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Journal of Intercultural Management

Vol. 12 | No. 2 |June 2020 | pp. 53–81

DOI 10.2478/joim-2020-0038

Miroslav Jurásek Tomislav Potocký

University of Finance and Administration University of Finance
Department of Economics and Administration
and Management Department of Languages
Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic
[email protected] [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5381-8936 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3258-398X

How to Improve Communication

within an Organization? The
Relationship between Cultural
Intelligence and Language


Objective: This article deals with the effective functioning of an organization in the international
context. It focuses on the two key aspects of the communication in this respects: cultural in-
Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

telligence (CQ), the capacity to operate successfully in the multicultural setting, and the quality
of internal communication; it is investigated whether CQ (and its components: metacognitive,
cognitive, motivational and behavioural) are rather related to the number of foreign languages
or the language proficiency a person (or an employee) knows (has).

Methodology: The sample of 132 undergraduate students of the English and Czech study
programs at one private business university in the Czech Republic was used. The Spearman
correlation coefficient, Chi–Square test for independence and the one–way ANOVA test (all of
them conducted in the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics 21) are calculated in the paper.

Findings: CQ depends on the quality (the level of proficiency) rather than the quantity (the
number) of foreign language skills. This conclusion applies regardless of gender: our data did
not confirm that language skills were gender-dependent.

Value Added: Recently a very fashionable cultural intelligence (CQ) construct has been explored in
relation to a variety of variables and outputs. Nevertheless, insufficient attention has been given
to the relationship between cultural intelligence and language competence so far; moreover, the
research has brought contradictory results up to now. This study fills the actual knowledge gap.

Recommendations: It is shown that in terms of the effective functioning in a culturally un-

known environment and with a restricted time to learn foreign languages, it is preferable to
develop continuously one´s skills in lingua franca than parallel and more superficial studies of
several languages.

Key words: cultural intelligence, language competence, lingua franca

JEL codes: M14, M16


The today´s globalized and multicultural world is liberalizing, the companies

are opening up to foreign competition. That brings new challenges to all of
us not only in a daily life, but also at the workplace (Mesiti, 2011)2003. Many
employers expect all potential employees to be both highly language profi-
cient and culturally competent.
Thanks to the economic influence and power of the USA, English has
become a lingua franca of the international trade. This language is a means

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

of common communication not only between co-workers but also with busi-
ness partners from different countries (Prŭcha, 2010, pp. 86–87). The issue
of the English usage is described both in the discourse of ´cultural capital´
(an individual, who has good English, can benefit from this fact personally,
especially in the labour market) and in the discourse of the ´linguistic impe-
rialism´ (the mass acquisition of English reflects and promotes the unequal
power distribution in Europe and around the world. Nevertheless, non-native
English speakers still perceive the need to acquire knowledge of other foreign
languages because English as a lingua franca is not enough to replace the
competence in other languages (Nekvapil et al., 2008).
If English is a language of the internal company communication, those
who speak it fluently gain various advantages over those with a restricted
knowledge of English at work (Beyene, 2007)global organizations are increas-
ingly mandating that all employees use English as their common language, or
lingua franca. Recent research suggests that such a language stipulation, in
favoring native English speakers, may negatively impact collaboration between
international colleagues. However, empirical inquiry of the effects of these
regulations on non-native speakers and their work groups remains notably
absent. Using the multiple methodologies of 41 interviews, and 196 surveys
(including open-ended narratives. For example, employees attribute a higher
competence (such as knowledge of cultural norms and values) to those col-
laborators with higher English proficiency; they are viewed as members of
the Anglo – Saxon culture. It has been shown that these workers can flexibly
change their attitudes, beliefs and behaviour (Thomas & Peterson, 2017).
On the other hand, employees with a lower level of proficiency in English
are less involved in meetings, projects, decision-making etc., whereby the
companies (especially multinational or international ones) are losing the po-
tential of the knowledge and experience of these employees (Beyene, 2007).
As it is obvious, language skills are crucial for any multinational (or inter-
national) company. However, that is not enough. A relatively new concept of
cultural intelligence (CQ), which is related to other forms of intelligence and

