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Teldat S.A.


Teldat 4Ge

User Guide

Copyright© Teldat-DM-592-I Version 6.5 07/2019 Teldat S.A.

Teldat 4Ge 1
Manual Teldat S.A.

Legal Notice


This publication is subject to change.

Teldat S.A. offers no warranty whatsoever for information contained in this manual.

Teldat S.A. is not liable for any direct, indirect, collateral, consequential or any other damage connected to the deliv-
ery, supply or use of this manual.

2 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 About this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Supported devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Who should read this manual? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.3 When to read this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.4 What does the manual cover? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.5 What the manual does not cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.6 How is the manual organized? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.7 Technical support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.8 Related documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Device description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Application scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.3 Device interfaces and connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.4 Operating description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 3 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.1 Configuring a Cisco router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.1.1 DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.2 Configuring a Teldat router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.2.1 DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter 4 Monitoring via the console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.1 WWAN monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Teldat 4Ge i
Teldat S.A. 1 About this manual

Chapter 1 About this manual

This user manual contains instructions on how to use the Teldat 4Ge router correctly.

1.1 Supported devices

The information contained in this user manual only applies to the Teldat 4Ge router.

1.2 Who should read this manual?

This manual should be read by those responsible for configuring, maintaining and monitoring the device.

1.3 When to read this manual

Read this manual before operating the Teldat 4Ge router to familiarize yourself with the device and its components.
This manual will help you gain a greater understanding of your new device.

1.4 What does the manual cover?

This user guide contains the following information:

• A description of the device

• Device application scenarios
• Device interfaces and connection
• Operating features
• Configuration
• Monitoring

1.5 What the manual does not cover

This manual does not contain information on hardware. To obtain information on the matter, please visit the Teldat
S.A. website ( and see the relevant installation manuals.

1.6 How is the manual organized?

The manual is made up of several chapters. Each focuses on an aspect of the device that the user must know about.
Details are provided on device behavior, the type of scenarios for which the device is intended, and configuration and
monitoring functions.

1.7 Technical support

Teldat S.A. offers technical support. You can update your device software regularly for maintenance purposes and
when new features are released.

Contact information:


Tel. No.: +34 918 076 565

Fax: +34 918 076 566

Email: [email protected]

Teldat 4Ge 1
1 About this manual Teldat S.A.

1.8 Related documents

Teldat-Dm730-I DHCP Protocol

Teldat-Dm750-I Ethernet subinterface

Teldat-Dm781-I Cellular interface

2 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 2 Introduction

Chapter 2 Introduction

2.1 Device description

The Teldat 4Ge is a device that routes outbound data from a corporate network to a WWAN network (HSPA+/LTE).

• The Teldat 4Ge is designed to work with the corporate network outbound router, routing traffic to a WWAN if the
primary outbound route for the corporate network fails.
• The device's built-in modem determines the WWAN access technology. The modem is responsible for providing
access to HSPA+/LTE networks for data transmission.
• The device can be powered in two ways: via an external power source supplied along with the device or via Power
over Ethernet (PoE). If both power sources are available, the external power source takes priority over PoE.

Fig. 1: Teldat 4Ge

2.2 Application scenarios

There are two usage scenarios for the Teldat 4Ge:
(1) Routers with WWAN communication capabilities that have insufficient signal coverage due to their location. In-
stalling communication routers in racks in rooms that have poor WWAN signal coverage is a common practice.
(2) Backup for routers that don't have WWAN communication capabilities and that can divert their outbound traffic
to the Teldat 4Ge.

Teldat 4Ge 3
2 Introduction Teldat S.A.

Fig. 2: Application scenario for the Teldat 4Ge

2.3 Device interfaces and connection

The Teldat 4Ge router has two interfaces:

• An interface that provides access to the WWAN.

• An Ethernet interface.

