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Inventory System Capstone Project Documentation


In this generation, technology has played a great role in the lives of different people. The

absence of computer in businesses, in schools, in government agencies, and in other fields is very

impossible for it can help lessen the burden of work of the employees.

One specific sample of such work is the inventory of supplies, equipments, etc. which is

very hard to track since there are lots of supplies or equipments available. If inventory will be

done manually, the person assigned should exert more effort and time to perform the task.

Due to that burden on the part of the employee, there are inventory systems being

implemented to minimize energy and time. Inventory systems are tracking systems that inform

you of the amount of the raw materials, supplies or final products you have readily available.

Inventory system is updated every time, so you know what you have available for the following

day or week. This type of system allows you to order products in advance, so you have

everything you need at all times.

An inventory system is more useful when paired with a monitoring system, which is

defined as a concise description of what should be (objectives) and a process to determine what

is (procedural and status report). Inventory management is a very important function to maintain

optimum inventory of the organization to be able to meet its requirements and avoid over or

under inventory that can impact the financial figures.

Significance of the Study

This study will be a big help to the Company, for the purpose of determining whether the

proposal will upgrade the way of their services, and this study will help to inform the

management regarding to the level of their performance.

The following persons will be the beneficiary of the researchers study:

Employees. They will be the primary beneficiaries of the researchers' study through this system

proposal the employees will determine whether the proposal will give importance to their daily


Customers/Members/Clients. They will also gain benefit from the researchers' study in a way

that this study will be the basis of improving the Inventory System, It will give them accurate

action in every transactions that they will meet inside the.

Company Officer. Officers will also shared benefits from the researchers’ study for the purpose

that the proposed study will be accelerate the way of its management services.

This section presents the system’s mechanics and decomposition chart.

System’s Mechanics

The following are the mechanics of the system with its corresponding description.

Log-in/out Menu. Log-in menu enables the users to access the system depending on the type of

account the user has.

Log-out menu enables the users to exit or close the application.

Users Main Menu. Where the current user navigates the program menu, this menu could only

be access with (3) accounts type. The Back Up account, where the user used

unprivileged or limited type of account, the Sample User account, same to the Back

UP account where the user use limited and the System account it is equivalent to the

Administrator account where the user use the privilege account. Through this

account the selected user can access all the menu of the system.

Product Menu. Products menu where the current user can add, edit, delete, and search the

products information within the system.

Product Category Menu. This menu where the current user can view and set the products

categories and the user can add, edit, delete and search product category information

within the system database.

Product Unit Menu. This menu is the same steps in Product Category Menu, whereas the

current user can view and set the product unit.

Customer Menu. This menu where the current user can view, add, edit, delete and search the

customer information within the system records.

Supplier Menu. The Supplier menu enables the current user to view, add, edit, delete and

search the supplier information within the system database.

Purchase Order Menu. This menu can only be access by the privilege user account. Purchase

Order Menu enables the privilege user to search, add to list, edit, remove and save

transaction the purchase order information.

Receive Products Menu. The same to the Purchase Order Menu, the privilege user account can

only be access the Receive Product Menu. Whereas the privilege user can search the

products information, add to list and save transactions of the receive products.

Sales Menu. This menu allows the current user to manage sales. Users can search product use

for sales, add to list and manipulate the payments transactions.

Manage Check Menu. This menu allows the current user to manipulate the check payment


Inventory Menu. This menu allows the current user to view and print the current products

inventory store in the system.

Purchase Order Report Menu. This menu allows the current user to search Purchase Order ID

and print the current purchase order information.

Receive Order Report Menu. Same to the Purchase Order Report Menu, it allows the current

user to search Receive Order ID and print the Receive Order Report.

Sales Report Menu. This menu allows the current user to view and print the Sale Report.

Cash On Hand Menu. This menu allows the current user to view and print the current cash on

hand by date that store in system database.

Customer Order Menu. This menu store the customer order, at the same time current user

allows to print the current customer order.

Restore Database Menu. This kind of menu only the privilege user account allows to access

and manipulate the Restore Database menu. The Restore Database is responsible for

restoring the saved files from the selected storage location.

