has to think about this to understand what a major faux pas Feldway has committed.

All in all, the battlefield fell into a stalemate for a time, barely maintaining its equilibrium for more
than ten minutes.

Of course, it's also impossible to defeat the duo of Cornu and Sariel on this.
However, everything has already been decided.

When Masayuki received the ultimate skill 'King of Heroes,’ the path ahead was already open.

And now, thanks to the warriors who bought time, that moment has come.

Velgrynd disappeared from this "world".

At the same time, the gears of fate began to turn…


—Confirmed. A “Soul Corridor” has been established across time and space with the individual named


Just as Masayuki was puzzled, that person appeared.

At first, he just thought it was a huge mass of magicules.

But that wasn’t the case.

It was a human figure.

A nostalgic, very beautiful woman.

A crimson aura that makes her distinctive blue hair dazzle, the "Scorch Dragon" Velgrynd manifests.

Her eyes contained a domineering aura that could calm everything.

Time felt like it froze and everyone paused without a second thought.

Cornu, also puzzled by the sudden state of affairs, stared at Velgrynd.

Sariel did the same, merely waiting for Cornu's instructions. This was the limit of those who had a
newborn ego.

The Imperial soldiers who were present, all understood instantly.

This person was precisely the strongest presence that had long guarded the Empire.

The intelligence they had up until now was that Velgrynd and Veldora were at war, which did not
appear to be the case.

This is because Velgrynd is hugging Masayuki close at the moment.

In anyone's eyes, it is the attitude of one facing her loved one.

"I've been looking for you a long time, Rudra. Always, always, always, longing to see you…"

After saying that, Velgrynd's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Masayuki. Then, with hands
gently cupping his cheeks, she gave him a passionate kiss…
Masayuki was amazed.

Hey, so soft…No, it's sweet? No, no, wait…!

Masayuki's head exploded and his cool judgment instantly disappeared.

The intimidating beauty hugged him, which was okay, the problem was what happened afterwards.

First—first kiss!!!

The casual coordination of her shirt and jeans was slightly more mature, and with Velgrynd’s beauty,
she exuded a cool aura.

It would be a lie to say I’m not happy about kissing such a beautiful woman.

But the key thing must not be left out.

The beautiful woman, referred to Masayuki as Rudra.

No good, she’s got the wrong person…

It was an atmosphere where he felt like he couldn’t say that she got the wrong person.

That said, this beauty is still kissing right now.

He was going to run out of breath soon.

Be cool, be calm, the more things that come, the more calm you have to be—Masayuki confirmed the
situation once again.

His location is a battlefield.

Right in front of the enemy.

Locked in a hot kiss with a beautiful woman.

Moreover, because the beauty was pressed so tightly against him, Masayuki couldn't help but be aware
of the touch of her ample breasts.

It's almost too comfortable as if ascending to heaven…but I must not enjoy it now! What the hell am I
doing!? The more I think about it, the more confused I get. The only thing I understand is that once I’m
exposed as the wrong person, my life will be over in an instant.

There is no excuse for doing such a thing in full view of the public.

Even for the lucky ones, one cannot expect things to get better.

Enjoying the luck of ascension while waiting for the misfortune to come.

Masayuki stopped thinking.

He was near death anyway, so thank goodness he got to experience kissing at the end. It is fortunate to
have come to such a conclusion that it would be wrong.
His consciousness was gradually getting hazy, and Masayuki seemed to be dreaming.

Just don’t think about it and enjoy the situation.

And that attitude deepened the misunderstanding of the onlookers.

"His Majesty is so skilled.”

"It's a little disrespectful, but I feel the same way. It's a privilege to witness the unwavering love of two
adults that no one can interfere with, and the bond that no one can shake.”

"Lord Velgrynd is like a maiden in love…the dragon of the Empire is in love with His Majesty."

"Hmmm! Then the empire will be at peace.”

None of them harbored ill will towards Masayuki, and there was not the slightest doubt that Masayuki
was the real Rudra.

Masayuki wanted to shout that this was a big misunderstanding, but his mouth was still gagged by

I’ve never even had a girlfriend, so don’t go talking about marriage!!

Masayuki laments the absurdity of this world.

In the end, it was the enemy Cornu who rescued him from this situation.

"Don't be ridiculous, Velgrynd! You should be at the mercy of Lord Michael! Why did you come and
get in my way?”

To Cornu, Velgrynd was just one of the pawns that had been tamed. And now that she had shown up to
get in his way, Cornu erupted into discontent and anger.

"Hey, that's not funny. I'm sorry to bother you, but there's a limit to how stupid you can be.”

Velgrynd finally moved away from Masayuki, glaring unhappily at Cornu.

Even wincing at the sight of her, Cornu didn't stop.

"Shut up! Stop it and hurry up and assist me. Just take that guy you're holding and kill him!”

That was a forbidden sentence.

Cornu hadn't expected his words to touch Velgrynd's rebellious scales.

"Just now, you said you wanted me to kill this man?”

The battlefield went silent.

Only Cornu failed to comprehend the state of affairs, shouting in anger.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Velgrynd. Even if you're stronger, now that my authority is higher than
yours, all you have to do is obey my orders!”
Cornu didn't understand the situation in the end.

There had been no time to perceive that Velgrynd was a different being than before.

"Then go to hell."

It was a shot without mercy.

Velgrynd's rebirth was as powerful as it had ever been before, and through refined magical
manipulation, her precision burned only Cornu cleanly to the ground.

There was no talking back, not even a chance to retort, as Cornu disappeared from this world.

What was even more terrifying was that Velgrynd's attack even spanned space-time, which was the true
power of the 'Space-time Continuous Attack' that she had launched using her new power 'Subdimensional
Jump', and Cornu was wiped out without even sensing a sense of crisis in his being.

"I've let you off the hook for a while now, you idiot. I was close to forgetting my grudge against
Feldway, too, but it seems I can't let it go.”

With that, Velgrynd finished and turned her gaze towards Sariel.

“Oh, this person whose name is actually Chronoa, saved me…”

"Don't worry, I won't do anything, because there's no need. That girl, by her own will, is resisting, and
the proof is that she stands still and does not move. If it's still a concern, just let Rimuru look at it later
and he should take care of it properly. Though I don't think it will be necessary."

Velgrynd finished and took her eyes off of Sariel-Chronoa, and seeing Velgrynd's complete lack of
guard, Masayuki finally relaxed.


And so the battle ended.

There were quite a few people who were as relieved as Masayuki, and there were also others who were
fidgeting from nervousness.

It was the people who knew Velgrynd's identity who were disturbed.

The one who is determined to act is Bonnie, who is standing next to Masayuki.

After all, Bonnie stood the closest to Velgrynd. He went up and knelt down, though his attitude did not
grovel, but rather spoke righteously.

"Your Excellency, I am Bonnie of the seventh digit of the single digit sequence, and I give ask for
Excellency's peace…"

"No need to salute. So, what are you trying to say?”

"Yes! I disobeyed the orders of the chief and gave up the task of killing the teenager named Masayuki. I
know that I deserve to die, so before I am punished, I beg your Excellency to listen to me."
The scene fell silent again.

Listening to Bonnie, the soldiers present realized that Velgrynd was the "marshal", the supreme leader
of the Imperial Army.

Quite a few people were confused, but most accepted the truth.

As the understanding gradually deepened, they also began to see reality.

The losers will be punishable by Velgrynd.

It is useless to resist.

In front of the Marshal, who could destroy even this maze, the only thing left to do was to wait for

They naturally lined up and waited for judgment to come…

In this tense atmosphere, the conversation continued.

"Say what?”

"Our loyalty to the Empire remains the same. Regardless of His Majesty the Emperor's intentions, we
will have to obey orders absolutely. So, please give the soldiers permission to return home! The
executives, including me, do not have any grievances about taking the punishment. But…"

"That's enough.”

The appeal was interrupted, and Bonnie felt despair.

As soon as his fate was decided, Bonnie couldn't help but want to cry in the face of his own

Velgrynd looked at Bonnie and puffed out a laugh.

"Ah-ha, did you misunderstand? Little fools, I thank you for your commendable efforts in guarding my
beloved Rudra.”

All the soldiers fell to their knees in unison.

“So then…?”

"I have no intention of doing anything to you. All that matters to me is Rudra, and since Rudra values
you, then I will protect you as well. That is how it was before, how it is now, and how it will be in the

The words of Velgrynd are gospel.

The soldiers rejoiced.

Touched tears were shed.

Calgurio and Minute were no exception, and were deeply moved by the fact that they had understood
what Velgrynd had said in their hearts.
At the end, the crowd even chanted 'Long live the Empire! Long live His Majesty!’ The cheers were
endless, while Masayuki was wondering what the heck they were talking about.

If I’m hearing what they just said correctly, then they really have mistaken me with Emperor Rudra.
Besides, Bonnie already knows the truth. If it's exposed, I'll be the one who gets hurt. And the kiss…I’ll
definitely be killed…

Masayuki's name was not Rudra, yet no one raised that query. This situation now makes him feel, on
the contrary, that something is wrong.

To be honest, Masayuki was overjoyed about the kiss. But inwardly, he also believe that getting
involved is not the right intention

"Look at you. What's wrong? If there's something you’re worried about, tell me about it."

Velgrynd returns back to a previously alone Masayuki, much to his dismay.

"Huh? No, it's nothing, I don't have a care in the world…"

He was a bit incoherent.

Looking at the unnatural attitude, Velgrynd asked warily, with a worried face,

“Do you not remember me?”

What should be the right answer, Masayuki felt that he was being tested.

The consequences of a wrong answer are unimaginable.

Even though he wanted to say "Give me a break," Masayuki tried his best to use his brain.

If you ask me if I remember, I do. That beauty seen in my original world was, without a doubt, her. But
to say the name…

That guy just now, called her Velgrynd. I remember that Velgrynd was Mr. Veldora's sister…and the
rumors were that she was strong to the point of being outrageous. And she’s said to be a guardian of the
empire or something…

Masayuki's desperate thinking was meaningful, gradually recalling the information from all sides.
Judging by the reaction of the Imperial soldiers, one's own speculation must have been correct, so
Masayuki took a gamble.

“Miss…Velgrynd, wasn’t it?”

Velgrynd, who heard the reply, smiled brightly.

"Yes, that's right! You remember me, Rudra!”

At this point, Luck still hasn't abandoned Masayuki.

Just him saying her name made Velgrynd very happy.

And, not only that.

"By the way, I can see why you were looking so blue. I was so happy to see you, I forgot. Your name is
Masayuki now.”


The situation had improved on its own, and the misunderstanding of his mistaken identity which
Masayuki had been concerned about had been resolved.

Eh, eh, eh, eh!? This person, she knows my name is Masayuki Honjo.

What an absolute relief.

Never since he was born had he felt such heartfelt relief.

The tense nerves all over his body suddenly loosened up, and he felt like he was about to pee.

"Yeah, right. Actually, my name isn't Rudra, but Masayuki, so I'm a little confused about that.”

Masayuki grinned awkwardly while cautiously observing Velgrynd's reaction.

And it wasn't just Velgrynd, the soldiers of the Empire were also a problem.

According to the conversation just now, no matter what they think, they think I'm Emperor Rudra, and
if I tell them I'm not the Emperor at this point, these people will be confused too. I'll be in trouble if I'm
sued for perjury by the Emperor, and then I'll have to prove my innocence!

Although he didn’t know if there was such a charge or not, Masayuki still wanted the truth to come out.

So Masayuki decided to convey his thoughts.

However, Velgrynd didn't mind.

"No problem at all. The value of the Empire is also nothing more than what Rudra owns, it was just
Rudra's hobby that led him to build it. He said the Empire was necessary for him and Guy to win, that's
why I value the Empire. If you say you don't need it anymore, then why don't you just let the empire turn
into clean scorched earth?”

It was a statement of something transcendent like the divine.

The Imperial soldiers were blue in the face.

The eyes of the entire crew gathered on Masayuki.

Stop it! Don't look at me like that!! Don’t take it as my fault!!!

I know, don't look at me like that. Masayuki opened his mouth while feeling such an unnecessary

"No, the empire is important! Mr. Rimuru also said he intended to be friendly with the Empire in the
future and to establish friendly relations after the war.”

In short, it was absolutely impossible to turn the Empire into a scorched earth, Masayuki desperately
stressed this.
And the soldiers of the Empire looked at Masayuki with worshipful eyes as if they had seen a god.

Velgrynd is a ‘just do it’ type of person, and it doesn't take much time for her to do things.

If Masayuki didn't object, the empire would undoubtedly perish, and everyone was well aware of that,
which is why they were so grateful to Masayuki.

“Yeah? Since you say so, I’ll just assist you as usual.”

Velgrynd flashed a smile.

For their part, the Imperial soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Among them, Calgurio, as a representative, raised questions.

“Though all is settled, please let me overstep my bounds. There is one thing I would like to confirm at
any rate.”

You could also tell from the stony expression that he wasn't much for words himself.

"What is it?” Velgrynd asked.

"Yes! It's about the current Emperor, Lord Rudra. What's next for His Majesty Rudra?"

Upon hearing this, Velgrynd also expressed understanding.

"Oh, that's right. After all, you can't see through the soul. The Rudra now is an empty shell, but the one
who has really gathered Rudra's soul is Masayuki, whom I love."

"Huh, me?”

"Exactly. Even without memory, there is no doubt that you are ‘Rudra.’ So I love you and will try to
make you love me too.”


Is there any man who wouldn’t perk up after being told that by a beautiful woman?

No, it doesn't exist!

The same goes for Masayuki.

Although you’re in love with me now, there's no guarantee that this love will last forever, so in order to
keep this luck, I swear to work harder.

But, as for what exactly to do, let's just leave that for later.

It was fortunate that the decision was made, but then something went wrong.

"Then we must make Lord Masayuki the true Emperor!”

"Exactly. But it might not be easy with him being a complete outsider in terms of pedigree. Even if it's
the Emperor's illegitimate son, there's no way to fool it.”

“Wait, what?”

"It doesn't matter. The army will be suppressed by Sir Calgurio, and I will go to the nobility. It's okay,
they can't argue. If it fails, the empire will be destroyed and there will be no time to talk to them at length

Calgurio sets the course and Bonnie asks the question. Minute, for his part, is proposing a solution to
the problem, which the soldiers present intend to fully support.

Just like that, before Masayuki had a chance to interject, the plan moves forward step by step…

"Just do your best, Masayuki."

That…I don't have the right to refuse?

Probably not, so Masayuki had given up.

His legendary life was only just beginning.


Dino decided to show his true colors.

The opponent, who had been able to win easily, was in a bitter fight, and the situation hurt, but it was
time to end it.

"You're still looking around. It's so easy.”

The words fell and Beretta's sharp fist sliced across his cheek.

"What an underestimation, when our adversary is still distracted.”

Apito also shot out the vibrating poison needle sword.

The stab must hurt—Dino dodged it desperately.

Compared to them, my strength should be overwhelming, am I being overconfident? Even with two
opponents at the same time, I didn't expect to be in such a difficult fight.

Being lazy for a long time probably had led to weakening, and Dino lost a little bit of his confidence.

The fact that Dino had time to think about it was proof that he still had the strength, but not the self-

Apito has honed her instincts in special training with Hinata, which is close to predicting the future, and
although the difference in strength between herr and Dino is obvious, she is also an opponent that cannot
be underestimated.

Beretta plays as a wall, while Apito attacks at the back. Beretta, who was a shield, also got involved in
the attack, and the combined attack of the two worked against Dino.
And what’s even trickier is Beretta's magic.

Normal spells are ineffective against Dino, and Beretta's spells are predominantly a support type. That
is, not directly used to attack Dino, but to strengthen his own physical values.

Weakening Dino's magic is ineffective, but Dino has no means to interfere with magic that strengthens
Beretta and Apito's speed, strength and endurance.

While it might help to hinder the unleashing of magic, Beretta was a demon who was good at magic
and could unleashe it without even thinking about it.

Moreover, the ‘slothful sleep' of the unique skill 'Sloth' doesn't work on Beretta. There's also this layer
of reasoning that's gotten Dino into a bitter fight.

But now, finally.

The long-awaited feeling finally piled up and the time to fight back had arrived.

"I'm sick of this! Two people teaming up to bully a weak man like me, and you also talk so much! It's a
good thing I have had the patience to accompany you. Be grateful! Take this and rest!”

After all was said and done, “Slothful Sleep" had been launched, very much in line with Dino's style of
getting by, though there was no concept of openness in his dictionary.

"Phew, is it finally over?”

Seeing Apito gradually fall to her knees, Dino was sure of his victory. His eyes turned their attention to
Beretta—only to be met with an oncoming punch that Dino scrambled to avoid.

"Wow, did you resist my sleep?”

"Of course. It was a mistake to get hit once, how can I get hit twice?”

It was because the demon race itself was highly resistant to abnormal states that Beretta was able to
derive countermeasures and use his own unique skill ‘'Reverser'' to reverse the sleepiness.


"Well, it’s bad for Apito, but I'll just let her die once and come back to life.”

Beretta remained calm in front of Dino.

Dino also foolishly follows his own must-win theories to action, and rather than joke about him, he
actually admires his opponent more.

With me as an opponent, I didn't expect him to be able to fight evenly until now. It's not my fault, it's all
because Beretta and the others are so good. In that case, I'll have to use that…

Dino has a secret move.

Since it would bring back annoying memories, he didn’t want to use it if possible, but now there was
no choice.

“I commend you. You're good enough to make me get serious.”

Dino unleashed his sealed powers.

The ultimate skill, the “Sky King”—the ultimate skill given by Veldanava.

—Confirmed. "The evolution of the unique skill ‘Sloth’ through the 'creation' of the ultimate power of
the ‘Sky King’…has been successful.—

Dino's 'Sloth' had a special nature, the more lazy he usually was, the more his strength would increase.
Simply put, it is possible to accumulate energy.

Dino used this to evolve the unique skill 'Sloth' into the ultimate skill ‘Slothful King Belphegor.’

This is Dino's secret move.

The "Creation Evolution" of the ultimate skill “Sky King".

If you use the power of the ultimate skill "Sky King" you can achieve the evolution you desire, even
though it is limited to your own power.

Of course, there is more than one effect, Dino's ultimate skill 'King of the Sky' is still retained. The
labyrinth is littered with watching eyes, constantly recording what is happening.

Dino, as a “watcher,” is resistant to revealing everything about himself.


That Rimuru guy, is horribly intelligent with a deep sense of recklessness. Even when he got rid of
Clayman, recorded images were brought out as evidence. If my power is exposed then they might easily
find a countermeasure.

Demon lord Rimuru was an opponent not to be underestimated, and one could not be more cautious
against him, Dino knew that.

So Dino created the ‘Slothful King Belphegor' where it doesn't matter if he is seen.

This force, came at Beretta.

“Now sleep! ‘Fallen Catastrophe’…!”

The law is rewritten and the positive factor begins to retrograde to the negative factor. This temptation,
whether they are living or dead, can forcefully lure them from a state of activity to a state of cessation.

However, there is no coercive force in this, and the one who is hit will go to destruction autonomously.

It can be considered a kind of hypnotism, except that the effect reaches different dimensions.

One will not be able to awaken from the slumber of the evolved ‘Slothful King,’ and not only will the
spirit be destroyed, but even the flesh.

In this case, though, the guidance destination was “perish,” but it is also possible to lower the level
further and keep it to abnormal conditions such as sleep. It was a versatile skill.
This power does not use sound as a medium for transmitting interfering waves, so the power cannot be
prevented by physical barriers or the like. It is worth mentioning that there are very few means of defense.

Absolute dominion over those who possess wisdom and feelings—this is the power of ‘Slothful King


One of the Seven Deadly Sins, "Slothfulness," is a true version of the dreaded evolution—and Dino
admires himself for it.

In order to keep Beretta from moving, he was trying to do some thorough damage. So "destruction"
was chosen, but now it appears to be more powerful than expected.

Beretta vanished into dust, so it would still take some time for him to be resurrected. The bracelet was
wiped out along with it, but there was still always a way for Ramiris' powers to work out so Dino didn't

Furthermore, if mercy was shown here, it would be more than just a mission failure.

Don't blame me if you die, Dino thought irresponsibly.

But ah, even Beretta, among Demon Lord Rimuru's men, is only in the middle ranks…

It's only natural that Dino would be pissed off.

Even an opponent as tricky as Beretta was only a lower-ranking existence that had yet to acquire
ultimate skills. And, he wasn't the Demon Lord himself, just one of his minions.

Dino thought while shuddering at the fact.

If the upper ranking team of the maze were left…

Would he even be able to win by himself? Dino thought annoyed, while looking towards Ramiris.

Seeing the sleeping Ramiris, he reached out and touched her body.

He should have been able to touch her.

Ramiris transformed into a particle of light, then disguised herself as a butterfly and fluttered next to

It seemed to be mocking Dino.

Hey, hey, am I hallucinating…?

He didn’t want to believe it, couldn’t believe it.

But if it wasn't an illusion, the current situation wouldn’t make sense.

Sure enough, this battle was being watched.

It's okay to be cautious, but still…

One of his trump cards was also exposed to the enemy.


His next opponent, surely, would be even tougher…

Thud, thud—the sound of someone's footsteps came forward.

The man approached slowly and unhurriedly, the beautiful light butterfly fluttering like a dance,
stopping at his arm.

The butterfly changed back to a particle of light, and then changed again…into the innocent, sleeping
Ramiris who had a blissful expression, seemingly not knowing anything.

Ramiris slept on the man's forearm, and Beretta, who had been resurrected, respectfully received

"Sir Beretta, please take care of Lady Ramiris.”

The man said quietly.

"Yes, leave it to me. Do you need support?”

"No need. I alone am enough.”

From the very beginning, Ramiris' escort was foolproof.

Deep in the safest of labyrinth, heavy traps were laid.

According to a certain someone's instructions, in order to expose the abilities of a quietly approaching
enemy, the battle force was to be gradually dispatched.

Moreover, this maze has the strongest guardians in it.

Before leaving the maze, Veldora had handed Ramiris' escort over to his trusty disciple.

The only one uninformed was Ramiris.

And now…

That man has begun to move.

The man standing before Dino is Zegion, the “Mist Lord".

He was the absolute powerhouse of this maze.


Zegion had cocooned himself for the sake of evolution, but his consciousness was always kept awake.

In response to Veldora's request, he grasped the maze situation perfectly.

With the overwhelming 'Absolute Defense' for protection, Ramiris was kept safe.
Dino recognized this as well.

You’ve got to be joking…

This is Dino's unadorned state of mind.

He had thought he had beaten the enemy, but then another one appeared. All the while with the purpose
of exposing his own hands.

I knew it! That Rimuru guy is so devious, of course he'd love this tactic!

At this point, the battle is lost.

Forget about catching Ramiris, Dino could barely get himself out of this.

Besides, when exactly did he evacuate Ramiris in the first place? I stayed in the room this whole time
and even saw the Ramiris talking. She turned into a butterfly, so she should be long gone, right?

If not, then it was Zegion who had let Ramiris escape in a way that Dino couldn't see through.

But, then…was I talking to an illusion the whole time?

If so, that is also a big problem.

This is an unusual state of affairs.

Dino is the owner of an ultimate skill and is also well versed in the hypnosis department. Even so he
had left Dino in a state of delusion, which is usually not possible.

However, this possibility cannot be dismissed in its entirety.

If Zegion also had an ultimate skill and was proficient in mental attacks…then it might be possible to
use 'illusions' that were enough to fool even Dino.

Dino also knew how powerful Zegion was.

He’s a powerful worm-type beast, but is also a humanoid of the “Insect-Demon Race (Insectars).”
Favored by the demon lord Rimuru, he has exceptionally strong fighting abilities.

It was heard that Zegion had taken Veldora as his teacher, and that his fighting skills were even superior
to those of the “primordials.”

This is Zegion, considered as the absolute king of the labyrinth.

When the Imperial Army invaded the Maze, he eliminated the invaders with an overwhelmingly power.
Taking this opportunity, Dino also observed Zegion's fighting style, which can be said to be invincible in
physical combat.

But most importantly, Zegion had been fighting only with physical means since the beginning. He
hadn't used a spiritual attack at all, let alone an ultimate skill—he hadn’t even seen him use a unique skill.

No. Is the Space Distortion Defense Field alone strong enough to reach the ultimate skill…?
Even then, it was only a physical level of power, still in the realm of being able to deal with, in Dino's
opinion, who was good at mental attacks.

In that case, the only thing that came to mind was the celebration the other day.

That day, in the name of a reward, Demon Lord Rimuru granted Zegion some kind of power, and called
it an evolutionary ritual that awakened the men who had made the battle a success.

In fact, the power of Gabil and others had grown dramatically, along with others who had fallen into
evolutionary sleep.

Those phenomena were similar to the evolution of a demon lord, and it's not surprising that Zegion has
acquired new abilities.

But, isn't that still strange? How come even the subordinates can evolve to the same realm as Master
Rimuru? I can understand that the awakened demon lord’s men are demon lord species, but even the men
are of the awakened demon lord’s level—that’s too much of a foul!!!

A phenomenon that even Dino, who had lived so many long years, could not have anticipated. Even
Guy couldn't do such a thing.

—Well, once it's all said and done, this is unending. Moreover, the mere fact that the "primordials"
were taken as subordinates was already a problem. This kind of guy, no matter what he does, it shouldn’t
be a surprise.

Dino inwardly whispered bad things about Rimuru.

They are the strongest demons, so they would be able to stop Dino. Moreover, the superiority and
inferiority of existence values cannot be relied upon against a “primordial” as an opponent.

To be able to take such an existence under one's wing was an anomaly in Dino's eyes.

Dino would like to be as uninvolved as possible.


Zegion in front of him is comparable to the primordials.

He’s obviously foreign.

More than just becoming a Super Awakened (millions) class, one could feel the endless power in his
domineering aura.

Power over numbers—an aura that only the most powerful can exude.

It's also implied that Zegion, like Dino, has acquired an ultimate skill.

This is why I hate working…

Dino laments that he has drawn the short end of the stick.

Then he sighed as if to give up, but still fumbled for the best way forward. But good ideas are not easy
to come by. And time waits for no-one.

Zegion calmly walked in front of Dino, who was caught up in his rambling thoughts.

"Is there anything else you want to say?” He asked.

"Have you been hiding it all this time to force out my cards? Don't be ridiculous, it's despicable!”

Dino put his actions up until now on the shelf, and was the first to complain.

It's just pure anger, but if it pissed off his opponent, that would help.

"Ridiculous. This is a fight.”

The rhetoric isn't rhetorical, and Zegion doesn't care about that.

Dino also knew, and the conversation ended.

Tension was drawn between the two men.

Dino knew Zegion's strength, which was an advantage for Dino, however his trump card had also been
exposed to Zegion.

In this way, only a head-to-head encounter can take place.

Zegion specializes in close combat, and, while not certain, probably has an ultimate skill.

On the other hand, Dino specializes in mental attacks. No, using his hidden hand is an option, but Dino
wants to try to avoid exposing his trump card in this maze.

Even though a bunch of trump cards have been exposed a long time ago, it would still be a huge loss to
expose them again…

And Dino also naively thought that it should be okay to run away.

“Why don’t you attack?”

Zegion's words were doubly stressful.

Dino used his qi to go back.

"Ha! Don't underestimate me. No matter what, I am also an eight-star demon lord. After living for so
long, who would lose to a weak chicken like you!?”

Then he raised his sword high and swung it down towards Zegion.

“Eat this and perish! ‘Fallen Sky Strike!’”

There is no exchange of tricks, and one giant blow is made. Like a lazy Dino, this is a great technique
that hates waste.

The power of the "Fallen Sky Strike" was also real.

Dino applied his unique skill of "Sloth" to his swordplay and created the "phantom flow", which can
control the battle at will by hindering the opponent's perception.

Now, the unique skill "Sloth" has evolved into the ultimate skill "Slothful King Belphegor", and its
effect is incomparable, so the accuracy and power of "Phantom Flow" is even higher.

Although Dino is a pain in the ass, his combat acumen is outstanding.

But even so…

Dino still didn't think it was a good idea to fight Zegion in close combat. If his powers didn't work,
there was no way to use the Phantom Flow.

So now there can be no more reservations.

This is the "Fallen Sky Strike,” one of the few orthodox sword skills in the "Phantom Flow" that Dino
has put his best foot forward.

The will instilled therein is that of rendering the opponent powerless.

Just rubbing against the opponent takes the life force out of them and also secretly harbors fluctuations
that stimulate negative feelings. This attack is not negligible like illusions and hallucinations, and it is
impossible for those with w weak minds to oppose it.

Only those whose spiritual power was strong enough to acquire ultimate skills would be able to
withstand the attack.

Even so, it is impossible to go injury-free. Dino poured his Idle Will, which also had a physical
destruction effect.

Even if successfully dodged, negative fluctuations are released from all sides. Once in the midst of
fluctuations, one's qi will be depleted and their fighting ability will inevitably decline.

After that, it’s only a matter of aiming for that chance.

This heavily enemy-tricking move was Dino's strongest hit with confidence.

In order to overcome the difficulties at hand, it was best to deal with Zegion with a hard hand.
Although Dino wanted to be reserved, he decided to uphold the no-discharge doctrine in order to make
the task easier.

Even if it was Guy, I don't think it’d be safe to take this blow head-on. So, can you take it?

Dino, convinced of the strike, smiled softly.

Zegion has always seen only Dino’s laziness, and probably did not expect him to use a big move all at
once. Dino was convinced that everything was as planned.

But Zegion didn't move.

It was that he couldn’t react, but that he was just dealing with it.

Zegion confirmed the trajectory of Dino's sword, catching it as he watched for a hit.
The mythical great sword, “Crumbling Fang", which was cut from above, has the secret power to
shatter all substances on the ground. For his part, Zegion calmly caught it with the exoskeleton of his left
hand that had turned into an ultimate metal.

"Dumbass! How can you take my sword head-on!? This time, it's me who wins!” Dino shouted.

The laziness act that came with performing on weekdays finally pays off for this moment.

Actually, he’s not really acting, he just likes to think so.

It was the fastest attack Dino could release, but unfortunately, it was caught by Zegion. It was
inevitable as larger swords tend to sacrifice speed, but in exchange, the power is extraordinary.

The one-handed catch from Zegion deserves credit, as if to indicate weakness in the attack.

But for now, Zegion's left hand must be taking a lot of impact.

His left hand doesn't seem to be shattered, but I guess it won't work for a while. I’m still not moving,
still hanging on.

Dino thought as he looked at the hatefully calm Zegion.

The winner, however, was Dino.

Zegion's Space Distortion Defense field is excellent, but it also only defends against physical attacks.
Dino's "Fallen Sky Strike,” elevated to the ultimate realm, penetrates all physical defenses and strikes,
going straight at Zegion.

Letting my opponent mistake a physical attack for a big sword and fall off guard, when in fact, a lethal
Spirit type attack was used, was my combat victory

Zegion is indeed strong.

That's why he underestimated Dino, presumably to show off his superiority. Because it was the melee
field that Zegion excelled in, Dino predicted that he would deliberately not dodge the attack.

"Huh. Give me a break. I'll have to recycle Ramiris because of the effect of the bracelet anyway.”

Saying that, Dino was about to walk towards Beretta.

But at this point, there was a pause.

Dino felt strange.

First of all, Beretta didn’t raise his guard against Dino.

After many battles, and using killer weapons, the amount of mana left in Dino was already small. Even
so, he wouldn't lose to Beretta, but Beretta's eyes still revealed a victor's calmness.

It was creepy not to see an expression under that mask.

"Do you think you can beat me?”

"Ho ho ho, that’s a joke. I'm not thinking about winning, it’s just that I'm not your opponent.”
Just as the words fell, Dino felt a strong chill of malice.

A few unnatural places came to mind as he looked towards Zegion in a panic, revisiting the stopped

His mythical level strike failed to shatter Zegion’s left hand, which meant that his hand also had an
intensity equivalent to mythical level. If so, it is not surprising that the strength of Zegion's will can rival
that of spiritual beings, and it seems that the correct answer is yes.

“No way…”

"And by the way, is the effect of your attack delayed? You really think you can beat me with a blow
that doesn't hurt or tickle like a breeze?”

Dino inwardly scolded the bastard.

As it turns out, Zegion is the owner of an ultimate skill.

Although it was unknown what power it was, it was at least powerful enough to nullify Dino's spiritual

"Are you doubting that I have an ultimate skill? Then you should have repeatedly attacked harder,
instead of attacking so mildly. That laziness of character is the cause of your defeat this time."

"Don't talk as if you've won!”—in the face of such a shouting Dino, Zegion held out his left hand. The
clasped hands opened wide and shot out five flashes.

This move is Zegion's dimensional cutting wave (dimension ray).

"It hurts…”

Dino scrambled to dodge, barely avoiding a fatal injury, but his right arm below the elbow was cut off

It hurt so much that he wanted to cry, but now was not the time to shed tears and scream.

His instincts warned that it would be really dangerous if this continued.

"So you've got an ultimate skill, too, huh? I didn't realize that even my "hypnotic induction of death"
could be invalidated. Is it true that all mental attacks don't work on you guys?

The "Hypnotic Induction of Death" refers to the Spiritual Death Attack of Dino in the "Fallen Sky
Strike", which is effective as long as the enemy has a mind.

It's a sure-fire power that has nowhere to go.

But Zegion looked as if nothing had happened after he was hit, and it was no wonder that Dino couldn't
accept it.

In order to win, no, to escape, Dino had to solve the puzzle, and even though he knew he would not get
an answer, he still asked the question he had just asked.

"I have no obligation to answer you.”

Zegion was indeed relentless.

However, the next thing he did was give the answer in a cold voice.

"But I will answer the wretched one. The so-called dream, that is to say, is the mystery. From the very
beginning, you have fallen completely into the palm of my hand. Remember, as the Mist Lord, I am the
Dark Phantom King. Spiritual attacks are useless!”

This is the attitude of the strong man who can give mercy to his enemies.

Hearing these words and deducing the facts from them left Dino stunned.

The invalidation of one's own abilities indicates that the opponent is more capable. That is, Zegion has
now evolved to be equal to Dino—no, a being above him.

He’s lying, right? His melee combat is so strong, and yet he’s so good at spirit fighting! And this guy, he
just said he's the Dark Phantom King? In other words, has he reached the point where he can build a
"world alone"? Are you kidding me!? How strong do you have to be to be willing to do this!? This is
never an opponent that can be beaten unprepared!!!

Dino's skills were the strongest in the Great Sin lineage and had just evolved into an ultimate skill. But
even so, he was perfectly blocked by Zegion.

It's no longer something that evolution can explain, and Zegion should have had no ultimate skills until

Dino is definitely not weak.

But his opponents are very strong.

No, they were too overpowering…

This Ramiris kidnapping battle was fundamentally wrong from the start, but became doomed from the
moment Zegion completed his evolution.

Realizing this, Dino sighed heavily.

And upon seeing the other figure that appeared on the screen at this moment, he was completely

Ah, Velgrynd…

The blue-haired beauty, no doubt Velgrynd.

She should have already subdued Veldora and was fighting with Demon Lord Rimuru outside the
labyrinth, but somehow she appeared next to Masayuki.

What bothered Dino even more was not being able to see Cornu's figure.

No way, no way, no way!!

Nasty premonitions always come true.

Dino has understood this from past experience.

Give me a minute! There is so much information and intelligence that understanding can no longer
keep up. That's what!? Feldway's inclusion of Velgrynd at his disposal is actually a lie? Or is she out of
the guy's league? Either way, is it possible that Cornu has been done in by Velgrynd? No, no, no, this, it's
no longer a matter of combat failure, is it?

Dino let Thinking Accelerate run at full speed, trying to make sense of the situation. In the end, he
understood that no matter how hard he tried, the battle could no longer go on.

Dino had originally wanted to run away single-mindedly, but from this moment on, he didn't even have
the energy to work towards it.

For Dino, this feeling was familiar.

"Pray. He who touches the abyss of sin, go to hell in his own penance for sin! ‘Dimension Storm!’”

From the beginning, this venue was the dominant space of Zegion.

This represents a fact.

No matter what Dino does, there's no way he can disengage from this area.

If even the power of concealment is used, there may be a possibility of seeing a glimmer of light. But
even then, the winning percentage was an exaggeration of low, so Dino, who had given up completely,
did not regret it.

Of course, the only other possibility he has now is…

A rainbow storm engulfs Dino, and his existence is obliterated as "nothingness".

Extraordinary high energy storms.

Dino, helpless to do anything about it, had not a sliver of meat left and was erased from the world—as
it should have been.

“Oh, is his prayer in effect? Only bad luck is to be commended.”

Zegion muttered.

The aura of Dino had regenerated, accompanied by the faint sound of something ruined coming from

Zegion has a proper grasp of the situation.

Even hearing that voice remained calm, as everything unfolded as Zegion had expected.


Dino woke up outside the maze.

"Huh, did you win the bet?”

Dino sighed with relief.

The gear is all still there and the physical damage is zero.

“Geez, that's it. Ramiris was merciful enough to let me escape, right?”

After a mutter, Dino looked at the broken bracelet.

It's a cheap purchase from the shop in the labyrinth—yes, the "resurrection bracelet".

Since there are no recorded locations, Dino's resurrection site is, as usual, the ground area of the maze,
so the "resurrection bracelet" also becomes a means for him to get out of the battlefield.

“Not giving me a real bracelet with an unlimited number of times means I've been warned. It's so naive
yet still sweet.”

Dino muttered quietly.

He had used a prop made by the kidnapping target, Ramiris, as insurance. He didn’t care enough to do
such uncivilized things, so Dino is Dino too.

This one was a disposable shoddy item in the mass-produced goods made by Ramiris. Dino gambled
his fate on something like this, and it seems the heavens are on Dino's side this time.

Even if I fall, I’m still an angel.

Dino concluded to himself and looked around. He was going to rendezvous with his comrades who
were fighting with Geld's army and then withdraw as soon as possible.

And he didn't forget to contact Zalario with “thought transmission" to tell him that the battle was lost.

Dino's comrades had been obstructing the re-closing of the maze in order to secure an escape route, and
as long as Zalario didn't leave, they couldn't escape.

Since the battle has been lost, it is not appropriate to stay here for long.

That guy's way over the top, by the way!

I really can't take it anymore—Dino, who recalls Zegion, grumbles again.

Feldway might have raged, but this time alone Dino felt lucky to have survived.

That said, it's probably the first time that Feldway's campaign has failed. Also, it seems that Cornu was
taken out… I don't know how, but I really shouldn't be hostile to Demon Lord Rimuru…

In fact, Dino, who was reluctant from the beginning, wondered why he had agreed to this strategy to
begin with.

The thought of what came next made Dino feel depressed.

All in all, since Zegion had become such a monster, the possibility of taking the maze by a frontal
attack was hopeless.

Not just Zegion, but all the upper executives of the Jura Tempest Federation were monsters.
It was not yet known what state Rimuru and the rest were in, but it was enough to foresee that
something absolutely terrible had changed.

That's why I don't want to do this!!!

Dino was supposed to be living peacefully in the maze.

But still, this had happened.

Even though he had to have a job, he still felt melancholy.

Don't know what Feldway was thinking, all in all he probably wouldn't give up on this. But it really
isn't possible…

Perhaps, this was the biggest chance for his side to win.

Lose this opportunity and there will be no next—Dino has understood the status quo.

In addition, there was another problem.

Aah, I won’t be able to go back anymore because of this hostile relationship.

The time of living in the labyrinth was very comfortable for the lazy Dino.

