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India LabVIEW Sphere

The Graphical System Design Pioneer 5
NI LabVIEW: Engineer Graphically 11
Nurture Innovation. Empower India 25
One Platform. Infinite Solutions 29
Committed To Your Success Across The Product Life Cycle 45
End-To-End Solution Catalysts 49
Accelerate Your Learning Curve 55
Collaborate. Learn. Share 61
Web Resources 67

A great programming platform doesn’t happen by chance. It is the result of several elements that
come together, continuously evolving and innovating to create a complete ecosystem around it.

Alongside NI’s continuous innovations in strengthening the power of the LabVIEW platform,
there has also been a birth of many Indian third party alliances, solution partners, industry-
academic collaborations, support structure and a strong Indian LabVIEW community.

Over the past 17 years, there has been an organic evolution of a strong India LabVIEW Sphere,
an India ready LabVIEW ecosystem.

The Graphical System Design Pioneer

• Founded in 1976 in Austin, Texas

• Presence in over 90 countries
• Customers in over 30,000 companies
• Direct presence across India for 17 years
• Team of leading R&D engineers in India
• 16% of annual revenue is invested in R&D
• World leader in test, control and design
• NI products have won over 100 technology awards across the globe
• Pioneers of Graphical System Design: a unified platform from design to deployment

National Instruments Mission
To create innovative computer-based products that
improve everyday life by improving technology.

About National Instruments

National Instruments transforms the way engineers NI India has direct offices in Bangalore (headquarters),
and scientists around the world design, prototype, Delhi and has a direct sales presence across all leading
and deploy the systems for test, control, and em- cities in India. NI understands the nuances and issues
bedded design applications. Using NI’s open graphi- that the Indian engineers and scientists face, and has
cal programming software and modular hardware, introduced various India specific initiatives, to enrich the
customers at more than 30,000 companies annually lives of Indian engineers.
simplify development, increase productivity, and dra- visit
matically reduce time to market. From testing next-
generation gaming systems to creating breakthrough Research and Development
medical devices, NI customers continuously develop NI believes in constant innovation, and invests 16% of
innovative technologies that impact millions of people. its annual revenue in Research & Development. NI India
visit has a Research and Development wing in Bangalore
which help customers across the globe. The India R&D
About National Instruments – India has more than seven patents for innovations in Motion
National Instruments India, the Indian subsidiary was Control algorithms, RF and software development.
set up in the year 1998 to propagate the revolutionary
Virtual Instrumentation technology in the country. NI By creating innovative tools, we give you a better
India has seen a very successful adoption of the VI solution for measuring and automating the world around
technology. NI India’s consistent double digit growth them. Our strategy is to innovate, constantly improve,
and increased investments by NI in India is a testament and deliver a steady stream of new products that deliver
to this. The adoption base in India is across industries greater productivity and higher value to our customers
- from large Indian organizations such as Tata Motors, while increasing our business opportunities.
HCL; government organizations like HAL, NAL, CSIO
labs; MNCs like GE, Honeywell, Nokia and academic NI leverages the latest COTS innovations from market
institutions like IIT, PSG Tech right up-to SME’s in India. leaders like Microsoft, Intel, Texas Instruments, etc in its
product development strategy, therfore allowing you to
always take advantage of the latest industry standards
and protecting investments. Multi-core programming
support, focus on FPGA and wireless technologies are
few such examples.

Virtual Instrumentation Graphical System Design
National Instruments introduced Virtual Instrumentation Competing in today’s global economy requires companies
more than 25 years ago, changing the way engineers and to rapidly enter the market with innovative products that
scientists measure and automate the world around them. offer increased functionality and operate flawlessly. NI
In 2004, National Instruments sold more than 6 million Graphical System Design approach for test, control, and
channels of Virtual Instrumentation in 90 countries. embedded design meets this need by providing a unified
Today, Virtual Instrumentation has reached mainstream platform for designing, prototyping, and deploying
acceptance and is used in thousands of applications applications. This dramatically increases efficiency and
around the world in industries from automotive, to improves the bottom line across the product life cycle.
consumer electronics, to oil and gas.
With Virtual Instrumentation, the software based on user The NI platform empowers engineers to integrate real-
requirements defines general-purpose measurement and world signals sooner for earlier error detection, reuse
control hardware functionality. Virtual Instrumentation code for maximum efficiency, benefit immediately from
combines mainstream commercial technologies, like the advances in computing technology, and optimize system
PC, with flexible software and a variety of measurement performance in a way that outpaces traditional design
and control hardware, so engineers and scientists can methodologies.
create user-defined systems to meet exact application
needs. It also helps engineers and scientists reduce Benefits of Graphical System Design
development time, design higher quality products, and • Reduced time to market
lower their design costs. • Optimal system scalability
• Quick design iteration
• Increased performance at lower cost



Concept Verification & Validation Production/Scalability

Iterate on algorithm or model development with real Quickly implement your design on COTS hardware Target your application to the final hardware device
world stimulus devices and validate functionality and scale with production test

+ Control design + I/O modules and drivers + Rugged deployment platforms

+ Dynamic system simulation + COTS FPGA hardware + Distrubed networking
+ Digital filter design + VHOL & C code integration + Human-machine interfaces
+ Advanced mathematics + Design validation tools + Custom designs

Graphical System Design

Want to know more on how the concepts of

Virtual Instrumentation and Graphical System
Design can be incorporated in your application?
email [email protected]
tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

24 Years Of LabVIEW Innovation

Awards and Recognition

Test & Measurement World: Best in Test Award FORTUNE: “100 Best Companies to Work For”
Readers selected the NI Wi-Fi DAQ device family as NI was named as one of FORTUNE magazine’s
the Test Product of the Year, as well as the DAQ “100 Best Companies to Work For” for the 11th
category winner. consecutive year.

Awards in 2010
Technology Awards Corporate Recognition
Control Engineering: Engineers’ Choice Award Marketing Leadership Council
Winners Winner: B2B Marketing Communications Award from
Winner: Network Integration, I/O Systems - Wireless the Corporate Executive Board
category: NI Wireless Sensor Network Best Places to Work
Winner: Software Design, Simulation, Diagnostics #13: National Instruments
category: LabVIEW NI SoftMotion Module Great Places to Work Institute Italia: Best Workplaces
Control Engineering China: Year of the Product of 2010
Award #21: NI Italy
Winner: Software and Information Integration category
- LabVIEW 8.6
Elektra Online: Embedded System Product of the
Winner: NI Single-Board RIO
EDN China: Innovation Award
Winner: Leading product in Test and Measurement –
6.6 GHz PXI Express Signal Analyzer and Vector Signal
Winner: Leading Product in Programmable Logic – NI
Application of Electronic Technique: Top Product
Award 2009
Winner: LabVIEW 2009


Engineer Graphically

• Graphical programming environment

• Zero coding, only drag and drop
• Flexible. Powerful. Open
• Program using intuitive graphical icons and wires that resemble a flowchart
• Develop test, control and design applications
• Acquire Measurements from any sensor, any bus and measure in minutes
• Hardware Integration: With any instrument or sensors. Thousands of instrument drivers
• Extensive Advanced Built-In Analysis and Signal Processing
• Hundreds of built-in libraries for advanced analysis and data visualization
• Scalable across multiple targets and OS’s
• Customize your application with add-on modules and toolkits
• Easily use latest technologies like wireless, multicore processing & FPGAs
• Infinite Free Executables
• New version every year

LabVIEW was developed to do for
engineers what spreadsheet did
for the financial analysts
- Dr. James Truchard, President and CEO, National Instruments

In 1986, NI introduced the LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual tiple targets and OSs, and over the past 34 years, it has
Instrument Engineering Workbench) on the Macintosh become an industry leader.
platform and introduced Virtual Instrumentation as a core
principle of the software. The company combined the What is LabVIEW?
interactive graphical user interface with intuitive graphical NI LabVIEW is a graphical programming language that
programming to create this software. LabVIEW gives a uses icons instead of lines of text to create applications.
platform for engineers to build applications and turn their In contrast to text-based programming languages, where
innovations into reality, even being non programmers. instructions determine the order of program execution,
LabVIEW uses dataflow programming, where the flow of
Version 1.0 featured core technologies that are still funda- data through the nodes on the block diagram determines
mental today: parallel data flow, hierarchy, and integrated execution order of virtual instrument and functions. VIs
I/O and analysis libraries. After millions of development are LabVIEW programs that imitate physical instruments.
hours, tremendous PC technology change, and diffusion
into 1000s of application areas by users, LabVIEW has Unique LabVIEW graphical development environment
evolved into a leading graphical system design platform. makes interfacing with any measurement device simple
and features interactive assistants, code generation, and
Every year, new version of LabVIEW is released, and connectivity to 1000s of devices for easy data gathering.
each new version of LabVIEW provides the latest fea- Because LabVIEW connects virtually to any measure-
tures to make you more productive, offers access to new ment device and design tool, you can incorporate new
technologies, and delivers fixes to existing issues in the LabVIEW applications into existing systems without any
product. The LabVIEW platform is scalable across mul- risk to your application investment.

Key features of NI LabVIEW
Faster Programming
Graphical Programming: Program with drag-&-drop, graphical function blocks instead of writing lines of text
Dataflow Representation: Easily develop, maintain, understand the codes with an intuitive flowchart representation

Hardware Integration with LabVIEW

I/O & Communication: Connect to any instrument or sensor with built-in libraries and thousands of instrument drivers
Plug-&-Play Hardware: Seamlessly integrate plug-and-play devices for USB, PCI, PXI, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, GPIB, and more

Advanced Built-In Analysis and Signal Processing

Built-In Analysis: Access 1000s of engineering-specific functions such as frequency analysis, curve fitting, and more
Inline Signal Processing: Interact with measurements and perform inline analysis in real time on acquired signals

Data Display and User Interfaces

Built-In Controls: Interact with data using hundreds of drag-and-drop controls, graphs, and 3D visualization tools
Custom Controls: Easily customize the position, size, and color of built-in controls or create your own in seconds

Multiple Targets and Oss

Desktop and Real-Time OSs: Develop and reuse code on Windows, Mac, Linux, and real-time OSs such as VxWorks
FPGAs and Microprocessors: Target various embedded architectures, including ARM microcontrollers and FPGAs,
with the same graphical approach

Multiple Programming Approaches

Code Reuse: Integrate text-based code and DLLs or easily incorporate native and third-party .m files
Various Design Patterns: Incorporate additional models of computation such as dynamic simulation diagrams and

Multicore Programming
Automatic Multithreading: Handle large data sets and complex algorithms faster because LabVIEW inherently runs
on multiple threads
Execution Highlighting: Easily optimize code for parallel execution using built-in debugging and visualization tools

Data Storage and Reporting

File I/O designed for Engineering Data: Focus on your data and not converting formats with built-in support for a
wide variety of file types
Flexible Reporting Tools: Share your results by generating reports from your acquired data

Yearly LabVIEW Release: Update adds new features to drive more efficiency and performance into applications.
Toolkits & Modules: The toolkits and modules upgrades help improve productivity irrespective of the fact that you
are a first-time user or long-time expert.

Read more on LabVIEW:

What’s New in LabVIEW 2010
The latest version of LabVIEW adds programming and productivity features to help you improve your application
efficiency and also its performance and to achieve more with the evolving PC and embedded technology platforms.