The Teldat 4Ge can be connected to the corporate outbound router in two ways:
(1) Connect the Teldat 4Ge to the corporate network as if it were another network device, sharing the Ethernet net-
work with the corporate router.

Fig. 3: Connecting the Teldat 4Ge to the corporate router through a switch

(2) If the corporate router has more than one Ethernet interface, you can use a 10BaseT cable that is directly con-
nected to the router (as shown in the following figure).

4 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 2 Introduction

Fig. 4: Connecting the Teldat 4Ge directly to the corporate router

2.4 Operating description

When the Teldat 4Ge boots up, its Ethernet (WAN) interface comes up without an IP address. It uses the DHCP pro-
tocol to request an IP address and only accepts the one offered by the corporate router, rejecting offers from other
DHCP servers connected to the corporate network. This is achieved by setting up the corporate router as a DHCP
server and programing it to only handle IP address requests from a Teldat 4Ge. Apart from offering an IP address,
DHCP is also used to convey configuration information to the Teldat 4Ge.

Fig. 5: DHCP protocol

The DHCP configuration section of this manual defines both how the two devices - DHCP client and server - are
identified and the configuration information sent to the Teldat 4Ge.

Teldat 4Ge 5
2 Introduction Teldat S.A.

Once the Teldat 4Ge has obtained a valid IP address, the next step is to establish the data backup mechanism.

The backup mechanism is obtained through VLAN 463. The Teldat 4Ge uses this VLAN to assign the public IP ad-
dress provided to the router's Ethernet subinterface (which belongs to the same VLAN) and create a new default
route pointing traffic to the 4G network.

Fig. 6: Data backup through VLAN 463

6 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 3 Configuration

Chapter 3 Configuration
The Teldat 4Ge can be used to connect any Teldat, Cisco or third-party router to a 4G network. The following sec-
tions describe how to configure the router in these cases.

3.1 Configuring a Cisco router

Connecting a Cisco router to a cellular WWAN via the Teldat 4Ge is done through an Ethernet subinterface with
VLAN 463.

The following configuration example shows how to connect a Cisco router via the Teldat 4Ge:

Current configuration: 1634 bytes

version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
logging message-counter syslog
enable secret 5 $1$Shh8$vJXxVHzI4oGPou3hFCq7E0
enable password cisco
no aaa new-model
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip dhcp pool 4Ge
client-identifier 7465.6c64.6174
option 43 ascii “antenna&"
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
log config
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip nat inside
iip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly

Teldat 4Ge 7
3 Configuration Teldat S.A.

duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1.463
encapsulation dot1Q 463
no ip dhcp client request tftp-server-address
no ip dhcp client request netbios-nameserver
no ip dhcp client request vendor-specific
no ip dhcp client request static-route
no ip dhcp client request domain-name
ip address dhcp
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
interface ATM0/0/0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source list 1 interface FastEthernet0/1.463 overload
access-list 1 permit any
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password cisco
absolute-timeout 10000
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

3.1.1 DHCP
The Cisco router is the DHCP server for the Teldat 4Ge and we will use this protocol to set certain Teldat 4Ge para-
meters, such as the SIM PIN number, the cellular WWAN APN and the user and password needed to authenticate
on the mobile network.

ip dhcp pool 4Ge

client-identifier 7465.6c64.6174
option 43 ascii “antenna&"

The client-identifier specifies the client-id that the router waits to receive in order to accept the DHCP request from
the Teldat 4Ge device. In this case, it is “teldat” in ASCII (74656c646174 in hexadecimal).

Using option 43, we pass the configuration parameters along to the Teldat 4Ge to make it work.

• The syntax of the phrase we send consists of parameters separated by ampersands ( &).
• Not all parameters are required.
• If a parameter is not sent, the default parameter value determines the result.
• If you have multiple options, you need to include a code for each of them. The parameters specified here corres-
pond to a single option with code 1.
• If you need to enter a special character, you can do so using the percent ( %) sign followed by the ascii value with 2

8 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 3 Configuration

hexadecimal digits. For example, the ampersand ( &) would be %26. Thus, to enter an apn equal to ac-
cess&, you can enter
• Some parameters have a shortened version. For instance, the short version for password is pwd.

