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Dorchester District 2

Fort Dorchester High School

Biology Course Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Brandi Logan-Hubbard
Phone Number: (843) 760-4450
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Course Description
This course is an introductory, laboratory-based course designed to meet the SC Curriculum Standards in
Science. Students will be introduced to the major concepts of biological science: the cell; molecular basis of
heredity; biological evolution; interdependence of organisms; matter, energy, and science process skills. Critical
thinking and an appreciation for the nature of science will be developed through laboratory experiences.
Students planning on enrolling in a four-year college are recommended to take this course. A state mandated
end-of-course examination is required and administered at the beginning of May, which counts as 20% of the
overall grade.

Course Standards
Standard H.B.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of
scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content.
Standard H.B.2: The student will demonstrate the understanding that the essential functions of life take place
within cells or systems of cells.
Standard H.B.3: The student will demonstrate the understanding that all essential processes within organisms
require energy which in most ecosystems is ultimately derived from the Sun and transferred into
chemical energy by the photosynthetic organisms of that ecosystem
Standard H.B.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the specific mechanisms by which
characteristics or traits are transferred from one generation to the next via genes.
Standard H B-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of biological evolution and the diversity of life.
Standard H.B.6. Conceptual Understanding: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important components
of the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans,
and geosphere through chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes. Course
standards and indicators can be accessed at
Topics of study:
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter
Lab Safety Cell Division
Scientific Inquiry Genetics
Cells Evolution
Photosynthesis/Respiration Geochemical Cycles
DNA Ecosystems
Protein synthesis Populations

Grading Percentage and Quality of Work

Grade Scale Description of Work
A 90-100% Consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Having all
work in on time and completed to exceed expectations. Mastery in evaluating,
synthesizing, and applying the principles of biology.
B 80-89% Consistently demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of
work. All assignments are complete and on time. Demonstrates the ability to
evaluate, analyze, synthesize and apply the principles of biology.
C 70-79% Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply and analyze
biological principles. Work shows average effort. A few assignments may be
missed or late.
D 60-69% Work shows minimal effort and some assignments are late. Demonstrates a basic
understanding of recalling or comprehending biological principles.
F Below 59% Understanding is below basic in relation to biological principles. Work is of poor
quality and does not meet standards or expectations.

Assessment Plan
Category Total Points

Classwork 10-20 points each

Labs 50 points each
Unit Samples 25-50 points each
Quizzes 20 points each
Projects 50-100 points each
Tests 100 points each

Summative assessment is the process of evaluating (and grading) the learning of students at a point in time.
A formative assessment is evaluation of student learning that aids understanding and development of
knowledge, skills and abilities without passing any final judgement (via recorded grade) on the level of

Grade Calculations
Quarter Grades
Total points earned
Total points available X 100 = Quarter grade

Final Grade

40% First Quarter Grade, 40% Second Quarter Grade, 20% Final Exam

Grade Reporting and Parent Contact

Parents can access their student’s current grades and progress through Power School. A password and
instructions on how to access the program will be given within the first several weeks of school. Parents should
feel free to ask about their student’s progress via the contact information listed at the top of this syllabus. If you
call my extension during the day it will go to voicemail, and I will be sure to return your call as soon as
possible. The easiest and fastest method of contact is usually email. A Biology 1 Remind class has also
been created to keep you updated and informed on upcoming assignments and important events in class. You
may join this class to receive messages via text message and/or email, and your phone number and/or email will
not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. To sign up for text messages, simply text @deg26h
to 81010 and follow the rest of the instructions. Requests for teacher conferences must be scheduled through

Quarter Interim Issue Date Report Card Issue Date

1 September 24th October 31st
2 December 6th January 23rd
Interventions and Opportunities for Extra Help
There are many opportunities for students to earn extra credit throughout the year. These include extra credit
problems on tests, test retakes, and puzzles. Extra credit opportunities are provided for all students
equally and will not be assigned to a student who decides they need extra credit at the end of a
quarter due to a lack of effort to complete assignments or prepare for tests.
At any time if a student feels they need extra help, tutoring is available during structured learning

Test Correction Policy

Students have the opportunity to retake tests in order to improve their grades. In order to be eligible for a
retake students must come during SLT and complete a review sheet. Once the review is compete, a retest will
be given. The score of the original test will be averaged with the retest to calculate the overall grade. Students
will have one week after the tests scores are given out to complete both the review sheet and the retest and
both must be completed during Structured Learning Time and in the presence of Mrs. Logan.