Compiler Optimizations Import External FPGA IP

Run your code up to 20% faster with the Ease FPGA development by importing
new backend compiler technologies and the Xilinx Core Generator DSP IP into
custom code optimizations LabVIEW
• DataFlow Intermediate Representation (DFIR)
• High-level representation Find and Install Instrument Drivers
• Preserves dataflow, parallelism, and execution Shorten time to first measurement by
semantics easily finding and installing more than
• Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) 10,000 certified instrument drivers
• Low-level representation
• Sequential Packed Project Libraries
• Knowledge of target machine characteristics, By packaging source code into a single
instruction sets, alignment, etc file with packed project libraries, simplify
code deployment and distribution
Stream Data over the Network
Stream data continuously between the Sarita Bhat,
NI LabVIEW applications using the new Senior Engineer,
Network Streams API Test Engineering,
BARCO Electronics
Systems (P) Ltd.
Save VIs without Compiled Code
Simplify source code management by
separating the compiled objects from
the actual LabVIEW source code

“With LabVIEW, I can develop an application

SubVI Inlining
of any size well within deadlines. The GUI is
Remove overhead associated with sub-
very interactive and powerful, and can be
VI calls using this new execution option prepared very fast. In addition, interaction
to improve the application’s performance. with any hardware is easy with LabVIEW
with its instrument drivers.”
Export Graph Data to Excel
You can easily export data to Microsoft
Excel with a simple right-click option Existing User of LabIVEW? Upgrade to the Latest!
• Export Data To Clipboard visit:
• Export Data To Excel
• Export Data To DIAdem New to LabVIEW? Evaluate LabVIEW for a month for free!

Web-Based Hardware Configuration

Request for a LabVIEW 2010 Evaluation DVD:
Set up and maintain remote hardware email [email protected]
with router-like configuration experience tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

Which is the right LabVIEW Development system for you?
For more than 20 years, engineers and scientists around the world depended on LabVIEW to meet their specific
application needs. Because every project is different, the LabVIEW graphical development environment is modular,
making it easier for users to configure a package just for them. Every user startswith a development system and then
can add application tools or deployment targets depending on requirements. This flexible packaging enables LabVIEW
functionality to grow as users tackle more complex projects.

FEATURES LabVIEW Base LabVIEW Full LabVIEW Professional NI Developer Suite

OPERATING SYSTEM Windows only Windows, Linux, Mac Windows, Linux, Mac Windows only

Programming Environment
• Customize User Interfaces
• Hardware I/O Integration
Math and Signal Processing
Read, Write, and Share Data
Executables and Distribution
Software and Code Integration
Compatibility with Add-On Software
Standard Service Program (SSP)
Add-ons provide all functionality for a feature, but you must purchase them separately.

LabVIEW Base LabVIEW Professional

• Program with drag-and-drop, graphical function • Create executables, installers, and DLLs to
blocks instead of writing lines of text distribute your application
• Connect to any device or instrument via USB, PCI, • Integrate with industry-standard source code
PXI, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, GPIB, and more control providers
• Use drag-and-drop controls, graphs, knobs, and • Manage and merge multiple versions of
gauges to customize a user interface for your LabVIEW code into one project
application • Apply code complexity and memory usage
• Read & write binary, text, and XML files using profiling tools
functions or configurable assistants

LabVIEW Full NI Developer Suite

• More than eight hundren and fifty functions for • Bundles LabVIEW Professional with the most popular
signal measurement, generation, filtering, add-ons for up to 68% savings
and time-frequency transformations • Features tools for building rich interfaces in LabVIEW,
• Event-driven programming to create programs Visual Basic .NET, and C for large-scale application
driven by user interactions (mouse, keyboard, development
or other inputs) • Includes add-ons for Microsoft Word and Excel,
• Compatibility with all LabVIEW add-ons for data base and Internet connectivity
specialized applications or hardware integration • Includes add-ons for advanced signal processing and
digital filter design, PID control and fuzzy logic tools

Customize LabVIEW development environment for your application needs. Select a LabVIEW development
system and then customize with add-ons to save time and extend functionality.

Pick & Choose for your Application: LabVIEW Add-On Modules & Toolkits
In addition to the LabVIEW development environment, National Instruments offers a variety of add-on mod-
ules that provide additional functionality or deployment to computing targets ranging from industrial real-
time devices to FPGAs and microprocessors.

NI LabVIEW toolkits provide additional functionality for report generation, advanced analysis, database com-
munication, vibration analysis and more.

Integrating with Deployment Hardware Signal Processing, Analysis, and Connectivity

NI LabVIEW Real-Time Module NI Vision Development Module
NI LabVIEW FPGA Module NI Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite
NI LabVIEW Embedded Module for ARM Microcon- NI Sound and Vibration Toolkit
trollers with Keil ARM7 Hardware NI LabVIEW Internet Toolkit for Windows
NI LabVIEW Embedded Module for ARM Microcon- NI LabVIEW Internet Toolkit for Mac
trollers with Texas Instruments Cortex-M3 Hardware NI LabVIEW Internet Toolkit for Linux
NI LabVIEW Mobile Module for Handheld Devices NI LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit
NI LabVIEW Touch Panel Module NI LabVIEW Adaptive Filter Toolkit
NI LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module NI LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit
Pioneer NI LabVIEW MathScript RT Module for Windows
NI Spectral Measurements Toolkit
Control and Simulation NI LabVIEW Modulation Toolkit
NI LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit NI LabVIEW Robotics Module
NI LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module NI ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit
NI LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit NI GPS Simulation Toolkit
NI LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit NI Measurement Suites for WiMAX
NI LabVIEW SoftMotion Module Premium Edition NI WLAN Measurement Suite
NI LabVIEW SoftMotion Module Standard Edition NI Automotive Diagnostic Command Set

Data Management, Logging, and Reporting Development Tools and Validation

NI LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) NI LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit
Module NI LabVIEW Statechart Module
NI LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for MS Office NI LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit
NI LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit NI Requirements Gateway
NI LabVIEW DataFinder Toolkit NI LabVIEW Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit
NI LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit

Discuss with an expert technical consultant on Application Distribution

which LabVIEW add-ons are most suited for your
NI LabVIEW Application Builder for Windows
email [email protected] NI LabVIEW Application Builder for Mac
tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000 NI LabVIEW Application Builder for Linux
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282 NI LabVIEW Remote Panels - 5-User License
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and NI LabVIEW Remote Panels - 20-User License
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000 NI LabVIEW Remote Panels - 50-User License

LabVIEW Modules
NI LabVIEW Application Builder
• Create stand-alone executables and installers for distribution and deployment
• Distribute code to developers and create shared libraries
• Remove block diagrams to protect intellectual property and prevent changes
• Deploy applications using installers to include dependencies and drivers
• Included as part of the LabVIEW Professional Development System
• Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux® Oss

NI LabVIEW MathScript RT Module

• Deploy your custom .m files to NI real-time hardware
• Reuse many of your scripts created with The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB® software and others
• Develop your .m files with an interactive command line interface
• Embed your scripts into your LabVIEW applications using the MathScript Node

NI LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module

• Construct plant and control models using transfer function, state-space, or zero-pole-gain
• Analyze system performance with tools such as step response, pole-zero maps, and Bode plots
• Integrate with other LabVIEW modules such as LabVIEW Statechart and LabVIEW Real-Time
• Deploy dynamic systems to real-time hardware using built-in functions and LabVIEW Real-Time Module
• Replaces the LabVIEW Control Design Toolkit and LabVIEW Simulation Module

LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

• Networked, SQL-compliant database for distributed data logging
• Configuration-based alarms and events
• Real-time and historical trending
• Event-driven architecture with OPC client/server connectivity
• Unlimited tags
• User-level application security
• Support for Windows XP and Windows XP Embedded

NI LabVIEW DSP Module - for NI SPEEDY-33 and TI DSKs

• Hundreds of built-in DSP functions for faster development
• Express VIs facilitate easier development and shorter time to market
• Need to have LabVIEW Full or Professional Development Systems
• Implementation of digital filters designed using the LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit
• Stand-alone application development capability
• Support for three DSP targets provides final implementation choices

NI LabVIEW Embedded Module for ADI Blackfin Processors Development Kit

• Targets the Blackfin high-performance, low-power embedded processor family
• Deploys LabVIEW applications to custom hardware designs
• Offers ability to reuse existing embedded algorithms or legacy embedded software
• Features fully integrated component drivers for several popular ADI components
• Includes VisualDSP++, an ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite, schematics, cables, and headphones.

NI LabVIEW Embedded Module for ARM Microcontrollers
• Works with more than 260 ARM7, ARM9, and Cortex-M3 microcontrollers
• Integrated drivers for analog and digital I/O, PWM, TCP/IP, serial, I2C, and SPI
• Simulate your application on the desktop including peripheral I/O for stimulus/response
• Simple API for integrating C code with graphical code for a hybrid programming approach


• Define your own control algorithms with loop rates up to 40 MHZ
• Execute multiple tasks simultaneously and deterministically
• Create your own I/O hardware without VHDL coding or board design
• Implement custom timing and triggering logic with 25 ns resolution
• Graphically configure FPGAs on NI reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware targets

NI LabVIEW Microprocessor SDK

• Target any 32-bit microprocessor or embedded operating system
• Jump-start your development with example
• Microprocessors including ARM, PPC, x86, and ColdFire.

LabVIEW Real-Time Module

• Design real-time applications with graphical programming
• Download to a dedicated target for reliable, deterministic performance
• Deploy as a distributed, stand-alone, or embedded system
• Use built-in PID control functions or create your own control algorithms
• Purchase individually or as part of the NI Developer Suite

NI Control Design and Simulation Option

• Design custom motion control applications using graphical development tools
• Benefit from functions for trajectory generation, spline interpolation, position or velocity control
• Use the high-level function block API for simplified motion profile development
• Define custom axes that include standard I/O, custom control algorithms, or communication interfaces
• Create virtual prototypes using the pioneering tool NI SoftMotion for SolidWorks

NI LabVIEW Statechart Module

• Design LabVIEW applications with statechart diagrams
• Define state behavior and transitions using LabVIEW data flow
• Debug statechart execution interactively
• Generate code for desktop, real-time, FPGA, embedded, and touch panel targets

“I have been empowered by LabVIEW to do “anything” on this

universe. Today I do not see something impossible with LabVIEW…
LabVIEW extends my Imagination beyond limits.”

D. Arunkumar,
Technical Lead,
Verification & Validation,
Schneider Electric, Global Technology Centre India

NI Vision Development Module
• Hundreds of image processing functions include pattern and geometric matching, OCR, bar code readers, object
classification, and particle analysis
• Subpixel accuracy down to 1/10 of a pixel and 1/10 of a degree
• Fast application prototyping and code generation with Vision Assistant
• Driver software for thousands of cameras, including GigE Vision and IEEE 1394 cameras

Discuss with an expert technical consultant on which LabVIEW add-ons are most suited for your application.
email [email protected]
tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

LabVIEW Toolkits
NI LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Module Pioneer
• Add intelligence to NI WSN measurement nodes with graphical programming
• Download applications wirelessly
• Achieve higher sample rates on the node
• Increase battery life by optimizing node behavior
• Perform custom analysis and data reduction on the node
• Embed decision making

NI LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit

• Wavelet and filter-bank design for short-duration signal characterization, noise reduction, and detrending
• Includes the NI LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit (also available separately)
• Time-series analysis -- statistical analysis for description, explanation, prediction, and control
• Time-frequency analysis -- analytical, graphical tools for signals with evolving frequency content

NI Control Design and Simulation Option Toolkit

• Design and implement simple and complex control algorithms including Classical LQR, LQG, and MPC
• Take advantage of integration with I/O for rapid control prototyping, HIL testing, and production
• Graphically create new simulation models in NI LabVIEW
• Integrate models developed using The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink® software¹

NI LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit

• Floating- and fixed-point design with LabVIEW or ANSI C autocode generation
• Digital filter design, analysis, and implementation within LabVIEW
• Comprehensive tools meet basic or advanced needs

NI Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit
• Interactively analyze and benchmark thread and VI execution
• Optimize performance by identifying memory allocation, sleep spans, and resource contention
• Send trace sessions to host computer or save to local file
• Print trace sessions for documentation and code reviews
• Create execution traces for LabVIEW Real-Time and LabWindows™/CVI Real-Time applications

NI GPS Simulation Toolkit for LabVIEW

• Generate 24 hours of up to 12 satellite C/A codes (L1)
• Achieve automatic satellite simulation from almanac and ephemeris files
• Define custom motion trajectories for mobile simulation
• Adjust individual satellite power levels for scenario specific test
• Take advantage of manual control of satellite pseudorange, Doppler, and power-level information.