The first word in option 43 should be “antenna”. This allows the Teldat 4Ge to accept the address offered by the
router. If you don't use this word, the Teldat 4Ge won't accept the address.

The configuration parameters available for the Teldat 4Ge include:

• “pin=NNNN”, allows you to configure the PIN number for the SIM card used in the Teldat 4Ge.
• “apn=”, configures the 4G network APN to which the Teldat 4Ge will be connected.
• “apntype=”, or “type=”, configures the type of 4G network APN to which the Teldat 4Ge will be connected. This
can be ipv4v6 or ipv6. If this parameter is not configured, it will be ip (for IPV4 APNs).
• “user=”, or “usr=”, allows you to configure a user for authentication in the cellular operator's APN.
• “password=”, or “pwd=” allows you to configure a password for authentication in the cellular operator's APN.
• “rxtimeout=T”, or “rxto=T”, indicates that the transmission and reception packets are monitored. If, after T
seconds, no response to a transmitted packet is received, the connection with the router and the WWAN access
module is restarted. You can set a value between 10 and 86399 seconds. By default, this parameter is disabled.
• “flowcontrol=N”, or “flow=N”, indicates that the transmission and reception packets are monitored. If nothing is
received after N transmitted packets, the connection with the router and the WWAN access module is restarted.
You can set a value between 1 and 65535 packets. By default, this parameter is disabled.
• “ntpserver=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD”, or “ntps=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD”, IP address of the NTP server used to syn-
chronize the device time.
• “ntpoffset=N”, or “ntpo=N”, the time is expressed in GMT + ntpoffset. The default value is 2 (i.e. GMT + 2). Ac-
ceptable values range from -12 to +12, in 1-hour intervals.
• “mode=”, allows you to select the technology used to connect to the cellular network. The options are auto, gprs,
wcdma, gprsp, wcdmap, lte, cdma, hrpd and hybrid. The gprsp and wcdmap modes indicate that GPRS and
WCDMA technology, respectively, are preferable. Default is auto.
• “domain=”, or “dmn=”, allows you to select the domain the device connects to. The options are cs, ps and cs+ps.
As backup support for voice calls hasn't been implemented yet, we recommend using ps. Default is ps.
• “idletime=T” , or “idle=T”, configures the idle time, in seconds, for the 4G network session. After a session has
been established, if the idle time expires without a new packet being received from the router, the Teldat 4Ge con-
siders the session to be down and drops it. Acceptable values range from 0 to 65535 seconds. By default, this
parameter is not configured (which is the same as setting it to 0).
• “atafterpin=”, or “aft=”, or “beforepin=”, or “bef=”, allows you to configure an additional AT command that is
sent during the 4G module's startup. It is generally used to send a certain network or modem parameter.
• “coveragetimer=N”, or “ct=N”, configures the sample period for the 4G network coverage values (Rx_level,
RSCP and EcIo). The N value must be between 10 and 255 seconds. Default is 60 seconds.
• “clientid=no”, or “cid=no”, disables sending the client identifier in DHCP requests. This is designed for configura-
tions with several Teldat 4Ge devices and Cisco routers.
• “regdenied=1”, or “regd=1”, enables a feature that switches off the 4G module radio interface for 5 seconds if the
network initially denies registration (registration DENIED). Thus, you have a way to get out of such a situation and
the module can re-register in the 4G network.
• “pnum=N”, or “profilenum=N”, selects the call profile that 4Ge uses to make the data call. It allows you to specify
the call profile for modules that provision the APN using Over The Air (OTA), without having to specify an APN in
the configuration. It admits values ranging from 1 to 12.
• “auth=”, if the data APN requires authentication, this parameter allows you to select the type of authentication. The
options are chap, pap and none if no authentication is required. If you don't include this parameter, the default au-
thentication method (pap) is used.
• “regapn=”, or “rapn=”, configures the 4G network registration APN used for the Teldat 4Ge router. If the registra-
tion APN and the data APN are the same, we recommend using "reagapn=" and "pnum=1".
• “regapntype=”, or “rtype=”, configures the type of 4G network registration APN used for the Teldat 4Ge router.
The options are ipv4v6 and ipv6. If this parameter is not configured, it will be ip.
• “regauth=”, or “rauth=”, this parameter allows you to select the type of authentication required by the registration
APN (if applicable). The options are chap and pap.