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

personality characteristics, serves as another indicator of the success (both

personal and organizational) in a contact with foreigners from other cultures.
This concept does not refer to a specific culture, but reflects one´s capability to
operate effectively in a culturally new, different environment (Ang et al., 2015).
A number of researches have been conducted to test cultural intelligence
in many contexts (e.g. in terms of personality traits, international experience,
etc.). In this respect, the research between cultural intelligence and foreign
language skills is an exception because as yet insufficient attention has been
given to this topic (Rachmawaty et al., 2018)2018. Moreover, the ambiguity of
the conclusions in the studies conducted up to now is another reason why
to address the issue. Ang et al. (2015) stated that there was a positive rela-
tionship between cultural intelligence and language competence. Although
questioned by Rachmawaty et al. (2018), it was specified that it doesn´t depend
on the number of languages a person speaks, but at what level.
This study investigates the relationship between cultural intelligence and
language competence or in other words, the research deals with the question
of how CQ relates to language proficiency, or to lingua franca mastering.
Based on the assumption of many beneficial effects of the high CQ for the
life and work abroad, it retests the assumed relationship between the CQ
(and its dimensions) and the language competence. The supposedly found
correlation between the two variables is the first step towards the CQ devel-
opment through the learning process of foreign languages. What´s the best
foreign languages learning strategy in terms of developing CQ: to take up
a new language (i.e. a preference for the number of languages one knows), or
to concentrate on deepening the knowledge of the corporate lingua franca
(i.e. preference of proficiency)? Based on our sample data, it is also examined
if women are somehow predisposed to have a better language competence
than rather technically oriented men, as it is generally believed.

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

Literature review

Cultural intelligence (CQ) and other intercultural


Research on intercultural competences is very complex (Holt & Seki, 2012;

Johnson selemet al., 2006; Paige, 2004). In a broader focus on working re-
lationships, intercultural competences can be defined (Leung et al., 2014)
in terms of 1) personal intercultural characteristics (desire for adventure,
patience, emotional resilience, flexibility, openness to foreign views, toler-
ance), 2) intercultural attitudes and worldviews (such as ethnocentrism or
cosmopolitism) and 3) skills (social flexibility, adaptability, ability to cooperate,
language skills, CQ, knowledge). This conceptualization corresponds to the
models of intercultural competences, which are reviewed by Leung et al. (2014)
based on the following criteria: validity, equivalence in different cultures and
psychological, behavioural and performative outcomes.
As we can see (Leung et al., 2014) CQ and language skills could be related
to one another because both are intercultural skills. Cultural intelligence refers
to the capability to function effectively in a culturally diverse environment
(Ang & Van Dyne, 2015; Earley & Ang, 2003). This view is based on the work of
(Detterman & Sternberg, 1986), who have developed an integrating model of
multiple intelligences, i.e. the capabilities (mental, motivational and behavioural)
with special emphasis on solving intercultural problems. Cultural intelligence
is one of the variables that measures a person’s capability of adjustment and
adaptation in an unknown and culturally new environment (Earley et al., 2006).
Cultural intelligence points out the flexibility and competence in the following
three areas: knowledge of foreign culture, the ability to notice cultural nuances,
similarities and differences, and to act adequately and naturally in a new cultural
environment by appropriately interpreting these observations (Yitmen, 2013).
The concept of cultural intelligence is mainly applied to the field of eco-
nomic – managerial studies (Triandis, 2006) and it is connected with the

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

organizational settings (Earley & Ang, 2003). The following table summarizes
the directions (or context) that CQ studies have taken.

Table 1. CQ research in the cross-cultural studies

CQ research context in the business Studies

Development of the field of studies (Dabić et al., 2015)
Teamwork (Adair et al., 2013)
Decision-making (Ang et al., 2007)
Leadership (Groves & Feyerherm, 2011)
Expats (Che Rose et al., 2010; Elenkov & Manev, 2009;
Kim et al., 2008; Lee & Sukoco, 2010; Malek &
Budhwar, 2012)
Negotiations (Imai & Gelfand, 2010)paradoxically, little re-
search has addressed what predicts intercul-
tural negotiation effectiveness. In this research,
we examined the impact of cultural intelligence
Knowledge transfer (Vlajcic et al., 2019)

Source: Vlajcic et al., 2019.

Cultural intelligence is not (unlike IQ) fixed and invariable, but changes and
develops throughout the life. The following table summarizes some of the
studies that show the CQ development due to some stimuli or experience.

Table 2. The research on CQ development

CQ development Studies
A stay (study or work) abroad is more effective than mere (Crowne, 2008)
foreign (leisure time) tourism
CQ helps to adapt (Lee & Sukoco, 2010)
The relationship between CQ and cultural adaptation (Engle & Crowne, 2014)
(adjustment) is moderated by the previous stays and trav-
eling abroad

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

Non-working (rather than working) international experi- (Moon et al., 2012)

ence has a greater influence on the CQ development previous international
experience, predeparture
cross-cultural training,
and cultural intelligence
International experience has a positive effect on the devel- (Morrell et al., 2013)
opment of all components of CQ

Source: Vlajcic et al., 2019. .