NI LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit

• Extend MATLAB® with LabVIEW capabilities such as powerful I/O, analysis, and user interface tools
• Easily distribute LabVIEW applications for native use in MATLAB® analysis environment
• Quickly convert LabVIEW VIs to native MATLAB® MEX functions

NI Modulation Toolkit
• Simulate and measure impairments including DC offset, I/Q gain imbalance, and quadrature skew
• Handles standard and custom modulation formats(AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, MSK, GMSK, PSK, QPSK, PAM, QAM)
• Measurements including bit error rate (BER), phase error, burst timing, and frequency deviation
• Quality measurements including EVM, modulation error ratio (MER), and ñ (rho)
• Powerful 3D eye diagrams enhance the suite of traditional 2D eye, trellis, and constellation plots
• More than 100 source code example programs

NI Measurement Suite for Fixed WiMAX

• Accurate EVM measurements: -41 dB at 5.8 GHz (-10dBm)
• LabVIEW demo panels for interactive measurements
• Complete programming API for automated measurements
• Support for Fixed WiMAX based on IEEE 802.16-2004

NI Requirements Gateway - Requirements Management Software

• Link requirements documents to test and control applications
• Graphically create traceability relationships between documents
• Generate traceability and impact analysis reports
• Capture and compare project snapshots to determine changes in requirements and coverage
• Use graphical, coverage analysis, and impact analysis views to visualize traceability relationships

NI Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite

• Stand-alone configuration-based analysis and data logging with the NI Sound and Vibration Assistant
• Continuous frequency sweep algorithm for extra fast THD and FRF processing
• Sound quality algorithms for psychoacoustic measurement
• Order analysis tracking and extraction including tachometer processing
• Waterfall, cascade, shaft centerline, orbit, Bode, and polar plots

• ANSI- and IEC-compliant full- and fractional-octave (1/3, 1/6, 1/12, 1/24) analysis

NI LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for Windows

• Graphical development of P, PI, PD, and PID control Algorithms
• Fuzzy logic control designer for complex systems
• Autotuning to improve performance of PID control
• Advanced features such as gain scheduling and integral antiwindup

NI LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office

• Create custom reports using the Microsoft Office Report Express VI
• Populate report templates
• Programmatically create and edit reports in Microsoft Word and Excel
• E-mail reports and execute macros
• Manage report layout, format, and appearance

NI LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit

• Connect a LabVIEW user interface with your simulation model running in The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink
• Use LabVIEW to interact with your models developed using Simulink software
• Connect your model to real-time I/O for prototyping, deployment, and HIL simulation
• Easily add data acquisition, CAN, and FPGA I/O through a configuration-based dialog
• Apply stimulus to your model using multichannel data profiles
• Specify multirate data logging on a per-channel basis to optimize file size, application performance

NI Spectral Measurements Toolkit

• Common spectral measurement functions such as inband power and adjacent-channel power
• 3D spectrogram
• Highly optimized FFT processing
• I-Q data for digital demodulation
• Analog modulation and demodulation

NI LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit

• Identify dynamic system models directly from real world stimulus and response signals
• Seamlessly integrate data acquisition for both time and frequency-based system identification
• Integrate with other modules including LabVIEW
• Real-Time and LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation

“It enables me to implement my instrument design

idea instantaneously.”

Amol P Bhondekar,
Scientist E-1,
Central Scientific Instruments Organisation

NI LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit
• Optimize performance and enforce proper coding styles with more than 60 included tests
• Automate application debugging and code review
• Assess code quality and cyclomatic complexity
• Programmatically configure and run tests
• Document and track progress of code quality with report generation
• Customize tests for individual applications

NI WLAN Measurement Suite

• Programming API in NI LabVIEW and LabWindows™/CVI
• Compliance with IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards
• Measurements five to 10 times faster than traditional box instruments
• Typical error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements of -45 dB
• Support for common measurements such as EVM, spectrum mask, carrier leakage, and frequency offset

“LabVIEW is easy to code program and test with a less amount

of man power. It is also easier to modify and maintain the code,
and takes less time to implement the program.”

J Sathyadevan Pillai
Scientist D,
Radar Division,
SAMEER, Mumbai

LabVIEW Tools Network
Expand the power of NI LabVIEW graphical development
software with NI toolkits and third-party add-ons. Browse View and compare all tools online:
the NI LabVIEW Tools Network for a variety of add-ons for
every type of application and download and install them Free download, evaluation versions available for select kits
instantly. All third-party add-ons on the LabVIEW Tools
Network meet Compatible with LabVIEW guidelines.

Biometric Login Toolkit – Blue Ridge Test PDF Toolkit for LabVIEW - Carya Automatisering
Add fingerprint identification to LabVIEW applications PDF Report Generation Toolkit for LabVIEW

VI Package Manager (VIPM) - JKI Software CalVIEW Calibration Toolkit for LabVIEW - Driven
Create, install, manage reusable LabVIEW code libraries CalVIEW Calibration and Display Toolkit for LabVIEW

EasyXML Toolkit for LabVIEW – JKI Software GOOP Development Suite – Symbio (formerly Endevo)
Makes working with XML data easy as creating a cluster
Intelligent Controller Parameterization (ecICP)
G# Framework – AddQ Consulting ExpertControl
The next-generation reference-based object-oriented Fully automated system identification and control design
Industry Feedback Controller (ecCST)
Intelligent Control Toolkit for LabVIEW (ICTL): ExpertControl
Tribal Engineering Controller algorithm with integrated switching technology
AI: Autonomy, optimization & predictive capabilities
LabVIEW Plug-In for Ranorex – NTE Systems
Right-Click Framework for LabVIEW – JKI Software: Automate manual user testing for LabVIEW front panels
Create LabVIEW features, share them with community
NI Labs: LabVIEW VI Scripting
JKI State Machine – JKI Software Programmatically create, modify, and run LabVIEW code
Create powerful, maintainable, scalable VIs the JKI Way
CURE Pattern ID Toolkit – Neural ID
TortoiseSVN Tool for LabVIEW – JKI Software Virtual instrument library (VIL) for LabVIEW 8.5 and later
Add the power of TortoiseSVN to LabVIEW tools menu
modeFRONTIER - Esteco srl
LTK LabVIEW Localization Toolkit – S.E.A. GmbH Hardware-in-the-loop optimized by modeFRONTIER
Create and distribute multi-language LabVIEW applications
SimulationX - ITI
easyGIO Application Development Tools: Multi-Domain Plant Modeling Software Platform
Auric Solutions Ltd
Reduce LabVIEW development time, create better GUIs

robotSim 3D Simulator for NI Robotics Starter Kit:

Cogmation Robotics
Tailored for use in any industry supporting virtual robots

Nurture Innovation. Empower India

• India initiatives to enable the engineers and scientists in India to achieve

economic prosperity through access to technology and affordability.
• India SME Benefit Program
Providing access to LabVIEW
Increase affordability with flexible pricing options
Build competency with training & support programs
Over 125 SME’s in India benefitted already
• Customized training packages and price especially for Indian engineers.

At National Instruments we believe the greatest opportunity
we have to improve the quality of life in our world by
contributing to a more technically literate society.

- Jeff Kodosky, Father of LabVIEW

Innovation and engineering are two key factors which

“LabVIEW has been very useful in developing our
hold the key to solving the world’s problems. In India,
applications and NI hardware and software are
the solution to the real world problems will come from of superior technology and can be sought at an
the masses. However, limited access to technology and affordable price”
non-affordability makes the innovation just a thought. As
Anand Kumar
responsible citizens, NI India understands the impact that Cybermotion Technologies
LabVIEW can have in improving everyday life. Keeping Pvt Ltd
this in mind, Indian prices of LabVIEW are independent of
the global strategy and tailor made for India.

NI India SME Benefit Program:

NI India’s SME Benefit Program is a unique approach to
help the SMEs in India to achieve economic prosperity
“At the start of my career, I worked as a
through access to technology and affordability. Under this Software Developer for over 20 years in Visual
program, we offer flexible pricing options for NI LabVIEW Basic. However, LabVIEW revolutionized my life
and also build competency in them with training and by increasing my ROI (return on investment),
decreasing costs and development time. Thus,
support programs. Over 125 Indian and medium Indian LabVIEW can immensely benefit anyone in the
enterprises have taken advantage of the NI SME Benefit field of automation. LabVIEW overcomes all the
program so far. If you represent an SME, find out more handicaps of a windows-based program and
also provides other advantages, like parallel
about how the NI India SME Benefit program can assist
processing and high speed of data acquisition of
you by talking to our technical experts. upto 20,000 samples per second. The graphical
nature of LabVIEW makes it very easy-to-use. I
Highlights of the Program: can read, understand and explore the concepts
myself. I refer this product to those who have an
• Providing access to LabVIEW
eye for technical excellence!”
• Increase affordability with flexible pricing options
• Build competency with training and support programs Krishnama Chari,
• Already assisting over 125 SME’s in India Managing Partner,
City Electric

SME’s Who Availed The Program
BANGALORE: Spranktronics, City Electrik, Contech Micro Systems, Orion Automation, Pinaka Aerospace, Gayathri Technocrats, Space
Solution, Bangalore; Indian Industrial Machines, Symmetric, Deepthi Engineering, Achira Tech Labs, Buler Group, Login Infotech, Udupi
Technologies, Ace Manufacturing, Sri Hari Automation. BARODA: Instruments Universal, Swastik Automation, Heatcon Equipments, Syn-
ergy Info Sols, AB Industries. CHENNAI: Flier Instruments, Hawk Technologies, Systems Marketing and Services, Kannan-Ramaswamy
Vishwanathan, Macroline Controls, Winstar, Aadharshila Automation, Orange Sorting, Vamtec, Thick TechnOlogies, Standard Enterpris-
es, Best Systems & Services, Atalon, Bs Pyromatic, Vb Ceramics, Leany Technologies. DELHI: Medicaid Systems, Absolute Automation,
Microcomm, Innovative Brains, Subtle Electronics Systems, Instrumentation Technologies, Creative Systems, Amorphous, Usha Bisquare,
Digital Weighing Bilaspur. HYDERABAD: Vivace Sonics, Infinity Microsystems, United Electronic Technology, Andhra Electronics, Tech-
nique Design Group, Medequip, Integrated Geo Systems, KOLKATTA: Eastman Hydroequipments MUMBAI: Quaser Electronics, Wapi
Wind Mills, Mti Nash Friction Welding Pvt.Ltd., S3 Embedded, Biotronic. PUNE: Topographix , Star Balancing, Apex Innovation, East India
Corporation, Infinity Engineering, Ascent Informatics Pvt Ltd (Aipl).
and many more…

India-Specific Training Programs:

We at NI India understand the needs of the Indian markets
when it comes to training and certification. Which is why,
NI India has developed customized training packages and
prices especially for the Indian engineer. With a view to
serve training requirements of the Indian engineer, we
have training courses to suit four different user groups:
• Individuals
• Corporate
• Students
• Training membership

Course content and pricing of these courses has been set

appropriately to meet the specific demands of these four
segments. These trainings are held across cities in India.
National Instruments India trains 1500 Indian engineers
per year.

Visit page #56 to know more about NI India training


Talk to our technical representatives to find out “The LabVIEW training course at NI India gives a
more about the specially priced LabVIEW Core 1 good overview of LabVIEW so that we at Infosys
and LabVIEW Core 2 courses. can use the features of LabVIEW very effectively
email [email protected] for our project.”
tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282 Vivek Mohile,
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and Senior Project Manager,
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000 Infosys

Chat Live


No industry makes up more than 15% of revenue

Automotive Research Association of India Pyramid Precision Engineering

Barco Electronic Systems Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd
Central Manufacturing Technology Institute Tata Motors Ltd
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Timken Engineering Research India
HCL Technologies Ltd. TVS Motor Company
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd and many more…
Indian Institute of Technology
Institute for Plasma Research
Larsen & Tourbo Ltd.