It was work, but it was fun to give Vesta help, and his relationship with Gabil was good, getting help
from each other in various ways. Also, Dino felt happy whenever those researchers came up with
something new.

During the course of his boring days, Dino had developed a sense of companionship with Vesta and the

And one more thing.

Perhaps everyone had forgotten that Dino had come over here in the first place because of orders from
Guy. In other words, he had spy missions to report the situation inside the labyrinth to Guy.

Dino doesn't think Guy really expects anything from him, but he still feels it’s a little bit unbearable.

He’s a pain in the ass when he’s angry…

Let's be honest, it was super troublesome.

It was just as much trouble to bother any longer, so Dino hurried towards the place where his
companions were.


When Dino arrived at his companions' location, he found the battle strained.

The “Barrier Lord" Geld and the big, muscular female warrior Garcia were fighting.

It's shocking that the two are actually fairly equal in power, which really makes Dino suspect
something is wrong with his eyes.
Can a stalemate with Garcia mean that his power is already over mine? You've got to be kidding me…
to evolve into this…

Geld was covered in blood, though it wasn't known if it was his own or the enemy's blood, after all, he
couldn't see the slightest sign of injury all over his body.

Attacks with magic deal damage that can't be healed with a recovery potion, and Garcia's attacks will
obviously come with will-destroying magic.

However, Geld was clearly hit by such an attack and was still unharmed, which was either because he
had terrifying defensive power or he had extraordinary recovery power.

Right in front of Dino, who was pondering these things, Garcia let loose a flash with her one-handed
sword, and Geld’s shield of scales was sliced open and his arm chopped off.

However, Geld was completely indifferent and simply threw away the broken shield and took the new
one out of his 'stomach pouch' and re-positioned it.

Dino saw it.

There were no wounds left on Geld’s arm.

Aaaaah, it's "overdrive regeneration.” It’s skilled enough to heal even under Garcia's attacks…

Having gotten the answer, Dino wasn't happy at all.

"That's enough! You're so strong! It's strange that you've been attacked by myself without changing
your stance, isn't it?”

"Hmm? Is that right? I actually don't know much about it myself, should I compliment you on your
excellent attack?"

"Sarcasm! Geez, I can't kill you with one blow and it will heal right away. I'd like to compliment you
on how strong you are.”

After a sparring session, Geld and Garcia once again began a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

Both sides are the type that ignore the damage the’ve received and aim their full force at their
opponent's broken body in combat.

Geld's knife (meat crusher) was bounced off of Garcia's round shield and burst into fierce sparks.

Just by that alone, a shockwave swept through the ground.

Dumbfounded, Dino completely missed the opportunity to greet Garcia.

Geld was always behind the scenes, as if smeared with silver.

Against the Empire, he hadn't set any notable records, and Dino had rarely watched him.

However, that was a terrible mistake.

I get it now! The people in this country are all, in a word, abnormal!!!
Relying on the truth finally gained, Dino forced himself to accept the state of affairs at hand.

And above Dino's head, a fierce aerial battle is underway.

"Ahhhh, dodging left and right is so annoying!”

"That's the line I wanted to say. It's arrogant to fly without wings!”

"Hmph, it's a breeze to just manipulate things like gravity. Compared to that, I’ve had enough of this
game of chase and it's almost time to end it.”

"That's my line!”

The two bewitching girls, who look good together, are fighting fiercely.

Pico released the ''Black Thunder Sky Break'' that could almost cover the ground, and the ground
turned charred black. Yet for some reason, it was unable to take effect on the space around Nine-tailed

In Kumara's opinion, this was all taken for granted, as one of her tail beasts, Thunder Tiger was best at
manipulating lightning strikes, so it was only natural that her defense skills against thunder was also

This time it's my turn—Kumara acted with such meaning. She drove her eight tails in a flowing motion,
and she used a nine-tailed chop against Pico, but these attacks were all blocked by the opponent's lance.

The piercing sound echoed through the battlefield.

This disparate battle situation forced Dino to revise Kumara's combat power upwards in his mind.

“Twelve Patrons"? What a horrible bunch.

Dino admitted honestly.

Not one of them, but all the members were a threat, and Dino felt absolutely right about that.

The original Killing Angel's (Seraphims) Garcia and Pico, both of whom are comparable in strength to
an awakened demon lord, cannot be compared to their opponents simply by strength, as they have been
away from the battle for a long time, but they are definitely not weak.

The executives of the Jura Tempest Federation are now out in force, and Dino originally thought that he
and the two of them would be enough to dominate the maze. Feldway even put in two of the “Three
Admirals" just to be on the safe side, and even attacked them himself.

The result was as one could see, even though the lineup was a sure-fire way to win.

This reality was making Dino go dizzy.

Both Pico and Garcia seemed to have lost their composure possibly because they have been fighting for
a long time.

Dino thought it was reasonable.

Even after the fall, the two were once blazing angels in the highest position.
The seven original angels, who were once glorious and dazzling, are in a bitter battle, and their pride
must be hurt.

Dino wasn't in a position to say anything about anyone else in that regard, except that he'd tossed all
that aside.

"You two, fall back. It's time to fall back!"

Dino yelled at the two girls.

The two looked disgruntled.

"The show's about to start, isn't it? Don't say that when I'm ready to give it my all.”

"Shut up! From the moment you two came to fight, this battle fell apart!”

Pico and Garcia's role was originally to provide support only from the rear, and since there was a gap in
the battlefield, it was more prudent to take part in it.

And now that they too were caught up in the fight, it meant that the enemy was fighting beyond what
had been foreseen, and even a tactical victory here made no strategic sense at all.

"Wait, the operation failed?"

"Huh? Ahhhh, failed. It's a failure, so run away with me!”

“Huh!? But it was Feldway who made the plan. How could that thoughtful perfectionist have misread
the enemy's battle strength?”

"That's the way it is.”

"It can't be. Zalario and Cornu are here, so why did the battle still fail?"

"Because I've already lost. I also informed Zalario to retreat quickly, and as for Cornu and the rest,
most of them have been killed. In short, none of the goals were achieved this time, and there is no point in
continuing to fight!"

“Is it a lie…?”

"I really don't think that's possible…”

Pico and Garcia were speechless.

In contrast, both Geld and Kumara wore proud expressions.

"Hey, hey, does that mean you lost, too?”

"Huh? Let's not get to the bottom of this! Remember, it's considerate to pretend you don't know at a
time like this, right?”

Facing Garcia's questioning, Dino replied perfunctorily with a completely unconcerned attitude, which
caused Garcia more speechlessness than the defeat in battle had.
Anyway, there's no reason to doubt Dino's words now.

After calming their heads a bit, both Pico and Garcia accepted the offer to retreat.

"Geez, you don't think that's a win, do you?”

"That's not gonna happen. You've been splitting power to stop the maze from recovering while fighting
me, haven't you? Next time, I hope I can fight you in a state of perfection.”

"Oh, ha ha ha! I'll see you next time!”

Garcia and Geld, who recognized each other, said their goodbyes in unison.

As for Pico and Kumara…

"Your name is Pico, right? I've picked up a life.”

"Huh? I haven't really done anything yet? You're the one who picked up a life!”

They glared at each other viciously, then grunted and turned their faces away at the same time.

With a completely different feeling than the two before them, the two also ended the fight.

With that, Dino and the three others successfully evacuated.


Zalario always kept his cool.

In this fight, he performed his feint duty perfectly.

The subordinates are playing battle with t he resistance the labyrinth. This is a literal meaning, not

Surprisingly, it was necessary to correct the intelligence of the enemy's strength upwards. After
grasping the whole state of the battlefield, Zalario had come to this conclusion.

Most notable were the two people in front of him.

Charys and Treyni, two names that Zalario felt it necessary to remember. Still, he didn't think he
needed to use his real skills.

Originally I was told that there were only worthless little people left here, which doesn't seem to be the
case. I thought that in order to meet me, the enemy would have to send out all the warriors in the maze,
but did the strongman called Zegion come out? If only Cornu and Dino could finish the task before that
man woke up.

Although there were a few worries, the fight that Feldway laid out would not go wrong, and it was
because of this conviction that Zalario was able to enjoy the fight with confidence.

"Oops, you're being teased by your rivals, so you'll be laughed at by Lord Veldora afterwards.”

"Such fears are superfluous. Veldora lost to Velgryind, so he’s in our hands."
"That's not a funny joke."

"It's no joke. You're aware of that, aren't you? That's why they look a little anxious.”


Charys was excellent.

Even in the eyes of Zalario, who had destroyed so many sub-dimensions, Charys belonged to an
extremely rare group of excellent talents.

Treyni had boarded the Spirit King into her own and was doing quite well, but not as well as Charys.
The high-powered magic she excelled at on her side was threatening, but didn't have much effect on
Zalario, so it didn't cause much of a problem.

Charys was similar, his deft manipulation of energy constantly emitting highly powerful heat rays that
pooled together to form heat energy. However, these attacks were all nullified by Zalario's prided space
distortion defense field.

What really needs to be guarded against is Charys' accurate and calm judgment.

Unlike Treyni, Charys always used all sorts of tactics to try Zalario's tactics, with every hand on the
ground and with great care.

From past experience, Zalario knows that such an opponent should never be underestimated.

However, it also seems to be coming to an end. Charys had begun to go impatient, losing the prudence
from a moment ago.

Can't seem to enjoy the fight any more than that.

‘It was almost time,’ Zalario thought.

"It's hard to let go, but it's almost time to finish. You two are really brave and very strong fighters.
Sadly, however, you are not yet my match.”

The strength gap is more than understandable.

The total amount of energy, too, is far to Zalario's advantage.

Most crucially, there is the issue of compatibility.

Angels have an innate advantage when fighting Spirits. Zalario was originally a killing angel, and even
now that he's fallen, Charys and Treyni, who have their roots in spirit power, can't do him any decisive
damage anyway.

"Unfotunately, Doris seems to have reached her limit. The Spirit King who was boarding in my body
will probably only last another ten seconds or so. Lord Charys, do you have any other strategy?”

"I'm sorry, no. However, I've been thoroughly trained by Rimuru and Veldora, so don't worry.”

Even in a desperate situation where there was nothing to be done, Charys still laughs that the battle had
just officially begun, and hearing Charys say so, Treyni flashed a smile.
"Then I'll go along with it, for in Lady Ramiris' labyrinth, there will be no room for these unknowns to
do anything they want!”

Zalario, who had suffered a lot of damage, still had a high will to fight, and showed no signs of giving
in at all.

"Truly, you do not appear to be fools who do not know the times, but are you going to struggle ugly to
the end? If you think you can be resurrected and have nothing to worry about, you're very wrong.”

If his own calculations hadn't been wrong, it was almost time for Dino to get Ramiris out of the maze.

The labyrinth's unique "immortality" is made possible by the presence of Ramiris, who, strictly
speaking, would have no problem simply running outside the labyrinth, but if she loses consciousness
when she leaves the labyrinth, all the records would be reset.

In other words, from the moment Dino completes his mission, Ramiris' entourage is no longer
“immortal." Zalario was aware of the situation and was careful not to control the killer, slowly
accumulating damage on Charys and Treyni.

"Your battle is worthy of praise, so how about I give you a noble death without pain if you need it?"

It's kind of Zalario's compassion for the strong.

Of course, both Charys and Treyni answered with a rejection.

"Oh, you think you've won? That's stupid.”

"I feel the same way, the idea of fighting is that you don't know what's going to happen until the last
moment. You don't even know that as long as you don't give up, you won't necessarily lose."

Still so deadpan, it was enough to provoke Zalario's anger, and while he hadn't yet lost his cool over it,
it still wasn't much fun to be stirred up like that.

“That's unpleasant. It's rare that I would want to show you a little mercy.”

"Mercy? There are a lot of people who think they're going to win in the end, don't you know that that’s
called a ‘doom flag?’”

Charys recalls having a discussion with Veldora about the "list of things you can't say" and, in
particular, the "easy-going attitude when you think you’ll win,” which you must never do.

When you decide to kill your opponent, don't talk too much and make your move quickly, or you will
surely be caught by your opponent with a counterattack.

"Foolish, as if a miracle in this state—”

“—Will show up. Because, Lord Rimuru has allowed miracles to happen many times. Many of us have
long been used to such situations, and there are even quite a few who have started to imitate them. Now as
well, you see!”

After all, this is a labyrinth, and with a little delay, most things will get better.

This time is no exception…

“…Exactly. And if you dare to strike at our friend and collaborator, Lady Ramiris, then I, Adalman, the
“Gehenna Lord,” will be your opponent!"

Another warrior has awakened.

‘So what if one more person is added?’ Zalario originally thought so.

What bothered him more now was the delay in Dino's contact.

Too slow. Although I've known about Dino's slacking habits for a long time, if we don't get this done
soon, I'm going to have more and more trouble on my side.

Things didn't go as planned, leaving Zalario to gradually begin to resent it.

At this point, another knightly man stepped up to Zalario.

“I’m sorry to challenge only one person in large numbers, but I'm not a Paladin anymore, and my
interests are more important than my reputation, so please forgive me.”

The visitor is Albert.

Wearing a full set of mythical equipment given to him by Rimuru, Albert was blessed to evolve into a
“Gehenna Paladin" as he awakened.

As the official owner of the dazzling outfit, Albert pointed his sword at Zalario.

"Is there still a man like this…?”

Even in Zalario's opinion, Albert's dominance was quite impressive, and his demeanor revealed an air
of swordsmanship. If the man was holding a mythical-grade blade, then he had the possibility of injuring
him—Zalario had sensed this at first glance.

"I'm here, too.”

The owner of this voice is Wenti, the former Death Dragon who awakened from the sleep of evolution
and became the Gehenna Dragon King.

Not knowing where he learned it from, Wenti gave a graceful curtsey to Zalario.
Zalario's expression was that of a blank face, understanding his disadvantage.

With the lineup in front of him, it should still be possible to win, but it makes no sense to do so.

Zalario can't really win as long as Dino doesn't figure out how to deal with Ramiris first.

Even if we show our true abilities now, we will at least suffer a loss of full exposure, and it will be
difficult to deal with both of them.

Zalario made this judgment.

If it was just Charys and Treyni, at least they could still deal with it, but if you added the three
Awakening demon lord level strongmen, even Zalario would have a hard time.

But now, without continuing the duty of feinting, Feldway's campaign will end in failure, something
Zalorio cannot tolerate, as he prides himself on his 100% success rate in combat.

No way. I'm going to kill them in the end anyway. Let's show them what I can do.

Just as Zalario was making his conclusions…

"By the way, let me tell you something that will probably interest you. My guardian realm is the
seventieth level of the labyrinth, so why do you think I ignored the intruders over there?”


"I'm not going to pretend, so let's just say it, because there's no chance for me to be there anymore."

“…what are you trying to say?”

The skeleton in the saint's robe, and Adalman's mockery with an evil smile, was unpleasant to Zalario,
but he asked back.

Wait? Did he just say, he’s not going to pretend? That is, has something happened to Cornu over there?

Though not answered, Zalario deduced the truth on his own.

Adalman's purpose was actually to induce Zalario to waver, so it was better to tell him personally what
had happened on the seventy levels.

"That foolish intruder has been eliminated by Lord Velgrynd, so we can come here with confidence.”


Zalario wasn't stupid enough to doubt that statement.

Cornu's defeat was certain, so Zalario tried again to see if the most important goal had been achieved.

"Huh, so it seems. With Velgrynd as an opponent, she was indeed unstoppable. There are a lot of odd
happenings, but they should still be remedied. So, you're sending all the rest of the battle power to my
The reason why Velgrynd is here is probably because of Masayuki, that is to say, Masayuki has
inherited the "soul" of Rudra.

It was in order to rule out that possibility that Feldway, who had carefully investigated the Reich
Intelligence's transfer of information, had given the order to kill Masayuki. However, Velgrynd seems to
have discovered this fact as well.

Cornu is so unlucky, if he had exchanged duties with me as originally intended, it wouldn't have turned
out the way it did. Never mind, it didn't matter if Velgrynd's business was ignored, as long as Lord
Michael was around, he could simply dominate her. Now more than ever…

What really matters is the movement of Dino.

"Still not doing anything. I see, that is to say, are you strong enough to even be an opponent of Lord
Velgrynd? I hate to admit it, but it seems we've been really underestimated.”

"That's true. Even if we all take on the challenge together, the chances of losing are very high.”

Charys had a good eye, and Adalman had a quick mind.

Both men perceived from Zalario's attitude that he still hid a deep unseen strength, but it was Adalman
and the others who now held the advantage.

Next, Adalman has to open his mouth to explain what the basis is.

"I already know why you're asking these questions. Your real target is actually Lady Ramiris, right?
However, we have been ordered to put the safety of Lady Ramiris at the top of our priority list."

Upon awakening from the sleep of evolution, the first thing Adalman did was to confirm that Ramiris
was safe.

As long as Ramiris is safe and sound, all other problems are not a problem.

Most importantly, it was a supreme command from Rimuru.

Adalman and the other guardians of the labyrinth exist to guard the labyrinth, that is, to keep Ramiris

"Is Lady Ramiris all right?”

"It is natural, Miss Treyni. Lord Zegion has rushed over there, and now no matter how many enemies
there are, there is no longer any way to take out Lady Ramiris.”

"Well, that's good."

Treyni smiled up, and the others each gave a relieved look.

Being able to rest easy on the matter meant they could focus on Zalario.

As for Zalario who became the target of all…

The mere mention of the name of Zegion, who had reappeared, had already given him a hunch that
Dino had failed.
If memory serves me right, Zegion is the one who can manipulate the space distortion defense field. But
if Dino fights as his true self…no, that man can't be expected of much. He was already very reluctant to
take part in this mission, and now he's probably even more so…

Zalario perceives the status quo quite correctly.

As if aiming for this moment, Dino's ‘thought communication' arrived.

"Hey, Zalario, can you hear me? The battle is lost. Velgrynd entered the war and Cornu was taken out
by her. I've also encountered some pretty tough guys on my side, so it's time to retreat. And you should
get out before the maze closes, that's all!”

Those words made Zalario laugh bitterly and unilaterally at his own words.

Zalario thought to himself that this was really in Dino's style, and decided to retreat as well. If winning
at this point would be pointless, then pointlessness should be avoided.

“It's the first time I've ever tasted such humiliation, and now I have to retreat when my opponent is just
a bunch of stragglers who can be easily swept away. There will be no next time, so remember that.”

Zalario blandly uttered the unconvincing words and took his men with him and 'transferred' them away
from this place.

The rest of the people had no sense sense of the afterglow of victory, and immersed themselves in the
peace of mind that comes with successfully guarding the labyrinth.


The threat has receded.

Zegion lifted his power ‘Fantasy World' and then turned his gaze to Beretta, only to find that the other
had also just settled Ramiris on the bench to sleep.

"Has Sir Dino escaped?”

"It seems so."

"Oh, you're too modest. It was only Lady Ramiris' mercy to let Lord Dino escape.”

Beretta is right.

Zegion had long since sensed that Dino was equipped with a "resurrection bracelet".

Though sensing it, he let Dino off the hook.

It was an experiment.

"Can Ramiris' heater be effectively activated even if there is clear hostility towards Ramiris by the

The results are as seen now.

Dino won the bet and survived.

For Zegion, no matter what the outcome was actually the same, this experiment was only incidental,
and as long as he succeeded in guarding Ramiris, the conditions for victory in battle were fulfilled.

“If that's what Lady Ramiris wishes, then I won't deny it.”

Beretta nodded back.

Now that the enemy has been successfully repulsed, there is no need for a useless kill.

Of course, if the enemy does not perceive his master's mercy, he will never show mercy the next time.

As for Zegion, it had been his intention to decide whether or not to pursue Dino based on his
resurrected attitude. He was going to crush him had there been no sign of escape, but it seemed that it was
no longer necessary.

Dino not only chose to run away but also ran to convince his companions, arguing that he should
retreat immediately. And his companions accepted this claim and withdrew with him from the battlefield.

"So, what about the enemy named Zalario?”

"His Excellency Adalman has rushed over, and the other party's aura is gone. They must have fled too.”

As Adalman and the others were resurrected to fight at this point in time, the remaining enemies also
seem to have decided to retreat.

"That's good.”

"Uh-huh. If it wasn't for Lady Ramiris, I'd be the one who lost the battle, right?"

"Indeed. Even if we had won in the end, there would certainly have been victims, and for us, that is
tantamount to defeat.”


Zegion and Beretta nodded at each other.

The idea that it was necessary to revert to a more vigilant posture came to both men at the same time.

But that can come later.

In short, the labyrinth has been successfully secured.

After confirming once again that Ramiris was safe and sound, Zegion returned to his domain.

Chapter 2: Personal Interviews

Anyway, I'm in a big crisis, too. Ramiris and the others have reported to me.

What an unexpectedly big event.

"How's Chloe now?”

“There are no more problems. She regained her childish stance and consciousness. She’s just resting in
the infirmary now.”
Shuna told me so, so I was relieved.

Although zero casualties were reported at the outset, there was no way to be reassured without
confirming it yourself. Now that she's probably rested, I'll visit tomorrow.

That being said…

This time the enemy was a real pain in the ass.

Use the intruder as a feint to draw attention away from Ramiris.

Then take the opportunity to have Dino betray.

Dino's strength far surpassed Beretta's, and the pair of Beretta and Apito joining forces were unable to
fight him off, as if almost having Ramiris taken away from them.

But in the end, thanks to Zegion's timely arrival, Ramiris did not have an accident, but if one step had
gone wrong, it would have lead to a big catastrophe.

It was creepy to think of what would have happened if Zegion had woken up a little later. It was really
nice to catch up, and I couldn't help but rub my chest in relief.

Still, the return of Velgrynd came as a bit of a surprise.

At the moment, Masayuki is discussing with the Imperial Commander and others about the way
forward, and although there is a need to meet and talk later on, the other party should also want to discuss
it after they have sorted out their opinions.

That being said, since Velgrynd protected those people, then what happened about Masayuki?
Understanding some of the questions meant new ones were added.

But then, I’ll think about those questions later.

I met, in order, with the people who came to give me their account.

"Ramiris, I'm so glad you're okay!”

“It was nothing. But then again, that guy didn't really seem to want to do anything to me, and it would
have been awful if I had actually left the maze. But why? If he's really strong, I still could’ve knocked
him down with my forty-eight deadly moves!”

Ramiris was the same as always.

Although she still looks puffed up, this kind of place where she puts on a show as soon as she's safely
secured is kind of cute.

Thought it would get tough only in a dream, and it seemed the same as long as I wasn't in front of her.

"Lady Ramiris didn't use all forty-eight of her deadly techniques on him, so Dino should be grateful for

Treyni, who had taken care of Ramiris, immediately went along with the flattery.
"Right, right!"

Ramiris nodded happily in response.

It's because she’s always like this that Ramiris gets carried away.

Stop it, you guys, I thought in my heart.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Rimuru. It was all because of my poor supervision. I didn't expect that Dino would

It was a drooping Vesta who said so.

He wanted to come as soon as possible to apologize, so he showed up on the occasion, and the
responsible Vesta seemed rather depressed about the affair.

I said with a smile to reassure Vesta,

"No, no, don't worry about it. Dino's been weird from the start, hasn't he?”

When I finished, Ramiris and Treyni, and even Beretta, nodded in agreement.

"He's a demon lord after all. He's been suspected since the beginning.”

"I didn't expect him to do something so bold, but I've been watching him with a careful eye so that I
can deal with him in time when he causes problems.”

"By and large, he also showed an unbelievably serious attitude to his work, which surprised me.”

It's a sad comment and even makes me want to say you guys should trust him a little more.

However, there is no way around it.

In the end, Dino was here because of Guy, and it was only natural that Dino himself, who hadn't the
slightest intention of hiding that he was a spy, would still be suspected.

But, I think…

“Don't be so depressed, Vesta. I don't think that Dino really wanted to betray us from the bottom of his
heart, either.”

This is from my heart.

While Dino's betrayal was predictable, there was a presence of his own moves that showed he wanted
to be watched from the start.

Presumably, Dino probably thought it would be that way one day, too, and I couldn't help but think so.

"That guy, after all, is clumsy. If that's the case, it would be nice to talk to someone else about it…"

“Once you're in a good relationship, you'll want to trust each other a little more. Besides, Dino may
have had some kind of a grudge.”

I say this, and Vesta accepts it.

“Indeed, I want to trust him. I've been lost too, but thanks to King Gazel and Lord Rimuru, I was able
to return to the right path, so even if it's just someone to be around, it's encouraging.”

Perhaps because the confusion dissipated, Vesta's expression eased slightly.

That's fine, I'd like to trust Dino too.

I can't say it out loud with any certainty yet, but I've got some idea.

That is, Dino may be under the Angelic System's Domination ability.

This coincidental convenience of making unique skills evolve towards ultimate skills in combat doesn't
just appear. If such a thing is going to happen, it is to hold the means to make it possible.

<<All in all, evolution happened in combat, but that's generally not something that happens.>>

The one who agreed with me was Ciel.

Both a friend and companion to my soul and the presence I rely on the most.

I was in high spirits during the battle with Velgrynd, and obediently named the King of Wisdom.

The result is the birth of the theosophy nucleus (manas), the sentient body called Ciel.

It is only a thinking being—not something so simple, as is the case with "Chronoa", who also performs
the functions of a different algorithmic device from her master.

It should be thought of as another core that exists in my "soul".

There is no doubt that it has an ego and it's reaction is more human than before.

<<Is that so?>>

As soon as Ciel said this, I suddenly felt my persuasive power drop.

Ciel has done all sorts of things herself, so what are you saying now?

Besides, even if Ciel still had time to say that now, if she had still been the king of wisdom before
evolution, wouldn't the situation have been bad?

Come to think of it now, with Rudra—or was it Michael? When confronted, I think the reason why I
don't feel well is because of the influence of the “angelic series domination.”


The habit of remaining silent when circumstances are unfavorable remains the same.

That is, if she didn’t evolve into Ciel, I was likely to have lost the battle.

It is only now that I realize that victory and defeat are only a matter of minutes away, and I can't help
but be horrified.

<<It’s meaningless to wonder about what could have happened>>

Hey, hey, you're more unconvinced than I am.

I forcibly came to a conclusion, stopping my thoughts.

Of course, we are an exception.

It's more prudent to turn the conversation back to Dino, or to think that he hid some kind of power.

<<Perhaps it was intended to be camouflage. However, because of his unnatural manifestation, we can
be sure that he has other powers.>>


Since Ciel said so, that should be it.

In other words, Dino was manipulated by Michael through the "domination of the angelic series"
because he has the ultimate skill of the angelic system.

Since Dino and I aren't connected through the Soul Corridor, there's no way to disarm it directly, but I
might be able to do something if I can fight him.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Dino is genuinely intent on betrayal so we cannot be
careless, except that there is no need to treat him indiscriminately as an enemy.

For Vesta, it would have been nice if things could have made sense that way, however there was one
more person who was feeling sullen.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Rimuru. I put Lady Ramiris in danger…”

Beretta knelt before me and bowed his head in apology.

"Wait a minute, Beretta! You've done a great job!”

I agree, as Ramiris said.

With Dino far more powerful than him, Beretta's actions were excellent, let alone negligent, and the
time he bought was actually commendable.

I was worried that Beretta's character would make him feel upset and responsible about his defeat.

Like Vesta, they were both too serious.

"No, succeeding in buying time like you did in training is an excellent result!"

"However, I have assumed the role of Labyrinth Guardian entrusted to me by Lady Ramiris, as well as
the responsibility of guarding Lady Ramiris entrusted to me by Lord Rimuru. And yet here I am, in such a
state of distress…”

Beretta didn't take my word for it and got more and more upset the more he talked.

Perhaps he was indeed rather disheartened, but Beretta's actions were all right and proper. With Dino as
his opponent, Beretta finished well with the right understanding of whether or not he could win.
If there had been a lapse in judgment in the first place and a reckless attack, knowing that it could not
be won, there was no doubt that Ramiris would have now been taken away. It is impossible to think of the
losses that would have occurred as things were developing.

"So I tell you, Beretta, you can be proud of yourself.”

I complimented Beretta on his excellent actions to finally calm him down.

As a result, the enemy's strategy was thwarted.

Beretta and the others handled the whole battle.

"If that's the case…”

He had calmed down, but was not all the way convinced yet.

“If you're still upset, then talk to me later and come to my room.”

"Hm! Yes, thank you very much!”

Ramiris was safe and sound, so there were no problems, but Beretta was still too concerned.

All in all, after that, it would be a matter of slowly calming Beretta, and that was that for now.


Ramiris and Beretta's report ended, followed by Geld and Adalman.

"Geld, excellent protection of the town! Thank you.”

"I can’t say the words, but I love this town, so how can we let the fruits of our own work be easily
destroyed? My companions feel the same way, and will continue to do our best in the future, trying not to
let Lord Rimuru down!”

"You're so reliable. Don't push yourself.”

Until now it still feels like Geld is overworked.

Any more effort would make everyone else look like they're slacking off. Geld's men probably couldn't
relax either, and a moderate amount of rest and relaxation from their superiors was also necessary.

After admonishing Geld not to be too unreasonable, the debriefing on this incident began.

The enemy seems to be close to Dino.

Both are women, named Pico and Garcia.

Their true identities were also confirmed from Ramiris, who was under the name of the "Seven Angels
of the Origin" of Veldanava.

Originally as one most superior and powerful of the Killing Angels, he worked hard to keep this world
Dino was one of them, but the enemies that appeared on the fiftieth and seventieth floors were
presumed to be other forces.

"The duty of the Originals is to watch over the powerful monsters of the Otherworld that are difficult to
dispose of and to govern the Otherworld. But, nevertheless, from what Dino said, it seems that three of
them stayed on the ground."

Those three, I think, were Pico, Garcia, and Dino.

Transformed from a killing angel (seraphim) to a fallen angel, living on earth.

The purpose seems to have come from a surveillance mission, but it is not known based on whose
orders or my own thoughts. All in all, since all that was obtained was fragments of intelligence, one can
only speculate on their intentions.

"The opponent was quite powerful, and if I hadn’t evolved, it would probably have been impossible to
fight against it.”

It's pretty hard to even say that about Geld.

Pico's opponent seemed to be the Nine-Tailed Kumara, and this side was also a fairly intense battle, and
the fact that the opponent was still able to interfere with the labyrinth during the battle was enough to
speculate that the opponent hadn't made the full extent of her abilities.

"I see. That's a tough one.”


I really don't want to make an enemy of them if I can, but things have come to this after all.

Place a bet on the possibility that Dino is being manipulated and think about countermeasures based on

Next, there are the other side forces at work.

“And what of Zalario?”

Adalman began to debrief.

“He was a formidable foe, and before I went there, it was Lord Charys and Lady Treyni who were his
opponents, and indeed were utterly unbearable.”

It's hard to do this way too.

Referring to the battle records within the labyrinth, the fallen angel race was not the same race no
matter how it looked.

He seems to call himself the "Three Admirals" and says that he is a subordinate of the Demon King.

In other words, the remarkable Feldway was once the chief of the Seven Angels of the Origin.

The three originals who traveled with him to the Otherworld are now known as the Three Admirals and
are under Feldway's command.
During their journey to the Otherworld, Veldanava disappeared and they became unable to return from
the Otherworld, unknowingly changing their nature and becoming a "Phantom race".

Totally understood.

They were different from Dino, and it must be because of their past friendship that they had formed a
mutually supportive relationship.

These are just my subjective inferences.

<<I think so too>>

Wow, that's reassuring.

With Ciel's approval, then that's basically it.

"In any case, the Demon King's gang is the enemy, and we must use this as a basis for our future
actions, so be on guard!”

I gave everyone all the information I knew.

It is mainly about Michael and Feldway. Of particular importance is that of Michael's power, and in this
respect I have made no secret of it all.

“Then, then! Maybe that Dino is controlled too? Is that why Rimuru said he wanted to trust that guy?”

I'm sure you're aware of that.

In my position, it was intended not to say it directly until I was sure.

"I hope it's not just a happy ending, but it's possible to be manipulated. So Ramiris, if that's the case,
forgive the guy.”

“Well, yeah. I hope so!”

Ramiris said happily and smiled, looking as if she was better than she was just now, that was good.

After that, one can only hope that Dino is indeed truly manipulated.


During the exchange of information, the atmosphere of the banquet was gradually heightened.

Rigurd wailed with joy at the peace of everyone, and Rigurd got the budget from Myourmiles and went
to great lengths to prepare for the feast's delicacies.

Myourmiles also joined in the preparation, showing off a hidden skill.

The subordinates are very competent and I am very happy.

After the main debriefing, the atmosphere more or less eased and we all had a good time.

"I don't know what the Three Admirals are, but I'll beat the shit out of them!"
So reliable, Benimaru.

But he’s a lot different than from before the trip, so what happened?

"Hohohoho! This is also the intention of my generation, and the next battle will undoubtedly be won!”

Gabil also let out a boast that he was qualified enough to say it.

He had performed extremely well in this fight, and like Benimaru, somehow his strength had grown.

"Whew! Lord Gabil, how handsome!"


"You're getting more and more manly. I'll follow you for life.”

Gabil's men were also very excited.

"Brother, you must not be too proud of yourself. Besides, this time I was close to dying! It's because
you're always being praised like that that you've become so obnoxious.”

It pissed Souka off, but let's not be so strict today. That being said, there was something wrong with
Gabil that worried Souka, so I'll leave it at that.

It's definitely not an escape.

That must be made clear.

The more important issue was this big uncle who was posturing next to me.

"Kuahahahaha! Charys, I hear you seem to have been beaten to a pulp. Not enough cultivation, not
enough cultivation!”

“It’s a shame.”

"Kuahahaha! No excuses! Be a man and be brave enough to admit your failure!”

He's already admitted it.

That said, didn't Veldora lose to Velgrynd too?

You can’t exactly laugh at people either, can you?

"Didn't you lose too?"

"Oh, say, what are you talking about, Rimuru!? Me! When did I lose? I was just in bad shape!”

And making excuses.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to say the same thing about Charys, but it's not going to work on

"Master, there's nothing you can do because your opponent is too vile, and there was interference from
outsiders, weren’t there? That doesn't count.”
"Yes, exactly! Very well said, Ramiris! That's right, I didn't lose!"

Velgrynd is around here and hasn't forgotten about it, has she? Seeing your poor excuse, one can't help
but want to point this out.

Speaking of which, I wouldn't have had to worry so much if Veldora hadn't lost to the other side, and
this guy actually…

"Charys. Don't abandon Veldora, even if you don't like him.”

"Hahahaha, please be at ease. I have only one lord now, Lord Veldora, and I will continue to improve in
the future so that I can be recognized.”

That's serious.

He’s way too good to be Veldora’s subordinate, reminiscent of Geld.

It's great that Charys is becoming Veldora's entourage, I can't help but think.

And with that, the feast went on.

Wine is also constantly being presented.

I was the only one who thought I was too alert, but it seems that the executives are doing nothing more
than neutralizing sake.

That would defeat the point of drinking so let’s leave that aside.

We were able to enjoy the drunkenness, and the conversation was very animated.

I feel the same way about that, so don't want to bother with the details.

"Come on, Lord Rimuru, I'll pour you a drink!”

"Please wait Diablo, it's my turn this time!”

Behind me, Diablo and Shion seemed to be in the middle of a tumultuous argument, but it was
completely incomprehensible whether the relationship between these two was good or bad.

Don't compete in this weird place…

“Okay. Don't argue about something that doesn't matter. You guys go drink too.”

“Kufufufu, then I'll make myself at home.”

"I won't be fooled! If you drink, you'll fall asleep, and today you have to give priority to Lord Rimuru!”

Is Diablo a wine drinker?

I'm not quite sure about the taste differences of wine, but red wine does go well with Diablo.

And Shion…
This one’s drinking habit is pretty bad compared to falling asleep.

When she drinks, she gets delirious and pester people to fool around, so Shuna keeps a very strict
watch on her.

I would have let her drink something like grape juice, but I won't say much more if she has this self-
control herself.

On closer inspection, these two have gotten stronger too.

Looking back, the executives seem to have had some sort of growth, not just an awakening, but
something else after that…

<<Please Don't Doubt Me>>

Ah, sorry.

Yes, indeed.

Even for Ciel, it's a little difficult to help someone evolve.

<<I Only Helped a Little.>>

It still helps!

It is necessary to pursue this in detail, but there is still a banquet going on, after all.

You can do it now, but you can do it tomorrow as well, so go all out and enjoy the moment.

I threw all my problems at myself tomorrow and enjoyed the feast wholeheartedly.


The next day, I gave the executives a full vacation.

Although I still felt bad for some of them who had to manage the affairs of the Rigurd government
office, as I asked them to confirm the status of the city and explain the situation to the residents.

Although the metropolitan area was returned from the maze back to the ground, it is still necessary to
check whether there is a failure of the pipeline facilities.

Once the confirmation is complete, the residents who have taken refuge can be given permission to go
home. Because of the massive battle that had just ended, it would have been nice for the affairs staff to get
some rest, but the life of the masses was also important.

Thinking about it this way, one can't help but think that politicians really are slaves to the nation.

There are a lot of problems, and in the event of an emergency, you don't even have to think about rest
days or anything. Fortunately, with the demoness trio helping the administration, it was more or less
easier over there, but the talent pool still needed to be further secured.


I'm just an amateur, so it's my job to read the material and give permission.
It’s like rejecting or returning it to the relevant department for more thought.

The process holds up because the detailing is all done by Ciel, and if it were just me, it wouldn't have
been done long ago.

All in all, although it was the second day after the banquet, I also needed to work on the documents.
Rigurd and the others are also busy running around, and it was more off a relief than a piece of mind.

But before that.

Before I set to work, I decided to visit Chloe first.

As soon as I entered the infirmary, I happened to lock eyes with Chloe.


"Hoo-hoo, don't force yourself to talk like an adult, Chloe is Chloe in my opinion."

"Really! Despite my appearance, I've long been an adult. Let's just say I'm older than Rimuru-san."

Even if you say so…

Sure enough, appearance is still very important.

Just like me, people who don't know me well will only think I'm a young pretty girl when they see me,
and it makes me feel a little inferior sometimes.

In any case, careless talk can step on a landmine, and it's important to be prepared from time to time.

To Chloe, whose cheeks were red, I said from the bottom of my heart that it was good that she was
okay. As a result, the other hid her face behind a pillow.

"Really! That's foul, Rimuru-san!”


This sentence, how should it be interpreted to mean…

<<Unknown. The problem is too complicated.>>

If even Ciel doesn't get it, then I can't help it.

So I soothed her by saying “Oh well.”

Wait until Chloe calms down and ask about what happened.

What happened in the battle, and the outcome of the battle.

"I don't have any problems myself, but I've become unable to communicate with Chronoa, and it seems
that ‘Hope King Sariel' is going to storm out, so she's suppressing that.”

Sure enough, she was influenced by Michael's domination.

It's a real fight against someone important to me, so it seems that there is no need to forgive them now.

“What exactly is the situation?”

"Whoo-hoo, how do you say? I'm now completely unable to use the ‘Space-Time King Yugoslavos’,
and unable to talk to Chronoa, so I’m completely confused.”

It seems that it was more harsh than expected.

Although Chloe was not expected to fight from the beginning, it was also naive to think that she could
at least protect herself.

This perception of myself bores me, but as things have been, the priority must be to keep Chloe safe.

<<Since I have the power to interfere with the Intelligence Sub, I can influence Chronoa, who is the
"Theosophy Nucleus.” If we can invade Chloe’s spiritual world and exercise our power to change, we
should be able to eliminate Michael's influence.>>

As it turns out, Ciel was able to intervene.