Teldat 4Ge 9
3 Configuration Teldat S.A.

• “regusr=”, or “rusr=”, this parameter allows you to configure a user if the registration APN requires authentication.
• “regpwd=”, or “rpwd=”, this parameter allows you to configure a password if the registration APN requires au-
• “wband=”, or “wb =”, this parameter allows to select WCDMA bands. You need to provide a list of band numbers
separated by commas (for example, "wb=1,2,3"). To disable all bands, use the word "none".
• “lband=”, or “lb =”, this parameter allows you to select LTE bands. You need to provide a list of band numbers
separated by commas (for example, "lb=3,7,20"). To disable all bands, use the word "none".
• “arp=1”, this parameter configures the 4Ge to act as a modem, answering every ARP request received in VLAN
463 with its own MAC address, as if it were the owner of the requested IP address. This setup supports host
routers that are not able to update the "next hop" of configured static routes using the DHCP-provided gateway to
the VLAN 463 interface and/or modify the cost of DHCP-learned routes (which causes the interface to be con-
sidered a Point-to-Point one, something that is conceptually wrong in Ethernet media). When using this mode, you
may/should add a route with VLAN 463 subinterface as output/next-hop gateway to the host router configuration.
• “cpwd=”, this parameter configures the 4Ge monitor user password. Instead of using the password assigned by
default, this parameter allows the user to change it to prevent the device from being illegally accessed (potentially).
The initial 'c' in this parameter stands for clear, meaning the password will be sent as plain text. If this parameter is
configured in a Teldat device DHCP server, it will be automatically converted to its ciphered equivalent (i.e., a 'hp-
wd' parameter). The password must, at most, be 32 characters long. Example: "cpwd=mypassword123".
• “hpwd=”, this parameter configures the 4Ge monitor user password. Instead of using the password assigned by
default, this parameter allows the user to change it to prevent the device from being illegally accessed (potentially).
The initial 'h' in this parameter stands for hash, meaning the parameter value is the hash result of the original pass-
word. To obtain the hash value of a password, please use the output a Teldat device gives when a new user is ad-
ded or contact Teldat support. The password must, at most, be 32 characters long. Example: "hp-
• “telnet=yes/no”, or “tlnt=yes/no”, this parameter enables or disables Telnet in the Teldat 4Ge router.

Command history:

Release Modification

10.09.15, 11.00.02, 11.01.00 The "profilenum" parameter was introduced.

10.09.15, 11.00.02, 11.01.00 The "pnum" (short form for "profilenum") parameter was introduced.
10.08.42, 10.09.18, 11.00.02, 11.01.00 The "regusr" parameter was introduced.
10.08.42, 10.09.18, 11.00.02, 11.01.00 The "regpwd" parameter was introduced.
10.08.42, 10.09.18, 11.00.02, 11.01.00 The "regauth" parameter was introduced.
11.00.07, 11.01.02 The "mode" parameter now accepts values "cdma", "hrpd" and "hy-
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "regusr" parameter was enabled.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "regpwd" parameter was enabled .
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "regauth" parameter was enabled.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "apntype" parameter was enabled.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "regapn" parameter was enabled.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The short form for the "regapntype" parameter was enabled.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The "lband" parameter was introduced.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The "wband" parameter was introduced.
10.09.31, 11.00.07, 11.01.04 The "arp" parameter was introduced.
11.01.08 The "cpwd" and "hpwd" parameters were introduced.
11.01.08 The "telnet" (or "tlnt") parameter was introduced.