From taking simple temperature measurements to controlling the world’s largest particle accelerator, engineers and
scientists use the LabVIEW graphical system design platform to meet a wide range of application challenges across
various industries.

Using our graphical programming platform and modular hardware, customers at more than 25,000 companies sim-
plify development, increase productivity, and dramatically reduce time to market. From testing next-generation gam-
ing systems to creating breakthrough medical devices, see how NI technology can be used to continuously develop
innovative technologies across various industries that impact millions of people.

LabVIEW Can Be Used Across

Industries And Applications.
• Audio Test • Robotics
• Automotive Test Autonomous
• Communications Industrial Arms
• Data Logging Teaching and Research
Acoustic and Vibration Data Logging • Solar Power Plant Control
General Purpose Data Logging • Solar Verification and Validation
In-Vehicle Data Logging • Sound and Vibration
Structural Data Logging • Structual Health Monitoring
• Data Streaming • Structural Test
RF Record and Playback • Test Cell Measurement and Control
IF/Baseband Streaming • Ultrasonic and Nondestructive Test (NDT)
Noise Mapping • Video Test
• Embedded Control Set-Top Box and Blu-ray Player Testing
• Green Engineering Cell Phones, Camcorders, and Mvobile Devices
Energy Storage Systems Read on to understand some of our solutions in greater
Environmental Monitoring detail.
Power Quality Monitoring
• Hardware in the Loop (HIL)
• Machine Condition Monitoring ACROSS INDUSTRIES
• Machine Design
• Medical Consumer Electronics:
Medical Device Design Consumers expect products that have better quality,
Medical Device Test more flexibility, and new features at a lower price. For
• Mechatronics example, high-definition video is now being captured
Measurements and Sensor Connectivity by camcorders instead of high-end movie cameras and
Virtual Prototyping users can upload and stream YouTube clips or down-
• Noise, Vibration, and Harshness load apps to their smartphone. To keep up with today’s
• Optimize Automation consumer electronics needs, design and test engi-
• Photovoltaic Testing neers need flexible, high-performance test systems.
• Physics National Instruments offers a software-based measure-
• Prototyping ment strategy, using modular instruments that make
• Rapid Control Prototyping it easy to quickly adapt to the latest audio, video, and
• RF Test wireless requirements. The result is an integrated test

platform that can keep pace with new innovations. Automated Test Equipment for Military
Read more: and Defense
• High-performance mixed-signal test
Semiconductor Test • Incorporate traditional instrumenta-
• Find solutions for characterization tion standards like GPIB, VXI, and LAN
through production • Integrated software suite for design,
• Repeat benchtop measurements development, and deployment
faster with PXI
• Combine DMMs, SMUs, and high-speed digital boards Hardware-in-the-Loop
designed for automated test • Truly open hardware and software
• Supplies hardware value, variety, and
Audio Test availability
• Automate audio measurements for • Includes real-time multicore & FPGA
pass/fail testing
• Test analog and digital audio in a sin- Structural Test
gle solution • Ability to perform static and dynamic
• Create custom audio measurements or use configu- structural tests with one system
rable test steps for rapid development • Modular hardware, flexible software
• Scalability from portable to
Video Test high-channel-count systems
• Configure automated video measure-
ments RF and Microwave Test for Aerospace and De-
• Test analog and digital video in a sin- fense
gle solution
• Test Full HD (1080p/60 Hz) digital video, HDCP en- • Portable system with a small foot-
crypted video, and deep color content print
• Modular, flexible RF instruments
Wireless Test • Applications such as signals intelligence, RF record
• Develop efficiently with protocol and playback, and MIMO
specific toolkits
• Repeat benchtop measurements are Autonomous and Robotic System Design
faster with PXI
• Increase throughput by 10x with solutions architected • Graphical and textual programming
on the PXI and modular instruments • Built-in I/O for desktop PCs, real-
time OS, and FPGAs
Aerospace, Defense & Government • Inherent parallelism to visualize concurrent tasks
NI is a leading supplier of test, measurement, and con-
trol systems for government, aerospace and defense en- Support Services for Long Life-Cycle Programs
tities. With solutions ranging from hardware-in-the-loop
simulation to mixed-signal electronic test, NI offers hard- • Design for extended life with NI
ware and software tools that you can combine to tackle training and certification
your cutting-edge applications faster. • Long-term maintenance with calibra- tion and system services
• Custom service agreements to meet life-cycle needs

Oil and Gas • Wireless ICs (RFICs)
Now more than ever, the worldwide oil and gas market is • Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Devices
looking to technology to meet the needs for energy secu- • Discrete Components
rity, environmental and operational protection, improved • Memory Devices
installed system efficiency, distribution system reliability
and control, economic growth, and clean energy tech- Types of Measurements
nologies. Read more: • DC Parametric Validation
• Digital Protocols and Tests
Upstream Solutions
• Mud-Gas Separator Automotive
• Cement Analyzer Found at nearly every automotive OEM and Tier1 sup-
• Coil Tube Drilling Control plier, National Instruments tools save
time and money across all stages of
the automotive engineering process
Midstream Solutions by providing a common platform for
• Slug Suppression Control control, design, and test. With industry-leading I/O, flex-
• Workover Rig Automation ible off-the-shelf hardware, and powerful LabVIEW de-
• Distributed SCADA System velopment environment, you can create user-defined
solutions for applications ranging from embedded design
and functional test to in-vehicle data logging and dyna-
Downstream Solutions mometer control. With more than 300 global alliance
stream members, you can also obtain turnkey solutions built on
• Oil Leakage Detection the proven NI platform.
• Sub-Sea ROV Control
• Automated ultrasonic weld inspection Rapid Control Prototyping
• Prototype ECU control strategies on real-time control-
Semiconductor Test • Quickly connect control models to I/O
Semiconductor chip designs are constantly increasing • Reduce the low-level implementation
in complexity, which requires advanced test systems to overhead
characterize performance and increases the cost of test.
The National Instruments software-defined approach to Automotive End-of-Line Test
instrumentation gives semiconductor engineers ability to • Build universal high-speed adaptive test systems
lower their overall cost of chip test by adopting flexible • Integrate with automotive communi-
hardware platforms, such as PXI, and scalable software, cation standards
like NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand. Today, many leading • Connect to specialty instrumentation
semiconductor companies have adopted NI solutions for and load systems
testing chips that range from analog-to-digital-converters
(ADCs) to power management ICs (PMICs) in validation, Test Cell Measurement and Control
characterization, and production environments. • Integrate measurements with industrial test-cell control
Read More: • Use dynamometer real-time control
and measurements
Chip Test Solutions • Synchronize with on-board vehicle
• Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) data
and Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC)
• Power Management IC (PMICs)

Hardware-in-the-Loop • Open-Short Testing
• Consists of truly open hardware and
software Solar Control and Monitoring
• Supplies hardware value, variety, and • Sun Tracking
availability • Power & Environmental Monitoring
• Includes real-time multicore and FPGA • Maximum Power Point Tracking
In-Vehicle Test and Logging
vehicle_data_logger Solar Manufacturing
• Build compact, rugged systems for • Machine and Process Control
in-vehicle measurements • Vision Guided Motion and Robotics
• Measure signals from thermocou- • Analog Measurements and Signal
ples to accelerometers Processing
• Correlate data with FlexRay, CAN, and LIN buses

Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) Test Wind Energy

• Measure and improve vehicle ride The global adoption of wind energy as a reliable source
comfort for clean energy is rising. It has become more important
• Perform predictive maintenance ac- for component manufacturers and turbine integrators to
celerated testing increase component production rate, improve system
• Quantify and improve the quality of in-vehicle acoustic reliability, and overcome grid integration challenges to
systems implement faster adoption of wind energy and ultimately
global independence from oil- and coal-based energy
Solar Energy sources. A shift toward improved technology for auto-
Solar energy technologies, which harness the sun’s en- mated component testing, online condition monitoring,
ergy to generate electrical power, represent some of and grid integration control can help solve these chal-
the fastest growing sources of renewable energy on the lenges. Learn about these essential technologies for
market today. Engineers and scientists worldwide are test, control, and monitoring and how National Instru-
collaborating to lower the material costs of solar cells, ments products are driving innovation in the wind energy
increase the production efficiency of solar power plants, industry.
and create innovative solutions for applications based on Read more:
photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal collector technology.
National Instruments offers a complete platform of tools Component Testing and Validation
and technologies that facilitate and increase the produc- • Generator/Gearbox Testing
tivity of these efforts. Read More: • Acoustic Emissions Testing
• Blade Testing
Solar Panel Validation and Verification On-line Condition Monitoring
• Vision Inspection • Structural Health Monitoring
• Compliance Testing • Generator/Gearbox Monitoring
• Automated Test • Power Quality Monitoring

Photovoltaic Test and Manufacturing Control System Design & Deployment • Pitch/Yaw Control
• I-V Characterization • HIL Turbine Simulation
• Pulsed I-V Testing • Power Inverter Control

ACROSS APLICATIONS lenges with the flexibility and breadth of features in Lab-
VIEW, including sound and vibration monitoring.
Manufacturing Test
Increase throughput and scalability while reducing costs Machine Condition Monitoring
with NI COTS-based manufacturing test systems. Take advantage of the fully integrated test and analysis capabilities for machinery condition monitoring and
machine test in the LabVIEW industrial control platform
Electronic Validation and Characterization -- whether you are in-plant or factory-test focused.
Automate commonly repeated measurements in your
validation labs to validate device functionality including Distributed Monitoring and Control
parametric values and electrical characteristics against
design specifications. Easily create a wide variety of distributed monitoring and
control applications, including configuration-based Web
Data Logging control and alarming, with LabVIEW graphical develop-
Performs common measurements with the NI LabVIEW ment.
including temperature, pressure, current, velocity, strain,
displacement, and other physical phenomena. Power Monitoring
Structural/Mechanical Test Perform power metering and power quality measure-
Design structural and mechanical test systems, includ- ments with the test and analysis capabilities of LabVIEW
ing noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) test; structural and National Instruments hardware.
vibration monitoring; and noise mapping with graphical
programming. Integrated Test and Control
Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Test Use LabVIEW to develop applications that integrate test
Achieve highly realistic simulation of your plant models and control such as electromechanical test, environmen-
using LabVIEW to execute control and analysis code on a tal test, and fatigue testing.
variety of hardware platforms.

RF and Communications Test

Use LabVIEW to tackle the ever-changing requirements
imposed by the proliferation of wireless capabilities into
nontraditional markets.

Portable Field Test

Create custom handheld test systems using LabVIEW
graphical development and NI portable hardware. Find out how like others, you too can benefit from
Benchtop Test email [email protected]
Shorten your time to measurement and live analysis tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
without the need to program by using virtual Instrumen-
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
tation on the benchtop.
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

Machine Automation Check how Indian companies from HAL to Tata Motors to L&T have benefitted from using LabVIEW.
Solve complex machine automation application chal- visit

National Instruments in Research idly adopted in more than 400 colleges in India to teach
and Learning various engineering subjects.
NI provides powerful, industry-standard tools including
graphical system design software and low-cost, modular Laboratory courses and Hands-on learning with the NI
hardware that help eliminate educational barriers such as LabVIEW and NI hardware helps students understand the
learning complex programming languages so students fundamentals thoroughly and become better engineers.
can focus their attention on learning problem-solving This approach significantly helps bridge the gap between
techniques. industry requirement and university learning.

With NI technology, students as young as 7 can begin NI India is also supporting the academic research and
learning graphical programming techniques they can has established partnerships with leading institutions like
develop through high school and college and eventually IIT’s, NIT’s, PSG Tech, Vellore Institute of Technology, etc..
take into their careers. Through a number of educational One such example is the partnership with IIT and RDSO
initiatives with organizations, NI strives to help educa-
tors develop a highly skilled, technically literate workforce
See NI India’s academic initiatives
ready to pursue careers in many fields.