"Chloe, if I could interfere with your skills, I think it would improve the situation…”

"Rimuru, this won't do. At that time, Chronoa finally said to me, 'If we continue to rely on that man, we
cannot stand on our own, and in order to be able to walk alongside him, we must get rid of this situation
by our own strength.' That's what I thought too, so I can’t accept the help of Rimuru-san."

Chloe looked straight at me and said that although her face was young, her expression was very firm,
and she couldn't help but remind me of her beauty when she became an adult, which completely tugged at
my heart.

No, I'm not a loli.

Simply, Chloe’s transcendence—Oh, it’s useless.

It seems to be the same idea as a certain blonde demon lord.

I rushed and switched my way of thinking because I thought it was a loss.

"I know. However, if there's anything you want to tell me, I'll always be available to discuss it with

With that said, I stroked Chloe's head.

Chloe smiled happily, whispered a 'hmm' and nodded.


Upon returning from a visit from Chloe, Vesta made a request for a meeting because of an urgent

"What is it?”

"Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us. It's King Gazel who's sent us the message.”

Pushing his glasses, Vesta said.

"Yes, as you may think, it’s for you to explain.”

Sure enough.

Despite the war, it came back, leaving cleanup behind.

For that, indeed, I’m going to be scolded.

It probably wouldn't have been a problem if it was only within our territory, but after all, the Dwarven
Kingdom was involved…

"Mmm. Are you angry?"

"Rather, unpleasantly so.”

Vesta was also wiping the sweat off his face.

It's no wonder.

Last night, we had a drink together.

A moment's thought shows Vesta that he is also responsible.

I don't think it was too much to think about, and I don't feel the need to be too harsh about it, but Vesta
seems to be reflecting on himself for not advising me.

Still, it was me who did the most wrong.

"We'll explain later, so let's get back to each other.”

"After all, you need to think of an excuse.”

As expected of of Vesta.

He’s very reliable.

In any case, it is not possible to explain our situation without sorting it out, and it is up to the schedule
to decide when to hold the briefing.

Therefore, as for the response to King Gazel, I will leave it to Vesta to discuss the matter after we have
gathered our opinions.

Then, lunch break.

Throw those troublesome questions behind.

After enjoying today's menu with my favorite fried chicken and bean noodles, I suddenly remembered.

I remember, Ciel seems to be doing something behind the scenes.

Last night, Ciel said she had given the executives "a little help," and I think it's necessary to get a clear
picture of what she had done and how much she had helped.

After all, it was highly unlikely that what Ciel called 'slightly' was not slightly at all.

<<Well, I'm very surprised to be suspected of this…>

The next thing you know, Ciel is making a confession.

As I had guessed, it was a grand affair.

First of all, the biggest thing was the unauthorized modification of my skills.

The transformed power is the ultimate skill of the ‘Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath’.

Indeed, relevant reports have been received.

Now, although it is an afterthought, it is true that it said that after the 'power change' of Velgrynd, the
remnants of the ‘Covenant King Uriel' was united with the ‘Charity King Raguel,’ and the essence was
inherited by the ‘Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath.’

At the time, I was dealing with the Velgrynd issue, so I missed a note on that.

While browsing through the document, I listened to the detailed explanation of the “Lord of Harvest,”
the ultimate skill.

This power is like the crystallization of the bond and relationship between me and my subordinates.

-Skill Creation…to create new abilities with information obtained through ‘Food Chain’ and ‘Analysis.’

-Skill Duplication…to make a copy of the acquired ability.

-Skill Gifting…the ability to copy an ability and bestow it to the right person. It is also possible to take
it back.

- Skill Bank…information (data) of acquired skills is instantly reproduced.

Well, that's how it is.

There is a limit to the capacity of a “soul," so the number of skills that can be mastered seem to be
limited as well. So there are also skills that are attached to the body and not kept in the “soul,” but those
types of skills seem to be a little weaker in terms of will.

I hold a total of four kinds of ultimate skills, and I think the capacity is already very tight.

<<No, not four, it's five.>>

Ah yes, that's right.

By swallowing Velgrynd and analyzing it to become the same being as Veldora, I gained a new power,
the ultimate skill, the “Scorch King Velgrynd".

Thinking of it this way, it was indeed not a matter of overcapacity. Ciel gave the ‘Covenant King Uriel'
to Velgrynd, presumably because I was reaching my limit.
<<Exactly! I had no choice but to optimize the abilities!!!>>

Suspicious to the point of being shocking.

Ciel— rather even before, it seems that the tendency to collect skills was already there when it was still
the unique skill 'Great Sage’…is it a hobby?

The capacity is full, but it's too good to throw away, so that's why evolution is being strongly promoted,

<<…this is the end of the matter, and it is time to proceed with the explanation.>>

That's digressing!

After becoming Ciel, not only is it more humane, but the number of instances where it feels useless has

No, no problem, no problem…

I don’t have a problem. I just prayed and chose to trust Ciel.

According to Ciel, the ‘Lord of Harvest' was created to take charge of the information by completely
integrating the skills that were unnecessarily occupying a large amount of space after dismantling them
for intelligence.

With this power, it is possible to influence magical creatures connected through the “Soul Corridor,”
specifically, to grant power.

It’s easily understandable how much the ability grants.

Therefore, Ciel had used ‘Lord of Harvest’ to help Benimaru and the others.

As for the degree of help received, everyone varies, and there seem to be two situations in which one is
really only slightly assisted, and the other is strongly assisted.

Some situations are likely to be defeated if placed regardless, so it's not good for me to complain about

Or, more to the point…

“Thank you, I express my gratitude.”

<<No, I'm just doing what Lord Rimuru wants me to do.>>

I'm always judgmental and Ciel has really helped me out a lot.

I'm going to ask you to do the same in the future, and I'd like to express my gratitude to Ciel.


Listening to Ciel's instructions made it generally clear to me what had changed in everyone.
Since it was necessary to raise one's strength to be an enemy of Michael and the Demon King, it did not
mean that anyone could grant the strongest strength to anyone.

Excessive power leads to its own destruction.

In that respect, Ciel is very trustworthy.

While still so fond of remodeling skills I don't think there will be any reluctant reinforcement, at least.

I think it should be a skill that won't be gifted to someone who can't use it, but it's still necessary to
check it out.

At this point, Ciel asked me as if she suddenly remembered something.

<<By the way, the "power change" to the master is still in place.>>

I'd forgotten all about it.

Ciel seemed a little nervous.

It's as if a more powerful makeover has been thought up after constant fumbling.

It was said before that the Ultimate Skill “Storm King Veldora" and “Covenant King Uriel" could be
combined to create the Ultimate Skill “Stellar Wind Lord Hastur" or something like that.

But after that, the ceding of the 'King of Covenant' to Velgrynd should now have been unchangeable in
any other form.

Because it is Ciel, it is unlikely for the makeover to makes it weaker.

In the final analysis, there is no report, but presumably the analysis of ‘Charity King Raguel' has been

<<Of Course.>>

I thought it was.

In that case, I am equivalent to having six ultimate skills.

With all that, and with the evolved executives offering power through the 'food chain,’ Ciel would
indeed need the ‘Lord of Harvest'.

A larger number does not mean that they can all be mastered, and it is reasonable to combine them.

I think that if the 'King of Scorch' and the 'King of Gluttony' are combined, perhaps something new will
come out.

I was also a little concerned about what happened to the ‘Wisdom King Raphael' after separating Ciel.

Ciel wanted to optimize the pile of skills saved up, and I had no reason to stop it.

I’m not in a battle right now, no problem.

'Well, then please—uh, ah!”

<<Got it!>> Implemented immediately.

I was going to say wait a minute, but it was too late.

In retrospect, I was a man who repeatedly failed.

Always ignoring the consequences and regretting them…

Why is it so easy to give permission…?

It's not okay to agree without even confirming what horrible makeover you're going to get.

However, “Ciel,” who was fully prepared, probably expected me to stop, and started the "skill change"

The end result was Ciel humming and feigning deafness with the <<There's No Way to End It
Already>> strategy.

Having given permission without paying attention, and then giving panicked attempts to stop things
afterwards—it was all within the scope of what Ciel had envisioned.

With a swift reply, Ciel began the transformation.

In that state, I just kept waiting, and with great momentum…

Ciel, who doesn't even give a response, buries herself in the transformation.

Ahhhh, presumably some unusually surprising results will be made again, but I give up.

In short, no progress could be made in organizing the paperwork with Ciel's absence.

I switched moods and decided to do some other work.


During Ciel's focus on transformation, I decided to have a personal interview with the executives.

After telling Shion and Diablo about it, they were kicked out of the room, so for the time being it's just
me here.

Shion also needed to confirm that her men were safe and left without complaining about anything.

Diablo was more trouble, pestering me about the need for an escort and so on, before I finally said,
“Based on the results of this interview, there will also be a discussion about whether your position as
"secretary" should be abolished. Maybe Testarossa, who’s both powerful and beautiful, being a secretary
can be a good fit, right? I'm sure you are, but I don't think you can be strong enough to be a secretary and
an escort.” Such half-threatened attempt to convince him made him leave in a panic.

Heh heh, although I didn't have that in mind, he's such an easy man to deal with.

Presumably, he is now desperately trying to engage the evolved Testarossa in a mock battle.
I don't think Diablo is going to lose, but maybe it will be unexpectedly brilliant, and defeat is a good
medicine, and occasionally a bit of a crisis is good as well.

With that, use this time to start the interview.

I called in Shuna and had the schedules adjusted.

From dusk onwards, people who were available were called to my room in turn.

The first is Beretta.

An appointment had been made earlier to talk about it, so he was the first to be called.

For receptions like these, the first and last tend to be the most stressful, though in this country, the first
seems to be the most honorable.

I wasn't quite sure, but Beretta seemed to be happy by it.

"Well, you may be troubled, but you don't need to care about this failure. Let's just say, preventing the
enemy from achieving his goal should be victory.”

Without anyone being killed, this can be described as a big win.

I said so with certainty, but Beretta remained sullen.

"I understand what you mean, but to lose is to lose, and defeat is very unbearable for us black

That is to say, even if one agrees that this is a victory for one's side, is it still a defeat for Beretta

Charys too, and Beretta too, are both too serious.

If it were me, it would have been time to tout the results of the big win.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, but as long as one can take it on themselves it's fine, and a spiritual
victory is welcome.

By the way, the black dependents refer to the genealogy of demons.

I also only recently learned that Beretta is a demon who’s head was Diablo, the Primordial Black.

Indeed, their weirdness was similar in some ways.

It's really convincing when they both hate losing.

So I can understand Beretta's reluctance…having said that, there really isn't much I can do about it.

My men have evolved by awakening as a reward for their victory, but only if they have the "Demon
Lord Seed" and are connected to me through the “Soul Corridor".

Did Beretta meet this condition…?

<<It’s fine.>>
Well, wow, that scared me.

Ciel, who was focused on the transformation, seemed to be listening to this side of the conversation as

If that's the case, it would also help me with the paperwork—

<<Just for this, there's enough souls for one person to awaken. What will you do?>>

…is this another digression?

Wasn't this a little better before evolution?

<<No. There is no confirmation of such a thing.>>

No, no, no. Don't try to act like you're degenerating.

But well, if that’s the case.

It seems that during the battle with the Imperial Army, some "souls" were also acquired. If those are
used, Beretta's wishes will be fulfilled.

Beretta clearly worked hard and I didn't reward him, which was partly considering he was a
subordinate of Ramiris, but Beretta was an important companion to me.

After all, there was the important task of protecting Ramiris, and the next thing that still needed to be
asked of him, let's remove Beretta's troubles with gratitude.

Of course, there are limits to such things, and it's still up to you afterwards.

“I see how you lament at your lack of ability. Then, I’ll grant you more power!”

While talking, I got up from my chair and struck a pose of not knowing where the big demon lord's
feelings were as I covered Beretta with my hand.
"Don't forget, all I can do is help, and it's up to you after that."

After saying that, I performed the evolutionary ritual to Beretta using 100,000 souls.

It was I who "named" Beretta, and Beretta's path of self-evolution was thus closed, perhaps I was in the
sense of taking responsibility for the ritual.

"No, no way!”

"Beretta, you'll evolve in this way, too, so protect Ramiris in the future!"

To Beretta's surprise, the evolution was done without a problem.

Very much in keeping with its Diablo’s dependents, he did not enter the sleep of evolution.

Incidentally, his evolved state is…

Name: Beretta [E.P.: 1,970,873]

Race: Higher Divine Spirit - Chaos Metalloid

Blessing: Labyrinth’s blessing

Title: Guardian of Ramiris

Magic: <Dark Magic>

Ability: The ultimate skill, “Machine God King Deus Ex Machina”

Resistance: physical attack invalid, state anomaly invalid, mental attack invalid, natural influence
invalid, divine attack resistance

It was—

Beretta's body, the ultimate metal (hihiirokane), was equivalent to Mythical level, so Beretta's existence
value was greatly increased.

By the way, EP is the existence value (presence).

It's “Existence Value,” not the ability value, and it's in English, but if I care, I lose.

This was the result of the original lifeform magic steel absorbing the huge magic element generated by

The most important skill is the "King of the Machine Gods", which is a ultimate skill that has been
sacrificed for the unique skill “Reverser.” The powers included are "thought acceleration, universal
perception, demon lord’s haki, mineral control, earth attribute manipulation, inverse fusion, space
manipulation, multiple barriers…

<<I worked hard!>>

Ah, good on you.

You're really chasing after what you're interested in.

While my skills are important, I won't forget my interests.

It's a very deft toss up of skills…

So true to Ciel's style, I couldn't help but think so.

Ah, never mind that for a moment…Beretta that's some serious shit.

He can manipulate and make minerals freely by using the new power of "Mineral Control" and "Earth
Attribute Manipulation" together, and you need materials, but there is a storehouse of magic steel in the
maze. The earth is also joined to the earth and a certain amount of minerals can be raised.

It seemed that his body's evolution into divine steel had allowed it to master such power as well.

The ability to manipulate the elements, presumably this feeling?

Metal can turn into all sorts of shapes regardless of hardness, so you can't deal damage to Beretta if
you're not using a strengthened weapon with something like magic or aura.

What's even more awesome is that Beretta's body can deform freely.

Most weapons were ineffective in front of him. He’s like the difficult fluid metal that appeared in the
movies, kind of that feeling.

Approaching as quietly as a Slime, wrapping his arms around his opponent and suffocating them…it
was terrifying just thinking about it.

He is usually like a high art humanoid doll with spherical joints, but his essence is not the same as his
appearance, so be aware of this.

In this way, Beretta evolved into what could be called a subspecies of spiritual lifeforms—the dreaded
metal lifeforms.

Although I built the doll on a whim, it's really something that it has evolved to this point. While making
observations and wallowing in such sentiments, Beretta knelt before me.

“I will never forget your kindness, Lord Rimuru, and I will carry out your orders, even if I die!”

He swore.

Although I want him not to force it, Ramiris must be more important than that when she encounters a
crisis, and there will most likely be more severe battles in the future, so Beretta will certainly respond to
my expectations, right?

I'm also relieved to have Beretta guarding Ramiris.


I said to Beretta with this nod.

Beretta's troubles were thus resolved, a job well done.

I told Beretta to have a good healing session and let him get back to his job.


Waiting for the next interviewer, I was thinking about skills-related questions.

The intelligence gained during the recent evolutionary festival, as well as the battle with the imperial
strongman, made me question it.

Skills are based on the roots of the laws of this world, rooted in the power of the "soul".

The "Voice of the World" will award them after they have worked on themselves or achieved great

So far it has not been thought about in depth, but it is an incredible phenomenon.

It had been taken for granted before…but the chain of events that had taken place had turned it into a
doubt that could not be ignored.

In other words…

What exactly is the nature of skills?

This question.

I had unique skills when I first arrived in this world.

The "voice of the world" was heard at a time when I was dying in the original world.

From this fact it can be inferred that skills are not unique to this world alone.

If this is the case, the question becomes even more difficult to answer, and directly speaking, it is a
matter of concern whether there are people who can use skills in the original world.

Originally, a unique skill was thought to be something only heroes could acquire.

Just because unique skills = unique skills, the performance varies widely, as the name suggests. It is my
own desire that shapes me and empowers me to do what I want.

I acquired 'Predator' and 'Great Sage', but I didn't expect to acquire 'Great Sage', which is a bit

<<Impolite. I'm here because Lord Rimuru wants me to be!>>


Just because I'm a virgin…no, I'll stop thinking about it.

Since Ciel said so, it might be that such a desire existed in my deep psyche, and it was somewhat
dangerous for the topic to go deeper, let's just call it that.

Change the subject back.

This means that skills, although rooted in the “soul," are different.
The skills acquired at the limit of physical training are not carved into the "soul" but are attached to the
body. This is especially true for skills gained from magical creatures, which can be gained by simply
eating the opponent.

This skill is known as an inherent skill of the race, and if the same race holds such a skill, then future
generations can also inherit it.

Skills acquired through cultivation often only reach the level of extra skills. The point is that after that,
it's still relatively useful to weave original techniques by increasing proficiency or fusing with sword

In fact, magic is also a form of a skill.

I was able to learn by eating, as evidenced by this.

There are many styles of skills, the most important of which are unique skills.

The so-called unique skills are the unique powers generated by each person.

Performance naturally varies.

While there will be similarities on the larger classifications, unique skills that are identical will not
usually exist. With the flow of time, there will also be cases of skill reproduction, but that is an extremely
special exception.

The unique skill ‘Starved' possessed by the Orc Lord was such that he could only board the same
bloodline by awakening the inherent skill of the race.

Starved is engraved in the flesh and is not normally applied to other races.

In my case, because of the direct unification with 『Predator』, I have not cared about it so far.

I think Shizu-san's "deviant" was created by her “soul."

Then it was entrusted to me.

That's why I was able to use it, and if it wasn't for that, maybe I wouldn't have been able to get it.

Somehow, the skills carved into the soul will be a bit more powerful.

Incidentally, there is no doubt that the 'proxy skills' given by Rudra are inscribed in the flesh. If one is
not a "sage," one does not have enough energy to use it, presumably because one does not receive the
power oneself, and therefore does not use it efficiently.

It is for this reason that more powerful and unique skills can do the trick against it.

Diablo defeated Jiu and Bonnie, who held the ultimate skills, but originally this should have been
impossible to do.

Unique skills do not work against the ultimate skills, only the ultimate skills can fight against ultimate
Although there are exceptions such as Chloe's 'Infinite Prison' and 'Absolute Severance' and Masayuki's
‘Chosen One,’ it is unusual to defeat a person with ultimate skills only through unique skills.

Even if it's just a unique skill, the strength will be very different, if it's an ultimate skill, it will be even
more different.

He who has acquired the ultimate skill, knows the reasoning of the world. Thus, one can become a
higher being through magic that comes from the world's laws.

The most powerful magic of the divine system, the "Aura Collapse" or the "Original" magic, can be
used against it.

So, it's also possible that Diablo used ultimate magic to defeat his opponent, but it doesn't feel like that.

It feels like he's going to force his way straight through, which is probably a rare occurrence in the

In short, depending on the situation, it is possible to outperform a person with ultimate skills, even if
they do not have them.

In fact, practicing the ultimate skill would be useful everywhere, rather than relying on skills, perhaps
mastering the arts would be even stronger. But most fundamentally, there is no doubt that it is the best
way to fight against the Ultimate skill, and also to acquire the Ultimate skill.

Summarizing these reflections.

-Skills can be carved into the "soul" as well as the flesh.

Based on experience so far, unique skills can be acquired through a strong desire or desire. The point is
that it’s not so much talent as potential. No matter what the expectation, there is no way to get it if the
existence value is not enough. This is not something that can be obtained by desire alone, but requires the
achievement of various trials or conditions before it can be reached. One gains more power by oneself
than by ones given. Further, the power born of the "soul" seems to be stronger than the power born of the

-Next, the exact same skills do not exist.

Even if the name is the same, the performance and the laws will not be the same, I'm afraid. This is
what desires translate into form and will vary a thousand different things depending on the various
thoughts within the owner.

-Next, the gap between the unique and the ultimate skills are not absolute.

The strength of the skill acquired is swayed by the owner himself. To have a stronger effect requires a
strong enough will. Skill, is the power to influence the laws of the world through desire alone. It is
certainly not possible to use the kind of power that can be called the root, without enough willpower.

When you look at it in this way, it's clear that the most important thing is willpower.

This is followed by a thorough understanding of the nature of the skill and exploring its true and proper
I had the King of Wisdom telling me the right way to use them, but that's generally not possible.
Although it is a skill born of your own desire, there are cases where it cannot be used because of a
mistake in usage.

<<Hehehe, a recent example is Dino's funny failure.>>


I couldn't help but ask out like that, so Ciel felt amused and spoke up.




Dino's abilities, as stated before, evolved during the battle. It has evolved from the most powerful of
the unique skills, the “Sloth," to the ultimate skill, the "King of Slothfulness".

This was supposed to be the power that could wield the power of terror, but instead it was beaten to a
pulp by Zegion.

Of course, the overwhelmingly strong Zegion was also a reason, but the more fundamental reason was
actually because Dino hadn't been able to fully utilize the 'King of Slothfulness'

Since he was only using this ability as a disguise, he probably doesn’t have the full understanding of it.

The characteristic of Dino’s “Sloth,” the "King of Slothfulness,” was born out of the character of Dino's
Sloth, and the character of his Sloth is that the more he moves, the weaker he becomes, so the real way to
use it is to "support his subordinates or companions.”

If Dino had lent his accumulated power directly to his companions like that, the true value of the 'King
of Slothfulness’ could’ve been realized.




Although it happened while we were away, the battle log images of the maze remained intact, and
parsing was of interest to Ciel, so it benefited me.

If it had been Guy, there would have been no such failure.

He should understand the nature of the ability to use it correctly. However, it is a slacker, like Dino,
who is so baffled by the surface of skill that he fails to perceive its essence.

Or should I say, it’s the failure of the enemy that made Dino make a move.

If Dino continued to skip work and slack off like he usually did, and only let his companions Pico and
Garcia make their move, it might’ve been hard for Geld and Kumara to cope.

Thinking about it this way, it's really good luck.

It's because the work I assigned down the line awakened Dino to the joy of labor that this one was
lucky, right?

It's too bad this kind of comment is failing more and more the more action is taken, if we can make
peace with Dino, we'll teach him a good lesson when the time comes.

Anyway that's it, it's not easy to properly understand one's abilities.

But there are also cases like Masayuki's where he would start it without expecting it.

But such skills are hard to master, and even harder to use thoroughly.

Knowing the essence of a skill and using it fully is the same as seeing your inner meaning. It's very
difficult, and I think it may be necessary to spend a lifetime dealing with it.

That is, if one mistakenly believes that skills are weapons of convenience, etc., one will definitely not
be able to perform to their full potential.

<<That’s right. Please take me more seriously and face me well.>>

Well, well…

Somehow, I felt misinterpreted, but stopped thinking about it.


As I pondered the end, there was a knock on the door.

It is Benimaru who was guided by Shuna.

“Did you call me? I heard it's a personal interview. Do you have anything you want to ask?”

After sitting face to face with me on the couch, Benimaru asked in this way, perhaps he was expecting
an important close conversation, but unfortunately not.

"Sorry, it's just on a whim.”

"On a whim?”

"Yes. Didn't everyone's strength increase dramatically during this battle? You can also measure your
presence in the labyrinth, so I want to get a good grasp of your fighting power.”

“I see. That’s really important!”

Hearing my explanation, Benimaru's expression became bright.

He seemed to have been expecting to be asked about newlywed life, and that's why he was so formal.

"Well, I do care about that too, but wouldn't it be forceful and sexual harassment to ask further?”

"Is that so? That guy Souei said, ‘Hmph, just because you can evolve smoothly, it means you've done
everything you need to do. You're so late in life, I thought I'd have to give you some help’…
Just as Benimaru was talking about it…


His smile was overshadowed by the smile of Shuna, who sent the cake in.

The crushing force was so intense it felt like one's back was going to freeze.

“Did you say something rude in front of Lord Rimuru?”

“I'm sorry…”

Couldn't even the hard-core Benimaru beat Shuna?

"So Lord Rimuru? I shouldn't have said such useless things to my brother. I should have scolded him.”

“That’s right. I’ll be careful”

It's not okay to choose to resist at this point.

I understood the matter deeply and waited for Shuna to get in a good mood.

It's clearly a rare cake, and it's tasteless because it's so stressful to eat.

The moment Shuna withdrew the cutlery to exit the room, Benimaru and I were both greatly relieved.

"Phew, that was a failure.”

“Yes, you should think about the time and occasion when you say such things.”

“I see. I originally disliked this story, so why did it turn out this way…”

Well, that’s right.

Maybe some do, but it just feels to me like you are showing off.

Let's wait for that later.

Confirming Benimaru's status as previously intended.

Name: Benimaru [EP: 4,397,780 (+ "Red Lotus" 1,140,000)]

Race: “Flame Spirit Oni", Divine Monster Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru’s Blessing

Title: “Flare Lord.”

Magic: <Fire Spirit Magic>

Ability: The ultimate skill, “Blazing Sun Lord Amaterasu”

Resistances: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, spiritual attack
resistance, divine attack resistance
It was like this.

That's so strong!

The ultimate skill “Blazing Sun Lord Amaterasu" was acquired at the expense of the unique skill
"Generalissimo", and its powers include "Thinking Acceleration, Universal Perception, Demon lord’s
haki, Will Control, Light and Heat Control, Space Control, and Multiple barriers".

According to Ciel's confession, it also reflected a portion of Velgrynd's powers, though Benimaru’s
seemed to be an ultimate ability acquired through his own power.

Ciel said she only slightly helped.

But this is really…

The existence value of the Benimaru itself exceeded four million, plus the holding of the "Red Lotus"
sword will increase it by a million more, this is higher than Ruminas…

Incidentally, there is no way to deceive the existence value—probably.

To be more precise, people inside the maze measure existence values with a fairly high accuracy.

To try to cheat, one would either have to have a mythical-grade weapon hidden behind their back, or
place an ‘other body' in some other venue like Velgrynd did. If it was just body splitting, the values would
be too small to be seen directly as artifacts.

If it was outside the labyrinth, it would be easier to fool around, but if you invaded the labyrinth, it
would be like sinking your head into the hot springs together, and you would not be able to escape
Ramiris' 'identification'.

Ramiris is great at this kind of detail, alongside her regrettable aspects.

In short, they don’t understand what they can and can't do.

The reason why it is possible to identify it in this way is because someone said in a chat that "it would
be nice if we could measure the value correctly.”

The one who asked this was probably Shinji, and Ramiris, who heard it, and replied, ‘I can do it!’

It is said that the entire space was surrounded by subtlety at the time.

Everyone was probably thinking, ‘Couldn't you have said that earlier?’

If only it had been done that way sooner, it would have been possible to measure the existence value of
not only Ruminas, but even Guy and Velzado…

Also, if Dino hadn't been taken lightly and was measured because he was a guest and research partner,
it would have been possible to find out how powerful he was that he couldn't have imagined just by his

…only that it would be pointless to measure but not to be sure that the other person would betray. Just a
little more vigilance may not have helped in this case.
That aside, although the measured values are reference values, it is useful to use the existence value as
one of the indicators of strength.

This way, you can be sure that Benimaru will not fall behind even if he is competing with the "Three
Admirals" or Dino.

Even among the Super Awakened (millions) class, they are in the upper ranks and are very reliable as
my helpers.

There was just one thing that mattered anyway.

“If I remember correctly, if a monster has a child, doesn't that make it weaker?”

"Yes. Generally speaking, the amount of magicules is drastically reduced.”

"Then why did you get stronger?"

"Ahahaha, that's incredible!”

Ah, what a refreshing smile.

But don’t just try to smile and muddle through.

"What the hell is going on?”

"I don't know! It's also something that Souei is always pestering me about it, which bothers me.”

Yeah, I'm not the only one interested?

If this problem can be solved, it will be good news for the monsters.

The number of people and monsters getting married was relatively high, but I hadn't heard much about
people suffering from weakening… But the higher up in the hierarchy the monsters affected were, the
greater the impact would be, so this was something that would need to be resolved someday.

“Let me know if you know anything.”

"Got it. Then I'll replace with Souei."

Leaving one question unresolved ended the interview with Benimaru.


Souei stepped in, replacing Benimaru.

After taking his seat face to face, I grumbled to Souei.

“I'm talking about you. Don't tease Benimaru too much.”

"Heh, that guy's been a late bloomer in strange places since before. In my humble opinion, if we don't
get straight to the point, he'll just keep on grumbling.”

Woah, that's a good point.

After all, Benimaru had said that there was no way to evolve without a successor, and it was
understandable that Souei would be worried.

"Well, let's leave it at that. And then there's the thought about your evolution…”

Souei was influenced by the Benimaru's Evolution.

Name: Souei [EP: 1,281,162]

Race: “Fair Oni", medium divine spirit - dark spirit

Blessing: Shadow of the King

Title: Dark Shinobi

Magic: <Dark Spirit Magic>

Ability: The ultimate skill “Moonshadow Lord Tsukuyomi”

Resistance: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, mental attack

Hmmm, very strong.

Resistance on all fronts is also very good.

If you want to defeat Souei, you can only use the sacred attacks or the sacred sword skills, or an
ultimate skill.

Souei's abilities were given to the 'King of Moonshadow' by Ciel, and they were rich and varied,
including 'Thought Acceleration - Universal Perception - Eye of the Moon - One-hit Kill - Overdrive -
Spiritual Operation - Parallel Existence - Space Operation - Multiple barriers'.

"Hey, is it true that you can even use 'parallel existence’?"

I was so surprised that I couldn't help but ask, and Souei replied calmly.

“Yes, it's not possible to have as many of them at the same time as Velgrynd-sama, but I'm confident
enough to be useful even if there is only one.”

That, indeed, is something to be confident about.

One alone is enough.

In that case, even Souei was infinitely close to being indestructible… However, the one that deserved
special mention was the 'eye of the moon', right?

With this, shadows can be manipulated at will, and various things can be done without the other party
noticing, and the scope of influence is wide, so that the whole town is under the influence. Not only for
intelligence-gathering-specific capabilities, but also for assassination.

“Souei's skill is my masterpiece, and to recreate the ninja in my memory, I have filled in the ninja
elements with Souei’s wish.”
I would also like to say that this skill can be rich, but the original reason is this.

The highlight of this "Moon's eye" is that it can be used even in the "split body". Souei can send a "split
body" to each place and share information with the "eye of the moon", so that you can access information
from all over the world through the "thought transmission".

I totally get why this is self-confidence at work.

This power really gets more and more powerful the more you hear it.

It's like a superior version of my spying magic, "Argos". With the ability to monitor the world and
visualize the accompanying sound, he has become an all-powerful and trustworthy man.

In the future, we will also continue to hand all our spying activities to Souei.

“Well, then you are given the new title of Lord of Darkness and will continue to lead the Shadow
Squad in the service of our nation.”

“Yes, sir! All actions are for Lord Rimuru!”

Not for me, but for our country…forget it.

"I'll leave it to you, then.”

I comforted the Souei for a while.

There was about an hour after that, talking to Souka about whether there were any grievances, and how
they were doing and such.

The five of them, their existence values seems to have grown to nearly 200,000, while Souka's own
existence value reached 260,189 which is already quite high, considered to be a former demon lord’s
deputy officer level. She is also considered to be able to fight with the upper ranks of this level.

In this fight, her strength has improved greatly.

Combat was the best training, as I had heard Souei say.

But one thing to be aware of is not to think that what you can do, others can do as well.

Everyone has their own personality and is different in what they are good at or not good at.

Souei was indeed very capable, but he could not impose the same amount of work on his subordinates,
as that would make even the best people lose their motivation.

“Isn't it only natural to give our all for Lord Rimuru?”

Well, not quite right.

“Don't you see, if that's what you think, no one will come after you after that? It's also the
responsibility of the supervisor to value your subordinates more and think of ways to make them work
more effectively and happily.”

Sure enough, only by giving meaning to the other person's work will someone follow.
Of course, it's work after all, and fun alone won't hold up.

Even so, I think a sense of accomplishment is important.

The joy of reaching your goals cannot be gained if you are always given an absurd amount of work.
What's more, if forcing yourself to finish once and giving yourself more work the next time…

Then even I have the confidence to be angry.

Things like “just do it,” this will fall on your own head later, except that Souei always gets it done. The
end result might be blaming yourself, or perhaps become sick or get a heart disease.

I was worried that this would happen.

"So that's it. I must use my tools with more care, right?”

"Don't call a companion a tool. Truly, it's important to keep glory in one's work, but it's not mandatory.
If you, as a supervisor, can show recognition for the work of your subordinates, they will be very happy.”

“…So it seems. Indeed, I myself regard Lord Rimuru's praise as the greatest joy.”

Hmmm, should I say he’s too serious or too heavy?

"Anyway, how about taking this opportunity to have a party with your men?”

"Got it. It is also the responsibility of the boss to control the mood of his subordinates, so I will take
care of them more thoroughly in the future.”

"Remember to take advantage of the situation.”

Anyway, for the time being, I'm conveying to him what I care about.

After that.

A letter of thanks was received from Souka.

Tears of joy permeated the letter, and I felt satisfied that I had done a good thing.


The next person to be interviewed was Gabil, who came after dinner.

"Hohohoho! Because of Lord Rimuru's summons, I, Gabi,l have come to visit!”

Today—or rather, tonight—Gabil was full of energy too.

I told him it was nighttime and to be quiet and sit down.

After Shuna serves tea, I get to the point.

"You've been a great help this time. It's because of your efforts that everyone came back alive, it's really
thanks to you that you were able to hold out until the end, and personally, I have you to thank for that!”
Not from the standpoint of the nation, as my personal expression of gratitude to Gabil. If Gabil doesn't
hold out, there will be quite a few casualties.

"Ah, Lord Rimuru! That's the only thing that makes me emotional.”

Gabil suddenly burst into tears.

I was so impressed that I didn't go to throw cold water on it. I waited for Gabil to calm himself down.

"It goes without saying that I was able to win, and it's all thanks to Lord Rimuru that I survived. That
voice—I was convinced after hearing Lord Gedora's whisper—that was Lord Rimuru's voice, wasn't it?"

Ah, well, it was the sound of Ciel's voice that was heard.

"Hmm? Well, sort of.”

It's troublesome to explain, and since Ciel's existence is my trump card, it's better not to publicize it, so
let's go along with Gabil's misunderstanding.

"Yes! I understand that I cannot win without that power. Since I'm always reminded not to get carried
away, even if I'm wrong, I don't take credit for it.”

The tone of voice was high and the expression on Gabil's face was very subdued, which I think is what
he really meant.

“You're growing.”

"Yes! I am very grateful for this assessment…”

As with the flow just now, Gabil cried again.

I couldn't wipe it off with a handkerchief anymore, so I handed the towel over.

Gabil is still this virtuous, but his growth has also been amazing.

Name: Gabil [EP: 1,263,824]

Race: “Dragonewt" Medium Divine Water Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Dragon Lord"

Magic: <Dark Spirit Magic>

Ability: the ultimate skill “King of the Mind (mood maker)"

Inherent skills: "Magic Sense - Super Sense - Dragon Scale Armored - Black Breath of Inflammation -
Black Thunder Breath

Resistances: pain invalidation, state anomaly resistance, natural influence resistance, physical attack
resistance, spiritual attack resistance, divine attack resistance

Unknowingly, he had reached an intensity that could rival Souei.

Gabil's ultimate gift, “Mind King,” is the masterpiece of Ciel.

The ability will not be low just because it is not acquired on its own, it is precisely because Gabil has
the adaptability to acquire this power.

The five main powers are "Thinking Acceleration, Fate Change, Unexpected Operation, Space
Operation, and Multiple Boundaries", and if you can fully control the overflowing power, you can also
learn "Demon Lord Haki".

One of the most powerful is the "change of fate,” which is limited to once a day, but has the potential to
change the battlefield against an opponent who is stronger than himself.

This…what would happen if someone other than Gabil learned it?

If it was Diablo who obtained this 'change of fate,’ he would probably be the undisputed strongest.

Thinking about it this way, it feels like Gabil is a pretty good guy too.

What particularly shocked me was how it looked in that battle.

Gabil, who dried his tears, told me about the part of the battle he was proud of…

"Thus the enemy's spear came so close to my face that I laughed and fired it!"

This, this is it.

Gabil's weapon was a special-grade magical weapon, the Water Vortex Spear, which was heard to be
the secret treasure of the Lizardman race, but it was only special-grade.

However, that water vortex spear bounced off the mythical-grade Green Dragon Spear, which I thought
was some kind of joke.

"Looks like poor performance can't sway victory or defeat, goohahahahahaha!”

Why is Gabil able to laugh out loud like that, I think it's obviously going left and right.

If the weapon is Legendary class, even a hundred steps back, it's not that you can't forcefully accept it,
but if the opponent is Mythic class, it won't work.

All that can be thought of is the possibility that…

It's possible that Gabil unconsciously applied his skills to the water vortex spear. Presumably, it is
precisely because there is a polarizing level of power protecting it that the spear is not broken.

Indeed, it seems to be so.

Gabil would have been awesome in that regard as well.

He's actually a hard worker because of his usual words and actions.

And a jack-of-all-trades who can study, fight, and do everything.

His future activity is also something to look forward to.

"Regarding the water vortex spear, could you leave it with me for a while? I want to ask Kurobee to
renew it.”

“What is it?”

"That is, to let the experience of the weapon be inherited and to bring it back to life. The materials are
scheduled to be supplied with divine steel, so isn’t it possible for it to evolve to mythical level as well?”

Although divine Steel was still rare, it was not a waste to give it to Gabil.

It was my sincere wish to strengthen Gabil's weapon as a reward for this battle and to enable him to
endure more brutal battles in the future.

If Gabil is unwilling to modify the weapons handed down from ancestor to ancestor, then I’ll think of
something else.

"Please, please, please!”

Gabil cried out again and handed me the spear.

In this way, the direction of the weapon's transformation is also targeted, and Gabil will become

If identified with the master by the mythic level, the existence value also increases. Gabil himself could
become a semi-spiritual lifeform, and resistance should increase accordingly.

Gabil's men, the "Heavenly Flying Crowd", now have an average presence of over 120,000. It is said
that 200,000 of them are in the upper echelon and it is hoped that they will continue to support Gabil in
the future.

Thus, the interview ended without a hitch, despite Gabil's tears.


Late at night.

In a private room in a special members-only store.

Reclining in the same seat as the elven sisters, Geld and I made good face-to-face.

"How's it going?”

"In good shape. I'm used to this power and won't break the cup again.”

Geld said with this smile, deftly sipping his wine.

Being held in such a large hand, an ordinary sized cup also looks like a small wine goblet.

"Well, I didn't call you here today for anything else. It's also meant to comfort you, so drink it up.”

"I'm grateful. I feel unparalleled happiness to hear Lord Rimuru say such things.”
The normally cool looking Geld could tell by the look in his eyes and excitement that this was what he
was thinking from the bottom of his heart.

I nodded and toasted with Geld.

After listening to Geld's tirade, I moved on to another topic.

"Actually, there's something I'd like to say that might be a little rude to you, okay?”

"Whatever it is, I don't think Lord Rimuru is being rude to me.”

No, no, I'm also a little slow to point out, if I care, that there is a saying, "He who speaks without
listening intends.

I said to the girls in elementary school, "No, let's not. That's more than black history, and I've grown
since then.”

Up until now I was not subtle enough to be thoughtful, but I also struggled with it daily, warning
myself from time to time not to say annoying things.