Backup Database Menu. Like to Restore Database Menu, only the privilege user account can

allows to access the Backup Database Menu. Backup Database Menu helps the

current user to save the system together with its database in another location for the

security purpose.

System Users Menu. This menu only the privilege user accounts allows to access and

manipulate the System Users Menu. The System Users Menu is responsible to set,

add, edit, upgrade and delete the users’ account.

Inventory System

Product Order Report Database

Category Purchase Sales Backup


Unit Purchase Restore



Figure 3.0

Decomposition Chart of Inventory System


This section discusses the software, hardware and people recommendation, the project

cost and the cost-benefit analysis. It also includes the project benefits and the project schedule.

Software Recommendation

The researchers prefer and selected reliable computer software for the proposed system

The following are the requirements of software to be used during the development and

implementation of the system:

1. Development

 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

 Microsoft Office 2000

 Microsoft Developer Network

2. Implementation

 Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

 Microsoft Office 2000

 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Hardware Recommendation

Below are the requirements lists of hardware for the development of the user interface of

the proposed system:

Processor: Pentium 4/Dual Core Processor/Quad Core Processor

Monitor: Acer X193W – 19in" Widescreen LCD Monitor

Primary Storage: 512 MB DDR2 & Higher Memory

Secondary Storage: 80 GB SATA or IDE Hard Disk/500 GB SATA Hard Disk


 Standard Mouse

 Standard Keyboard

 Standard Printer


Peopleware Recommendation

If the system is implemented to Escalante Public and Private School Teachers and

Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (EPSTEMPCO) only the authorized employees of the

EPSTEMPCO can access and manipulate the system. At the same time the user should be a

computer literate and must undergo training to understand and familiarized the features of the

proposed system.

Project Cost

Project cost represents the development and operating cost of the proposed system. The

development cost is representing the total cost associated from beginning to implementation of a

project. Perhaps, the operating cost is a lifetime costs associated in operating the system and

express of maintaining the system.

Development Cost


1 Programmer (300 hrs. @ 150/hr) P 45, 000.00

1 System Analyst (400 hrs. @ 200/hr) 80, 000.00

Computer Usage:

350 hrs. @ P30 10, 500.00

Supplies & Materials

Duplication & Photocopying Services 2, 000.00

Total Development Cost P 137, 500.00

Annual Operating Cost


1 Programmer (maintenance) P 15, 000.00

(80 hrs. /yr @ 200/hr.)

Supplies & Expenses:

Electricity 15, 000.00

Total Annual Operating

Cost 30, 000.00

System’s Total Cost P 167, 500.00

Project Benefits

It is a benefit that something improves the business standing, through the used of

proposed inventory system, the benefits are: fewer processing errors, increased throughput,

decrease response time, elimination of job steps and reduces expenses. At the same part
improved customer goodwill, improve customer morale, improved employee job satisfaction and

better service to institution.

The following are the benefits that can be achieved using the proposed Inventory System:

Fewer processing errors P10, 000.00

Increased throughput P 5, 000.00

Decreased response time P 5, 000.00

Elimination of job steps P 5, 000.00

Reduces expenses P 10, 000.00

Improved customer goodwill P 10, 000.00

Improved employee morale P 10, 000.00

Improved employee job satisfaction P 10, 000.00

Better service to the institution P 10, 000.00

Total P 75, 000.00

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis or CBA is a relatively simple and widely used technique for

decoding whether to make a change. As its name suggests, you may simply add up the value of

the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the cost associated with it.
Project Schedule

Scheduling is an inexact process in that it tries to predict the future and to know how long

a project will take. In this study the researchers used the Gantt chart which is easy to document

schedules. Gantt schedule illustrate the relationship between work activities, it is a horizontal

bar schedule showing activity start, duration and completion.

At the same part the Critical Path Method (CPM) which also used to determined the

activities and time which the project can be completed, included the used of Program Evaluation

and Review Technique which is called PERT is a network analysis technique used to estimate

project duration.

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