NI also recognizes that in today’s highly competitive and

global economy, academic research and development NI’s Academic Associations in India
also involves patents, licensing, technology transfer, and • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
partnerships with industry. This means that hardware and Kanpur,Mumbai, Chennai, Roorkee
software tools must be adaptable to different disciplines. • National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Surathkal,Trichy, Jaipur, Silchar and Srinagar
10 Reasons to use LabVIEW in Research • Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS)
and Learning Pilani, Goa
1. Engineer your algorithms • Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
2. Create a richer learning experience with hands-on • Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
project-based learning (YCCE), Nagpur
3. Increase performance with multicore programming • Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU),Belgaum
4. Measure in minutes with tight I/O connectivity • R.V.College of Engineering (RVCE), Bangalore
5. Use multiple models of computation to solve problem • Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore
6. Analyze signals with built-in math and signal process • PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
ing functions • College of Engineering Pune (CoEP), Pune
7. Explore your measurements by visualizing your • Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh
signals and more...
8. Graphical system design decreases development time
9. Save time incorporating labview with courseware and UG engineering labs configured
educational resources using NI tools:
10. Collaborate and develop with a worldwide community Advanced Control, Analog Circuits and Systems, Analog
of engineers Communication, Analog Systems, Antenna Design, Bio-
instrumentation, Biomechanics, Bio-Medical, Biomedical
The National Instruments India Academic Program strives Devices, Biomedical Imaging, Composites, Computer
to enhance learning in engineering colleges, the fun way Programming, Construction, Consumer Electronics, Con-
i.e. through experiential learning. It has also been ob- trol Systems, Cryptography, Digital Image Processing,
served that Graphical System Design (GSD) is the best Digital Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Dynamics &
platform to facilitate experiential learning and is being rap- Vibration, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Machines, Embed-

ded System, EMI/EMC, Environmental, Fluid Mechanics, Find which academic or research solution is suited
FPGA, Geotechnical, Heat & Mass Transfer, Heat Trans- for you
fer, InstrUmentation, Kinetics, Materials, Measurements, email [email protected]
Mechatronics, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, Mixed tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
Signal, Networking, Optical Communication, Physics,
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
PLC Programming, Power Electronics, Process Control,
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000
Remote Systems, RF, Robotics, Satellite Communica-
tion, Scada, Sensors, Signals And Systems, Software
Architecture, Strength of Material, Structural, Composite,
Subject Monitoring, System Design, Telecommunication,
Thermal, Thermodynamics

“The NI Platform, especially

Engineering labs configured using LabVIEW, has rapidly gained
National Instruments tools: widespread acceptance in en-
gineering colleges across India.
At IIT Kanpur it is extensively
used by almost all departments.
Many major projects including
the National Wind Tunnel Facility
and the ongoing Technology Mis-
sion on Railway Safety, use the
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, IIT Kanpur

“With experiential education on

the NI Platform, we have been
able to effectively teach students
the essential skills resulting in
great placements in the Indus-
Prof. Damayanti Gharpure,
University of Pune

“The NI Platform, being ready for

tomorrow, helps our students
become ready for tomorrow! It
enables us to translate scientific
principles into concepts benefi-
cial to the society, with more reli-
ability and accuracy.”
Dr. P. Martin Jebaraj, Principal,
Ambedkar Institute of Technology

CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS Fuse Time Delay Setting Testing
LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD. – Strategic Electronics Center
A Test Automation Tool Development Developed a system for Fuse Time Delay Setting Testing
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business In PINAKA Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher
Solutions limited, Bangalore. “Labview is genuinely an innovative revolutionary tool for
Developed a test automation tool for intrusion detection engineers and scientists which not only eases their work
system to automate functional verification testing while but also reduces the development time substantially. Un-
developing the main control firmware in phases and also doubtedly Ni is a single stop for plethora of DAQ Hard-
to automate system validation testing subsequently. ware and Labview is definitely an easiest UI development
“Using LabVIEW and I/O Modules reduced development platform to be ever made.”
time drastically and enabled to architect a versatile test
automation system. This system resulted in a significant Graphical User Interface for Front End Electronics of
savings over the course of longer projects and the ability SST-1 Plasma Diagnostics
to more thoroughly test an application with less manual Institute for Plasma Research
overhead in shorter time period.” Developed a common Graphical User Interface (GUI) for
physicist to control and monitor various electronics pa-
Barco Board Test System (BBTS) Test Tower rameter of the front end electronics (FEE) of the plasma
Barco Electronic Systems (P) Ltd. diagnostic of Superconducting Steady State Tokamak-1.
Developed automated generic test system for different There are about two hundred plasma diagnostics analog
types of complex Assembled Boards of Barco products signal conditioning channels, which are controlled by CAN
like Rear projection Projectors, with capabilities of test- based microcontroller. Apart from controlling electronics
ing, measurement, , programming, networking & Report parameter our GUI has to communicate with Control
generation. Group of SST-1 for getting Shot Number information and
“Using NI software like Teststand, Labview and hard- sending ready status. GUI should also prepare the file
ware, cut down the development time drastically & also containing information for electronics parameters.
helped in providing the flexibility and adaptability for test- “Using LabVIEW, we could develop very user friendly
ing of new boards in minimum time. This system helped Graphical User Interface application for plasma diagnostic
us in reducing the test time of the boards as much of electronics. User can easily interact with hardware by op-
50% (compared to manual testing of the same board), erating virtual Nodes, Modules on the computer screen.
and hence improving the overall productivity.” The physicists are operating hardware without having
much knowledge of electronics and software from their
Electrical endurance test bench for switches & sockets seating places.”
Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd.
Global Technology Centre India
Converted traditional electro mechanical test equipment
in to an ATE as it was not complying with the IEC stan-
dard’s requirement for fault detection and ON/ Off time Want to find a solution for your application?
tolerance 1 Sec +5%. Contact us
“With NI we could make the test bench reconfigurable email [email protected]
and simple with lesser number of components and econ- tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
omical, for traditional Measurement and control system
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
it used to cost around 5000US$ and with NI it is 3500US$. Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000
Using NI DAQ card and LabVIEW has simplified the test
setup and made the system more reliable, accurate and Browse through a vast online repository of
reconfigurable.” customer solutions

Ground Vehicle Test
Ground Test Centre, HAL NI-LabVIEW Real-time and PXI Technology Automates
Developed a modular, reliable, accurate, deterministic, Gauge-Control In Cold Rolling Mills
durable data acquisition system to measure static/dy- Pitel Engineering
namic forces, temperature, vibration and flight control Implemented a compact closed loop control system for
measurements. online gauge monitoring and control in cold rolling mills
“To overcome the disadvantages and achieve modularity to ensure continuous 24x7 operations with minimum hu-
of Instruments, NI PXI 1050 combination chassis, NI RT man intervention.
8196 controller with various SCXI conditioning and NI PXI Developed a PXI based Gauge monitoring and control
data acquisition cards were proposed and implemented.” system using LabVIEW RT and National Instruments Da-
ta-Acquisition Systems.
High Channel count Data Acquisition System for Gas “Development time for putting the whole system came
Turbine Engine down by a factor of 1/6 thereby reducing the cost in terms
Captronic Systems private limited,India of man hours.”
Developed a 1024 channel count data acquisition system
that is used to monitor engine behavior during its devel- PC based system for quality assurance of electrical
opment phase. motors
Use NI Signal Conditioning Extension for Instrumentation Thiagarajar College of Engineering
(SCXI) modules and Data acquisition (DAQ) card com- Developed a measurement system to determine devia-
bined with the graphical features of LabVIEW to minimize tion in finished polyphase electrical winding from design
development time and provide accurate result during specifications. Created an automated measurement sys-
testing gas turbine engine. tem using Desktop PC for the Computer System and
“The Data acquisition system significantly reduced time SCXI for hardware. Winding forms the heart of any elec-
taken for calibration of 1024 channels with an option for trical motor. Therefore, the Quality Assurance of winding
easy upgradability to include additional channels in future. is important from the point of energy efficiency, life and
In addition significant time saving (days) was achieved.” performance of motor.
“VIs, greatly reduced system development time. At ~ 15
minutes per motor, the operator can test upto 30 motors
per shift. The client thus saves enough time and money
Secondary Flight Control HIL Simulator System such that they now can dedicate an employee to regular
HCL TECHNOLOGIES LTD testing of motors they produce.”
Developed an HIL- Simulator System with semi-automat-
ed equipment for flight control system functionality test- National Instruments LabVIEW & Data
ing, by providing an integrated, configurable and reliable Acquisition technology control and automate an
test system. Using National Instruments LabVIEW, the NI entire Continuous Process Industry Plant
PXI platform, and NI-DAQmx driver software, along with Tajna River Industries Private Limited
other third-party hardware (ARINC 429), to create a highly Developed an automation and control The Tajna River In-
flexible, scalable, and powerful test system. dustries manufacturing unit by developing custom sys-
Our client, a leading organization, specializes in develop- tems deploying the virtual instrumentation technology to
ing flight control systems (FCS) for aircrafts. The FCS is fulfill the following requirements.
one of the critical components of an aircraft. 1. Speed monitoring and control of Generators for proper
“The NI LabVIEW graphical development platform and the line frequency,
modularity extended by the NI PXI architecture equipped 2. Power factor control of the unit.
us by providing a flexible and reliable solution .Also there 3. Implementation of a load management system which
has been an extensive time saving in completing manual avoids overloading or sudden loading of power sources.
testing, collating, analyzing, and preparing reports.” 4. To build a system for proper distribution of load on dif-

ferent power sources i.e. maximum load management. projectors by 25%. It also helped us in integrating various
5. Automation of operation of a chiller machine. features easily.”
6. Development of plant maintenance scheduling system
“LabVIEW is an ideal platform on which any engineer or Transformer Monitoring System
production manager or a quality manager or a top man- NexGEN Consultancy Pvt. Ltd
agement person can implement his/her ideas to improve Designed a Transformer Monitoring System (TMS) that
his system and hence profits. High class Labview training can acquire, process, analyze & communicates the criti-
teaches good programming practices thus drastically re- cal parameters to centralize Data Center for analysis and
ducing development time.” visualization of wide spread Distribution Transformers in
Electrical Network. Designed a Transformer Monitoring
Automated Testing of Microcontrollers System with NI CompactRIO platform and GPRS com-
Infineon Technologies munications interface to collect the data from remote
The project involved the development of an automation located Distribution Transformers and provide graphical
framework to test the microcontrollers (hardware and visualization using Geographical Information System and
low level drivers). The challenge was to integrate and Web Based Application
automate the complete workflow of testing microcon- “The solution equipped the utilities to identify the low
trollers (device under test). One of the biggest challenges performance area, helps them to take remedial action,
faced was testing the microcontrollers extensively based immediate recovery action avoids power interruption and
on most common customer applications. Manual testing improve the power reliability, hence enhance customer
was found to be time consuming and did not encompass satisfaction and life of the equipment.”
all the possible test cases.
NI products helped in achieving the target of an un- PC-based System Results in Faster Testing of
manned test bench for the automation framework. Using Electronic Components
LabVIEW, an intuitive user interface and use comprehen- Soliton Automation Private Limited
sive test cases was designed. Built a cost-effective, fast, and accurate system to plot
“NI has made it possible for us to test various peripher- and verify the dynamic characteristic curves of a three-
als of our microcontroller with single hardware and soft- terminal electronic device. The system built using Lab-
ware solution. It has also made it possible to automate VIEW and NI hardware, was vastly superior in testing
our testing.” speed and cost-effectiveness, compared to the previous
test system which used a traditional curve tracer.
Brightness measurement – OVD2 PU using the NI “The new system cut testing time to one half and the
LabVIEW, NI Motion controller software & hardware capital cost to a fourth of the original system which was
modules built using traditional instruments.”
Barco Electronic Systems (P) Ltd
Developed an efficient system for the measurement of
ANSI brightness & ANSI uniformity of video projectors at
13 different coordinates via an LMT. At each position 10 Find out how others have benefitted with LabVIEW,
different patterns\colors in form of slides are projected and so can you
and measurements done. These required capability of email [email protected]
fast & accurate motor movement (Servo Motor) in closed tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
loop interpolation mode, measurement from LMT, projec-
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
tor communication (UPNP, RS232), dual display, dynamic Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000
GUI operability and report generation.
“Using NI software like NI LabVIEW and NI hardware, Check how Indian companies from HAL to Tata
we are able to save around 40% to 50% of development Motors to L&T have benefitted from using LabVIEW
time. Optimized the cycle time of brightness testing of visit