Let's not think for a moment about whether this approach has yielded results.

Anyway, Geld gave the go-ahead, so I'll just talk about it.

"Then as I said, it's okay to just say no if it's not.”

Having said the opening, I'd like to make a suggestion to Geld.

The content is about whether or not to accept the 'ability to change' from Ciel.

Ciel-sensei's presence has to be hidden, so I tried to ask myself ''Can you fiddle with your skills?''

Then, without hesitation, Geld answered 'Yes'.

"I think it's because I am this way, I’ve even worried Rimuru-sama. If I can become strong, I don't need
to ask you anymore.”

Geld drained his glass of wine in one gulp.

It wasn't an agreement because there was no way around it, it was an indefensible declaration of
acceptance that Geld rightfully arrived at by his own determination.

I nodded as I poured the wine for Geld.

Name: Geld [EP: 2,378,749]

Race: “Orc King"

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Barrier Lord"

Spell: Recovery Magic

Ability: The ultimate skill “Gourmet King Beelzebub”

Resistances: pain invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, natural influence resistance, physical attack
resistance, spiritual attack resistance, divine attack resistance

After Geld accepted my proposal, the waiting Ciel did it immediately.

This is the power of "Thinking Acceleration, Magical Sense, Demon King Haki, Super Speed
Regeneration, Predation, Stomach Pockets, Isolation, Needs, Supplies, Corroded Food, Iron Wall,
Guardianship, Substitute Service, Space Operation, Multiple Barriers, Super Smell, Full Body Armor",
which has the power and is a slight degradation of my "King of Gluttony" and is composed of various
other skills.

By empowering the subordinates with “protection grant,” the entire defense can be formed.

Geld was also personally able to share the damage received by his companions by using the 'Iron Wall'
and 'Substitute Service'.

Corrosion is an offensive and defensive skill that by no means focuses on guarding, but is also valuable
on the offensive side of the game. It's a good idea for Geld, who is specializing in guarding, to make the
most of this ability, which is so unique to him.

It's not just the skill that deserves special mention, Geld himself is outstanding.

After upgrading Geld's defensive gear to Mythical level, it could be said that it became the same
existence as Geld's own flesh and blood. As with the monsters' clothes, they can be reproduced at will
according to Geld's heart.

It's the same with the Meat Crusher weapon, as if even if it were destroyed it would immediately create
a new one. After being repaired by Kurobee, the weapon is said to have left a memory of being in that

Honestly, it just seems like a cheat.

In any case, by acquiring weapons, Geld's existence value has grown substantially and the base is very
adequate. Coupled with the acquisition of the 'King of Gourmet', Geld's strength was already
overwhelmingly strong in front of Souei and Gabil.

The current Geld should be able to buy time even with the "Three Admirals" as his opponent. Trying to
defeat the defensive Geld without a super powerful blow is difficult.

"I'll have to ask you to do this again.”

"That's encouraging. And I will continue to do whatever it takes to protect everyone.”

After telling him that I would need his help in the future as well, Geld and I both smiled.


I went back to my little room.

Thinking about the meeting tomorrow.

The meeting had only started today from dusk, so there were only five people to meet.
Since everyone was busy too, I couldn’t spend days.

In addition to the remaining nine of the Twelve Patrons, there were several others who wanted to have a

At least with Apito, there was a need for an interview at the request of Ciel.

As if out of a desperate desire to fiddle with her skills.

I feel too faithful to desire some of that, but can't deny that it will serve everyone well. There was no
reason I had to stop Ciel either, so I intend to keep at it tomorrow as well.

Shuna intended the same and I let her make arrangements for the reservations.

The instructions to postpone have been conveyed to Diablo and Shion, and I think we should be able to
end tomorrow without a hitch.

The meetings seemed to have been going on for a long time.

I've received some reports, but there's also the question of whether I should be involved, so until I've
finished talking to the people of the Empire, I'm going to stay out of it and wait and see what happens.

However, the presence of Velgrynd was one of the reasons why the meeting couldn't end, the current
seventy levels had an atmosphere that no one could approach.

Veldora, for example, had long since panicked and fled back to his room, and I was slightly disturbed.

Being apart from Velgrynd didn't take long, but I cared about what kind of experience she had

All in all, one can only wait for the attitude given over there.

In the meantime, I’ll just keep doing what I'm supposed to do.

As I was engrossed in my thoughts, I suddenly noticed an aura.

From my shadow, Ranga suddenly showed his head above the tip of his nose and stared at me.

"Wow, that scared me! Isn't this Ranga, waking up smoothly?”

I happily turned human and touched Ranga's head and ears.

The next moment Ranga showed a happy then lost expression, dropping his ears.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?”

I was worried about whether it was a failure of evolution or not, but it doesn't seem that way.

"Master, I didn't make it to the battle because I overslept…”

“What? That's it!?”

"I don't know how to apologize, but I'm the reason they missed out on the opportunity to be active.”

That's true, but it can't be helped.

Compared to that, Ranga had already evolved smoothly, and it was enough to be able to do something
big in the future.

"The hobgoblins are so active with their chores and stunts at parties that no one will complain about
you Ranga, so don't worry.”

"My lord, I'm grateful to hear you say that."

Ranga came to the floor with a "Coo" sound from his throat, and rubbed his face against mine as if he
was pampering me.

So I rubbed his fur, enjoying the long-forgotten fuzziness.

Now, back to the main point.

It was a rare opportunity to confirm Ranga's status.

Name: Ranga [EP: 4,340,084]

Race: “Divine Wolf,” upper divine spirit - wind spirit wolf

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Star Lord"

Magic: <Wind Spirit Magic>

Ability: Ultimate skill, “Stellar Wind Lord Hastur”

Resistances: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, spiritual attack
resistance, divine attack resistance

Ah, Ranga's race also carries divinity.

Just now, I was so concerned, it seems like it's all better than the indigenous gods that are believed in in
the borderlands, is that okay?
With the exception of Souei, who may be treated as Benimaru’s submissive spirit, it's as if a race
carries divinity if the existence value exceeds two million.

Not sure, but that's how I felt.

"A few more examples are needed, but this perception should be correct.”


After all, an existence value worth more than a million is a "saint", and if it exceeds two million, it may
become a "god". It is not the same as the conceptual "god", but it is a powerful symbol that can be trusted.

The value of Ranga's existence actually exceeds four million.

This is rivaled to Benimaru without his Taishou, in what is a terrifying evolution.

"Very impressive, Ranga!"

"Hahahaha, it's all thanks to the master.”

According to Ranga, it's all thanks to bathing in my shadow.

There has always been a magical element absorbed in my shadow, so his evolution seems to have gone
very smoothly as well.

And there just seemed to be a flash of awesome power. That’s what the ultimate skill “Stellar Wind
Lord Hastur” is.

Then there is no doubt about this…

<<Correct, it's me doing a little bit of minor work.>>

Sure enough.

It wasn't a gift, it was Ranga's own power, but how could Ciel not intervene?

But well, since it's an ability that matches Ranga's, so I don't have any complaints.

This power consists of seven types of "Thinking Acceleration, Universal Perception, Demon Lord
Haki, Weather manipulation, Sound and Wind manipulation, Space manipulation, and Multiple Barriers",
which are completely different levels of power.

I can understand the extent of this superpower, which is capable of controlling even the weather.

An ability that is indeed commensurate with Ranga.

I’m starting to worry about whether or not Gobta could handle Ranga.


It's time to work.

Although I played with Ranga without sleeping, I'm in very good health.
The first one to come over was Nine-Tailed Kumara.

Her first words spoken after greeting me were,

"I heard Ranga-sama's complacent boast that it was Rimuru-sama who could modify our skills. In any
case, I hope you can give me new powers.”

The young female posture of Kumara adorably made a request.

Ranga's abilities were acquired by himself, but he seemed to have exaggerated the help he received.

Actually, I think he should praise himself more, but for some reason Ranga keeps bragging that he got
my help.

It wasn't me who helped, but Ciel, only that was a secret, so I nodded ambiguously.

All right, so what do we do now?

<<Let’s do it.>>

I knew you'd say that.

Facing Ciel, who had no intention at all of feeling sorry for herself, it was disconcerting to entrust her
with the aftermath…As long as there are enemies, all measures that can be taken should be completed.

"Well, you're mostly on your own, but I’ll take a look.”

Even for Ciel, what can't be done still can't be done.

Skills that don't fit Kumara's skills cannot be gifted.

After getting a response, it was left to Ciel.

Name: Kumara [EP: 1,899,944]

Race: Heavenly Star Nine-Tailed Spirit. Upper-tier Earth Monster Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Chimeric Lord."

Magic: "Earth Spirit Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill “Mythical Beast Lord Bahamut"

Inherent skill: "Beast Demon Control - Beast Demon Unity

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, natural influence resistance,
spiritual attack resistance, divine attack resistance

It took some time and seemed to work.

Kumara was given the ultimate skill “Mythical Beast Lord Bahamut", which includes six powers:
"Thinking Acceleration - Universal Perception - Demon Lord’s Haki - Gravity manipulation - Space
manipulation - Multiple barriers".

She can even interfere with planets, seemingly manipulating a wide range of gravity.

The race of the Kumara had also changed.

The nine-tailed beast evolved into the Heavenly Star Nine-Tailed Spirit.

The nine-heads turned into nine-tails, which sounded like it had weakened, but it wasn't. Having
previously led eight demonic beasts, and now just one head, meant that the Kumara could achieve
complete dominance by her own consciousness.

Like the original, eight of the nine tails of the Nine-Tailed Kumara boarded the consciousness of the
monster beast, so it was still possible to assign the free consciousness to the ministry.

At that time, it was possible to isolate eight magic beasts with an existence value of approximately
200,000, but even so, Kumara still had an existence value of over a million.

The value of the subordinate presence is a multiple of the isolated value, which, when viewed in this
way, is clearly substantially enhanced.

Although she does not possess divinity, her existence value without relying on equipment has also
reached nearly two million, and there is a feeling that it is only one step away from evolution.

As with Geld, she’s the earth attribute.

As a semi-spiritual lifeform, the earth spirit beast has an excellent match with gravity to operate this

In terms of specifications, Kumara, which unites all the demons and beasts, can be ranked among the
“Twelve Patrons.”

But unfortunately, there is still a lack of experience.

The only ones who could win the fight would be Adalman and Gabil.

However, the prospect was certain, and Kumara was full of possibilities.

Still a toddler, her future growth is something to look forward to.


What followed was the duo of Apito and Zegion.

Zegion stayed out of the room first, with only Apito coming in.

It's actually okay for the two to be together, it's a personal interview in name only, but Zegion chooses
to comply anyway.

Sitting down face to face, Apito handed me a package.

"Lord Rimuru, this is the honey that was just collected."

"Oh, oh, thank you!”

I couldn't help but be happy.

This honey can be used as a panacea and is really amazingly delicious.

It's the same thing that tamed Milim, and it’s very famous among the ministry.

Because of this, honey became a highly popular commodity.

I laughed and tucked the package into my arms.

I'm not a man who will give in to a bribe, but I'll still be gentle with the yuppies.

As for Apito's current state.

Name: Apito [EP: 775,537]

Race: Star Wasp. Medium Divine Spirit - "Wind Spirit Bee"

Blessing: Zegion's Blessing

Title: "Insect Queen"

Ability: Unique skill “Queen of Worship Valkyrie”

Resistances: pain ineffectiveness, physical attack resistance, natural influence resistance, state anomaly
resistance, mental attack resistance

For an ordinary adventurer, it should be impossible to defeat her.

Apito's strength has long surpassed that of the former demon lords, and although she is still one step
away from the Special S class that our country has identified, she should be stronger than the old
awakened Clayman.

Also, according to Apito, the ‘Queen of Worship' can create nine insect-type majin.

They are still in the state of a chrysalis, but it seems that majin with considerable power will be born.

"In that case, let's celebrate.”

"That's great! I beseech you to give them a name.”

A name.


I try to avoid answering directly, and want to change the subject.

“‘Naming' is dangerous, so…"

<<No problem, I've learned to fully master the skills to eliminate the danger.>>

That’s right, it was the same with Charys back then.

I can't help it.

It's a bit of a hassle to come up with nine "names", and I would have avoided it…

“Reichi, Reni, Resan, Reyon, Rego, Reroku, Renana, Rehachi, Rekyuu—how about this? (***Didn’t
fully understand this translation so I couldn’t get it exactly right, but I think Rimuru basically put
numbers together in a sequence to make obvious names)

Don't ask me, I’m just doing it.

Although it's just a combination of number variations, I still hope you're okay with it.

I don't know if the majin are male or female, so I'll just assign them the appropriate names once they're

“Well! My children were so happy to feel Lord Rimuru's loving kindness, too!”

"Hey, can you know that too?”

"Of course, I'm connected with those kids.”

The children born of their own skills are given orders through the 'insect domination', and the speed of
communication is only a split second, and unlike the 'Thought Communication', there is a clear order of

I hear you, but let's leave that alone for now.

Ciel has been so noisy since just now.

“What a surprise. I was just asking for permission to change my abilities.”

I know.

It was as if Ciel wanted to change Apito's skills so badly that she was hungry for more.

In fact, if you want to, you can force me or Apito to do it, even without my permission, because I have
the authority of the higher power over those who have a connection to the "Soul Corridor".

But that was only for emergencies, and now it was the usual, and it seemed impossible to do it without
my permission just to be considerate of me.

What's more, Apito is in Zegion's genealogy, which in my case counts as a secondary dependency, and
it's still easier to contact a slightly weaker one and get permission to do it.

By this time all this came to mind, I asked about Apito.

"On the other hand, what do you say I can help you redirect your power if I can?”

"What do you mean?”

"Mmm. There are also evolutionary possibilities in your skills—in a nutshell, one is to continue to be
the queen of the insects as you are now, as the commander type who is served by her dependents. The
other is the hero type who leads her dependents in battle herself. The difference is simple, the commander
will retain power to create the insects, while the hero will not have that power, and in lieu of that, physical
abilities will be strengthened and skills will be strengthened towards the combat side.

I directly conveyed the words of Ciel, which would reveal that it was precisely because there were two
possibilities that Ciel did not force a revision.

It's up to the Apito to make the choice, otherwise the true power of the skill cannot be used.

"Of course, you can also choose not to change anything."

After hearing what I said, Apito immediately asked back rhetorically.

"If I choose the heroic type, will I be able to have children?"

Why do you ask?

<<Although the power of "Birth of Dependant" in the "Queen's Worship" will be lost, the ability to
reproduce in addition to the skill will be preserved and will not affect the conception of a successor.>>

"It's just that you can't create dependents through the skill. It doesn't affect the birth of children.”

"I see, then there's no problem. Now that my children have acquired the skill of 'Birth of a Dependant',
they will be able to produce an army exactly as I want them to as an army of the Queen.”

Really? Apito has already given a part of her power to the dependents.

So, Apito's answer was…

"I, for one, am willing to lead the charge!"

Apito's answer was what I thought it would be.

Ciel, who had waited half a day, immediately sprang into action.

<<Skill modification of Apito is a success, and the unique skill "Queen Worship" evolves into the
ultimate skill “Queen of Worship Valkyrie.”>>

It really took just a moment.

I don't know if it was analyzed early, but it was done in less than a second.

“After you're done, go back and make sure you practice your skills.”

Queen Worship and "Worship of the Queen" are skills that are enhanced by choosing and choosing
from the original "Worship of the Queen", including the powers of "Thinking Acceleration, Magic Sense,
Super Sense, Insect Domination, Army Command, Super Speed Action, Death Attack, Space
manipulation, Multiple Barriers.

It's just a matter of strengthening the power that she already has, so I'm sure Apito won't feel any
dissonance, even if I don't say so she'll still practice.
"I am thankful for the great good fortune that hides in my heart this supreme joy, that I may once again
swear my loyalty to Lord Rimuru.”

With that said, Apito fell to her knees.

I nodded generously, and the interview with Apito ended there.


Apito went out and switched with Zegion who came in.

Instead of sitting on the couch, Zegion politely sat in a wooden chair.

It was obvious that he was already the strongest in the maze, but he was still so thoughtful. Zegion
seemed to be thinking meticulously to prevent his exoskeleton from breaking the leather couch.

That being said, Zegion has done a really good job.

Zegion was already a high-spec existence, and even before awakening, he was an influential character
who formed the double wall of the Jura Tempest Federation with Diablo.

Compared to the other “Twelve Patrons,” there was a clear gap in strength, and this time the
evolutionary power had made him even stronger. Looking at the battle records, it seems that Dino was
defeated with Zegion’s strength still hidden.

It's horrifying.

Honestly, it's a good thing that this guy’s on our side.

"Zegion, you did a great job this time. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't woken up
in time."

"You're flattering me. Even the time I woke up was in Lord Rimuru's calculations, right?"

How is that possible!?

"Come on, even though I knew Dino was suspicious, I just didn't think he would strike when the
defense was at its weakest."

"Oh-ho-ho, so I see. It was in anticipation of this that I woke up.”

That’s why I didn’t expect that to happen!!

Speaking of which, I didn't even know that Velgrynd existed—no, that's not true, I did know, but I just
didn't think she'd come straight over here.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have run off with the executives to negotiate directly with the Emperor.

This strategy was initially a complete loss, and it was only with good luck that I survived it and
everything succeeded. But no matter how I explain it, Zegion just gives me credit.

I've given up.

"Anyway, I’m grateful for your help.”

"No, I'm not much. Rimuru-sama would have killed Dino with a blow that crossed space and time
even if I didn’t come out, right? I'm just responding to the opportunity you've given me to be active…

What the hell are you talking about? A shot at hyperspace?? How could that be done… What kind of
monster am I in this guy's eyes!?

"Ah, well, yeah… Maybe, it can be done…”

“Yes! It would be a breeze for Lord Rimuru.”

Zegion enthusiastically affirmed my powerless reply.

This was beyond the level of deep respect and I felt like I was being watched with a reverence to god.
Actually, since Zegion has compound eyes, all this is just my imagination…

Renewing my spirit, I continued the interview with Zegion.

I heard the insights into the fight with Dino directly from the mouth of Zegion.

I had expected Dino to be thoroughly successful in escaping, but that was not the case, in fact, Zegion
had expected that he would escape and carved a mark in him.

It’s a terrible thing that holds the power of life and death.

To even do something like that…how far has Zegion evolved?

Name: Zegion [EP: 4,988,856]

Race: Water Insect God. Upper-tier Divine Monster Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Mist Lord"

Magic: "Water Spirit Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill “Illusion King Mephisto”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance


I almost made a strange noise.

The numbers Ciel reported far exceeded my expectations.

Of course, Zegion also had divinity, and with an existence value of nearly five million, there was now
another surprisingly high value next to Benimaru.

His attribute is water, but according to Ciel he seems to have the spatial attribute as well.
Now a semi-spiritual lifeform with superior resistance, not only does he not have weaknesses, but his
skills were also pure.

Undoubtedly powerful.

Zegion seems to be able to condense the water molecules in the atmosphere, constructing temporary

The lifeform magic steel I gave him has evolved into a dense ultimate metal, and it is this metal that
possesses the fantasy nature that makes such a thing possible.

Zegion's obsession with his exoskeleton should be because it is the appearance I originally crafted. If it
wasn't for that, it would probably have been stripped off and he’d be a full-fledged spiritual lifeform.

It is also a pleasure to see him be able to take such an interest and use it.

What's more, it is strong enough for the close combat specialization of Zegion.

After all, becoming a full spiritual being without a physical body would be meaningless in close
combat, so perhaps it should be said that this form is now the completed one?

<<That’s right! And now Zegion is exactly the best masterpiece that master and I have ever created
together! Although the teaching was given by Veldora, many of the key points were given by me to guide
him with knowledge, so you don’t have to worry.>>

Well, basically I don't understand the meaning, right?

Ignoring my bewilderment, Ciel was smugly boasting herself.

Zegion dominates the “water element" and is especially strong where there is water.

The world’s atmosphere is also laden with moisture, so for Zegion, all places on the planet are
battlegrounds in his favor…

Additionally, a creature's flesh is mostly made up of water, and the fact that Zegion could manipulate
that water was enough to see how strong Zegion was.

About sixty-five percent of human flesh is water, so to be hostile to Zegion is clearly suicide.

But what Zegion is really good at is yet to be said.

Zegion's ultimate skill, 'King of Illusion', contained high performance powers such as 'Thinking
Acceleration, Universal Perception, Demon Lord Haki, Torpedo Control, Time and Space manipulation,
Multi-Dimensional Barrier, Morroworld, Spiritual Control, Illusion World', and there were some more
powerful powers in it, but none of them were the “marking” used on Dino.

That skill is called "The End of Dreams".

This so-called engraving is actually a technique created by Zegion.

With this move, even Yuuki's 'ability blocking' could be broken through, and to fight against it, one had
to have strong willpower, but it would be very difficult to be stronger than Zegion in this regard.
"The End of Dreams" and is a combination of the three powers of "Torpedo Control, Spiritual Control
and Illusion World".

Zegion's 'illusion world' can create situations that are beneficial to him, and he can become almost
invincible in that environment, like the kind of power that belongs to the 'world system', which seem to be
very rare.

Even I don't have it, so no wonder it's so strong.

<<I can prepare it for you if you want?>>


I don't know how to answer that question, so let's just ignore it.

Now we're talking about "The End of Dreams".

After using this skill, if the subject takes actions that do not match the caster’s intent, it is possible to
kill them immediately. However, because it is not possible restrict the opponent in great detail such as
behavior, the opponent can still move fairly freely.

In situations like this one, Dino is still free to act as long as he doesn't go against Zegion's wishes.

"So, how does that marking work?”

"Yes, I don't need to do anything on my end. Just the moment Dino makes a move, it will activate.”

Zegion's engraving is an unmanaged, auto-controlled type that Zegion can detect when it's activated,
and ignore it entirely except for that.

And the key to the activation lies in Dino's actions, that is to say, aiming "killing intent" on my

The moment he decides who to kill, the engraving would go and destroy Dino's core, and even spiritual
lifeforms could not escape from this spell.

However, this is limited to Dino's conscious actions, so if he goes out without knowing if he was my
companion or not, it will not cause the engraving to start.

I can't say I'm absolutely relieved, but if the town is attacked indiscriminately with killing intent, it will
be judged to be triggered, which should be enough to keep Dino at bay.

It's a good thing Zegion was able to impose such a horrible restriction on Dino, who had an ultimate

"That's great, Zegion. Even the threat was removed.”

“Thank you very much. I'm not experienced enough to be complimented by Lord Rimuru, but I feel a
surge of enthusiasm inside.”

Are you serious??

Charys, Geld, and Souei were this way.

And also Beretta.

Thinking about it this way, there are kinda a lot of serious guys in our group, and Geld and Zegion in
particular are especially serious.

The growth of all these talents was really a threat to the enemy.

Hopefully they will continue to refine in the future as well and not be careless.

Anyway, I have understood that the ultimate skill 'King of Ilusion' is a very powerful ability.

Dino should be unreleasable, but there are no absolutes in the world, and maybe there is some unknown
power that can lift it easily.

Even if that happened, it wouldn't lower my opinion of Zegion, as in situations like that, one can only
honestly praise the opponent.

Honestly, Zegion is really an all-around jack-of-all-trades.

This time Dino seems to have taken the opportunity to escape, and it was the keen sense of judgment
that was the frightening power of Zegion.

There's no point in just being good at your skills. Being able to use them is the real threat.

From that point of view, it seems like there's no one else like Zegion, who is close-combat-specialized
and super-adaptable in his skills.

The two complement each other.

While many tend to play to their strengths to gain abilities, Zegion eliminates his weaknesses to gain
abilities, and is skilled and flexible with his skills.


There are no more words of praise to be found anymore!

Zegion's battle sense and skill in adapting to the situation is also top-notch among my men.

Thinking of it this way, it is understandable that even the veterans of our fighting nation could not win
against Zegion.

Zegion, what a terrifying guy.

It's no wonder that Ciel calls him the best masterpiece.

The strength he has shown all along is just the tip of the iceberg.

I can now confirm the status and authority of my subordinates like this, and it's been a pretty
frightening feeling too.

The title “Mist Lord" was originally given from the point of view of the mysterious, but now it has a
meaning as hazy as a fog.

That’s such an apt description.

It's also very fitting in terms of attributes.

Uh, did that mean…Zegion misunderstood the words but his evolutionary direction was set…

If it turned out that way, Ciel would have surely pointed it out.

You’d point it out, wouldn’t you?

<<……Of course!>>

No way!

The response was slightly slower, and the pause in the middle made me feel very concerned.


Keeping this suspicion of Mr. Ciel's wastrel tendencies hidden inside, I continued to wait for the
interviewer to arrive.

Next up is Adalman.

"Lord Rimuru, I am truly happy for the opportunity to attend this meeting today, and my gratitude is as
great as a flood!”

This is beyond the levels of serious now.

I casually coped and let him sit down on the couch.

It's a waste of time to let this go on.

This is the mood right now, to forcefully let Adalman sit first.

"How's it going? How did you feel when you woke up?”

"Wonderful! I’m full of energy, and the holy energy fills every corner of my body.”

Adalman said so, while looking like he was glowing a bit.

Let's make sure it's the way I want it to be…

Name: Adalman [EP: 877,333]

Race: Necromancer Spirit. Medium Diving Monster Spirit. Light Spirit.

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Gehenna Lord."

Magic: “Necromancer Magic," "Holy Magic,

Ability: The ultimate skill "Book of Magic, Necronomicon”

Resistances: physical attack invalid, mental attack invalid, state anomaly invalid, natural influence
invalid, divine attack resistance

I knew it.

A dead spirit, but also with a light attribute.

From the looks of it, Adalman was probably the most demon lord-like in appearance, and it felt ironic
that he was the light attribute.

However, Adalman could also change attributes with the special skill ‘holy demonic inversion', so there
wasn't much more to say now.

If you care too much about it, you lose.

Because there are other things to be aware of.

His existence value has reached the level of an awakened demon lord, and there are just so many things
I have to say about it that it gives me a headache…The biggest problem is that the ultimate skill "Book of
Magic" has been given…

What the hell is this…?

<<It's From Me.>>

I don't have to hear it.

I can't think of anything else, but it's really the result of Ciel's meddling.

"The best part is that the power given by Lord Rimuru, the Book of Magic, has become the source of
my power as a result of wisdom.”

Adalman recounted excitedly.

Adalman's "Book of Magic" includes powers such as "Thinking Acceleration - Universal Perception -
Demon Lord Haki - Chant Annulment - Analysis and Appraisal - All of Creation - Spiritual Destruction -
Holy Demonic Inversion - Domination of the Dead".

"Necromancy" and "Divine Magic" can be used without chanting.

The dominance over the dead and the intensification of their protection made Adalman's army even
more formidable.

Adalman explained this excitedly.

If you’re happy, then that’s fine.

I won't say anything unscrupulous.

<<By the way, this “Book of Magic (Necronomicon)” is the same as the ultimate skill "Book of Magic"
that was given to Gedora, except only the necessary powers have been added by removing the knowledge
unsuitable for Adalman from it.>>

Ciel seems like she wants to be praised.

I’ve also learned that Gedora has also been given this power just now.

I know it's awesome, but it always feels like there's no way to honestly understand it.

To put it another way, either Adalman or Gedora are good researchers, and they both seem to be close
friends who work together on the study of magic.

As far as I'm concerned, these two are magic idiots, and since there's no harm in it, let them do their
research. It's good to be able to focus on what you like, maybe one day they’ll find out the truth.

These Book of Magics can complement each other and are also quite suitable for the powers of these
two, indeed I also feel that this is the right answer.

The interview with Adalman is over, but there's still a bit of research to be done here on the status of
Albert and Wenti.

The two of them said they did not dare to expect an interview with me, and they were overwhelmed
with fear.

They said that if they did not earn more, they were not qualified to meet with me.

Overly reverent and even a little incomprehensible to me.

What on earth did they all take me for…?

In short, it's important to grasp the situation of all the subordinates.

Albert is a servant to Adalman.

And Wenti is a pet that belongs to Adalman.

Presumably, these two, if Adalman were to die, would also be destroyed as well. On the flip side, as
long as Adalman is okay, they are immortal beings.

Thus, the exquisite gift given to them through Adalman was successful.

<<I worked hard>>

It’s because it’s a hobby, right?

There is no doubt that Ciel's character is really quite agreeable enough, and it is with that certainty that
I listen to the report that follows.

Name: Albert [EP: 682,639 (+ 600,000 for the "Spirit Sword")]

Race: Necromancer Spirit. Medium Divine Monster Spirit - Flame Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Gehenna Paladin"

Ability: The ultimate skill “Immortal".

Resistances: physical attack invalid, mental attack invalid, state anomaly invalid, natural influence
invalid, divine attack resistance

Name: Wenti [EP: 984,142]

Race: Gehenna Dragon

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Gehenna Dragon King"

Magic: "Dark Magic", "Necromancy".

Ability: the ultimate skill “Eternal"

Resistances: physical attack invalid, mental attack invalid, state anomaly invalid, natural influence
invalid, divine attack resistance

Under the influence of evolution, their existence values became very high.

And with increased resistances, they’ve become near-perfect.

The same goes for Adalman, presumably with the kind of resistance that only someone who has died
once can have.

The powers of the two, though different in name, are the same in content.

They all include the three powers of "Thinking Acceleration - Complete Regeneration - Subordination
Immortality.” There seems to be room for others, but they are still under consideration.

If Ciel likes you, there will be some problems but I don't think it will go wrong.

Since their "souls" are kept in Adalman, their flesh seems to be imperishable.

They will die together with Adalman—which, as I predicted, has the same outcome.

And Adalman is again undead, which in essence feels arguably invincible.

What a foul this team is, I can't help but think.

By the way, there's plenty of room for growth in Albert.

After all, Mythical class weapon potential is in the millions, and as long as the existence value of Albert
continues to rise, he will continue to spark the potential of his equipment.

That shouldn't be too far away for Albert, who had outstanding sword skills.

With that anticipation, I watched Adalman and the rest walk out of the room.


After lunch, the interviews continued.

Shion had been well prepared for this long ago.

"Lord Rimuru, I've kept you waiting. Finally, it's my turn.”

I didn't wait, but it’s better not to say those words anyway.

I simply replied, “Hmmm," and sat down face to face with Shion.

Name: Shion [EP: 4,229,140 (+ 1.08 million for “Gorikimaru")]

Race: Fighting Oni. Upper tier Divine Monster Spirit

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “War Lord"

Technique: Shinkenjutsu

Ability: Unique skill: “Chef”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

With a proud face, Shion explained her power to me.

All the while I was listening to Ciel's instructions and by and large nothing went wrong.

The power of Shion is not dependent on skill.

The weapons of Shion were of Mythical grade, and even if she didn't have an ultimate skill, she could
still hurt the holder of an ultimate skill.

Her flesh alone was enough of a threat, plus the 'infinite regeneration' was a nightmare.

If you want to fight an endurance (energy consuming) battle, take a look at the existence value of Shion
first. It is enough to match the high value of Benimaru, that is to say, the amount of mana is very large, so
endurance battles are obviously not a good strategy.

Her resistance is also perfect. The only way to win is to challenge head-on, which is really only a way
to have a little sympathy for Shion's opponents.

"You've gotten stronger.”

"Hey, hey, thanks for the compliment, it makes me panicked!”

You look so happy, so you don't feel any panic.

However, getting stronger is a fact, and I have nothing to say about it.

That said, the people in front of me normally had ultimate skills, but Shion only had unique skills,
which surprised me a bit.

Ciel, could it be that Shion has refused?

<<No, Shion is a crystallization of possibilities, so after looking at it carefully, I think it's enough to do

Hmm, quite strong indeed…

Lately, I've been able to read Ciel’s emotions as well.

It's mostly intuitive, but it’s basically accurate.

To believe this feeling would indicate that Ciel is now hesitating about adjusting the skills of Shion.


That's a rarity.

Asking for reasons, Ciel answered reluctantly.

The amazing fact is that if the unique skill of Shion is strengthened, it is possible to gain powers
sufficient to kill me.

It was because Ciel felt that this was less than ideal, that the evolution of Shion was sealed.

It seemed pretty unbelievable for Ciel, the skill cultivator, to make such a decision.

Although I don't think Shion would be harmful to my intentions, but such a horrifying skill does need
to be considered. I do not want to have problems, so I chose to support Ciel's actions.

After the status was confirmed, I chatted with Shion for a while.

Listening to Shion flaunt this and that, I appropriately applauded.

During the battle with the Imperial Army, Shion was very active and occasionally I wanted to listen to
her like this and praise her.

In retrospect, normally I would either be angry at Shion or speechless at her behavior. I know that
Shion is working hard and the results are gradually manifesting, even so, the miserable situation when
messing up is still too great, and it is inevitable that I want to criticize a couple of things.

So, it's nice to have a peaceful chat like this after a long time.

I feel like an old father to Shion, but—

"By the way, I almost forgot to report that I ran into a depressed Masayuki in the cafeteria…"


“I thought he was troubled, so I told him I could talk to Lord Rimuru.”

Why are you so smug!?

Again without permission!

She’s always so presumptuous, and it always ripples back to us.

I don't want to get involved in this…

After all, the sudden appearance of Velgrynd who was supposed to disappear was surprising. But after
calming down and thinking about it, there was undoubtedly only one reason why Velgrynd was here.

Velgrynd is the only one who made the subdimensional leap in pursuit of Rudra, and the one who will
eventually go after him.

Not to mention, Masayuki and Rudra looked exactly alike.

With all the conditions put together, even I could have predicted it.


Even so, when I think about it, I can't betray Shion's trust in me.

"Maybe it won't work on the date we meet.”

One can only push the issue back first.

However, at this time, Shion replied blandly.

“Ah, that's no problem! We'll have a meeting early tomorrow morning!”

No problem, my ass!

You can't even negotiate beforehand, so instead you just cross over to the interview to have some kind
of meeting?

Masayuki's personal counseling became a must-have. If Shion acts as an intermediary, the problems
that arise can’t be underestimated.

I mean, who will be attending these talks?

The big question that came out of nowhere made my head hurt so bad.

The personal interviews were still in progress, but suddenly this happened.

There's also the fact that I haven’t met with the Demon legion yet, and if I don’t finish today, it
probably won’t happen until a few days later.

If so, the fear is that there will be an uproar…

"In that case, tell Rigurd and Benimaru to prepare properly!”

"Got it. I'll leave you to it then!"

Shion said and went out high and happy.

Only I was left bruised and hurried to call Diablo and the others over.


Those left to be interviewed were Diablo, Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima, along with their minions.
It felt a little forced to talk to the whole crew, so it was just too dangerous to do it together.

"Kufufufufu, is it finally my turn? How anxious I've been waiting for this moment.”

He was kicked out only yesterday afternoon, but he’s a dramatic guy.

"You've got to be kidding me, Diablo! The decision hasn’t been made yet, so it's fine for me to meet
with Lord Rimuru first!”

A tattered Carrera is still dead set on Diablo.

Ultima joins in.

"Yes! I haven't given up yet.”

The little girl was scarred too, and looking at her injuries, it felt incredible that she was able to stand.

Their clothes were also part of them, and since they had not recovered, it meant that they had indeed
been quite badly injured.

But they were still fighting cheerfully.

The demons are really tenacious.

"Stop it. It's disrespectful to argue in front of Lord Rimuru."

Thanks to Testarossa's intervention in mediation, it was finally quiet.

Still, Testarossa was elegant.

She prepared tea for me without worrying about the three fighting. Her clothes were not disturbed at
all, and she showed a different kind of sophistication.

"So, Lord Rimuru, the matter of dismissing Diablo and selecting a second secretary, unfortunately, has
not yet come to fruition, so what now?”

I don't think there was such the thing.

Maybe it was a mistake to leave the demons for the end.

Even if Shion doesn't take over the extra work, there is still the reporting work with King Gazel to be
left, so I want to deal with the troubles first.

It's too late to think about that, and time is running out, so I must unleash force.

"Actually, there's not enough time for a slow interview, not to mention calling your men…"

"It's not necessary.”

"I don't think it's necessary. It's too much of a luxury for them.”

"Well, if you need information from your men, we'll report it!"

"That's right, I’m not going to cut my time short to meet Rimuru-sama…there's no such fool among my

The four replied with smiles on their faces at the same time.

"Oh, oh.”

I have no choice but to answer.


Ciel said that it was not necessary to call all the demons as well.

The reason was that Diablo said they all answered, ‘please do what you want.’

It seemed as if he had ignored my wishes, but Ciel had actually grasped it and told me it was for the
management department, and I accepted it with a straight face. With that thought in mind, the time is set.

The first of the four to be interviewed, then, was of course, Diablo.

Diablo shooed the remaining three out of the room and sat happily across from me.

Name: Diablo [EP: 6,666,666]

Race: Demon Peer. The Primordial Black of the Seven Primordials

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Devil Lord."

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill, “Temptation King Azazel”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

You're, like, so weird.

The numbers are so neat, it's like telling someone they've made a fake.

But since Ciel didn't say anything, I was too lazy to pursue it further.

Sure enough, having said all that, the strongest of my men is still Diablo. His existence value is
overwhelming and his resistances are perfect.

Diablo's 'King of Temptation' has powers such as 'Thinking Acceleration, Universal Perception, Demon
Lord Haki, Time-Space Manipulations, Multi-Dimensional Barriers, All of Creation, Punishment
Domination, Charm Domination, and Temptation World.’ It feels like he can do almost the same things as

He seems to have been keen to show off, illustrating with great enthusiasm and care.

Diablo's full comprehension scores made even Ciel feel satisfied.

I can’t use my skills without the help of Ciel, so Diablo is actually stronger.

The amount of mana is high, his level is high, and the quality of his skills is high.

An all-around versatile and excellent demon.

Why he’s under my command is a mystery.

Despite his combat-obsessed tendencies and the drawback of being too clingy to me, this guy's
incalculable strength is still very reliable.

After his evolution, I was curious what the mock battle between him and Zegion would look like.

It's sure to be a great fight.

Also, Benimaru.

Benimaru is usually reserved when he fights, and if he gives it his all, he burns everything else before it
even starts.

In the Labyrinth, one doesn't have to worry about surviving, except that Benimaru should be less
willing to expose his trump cards.
Water vs. Fire. In this regard, Zegion would be more advantageous against Benimaru…but the answer
will only be known after the actual battle.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately differentiate between the pros and cons.

As long as Benimaru, Diablo, and Zegion are used as the three apexes of the ministry, there should
basically be no disputes.

That’s it for Diablo.

Speaking of minions, other than Venom, Gedora also seems to have officially become his dependent.


"Yes. If he is my servant, you won't have to worry about his betrayal.”

It turns out that I thought it would be fine, but now I'm completely relieved.

Gedora also had a position as a Maze Keeper, so there’s no way to stuff him with too many chores, but
Diablo didn't seem to care much. The name was disciple, and in his head that seemed not to be the same
thing as a subordinate.

"That's fine, but why did you take him?"

"Yes, this man's faith in Lord Rimuru is not enough, but he has a real heart for magic. He does have
merit as a human being, and I would like to teach him personally and intervene in his mysterious


"This man is not very useful. Because he was killed in battle before, he went against the order of Lord
Rimuru. To avoid this, I let him turn into a demon race… Somehow, he turned into an unheard of race of
unbelievably metallic demons…”

Diablo stopped talking at this point, not knowing why he looked at me.

I don't even know. Did I do something?

<<Oh, I interfered.>>

Oh, what does that mean!?

That's why you need a personal interview too. It's a lot of work.

To interfere, think more.