Quarter Recovery
Students who are failing after Quarter 1 interims will be assigned mandatory SLT by an administrator.
Students must attend 3 times per week until they have a passing grade.
Students who are unsuccessful during a quarter will have the opportunity to complete a quarter recovery
packet. Quarter recovery is to be completed during SLT in the presence of a teacher. Cell phones cannot be
used during SLT.

Absences and Late Work

1. Throughout the year we are going to use 3 ring binders to create Biology interactive learning logs
or Unit Samples.
2. Everything we do in class will be kept in this notebook.
3. A list of what we did every day for the entire unit is kept on the board with the date it was started.
You will turn in your Unit Sample on the day of the test for your unit classwork grade.
4. That way you have until the end of the unit (the day of the test) to have the
assignments completed.
5. If you are present and do not turn in your Unit Sample on the day of the test a zero will be placed
in the gradebook and your grade will be penalized 10% a day for a week and after one
week the grade of zero will remain.
6. I have extra copies of the assignments, so if you are out you need to come during SLT to me to
make up all missing work. You have five days after your absence to make up the missing
7. If you are absent the day before a test, this does not excuse you from the test. Test dates are
given well in advance and should be prepared for
8. If you are absent on a test day, you are required to make up the test the day you return.
9. Of course, if a student has special circumstances or sudden instances I will do
everything I can to work with you and make adjustments to this policy, but that will be
handled on a case by case basis.

Required Materials
½ inch or 1 inch 3 Ringed Notebook
Notebook paper
Bathroom Policy:
1. If you need to go your locker or restroom, do so before coming to class.
2. You may not go to the bathroom while I am talking, during lecture or during the first or last ten
minutes of class. Please wait to ask until you have begun the independent work time.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones are not permitted to be used in class for non-instructional purposes. Cell phones are not to be out
on student's desks or in their laps or jacket pockets. For test security, all cell phones will be secured inside a
book-bag or purse and placed at the front of the room. Students who are observed using a cell phone on a
test will receive a zero. This zero cannot be made up.
Student Tardy Policy
Tardies are cumulative. Tardies do not "start over" each quarter.

If you are tardy, my door is closed and locked. Report to the nearest tardy station.
Any student who is ten or more minutes late to class without a note from the front office, nurse's office,
counseling office, or an administrator will be referred for cutting class. Notes from other teachers will not be

Student Expectations
Respect yourself and one another. This is the basic rule.
1. Use your manners. Do not participate in personal conversations during lecture. Raise your hand if
you want to ask a question or participate in a discussion.
2. Come to class prepared. All you need is your BILL make sure you have it!
3. If you are in this room you need to be in your assigned seat.
4. Only go to the lab area when given permission.
5. For safety reasons, do not sit on the lab tables or desk tops.
6. No food is allowed in class only drinks.
7. If it is not yours, do not touch it.
8. Absolutely no inappropriate language will be tolerated.
9. Clean up after yourself. Leave your area, whether it is a lab table or desk cleaner, than it was
when you sat down. This includes the floor.
10. Cheating will not be tolerated. The school’s policy on cheating will be enforced. This includes
copying classwork and labs. In addition, using text messaging, cell phones, or graphing
calculators to cheat is a very serious offense and will be dealt with accordingly!
11. Only leave the class when you have permission and the lanyard. Follow the school’s policy
concerning hall passes and I.D.’s.
12. Read and obey the student handbook. All of these rules will be enforced.

Failure to comply with the above rules will be dealt with as follows:
First offense…Warning
Second offense…Detention (during ILT).
Third offense…Phone call/conference with parents
Fourth offense…Referral to administration for disciplinary action
Serious offense (disrespect, profanity, fighting, vandalism, theft, etc.) will be referred directly to an
administrator for action.
Every student has the right to learn, and every teacher has the right to teach. If you are
disrupting this process, appropriate means will be used to remove you from the classroom.

Field Trip Policy

 Field trip forms will NOT be signed unless you have a C or higher (70-100) in the class.

Parents/Guardians please feel free to contact me during school hours at 843.760.4450 to check on your child’s
progress and to set up conferences. You may leave a message and I will return your call promptly. I may be
reached via email at [email protected]

I look forward to meeting you,

Brandi Logan-Hubbard
Science Department
Fort Dorchester High School

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