HMI Controller, Analyzer and Datalogger for Endur- and Control System using National instruments PXI and
ance Testing of Automotive Two-Wheeler Cam Chains LabWindows CVI
System Integration Consultant “The system developed using NI technology is very reli-
Deigned and developed a HMI controller, analyzer and able and delivers very high performance. Using this tech-
data logger for endurance and validation testing of auto- nology we were able to replace the old microprocessor
motive two-wheeler cam chains. These cam chain tests based system and deliver a user friendly application.”
are to be conducted as per the Indian Drive Cycle (IDC),
which is different from other international standards. The Continuously Variable Transmission – Dynamometer
IDC represents the typical Indian driving conditions on Test Stand
roads and highways as shown in the following figure. Pyramid Precision Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd.
“This system has proven to be a very useful tool for test- Developed a rugged test rig with NI SCC based instru-
ing car air conditioning system for our client. NI platform mentation, NI multi function DAQ based (delete excess
made it possible for us to design, develop and deploy the space.) control and data acquisition and a highly user in-
solution in less than four weeks time.” teractive NI LabVIEW virtual instrumentation based vir-
tual control panel for the rig.
Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) Test System for Engine ECU “With the NI LabVIEW software and NI hardware we
(Electronic Control Unit) were successful in integrating a complex mechanical test
KPIT Cummnis system to a personal computer system providing control,
Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) test system was developed to data acquisition, reporting and user interface in a single
test the engine control software which is designed us- window to the user.”
ing model based software development approach. HIL
system was developed in NI LabVIEW. A mathematical Hardware-In-Loop Simulation and In-Vehicle Test Sys-
model of High Pressure Common Rail diesel engine was tem for EGR Controller
integrated with NI LabVIEW front end. The analog and TATA Motors Ltd
discrete signals required by the engine ECU were gener- Winner of the ‘Excellence through Innovation’ Award at
ated by a data acquisition card which is controlled by NI Tata Motors, Pune
LabVIEW. Created a generic test setup for Hardware-in-loop (HIL)
“With NI LabVIEW we were able to easily create user and in-vehicle testing for automotive aggregate units like
interfaces for the HIL system, attain flexibility in configur- EGR and Glow Plug controller.
ing the system for testing multiple h/w, s/w platforms, “Using NI LabVIEW and NI hardware eased the develop-
and seamlessly interface with the h/w, without additional ment process and reduced development time immensely
efforts.” and the result is a system that can effectively carry out
simulation, data logging and implement complex control
Development of Low Cost Simulator for Hardware in algorithms.”
Loop Simulation
TVS Motor Company Pipe Support Corrosion Inspector
Developed a low cost simulator for HIL testing using NI Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
products. This simulator provided the platform for verifica- This application involved the development of pipe scan-
tion of different algorithms, which otherwise had to be ning crawler and in-house developed software (using
checked with a real physical system. LABVIEW®) for data acquisition with corrosion imaging
“By using LabVIEW, this system saved us 8 months of and characterization features in pipes in regions that are
time and 10 Lakhs of money.” not accessible to normal inspection methods.
“The ease of DAQ interfacing, Graphical User Interface
CVS Controller Development, 3D Graphical Representation, are some of
Automotive Research Association of India, Pune the advantages that prompted us to use LabVIEW.”
Developed a reliable and highly accurate Data Acquisition

Automated optical inspection of X–ray ceramic modelling and control that are integrated with a database
matrices to record student work. Used NI LabVIEW software to
Soliton Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore create a remotely accessible interactive user interface
To develop a robust Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) with database integration for results tracking and NI data
system for detecting, quantifying and classifying sur- acquisition (DAQ) modules to provide I/O to external
face defects on X-Ray Ceramic Matrices (Scintillator el- sensors and devices.
ements). The system had to adapt to naturally varying “As a graphical programming language, LabVIEW is
shades of the Ceramic Matrices and allow the user to a straight forward to understand and maintain, while
change the defect detection and classification criteria enabling a simple user interface design.”
through the software.
Using LabVIEW software to develop the canary system
Transformer Monitoring System for early detection and monitoring of tooth decay
NexGEN Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Quantum Dental Technologies
Designed a Transformer Monitoring System with NI Comp- Developed a system with a fast, reliable, easy-to-use in-
actRIO platform and GPRS communication interface terface for use with an intraoral camera to continuously
to collect the data from remote located Distribution acquire frequency-domain photothermal radiometry (PTR)
Transformers provide graphical visualization using geogra- and modulated luminescence (LUM) responses from two
phical information system and web based application. detectors in less than five seconds while modulating a
“Using NI LabVIEW we were able to provide a user laser that illuminates the tooth surface.
friendly and reliable solution which provides Centralized “NI Labview replaced two bulky and expensive hardware
monitoring & diagnosis of remotely located Distribution lock-in amplifiers with a single cost-effective OEM data
Transformer. It hlped improve the power reliability, hence acquisition module from National Instruments and NI
enhance customer satisfaction and life of equipment.” LabVIEW software installed on a netbook to miniaturize
the system further.”
Life Test of High Speed Rail Bearings
Timken Engineering Research India (P) Ltd. Improve the Design Process
Built a machine control and monitoring system for Rail rig Square One Systems Design Inc.
on which life test of High Speed Rail Bearings are done. Developed a platform to test the equations and NI Lab-
“Using NI LabVIEW, an effective and reliable High Speed VIEW VIs without a fabricated physical test platform after
Rail Bearing life Test System was developed and effective solving inverse kinematic motion equations for six-axis
control of Rail Rig was achieved.” manipulators, and simulating and optimizing the travel of
the design as a result of motion performance tests.
Tablet Press Monitoring System “We explored all options and chose to adopt LabVIEW as
VB TechAutomation our controls programming tool.”
Challenge: To set up high speed tablet press system on
Real Time (RT) for simultaneous measurement and con-
trol actions at production speed of 5000 tablets/min and Want to find a solution for your application?
furnishing analyzed data to third party SCADA software Contact us
over the TCP/IP network. email [email protected]
“As compared to other contemporary systems in the mar- tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
ket ours has a very low False Rejection Ratio. The test by
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
itself is foolproof and needs no further quality checking.”
Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

Developing remote & virtual laboratories with LabVIEW Browse through a vast online repository of
The University of Sheffield customer solutions
Created interactive Web-accessible learning objects for visit

Facility Rendering The LabVIEW program initializes the software and
Observatory Sciences Ltd hardware and loads the most recently used test
Used LabVIEW to create a system for controlling the Balaton Technologies
telescope mount control hardware and to develop com- Replaced an obsolete high electrical power test control-
mands and status communication with other systems ler with a solution that offers easier maintenance, more
based on LabVIEW using LabVIEW shared variables. features, and greater flexibility.
“LabVIEW enabled rapid prototyping using a graphical “LabVIEW allowed the development team to implement
development environment with an easy integration of scalable architectures in the test system, which makes
external application libraries as well as built-in debugging future modifications easier.”
Industrializing Acquisitions on a Renault Driving
Characterisation of LED-Based Micro-Optical Encoder Simulator
Heriot-Watt University Arcale
Built a 2D scanning system to study the light emitted by Updated the acquisitions section on a driving simulator to
micro-optoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS) for opti- study systems that target better road safety.
cal encoders, which are devices that take high-precision “The application uses NI LabVIEW as a programming
distance and position measurements. platform, which makes information accessible on the net-
“The combination of LabVIEW software and NI hardware work.”
made automation of the scanning extremely simple,
while the flexibility of LabVIEW made it easy to change Danish Patrol Vessel Equipped with an Airless SCR
parameters of the area to be scanned.” System to Reduce NOx Emissions
Creating an Integrated and Flexible Control Solution Reduced NOx (nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide) emis-
for Mass Spectrometer Systems sions from the Danish naval fleet to fulfill stringent envi-
Danell Consulting ronmental regulations.
Created an end-to-end control, acquisition, and analysis “The LabVIEW graphical user interface allows the cus-
system for research-grade ion trap mass spectrometer tomer to easily and efficiently monitor and control the
systems that can accommodate experiments of varying SCR system.”
complexity and sophistication.
“This solution’s performance and capabilities have Using LabVIEW and NI Hardware to Improve the
equaled or surpassed those available on commercial in- Quality of RFID Tags for Tracking Fish
struments. The flexibility afforded by the NI hardware and Saint Bernard Engineering Inc.
LabVIEW software ensures that the system can grow as Designed a test system to rapidly sort more than 1.1 mil-
experimental needs in this field change in the future.”

Automating Test and Validation for

Variable Speed Motors Find out how others have benefitted with LabVIEW,
Ramu Inc. and so can you
Established communication between a PC and a dynamic email [email protected]
signal processor (DSP) embedded on a motor controller, tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
and repeatedly measuring and storing electrical and me-
Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
chanical data for a range of test command signals. Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000
“Overall, using LabVIEW for our testing and validation
process has been a huge success. We saved time and Check how Indian companies from HAL to Tata
money while achieving superior results, both of which are Motors to L&T have benefitted from using LabVIEW
vital to the success of a small business.” visit

lion passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags a year to Using LabVIEW and NI Single-Board RIO to Create a
ensure that only quality tags are used for tracking fish. Universal Controller for Cardiovascular Products
“Using NI hardware and LabVIEW software, we provided Dynatek
a fast, reliable system that met all of the client’s func- Developing a single universal controller for all of Dynatek’s
tional needs.” cardiovascular testing instruments.
“With a 73 percent reduction in size and a 40 percent
reduction in cost, LabVIEW and NI hardware proved to
be excellent choices for the heart of our fully integrated
universal controller system.”

“It gave me enormous strength in implementing so many features ranging

from DAQ, Vision, Motion, Embedded etc., that make the complete product
in a shortest possible time frame in various walks of life.”

K. V. Thulasi Ram,
Scientific Officer
DNAP, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

“It is wonderful and only programming environment, which allows the user
to put in imaginations/designs so easily, without compiling or write long syn-
tax based codes. It offers easy integration with equipments working on legacy
protocols and also with latest having Ethernet only as port of
Janit Kumar,
Test Engineering Specialist, TR&D, STMicroelectronics

Committed To Your Success Across The Product Life Cycle

• Professional services for every customer interaction

• Personalized assistance and help from our expert consultants across India
• Online assistance for your application development
• Direct access to technical support from NI applications engineers
• A host of maintenance and support services

National Instruments: process by offering proof of concepts, code reviews, etc
Your Trusted Advisor • Post sales support: provide updates, drivers, example
National Instruments is committed to ensuring custom- codes, technical specifications, product activation and
er success. As your trusted advisors, qualified technical registration details.
consultants offer complete solutions and recommend the
best solutions for individual system needs. The solutions System Engineering Team:
offered extend throughout the application life-cycle: from • Help develop technical proposals, recommend system
planning and development through deployment and architecture and build proof of concepts on requirement
ongoing maintenance. National Instruments India brings
17 years of experience, commitment and support to Online Advisors:
every customer interaction across industries in India. Prefer to check online? We have various online resources
to assist you at every stage of application development.

Online Product Advisors:

With the help of online advisors, you can interactively
enter your requirements; select from different options,
and automatically generate a valid system or a valid list of
products for easy purchase.

System Advisors:
Select the modules, chassis, cables, and other accesso-
ries for a complete measurement system.