Remember to change the values in the example to the values that are specific to your application.

Be very careful when entering the PIN code for the SIM card that will be installed in the Teldat 4Ge.

10 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 3 Configuration

Entering an incorrect PIN may block the SIM.

If you enter the PIN incorrectly, the Teldat 4Ge router will not try to use the SIM again until the PIN has
been changed or the device rebooted.

3.2 Configuring a Teldat router

As with a Cisco router, you can connect a Teldat router to the Teldat 4Ge through an Ethernet subinterface belong-
ing to VLAN 463.

The following configuration example shows how to connect a Teldat router:

no configuration
set hostname 4Ge
set inactivity-timer disabled
add device eth-subinterface ethernet0/1 463
user monitor hash-password 8F3A0BC0A8B16595528D486487EEFB01
network ethernet0/0
; -- Ethernet Interface User Configuration --
ip address
network ethernet0/1
; -- Ethernet Interface User Configuration --
ip address
network ethernet0/1.463
; -- Ethernet Subinterface Configuration --
ip address dhcp-negotiated
encapsulation dot1q 463
; -- ELS Config --
enable trace subsystem DHCPC ALL
enable trace subsystem DHCP ALL
protocol ip
; -- Internet protocol user configuration --
rule 1 local-ip ethernet0/1.463 remote-ip any
rule 1 napt translation
rule 1 napt firewall
protocol dhcp
; -- DHCP Configuration --
; -- DHCP Server Configuration --

Teldat 4Ge 11
3 Configuration Teldat S.A.

subnet 4Ge 0 network
host 4Ge 0 fixed-ip
host 4Ge 0 client-id asc teldat
host 4Ge 0 router
host 4Ge 0 subnet-mask
host 4Ge 0 option 43 asc antenna&

Command history:

Release Modification

11.01.05 Option 43 can now be configured to add a code to each value that makes up the Vendor
Specific Information.

3.2.1 DHCP
Like the Cisco router, the Teldat router is the DHCP server for the Teldat 4Ge and we will use the DHCP protocol to
set certain Teldat 4Ge parameters, such as the SIM PIN number and the cellular WWAN APN.

; -- DHCP Configuration --
; -- DHCP Server Configuration --
subnet 4Ge 0 network
host 4Ge 0 fixed-ip
host 4Ge 0 client-id asc teldat
host 4Ge 0 router
host 4Ge 0 subnet-mask
host 4Ge 0 option 43 asc antenna&


The router option assigns a default route to the Teldat 4Ge. This route is necessary if the Teldat 4Ge and the TFTP
server are in different networks.

The client-id option indicates the “client-id” that the router expects to receive in the DHCP request from the Teldat
4Ge. The value of this option must match the “antenna” characteristics.

Through option 43, the Teldat 4Ge receives the configuration parameters required to make it work. The syntax and
meaning are the same as those described under section DHCP on page 8, in the part entitled Configuring a Cisco
router on page 7.

The first word in option 43 should be “antenna”, which allows the Teldat 4Ge to accept the address offered by the
router. If this word is not used, the Teldat 4Ge won’t accept the address.

12 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 4 Monitoring via the console

Chapter 4 Monitoring via the console

To access the Teldat 4Ge monitoring console, a telnet session must be opened to the DHCP-assigned IP address.
To open the Telnet session, we need to use the default username and password: monitor/teldat.