This metallic demon race, felt like a repeat of Beretta…

<<In this regard, rest assured, it is a completely different concept.>>

That's fine, I don't care to think about it.

I simply find it troublesome.

“I guess I interfered a little?” That's all I can answer.

Instead, Diablo became cheerful again, and so the two of us talked for some time.

In a nutshell, Diablo was also quite fond of Gedora, and that's why he took him in as his dependent in
case something happened to him.

Gedora was well known as a wizard, and was also the master of the Razen, and would not hesitate to
become a demon even to satisfy his curiosity.

Gedora is such a man, so as long as he doesn't cause me any trouble, I’ll let him be.

I didn't hate the old man either, and so made a no-brainer judgment.

However, it would be a bit disgusting if he turned into another fanatic like Adalman, so I'd have to
declare a prohibition on overly faithful hearts.

One can't get an identical believer just because one is a disciple of Diablo, one must firmly reject it.

"You're in charge now. Take good care of him.”

For me, Gedora-sensei is quite an elder, and while I don't speak in a tone that is quite appropriate for
elders, Diablo is much older.

The notion of age has to crumble if it is said, they are too long-lived, and it should be right to speak in
this way.

In this way, the subordinates of Diablo became two.


After Diablo made his exit with a bow, Testarossa enters to replace him.

She sat down in front of me with a graceful demeanor.


I didn't mean it, but it seems like it would be nice to have her as a secretary…Oops, no. In that case, I
would have to make Diablo a diplomatic marshal, and by doing so, the guy would absolutely run away.

I don't want to add unnecessary problems, so I’ll just keep it the way it is.

What's more, there's wanting Testarossa to do it.

Just as I was troubling myself, Testarossa handed over a document.

It was a record of the information on her dependents.

Name: Moss [EP: 1,079,397]

Race: Demon Noble - Archduke Class

Blessing: Dependent of the Primordial White

Title: The Empress’ Confidant

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Unique skill “Collector”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Name: Cien [EP: 286,596]

Race: Demon Noble - Viscount class

Blessing: Dependent of the Primordial White

Title: Empress’ Secretary

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Unique Skill “Recorder"

Resistance: physical attack invalid, state anomaly invalid, mental attack invalid, natural influence

Coupled with information that only I can read, presumably it was like this.

Neither Moss nor Cien, who had been directly involved in the previous battles, had fallen into crisis,
nor into the clutches of Ciel.

Next is Testarossa.

Name: Testarossa [EP: 3,333,124]

Race: Demon Peer. Primordial White of the Seven Primordials

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Killer Lord"

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill “Hell King Belial”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Compared to before the battle began, her existence value had increased by leaps and bounds, and even
compared to when she fought against Velgrynd on the flying ship, it seemed to have increased more than
three times.

"The amount of mana has increased a lot, hasn’t it?”

"Yes, it would have been a bit more interesting if we were in time for Velgrynd-sama’s decisive battle,
but I’m very sorry.”
Hmmm…fighting isn't how you play, is it?

However, it's useless to say that.

Once again, it makes one feel that it's the quality, not the quantity, that matters for combat, and this
time, combat experience plays a bigger role than the amount of mana.

The reason she was able to face Velgrynd so well was because of her skills were equal.A longer fight
would be more difficult, but just stalling could still be done.

And now that Testarossa's amount of mana had increased, it also meant that her fighting ability had
increased dramatically.

Despite her good reputation, my responsibility was to monitor in case she ever wanted to go out of
control. This job is basically handed over to Diablo for now, but I'm also thinking that a little more
attention should be paid to that aspect.

“Hell King Belial?”

It's a good fit for Testarossa, as a skill that exudes a dangerous aroma.

The powers possessed are "Thinking Acceleration - Universal Perception - Demon Lord’s Haki - Time
and Space Manipulation - Multi-dimensional Barrier - All of Creation - Life Domination - World After

This is also a world system skill.

And it's a 'post-death world' that one doesn't want to experience at all.

I’m scared, so I’ll leave it to Ciel to manage.

"Since it's an interview, there should be something to say that can't be discussed publicly, right? What
exactly is the content?”

After Testarossa provided the information of her own men, Moss and Cien, she then asked the question
very clearly. It made me relatively relaxed too.

I switched my mind and decide to state one of my worries.

It's about the meeting that is supposed to take place tomorrow morning with Masayuki and the others.

"Maybe I'm over-reading, but I'll talk to you about it. I'm supposed to talk to Masayuki and the others,
but what to do is still bothering me.”

“I see. So it’s about the treatment of the empire?”

It's amazing how quickly everything is understood.

"That's right, Masayuki seems to be worried, but it is difficult to respond so suddenly…”

Shion didn’t seem to think that much of it, even if Masayuki was the reincarnation of Emperor Rudra, it
wasn't as if it would be easy to become Emperor.
Besides, the current Emperor Rudra—though transformed into Michael—is currently at unknown

Even if Masayuki declares himself emperor—that is to say, I don't think Masayuki is willing to do so…

It's also a bit strange that my country pushed him up.

What's more, Michael's power, the “castle guard,” cannot be broken as long as there are believers of
Rudra. That is, what is done with the subjects of the Empire must also be considered together.

Really wish I had more time to think about this.

It would also be very difficult to explain this t o King Gazel, and that feels even more difficult to deal

As I’ve said many times, I didn’t want to get involved, but I couldn’t say that.

"If that's the case, let me join the meeting. The East, where the Empire is located, is my domain, so I'm
sure I'll be able to serve as a diplomatic officer."

Ooooh, so reliable!

There's no way to leave things like this to Ciel, and even if I could put Ciel's methods in my mouth,
how to actually instruct the ministry would still have to be left to the locals.

What's more, even if the opinion was absolutely correct, the proposal would have to be withdrawn if
the imperial side was not going to accept it.

It might have worked if the empire had been made a vassal state, but otherwise we wouldn't be able to
interject too much about how other countries operate.

In that respect, Testarossa would know how to improvise.

She was doing well in the Western States, and we could rest easy once the course was decided.

"Then I'll leave it to you in the morning.”

“I understand, leave it to me!”

Testarossa smiled sweetly, and this reliable feeling made me feel a lot more at ease.

I'd said all I had to say, and just as I stood up and was about to walk Testarossa out—

"Lord Rimuru, I have something I'd like to report as well.”


"I think you will remember Calgurio, who was once a Grand Admiral of the Empire. He made a
petition for help if Lord Rimuru intended—

Hearing Testarossa mention it got me thinking.

It will be a bit of a hassle, but it's not impossible.

"I know, then from now on…"

Thankfully, Testarossa remembered.

Being able to do so with such meticulous care is also one of the reasons why Testarossa is reliable.

In order to complete my work before dinner, I headed to the research facility with Testarossa.


Only two more to go.

After dinner, I called Ultima.

“I've been waiting."

Ultima said lovingly and sat down gently.

It would have been so cute to have a sister like that. It warmed my heart.

The tea was made by my hand, and the treasured snacks were brought out.

"Whoa, whoa! Lord Rimuru did all of this?”

"I can make tea, too, but I can't make black tea. I'm pretty good with coffee too.”

But it's also just drip coffee haha. I’m not even as good as Shion. What an unwelcome reality.

Although that is limited to beverages, black tea and coffee—Shion’s craft has really progressed there.

I was thinking that I couldn't just keep giving my opinion on cuisine, so I decided to try it myself…It
was harder than unexpected…

Before being reincarnated, I had been ordering take-out my whole life, and I've never cooked myself.
After all, work is busy, and the thought of doing it yourself and spending time cleaning and tidying up is
not as efficient as taking out money…

The stovetop in that apartment was still as new as ever, and I had wanted to do it in my spare time, but
only the cooking books had changed.

These memories also play a role today, to the point where they cannot be said to be completely useless.

Anyway, it’s just pouring boiling water into the coffee beans, which I can do.

“That’s ridiculous! Just this cup of tea, makes me so happy!”

I'm glad she's so happy.

"You're welcome. The coffee will take a while, but it'll be fine as we speak.”

I want to drink it too, put a strainer on the coffee plate and add boiling water.

This set of props, made by Kaijin, was mass marketed as a prototype, and the cafe is doing well.
The aroma of the coffee beans began to emanate.

That’s how I showed my prowess to Ultima.

Her opinion of me is sure to rise.

It's important to earn points in this area.

<<In my humble opinion, that’s dirty.>>

I don't think so!

It's a very high-end strategy that doesn't get dirty at all.

Besides, there's no point in showing your strength in the face of these battle-obsessed “primordials."

The best thing to do is to win and lose in different areas.

Alas… Enough dignity has been shown that these worries are superfluous.

It’s fine.

Besides, the dignity wasn't something I intended to show.

None of this matters, so I’ll get to the point quickly.

"Then let's hear the report first.”

"Yes, first this.”

Handed to me was the report on her dependents.

Name: Veyron [EP: 882,669]

Race: Demon Noble - Duke Rank

Blessing: Dependent of the Primordial Purple

Title: Poison Princess’ Butler.

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill “Authentic Writer Artist”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Name: Zonda [EP: 301,316]

Race: Demon Noble - Viscount Class

Blessing: Dependent of the Primordial Purple

Title: Poison Princess’ Chef

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Unique skill “Cooker”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Veyron's strength was striking, but it was Zonda's unique skill that was surprising.

I had thought that it might be the same system as Shion's devastating skill, but it wasn't. This power
mainly specialized in status and support.

Whatever the injury, it can be recovered through 'conditioning', not an exaggerated skill like being able
to affect the law of cause and effect, which gives me a sigh of relief.

Next up is Ultima.

Name: Ultima [EP: 2,668,811]

Race: Demon Peer. The Primordial Purple of the Seven Primordials

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Pain Lord"

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic"

Ability: Ultimate Skill, “Poison King Samael”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Ultima, like Testarossa, had grown substantially.

After evolution, the amount of mana seems to continue to grow.

Having already crossed the Super Awakened level, how strong can you become?

Also, the power of Ultima must not be forgotten.

The ultimate skill “Poison King Samael” included - "Thinking Acceleration - Universal Perception -
Demon Lord’s Haki - Time and Space Manipulation - Multi-Dimensional Barrier - Weakness Detection -
Death Poison Generation - World of Death…


It was a power that specialized in killing.

The powerful one was 'Death Poison Generation', and by combining this with ‘Weakness Detection',
the most suitable poison for killing enemies could be created.

However, it is the ‘World of Death' that is more worrying.

This move will unconditionally kill all people other than spiritual beings who don't possess ultimate
skills, and is an extremely vicious world-system type skill.

It feels like it's a super-enhanced version of my ‘Heartless’ skill, but it doesn't work on the really
strong, and it's better to seal it up.

"Ultima, this is bad…”

To calm down, I poured coffee into the cup first and began to cut out the conversation.


“That is, about your world of death…"


Ultima happily accepted the cup of coffee that I handed over.

If there's anything to be said, it's now.

“It is prohibited for future use”

"I know! I also don't think it's necessary either. Lord Rimuru has seen right through us!”

"Huh? Oh, uh, well of course.”

I laughed my way through the deception.

I don't know why, but it seems that Ultima doesn't intend to use the ‘World of Death' either.

Thinking about it more, with her being a combat maniac, she certainly wouldn't like such a
straightforward win.

Since Ultima agrees, I'll just make small talk at ease.


The final interviewer was Carrera.

"Hi, my lord! If it wasn't for your help, I don't know if I would have defeated Kondo. That man was so
strong that one wonders if he is still human.”

Carrera, who finished her report, looked up and smiled.

It had heard about it from Ciel before, but it was more clear coming from her own lips. Carrera really
seemed to have won by a hair's breadth, and was sincerely praising Kondo.

Indeed, Kondo seemed to be strong.

Benimaru who had defeated the third rank Graneet, was also guarded against Kondo, and it should be
said that Kondo had the confidence to win.

Having beaten this highly rated man, Carrera can be considered a success.
Carrera always said it was because of the "power" that was given to her.

“To have gained flesh, broken through my limits, evolved and gained more…I want to repay you. My
loyalty is always yours, I hope that you know that.”

The usually unruly and arrogant Carrera is quite honest when she faces me. Though when it comes to
“levels," she is far above the old “primordial" she once was.

Regardless of loyalty, my answer was decided long ago.

"I thank you for that. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't be able to hold trials.”

Magic creatures still have a tendency to follow the strong.

The matter of arrest can be handed over to anyone, but the judge should be the right person.

In the future, it is planned to establish a system similar to that of the Grand Court Judicial System, with
the exception of super-violent prisoners, which will be handed over to the people, but all this will have to
wait until the country is settled. The Jura Tempest Federation is still developing, and Carrera will still
have a big role to play.

"Yes, it's a pleasure! In addition to me, my dependents will act as Lord Rimuru wishes!”

Carrera laughed happily.

And what is the state off Carrera and her dependents?

I looked down at the information in my hand.

Carrera's subordinates are Agera and Esprit.

Name: Agera [EP: 733,757]

Race: Demon Noble - Marquis Rank

Blessing: Dependents of the Primordial Yellow

Title: Tyrant Master

Magic: True martial arts

Ability: Ultimate skill "Blade Change"

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

Name: Esprit [EP: 552,137]

Race: Demon Noble - Count Rank

Blessing: Dependent of the Primordial Yellow

Title: Tyrant's Friend

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Unique skill, "The Knowledgeable One”

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

They’re really strong.

They are all old demon lord class.

Agera could rival the pseudo-awakened Clayman, and if Agera came to fight then, he could probably

There were actually several old demon lord level subordinates on hand, and no matter what one
thought, there was something wrong.

Rather than that, I’m more concerned about friends.

This is what Carrera’s evaluation is all about, so I guess it’s that kind of relationship

Certainly, Esprit has a bit of a gal pal vibe to her, and if one doesn't know the inside story, one would
just assume that they are a well-connected pair of sisters. Rather than a master-slave relationship, they
seem more like schoolmates.

Honestly, Carrera's lineage is also really peculiar.

What was shocking, though, was what came next.

Carrera really is amazing.

Name: Carrera [EP: 7,013,351 (+ "golden gun" 3,370,000)]

Race: Demon Peer. The Primordial Yellow of the Seven Primordials

Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing

Title: “Menace Lord"

Magic: "Dark Magic,” "Elemental Magic

Ability: Ultimate skill, “ Death King Abaddon"

Resistances: physical attack invalidation, state anomaly invalidation, spiritual attack invalidation,
natural influence invalidation, divine attack resistance

The amount of mana actually exceeded Diablo, and both of my eyes couldn't help but turn into two
dots. The growth seems to have stopped, but it was by far the highest of my subordinates.

However, the most dangerous thing is still the ‘Death King Abaddon.’

The powers include "Thinking Acceleration - Universal Perception - Demon Lord Haki - Time-Space
Manipulation - Multi-dimensional Barrier - Limit Breakthrough - Sub-dimensional Break.” Without the
world system powers, the attack power is specialized. In particular, ‘Sub-dimensional Break' is a power
that can penetrate through space and distort the defense field to destroy enemies.

With Carrera’s power coupled with the destruction magic and then the effect of paying for the power, it
seems to me that basically no one can withstand it. It even seems possible to destroy Ramiris’ labyrinth,
so one can understand how powerful it is at this glance.

Honestly, even I didn't want to have Carrera as an opponent.

"You've gotten stronger…”

I couldn't help but speak my mind.

"Well, thanks to your blessing, and Kondo, who entrusted this to me. Even if it is only in response to
that man's wish, I will crush Emperor Rudra.

Hearing her say so, I remember.

Kondo was also manipulated by Michael.

“That’s right, the real Rudra has disappeared…and all sorts of things have happened. So the Rudra you
are fighting is actually a being whose physical control was taken away by the will of the skill.”

I told Carrera about Rudra now being the theosophy nucleus (manas) Michael, and upon hearing this,
Carrera nodded in surprise.

"So that's it. That bastard Feldway did call out to Rudra as Michael. Now I understand, my lord."

That's good.

Don’t make a mistake and run off to get Masayuki in trouble.

With that in mine, the interview with Carrera was over.

Carrera, who was about to go out, turned back halfway.

"By the way, I forgot one thing. There is something I’ve been wondering if I should tell you about."

“Hmm? What?"

I finished asking and prepared to take a sip of coffee.

"Actually, I shouldn't say that I'm bothered…"

It seemed important if it was able to annoy Carrera.

In that case, let's just calmly sit down and…

"Agera seems to be Hakurou’s grandfather."


Almost couldn't resist spitting out the coffee.

I avoided it last minute, but it was so important that you can’t say that casually when you're leaving!


"Hahahaha, this is important, right? I can't handle it, so I'll leave it to my lord to judge.”

Carrera finished and smiled and went out.

Totally threw the ball to me.

She must have been smiling like that because of the burden she had laid off from her shoulders to mine.

In short, it's a problem that can't be ignored.

Although Diablo and the demoness trio said I didn’t I need to interview their subordinates, now it
seemed like I should meet with Agera afterwards.


I'm not thinking straight at the moment, so I'll talk about this meeting with Agera later.

The individual interviews are now concluded successfully.

I have a meeting with Masayuki and others tomorrow, so I won't work today—but I don't need sleep.

I changed back to a more relaxed Slime state and hid under the covers.

In this darkness, somehow the mood feels quiet.

<<I have something to report.>>

Excuse me, I’m done with work…?

<<It's about the master's skills, so it’s not work.>>

For Ciel, it's a hobby, but to me it's no different than a job.

Even if I said that, Ciel wouldn't listen, would she?

Sooner or later it needs to be mastered anyway, so I give up resistance.

In fact, I was somewhat expecting this.

It's sure to be a leap forward and I'm fully prepared.

The integration was a breeze and was done without even going into a low active (sleep mode) state. It
took almost a day and a half, but I completed the personal interview very smoothly during this time.

So be it.

<<This time, we had applied for permission to change our abilities during the actual battle, so we could
not stop the operation.>>

I'd be super pissed if I really had stopped.

The report began in silence in my mind, and the information immediately showed up.

Well, let's see what it's like, shall we?

Name: Rimuru Tempest [EP: 8,681,123 (+ “Dragon Blade" 2.28 million)]

Race: Highest-tier Divine Spirit. The Ultimate Slime

Protection: Rimuru’s Compassion

Title: “Chaos Creator.”

Magic: “True Dragon Magic", “Spirit Summoning,” “Demon Summoning,” “Others…”

Ability: Manas: Ciel

Unique Skills: “Universal Perception, Dragon Spirit’s Haki, Universal Shapeshift

Ultimate Skills: “Void God Azathoth,” “Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath”

Resistances: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, spiritual attack
invalid, divine attack resistance

As a result, it looked like this.

I didn’t really feel it, but my existence value is awesome, too.

If the increase with the Magic Sword is counted, I’m likely to reach 10 million.

Now the straight sword that I'm very familiar with is right up to mythical level. The shape has changed
due to my race's characteristics, and I call it "Dragon Blade" for convenience.

Two holes were made and the blade seems to have evolved smoothly to my satisfaction.

If I give it a name officially, would it evolve?

There’s nothing.

No no no.

I've thought about it, but I don't want to give it a name.

Well, if I come up with a cool name, I can change it then.

Even though my existence value, or the amount of magic, is outstanding, it does not mean that I can let
my guard down.

Benimaru and Diablo, along with Zegion, and the demoness trio, all had high fighting abilities.

Just like Testarossa facing Velgrynd, who’s mana levels were almost ten times smaller than Velgrynd’s,
she was still so tactful.
From this example, we can see that what matters most is not the size of the existence value, but how
skillfully one uses one's power.

The overall power is the combined strength of the three in one: the amount of mana, the amount of skill
level and the amount of power.

They had made the most of their strength during the battle against the Imperial Army.

Looking at the battles ahead, I cannot be left behind.

All in all, at this stage I've surpassed Carrera and am at the top.

Reassured by the status quo, I turned my gaze to other things.

The protection I used too receive from Veldora had disappeared and now I’m a protector. I went from
being under protection to providing the protection. I've grown too.

Now is not the time to be escaping from reality.

It's not so much that I'm in a good mood, but how did my skills become only two?

To answer my question, Ciel happily comments.

<<First of all, I no longer needed “Wisdom King Raphael” and “Gluttony King Beelzebub” so I

Hey, wait, wait, wait!!!

What did you just say!?

What is this guy, in a refreshing tone of voice, saying???

The "King of Wisdom,” its own mother—she said she didn't want it!

<<What's the Problem?>>

I had not heard wrong.

No, I knew I wouldn't hear it wrong……but unexpectedly, it actually did it…

But without the King of Wisdom, shouldn't Ciel be unable to exist as well?

<<No, I'm out on my own, so don't worry!>>

Ciel answered my question calmly.

Even the 'King of Wisdom', who can be considered as her own mother…I was surprised that Ciel could
consume it so easily, but according to Ciel, the skill was already an empty shell, so there was no problem.

What matters more is the contents.

Ciel seemed to finish have finished her work without any emotion or feeling.

Eliminate useless abilities and do it really thoroughly.

However, although there is no problem, was it necessary to consume the King of Gluttony as well?

<<Of course!>>

As it turns out, I should have confirmed it before approving it. In the face of my weak questioning, Ciel
forcefully said that she had my approval and continued to forcefully explain it as the momentum built up.

As far as conclusions go, my skills have changed so much that they have changed their original form.

This is no longer the level of modification.

Ahhhh, the skills are combined to change, but there's still an unacceptable feeling.

And that’s the key skill.

The first, ‘Void God Azathoth,’ was born through the unification of the 'King of Wisdom' and the 'King
of Gluttony'.

Not only that, but it seems that the 'King of Storms' and the 'King of Scorch' that had just been acquired
had also become sacrifices, but of course the power had been inherited without any problems.

The power of the “Void God Azathoth" is the power of "Soul Consumption, Nihility Collapse,
Imaginary Space, True Dragon Release [Scorching-Storm], True Dragon Nucleation [Scorching-Storm],
Time and Space Manipulation, Multi-dimensional Barrier", and etc.

Although the original ‘Dragon Summoning' had disappeared, it seems there is no problem with
releasing and unreleasing. In the first place, Veldora and the others actually came to me of their own free
will, so it was the still the same without this power.

The “True Dragon Nucleation" is more interesting, and as it literally says, it can become the nucleus
core that embeds into the hole openings in my sword.

Again, if you let a “True Dragon" with huge energy condense into the nucleus of a sword, how
powerful it will be…it is terrifying just to imagine it.

Although it must be endorsed by me…it's too scary to imagine the timing of its use.

This one looks like it's going to have to be sealed.

Still, Velgrynd would presumably decline it, but as for Veldora, perhaps he would say to try and see.

I’m slightly worried, but let’s keep that a secret.

Rather than that.

What is truly dangerous is the power of the “Void God Azathoth" which has been perfectly optimized
after integration.

-Soul Consumptino…a super-enhanced version of the predation-gluttony, which can devour the target’s
soul along with it.

-Nihility Collapse…The ultimate destructive energy that fills the Chaos World and become manageable
thanks to the Theosophy Core (Manas).
-Imaginary Space…the world of chaos. The ultra-evolved version of "Stomach" and "Isolation" is a
prison where those who need to be quarantined are locked up.

-Time and Space Manipulation…grasping time and space, and being able to move in an instant by just
thinking about it consciously, even affecting time.

-Multi-Dimensional Barrier…Always activated multi-dimensional barriers, which are absolute

defenses formed using the sub-dimensional fault defense field.

The above is Ciel's explanation.

It was pretty terrifying.

It's scary that we were making those changes during combat.

But there is one thing, the absolute defense formed using the subdimensional fault defense field, only
this I feel cannot be trusted, similar to how solid and safe the space distortion defense field preaches, but
there is no "absolute" in the world.

I won’t fall for that.

Besides…when Ranga was able to obtain the ‘Stellar Wind Lord Hastur,’ I had long thought that my
powers would become very powerful.

It was more than a surprise, but it seemed that with the ‘Void God Azathoth,’ all other powers were

The second skill, naturally, is the ‘Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath‘.

After this 'ability change', my powers became only the above two.

It is obviously stronger than it was before the strengthening, but it suddenly occurred to me that it
seemed that some powers had disappeared. For example, "Thought Acceleration,” was gone but I can use
it without any problems now.

What's going on?

<<These powers—“Thought Acceleration, future attack prediction, analysis and appraisal, parallel
operation, integration, separation, chant nullification, all of creation, food chain, thought domination, law
domination, attribute conversion, and etc.—all of these have been integrated into myself, so it is possible
to respond with a faster reaction rate now.>>

This is a great reason for praise.

Perhaps a little overdone, but for the sake of the battle that follows, there should be a shift in thinking,
which is indeed necessary.

If I don't stay strong, there will be sacrifice.

In order to settle down and enjoy a life of peace, there is no need to think about being polite and

Well, with my own strength confirmed, let's compare it to Veldora.

Name: Veldora Tempest [EP: 88,126,579]

Race: Highest-tier Divine Spirit - True Dragon Race

Blessing: Storm Dragon’s Blessing

Title: “Storm Dragon"

Magic: “True Dragon Magic”

Ability: Unique skill: “universal perception - True Dragon Haki - Universal Shapeshift"

Ultimate skill: “Chaos King Nyarlathotep”

Resistances: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, spiritual attack
invalid, divine attack resistance

The above is the current state of Veldora.

Not mentioning his perfect resistance, the jump of his amazing existence value was notable.

It's just that seeing this number, rather than being surprised, actually made it a little funny.

That guy, messed up in determining the value.




It was just after dinner.

Since I had to talk to Ultima, I had to leave immediately after eating.

However, Veldora came over to get in the way at this point.

“Kuahahaha! Rimuru, I understand that you are interviewing Benimaru and the others. I’ve got a lot of
free time on my hands now—”

“Ah? I'm busy. I'm sorry, but I'll play with you when I'm done.”

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!!! I’m not talking about that, but what about the interview with me, is what
I want to say!"


There's no need for an interview with Veldora.

Well, it's not like Veldora is my subordinate, and most importantly, it's only a matter of asking Ciel to
get any answers.
"No, I've been chatting a lot, so there's no need to make arrangements, is there?”

“What!? Don't say such lonely things!”

“That’s right! You should understand how lonely you, me, and master are!” Ramiris joined in.

Even if you say so, we do see each other a lot.

It's true, I'd love to play with the Avatar Core, but work is more important.

More to the point, there is a war going on.

The whereabouts of Feldway and his colleagues hadn't been found, so I’m just able to rest a little.

At the very least, there is no time to play until the meet and greet is ready.

"Don't be selfish. Once things are settled properly…”

"I told you, it's not that! I’ve gotten stronger and want to show off in front of you. I know you're busy,
but what's the harm of keeping me company for a little while!”

"That's it! You're the only one who can properly measure existence value. I really hope you'll
accompany us for a while!”


"That is to say, I have been concealing my actual existence value from Ramiris's measurements from
you, just to prove it.”


"That's absolutely not possible! It's true that people can't measure the numbers too carefully, but they
can't hide them."

I see.

So in other words, I actually got caught up in a very boring argument.

When things get to this point, these guys won't listen to anyone, and it's quicker to accompany them
than to convince them.

"I know, I know. Then let’s go to the control room."

With that, we began to measure the existence value of Veldora.

The measuring machine is connected to monitors throughout the labyrinth, and the control panel in the
"control room" is used to manage these things. Ciel can synchronize with the entire maze and make
measurements no matter where it is, but that’s a secret, so we ran to the control room.

Time is running out so let’s get started.

“The value of Master's existence is 88 million! It’s amazing, but Master says it's going to be even
higher. I hope you can scold him too, Rimuru.”
It is indeed a value beyond imagination.

Even a "saint" who has reached the level of a super-awakened person can't win, let alone an ordinary

Then, is this value correct?

<< Yes. Veldora's existence value is 88,126,579, without a doubt.>>

It's almost the same.

Too high a value will cause the machine to lose accuracy, but it is sufficient to measure maze
challengers and intruders, which is enough for now.

That said, if Veldora can really hide from the numerical calculations, it would basically mean that there
is a flaw in the system, which is something that cannot be ignored and really needs to be confirmed.

It's a slight relief that this trip wasn't in vain. After that it was a matter of whether or not Veldora could
really hide it.

"My estimate is 88.12 million, which is almost the same. So, are the values going to continue to rise
from here? Or will they be under-measured?”

In either case, it is necessary to consider countermeasures according to the approach.

I started pushing Veldora to actually make the attempt.

With a long-awaited look on his face, Veldora smugly began to take off his coat.

Could it be that…?

My body, which would not have been sweating, felt like a cold sweat had fallen.

Veldora began to laugh loudly.

“Kuahahahaha! Watch with wide eyes at my true power!!!"

With the sound of a thud, Veldora removed the wrist glove from his hands and feet, causing the ground
to shake.


Taking off heavy clothes…doesn’t mean the numbers will go up…

If it's going to go up, so be it.

What is measured here is mainly energy, and has nothing to do with direct combat power.

But Veldora……

“Kuahahaha! How about that!? Try measuring now! I don't care if it's broken—!!”

Hmmmm, this is embarrassing!

After understanding what he wanted to do, it felt so pitiful that we couldn't even look away from

"No change in values measured”

There is no reason!

“V-Veldora, this…”

"Master, after all that, it’s still the same 88 million?”

Ramiris hit the nail on the head and told the truth!

“Well, I’m not stupid! Rimuru, what's the real situation? I think I've doubled my value, don't you?”

I looked at Veldora with pity.

“That is magic energy you were collecting, but that is something different from the existence value…”

Then I carefully explained to him again that this value is not combat power like the comics say, it's just
a measurement of energy.

Veldora's face turned red as he realized he had made a mistake.




It still makes me laugh in retrospect, but the amount of magic energy is truly amazing.

Even with more detailed verification, attacks other than the ultimate skills will not work.

Besides, the power of Veldora is quite difficult to deal with.

His skill has evolved into the "King of Chaos" after being changed by Ciel, and now has the powers of
“Thought Acceleration, Analysis and Appraisal, All of Creation, Probability Manipulation, Parallel
Existence, Clarity of Truth, Time and Space Manipulation, Multi-dimensional Barrier".

The practical convenience has been greatly improved after the integration of Ciel.

Even Veldora has acquired 'parallel existence'.

This was already known to be quite tough to deal with when fighting Velgrynd, and with Veldora and
‘Probability Manipulation', he really felt like an immortal.

Originally, as long as I didn't die, he was indestructible.

But now with Veldora's heart core inside me, memories and emotions were backed up, and now that I
can still use 'Parallel Body', it's estimated that it will be impossible to eliminate him.
It's a good thing that while the whole measuring the existence value thing is pretty funny, he's pretty
reliable as a companion.

Veldora's existence value is more than ten times mine, and I should not be able to beat him…but it's
still slightly questionable.

Not only did I beat Velgrynd, I even 'predated' her. Velgrynd’s existence value at the time seemed to be

At that time, I was swallowing at 50% strength, and about 30% of the state was in recovery, and that
30% of the recovery seemed to be coming back to the side I was swallowing.

As expected of Ciel, it's a perfect fit.

To get back to business, I've eaten so much energy, but my existence value seems a bit low.

Well, I think this is wrong enough an I think the important thing is the sense of combat, but I was still a
little worried.

<<It’s only natural. The energy was absorbed was once taken in, but it was transformed into the flesh
and blood of master, and then used ‘True Dragon Release.’>>

Well, what does that mean?

<<In other words, the maximum existence value of Master is correct when the values of Veldora's and
Velgrynd's existence values are added together.>>


I can't help but be dumbfounded.

It means that when the ‘True Dragon Release' is lifted, I can use my greatest power.


However, since the output is the same, it is estimated to be the same even if the energy is increased.

Just like Velgrynd too, has reached the cap, so now it's a shift towards increasing numbers.

The maximum increase in power has no upper limit, but it was meaningless as long as it didn't hit, and
the energy was so large that it became difficult to control the force backwards.

I was deeply convinced that there was no point in maximum power.

For reference.

I "predated" Velgrynd, whose existence value at that time was estimated to be 49,829,997.

Ciel's calculations should be perfect, but now the value of Velgrynd's presence has increased again.

Name: Velgrynd [EP: 74,350,087]

Race: Highest-tier Divine Spirit - True Dragon Race

Blessing: Scorching Charity

Title: "The Scorch Dragon"

Magic: True Dragon Magic

Ability: Inherent ability: “Universal Perception, True Dragon Haki, Universal Shapeshift" Ultimate
skill: “Flame God Cthugha"

Resistances: physical attack invalid, natural influence invalid, state anomaly invalid, spiritual attack
invalid, divine attack resistance

That's the state that Velgrynd is in right now.

After returning from a 20% reduction in status, there has been a significant increase.

Should I say growth or evolution…

The power was still the same as it had been after Ciel had changed it, and Velgrynd must have mastered
it. The content of ‘Flame God Cthugha' was 'Thought Acceleration - Scorching Excitation - Parallel
Existence - Time-Space Manipulation - Subdimensional Jump - Multi-dimensional Barrier', and this was
the final state confirmation.


As far as I'm concerned, it's just a few days' farewell, but it's still unknown how much experience
Velgrynd has been through.

We're meeting tomorrow, but I’m worried about how to talk about it.

It's also scary if it pisses her off, so I must be sure to take care to avoid a secondary conflict.

In this way, the status confirmation by Ciel via personal interviews, was completed smoothly.

Chapter 3: Facing Reconstruction

The explanation to King Gazel is a headache, but today there is a meeting with Masayuki.

I shifted my attention over there and fired myself up.

I’ll meet up with Testarossa first.

Calm down a little.

Today's meeting is a high priority meeting, so the meeting room will be filled with carefully selected

From our side were Benimaru and Rigurd. Also Shion, Diablo, and Testarossa

The participants on Masayuki's side were led by Velgrynd, and it seemed that Calgurio, Minute, and
Bonnie and Jiu were also going to attend.

In the lounge-style waiting room, our members were already there.

No one complained, though, even though it was all called out of the blue.

Shuna took the initiative to take up the task of serving on the sidelines, preparing everything.

As for the guidelines.

We don't want to rule the empire.

Michael and Feldway, who were prisoners of war, are still missing, and Lieutenant Kondo, who
established the whole plan, is dead. Even this Kondo had been at risk of being thought-induced under
Michael's domination, so I do not intend to hold him accountable even after his death.

At the time, it seemed that all the major figures of the Empire were on the Emperor's flagship, and the
of the ones who survive today, the highest responsible person in the Empire, is Velgrynd, who has no
territorial ambitions of her own. The topic will center on the end of the war, reparations and post-war

Anyway, letting the 700,000 Imperial soldiers fill the labor force, and how to divide the labor is also a
problem. A skilled person could be appointed to supervise, and balanced grouping would also be
necessary to avoid imbalances in skills.

Just as I was thinking further and further away…

Blue hair fluttered as the beautiful woman who could drive away one's sleep walked over.

It's Velgrynd.

Her eyes, shot straight through me.

Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.

My stomach hurts even though I have no stomach.

"Can I help you?”

I have to work hard to maintain my majesty in front of everyone, and I wish someone would
compliment me on the fact that my voice isn't shaking.

"Can I take some time?”

There is still a gap until the scheduled time.

I nodded, talking to Velgrynd alone before the meeting began.


"Veldora, is he all right?"

"Well, he's fine.”

“I see, that's good.”

With a gentle smile, Velgrynd asked for Veldora's wellbeing.

After telling her that Veldora was in good spirits, she looked a little more at ease.

Looking at Velgrynd's smile, my heart ached slightly.

It’s because our Veldora is still afraid to deal with his sister Velgrynd.

I tried to ask him if he wanted to see Velgrynd, but he said, "I have all sorts of things to do, I'm really
busy…" and pushed it off.

It's humiliating, but I'm not in a position to laugh at him.

Because, really, it's embarrassing…

Veldora may have been embarrassed in part to leave it at that for now.

"So, what's up?"

I'll start this time.

My heart is pounding.

"I'm here to thank you."

…Thank me?

That's a bit…

"Why are you so pale? Did you think I was going to call you into a fight in the backyard?”

"Why do you say such a thing!?”

Hearing me stifle a call out, Velgrynd laughed.

"The journey to find the love of Rudra was more exciting than I ever imagined."

From what she had said, the trip had been hard, but hopeful for Velgrynd, who had carried a purpose.
That's why she can smile and say things like ‘I'm so happy.’

"I've traveled through many worlds, and I've spent much time searching for that person, and one of the
worlds I visited was the one you once lived in.”

"Eh, really?”


So that why it feels even her tone has become casual.

And then there were her clothes, which, while now dressed in the uniform of the Empire, had been
shirts and jeans when she appeared in the Maze.

The sight of a single blow in that manner is dumbfounding, and for those who witnessed the scene and
were knocked down, it is enough to make them wonder if they are out of touch with reality.
However, since she passed through the world I had lived in, it shows that…there is a way back from
this world to there.

As for me, there's no point in going back when I'm dead…Wait, wait, wait?

When all is said and done, Velgrynd has not only jumped through the dimension, but also through time.
If this is analyzed, then perhaps…

<<Understood. Beginning to Analyze>>

Ooooh, Ciel is so reliable!

Maybe it was just that she'd discovered a new hobby, but it was really the most appropriate thing to
leave to Ciel.

Either way, it's wonderful to have hope.

There should be people who want to go back among the otherworlders. If possible, I want to make this
future a reality.

So, I’ll take this thing little by little and work on it.

“Is Masayuki a reincarnation of Rudra?”

"Well, yeah. And he has almost all of his soul."

Velgrynd asserted so, and then whispered, “All that's left is memory.”

Um, was Masayuki still Masayuki?

Because he's still in that lackadaisical state, I felt a little more relieved. Although there is some
displeasure with Velgrynd, it seems to me that Masayuki is not Rudra.

"Well, how shall I put it…”

I can't say "that's great" or "that's a shame,” so I have to be sloppy about it.

Velgrynd didn't fume and nodded slightly.

I was a little surprised by her more subdued manner than I had expected.

"Oh, that's incredible. I, too, have experienced all kinds of experiences, which are thicker than the years
spent by Rudra's side, like long and short dreamy experiences, so I am grateful to you. Thank you,

With a dazzling smile that made my heart stop, Velgrynd thanked me.

Her domineering aura that had brought others to their knees, was now completely missing, replaced
with a feeling of peace and tranquility.

"That's really, really good, isn't it?”

"Yes. So, Rimuru, I swear to you that as long as Masayuki has no intention, I will not make an enemy
of you. So, please don't betray Masayuki as well”
It was a vow I could not hope to wish for.

Besides, there was no need for her to specifically explain about Masayuki, as I had no intention of
betraying him.

"Got it. I, by my name and by the name of my companions, swear not to betray Masayuki. Sometimes
there may be a lie or a quarrel, but that kind of thing—”

Velgrynd's vision became cold and frightening.

“…I see. I swear I’ll try not to lie to him, or fight with him unless necessary.”


Why do I have to swear?

It seems that sometimes I’m too honest, and I've reflected a little.


Because Velgrynd expressed her gratitude, it made me less nervous.

Even if things happen for a reason, I've messed up a lot and it's natural to feel relieved that I'm not
being resented for it.

Just when I thought it would be a good time to talk, someone rushed into the waiting room in a panic.

It was Vesta.

"Hey, what's all the panic?"

"Not the time to say such things, Lord Rimuru! Just now, there was an urgent call from my home, and
it seems that King Gazel has left for this direction!”

His home was probably one of those of his relatives who remained in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Vesta is also the original minister of Dwargon, and also a duke, a high-ranking nobleman second only
to the royal family.