Software Advisors:
The NI India Professional Solutions Find the correct product/upgrade options, pricing and part
The NI India professional solutions team has a direct pres- numbers for a complete software solution.
ence across India and comprises of:
Hardware Advisors:
Internal Technical Consultant Team: Choose the correct hardware, cables, and other acces-
• The quickest route to getting personalized sories for your application.
consultation on your application
• Call: Bangalore: +91 80 41190000, Delhi: +91 11 Affiliated Product Advisors:
42658282, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata, Find the right products for your application
Hyderabad: +91(STD Code) 44229000
• Email them: [email protected] NI Services
• Chat with them: Startup Assistance:
• It gets easier. Have them call you: Startup assistance can include from basic system setup
and configuration to data acquisition, presentation, and
Field Technical Consultant Team: analysis. Basic user training is available. Each customer
• Our NI India field consultants provide onsite feasibility will receive a worksheet from which they can choose
analysis, consulting and end to end solutions for your what assistance they would like to receive. This work-
requirement sheet, entitled Startup Assistance Menu, is attached.

Application Engineering Team: Software Maintenance and Support:

• Support customers during the application development Software maintenance subscriptions offer automatic

NI warrants its hardware products against defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of one year from
the date it is shipped to the customer. NI uses an unique
return material authorization number to track submitted
hardware to be analyzed by technical experts firstly local-
ly. After troubleshooting and analyzing the hardware the
technical experts recommend the product to be shipped
to the US office for repair if required.

upgrades and maintenance releases for your software,

direct support from NI applications engineers, and on-
demand training modules that showcase development
best practices.

Volume Licensing:
NI volume licensing helps you maximize your software
investment by reducing your total cost of ownership,
helping build a user community within your organization,
and simplifying your software budgeting and purchasing.

System Configuration and Deployment:

Trained NI technicians install software and hardware and
configure your system to your specifications.

Calibration Services:
I really like using LabVIEW
NI provides a host of calibration solutions, that includes because of the very good sup-
services to recalibrate your products, service providers, port I get from LabVIEW Forums
manual calibration procedures, and automated calibration and community. It is also useful
for my application as it is a
software specifically designed for use by the metrology
single Graphical Design Platform
laboratories. that reduces development time,
it is easy to debug and deploy
Factory Installation Services: code as per user configuration.
Naresh Narra,
Factory Installation Service involves an Out of the Box
R&D Executive - Technology, Elec-
ready-to-use system with extended warranty on hard-
tronics Design Centre, Crompton
ware and calibration services provided.
Greaves Limited
NI technical Experts install all the relevant software and
hardware of the ordered system enabling the customer
to deploy the system with minimum lead time. I want to appreciate the effort
and time spent by support team
to help me out with my project.
Warranty and Repair Services Special thanks for your effort to
Extended warranties help you meet project the life-cycle come on an official holiday to
requirements and provide repair services for NI products, TVS premises for support.
express repair, and advance replacement services. Mr. Himadri Bhushan Das
(TVS Motor Company)

End-to-End Solution Catalysts

• NI worldwide network of more than 600 consultants, system integrators, developers,

channel partners, and industry experts
• Assist to provide complete, high-quality virtual instrumentation solutions to customers
• 2 of the 17 select Alliance partners globally are from India
• NI India’s partners- Alliance Partners, Systems Integration and Consulting Partners,
Channel Partners, Value Added Resellers-found across cities in India

NI Alliance Partner Program Solutions provided by Alliance Partners
Whether you are looking for assistance in completing a A Functional Test Bench for Power Tools
small integration project, require in-depth expertise in Automated Shim Selection Machine
building a large multifaceted system or solution, or want Automated Test Equipment for Functional Test of X-Ray Tubes
to find a turnkey solution, National Instruments Alliance Caliper Brake Test System with an FPGA-based Servo Control System
Partners have the resources and know-how to provide Checkout System for Power Modules
what you need in every region and every industry. Creating a Test System for a New Generation Ultrasound Machine
Designing a Flight Control System
The National Instruments Alliance Partner program is a Developing a Portable Real-Time Vibration Monitoring System
worldwide network of more than 6 hundred consultants, Developing a Starter Generator Test System
system integrators, developers, channel partners, and Developing a Supercritical Steam Test Facility
industry experts partnering with NI to provide complete, Digital Electro-Hydraulic Servo Controller
high-quality virtual instrumentation solutions. Distributed Manufacturing Test System for Vacuum Tubes
Functional Test Bench for Power Tools
To ensure high business standards and commitment to GIS Based Automatic Meter Reading System for Substation
customer success, National Instruments conducts inter- Glow Plug Performance Test System
nal assessments to qualify the organizations as alliance Heat Transfer Rig Data Logger
members. High Channel count Data Acquisition System for Gas Turbine Engine
High Speed In-Vehicle Data Acquisition System ABS Testing
Over the last 17 years, NI India has built a strong network Life Test of High Speed Rail Bearings
of alliance members across India. In partnership with Monitor Bridge Health
these members, NI India has successfully executed proj- Portable DAQ System For Electronic Sub Assemblies
ects ranging from an Automated Shim Selection Machine Real Time Remote Data Logging & Monitoring
and Grough Vehicle Testing to Developing a Real-Time Starter Motor Durability Test Stand
Wireless Data Acquisition System to Monitor Bridge Transformer Monitoring System
Health and Building a High-Channel-Count Data Acquisi- Tyre Unbalance Test System
tion System for Gas Turbine Engines in India. Vacuum Chamber Controlling and Monitoring
Weiss Cold Chamber Monitoring & Brake Test System
Select partners are the highest level of alliance partner Wind Tunnel Data Acquisition and Control System
memberships conferred by National Instruments. There Wireless Monitoring and Control System
are only 17 organizations in the world that are select part- and many more...

It is a matter of great pride that 2 of the 17 select partners

G R Mallikarjuna
are from India – Captronic Systems India Ltd and Apna Manager, Controls
Technologies & Solutions. This is a true testament to our ETA Technology
commitment to customer success. Pvt Ltd.

Because of ease of use of using LabVIEW, it

results in faster R & D, thus saving on develop-
ment costs. The front screens are easy to create
and have a wide range of controls and indicators
which enhance the appearance and assist in
providing a perfect and user friendly front panel.

NI India Alliance Member Directory: Digilogic Systems
Captronics Systems Pvt Ltd Digilogic Systems specializes in the design and develop-
Captronic Systems specializes in design and development ment of custom automated test, control and data acquisi-
of custom automated test, control and acquisition system tion systems for a broad range of industries and applica-
for R&D, design validation and production testing. tions. It has been formed by highly skilled and motivated
professionals having several hundred years of combined
Presence: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, technical and corporate expertise in providing high qual-
Pune, USA, Australia, New Zealand. ity, cost-effective and complete end-to-end solutions to
Industry Expertise: Automotive, Aero Space, Control its valued customers.
and Signal Processing, Vision and Motion, Embedded,
Manufacturing, Power Sector. Presence: Hyderabad
Industry Expertise: Building turn-key Automated Test
Apna Technologies & Solutions Equipments, Software Consulting, Integrating Test, Mea- surement & Process Control Systems. Using proven de-
Apna Technologies & Solutions (ApnaTech), an Apna Group velopment and implementation standards, DIGILOGIC
(established 1979) company, designs and delivers knowl- SYSTEMS has successfully tackled many engineering
edge engineering products and systems engineering projects in several industry segments across small and
solutions. The products and solutions help organizations big companies and we enjoy the variety and challenge
make better engineering decisions and help improve presented by such a diverse clientele and diverse appli-
their efficiencies with data and expert systems. cations.

Presence: Chennai, Bangalore, Noida Mayuras

Industry Expertise: ApnaTech offers a variety of products,
solutions and services in Railways, Shipping and IT, right Mayura’s Industrial Services is a leading automation and
from the earliest stage of needs identifications, through Robotics System Integrators of South India. They supply
system design, custom application development to com- a wide range of automation products viz. VFDs, Servo
plete systems integration, implementation, project man- Motors, Drives, Soft Starts, PLCs, SCADA and Robotics,
agement and maintenance. Vision Systems High Speed Data Acquisition and Motion.
They are also one of the major suppliers of gear boxes,
Optimized Solutions geared motors, DC Motors, DC Drives, Clutches and Brakes to industries.
Optimized Solutions offer fast and customized Data Ac-
quisition and Automation solution based on Customer Presence: Chennai
requirement at a cost effective price. Industry Expertise: They supply a wide range of auto-
Their expertise lies in offering enterprise integration soft- mation products viz. VFDs, Servo Motors, Drives, Soft
ware, data logging software, remote date acquisition Starts, PLCs, SCADA and Robotics, Vision Systems High
software and myriads of others. Speed Data Acquisition and Motion. They are also one of
the major suppliers of gear boxes, geared motors, DC
Presence: Ahmedabad, Maharashtra, MP Motors, DC Drives, Clutches and Brakes to industries.
Industry Expertise: Automatic Test Equipments, Robot-
ics, Productvity Enhancement Solutions, Aerospace & Nexus EngiConsults
Defense Solutions, Industrial Automation,
Nexus EngiConsults caters to requirements in automa-
tion, testing, instrumentation and software development.
Based in New Delhi, they are experts in circuit design,

signal processing, software development and control • Design Validation and Production Testing especially for
mechanisms work on turnkey solutions for industrial and Automotive and Electronics companies.
academic problems. We bank on our competence in the
LabVIEW programming environment and our understand- Other Partnerships in India
ing of the automotive and electronic industries. Systems Integration and Consulting Partners
System integration and consulting companies in Alliance
Presence: Delhi, Ghaziabad Program offer a comprehensive range of services, that
Industry Expertise: Automation, Data Acquisition, Control includes design, development, integration, and training
Systems, Robotics, Client-server based communication, and support services.
Sound and Vibrations analysis, SCADA & Process Control,
Radio Frequency communication Channel Partners
National Instrument Channel Partners have a strong
NexGEN Consultancy knowledge of a vertical industry. They often provide the focused knowledge and turn-key systems required for
NexGEN is a leading software product and services specific industry accounts.
company that provides full-spectrum software product
development services to help organizations leverage Value Added Resellers
leading-edge technologies for business improvement. Value Added Resellers include all solution partners who
expand their offering to develop National Instruments
Presence: Noida, Udaipur technology integrated into customer-defined solutions.
Industry Expertise: Bespoke Application Development,
Business Intelligence, Migration & Re-Engineering, Soft- NI Product Partner Program
ware Testing & Quality Assurance , Support & Mainte- NI Product Partners are companies that provide comple-
nance. As an upbeat Product Development & IT Services mentary software and hardware products such as Lab-
partner, we empower our global clients with optimal solu- VIEW toolkits, instrument drivers, LabVIEW Real-Time
tions through our focused technical competencies and 14 drivers, and more.
years of product management experience.
Visit the LabVIEW Tools Network (
VI Automation Pvt Ltd: to find the list of third party products which are available.
About: VI Automation Pvt. Ltd. (VIAPL) is the industrial
solutions and process automation providing organization
which adopts latest technology and trend with standard
which enables companies to operate more efficiently and
produce more value towards quality.