While in the router's startup menu, we will have access to the following commands:

4Ge login...
User: monitor
Password: ******
Teldat S.A. (c)2001-2010
Router model 4Ge 35 1 CPU QorIQ P101X S/N: 809/00133
1 LAN, 1 WWAN Line
CIT software version: 11.00.02 Oct 11 2013 17:06:18
4Ge *?
logout Ends the Telnet connection established with the device
monitor Monitor the state of the system
restart Restart the device
ssh Do a ssh connection
4Ge *

We access the device's monitoring menu by running the monitor command. Here we'll be able to check the state of
the interfaces, statistics, connection data, etc.

4Ge *monitor
Console Operator
4Ge +?
buffer Packet buffers assigned to each interface
clear Clear network statistics
configuration List status of current protocols and interfaces
device List statistics for the specified interface
error List error counters
event Event Logging System environment
last-app-version-changes Display the latest application versions loaded
list Display current devices
log Dump log data
memory Display memory, buffer and packet data
network Enter the console environment of a specified network
protocol Enter the commands environment for a specified protocol
queue Display buffer statistics for a specified interface
statistics Display statistics for a specified interface
system Permit monitoring of the system’s memory and stacks
uptime List router uptime since last boot
version List running software version
4Ge +

Please see the following manuals for more information on how to monitor the device's interfaces and protocols: Teld-
at-Dm781-I "Cellular Interface" , Teldat-Dm730-I "DHCP Protocol" and Teldat-Dm750-I "Ethernet Subinterface" .

4.1 WWAN monitoring

Accessing the monitoring menu of the cellular1/0 interface allows us to obtain information about the 4G module.

4Ge +network cellular1/0

-- AT Console --
4Ge cellular1/0 AT+?
at-mode Send AT commands directly to the module
buffer Display saved commands and answers
command Send AT command to the module
list List interface and module parameters
module Module related commands
network 3G Network related commands
power-module Module power control
qmi QMI options

Teldat 4Ge 13
4 Monitoring via the console Teldat S.A.

reset Send reset command

trace Control and list interface traces
4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

We can list this data using the list command.

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+list

Daughter Board = CELLULAR LTE/WCDMA DATA card
Module Manufacturer = Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Module Model = MC7304
Module Firmware = SWI9X15C_05.05.67.00 r31378 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2016/03/11 14:58:53
Module Boot Version = SWI9X15C_05.05.67.00 r31378 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2016/03/11 14:58:53
UQCN = 9903554 05.02
Preferred Image =
Hardware Revision = 1.0
IMEI = 356853051316190
SIM Card ID = 8934076100141199496
Interfaces = GSM UMTS LTE
Data Service Capability = Nonsimultaneous CS/PS
Voice Support Capability = GW_CSFB 1xCSFB
Maximum TX/RX rate supported = 50000/100000 Kbps
Module temperature = 33 deg. C
Drop by ping failed = 0
Drop by tracert failed = 0
Drop by traffic failed = 0
Dialers registered = none
Current dialer registered = none
State = (1) DISCONNECT
Call request = 0
Telephone number =
Total connection time = 0 seconds
Current connection time = 0 seconds
Time to establish connection = 0 sec
4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

The network command allows us to obtain information about the wireless network we are connected to.

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+network ?

cell-info Display information about serving and neighbour cells
operator Operator information menu
performance Display signal quality samples
quality Display RSSI value
status List GPRS/UMTS connection status
4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

For example, the network cell-info command lets us check the cell the device is registered to.

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+network cell-info

Querying...Please wait...


- UMTS info:
Cell ID: 26722
PLMN ID coded: 21407
Location Area Code: 2867
UTRA absolute RF channel number: 10838
Primary Scrambling Code: 510
RSCP: -107 (dBm)
ECIO: -9 (dB)
WCDMA Cell #1
UTRA absolute RF channel number: 10838
PSC: 310
RSCP: -109 (dBm)
ECIO: -11 (dB)
WCDMA Cell #2

14 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 4 Monitoring via the console

UTRA absolute RF channel number: 3011

PSC: 310
RSCP: -107 (dBm)
ECIO: -9 (dB)
WCDMA Cell #3
UTRA absolute RF channel number: 10813
PSC: 510
RSCP: -100 (dBm)
ECIO: -6 (dB)

- UMTS cellid avail info:

Cell ID: 0D646862

- WCDMA info - Neighboring LTE:

RRC state: 2

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

We can also check the strength of the network signal and the technology being used by the module through the net-
work status command.