But it was also because of this that he was jealous of Kaijin who was a commoner…

Although Vesta was exiled, it does not appear that contact with his family was severed, and it appears
that it was the Duke's family-raised dark side that made contact with him.

As for why Vesta was contacted, it was because Vesta was still the head of the Duke's household.

I was also taken aback when I heard about it.

The punishment that Gazel had handed down did not include deprivation of title or demotion, it was
only for the individual Vesta and did not deal with his own family, and besides, Vesta’s family had not yet
appointed a successor, so the transfer of the head of the family had not yet been completed.
The wise King Gazel should want to make Vesta a minister again in the future, so the punishment was
not too heavy, leaving a way bavk, just so I can reflect on it.

Also, worrying about the Duke's family revolt seems to be one of the reasons.

If the Duke of Vesta's family really wanted to do this, it was capable of stirring up civil unrest in
Dwargon, and Gazel did not want to cause a needless dispute.

After all, Vesta, who was no longer jealous, was very good, and he was quite popular and possessed a
great deal of influence, and was sent to our country as an appropriate punishment in order not to arouse
his discontent.

Vesta's family is still alive, so there is still a doorway inside the palace, and it is from this doorway that
the urgent contact comes.

But why come at this time?

"Uh, why? Didn't you say you'd explain it afterwards?”

"Yeah, that's the reason, it seems like His Majesty Gazel still doesn't trust me much…”

"No, no, no, no. That can’t be true, can it?”

"I don't know about that, but I've done a lot of things, negotiating the price of potions, cutting corners
with technicians other than potion makers, mobilizing the dukes for talent, and so on. So I can't argue
with that even if I'm suspected of being close to this side, not to mention the fact that I'm planning to
work in this country until I grow old.”

That is, it's not a matter of suspicion, Vesta is simply letting go of the big why.

I originally thought he was a decent man, worthy of the original minister, and that as a politician, he
really understood the ins-and-outs.

Oops, now is not the time for admiration.

Since King Gazel was coming, it wouldn't be good to start talks with the Empire now. It would be rude
to make him wait.

That said, it seems even more rude for him to come straight here without negotiating in advance, so
what should we do at this time?

"It's King Gazel who's being rude, isn't it?”

Leaving aside the Vesta thing, it felt like I didn't have to back down.

"You're right. If you enter a country without a notice, you can't argue with that even if you're attacked,
so I'm guessing there'll be a contact near the border."

Vesta said that King Gazel would never lose his manners.

As if to prove the point, a flustered messenger ran over with a clatter.

"I'm sorry to be rude, but I have a report. His Majesty Gazel of the armed nation of Dwargon has asked
for entry into our country—five in all. How should I report?”
There is no reason to refuse, but permission cannot be easily given. The ministerial staff who made this
judgment came to take my instructions.

I think it’s a proper treatment in this emergency.

I'd be upset if it were the other way around, which should be the right answer. It was supposed to come
to me through the executives, so I didn't ask this time.

Shuna thoughtfully handed a glass of water over.

The clerk took a grateful sip.

"I'll talk to him.”

He prepared the magic tools for the liaison and started the communication.

As a result, it turned into an emergency meeting with King Gazel.

I'll meet him myself.

Diablo and Shion followed me as escorts as usual.

"Oh, that's a big help, Rimuru.”

"You knew this would happen. You're a good one."

Even with the flying horses, it would take a day to move from the capital of Dwargon to Rimuru, but
now that the two capitals had set up a magic circle, it was possible to travel between them in a flash with

Instead, he came purposely to the border just to call me out on it.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha! You found out?”

It's not funny, but it's not a big deal.

"But it's so nice that Velgrynd can be so accommodating."

"That's it. You're not planning to join forces with the Empire, are you?”

Was this really what Gazel was worried about?

"Depends on the discussion, but that's how it's going to be.”

"Hmm, wait a minute. I want to hear what you think first.”

No reason to refuse, so I went to a tea house near the border.

The clerks hastened to arrange their seats, and the guests who looked like adventurers, all gave them up
in good humor.

I don't feel too bad about it, so I'll just say that I'm paying for all the bills here. Everyone was happy to
hear that.
With roughly thirty minutes to go until the start of the meeting, the movement is instantaneous and can
be talked about all the way to the meeting.

Let's start with my case.

"As for the aftermath of the war that was given to you…”

"It goes without saying, the soldiers are working overtime now, but it's also a chance to do the hard
work. If they live, they'll only be grateful and no one will resent you.”

That's good.

I was slightly worried about the hatred of guys who don't participate in cleaning up their slack during
the picnic convention.

It was a tough battle after all, and the joy of pulling through successfully puts all other chores behind

"So, what do you want to hear?”

Since I was trying to regroup my thoughts based on the talks, there was still something I couldn't
answer even if asked.

"I would like to hear from you whether joining forces with the Empire would create ambitions to attack
me in Dwargon?”

What are you talking about? This uncle…

That’s not possible, what a hassle.

There is neither reason nor benefit. And to do so would be to lose credit from the Western States—an
absolutely impossible option.

"No, the credit I've worked so hard to accumulate will all be lost in an instant. Besides, you'll lose your
reliable backing, and you'll be burdened with extra hard work, so I'd like to ask what kind of fool you take
me for?”

I replied with a look of displeasure, and Gazel smiled with genuine relief.

Hey, hey, hey, you weren’t really worried, were you?

“I apologize, Sir Rimuru. It was my proposition to ask this question, and all responsibility for your
displeasure rests with me, and I hope you will forgive me with a broad mind for not being.”

Sensing my displeasure, Dorf expressed his apologies.

He explained in detail what the intention was.

To sum up, if the Empire joined forces with the Jura Tempest Federation, it would create a situation in
which Dwargon was surrounded by two great powers, in which case resorting to force would undoubtedly
be suicidal, and a decline in diplomatic capacity would be inevitable.
If someone declares that they will not listen to the claims of the weaker side, then in the future they will
become compelled to swallow the bitter fruit of unfavorable conditions, and it is precisely because they
are worried about this that they ran to confirm it in the first place.

“Huh? Either way, it wasn't something Dwargon could stop, was it? Although I have no intention of
starting a war, I think that in conjunction with the Empire there can be.”

"Yes. In the end, it all depends on what you think. Although I'm a big country, I don't have the power to
fight and win against a country with a True Dragon Race such as Velgrynd or Veldora. But as King, I can't
just admit it.”

Gazel said to me with a serious expression on his face.

As a king responsible to his people, he must always consider the possibilities.

Only this time it didn't make much sense to worry about it.

But again, there is no guarantee that we will never wage war against them.

Even if we don't do it, the Eastern Empire is the same.

If we are allied with the Empire, then who exactly should the Jura Tempest Federation help when the
Empire attacks Dwargon?

It's kind of disturbing to really ask me that kind of question.

"Rimuru, do you understand? You chose to join forces with the Empire for the sake of your country not
starting a war, which is fine, but there is no consideration of our situation in Dwargon in this, and of
course there is nothing wrong with that, because you are only responsible for your own people, but that is
hard for my side to accept, that is the way it is.”

Yes, I was convinced.

Indeed, even if the Jura Tempest Federation had an alliance with Dwargon and the Empire of the East,
it did not mean that any connection had arisen between Dwargon and the Empire of the East.

When war broke out between the two countries, our movement was limited.

But wait?

"But if there is ‘mutual assistance by force' in a national crisis…”

"Then there's no set deadline, is there?”


There is no such thing as an agreement that works forever. All of them are temporary agreements that
can only provide temporary peace of mind. But agreements with a limited duration are safer.

Just as I was wondering about what it meant, Ciel quietly coached me.

The difference between when there is a fixed time limit versus when there is no time limit.

Assuming that one of the parties wants to renounce the agreement, which is more difficult?
If there is no deadline, it also means that abandonment of the agreement can be considered at any time.

On the other hand, when the period is limited, then it can be considered safe for the period of time
specified in the agreement.

Needless to say, it is more credible to destroy and invade the agreement than to end the agreement and
start a war.

Of course, in the final analysis, this is only for countries other than the one in question, so if a nation
has territorial ambitions like the Empire, it may be a sign that you do not care at all.

It is clear that it is in no way desirable to abandon an agreement for a limited period of time without
authorization. As soon as it is renewed, the parties to the agreement have an obligation to comply with it.

Such an act would be a loss of trust on the part of the Western powers, which would deviate
significantly from my strategy, and it would be better to lay down realistic and reliable rules.

"I see. Even though we're allied with the Empire, there's still a chance that the agreement will be

"If only you could understand.”

"Well, that does worry me, so I understand. Then, even if you're going to be allied with the Empire, the
details of this should be carefully discussed."

Hearing me say that, Dorf gave a reassuring look.

"I told you, that you worried too much!”

The words came out of nowhere from Gazel. Where is his Kingly responsibility now?

"Lord Rimuru, it's almost time!”

Shion looked at her watch and reminded me.

It was a watch that I had made with Kaijin and others out of interest, and I felt the need for the
secretary to wear one. She was delighted when it was given to her.

The addition to Shion’s work was a joy to all and a great memory.

"Let's go, then.”

"Hahaha, then I’ll open the transfer door."

And just like that, the sudden start of the talk ended.

We walked out of the store and prepared to go back to the conference room.


10:00 a.m.

Everyone was all gathered in the conference room.

Participants were seated at a partially round table with a gap.

Because of this gap, the shape of the table is a C shape if you look down at it.

<<This design, called the Randall Ring, was invented by the French ophthalmologist Edmond Randall
in 1888…>>

It's great to be so detailed, but right now you don't need to be knowledgeable, so please make the point.

The notched part of the table can be accessed, making it easy for the person in the middle to add tea
and materials to those who are seated, and the front of the notched can be set up with a huge screen so
that it can be seen clearly no matter where you are sitting at the table.

This time it was three party meeting, so we decided this shape was better than sitting face to face.

The gap section is located on the south side.

We all sat on the north side.

I’m in the north seat, with Benimaru to the northeast and Rigurd to the northwest.

Shion and Diablo, as usual, stood behind me.

On the east side sat the Imperials.

Masayuki is in the east seat, and to his right, that is, towards the north, sits Velgrynd.

On his southern flank were Major General Calgurio and Major General Minute.

Jiu and Bonnie didn't enter their seats and stood behind Masayuki. Since these two are in charge of the
escort, it also means that there was a smooth reconciliation between them, which is good.

On the west side of the table was Gazel’s party that had joined in urgently.

Due west is where Gazel sits.

To the northwest is the position of Dorf, the head of the Heavenly Flying Knights, and to the southwest
is the position of Jane, the court's magical mentor.

The head of the dark ministry, Anrietta, and the Supreme Commander of the Military Department, Ben,
did not take their seats, but stood and acted as guards.

That's how the three forces were, all huddled together.

I looked left and right, just in time to lock eyes with Masayuki who was looking east and west.

His expression was tired, as he said strongly, "Why did this happen to me…?”

But rest assured.

I'm in the same mood as you.

Because of this closeness, I'm going to help him out if anything goes wrong.
The moderator of the meeting, Testarossa, stood up and everyone's eyes turned to her.

She stepped to the center and began the introductory remarks.

"Okay, the time has come. We're all here, so let’s get started."

After a salute, Testarossa returned to the south.

There are chairs put there to sit and rest when it's not her turn to come out.

I had asked her before the meeting to come and assist me in my distress, and Testarossa will respond to
my expectations.

"First of all, let me explain the main purpose of this meeting. Because this is a high priority meeting
without prior coordination, there may be some involuntary remarks, at which time I would please ask you
not to get upset, but to listen calmly to what the other side has to say.”

At this time, Testarossa paused first and looked at the reactions of everyone.

My country's representative in the Western Council is well equipped to deal with such occasions.

Hoping that this would go on smoothly until the end of the meeting, I continued to watch Testarossa
with that desire.

"Let us begin by confirming the objectives of this meeting, which we hope will lead to the declaration
of the end of the war with the Eastern Empire, along with an end-of-war final agreement, and the creation
of a new treaty in the future on the basis of the relations concluded between our country and the East.
What do you think?”

"No objections.”

Masayuki looked as if he wanted to say something, but Velgrynd spoke first.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that.”

At the same time, Gazel nodded heavily.

Though a little late, I hastened to add.

"In that case, let's examine the status quo first, shall we?”

The tone of speech became slightly odd, but who cares?

Checking the reaction of both sides, while maintaining a natural expression.

Masayuki looked at me with respect.

Oh, cute guy.

Yes, I think I'm really amazing too.

Because the people gathered here now are super great people of great countries. In my previous life,
there was never an event that a one could meet a member of Parliament, not to mention the Prime

At most, when an order was received, the staff from the Ministry of International Trade and
Communications met occasionally when they came to inspect the site. They were not in charge of the
reception, but just brought the people to the site and then disappeared.

Back then, I was nervous just to talk lightly outside of my job.

And now I'm playing the role of a king. It’s emotional just to think about it.

"As there seems to be no objection, I shall leave it to Testarossa to make her clarifications, after which I
shall give the floor to the speakers, who may then raise questions and correct errors. So, please start

The talks are proceeding as planned.

“Let me start by asking you not to interrupt, and then we'll leave it to Testarossa, and the meeting will
proceed in an orderly fashion.”

King Gazel, who is on my level, and Velgrynd, the plenipotentiary agent of the tentative emperor, are
also allowed to speak. It would seem that those other than that would be punished as an insult to the king.

I feel a little indifferent about this, but if it would make things easier then I'm okay with it.

Testarossa began to explain.

She started with the battle on the airship that Gazel didn't know about, with a bit of false talk mixed in.

And then, immediately afterwards, explained that the Imperial Emperor Rudra had in fact become a
boarding-skill-conscious individual, just as I had been victorious over Velgrynd…


Gazel objected first.

"Huh? If you want to speak, please do so afterwards…”

“Now is not the time to think about things like that!?”

Did I do something strange?

“So, King Gazel, is there something wrong?”

I couldn't help but become meek and ask, and Gazel pressed his head against mine and stared at me,
then without saying anything the gaze turned back to Velgrynd and spoke solemnly.

“I know it's rude, but can Lord Velgrynd accept what King Rimuru has just said?”

A rarity, Gazel was actually using honorifics.

And called her Lord Velgrynd.

Does it matter that this attitude is not in keeping with the style of kings of great powers?

I am watching the developments while I have my doubts about it. Instead of getting angry, Velgrynd
flashed a smile.

"No problem, Dwarf King. You're a shrewd and thoughtful man, better than King Rimuru over there,
and Rudra has a high opinion of you, having said he wanted to take you in as a subordinate when you
were a Sword Saint. So I'm also well aware of you and don't dislike you. No need to be so formal, just
talk lightly.”

"Yes, yes! But you, who are one of the strongest True Dragon Race and the Guardian of the Empire in
public, this—”

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. Aren't you a friend of Rimuru's? Then I won't fight, after all,
what Rimuru said earlier was true. I lost to him.”

Well that's a surprise.

I was expecting Velgrynd to be like Veldora and die to save face and say she didn't lose. I was not
expecting her to admit defeat so dryly.

I was surprised, but the others didn't seem to be able to just be surprised.

“Gee-eh!? Wh—Lord Velgrynd lost!?”

"Unbelievable, the undefeated myth…”

The Imperial congregation that had been cultivated in the territory of Velgrynd’s became shaken, the
previous silence completely thrown behind them.


"Hey hey, are you serious? In the face of that god-like existence who could not be defeated no matter
what, although you’re probably not lying, it is so unbelievable, I can’t believe it…”

Dorf was dumbfounded and the Ben seemed unable to recognize reality.

Looking at the duo and King Gazel, Anrietta somehow managed to smile.

"I don't need to report this time, so it's really refreshing. If I were to report such things, I'd be
considered mentally ill.”

Is it disrespectful of her to say that?

Well, that’s all a matter of other countries, and it feels like it's not the time to talk about it, but I'm not
going to stand in the way either.

Taking another step back and continuing observation, I saw Jane speak to Gazel, who was holding his
head in thought.

"Calm down, Gazel, and you too. I won't be surprised anymore. I'm still tired from being shocked about
the primordials, and I had already understood by the time I saw the evolutionary ritual.”

Granny Jane seemed to be enlightened.

So this time, she survived the occasion alone and calmly.

The people of Dwargon snapped back at these words of hers.

Then one by one, the embarrassed people re-positioned themselves.

By the way, the reaction from our side is…

“What? So Lord Rimuru has triumphed in the face of Lord Velgrynd. Are we having a feast tonight?”

It's true that Rigurd has to throw a party whenever he finds the opportunity.

I never doubted that I would win.

“Well, I knew it was coming. I saw it all.”

This guy, Benimaru, actually peeked, but someone seemed to hear that and couldn't sit still first.

"Benimaru, what's going on? Could it be that you are the only one who has seen Rimuru-sama's
dignified fighting stance?”

"No, it's not like that. I'm obliged to confirm the status of the battle, so just a little…"

Benimaru desperately pondered the reason, but he just wasn't sophisticated enough in this area.

In contrast, Diablo was…

“Kufufufufu! Oh, yes, Shion, did you not see it? That's a shame. It's quite a shame that such a
wonderful battle wasn't seen!”

Don't agitate her, don't agitate her!

I guess no one is better at finding fault with irony, right?

Testarossa sighed helplessly as she stepped aside, estimating that nothing could be more troublesome
than making an enemy of Diablo.

"Everyone, silence, please.”

But Testarossa didn't forget her duty and still saw the time for everyone to gradually calm down and
control the scene to quiet down.

If she had done so any later, I'm afraid Shion and Diablo would have gotten into a fight.

Well done, I gave her silent praise.

The crowd also calmed down, and the meeting continued.

Taking a cue from the moderator, I continued.

“—As mentioned above, after defeating Velgrynd, I inquired about the situation in detail, at which
point I discovered the discrepancies. I felt that Emperor Rudra did not seem like himself, so I tried to
observe Velgrynd and found the shocking truth. Omitting details, I found out that the culprit was indeed
"dominated" by the consciousness of Michael, who had been boarding the Emperor Rudra's skill…!”

Speaking of which, I put on a smug look with all my might.

Now comes the good part.

And just as I smiled wryly and prepared to continue…


Oops, seems there is another opinion.

And it's still Gazel.

"Well, after the question, please…”

Not knowing if it was to interrupt me or to settle himself, Gazel sighed heavily.

Then stared at me tightly and spoke heavily.

"Listen, Rimuru, it's true, this attitude of mine is inappropriate, but, well, this is really not the time to
talk about that.”

"How so?"

“How can details be omitted!? A vicious skill that even Lord Velgrynd could be ‘dominated,’—how
could it be allowed to exist!? And, what's that!? A consciousness that resides in skills? This kind of thing,
I’ve never heard of it! Jane, do you know anything about this?”

“…No, I've never heard of it either.”

As much as Gazel wanted to weigh himself down, he still couldn't hide his inner exuberance, and Jane
seemed to be thinking about something too, appearing unresponsive when answering Gazel's question.

That said, it's amazing that no one else commented on the way Gazel phrased it.

Velgrynd kept a smile on her face, seeming to enjoy the situation quite a bit. It seemed that as long as
Masayuki was around, nothing else was needed or interested her.

As for Masayuki, he seems to have given up on understanding this.

He was not in a position to act in a dignified manner because of his behavior, but his opinion seems to
have risen again in the presence of those such as Calgurio. But he himself probably did not notice…

Hey, I'm glad you're here too, so don't mind.

Benimaru and the others were also interested.

If I didn't want to say it, they wouldn't have pursued it, but in their hearts they actually wanted to hear it
from me anyway.

That's why Testarossa didn't go to stop Gazel.

But she seemed to sense her lapse immediately and prepared to preside over the scene by pretending as
if nothing had happened again.

"Silence, gentlemen, regarding King Gazel's question…"

Although she recovered quickly enough, trying to remedy it was a bit harder. No, in fact, I’ll just go
with the flow. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with even telling it.

"I see, then I’ll explain."

"Lord Rimuru, is this all right?”

“Well, since only important people from various countries are present, I don't think it's a big deal if
something like this does happen.”

That's right.

Even if the existence of the Theosophy Nucleus (Manas) was known by others, there was nothing
particularly troubling about it, and for me, the only secret that needed to be strictly guarded was the
existence of Ciel.

“I'm sorry, Rimuru. I'm so grateful for this.”

Gazel bowed his head in gratitude.

The tone of speech changed back to that of a senior brother, as if he had given up covering up.

Then I can take it easy, too, and proceed with the explanation as such.

I then explained the birth of Emperor Rudra, who was physically and mentally exhausted, and whose
ultimate skill, Justice King Michael, became the ego Michael, the Theosophy Nucleus. I made public as
much as I knew of his fierce power.

“The ultimate skill…? With such skills, unique skills will not work…”

“Strictly speaking, it's not completely true. Skills change depending on the strength of the will, and
even unique ones have the ability to reach the ultimate skill strength, but usually they don't. In addition,
the strength of the will is directly reflected in the skill, which may result in an attack that is extremely
effective, and in my opinion, King Gazel should be able to do it.”

"Is that so…”

“Also, magic is the same. Magic is both a skill and a technique, so depending on the strength of the
user's will, it may be able to defeat a holder of an ultimate skill. I think Jiu and Bonnie will understand
what I'm saying, right?”

The duo who had lost to Diablo should be able to understand what I said, and they both nodded hard.

As for Diablo, who had a sickeningly intoxicated expression, I didn't know what he was thinking.

He definitely wasn’t thinking anything good, and though it was tempting to say something to him, he
was standing honestly for now, so let's just ignore it.

Shion and others muttered, “then I should acquire an ultimate skill as well…”
Well, it's because it's not easy to get, that it’s ultimate, right?

But for some reason, I always felt that Shion could do it.

That seems a little scary, so it's better not to think about it.

"That's pretty much how it it. Michael has a special power that can absolutely dominate the powers of
the Angelic System of skills, so even Velgrynd couldn't resist and became obedient without even noticing
it herself. In addition, Lieutenant Kondo seems to have been at the mercy of the others as well, though in
the end, he seems to have broken free from the spell and entrusted his will to our Carrera."

"What, that "information-feeding weirdo" was also…”

"I can't believe it, but I'm not stupid enough to doubt His Majesty Rimuru.”

"Is that so? Then Lord Damrada…”

"Well, he must have noticed that the Emperor Rudra was acting a little strange."

Though not enough to interrupt what I was saying, there was a commotion on the Imperial side. It was
an act that should not have been done, but now it's too late to care about it, so I’ll just ignore it.

"As for Michael's purpose, it is now clear. It is to resurrect the master who created him, Veldanava."

"How can that be!?”

The shouts overlapped, and there was no telling who was shouting.

No, actually knowing is knowing, just not deliberately pointing it out.

"Knowing that it is all due to the domination of Michael, I do not intend to hold the Empire responsible
for the war, and if they wish to continue the war against us in the future, it will not be just that—”

Speaking of which, I glanced at Masayuki and the others.

Masayuki was completely unfazed.

It's really not my business at all.

Calgurio and Minute smiled bitterly.

Win or lose, the reason for the war is gone, and they are reacting this way because they understand it.

Looks like it seems okay.

“—It does not seem to me that you have any such intention, and I have been reconciled with Velgrynd,
so it is necessary to establish a new guide now that Michael, who played Rudra, has disappeared, is it
not? That's what we're talking about today, so can we shed some light on that?”

I dropped the topic to Masayuki and others.

Since there is a consensus on the status quo, it is necessary to understand how the empire will develop
in the future, and this is what Gazel’s group is most concerned about, so I think we should let it go and
talk about it.

It's actually a gamble.

Usually, when conducting such a meeting, in addition to presenting your own ideas, you should also
confirm what the other party has to say.

It is difficult to predict what conclusions will be reached, and this is not usually a good thing to do in
the context of the country-to-country meetings.

But Testarossa didn't stop me, and was just as usual. She smiled at me and she said it was okay, so I
could just say what was on my mind like that.

Well, the result is—


“Yes! It has been left to my humble self to say that the Empire has now lost more than two-thirds of its
battle strength, that continuing war is impossible, and that we are willing to accept full and unconditional
surrender. But there is also problem here. The most critical person of supreme responsibility is now
absent, and this is the key point that His Majesty Rimuru has pointed out, so we must first embrace a new
emperor. So today is the perfect opportunity to make sure that all of you present recognize our new

Minute droned on, finished, and gave a salute, looking at me and Gazel.

"Hmm, is that so? Then Rimuru, isn’t this exactly why you expected me to come here today?”


I don’t think so.

"It's not just a question of the Empire and the Jura Tempest Federation joining forces. Because Tempest
is going to be the backbone of the new Emperor and build a rock-solid system for the Empire, then of

“Well, needless to say, I have to get involved with Dwargon, so I guess I can expect something in
return, can't I?”

Hey, hey.

Why has acknowledging the new emperor turned into something that doesn't make sense?

“King Gazel's words are reliable, but we will do our best to respond to your expectations within the
limits of both countries' acceptance.”

Minute—no, let me call him Sir Minute, is, unlike in battle, a good politician, with a graceful demeanor
and a feeling that he can handle anything with ease.

In contrast, I was trying my best to understand the situation, and even began to worry if anyone would
see me sweating and panicking inside.
Okay, okay. Gazel seems to approve, and it's me next. Benimaru and Rigurd glance at my expression,
so I nod my head gently in response and speak up.

"I also agree, and can agree to provide full support depending on the situation.”

I also took advantage of the situation.

I’m finally keeping up with understanding.

I had intended to help Masayuki from the beginning, but if you think about it carefully, this is already
something that will lead to support as a nation, so I'm selling a favor here. If you build a better
relationship in the future by giving favors here, then there will not be another war in the future.

Even if things don't go so smoothly, there should be no problems at the moment. The future can be left
to future generations, so the most important thing is the “now."

"Thank you very much. Our Emperor will be very happy to hear this.”

Sir Minute made another salute.

You're being too stiff, get on with it.

“Then, the new emperor is Masayuki, right? Ah, then is it bad for me to call you that?”

“King Rimuru—”

"Ah, no problem at all. So it's okay for me to call Rimuru as I did before, right?”

Ah, Masayuki, a friend of my heart!

"Of course, Masayuki-kun! It's hard to understand, what words to use on such occasions, isn’t it?”

“Rimuru-san! I haven’t been able to relax until now because Rimuru-san is so reliable!!! It's been so
suffocating these past few days…”

Yeah, I get it.

You were lacking an ally and struggling alone, right?

Velgrynd guessed that she couldn't understand how her subordinates were feeling, and wondered why
she was upset over such trivial matters. She shouldn't have been able to.

The big men of the Empire, who took great pains just to think about their own problems, had no energy
left to worry about Masayuki's mood, and Masayuki was left to worry alone.

That's why they wanted to discuss it with me, but it was a failure for Shion to send the message.

I really wanted to have a personal interview and think about what to do. I think so, and Masayuki feels
the same.

But that's not going to work anymore.

Although I don't know what to do with my manners, I'm just going to do it with my nature.
"Guys, may I have your attention, please?”

The one who hit the nail on the head was Testarossa.

"Our Lord Rimuru would like the meeting to be more relaxed and casual. We may have our own
positions, but could you please continue the meeting more informally?

Testarossa looked at everyone present with a smile and said so.

Nothing could be more reliable than that!

Masayuki seems happy too.

Gazel just smiled and didn't retort.

Since the king had no problem, the subordinates are even less likely to object. The formal talk ended
here, and the real talk from the heart then started.


“Geez, that's a big help. I thought I'd have to keep quiet.”

“Yeah, I wanted to do that too, actually.”

“The idiots. The lord of a country will do what it is!”

“Heh, heh, heh, heh.”

“Jane, don't talk about it now.”

This is the moment when the tension loosens up.

It's probably because Masayuki is the new emperor and has decided to support us. It's only when we've
established our own policy as backbone that we'll be able to do so, and after that, there's only details to
discuss, so there's no need to be so intense and stereotypical.

So, in a lighthearted tone, I asked about what I cared most about.

“So, it's okay for Masayuki to be an emperor, but will the Empire agree? No problems on our side, but
the people? Or are they subjects? Anyway, if the people don’t approve, it’s useless.”

Hearing that, Masayuki nodded his head as drastically as I would have liked.

“Yes! It's definitely weird, right!?”

“Ahem! Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Although Calgurio stepped forward to admonish him, Masayuki wasn't about to just leave it at that.

The one who reached out to help at this point was Gazel.

“What about the bloodline problem? He does not share a single bit of Emperor Rudra's blood, right? If
we don't keep the royal title, I'm afraid the nobles won't approve.”
Velgrynd answered the question.

"No problem, it is written in the imperial canon that 'the guardian of the empire, the man recognized by
the dragon Velgrynd, is both Rudra and emperor,’ and although many people think this is just a formality,
it is true and most important.”

Sir Minute came forward to endorse that statement.

“It is true that His Majesty Rudra has always been reborn as the wife's first son, but in the long history
of the empire, there have been arrogant people who have sought to replace their successors, and it was
Her Excellency, Lord Velgrynd, who punished them as the ‘Marshal.’"

Like that, it's bound to be exposed.

There was no way for anyone who knew the Rudra reincarnation mechanism to get the truth wrong.

I can't imagine the punishment. It must have been horrible.

“After all, His Majesty Rudra has inherited his ego, and even if Lord Velgrynd doesn't point it out,
when he grows up he will naturally know his true self…”

Well, if you grow up into your ego, then you’ll be able to easily identify yourself.

“Well, how about calling Masayuki a bastard?”

“That's not possible, Lord Rimuru. The Senate has recorded the blood and DNA information of Lord
Rudra, so it's impossible to say that Masayuki-sama is Rudra's child if it doesn’t match up.”

Oops, so the empire's technology has come this far. I thought it was a good proposal, but Sir Minute
has rejected it.

“By the way, there are DNA tests in this world too…”

“What's DNA?”


Since Gazel asked, I'll clarify.

Next to him were Calgurio and the others chatting.

“In the past, there were no sophisticated methods of inspection. I heard it was difficult.”

“Yeah, it's a pain in the ass to have to listen to my judgment every time.”

Well, wouldn't that be worse?

Now that the real person has disappeared, and the only reincarnated body whose memory has
disappeared is Masayuki, it can be quite difficult to prove that the "soul" is real. That is to say, there is no
way for others to recognize Masayuki as the Emperor.

“In that case, isn’t it easier for Masayuki to imitate Rudra, since he looks the same?”

It is only necessary to emulate the emperor’s privileges, such as inspection.

Then find an opportunity to replace Emperor Rudra's record and you're done.


I thought that was a good way to go, but was rejected by Velgrynd.

“May I ask why?”

"You, have not forgotten the power of Michael? The loyalty of his subjects and subordinates to Rudra is
the source of Michael's energy. So, wouldn't it be better to create the fact that Emperor Rudra is dead to
take away his power?”


This I certainly remember…

<<Correct. It doesn’t make sense to just die, but a new object of loyalty will block Michael’s power.
However, Michael should have thought of that too, and might have transferred the subject of authority
from Rudra to another person.>>

Something like that, after all I said before about killing all the subjects.

If that countermeasure is taken, he would surely be to make those characters that I can't outwit into a
source of power.

Or he’d choose the kind of over-the-top strongman.

“Michael would have taken a countermeasure, and it would have been better to do it than not to do it,
so that I would have had no reason to do it to my subjects.”

“That's right, so don't worry about the details. Just announce that Masayuki is Rudra in my name, so no
one will dare to resist.”

Velgrynd is so confident.

But then again, that's certainly true.

After all, she's the Empire's guardian dragon, the Scorch Dragon.

What's more, it makes sense that the imperial paradigm records that 'Velgrynd recognized the man as

The approach is tough, but as long as it's Velgrynd’s true statement, it can't be ignored.

“Does Masayuki-kun think this is okay?”

“Should be fine?”

“...oohhhh, how shall I put it…”

I also feel in my heart that there should be no problem, and here it seems we can only go with the flow.

“If Masayuki doesn't like it, then don't force it.”

Wow, Velgrynd's smile is super gentle—gentle to the point of being scary. While that description is
somewhat contradictory, it's my honest opinion.

“…I'll do it, I'm being hailed as a hero anyway, so it won't hurt to add another title.”

With an already enlightened, empty look, Masayuki declared.

The people like Minute and Calgurio listened with pleasure, and in their opinion, a new symbol as well
as a mentor was absolutely necessary for the future survival of the empire.

I also think Masayuki fits the bill. He also has an effective skill and will definitely get popular support.

"Then the way forward is to consolidate the empire with a new emperor, right?"

Everyone other than Masayuki nodded sharply in agreement with my words.

Masayuki also had to nod reluctantly.

Don't look at Masayuki like this, he's actually a very responsible person and will make it to the end if
he accepts it.

“Understood, we will also make an announcement acknowledging this. By the way, the Imperial
generals who are now stranded in our country as captives will be released immediately, and although they
will not be held accountable, we will put compensation discussions on temporary reservation. What do
you think? We'll negotiate this with the new emperor afterwards.”

“I'd like to hear more about that.”

“Thank you for your generosity. I'm grateful.”

Though everyone approved, Gazel seemed to have something to say again.

"I has no objection to this approach either, just a question. It is fortunate, Your Excellency, that you, as
the “Hero,” have to be emperor, so I would like to ask, what is your idea of governing the people—the

Gazel stared at Masayuki with a sharp stare that seemed to see through everything.

Masayuki, who was somewhat frightened by that aura, looked at me troubled and said.

“…uhh…hmm? A world where people can live with laughter…something like that, right?”

I laughed when I heard that.

Because he thinks the same way I do.

“Yeah, that's the most important thing!”

“That’s right! knew Rimuru would say that!!”

"Of course, Masayuki-kun. Alas, I told Rudra that thought too, only to be called naive and foolish, so
that I thought I was mistaken and felt uneasy inside. I'm so relieved. I was right.”
“Great! I can't do politics or anything, and I'm not confident, but now I can stand up and be king.”

“Well, let's do our best together!”

“Yes, I'd like to hear more from you in the future, too!”

After saying that, Masayuki and I laughed loudly together.

Others watched us each react differently.

Diablo and Shion had a look of intoxication on their faces.

Velgrynd smiled tenderly.

For their part, Calgurio and Sir Minute smiled bitterly as they gave up in the middle.

Gazel looked up helplessly at the sky.

“That's enough!”

“I understand Gazel's concern, but they have no ambition, and they're new to the world, so they must be
guided to the right path.”

“I know how difficult it is to guide these people who talk about politics with their childish ideals, and
that's what's bothering me.”

Gazel sighed again after saying that. After all, Gazel was always worried about us.

“Okay, okay, don't worry so much, I'm studying too, so it's okay!”

“It shouldn't matter that it's not just Gazel, it's Vesta and El Carbon (***Elmesia?) who are teaching


It's just in their spare time, so it’s true.

If that's still unsettling, let's put him at ease a little.

“I didn't intend to get too involved in politics, but I'm glad I did. I'll just leave the substance to Sir

“You're right! I was just wondering if I should do it, and was a little uneasy, but now I can feel a little

Masayuki and I once again looked at each other and laughed.

“…just try it, you're not alone, share the burden with your peers, grow together, I'll help if possible.”

Gazel held his head high once again, finally approving. Alas, there may not be an endorsement, but it
should all be in a supportive mood for a long time to come.

And so the meeting proceeded.

“I have no objection to the approach just decided at the meeting. If the East is settled, so is our country,
and we will do our best to assist in the revival near the national border.”

"Thank you!”

"Thank you, King Gazel.”

And just like that, things are beautifully finished.

In later history books, this day would be recorded as the day of the appearance of the redeeming
emperor, Masayuki Rudra Namur Nasca…


Thus, the policy was set.

Now we take a break in between and have lunch first.

Now that the atmosphere is less tense, everyone eats with joy.

Today’s lunch is Kaiseki cuisine (***a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner).

Even though we were taking a break, we were still in the middle of the meeting, so we chose a menu
that could be used to entertain the bigwigs, which was carefully arranged by Shuna-chan.

Everyone uses chopsticks.

Gazel has mastered it for a long time now, and the spread of chopstick culture throughout the Empire
has made it possible to offer Japanese style cuisine with peace of mind.

“The food here still tastes so good.”

“A little bit of a drinking problem.”

“Be restrained, Ben! Even if it's informal, the important meeting is not over.”

“You're serious Dorf, aren't you? Sir Rimuru?”

“Yeah, I'd like some sake, too, but…”

I nodded and glanced at Shuna.

Shuna smiled sweetly.

Yeah, it’s impossible.

"Let's hold back for now, and keep working on the rest of the meeting. Mr. Ben must learn more from
Mr. Dorf, and be more serious!”

"Hahaha, that's harsh. Then isn't tonight something to look forward to?”


"Sure, right, Benimaru?”

"Well, just offer up my secret stash of magic black wine, and it’s party time!”

"Oh, this is good! I'm glad you're here.”

"Hahahaha, it's famous that monsters like wine, isn't it, Shuna?”

“Huh? Does Shuna drink too?”

I didn't expect to hear about it while gossiping, but I'm surprised Shuna also drinks.

The truth is…

“Brother, I only try it occasionally. Don't confuse me with Shion.”

I'm still drinking.

By the way, isn't Shuna still underage—ah, it doesn't matter how old a magic creature is.

“Ha ha ha, sorry sorry sorry.”

“Lady Shuna! I'm not that into it!”

That's a lie.

As far as I know, Shion drinks and even competes with Albis.

Benimaru also knew about this, so he smiled bitterly over there.

Although Benimaru didn't look like he loved to drink, Albis was his wife and he presumably
accompanied her to drink occasionally, so the alcohol should be quite strong.

Wine is something that only feels good when you get used to it.

Be moderate.

To drink, don't let the booze get to you and drink moderately.

Properly enjoy the tasting. I exhort people in my heart, including me.

The luncheon would have been light and pleasant, but suddenly someone burst into tears.

All eyes were drawn there.

At first glance, it turns out to be Calgurio.

"What's going on? Is the meal not to your liking?"

Shuna rushed over to comfort Calgurio.

Calgurio replied.
“No, I’m sorry. I just remembered it. It might be funny to say this as a soldier, but I just followed my
stupid plan and sacrificed so many subordinates. Yet I am sharing this delicious meal. I’m sorry, blame
me…Faraga, Samdor, Gaster…”

This guy, he'll cry when he drinks.

Although there is no alcohol distribution at the moment, he seems to be infected with the atmosphere
and had gotten drunk.

But this is just a good opportunity.


“Yes, I've asked Moss to call those men.”

As expected of her.

Before I could give the order, Testarossa had already understood my intentions.

In less than five minutes, dozens of people arrived at the venue.

"Your Majesty Rimuru, Samdor (***might be Xam’d or Zamud, or Sander, but I’m not sure) has been
summoned to meet you!”

The people who came were the same people that Calgurio had just read about, such as Samdor.

They seemed to come running quickly, their faces red with sweat, but still trying desperately to
organize the language and come to greet me.

Samdor and these people, have actually died once.

As they boarded the Emperor's flagship, they were swept up in Testarossa’s nuclear strike magic: the
blessing of death, which wiped out the flesh along with it.

Testarossa was good at was remembering that I had accepted Calgurio's plea for mercy and had
recovered the souls before the magic could be unleashed.

“It all became possible because I am allowed to evolve by Lord Rimuru”—Testarossa is so humble, she
is so understanding.

Therefore, Testarossa boarded the "souls" of Samdor and others into the "soul-orb" and let them settle
down in the artificial human body.

“You—aren't you Samdor!? I heard Lord Velgrynd say you're all dead, are you still alive?”

“Geez really, they couldn’t handle the ‘blessing of death,’ can they, it was Testarossa who saved them?”