Presence: Pune.
Industry Expertise:
• PC based Test and Measurement Systems
Know more about how our network of Partners
• Custom Automated Test
across India can help with your application
• Control and Acquisition Systems for R&D
email [email protected]
tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
Know more about an Alliance partner in your Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
region. Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000


Professional NI Training and Certification Learn Online

• Professional instructor-led class room trainings specially • Devzone: Learn through Tutorials, Example Codes,
for India Webcasts & Videos, Publications
• Over 1500 Indian professionals trained yearly. • Webcast Wednesday: Series of weekly online LabVIEW
• Over 500 individuals undertake LabVIEW certification training sessions, conducted by Indian Technical
exams yearly Consultants, which help you learn the language and
• Trainings & Certifications conducted across Indian cities hence program better.
• Saves development time and cost
• Formal Certifications in LabVIEW recognized globally

Flexible Trainings
• Across Locations in India
• For Corporates, Students and Individuals
• Training and Certification Membership

National Instruments Training & Benefits of NI training:
Certification • Shortens your learning curve and increases application-
National Instruments India offers world-class training developing success
courses which helps you build skill and competency with • Saves you development time and cost over application
LabVIEW tools in the fastest and most effective manner. life cycle by teaching you important techniques and key
Our scientifically designed curriculum and expert trainers features to architect your application
ensure a wholesome education experience with minimal • Helps develop larger applications that you can easily
investment on time. maintain and reuse
• Avoids the trial-and-error approach of self-study and the
NI India Training programs have had a positive impact on everyday distractions of the workplace
the performance and productivity of executives of more • Provides with cost-effective, high-quality professional
than 100 companies in India and include engineers of training from knowledgeable applications engineer
Honeywell India, Infosys, Brakes India, Eicher, Philips instructors who can discuss solutions for applications
Software Centre, BHEL, National Semi-conductors, Nokia to jump-start your projects
India Pvt Ltd, Whirlpool, Indian Air Force, and more. • Gives you hands-on experience with NI hardware and
We have training and certifications regularly conducted LabVIEW
across cities in India.

Our Instructor-led class room training approach is the fast-

est, most certain route to productivity by using LabVIEW.

• Wide range of introductory and advanced courses on LabVIEW • Stay upto date with advancement in technology and help in career advancement.
• Class – room based instruction and hands on experience • For developers and engineers using NI software, NI’s worldwide recognized
• Enables engineers to become project ready and face application level certification is a proven way to boost career potential
development challenges in record time • Certification helps inspire confidence in technical skills, leading to promotions,
• Choose from a wide range of packages for corporate which offer flexible new opportunities, and higher pay
curriculum, option of on -demand on-site training and membership packages.
• For organizations, NI’s worldwide recognized certification is a strategic
investment that pays off in increased productivity, reduced turnover, and an
overall competitive advantage.


• Learn engineering better • Open to students, individuals and Corporates
• Get equipped with skills on NI’s flagship software LabVIEW • Selection of introductory and advanced training courses and certifications to
• Hands-on practical experience greatly improve your productivity with NI LabVIEW
• Trains students to face real-world challenges • Unlimited Access to the Training Courses for 1 Year
• Validate credentials with NI’s worldwide recognized certification examinations. • The Option to Retake All Courses
• Skill Validation with Professional Credentials
• Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
• Reduced Training Costs

LabVIEW Training Path

What would be your experience

at an NI Training Session?
Highly effective training course curriculum
• Class room based Instruction
• Designed over years of research and innovation
• Designed keeping in mind individual learning curve
• Combination of understandability combined with
in-depth knowledge

“LabVIEW is easy to learn, useful

Personalized Attention
& very productive software.
• Classes populated in a way that doesn’t not affect
I would say LabVIEW has boost-
attention given to each participant
ed my career growth. Thanks to
National Instruments.”
Access to highly skilled instructors
J. Venkatesh,
• Best engineering minds with superior communication
skills NPI-Hardware, GE Energy.
• Instructors are individuals with hands-on understanding
of current industry needs “The LabVIEW training that I
took has given me the detailed
Conducive learning environment understanding of how to build
• Classroom setting measurement and control sys-
• Practical experience with actual hardware tems , I will be deploying these
• Interaction based learning learning to successfully imple-
• Superior infrastructure ment a test project on the Refrig-
• Personalized guidance on certifications and training erators at Whirlpool.”
path Prashant Deshpande,
• Anytime access to training path counseling/ sales team/ Sr. Engineer,
support/ operations Whirlpool India Ltd.

Flexible location options

• Classroom training in Bangalore, Delhi. Find the list of training courses being conducted
• Schedule training close to you. across India, at a city near you. You can also
• On demand on-site training for Corporates download the latest Training Brochure and
Training calendar.

National Instrument’s worldwide recognized NI certifica-
“I would recommend NI India
tion program identifies professionals who have a high
training program to anyone who
level of skill and knowledge of LabVIEW. NI certifica-
is interested in building and
tion offers a highly credible way to identify candidates
completing their application with
with pertinent skills for hiring, promoting, or outsourc-
shorter development time.”
ing needs. It distinguishes expertise and differentiates
Chhaya Chavda,
individuals and competitors for career advancement and Engineer,
project opportunities. NI offers multiple certification des- IPR, Gujarat.
ignations to help determine different levels of expertise.
You also get the option of being listed on

“I have been using LabVIEW for

The NI LabVIEW certification path includes three some time for my applications. I
steps: did not have any formal training
till now. However after attending
1. Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer the professional LabVIEW Basics
This certification indicates a broad working knowledge of Training at NI India training cen-
the LabVIEW environment, a basic understanding of cod- tre, I have now realized that what
ing and documentation best practices, and the ability to I learnt on my own was a drop
understand and interpret existing code. in the ocean. I recommend the
LabVIEW Basics Training to any-
2. Certified LabVIEW Developer
one who has any design, mea-
At this level, an engineer has shown the ability to design
surement and control projects.
and develop functional programs while minimizing devel-
The training was overall a great
opment time and ensuring maintainability.
learning experience.”
Ravi Kumar DVJ ,
3. Certified LabVIEW Architect Design Manager,
Architects have demonstrated that they have reached the National Semiconductors India.
highest skill level and can develop a framework for an ap-
plication to be executed by a team of developers if given
a set of high-level requirements.

Speak to our Training Consultant on various

individual packages on offer or
email [email protected]
Download LabVIEW (Free 30-Day Trial) tel Bangalore +91 (0)80 4119 0000
With access to all the tools and functions in the Delhi +91 (0)11 4265 8282
LabVIEW Professional Development System Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata and
visit Hyderabad +91 (STD Code) 4422 9000

Learn Yourself
National Instruments offers various online ways in which Find these resources and more at :
you can Learn LabVIEW for free in your own time and technical-resources

NI LabVIEW Technical Resources:

Getting Started, Support, and Downloads
If you are a new user just getting started with NI Lab-
VIEW software or have been programming with graphical
code for years, see the below resources for taking your
applications to the next level. Webcast Wednesday
National Instruments India has introduced Webcast
Getting Started with LabVIEW Wednesday, a series of regular weekly online LabVIEW
Learn LabVIEW Basics sessions, conducted by Indian engineers, which help you
This quick introduction helps you learn LabVIEW faster, learn the language and hence program better. Join over
by getting you up to speed with the basic concepts of 3500 Indian LabVIEW enthusiasts and sharpen your Lab-
LabVIEW and graphical programming. Like any new pow- VIEW skills!
erful software, LabVIEW takes a little learning and reading
through introductory material before you dive in. Key features of Webcast Wednesday-
Read more: • Short, 20 minute sessions on various features of
LabVIEW which help you learn the language
Upgrade Notes: Find details on all new features and • View live software and hardware demos which better
changes in LabVIEW 2010 as well as the process for up- illustrate the feature being discussed
grading your applications to the latest version. • Learn a new LabVIEW Tip every week. These are
useful shortcuts or little known features which can be
NI Hardware Drivers and Updates: Download your spe- very helpful
cific NI device driver. • Live Q&A sessions after each webcast with our
Applications Engineers to answer any doubts/queries
Instrument Driver Network: Search more than 8,000 • Supplement your LabVIEW training with this weekly
drivers to be up and running with stand-alone instruments. refresher course to ensure your LabVIEW knowledge
Example Code :Share and download example programs is increasing regularly
and IP with other LabVIEW users. • Attend 20 or more Webcast Wednesday sessions to be
eligible for a free CLAD attempt
IPNet – FPGA IP: Browse, understand, and download • VI Contest conducted each week
LabVIEW FPGA functions or IP (intellectual property) for
your specific application.

Programming Resources

LabVIEW Add-Ons: Find prepackaged LabVIEW func- National Instruments’ online repository of information.
tions and software tools for developing specific applica- 4802 Instrument Drivers.
tions and deploying to targets. 8000 Examples.
4877 Tutorials.
Best Practices in Software Engineering: View exten- 1239 Publications.
sive documentation that provides procedural guidelines 1053 Webcasts.
and recommendations across all development phases for and counting…
large software applications written with LabVIEW.

Collaborate. Learn. Share.

• Collaborate globally with more than 110,000 active online LabVIEW users
• Form groups and discuss with your peers
• Various platforms for interactions & exchanges of ideas
• File sharing & collaboration: LabVIEW users worldwide
• Technical content, articles and whitepapers
• Tutorials, videos and blogs
• File and code sharing
• Localized Indian online community

NI recognizes the passion that exists among its users Discussion Forums
and has provided various platforms for interactions and National Instruments hosts on its site comprehensive
exchanges of ideas. discussion forums where members and Application En-
gineers post real world problems, difficulties and chal-
NI LabVIEW is a powerful engineering tool that thou- lenges encountered. The experienced members of the
sands of engineers in hundreds of application areas have community offer solutions to these ensuring shorter de-
adopted, you are never alone when working on your appli- velopment cycles and quicker response to issues.
cations. LabVIEW users around the world help each other
get through roadblocks quickly so everyone can develop Novices and veterans of LabVIEW actively ask questions,
faster. You can become a part of the community by finding discuss and grow in a peer supported environment.
answers to questions, networking with fellow engineers,
providing feedback, and even trying out new products. Code Sharing
Solutions across applications available online- over 13,000
The online LabVIEW community has more than 140,000 codes, and still counting.
registered members from 83 countries speaking 9 lan-
guages. As a LabVIEW user, you are never alone, thanks NI Code exchange hosts Community contributed and NI
to a world of engineers and scientists ready to help you Supported Code that ensures for a wide range of applica-
succeed. tions from Encryption to Signal Processing. These codes
have been deployed in various Industries like Biotechnol-
Discover and collaborate on latest example code, tutori- ogy and the Telecommunications industry.
als, textbooks, and more with a worldwide community of
engineers and scientists. The massive amounts of example and recommended
codes available are sorted by Manufactures, Protocols
used, Instrument type and Development Environment.
iLabVIEW: The Indian LabVIEW Community Strong community participating and rating of contributed
ENABLE: Engineer, Network, Ask, Blog, Learn, Educate code ensures only the very highest quality code is avail-
iLabVIEW is an 8 year old community of Indian LabVIEW able for download.
enthusiasts which was formed in Bangalore to collaborate
across cities and applications to interact, exchange and in- User Groups
novate with each other using the LabVIEW platform. User groups are community created groups where fo-
cused discussions and idea exchanges take place on ei-
NI Idea Exchange ther specific technologies or events in a particular geo-
National Instruments is committed to its loyal community graphical location or industry.
of developers and solicits their ideas which are voted on
and incorporated in future versions of LabVIEW. This not The focussed nature of the groups ensures users are con-
only ensures that customer needs are constantly met but stantly abreast of the latest developments in their area
also facilitates a robust and easy to use application. or industry and supports collaboration between diverse
groups like students and rocket scientists.
The range of ideas that are discussed on the Idea forum
represent not only small recommendations that speedup Blogs
development time but also entirely new features that Nuggets of information, advice, event summaries, tips,
keep LabVIEW a work in progress. tricks, examples, experiences , feedback, assistance are
just a few of the topics covered in our blogs section.
View all of the NI Idea Exchanges to post an idea or add NI recognizes the passion that exists among its users and
your opinion on an existing one today. provided various platforms for interactions and exchanges
of ideas.


Introduction to LabVIEW for the new user

What’s new in LabVIEW 2010

Free 30-Day Free Trial of LabVIEW

Online product Advisors

LabVIEW product Family - Modules and Toolkits

LabVIEW Training course information

LabVIEW Technical Support

How can LabVIEW be used in wide variety of applications

NI Developer Zone - Tutorials, videos, webcasts, case studies,

product info, whitepapers, datasheets and much more

Read how others have benefitted from LabVIEW and other NI products


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