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+network status

Querying...Please wait...


SIM status: OK
Registration state: Registered
Public Land Mobile Network code: 21407
Public Land Mobile Network name: Movista
Network technology currently in use: WCDMA
Current Service Domain registered: CS/PS (capable CS/PS)
Current Roaming status: Off
3GPP Location Area Code: 0B33
3GPP Cell ID: 0D64686C
Radio Band WCDMA2100
Channel 10813
WCDMA Primary Scrambling Code (PSC): 01fe
WCDMA High-Speed Call Status: None
WCDMA High-Speed Service Indication: None
EcIo (dB): -9
RX level (dBm): -99
Coverage level: 2 (** )


Connection status: Connected

Radio Access Technology: WCDMA
Traffic channel status: Dormant
Uplink Flow control: Deactivated
Max. TX channel rate (bps): 8576000
Max. RX channel rate (bps): 8682000
IPv4 address:
IPv4 mask:
IPv4 gateway:
IPv4 primary DNS:
IPv4 secondary DNS:

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

The network performance command shows graphical representations of the three parameters that help choose the
best location for the device.

Teldat 4Ge 15
4 Monitoring via the console Teldat S.A.

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+network performance

RSCP (-dBm) measured during the last 9 samples

20_ 771577766
110_| ..:......
older newest

EcIo (-dB) measured during the last 9 samples

11 1
0_ 335889892
6_| .
8_| :
10_| :::.:.
12_| ::::::
14_| ..:::::::
16_| :::::::::
18_| :::::::::
older newest

4Ge cellular1/0 AT+

In the monitoring menu of the cellular1/1 interface, we can call up data on the connection to the cellular network.

4Ge +network cellular1/1

-- Direct IP Monitor --
4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+?
bitrate Bit rate monitor
clear Clear interface parameters
list List interface parameters
statistics Interface statistics
4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+

With the list command, we can see the data that identifies the 4G module and the status of the data connection to
the 4G network.

4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+list

Drop by ping failed = 0
Drop by tracert failed = 0
Drop by traffic failed = 0
Drop by carrier loss = 0
Dialers registered = PROFILE
Current dialer registered = PROFILE
State = (9) CONNECT
Call request = 1
Connections established = 1
Access Point Name =
Total connection time = 8 minutes 8 seconds
Current connection time = 8 minutes 8 seconds
Time to establish connection = 9 sec
Hardware Interface address = D20A21370108
Low layer link state = Up

16 Teldat 4Ge
Teldat S.A. 4 Monitoring via the console

IP Interface addr.(reported) =

DNS primary server address =
DNS secondary server address =
4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+

We can also check the statistics of the data connection to the cellular network using the statistics layer3-stats com-

4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+statistics layer3-stats

Rx pkts: 7 Tx pkts: 12
Rx bytes: 1990 Tx bytes: 3280
Throughput (bps)
Last sec Rx: 0 Tx: 0
Last 1 min Rx: 0 Tx: 38
Last 5 min Rx: 17 Tx: 38
4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+

Using the bitrate command, we can see the transmission and reception bitrate in real time.

4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+bitrate

Interface cellular1/1
Trx rate ( bps/pps) Rcv rate ( bps/pps)
2336/ 1 0/ 0
2336/ 1 2560/ 1
74872/ 33 8464/ 19
41816/ 36 33488/ 44
14288/ 13 37440/ 14
35336/ 49 121680/ 72
17440/ 18 144760/ 31
0/ 0 0/ 0
4Ge cellular1/1 NIC+

Teldat 4Ge 17

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