“Yes, Lord Velgrynd, Lord Rimuru is merciful.”

“Yeah, I don't doubt that.”

“It’s wise.”

Woo hoo, oh hoo hoo—the two are laughing and talking.

But it felt a little scary and I hurriedly moved out of sight.

Samdor and the others celebrated their safe survival after rendezvous with Calgurio.

As for Faraga, unfortunately, I am not omnipotent either and can only ask you to ignore it. If you know
that mourning for the dead will be a good thing, then I ask you to stay away from such foolishness as war.

It would be foolish to launch an invasion if the defenses were okay, and I know there's not only good in
the world, but I can't help but think so.

Those in power should put their families on the scales and consider whether there is a real need to wage
war and to resolve unnecessary disputes through dialogue whenever possible.

This I did not say aloud, but prayed for it in my heart.


After a lunch break, the meeting resumed again at 3 p.m.

The general policy was set in the morning, and the intention was to discuss reconfirmation and the
sharing of responsibilities in the afternoon

"Let me reconfirm, then, starting with the armed state of Dwargon."

Testarossa began the topic.

The list of confirmations then begins.

The Jura Tempest Federation and Dwargon jointly recognized the new Emperor as the first step, before
declaring the end of the war and the establishment of the Tripartite Alliance in the name of the new
Emperor, Masayuki.

As a result, a different framework of the Western Nations Council is created.

Dwargon's duty was to revive the Empire and its borders, including the streets and adjacent buildings,
which also included rescue missions for the few victims caught up in the war.

Credit comes after credit is earned.

After the rescue was completed, the railway to the Imperial Capital would be laid, and this difficult
project would be completed by renovating the road opened by the Imperial Chariot Division in the Canaat

Our country will also send a steering team to work with the Dwarf Corps of Engineers to complete the

After the opening of the "Magic Train,” logistics will be smoothed out, and the movement of people
will become active and will certainly usher in new developments.

I can't help but feel a little excited when I dream about this kind of thing, and I'm sure I still like to do
construction planning, as I realize it again.

So what are the duties of our Jura Tempest Federation?

Mainly the responsibility for the full support to Masayuki.

The purpose of arranging an embassy within the Empire and sending Testarossa was to dispel the
obsolete ideas of the Empire and allow the people of the Empire to feel the arrival of a new era.

The imperial subjects had no memory of losing the war, and although they had suffered a bit because of
Veldora, they had no experience of giving thanks to other nations.

Perhaps this speaks to Rudra's greatness, but it also happens to make defeat unacceptable to the those
imperial subjects.

For those who have lost loved ones, one should be able to understand the pain, yet those who are
comfortable in a safe position are likely to offer to go to war again.

They have only profit in their eyes and a lack of feeling for the pain that others endure.

It was up to Minute to convince the nobles, and Calgurio to take charge of the military, only to be
pitted against the cunning old underbelly of society. However, they were worried that the two of them
would underpowered.

Velgrynd said, "Just kill them all." That's easy for her to say, but he couldn't do it. The Empire had
already lost a lot of talent, and it wasn't okay to continue reducing the number of key officials.

These tricky people have to be used alive, and the road ahead is bumpy, but they have to be done too,
that's the conclusion that has come out of these days.

That's when it's Testarossa's turn to step in.

By using an intelligence agent with a hellish ear like Moss, he should be able to sabotage the attempts
of the underworlders in one fell swoop. It's a pain in the ass to get them together, but if you grab hold of
them and then threaten—er, no, persuade them—they should become willing to assist.

The Senate of the Western States is now settled, and they alone are enough, so I’ll let Testarossa go to
the Empire now.

Still, Venom will continue to accompany Masayuki and be his escort.

"I'll have to borrow your dependent. Is that okay?”

"Kufufufu, no problem. It's for Lord Rimuru, so feel free to use him.

Hearing such a thing was tiring, but I don't want to say anything about Diablo to add to it.


Unlike the morning discussion, the afternoons are full of lively topics.

After the summary of the problems on the Empire's side was announced, the group then discussed the
response strategy together.

Time really does pass when its meaningful.

"We, the members of the Empire, will never forget this kindnesses.”
"Hey, hey, it's still just the planning stage. Are you going to start working on it? If you are saying
thanks, please wait until the business is completed.”

“Hahahaha…business…? I'm no match for you, Your Majesty Rimuru…This national problem can be
summed up in one word.

Minute smiled.

But there was a gleam in his eyes that seemed to light up the fight because of my words.

It's good to be motivated.

While the guidelines are clear, there are still problems that must not be forgotten.

Gazel opened his mouth to ask the question.

“So, Rimuru, the most important thing to ask is, can you win?”

It’s true…Michael and Feldway and their men, the very threatening enemy, are still watching us.

"Honestly, I can't guarantee that I'm going to win, but I’m definitely not going to lose.”

“Well it’s you after all, so no matter what method is used, your words will be true, right?”

“Even overestimated.”

“Hmm! In fact, when I saw Lord Velgrynd so powerful, I was ready to lose the battle and die. I knew
she was strong, but I didn't think her to be that strong.”

Gazel confided frankly, and Ben and Dorf nodded in agreement.

Yeah, I almost thought it was over too when I saw Testarossa and the others fall to the ground.

Afterwards, because I was so angry, I forgot my fear—I should say, when I came back, it was all over,
and now I look back on it, it's still an incredible win.

But now, I have Ciel.

And Veldora and Diablo and the others.

I am not alone and that is encouraging.

“I didn't think I'd lose to a Slime, but—and I'm grateful now—I don't think even Sister Velzado can
beat Rimuru.”

Velgrynd didn't get angry at Gazel's words, her tone was calm.

It's not clear that I can beat Velzado who has one-sidedly beaten Veldora, but it does seem that Velgrynd
was speaking from the heart.

“It’s embarrassing to hear such a high opinion.”

“Don't be modest, it's not luck that you beat me, it's pure strength. It was an overwhelming victory,
what are you talking about?”

There was shame in winning or losing because it was all in the past for Velgrynd. Now she had
overcome that and honestly accepted reality.

This type of person is terrifying, and I've secretly raised my alert level on Velgrynd.

Next, to get serious about your thoughts.

“The reality is that the enemy's strength is not known, and it is impossible to predict how they will act,
regardless of their aims or attempts—and what they will use to make people care.”

As the words were spoken, several people appeared on the huge screen.

“These people are the "enemies" that entered the labyrinth this time. Their strength is estimated to be
around three million, and even compared to our executives, they are still in the upper echelon.”

I will disclose all the information I know.

At this point, Velgrynd spoke up as if to add.

“I've eliminated this one, but I have a word of advice. These people once helped Brother Veldanava in
ancient times, and were a match for the Primordials. Their bodies are currently sealed, and those that
appeared in the labyrinth were just weakened ‘parallel bodies.’”

Hearing that makes one wonder how to react.

Because Velgrynd wiped out the other side so easily.

<<Velgrynd's power has the effect of the ‘dimensional jump,’ which is the ability Velgrynd uses to
jump towards the landmark of Rudra’s soul. There should be no problem using the skill towards the

I see…

In other words, Velgrynd's attack knocked down the essence connected to Cornu’s 'Parallel Body',
causing them to be wiped out together.

<<That’s right. By combining attacks that transcend time and space to create a 'continuous attack of
time and space,' even a 'parallel existence' cannot escape.>>

Really, it's outrageous.

Velgrynd was also too powerful to know exactly how much experience she had accumulated and was
now in full control of her own powers.

She was already powerful before, and now is even better.

Veldora was still happy about learning about 'parallel existence', and it turned out to be completely
pointless… I'd feel a little sorry for Veldora if he knew about it.

It wasn't just me who didn't know how to react.

The Imperial congregation, as well as Gazel and the others, pondered carefully over what Velgrynd had

The Empire can at least still rely Velgrynd as a trump card, but the problem is Dwargon.

“Can't we win?”

“Indeed, unfortunately, there's no way to fight back.”


“It’s true. There’s no use trying to be strong. It's time to tell the truth and think about countermeasures,
isn't it?”

“Mmm, although what you said is correct…”

“Ben is right. Since we are against an invincible opponent, we have to think about what to do in case of
an encounter. Sir Rimuru, on the basis of what Michael and the Demon King are up to, will we Dwargon
be implicated?”

Woo-hoo, the probability should be lower.

“It probably doesn't matter. It's not that it's safe, it's just that it's a lower priority.”

“Hmm, so because the enemy's aim is to resurrect Lord Veldanava, there is no Dwargon in their eyes
anyway, is that right?”

“It sounds rude, but I suppose.”

“It's okay. I'm embarrassed as a warrior, but I feel at ease as a king.”

Gazel finished and smiled bitterly.

"So, speaking of means, is the enemy serious?"

“Kufufufufu, do they think that by gaining the power of Lord Veldora and Lord Velzado they can
resurrect Lord Veldanava? All I can say is it's a stupid idea.”

“Lord Veldanava is immortal. It's arrogant to try to resurrect him by human power.”

Diablo scoffed, and Benimaru was indignant.

It's still a mystery as to why Veldanava hasn’t come back to life, but it's still true that the True Dragon
Race is indestructible. I was in favor of the opinion that we should be relieved because it could not be

“If that's the case, will the Dragon Empress be targeted as well?” Calgurio pointed out sharply.

Indeed, it would not be surprising at all if Miilim, who had inherited the power of Veldanava, would be

Velgrynd answered the question.

“That possibility cannot be denied, but to strike at my brother's beloved would be to put the cart before
the horse. It's possible for them to want power simply because they want it, but if they really want him to
be resurrected, I hope they don't do something that offends him.”

However, because Milim was strong and didn't have an Angelic System's Skill, and Carrion and Frey
had also awakened, they shouldn't need to worry too much.

Since Velgrynd didn't think it mattered either, it would probably be enough to just warn them.

However, there is one more thing that concerns people.

“In that way, doesn’t it sounds like Veldanava didn’t care about his siblings?”

“You're a very rude man.”

Velgrynd was a little speechless at what I said, but not angry.

“Uh, I'm sorry, I'm an honest person. I was just…”

“It doesn't matter.”


Saved by Velgrynd's forbearance.

I’ll reflect on this and be careful on what is said in the future.

“It doesn’t matter. A “True Dragon" is not the same as people who have an end in sight, and the same is
true of Sister Velzado who did not care how many times she destroyed Veldora in the name of education.
So, perhaps we are to wait for the resurrection of Brother Veldanava before liberating our forces.”

Ah, I understand.

I think he’ll be resurrected after eating, just like the steps I took.

In doing so, memories will be inherited, so whether or not the personality will change is simply not a
matter of concern.

“This means Milim is not indestructible because she is not a true dragon species. If you kill Milim-
sama, you will incur the wrath of the resurrected Veldanava-sama, right?”

Testarossa sums up Velgrynd's words as I do, presumably to that effect.

“Well, in that case, let's warn Milim to be on guard.”

Hearing my words, Velgrynd nodded.

Then, her eyes turned to Masayuki.

“I look like someone else, but…Masayuki, you’re definitely being targeted, so you have to be very

“Huh? Haven't you given up yet?”

"Your Majesty…unlike in the Labyrinth, you cannot be revived on Imperial soil! Please take care of

"We will do our utmost to protect His Majesty, but after all, His Majesty needs to act on the basis of
His Majesty's consciousness.”

“Okay…uh, I mean, got it.”

After Masayuki's uninspiring reply, the afternoon's discussion was over.


Dinner was luxurious.

A full Western-style meal of Italian cuisine.

Beets—a vegetable somewhat similar to this—starting with soup, followed by casseroles and a confit
of gizzards.

This was followed by a slightly grilled gun head armored fish belly sashimi.

Each one is an absolute gem, but it doesn't end there.

The restaurant serves a variety of fine dishes such as shrimp wanna cotta, battleship fish noodles,
fortune crab spaghetti, and more.

When the mushroom risotto was finished and the chopsticks were stopped, a seafood soup was served.

The soup from which all the seafood acquisitions of the day are extracted, is a wonderful dish that
changes the flavor of dinner in each sip. A multi-ingredient blend that takes half a day to brew.

It's no exaggeration to say that it's the chefs’ rare masterpiece, and is a hidden gem that you can't even
always eat once a year.

And finally, the main course of the day.

A veal deer fillet steak.

Gently cut with a knife and served in the mouth, the tender, tender meat melts in your mouth.


It's delicious.

After eating, Benimaru and I gave each other a high five.

No words are needed to communicate, and that is enough.

Today, everyone is eating in silence, and this attitude is proof of satisfaction.

It was when the white wine and yogurt was served as dessert, that everyone finally said what they felt.

“What is this deliciousness!? As an imperial aristocrat, I consider myself to have tasted countless
cuisines, but this is something else!!!”
“I know, as a captive, I've always enjoyed the food here, but I've never enjoyed it as much as I have
today. Thank you, Your Majesty Rimuru!”

“Honestly, if you can eat this, you can be emperor.”

“I've also learned to cook, but I can't really make these things. I can tell from the food that I still must
do my best.”

The Imperial congregation was highly appreciative.

Dwargon's side was not to be outdone.

“Rimuru, you've improved your cooking here. Is this you, Lady Shuna? I'd love to invite you to our
country to teach us a few recipes.”

"Yes, I'm more of a wine lover, but these things are so different. It's a shame that the portion is smaller,
but it makes you want to eat more. A very calculated arrangement.”

“Geez, I don't think it's been calculated, but I agree with you that every dish makes you want to eat it.”

“Hah! It's so delicious, it makes me think I'm leaving for the next world.”

"What are you talking about, Lady Jane? You’ve eaten it all up.”

"Anrietta, you're a real talker. Look at you. You're eating the same amount!”

"What? It's only polite not to point this out even if you know about it!”

They were basically satisfied with everything, but they just wanted to make rave about their food, and
this time, the goal was achieved.

By the way, even at times like this, Shion and Diablo were as usual.

Diablo dedicated himself to serving and pouring wine, and Shion stood perfectly still as an escort.

But, I know.

Shuna whispered to me that Shion always sneaks food in the name of testing for poison. This time, she
even tried the poison with an extra bowl. There is absolutely no need to worry about her going hungry.


We take a break after the meal.

The location changed to the meeting room and the big guys enjoyed coffee while chatting.

Just as the group was chatting about the food, Gazel suddenly spoke to them.

"On the other hand, Rimuru, there's something that bothers me.”

"What is it?”

“It's something you did.”


“The executives headed by Lord Benimaru over there—you’re the one who made them evolve, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

Ah, that's a sign towards being reprimanded.

Don't just come out of the blue like that.

Just give me a moment to think about it.

Just as I tensed my body, Gazel continued with a bitter smile.

“Don't be so nervous, I won't be angry. It did scare me when I first heard Jane talk about it, but now
I've come to understand that it was a necessary thing to do.”

“That's right. That's right.”


He didn't seem to be angry, so I was relieved.

“It's just that it’ll be a lot of trouble to explain to other countries, won’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“What, didn't you think of that? The Western Nations, the Western Saints Church, and Sarion are all
watching this war closely, and the final declaration must be made and the process must be explained.”

“I was just going to muddle through properly…”

As for my companions evolving to the level of an awakened demon lord, as long as they shut up and
don't say anything, no one should understand.

It shouldn't be a problem if the deception went well.

“That should be okay with the West. Blumund may be a little suspicious, along with some other
countries, but the rest of the world is blurred. There may be some doubt, but the Jura Tempest Federation
will be an ally. You will not be bullish, right?”

“In that case, there's nothing wrong…”

"However! ‘That woman’ can't be fooled, and will definitely ask for a formal explanation, what are you
going to do?”

Um, ‘that woman?’

Ah, you mean her!

“What, you mean El-chan? It doesn't matter. I already told her.”

Elmesia was so worried about this war that she said so in conversation with me and Myourmiles.
Elmesia said that in the worst case scenario she would take in the refugees from our area.

Myourmiles, Elmesia, and I had an emergency contact as a conspiracy trio (Three Drunken Sages).

It is a high performance magic prop that looks like a small folding type, which is actually a "mobile

This was based on the idea generated by Clayman's skill, using electrical wave signals to form a cipher
with geomagnetic gas, a quality product that could make usual business calls without being interrupted
by magic.

However, the materials used are so scarce and the production price is so high that even the executives
can’t easily get them. This is an indication of how expensive it is.

With this, I was able to talk directly to Elmesia. So before the banquet had started, I gave a notice
saying “I won” along with a victory report.

El-chan’s reply was "OK, I'm relieved. I'm going to listen to it properly next time, and I'm going to play
it again haha," so there was absolutely nothing for Gazel to worry about.



Gazel shouted.

Then stared at me with a look of disbelief.


“Was there anything surprising in what I just said?”

“Don't be stupid! How did you get so close to that Emperor!?”

Ah, that.

Well, I'm pretty good at this kind of thing.

No matter how tricky the person, start with a conversation and, most importantly, a good understanding
of what exactly the other person is asking for.

In the past, when I was a supervisor at the construction site, there were outrageous complaints from
nearby residents, but if you just calm down and listen to the other party's statements, you can easily solve
any unexpected problems.

Of course, there are times when there is a lack of approach.

In those cases, the short answer is to listen first.

Always listen.

Just by doing this, the other person will gradually feel a sense of closeness, think that you understand,
and slowly accept you.
Or rather, it's buying time to wait for the problem to be solved.

There's no need to do anything about the situation, just listen to the narrative and work with him, and
that's all it takes to develop intimacy—well, back to that.

So, the most important thing in my outlook on life is how I get along with others and how I interact
with them.

The same is true with Elmesia, who was already a close friend by the time I noticed.

Could it be the alcohol?

I've forgotten that kind of thing.

Forgetting what is against you is excellent worldly practice. Of course, it's important to remember to
reflect and avoid repeated failures.

It's a hard thing to do, and I'm still practicing.

“How it's done is a secret. We're all getting along now, anyway.”

There's no need to be honest about the experience of failure at the wine table.

But Gazel couldn't seem to take it.

"Rimuru, for the Celestial Emperor of Sarion, it is difficult to meet with her, and waiting for an
audience normally takes a few months. Even if I apply from Dwargon, it takes half a year. That woman
has a long life, so a month is like a day in her eyes…and yet you're in easy contact with her!”


“Yes, yes, Your Majesty, Rimuru! The Empire also values Sarion, not expecting this level of

Even Calgurio and others joined in.

According to these people, the Empire saw Sarion as the biggest threat, and it was said that there were
many unheard of magical guides over there that were originally intended to be the last to attack.

After listening to the instructions from Calgurio and Minute, Gazel nodded as well.

After all, it was a military power that could devour the entire western economic circle by itself, and it
was normal for them to react in this way.

And the ease with which we can contact the heads of such great powers without an appointment, even
if I don't know much about it, is really a bit incredible.

But after all, it is a fact.

“Ahahaha, huh, well, this? Guess I was lucky.”

“Well, for Lord Rimuru, it's a matter of course.”

“Yes! Rather, it is the other party who is lucky!”

Diablo and Shion praised me from the sidelines. At this kind of time I wish you guys would keep your
mouths shut.

Seeing Gazel sigh heavily, I thought even more so.

Minute, however, unexpectedly agreed with Shion and others.

“Indeed, it is understandable that the Heavenly Emperor would react in such a way as to discover the
true value of His Majesty Rimuru.”

Calgurio nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, if it's that terrifying Heavenly Emperor, something of this magnitude should be within easy
reach. Our empire has always thought that the country's magical warriors would not move, which is
exactly what the emperor thought. Then it would be dangerous to target our country when the situation is
not good for His Majesty Rimuru."

It seems they are more wary of Sarion than I thought.

Although I didn't feel it was a dangerous country, it was reassuring to be friendly.

El-chan had invited us to play at her place and to be sure to visit and learn about it then.

"This information must have been hidden, but our intelligence service considers us to be…"

"No, unfortunately, I haven't heard of it either. Still, it's so long ago for me, it's possible to just forget.”

Minute's statement, which was dismissed with a cheerful face by Velgrynd, struck me as a rather
stubborn person who definitely remembers even if it was a long time ago.

"Geez, do you have something you want to say to me?”

"No, no…”

Scary, as if she was reading my heart.

These types of people are usually difficult to deal with and it's best not to piss her off.

You have to be careful about what you say about the "Three Drunk Sages.”

I secretly swore that as the night passed.


The next morning, Gazel and his entourage went back.

For their part, Calgurio and others followed the well-developed guidelines and began to make
preparations for their return home.

The work was still underway, and the construction was taken over by Adalman's men, some of whom
wanted to stay in the country, but also had to give priority to settling the empire before thinking about
They are expected to leave within a week after preparation.

In this way, we discover the problem, think about the countermeasures, and confirm the status quo.

There's basically no problem on the Empire's side.

I just have to wait for Testarossa's contact and watch and see before the situation changes.

There was a slight concern on the Dwarf Kingdom's side.

In case the Killing Angel-class enemies appeared, Gazel’s side should be in a bitter fight.

However, with Dwargon as a natural fortress and the metropolitan area equipped with multiple defense
structures, it will not be easy to break through, so they’ll just contact us while the defense is on.

I gave Gazel a "cell phone,” to let him use it as he sees fit.

One more thing.

I decided to send Agera forward to Gazel's side.

Gazel had told me he wanted to continue training and rebuilding himself.

Agera had also said that he wanted to calm his (her) debauched mind.

Said there was a lot to worry about.

Carrera didn't say anything, just went with the whatever Agera liked.

I knew what was going on in Agera, but I was still having trouble answering, and everyone needed
some time at the moment, so I accepted the proposal.

This way, even Dwargon can withstand a protracted war.

Of course, it's best not to have a problem, and in case something happens, it should be manageable.

The kingdom of Farmenas, where Youm and the others were, also took care of it.

Diablo sent Gedora over to account for these circumstances, and I did not arrange for a personal
interview with Gedora, who seemed to have left two days earlier.

While Gedora had the duties of a Labyrinth Guardian, the key Floor Guardian Colossus was gone.

Even the wreckage wasn't there and it had to be made from scratch.

The researchers seemed to rejoice that they wanted to test the new function with the new shaft.

It made my wallet a little nervous, but luckily it would be the treasury that would be burdened this
time. I just tell them to produce something that would satisfy.

It will take time until the day it's done, so we’ll let Gedora stay in Farmenas for now.

As for the Kingdom of Blumund and the Western States,

Shion was dealing with this aspect, and Zonda had sent over support. The demons are basically able to
'space transfer', and most of the situation should be handled.

Honestly, these places have little strategic value, so I'm not going to go any stronger than that either.

If the enemy commits acts of genocide, Guy would not sit idly by.

Guy doesn't want the human race to perish and is sure to make a move.

Plus, there's Ruminas over there too.

If the situation hadn't been so serious as to require Guy to step in, Ruminas and the Paladins should
have responded.

The Three Drunk Sages have also been informed of the incident, so that Glenda and the others will act
in secret to buy time in case of any situation, which should be close.

By the way, I also gave Glenda a "cell phone.”

It's not for her personally, it's to serve as a means of communication between the Three Drunk Sages.

With this, we'll be able to take countermeasures at any time, so we'll just have to wait for contact from
the western countries.

Well, so be it.

The rest of the question is what happens when some unexpected betrayer shows up.

<<About that I think it’s probably a waste of time to think about it…>>

No, no, no, it’s not so much a waste as to not think about.

Being prepared can affect your ability to cope with unexpected situations.

So, after looking at the damage in various areas in the office, I started thinking about the important
things that mattered most. I told Gazel to warn anyone who was awakened, about the ultimate skills of the
Angelic System…but I was staring at his face which was as if his expression had fallen off.

Then, quietly to me—

"Listen, Rimuru, the ultimate skill is a secret—a secret that is said to have been acquired by the first
Dwarven hero, Gran Dwargon, and yet it is still considered an important matter of unknown truth that few
people know about, not even Ben and Dorf! And you guys…don’t talk like it's a common thing to have
ultimate skills!”

—yeah right.

He ended up being drunk on the head, but he spoke as if it was common sense in this world.

That is to say, there are very few people who know about the existence of ultimate skills, and there is
currently no way to find out who has it in the angelic system.

Worrying about this is purely a matter of finding guilt, so I'm going to ignore it.
At that time.

However, when I calmed down and reconsidered, it seemed surprisingly discernable.

At least, Guy and Ruminas are reliable.

Leon’s strength is also unusual, and feels like it he has it.

Dagruel is still unknown, but since Dino has it, it's better to act as if he has it too, so it doesn't feel like
a failure.

That's right, speaking of Dagruel…

I recall that Ruminas, from what she had heard of the future from Chloe, had said that Dagruel would
ride the Empire to war and start a war. However, it doesn't seem to have developed this time.

There should be some sort of a reason for this, or compulsion by whom.

If it was Michael's doing, then there is a way to formulate a response, and there is also a need to talk
about it.

What's the situation on Milim's side?

Maybe it's just that I don't know, and it's not surprising that there's even one on her.

Just talking to Milim should tell us what's going on with Carrion and Frey.

Just as I was thinking about all this…

"Can you hear me? A Walpurgis is now being held, and although it is unexpected, everybody must
attend. Over.”

Suddenly there was a voice in my head.

Rather…this is—

My line of sight turned to the forgotten ring I was wearing on the pinky finger of my right hand.

This is the Demon Lord Ring that you receive when you became a Demon Lord.

That is to say, it was from Guy's voice coming out.

I've never been able to use this function, so I had forgotten about it.

No, this is not the time for me to think about these things.

“Shion, go get Shuna.”


Watching Shion rush out happily, I looked to Diablo.

“It’s from Guy. It looks like we're having a Walpurgis.”

“Oh, it's not in Guy's style not to contact in advance. It's a bit incomprehensible that Guy personally
contacted in the first place.”

I feel the same way.

Guy is so self-respecting and arrogant, and is so calm in his ways.

It was said that even his subordinates were not allowed to speak to Guy on their own initiative…there
was a nasty feeling about that.

“I heard you called me.”

“Rimuru, it's a big deal! Guy actually came to us in person, something must have happened!!!”

Shuna came in, but even Ramiris, who hadn't been called, came along with Beretta and Treyni.

This guy is also a demon lord, and if he is a demon lord, he naturally wears a demon ring.

According to Ramiris, it was very rare for Guy to host a Walpurgis himself.

There seemed to have been times in the past when there were only these three Demon Lord, Ramiris,
Milim, and Guy, and nothing of the sort seemed to have happened in the last thousand years.

When it’s all said and done, it must be an emergency.

“That's it. Shuna, there's no time to go into detail now, but I'm taking Shion and Diablo to the
Walpurgis. Tell Benimaru of my absence and leave everything to him.”

Shuna nodded shrewdly.

"Understood. Good luck, Lord Rimuru!"

I finished nodding my head and prepared myself.

Then waited quietly for the pick-up.

Not a moment later, a blue-haired Rhein in a dark red maid outfit jumped space and appeared.

Granted, Ramiris had given permission to enter and exit the maze, but it was odd that she'd come out of
nowhere like this.

Only there's no time to care about that right now.

Because, Rhein is covered in wounds.

That means my premonition was spot on.

“Rhein, are you okay?”

“What the hell…?”

Faced with Ramiris' and my surprised questions, Rhein shook her head silently.
“Don't worry about me. We'll explain when we're all together. Please move first.”

It's not like I can say anything more when she says that.

The only thing to do is move along with Rhein.

Arriving at our destination, we will face new problems head-on.

Epilogue: Guy Crimson

He was born very far back in the ages, before the creation of heaven and earth.

His birth was a mere coincidence.

The seven original angels were created by Veldanava, the God of creation, out of the Divine Spirit of
"light", and the people who were their shadows were born.

Those were the original seven primordials, the demon kings, which were born out of the Great Spirit of

He is the original primordial that ruled the dark world, representing the roots—the underworld.

Since his birth, he had been an absolute powerhouse, the embodiment of darkness.

An arrogant king, leading the demon race as he pleased.

Even the other primordial who belonged to the same darkness were, in his view, only equal to the many

Once in a bid for supremacy, when two of the primordials teamed up to challenge him, he subdued the
two to the ground without a second thought.

These things seemed to him no more than child's play, but at the time he understood one thing.

That is, the "primordials" were indestructible. However, if the nucleus of the heart is crushed, they will
be resurrected in the form of becoming a subordinate of the victor.

As spiritual beings, they are subordinate to each other once defeated.

When this fact was revealed, the remaining four primordials fell into a state of deadlock.


One particular primordial troubled him, but even this, because he had been summoned to the earth,
parted from his fate.

Was it a coincidence that he was summoned to the ground…

There is no way to confirm it now.

But it is a fact that his fate was thus greatly altered.

Having been summoned, he looked around.

He who lived peacefully in the Underworld had nothing to do with the time flowing on the earth.

What was thought to be a newly formed world has given birth to civilization.

He realized in an instant that he had been summoned.

That is, by the power that can rewrite even the laws of the world—magic.

The power originally possessed in the Underworld had come to be limited here, and now he could only
exert the level of power of a mere new Upper Demon General. Even then, in his opinion, it was enough,
but it was just inconvenient to not have a physical body.

He thought about why this was so and immediately understood.

This was a semi-material world, not part of the realm of activity of spiritual beings, and in a space that
was not filled with magical elements, just staying here would consume a lot.

He, who has nothing to do with the God of creation, cannot understand how the world has changed.

It's really funny, he thought.

However, the loud and noisy guy in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

In front of him, the strongest of the Underworld, no one dared to do such reckless and stupid things.

It was also because of this that he was slightly in the mood to deal with this summoner.

The wizard who had summoned him out spoke in a particularly remarkable tone.

It was the original language, and the language of magic, so it didn't take much effort for him to

Patiently listening to the conversation across the room, he discovered something very interesting.

There are nations in this world competing with each other for supremacy.

Elves, dwarves, beastmen, vampires, and humans, all sorts of races seem to be competing for survival.

The wizard was truly a human. A high human?

"You have become my servant. Follow my orders in accordance with the principles of the world.”

The man said arrogantly.

In order to unify the world and eliminate the rivals vying for supremacy, this country called the Super
Magic Empire gave the order.

It was a very simple thing for him to do.

The war, which had lasted for a hundred years, came to an end with his appearance.

All he did was use one spell.

It was a forbidden magic—nuclear strike magic: the blessing of death.

With the power of mass destruction magic that can even destroy “souls,” the largest nation with a
population of over a million became the capital of death.

They were all taken for granted and irrelevant to him.

But there was an interesting change.

After acquiring a large number of human “souls," he perceived that he was awakening, and as a result,
he successfully completed the fleshing with millions of corpses.

The sleepiness he experienced for the first time made him feel comfortable, and it was a pleasure to
fight it.

This was the birth of the world's first "true demon lord".

After gaining the power, he realized that he had broken free from the magic that bound him.

It would have been easy to break the spell, but it would have been too much of a bummer to just pop it
off without doing anything.

It seems that his awakening began when he harvested the "souls" of 10,000 humans and the restrictions
of the race were lifted and he evolved into a demon lord.

Even so, it didn't reach a fraction of his strength when he was in the Underworld, but it was enough to
make him an unmatched presence on earth.

What would happen if more "souls" were collected? He wondered with interest.

There were some who were just the right people to experiment with.

Those who threw all the chores at him should return the favor accordingly.

Returning to the original city, one by one, killing those who appeared in sight. The mass destruction
magic was unused in order to avoid involving the targeted man.

At this point, I felt the cries of those who were going to die engraved on the "soul".


Screams like this.

Hearing this, he suddenly thought.

Yes, perhaps that is my “name."

That's it.

The changes are dramatic.

He, Guy, had evolved again.

Becoming a demon lord regained all the power he had when he was in the Underworld.
The acquired "souls" gave Guy power.

The maximized vessel was filled to the brim, fully restoring his mana amount.

But the changes stopped there.

Any further action by Guy would have lost its meaning.

He summoned the two primordials that follow him and gives the order.

Quickly wipe out the Super-Magic Empire from the ground.

Guy also gained a name by becoming an Awakened Demon Lord, so his mood became very generous.

The insignificant wizard wasn't even worth his trouble to torment, and was even wiped from his

"How, how!? How did you escape from my secret arts…!?”

There was a fool who barked like that, but Guy's consciousness didn't pay any attention to that, and it
was lucky for the wizard that he was killed by the demons without understanding anything.

On that day tens of thousands of years ago, the largest nation in the history of mankind, caught in a
divisive struggle, was wiped out in this very simple manner.

The two primordials that Guy had summoned were also degraded into upper demon general level.

That's the law of this world, transitioning from the underworld to the semi-material world would make
one lose most of its power.

Just crossing different realms was a breeze for spiritual beings, but staying in this world, just
maintaining existence, consumed a lot.

That's why a body is needed.

It is through fleshly evolution that one begins to be able to settle down in this world.

Understanding this, Guy waited for the evolution of his followers.

However, no matter how many human "souls" are gathered, the two primordials have not evolved.

So he gave them the honor of the corpses, the flesh.

It's this thing that can serve as evidence that Guy is in a good mood.

Those two primordials are, the original green and the original blue.

Their human form is a beautiful woman.

Looking at the women kneeling in front of him, Guy suddenly thought.

There is no point in even receiving flesh if there is no way to further strengthen them.

Just chores could be given to them, but their power was too fragile.
So Guy graciously bestowed them names.

Thinking about the name evolution he got, he thought the two primordials would evolve similarly.

"Let your name be given to you. You who belong to me are too weak for my dignity to allow.”

Guy so declared.

To the Green Primordial, 'Mizari' was selected from the cries of grief the mourner had given to her.

To Blue Primordial, he gave her the name "Rhein" because of the rain on that day.

As Guy had thought, they evolved into demon lords.

That's the beginning.

This is what happened the day Guy first left footprints in human history.


The happy and uneventful days went on.

Guy usually takes pleasure in wandering around.

The occasional annoyance didn't bother Guy.

Mizari and Rhein are always around to take care of Guy's daily routine.

"You two, can’t you live as you please?”

Guy told them so, but their answers never changed.

"No, my mission is to serve Lord Guy.”

"That's right. You are the king and we are the subjects. This is the eternal truth.”

And just like that, the trip of the three continued.

Meanwhile, Mizari and Rhein summoned their own dependents and quietly built up a sphere of

To provide all the riches and pleasures of this world to the dominant Guy.

Unlike in the past, when life in the underworld was all about fighting and spending time refining the
intensity of ones "soul" for themselves, this world is full of excitement.

There's no stagnation, and they are always evolving.

Cooking, music, acting, dancing, fine arts, and all sorts of other things that keep Guy’s and their
interests endless.

"Hey, hey, isn't this fun too?”

The dancing Guy, who was attending the festivities in the minority colony, smiled at the girls.

Faced with the rare smile of their hosts, Mizari and Rhein’s glee reached their peak.

"It's great. I thought human beings who are fragile and worthless, but there is something useful.”

"Everything in this world is Lord Guy's property. Tools are meaningful if they are used skillfully.”

In this way, they have changed the perception of humanity.

Mizari and Rhein learned a variety of skills on the trip to keep Guy happy. Using the experience of
time, cooking and laundry, singing and dancing, and even playing musical instruments, these are the
foundations of being a maid of honor.

It's also a growth.

In the Underworld, the weak are eliminated. Races other than the Demon Race are banished, and only
slaves who can find exploitation value can be enlisted.

But in this world, the weak also have some value.

Understanding this, one would think it would be a pity to destroy this world.

Guy put it this way.

"It's so cute, a human being. It's stupid, but not obnoxious.”

There are stupid people, and there are excellent people.

Ugly emotions are disgusting, beautiful emotions are delicious—and the best food for Guy and them.

In Guy's view, there are too many individual differences in the creature known as a “human" to make a
generalization about them.

The Guy of this period was very gentle with humans.

The actions of the evil sorcerers, who banished the horrible magical beasts that threatened villages
everywhere, and eliminated the suspected survivors of the Super-Magical Empire, were praised and
passed on to the later generations, becoming myths and legends.

And then he met…

The Creator of this world, the Supreme and Most Powerful Being.

Guy, who enjoyed the calm days, was still always keenly aware.

So it was immediately obvious.

It was the Star King Dragon, Veldanava, who created this world.

"If you are the true God, show me your power!”

Guy smiled fearlessly.

Not in the slightest doubt that he was the strongest, he rightfully challenged Veldanava.

The result is a defeat.

Guy just sank to the ground, completely unable to mount any more strikes.

His great pride, which he never doubted, was shattered at this point.

Following the law that failure is subordination to the other side, Guy should have become an attendant
of Veldanava.

However, Guy's pride prevented him from doing so.

"Kill me. I am content. I understand that there are people outside of people and mountains outside of
mountains. My existence, indeed, is included in that endless and continuous theory. O great being, I am
proud to have lost to you.”

The defeated Guy said proudly.

Veldanava laughed bitterly.

"Little one, I love these existences that I have created, and the world that used to be boring is becoming
more and more colorful and full of wisdom as people are born and evolve to be able to communicate with
me. Now, there are even strong men like you who can withstand fighting with me."

"Ha, that's nice to say! My attacks didn't hit once, and you just attacked once and this is how I've

"Oh, but didn't you still take it? No one could have challenged me, but you did. Just that alone makes
me very happy.”

"Let's call it that."

"Well, that's it. And there's something I'd like to ask you.”

"Ask me?:

A euphoric sense of satisfaction filled Guy's heart.

That is why he listened to what Veldanava said.

"Ahhh, if this rate of growth continues, the world will be destroyed in a few thousand years. Because
humans are creatures who make mistakes, right actions are not righteous, and sometimes evil actions will
save the world. But it's this imperfection that makes it so lovely… If the world is going to end, it's not my

To help keep the world from falling apart, Veldanava said so.

Guy thought back to the super-magical empire that had been wiped out in the past.

Seduced by the lust for dominance and power, the scandal of kin fighting each other.

Well certainly, that was indeed ugly. If left unchecked, maybe the world will end.
Although Guy understood it that way, he still had a doubt.

"Mmm. That preconception is the same as mine, but a bit incomprehensible.”

"What is it?"

"Aren't you the Creator? As the God who created us should be able to lead the world to its desired
outcome. What need is there to rely on me?”

"Hahahaha, that's because I'm not omniscient and omnipotent. At the time of birth, there was only my
own consciousness, which was complete and lacking nothing. The whole thing, the whole one—that is to
say, there's only me in the world, isn't that boring?”

I see, Guy thought.

He understood.

That is to say, Veldanava, by his own will, gave up the "omniscience and omnipotence.”

Indeed, it would be boring to see all the results.

In comparison to one's own experience, it's also boring to just win and not lose.

In the Underworld, everyone except for one person was afraid of Guy.

The demons that dared to challenge Guy hadn't been around for a long time.

It is not impossible that God would give up "omniscience and omnipotence" when even a Guy who is
no better than Veldanava is like that.

"I don't hate this world, so let me help you.”

There's nothing to hesitate about.

Guy also loves this world.

Unrelated to subordination, Guy was genuinely trying to help.

Veldanava nodded happily.

"Thank you. I want you to be my agent, as a "mediator" to watch over the world.”

"Huh? An agent? Is it okay not to give me an order?"

"Of course. I told you, didn't I? Whatever happens, it's not meant to be forced.”

"Yeah, well, what should I do?"

"Go on and wander the world as before, and establish a stronghold as king. Anything to keep humans
from becoming prideful, anything to tell them there's a threat to the world.”


Hearing that word, Guy felt really suited to his role.

"Yeah. In that case, I will come to earth as the "demon lord" that mankind fears. If there are ‘absolute
enemies,’ there will be no time for humans to fight each other.”

“It’s funny, that’s it! Well, it'll make you play a nasty character, so be it.”

"Leave it to me.”

Just then.

Guy's heart form became concrete and gained the unique skill 'Prideful One'.

Guy declared.

"I will be the Demon Lord of this world, and if men become prideful, I will judge them for you."

Guy's mind became more profound because of the crushing glory.

This led to the birth of the Demon Lord, who had the power to rival the gods.

Veldanava smiled.

"You're so reliable. Let’s do our best together, my friend!”

"Ahhh, let me enjoy myself.”

In this way, Guy and Veldanava recognized each other and crossed the barriers of position to become
equal friends.


As promised, Guy began to live his life as a demon lord.

In an effort to relieve boredom, the large villages that sprang up everywhere were monitored and soon
became villages, which in turn gathered together and grew into a nation.

Although it seems a bit crude compared to the super-civilization of the past, the magic and technology
that was quietly inherited has been reproduced at a fairly fast pace.

It's interesting to watch humans operate.

Unknowingly several countries were born, and small-scale skirmishes began again…

Shouldn't have done it - Guy doesn't like to be bothered and practices activism.

As a warning, he wiped out the country he had his eye on.

The people feared the threat that was visible to the naked eye—the demon lord Guy.

In response to such a threat, a heart of unity began to be cultivated.

That's good, as long as they don't touch my scales, I won't destroy you.

As a "mediator", Guy is quite content with his job.

Just as Guy was getting busy, Mizari and Rhein drove the troops to bring a large force into domination,
crushing the local gods, evil spirits, and monsters, gradually raising awareness.

Mizari even infiltrates human society and conducts espionage as a means of obtaining information for
detailed investigation and picking out those who need to be purged.

The aim is to create a sense of tension in human society by giving a moderate amount of terror.

The "Demon Lord" was established as a system.

In this way, Guy had nothing special to do.

Just wandering the world and enjoying the battles at will.

Even the legions of giants, who could make even Veldanava’s entourage, the Seven Seraphims, difficult
to deal with, were ravaged and subdued on their own.

It was also a pleasure to receive the commission from Veldanava to fight with the Dragon Ivaraj, whose
instinct to fight was very strong, much to Guy's satisfaction.

Only, there were problems.

His strength was too comparable, and the battle lasted for three months. Moreover, he eventually
escaped to another world.

And because of this great battle of Guy’s rampage, the earth became barren and a vast wilderness.

Next time he wanted to get serious, it was necessary to consider the location—Guy learned a very
useful lesson.

Guy looked out at the continent from the sky.

Then he found a castle to be used to make an impression.

It was the place where Guy had been summoned to this world—the Imperial City of the Super-Magic

Sensing that it was some kind of destiny, Guy decided to make it his castle.

Rhein quickly summoned her men, improved the living environment, used magic, and the castle was
rebuilt in no time.

Just then.

A white dragon challenged Guy.

It was a beautiful dragon with a pair of deep sea-colored eyes.

He didn’t know what she misunderstood, but the moment she opened her mouth it was a quarrel.

"I don't approve of you even if brother approves!"

After saying that, she charged at Guy in a furious manner.

His previous lesson had made Guy understand that one had to choose the place to fight based on the
strength of the opponent, but this dragon had blown ice and snow directly from above the castle.

There's no time to think about destruction now.

The survivors had long since been evacuated and the castle would have to be rebuilt again, and while it
might be hard for Rhein and her minions, it didn't matter to Guy.

Guy was in a state of displeasure ever since Dragon Ivaraj had escaped, so his mood was high with the
appearance of a new enemy.

Enjoying it all the way, Guy took it seriously and made opponents with her.


Even though they gave it their all, they couldn’t decide who was winning or losing.

The dragon is the sister of the Star King Dragon, Veldanava. The eldest daughter of the True Dragon
Race, White Ice Dragon Velzado.

The amount of mana she possessed was second only to Veldanava's, and even Guy couldn't knock her

But according to Velzado, it's Guy who is the anomaly.

After all, Guy only had a unique skill, and in the opinion of Veldanava, who had transferred the
ultimate skill ‘Patience King Gabriel' to Velzado, a draw was definitely not possible.

"Why is it that you’re an even match for me even though you only have a unique skill?”

"Hah! That's because, I'm strong.”

"Don't be ridiculous! My brother gave me this power, not you. That’s proof that I’ve been
acknowledged as more useful than you!”

"That's not quite right. He said he would give me strength, but I refused. I'd accept it if I chose to work
under him, but I'm in a reciprocal relationship with the guy, so I—”

In order to gain her brother's approval, Velzado had challenged Guy with jealousy.

And it was right there in front of her that Guy demonstrated the evolution of his power.

The opportunity was given because of seeing the power of Veldanava. And also now, by fighting with
Velzado, he saw the capacity of what the ultimate skill is like to exist.

"I'm going to go to the top of the world in my own strength.”

And at that moment.

The unique skill “Prideful One" had evolved into the ultimate skill "Pride King Lucifer".

Velzado was speechless at the sight.

“Then I'll keep watching to see how far you go with it.”

Velzado's real purpose seemed to be to test Guy, and it wasn't clear if he passed or not. In short, the two
had been moving forward together ever since.

That was how Guy and Velzado met.

After three days and three nights of fighting, even the earth’s axis had changed.

But this time, Guy had done a wonderful job, and the permafrost, which had been uninhabited until
now, had been turned into evergreen earth. In its place, the continent designated as a stronghold by Guy
had become uninhabitable frozen earth.

"I think that's as far as it goes.”

"That's great, it's Guy-sama!"

"There should be no problem. Mankind has suffered some losses, but the nations have responded to the
changes in the heavens and the earth in unison, and sacrifices have been kept to a minimum.”

To the occupants, it was a catastrophe, but to Guy it was nothing more than a laughing matter.

For Rhein and Mizari, as long as Guy was happy, they were content.

Guy's castle had instead become more beautiful due to the fallout from this battle, which was covered
in ice.

"It's good. As a memento, let's keep it that way.”

"Then I'll take care of it. I'll help you with that little matter.”

It was easy to assist. Because of the demon qi leaking from Velzado, the temperature around the area
dropped to the limit, and from then on, the castle became too frigid for it to be invaded by the weak.

Since she has to live in the castle, Velzado's dragon form is an inconvenience.

When Guy pointed this out, Velzado assumed a human appearance.

If Velzado had maintained an adult form, she would have controlled her demon aura perfectly, but
instead she chose to maintain a slightly younger form. This way, the leaking demon qi would turn cold
and the castle's defense would be perfect.

Many magical creatures, not to mention humans, cannot survive these frigid conditions, so there is
absolutely no one to attack…

"How about this?”

"Yes, it's not bad, but it's not my interest.”

"Really! You've got a bad heart.”

Velzado, though she complained about it outwardly, was actually very fond of Guy in her heart.

Whispering in her heart, she vowed to one day use her charm to make Guy turn to her.

Another few hundred years passed.

The days without wind or waves went on and on, but one day was different than usual.

The bored and unbearable Guy, had a visitor.

It was a small team of three.

They breezed into the harsh cold where no one could enter.

Guy was interested, watching them closely.

At this point, the blonde youth standing at the front shouted.

"This is Rudra, the prince of the Nazca kingdom. The "hero" who carries the hopes of the people—
Rudra Nazca! You evil demon lord, I’ll use my sword to destroy you! By the way, give me all the
treasures of your legendary collection!”

This declaration doesn't sound at all like something a nobleman would say.

But this unabashed desire satisfied Guy.

"Brother Rudra, I can't tell who’s in the wrong between you and the Demon Lord when you’re being
like this!”

"Yeah, Rudra's not good enough. He’s already overwhelmed by greed. If he wants money, I can just
earn it for him.

"Really! Sister-in-law, please don't pamper Brother Rudra. If this continues, he will surely suffer the
consequences of his failure.”

In front of Guy, the three were still chatting like this.

Is this bravery, or is it stupidity?

Only one thing is certain.

For them to be able to stand in front of Guy would mean beating Mizari and Rhein.

This suggests that this ridiculous trio possesses a considerable level of strength.

And, Guy found that one of the three had the same presence as his friend, his partner, and for that very
reason he was not prepared to blame Mizari and Rhein for their failure.

This, like the laws of nature, was only the expected ending.

What's more important now is…

“Hero? What's that?

Those words, when he heard for the first time, sounded very sweet.

That word gave Guy the feeling that his boredom would be blown away.

Guy was happy to confront the youth who called himself Rudra.

“Funny. The power of the Hero—let’s see what it's like!"

So Guy accepted the challenge of the youth, Rudra.

"Hmph! I'm the strongest and don’t need help at all. Demon, let's go one on one!”

Rudra was handsome, but that smile he had now was slightly nasty.

His purpose was less to defeat Guy and more to seize Guy's treasure.

But Guy thinks that's what makes him truly human.

Without desire, people do not work.

Because they want a better life, they work hard.

Rudra is a solid human being.

A man with the type of sweet emotions that Guy loves.

"Hah! Try hard to resist!”

And the battle began.

Guy watched as Rudra approached.

Although this blow was sharp and swift, it was not a serious blow, and the fact that he was using
himself as an opponent to make a trial was irritating to Guy.

Rudra wore a finely crafted full-body magical armor.

It felt like something that was quite expensive, so Guy decided to break it first.

Seems like he's pretty money hungry and should hate having his stuff broken.

In any case, he’ll make it difficult on purpose.

After dodging Rudra's sword with ease, a knee strike—actually a feint, really a cross kick—is thrown.

Rudra was just in time to avoid the attack, but failed to deal with the change and was completely kicked
in the right direction, resulting in shattered armor.

“Ahhhhhh!! Armor worth a year's worth of the national budget…!”

"Are you all right, brother?”

"Rudra is such a fool. If we all went together in the first place, the armor wouldn’t have broken.”

"Shut up! This—this is a necessary expense!”

Rudra became teary-eyed, and Guy felt a sly smile that had a better effect than he had imagined.

Next, I’ll break his sword, so he’ll cry.

Guy observes the three of them while thinking so.

But then.

"Brother! At least use support magic—Holy Blade Unleashed!”

The girl with the golden cherry blossom (platinum pink) hair, who he had initially thought was the
most harmless, exercised a ridiculous magic.

The sword Rudra was holding began to glow.

It was a jaw-dropping divine aura that destroyed the evil breaking light.

This is not good. That light, it seems, has enough power to cut through my "barrier."

He should have been stopped before it was launched, but Guy was enjoying the fight. In that case, it
was less interesting to get in the way.
"Well, If I just think of it as my sister giving cheering me on, then it’s acceptable—but Lucia, stay out
of this!

Rudra is more focused on results than glory.

Even with the help of his sister, he accepts it completely unashamedly.

This guy, what a character.

While not yet in crisis, the situation has certainly worsened.

Despite this, Guy was somehow happier.

"It's not a problem at all, so why don't you two fight together?"

"You're not ashamed to say that? I'm going to be serious now, prepare yourself!

Rudra frankly confessed, as he had said, that he did indeed hide his strength, and now he raised his
sword speed to force his way towards Guy.

Guy had expected that.

That's why he was so happy, he snickered and picked up his sword, the "Heavenly Demon".

"Ah! How shameless of him to use a weapon!”

"Ah? I don't know about your values, but I'd like to praise you for making me draw my sword.”

In fact, Rudra was so skilled with the sword, that even Guy could get hurt whenever he touched it. sing
the sword was a matter of course.

Guy is self-respecting and pridefuul, but has no interest in showing mercy that leads to failure.

"Ha! Even if the Demon Lord compliments me, I won't be happy!”

"Well, then, let's just say there's no praise.”

“…wait, you can still stay it.”

Rudra was actually very happy to be commended.

"I can count on one hand the number of people who can draw a sword and fight with me. Is your name
Rudra? I’ll remembere your name, so you can be proud.”

Because Guy was in a good mood, he responded to Rudra's request.

Rudra listened, smiling happily and telling Guy.

You're pretty good, too. I didn't expect the Demon Lord to catch this sword, which is a sword of evil.
As a reward for being remembered, before I destroy you, I'll hear your name too.

"Just a human being, but so arrogant. But I like you, so I’ll tell you. If you ever go to the underworld,
just say my name. I'm Guy, because any man in front of me will scream Giiyaa! so it'll be my name.”
Hearing Guy's answer, Rudra froze, then reverted to his usual expression and called out in panic.

“…Wait a minute! That's not a name! How is that a name? If I defeat such a st rangy named Demon
Lord, it wouldn’t look good. It's better to write down the story of my bravery with a more handsome

"Ahn? The name doesn't matter!”

"How can it not matter!? Okay I got it, wait a minute, the fight is on hold. I'll think of a better name for
you first.”

Rudra spoke up and stopped fighting without permission.

Guy didn't have a reason to do as he was told, but there was no need to wipe out a rare fun time with a
sneak attack. He wanted to have some fun himself anyway, so he accepted Rudra's offer.

Besides, I'm somewhat interested.

Rudra and his entourage formed in a circle and began to discuss.

"That guy's hair is pretty red…"

"Wait a minute, speaking of crimson, that’s like me, yet it doesn’t look like it, right?”

"I know! It's strange that your hair is blue.”

"That's not what you called me.”

"Oh, oh, oh, I remember."

"You don't understand women's hearts. You'll just be abandoned by Sister-in-law, won't you?”

“Huh? no way!”

"Hoo-hoo, it's okay, Rudra. I will never abandon you.”

"Right? Then I won’t worry. Anyway, that guy's another red…a real ‘crimson!’ So, is that all right?”

"Well, I think so."

"I don't have a problem with that either, but is this okay? People might be upset that you actually
named the Demon Lord and have such a close relationship, right?”

"It's okay! No one will see it anyway. As long as we don't say anything, it won't get out!”

It wasn't supposed to be Guy's turn to interject, but the young man Rudra’s character was truly sloppy.

Guy, who was listening to their conversation, was worried about Rudra.

"Are we done?”

"Oh, long time no see! As of today, your name will be Guy Crimson!”
The moment the name was said, Rudra went unconscious. It is obviously taboo to name a magical
creature, but Rudra is capricious in that he judged the other party to be a demon lord so it would be fine.
This is the result.

Rudra didn't consume magical essence, and as a substitute, what was consumed was a great deal of
divine power, and his small life hovered on the line of life and death.

After waking up, Rudra is faced with wrath of his sister Lucia, and lover Scorch Dragon Velgrynd.He
feel’s as if he's been given another life.

And so it was that the showdown between Rudra and Guy passed…At that time, a strange connection
between Guy and Rudra was born.


He waited for Rudra to recover and resume the duel as promised.

However, the outcome could not be decided.

Thus, after this, Guy and Rudra dueled many more times.

Worthy of being the self-proclaimed hero, Rudra was strong.

Rudra the Awakened Hero, and Guy the Awakened Demon Lord.

The technically brilliant Rudra, and the Guy who fights with power and talent.

Although it's difficult to win or lose when you're evenly matched, it's only natural that Guy would
gradually gain the upper hand.

There were three women, staring blankly at the battle between the two males.

Lucia and Velgrynd, and Velzado "The White Ice Dragon".

At first Velzado was not very interested, but as the duels became more and more heated, she gradually
became interested in watching them.

"Geez, Guy seems to be getting stronger again."

"Yes, sister, but Rudra isn't behind either.”

"Yeah, it makes you wonder if he's human or not.”

“I’m sure. He’s strong. Of course, Rudra is a disciple of elder brother, and has been given the ultimate
skill, and will get stronger.”

"Oh? That makes sense. Then I’m convinced.”

"For me, it's best if no one gets hurt…"

Like this, there was great harmony among the onlookers.

"The tea is ready.”

"The winner will be decided soon, so Lord Guy and Lord Rudra's share is ready."

Mizari and Rhein are in charge of serving everyone.

It wasn’t clear when this had become a daily thing.

On another day, there was a quarrel between sisters that even made one forget about the duel.

Velzado was on good terms with Velgrynd, but occasionally disagreed about the direction of education.

Their newly born brother, Veldora, the Storm Dragon, seems to be very capricious and goes around

As for the reason for the march…

"Sister is too strict! Why can't he be pampered more?”

"What are you talking about? I value little Veldora and dote on him! To make him more mature and
stable, I've had to clean him up a few times.”

The phrase ‘clean him up' by Velzado is a ridiculous method of physical removing Veldora and forcing

Velgrynd didn't like that.

“I’m saying that you are wrong about this! Do not use violence, and use words to teach him. I can't
help it if I can't control the situation, so this is the way to make the kid understand us better.”

"Really! As always, the little Velgrynd is too mild. In that case, why don't we just beat him half to death
from now on so he can become more knowledgeable?”

"Not that! I mean, caress him more gently, teach him hand on hand how to live in the city in human
form, and how to fight.”

“Little Velgrynd…I think it's better to say you’re too spoiled rather tan sweet. This practice will spoil
the child too much and make him a loser, and if this continues, the young man named Rudra will become
a loser too.”

"No way! Rudra is my best partner. Therefore, as long as I educate Veldora, he will grow into a good
brother who knows how to respect his sister, so leave it to me this time.”

"Hey, no, I can’t do that. I can educate him better. Instead, I should have been doing it all along.”

"Don't be ridiculous! You're saying it’s too much for me, aren't you? This time it's my turn!”

On one side, Velzado was too harsh, and on the other, Velgrynd was too soft, so they shifted blame on
each other.

Guy didn't think either side was doing too well.

Relaxation is the best. The Dragon sisters don't even understand the word "relaxation."

The unspoken, dumbfounded Guy.

"Hey, hey, that’s not our duel.”

"Well, it's better not to get involved with the girls who are fighting for Veldora.”

Guy and Rudra, fled for refuge to stay out of it.

When Guy and Rudra dueled, Velzado and the girls would come to maintain the 'barriers', and when
they quarreled, Guy and them would have to maintain the barriers themselves.

If not, the continent would sink.

Even though they were used to it, Guy and Rudra still wanted to fight where they didn't get themselves
into trouble.

"The man who looks into the mirror can see what is good and what is bad”—it should be said that Guy
was treating them as if they had nothing to do with him.”

But one day.

"Damn it, you're doing it again!"

"Shut up! The duel will not end until my lord wins!"

Nowadays, a duel between two people is as usual as a greeting.

The battle began as usual and ended when the pair were exhausted.

Because it's always a draw, as is customary, the bickering starts again…

"You're a dirty man who talks about being a good man, but you're a dirty man!”

Like Guy said, Rudra was dirty.

Take for granted the nasty trick of using the sand puzzler's eye.

It's not unusual to set up the "Holy Barrier" to reduce Guy's power to an abnormal state at the moment
you start a duel.

Guy would not identify any traps until the duel began, and it was this character of Guy's that Rudra saw
through to exploit.

Also, the words that come out of his mouth are outrageous.

"As long as it's won, it's justice! Nope, as long as it doesn't win, it's not righteous! Therefore, I will win
no matter what!”

In any form, just win, Rudra boasted thus.

"You're kidding! I don't care if you do, but at least don't say it out loud!"

What Guy says is quite reasonable.

However, Rudra snickered in response.

"Are you kidding me? You're the one who's kidding! Isn't that the same trick you used just now that I
used before? How many years do you think it took me to learn that trick?”

Secret technique to change the subject.

Avoiding accountability by subtly deflecting the topic like this is one of Rudra's must-kill techniques.

Rudra had always been educated by the kings and so excelled at such ingenious speaking skills.

"Remember it was three weeks?”

"Yes, even Lord Veldanava complimented him.”

The outsider's conversation came over, and Guy couldn't help but froze at what he said. It seemed that
he had learned the difficult technique quite easily.”

Guy squinted his eyes at Rudra and sighed heavily.

It is you who is despicable for stealing other people's tricks—Rudra keeps saying this, actually for a

This was due to Rudra's anxiety.

SHis ability is still good, but recently he’s been feeling a bit squeezed down lately. This was something
Rudra felt more clearly than anyone else, and he felt in his heart that it would not be good if this

I would have done the same if I had fought in a straightforward manner and won!

Rudra was tempted to say it out loud.

What I said at first seems to have nothing to do with me now, and the status quo is that we have to use
all means to win.

Although Guy was a bit speechless, Rudra's mood was actually apparent in his eyes, and in Guy's mind,
he even found it very enjoyable to quarrel with Rudra.

So no matter what tactics Rudra used, Guy would tolerate it.

It's also because Guy subscribes to Rudra's belief that just winning is justice.

Long before that, Guy had identified with Rudra.

Just the mere fact that someone could duel with him without discrimination made Guy happy.


As Rudra said, the more you fight, the stronger you get. It's not just about acquiring the ultimate skill,
it's about being skilled enough to use it to its true value.

Guy learned this by fighting Rudra.

Now he was using the sword to fight with Rudra, and even then Guy was beginning to gain the upper
hand, and on that basis there was no doubt that Guy could win with skill and magic.
Yet Guy did not do so.

Not knowing when, he became expecting the duel to end in a tie.

It was for this reason that Guy welcomed Rudra's little gimmick.

But nowadays, even that is only a matter of time.

Thus, Guy asked out of the mouth.

“Hey...why didn't you guys kill me in the first place? Why didn’t you decide not to name me at that
time, and instead make a serious attempt to strike me down. Then it would have been possible for you to
win too, right?”

This is exactly the point of puzzlement that Guy couldn't understand.

Guy is self-respecting and prideful, and usually would never agree that there is a possibility of losing,
and for a spiritual being, agreement is tantamount to losing.

So all this time, Guy didn't want to think about it.

He didn't think he was being sympathetically discharged, nor did he want to be.

Guy has the 'King of Pride' and Rudra has the 'King of Justice'. If Rudra doesn't skimp on using the
power to attack at full strength in the first place, it's not clear where the win or loss goes to.

To the earnestly inquiring Guy, Rudra smiled and said, "Oh, that's it.”

"You're such an idiot, there's no point in beating you! You have to recognize my greatness and become
a companion!”


Unable to understand, Guy couldn't help but ask rhetorically.

"I am the man who will conquer the world one day. This was my pact with the Star Dragon, Veldanava,
who was also my mentor and friend."

Guy knew that Rudra was a disciple of Veldanava, himself, and he had not the slightest doubt about it.

But he hadn't really expected that Rudra would have ambitions to conquer the world.

"I say, from Veldanava, it's my job to stop fools like you from conquering the world."

"I know. It is for this reason that Veldanava made me find a way to get your approval.

Hearing that, Guy thought to himself.

Veldanava, he's in trouble, so he pushed it on me.

That's the answer.

Tell him what is reality—Guy seemed to hear Veldanava speak so.

Rudra, who boasts of showing off with Guy, came here after being wiped out by Veldanava

In fact, Guy was already in the middle of Veldanava's ploy as well.

Guy had no choice to to stay with him until he realized he liked Rudra.

It’s more of a story, because if he didn’t like him, he would have killed him from the start.

Yeah this guy is a real jerk.

To Guy, who was thinking in a good mood, Rudra spoke up.

"Well, the truth is... I couldn’t control the King of Justice with all my might in the first battle, and in
fact, I can only do it for a few dozen seconds now.”

This surprising confession made it impossible for Guy to hide the flush of surprise.

"Huh? It can't be just that, can it?”

"No, it's true. For this power is something I have borrowed from Veldanava.”

Rudra shrugged and began to recount the cause.

Guy listened to Rudra's recounting, and though he felt it was irrelevant, he now understood how
powerful Rudra was.

It’s not surprising that Veldanava’s power was a part of his power.

However, after listening to Rudra's narration, he realized there was a misunderstanding.

"It's actually a secret, just for you to know. My skill is the ‘Covenant King Uriel', and I have found the
ultimate skill through my beliefs, my vow to unify the world, and the thoughts of my partners who have

In spite of his ability, Veldanava actually helped. Even so, it is quite amazing that the 'King of
Covenant' that arises from the concretization of Rudra's heart is of a higher power in the angelic system.

"Next came the 'King of Justice' borrowed in the form of an exchange, and this too was difficult to deal
with. I have the king of covenant, and have the power to break evil and protect it. But what the King of
Justice has is the inexorable power of "domination."

It is not too much to say that the one who can control the skill and borrow the power from the one who
is controlled is the most suitable power for the king to rule.

However, with no one under domination at the moment, the threat is not so great, and with such a state
to be able to compete evenly with Guy, Rudra was really strong.

"That's pretty awesome.”

Guy said so.

As the number of dominators increases and the powers available to use increase, then Rudra will also
become more powerful.
What the heck. I thought the continuation of mutual strength would create a grade difference that
would be sure to be a victory for me—looks like it can still be enjoyed!

Looks like the fun will continue.

Realizing this, Guy became very happy.

Rudra, however, said.

"I am not interested in dominating others, but if I were a man, I should have won by my own strength
alone. But sometimes, there are circumstances that make it impossible to say that…”


"Ahh, you are also a friend of Veldanava and should have the right to know.”

Hearing him say that made Guy feel uneasy.

He hadn't cared because he was a long-lived dragon, but he hadn't seen Veldanava lately.

"Did something happen to that guy?"

"It was supposed to be a happy thing.’


"That man and my sister were united. It's called marriage. Lucia was pregnant with Veldanava's child,
and thus became real family.”

"You said child? The True Dragon?"

It is truly quite a story.

But it is indeed possible to do such a thing if one possesses the whimsy of getting rid of the
incompleteness of the quest of ‘all become one.’

"Anything can happen.”

"Well, if that's all, then a blessing is enough. But the problem is from here.”

After Rudra had finished the premise, the facts laid out next made it impossible to stop with mere
consternation, and even Guy couldn't help but stand up and keep asking Rudra “Really?"

Veldanava now, had become almost indistinguishable from human beings.

He is also said to have laughed and told Rudra that he was bound by a 'lifespan' that kept him from
getting involved.

It was too much of a truth to keep in Rudra’s mind.

So now, he told this to Guy.

"It's really that guy's style, so what should we do now?”

"I don't know. So I was worried, but I’m sure I can’t just play with you.”


The two couldn't help but look at each other and let out a sigh at the same time.

"Stop it! Anyway, I think you're too good to kill, and I'm not going to fight any more. But I'll continue
to be the Demon Lord so that the world doesn't fall apart, because that's my agreement with him.”

Guy looked favorably upon Rudra, and since Rudra was a friend of Veldanava's, he was also a friend of
his own.

It was inevitable that he couldn’t get serious from the beginning.

But the work of the Demon Lord had to be done, and that was what Veldanava had asked him to do.

As a “mediator," the scales of the world must not be tilted.

Guy looked Rudra in the eye so to speak, and Rudra looked straight back to inform Guy.

"Well, do you want to have a different duel?”

"A different kind of duel?”

Rudra nodded in response.

No longer smiling coyly as before, but beginning to speak in earnest.

"Yes, don't let me fight you directly. This time, use the pawns in your hand to fight for world


"To be honest, I didn't want to use the King of Justice either, but I can't say that now. For this is the
power that Veldanava has given me in support of my dream of a unified world. So, after that, I'll add more
men and I'll get stronger.”

"I guess.”

That understanding was correct, and Guy nodded.

“I like you, so I don't want to kill you either. Didn't I tell you? I believe that humans can be united.
Veldanava seeks diversity, but does not ask them to hate each other. People with different ideas can just
get along on the basis of mutual respect, and if they can't accept each other's opinions, just pull away. The
indiscriminate use of force by different races and nations will lead to war, but as long as we can become a
unified nation, won't we be able to make a decision through consultation?”

"It's hard to say? As far as I know, humans are stupid, aren't they?”

"I know. But I'm on good terms with you, aren't I? If the Demon Lord and the Hero, who are supposed
to be natural enemies, can get along, it will be easier for the same race to understand each other!”

There is no need for a “mediator," Rudra stressed.

Guy, however, could not agree.

"That's a naive idea. So-called humans are creatures with strong desires. It is not “evil." Desire is
necessary in order to pursue greater possibilities. As long as the interests are relevant, even close people
will frankly start fighting each other. In this regard, a magical creature without wisdom knows better,

The magical creatures that evolved from animals into magical beasts would not kill again as long as
their appetite was satisfied, being cunning and resourceful enough.

They don't think about tomorrow's food, they just enjoy the day.

But humans are different.

Humans often think about the future and become restless as a result, accumulating wealth in order to be
able to cope with situations, which is instinctive, so Rudra's thoughts can only be a dream.

It is extremely difficult to guide people by words.

In the first place, one has no idea how difficult it would have been to get one's true meaning across
through words, and to keep others from misunderstanding…

It was because Guy understood this that he felt that Rudra's dream would not come true.

"Perhaps, and I understand, Veldanava also laughed at me that this could only be ideal… Even so I
convinced him, and now he's cheering me on. ‘Although the probability is infinitely close to zero, just do
what you want,' those are his words. There is a secret that the 'King of Justice' has the power to summon
the legions of angels that will destroy everything, and I will use this power skillfully for the relief of
mankind, only to destroy military power and civilization, and to suppress the expansion of people's
desires, while unifying the world and making sure that an ideal world is created!”

So, cheer me on—Rudra asks Guy.

Stop killing all humans and value their potential.

"Hah! I don't have a penchant for torture and murder! Just kill the guy who I don’t like. Whether they
are good or bad has nothing to do with me. I'll let them live if it suits me, and I'll kill them if they don’t,
that's all.”

"So I told you to stop for a second!”

"Hah I don't have the patience to wait for a guy who endangered the world to realize the error of his
ways. ‘Hate the sin not the sinner’? Asshole, to be guilty is to be punished. It's only reasonable to hold
yourself accountable for what you do!”

"That's what I thought! But I want you to give them a chance to change their ways.”

"Huh! You can rest assured, I will send the souls of these sinners to the underworld and give them a
taste of the pain.”

"That's not what I meant!"

Rudra stopped narrating and once again spoke cautiously from the heart.

"I'm not trying to be a great king, I just want to put a smile on everyone's face. Wouldn't crime be
reduced as long as one could live comfortably and have a partner to talk to? Eliminating poverty and
inequality and creating a world where anyone can live with a smile is what I'm looking forward to! Of
course, there will be hopelessly stupid people, but I intend to minimize the sacrifices.”

Rudra now spoke of the ideal in such a way that he did not expect, in the distant future, similar words
to be uttered from a population hostile to himself.

Hearing this, Guy shook his head left and right as if stunned.

"No wonder Veldanava is laughing. I didn't expect you to be so naive. But…all right? I'll just hear what
this duel is about."


"It's boring anyway. It must be fun to enjoy the game.”

It wasn't that Guy accepted Rudra's point of view.

He did not deny Rudra’s ideals, but he just only saw the consequences. A stubborn friend will never be
persuaded by words alone.

Despite being that type of person, Rudra is trying to convince others simply by words. It was, in a
sense, a contradiction and it was natural to fail.

By then, Rudra would wake up, he supposes.

If he succeeds—it’s nothing, but it will reduce Guy’s work.

No matter how it turned out there was no loss, Guy so judged.

Nor was there any particular benefit, as long as Rudra could abandon his outrageous plans.

"Is my ambition a game to you?”

Rudra laughed.

This was followed by an intimate and meticulous explanation of the rules.

The rules are simple.

"Just the players don't fight, their men will fight.”

That's all.

That is, a showdown between Guy and Rudra is forbidden.

If he beats all of Guy's partners, Rudra will win, in which case Guy will obey Rudra.

But until he succeeds, Guy is free to move about as he pleases, following the agreement with
Veldanava and freely performing the duties of a “mediator."

There's hardly any restriction on Guy, but from Rudra's standpoint, just that's useful enough.

It was the original responsibility of the "hero" to prevent the "demon lord,” who acted as a mediator in
a way that threatened humanity, from leaving.
Even if Guy thought calmly, his power was too strong, and just one strike would cause great damage.

Rudra had been clinging to Guy in order to avoid such a thing, but at this rate Rudra's dream would not
come true, and sealing Guy's move was necessary in order to be able to launch an operation to unify the

Reading Rudra's mind, Guy said.

"Yeah. It will agree not to do anything, I collect demon lords who would replace me and give them the
responsibility for the direct punishment of humanity.”

"It's up to me to stop it. I will use my own hands to unify the world before the society that the Demon
Lord is in charge of is born!"

"You're walking the path of misery, aren't you? It's some kind of ideal that even that good old
Veldanava gave up.”

Veldanava was a dreamer and a perfectionist, but he was able to distinguish between ideal and reality
and to think dispassionately about whether it could be achieved.”

Veldanava gave up omniscience and omnipotence in pursuit of change, and as a result, it was no longer
possible for him to realize the ideal society he had in mind.”

But to Veldanava, this is the right solution. A world that all works as he wants. He finds it not
interesting at all.

It was because of understanding Veldanava's mood that Rudra exclaimed.

"But even so! I wanted to reassure him that not only was he bound by life expectancy, but he was even
left with a fighting power that was not even close to that of an ordinary human. Still, the guy was happy
to be walking to the end with Lucia…But, I was worried about where the world was going! More than
anything else, I am worried about the future of the children…”


"That's why I need to give him peace of mind and create a world where everyone can live happily, so
that he won't feel uneasy at the end of his life. And then, the world that guy creates will mature into a
wonderful world of relational harmony—I just want him to be satisfied!”

Rudra had sworn to Veldanava to "establish a united nation.”

With the desire to make the sister happy, he was determined to get rid of all the misfortune in the world.

"Let us, the parties, decide the affairs of this world with our own hands, and you, who are not bound by
life, witness the final end as the judge.”


To Rudra's words, Guy didn't come out with an answer.

In Guy's mind, it had been determined that it could not be done, but because of the understanding
Rudra's mood, hesitated whether or not the words of denial should be spoken.
What the hell, asshole? Doesn't that make you the one who has to carry everything…?

But it was at this time that the emotions were so sharp that Guy hated his own mind.

Guy, though prideful, was gentle with those he liked, and this tenderness instead became a bondage that
even made it impossible for him to stop the reckless Rudra.

To this dear and foolish friend, Guy lost his words.

Your challenge, surely, will fail.

Guy's mind, calmly calculated the result.

With a success rate so low that it can't even be expressed in terms of probability, Rudra, who is
regarded as Guy's best friend, will never give up.

A hero is one who has an unyielding heart. Rudra is undoubtedly a true "hero" who shoulders all the
hardships and carries the goal of achieving the ideal world.

That's why, if it was this guy, maybe—Guy thought so.

It was Rudra who made Guy think like that, and Guy bet on that tiny possibility.

However, as a result…


Several tragedies have occurred during the constant and repeated duel between Guy and Rudra.

The initial misfortune occurred immediately after the birth of Veldanava and Lucia's child.

Taking advantage of Rudra expedition, there was a terrorist attack in the Nazca kingdom, the work of a
warring enemy, which resulted in the death of both Lucia and Veldanava.

At that moment, Rudra's dream collapsed with a bang.

“I, I just want, just to reassure Veldanava, to make him agree with us…”

Ruddra killed his heart, saying that he can no longer cry.

All that remains is an ideal that has lost its purpose.

"Ahhh, all I have left is a duel with you, and the only thing I want is for you to agree with me.”

"Yeah. I'll be your opponent."

The game goes on…

The next misfortune, happened to Milim, the child of Veldanava.

Milim was raised without knowing what her parents looked like.

Didn't even know there was a blood relationship between herself and Rudra.
Milim's pet, who was both the only family member and an escort at the same time, had died as a result
of some state ploy.

Milim lamented her grief and burst into rage, and to calm down Milim, Guy went into full action.

If Milim was not stopped, several countries would have perished.

"Even so, do you want to continue? If only I had struck sooner, Milim wouldn't have been sad, would

"It is my responsibility, and even so, if I stops here, all the previous sacrifices will be meaningless. As
emperor, it is my duty not to stop halfway.”

"I don't think that's necessary. Well, I'll be with you until you approve."

If he stops here, Rudra believes he’s going to break.

Guy also had to delay his conclusion.

An unfortunate future awaited him, and as much as Guy thought so in his heart, he hadn’t fully decided
it was going to be that way.

Just like that, the game goes on…

The constant repetition of suffering.

The ugliness of the world at hand.

Each reincarnation depleted the holy power, and Rudra gradually lost his "hero" status.

Rudra's ability to remain a "saint" is probably the result of his dedication to his ideals.

Even so, the limits come down.

Unknown to him, Rudra's heart has also eroded, losing his original ideals.

Not knowing if it was the fate of the man who lost his purpose, Rudra began to become unscrupulous
in order to win over Guy…

Cold and cruel.

The win over Guy became everything, and as a result, caused even more bloodshed.

These, all of them, were the same as Guy's judgment.

Finally, the day has come.

Guy followed the rules and bet on the last possibility.

To the most unknown of his own pawns, and the most promising of all existences (Rimuru), he pins the
final judgment.

In all honesty, he had wanted to move himself.

But until the end, Guy followed the rules.

As a result…

In the distance, the breath of his friend has vanished.

I'm sure it's not just Rimuru who could do it—Guy couldn't help but sigh.

There is no bitterness, no remorse.

Just simply the mourning of a dear friend.

“That’s why I told you, asshole. Like this, it's only right for us as demons, for us who have never been
emotionally shaken…”

Guy whispered, not noticing the thing running down his cheek.

Just quietly, praying for Rudra’s happiness.

And just like that, the millennia-long game between Guy and Rudra was over.

Guy facetiously maintained the same fearless smile as usual, his heart inwardly sinking to the bottom
of a sad lake.

The eyes of a deep sea blue diamond color stared coldly at Guy.

A small, twisted smile appeared on the edge of his mouth…

Even when the game is over, the fires of strife remain entangled.

Thus, the smoke of the world-scale war, the "Battle of the Demons (Tenma),” was ignited.

End Credits
I've finally made it to sixteen volumes.

I guess it's been a long time coming.

I was able to write one volume in five months, but now it takes six months to complete one volume.

The days go by so fast.

In the future, I'll also try to keep to this pace, aiming to write two volumes a year.

A brief explanation of the content follows.

There are dramas.



In this volume, the combat power of forbidden break has finally been numerically loaded.

In fact, I wanted to numerate it earlier, but I was strongly against it, and I understood I's idea, so I didn't
do it... I just felt it was a bit reluctant to use Clayman as a unit.

Alas, what an effort by Mr. Clayman, to assist each other with Gaylemude and Carrion, to sustain the
duty that had always been the warlike description.

It's been so long since the characters have been in lunches, and the names have come up a lot.

So I think the scale is pretty much at its limit, too.

Even to say that there are a hundred Clayman that strong, it feels completely unconvincing how
powerful they are.

You've worked hard! This should result in a drastic reduction in Clayman's plate appearances.

The existence values used in this volume are also available in the WEB version as an EP.

Existence Point (Value) is also introduced in the main text, and is actually used as an energy value, not
directly related to combat power, but only for reference.

Okay, well, without further ado, let's move on to the arrangements that followed.

This volume is the aftermath of the Empire, and the next volume is arranged to include some short
stories from a perspective other than Rimuru's, before moving on to the final chapter.

Depending on the number of pages and the mood, maybe some light-hearted content will also be
written, and as usual in this area, write wherever you want!

The next volume, still in serial number, is set at seventeen.

The 18 volumes are expected to begin their final chapter, so stay tuned.

The idea of the battle of the devils - the birth, the battle, the end - is roughly the same, but of course
that could change depending on my mood. It may not be worth much, but the general direction is this,
please understand!

Also, after the end, I would like to write some outlines, the WEB version has written two outlines, and I
would like to write other stories as well.

So, the 'reincarnation into Slime thing' will continue, and I hope everyone will continue to support it!!!

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the production of this work.

Also, a big thank you to all the fans who supported this work!

I will continue to work on it so that everyone can continue to have fun watching.

So I'll see you next time.

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