CQ is composed of four components (dimensions, constructs): metacog-

nitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioural. The metacognitive compo-
nent concerns how people understand and make use of their intercultural
experience (Van Dyne et al., 2012). In other words, this component refers to
how an individual acquires and understands a cultural knowledge. People
with high metacognitive CQ contemplate what has happened to them in
a contact with foreigners, analyse their cultural knowledge, and internalize
their new experience. They are able to react very sensitively and modify
their future behaviour in a suitable way to new experience and knowledge.
Motivational CQ expresses the individual’s desire and willingness to learn
something about a new culture, to function effectively in it and to meet people
from different cultures. People with high motivational CQs can direct their
attention and energy towards intercultural situations; they believe that they
will succeed in this unfamiliar situation. The motivational CQ is based on one´s
inner interest in a new cultural knowledge. It is related to the knowledge of the
language and, at the same time, it affects the efficiency of the performance
of certain professions, such as call centre operators communicating in
their mother tongue (Presbitero, 2017). If one has a higher motivational CQ,
he will not be easily discouraged by the difficulties caused by contact with
strangers and unknown cultures.
Cognitive CQ expresses to what extent the individual understands and
is aware of the fact that the new culture is similar (or different) to his / her
own. This component of CQ refers to their knowledge of another culture.

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

Cognitive CQ is a critical component of total CQ because people with high

cognitive CQ are less disoriented when interacting with people from culturally
different backgrounds. Foreign language learning is important in this regard:
language skills (especially good knowledge of English) have a positive impact
on the overall satisfaction within multicultural working teams (Cramer, 2018).
Behavioural CQ is the ability of an individual to interact with foreigners, to
change and use appropriate verbal and nonverbal behaviours such as words,
the tone of voice, gestures, the facial expression, proxemics, a symbolic
language, etc. to avoid “culturally embarrassing situations” (Earley & Ang,
2003; Ghonsooly et al., 2013).

Language during business encounters

Over the past 25 years language has become an increasingly important

variable in international management as MNCs are becoming more recip-
rocal and multilateral in their global exchanges (Sanden, 2015). Language is
a necessary constituent of ongoing sequences of decisions and resource
commitments that characterize day–to–day organizational life (Brannen et
al., 2017). The employees who cannot communicate with each other through
their mother tongues share a neutral foreign language. Use of a ´lingua
franca´ (common language) has been indispensable to the development of
trade in many parts of the world (Browaeys & Price, 2015). The impact of the
globalization has led to an overwhelming increase in the use of English as
the business communication medium (Nickerson & Planken, 2015) .
The terms ELF (English as a lingua franca) and BELF (Business English as
a lingua franca), become more used and popular. As Terauchi (Terauchi et al.,
2019) said “ELF is a shared resource, to be able to communicate with each
other”. It enables companies to communicate with a non-native speaker
without cultural, political or local barriers. They have the opportunity to
contact them virtually anywhere in the world. It is the management across
linguistic borders (Terauchi et al., 2019).

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

The language policy and planning in multinational companies (MNC) in

the Czech Republic is well described in the study of Nekvapil and Nekula
(Nekvapil & Nekula, 2006). There might be a difference between frontstage
and backstage language, and some might feel disempowered by not knowing
the frontstage one enough, that’s why Kankaanranta, Karhunen and Lou-
hiala – Slaminen (Kankaanranta et al., 2018) recommend a plain language
adaptable for all positions in a MNC. Du-Babkock (Du-Babcock, 2018), on the
other hand, presents a two-tier system. The first one would be a BELF with
a universal vocabulary used in all industries or simply commonly, and the
second one a BELF for each individual industry with a certain genre specific
pool of words. Due to Komori – Glatz (Komori-Glatz, 2018), BELF still lacks
clear conceptualization and should be separated from corporate language.
To her it’s a multilingual use of English adapting to a specific content.
Language skills are shown not only by the sum of the levels in speak-
ing, writing and comprehension, but also by the knowledge of the dialect
spoken at a foreign subsidiary to which an employee has been assigned
by a home company (Selmer & Lauring, 2015). The employees with better
corporate language skills are likely to adapt more quickly to the new work-
ing environment (Selmer, 2006), integrate into the working group (Lauring,
2008), improve interpersonal relationships between people from different
cultures (Sargent & Matthews, 1998), to gain a sense of belonging and
closeness in the work team. The excellent knowledge of the corporate
language has a number of desirable organizational outcomes: for example,
improved relationships among close collaborators (Barner-Rasmussen
& Björkman, 2007) who share their experience and knowledge more readily
(Welch & Welch, 2008).
Language use is empirically separable from other cultural behaviour.
Language is an extremely powerful transmitter and activator of culture, so
much so that bilingual people may express somewhat different personalities in
each language (Schwartz et al., 2014)with fully bilingual Hispanic participants
from the Miami area, to investigate 2 sets of research questions. First, we

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

sought to ascertain the extent to which measures of acculturation (Hispanic

and U.S. practices, values, and identifications.

CQ and language competence

Language proficiency and a good understanding of international issues is

related to the overall CQ (Harrison, 2012). A person is more willing to work
abroad if he has a good knowledge of foreign languages (Remhof et al., 2014).
Then, he can show a better task performance in a culturally new environment
(Presbitero, 2017). And true, the positive relationship between the number of
foreign languages, a person knows, and the CQ score and its components
was really found (Urnaut, 2014)cognitive, motivational and behavioural. The
number of known foreign languages can have an impact on some relationship
such as between the CQ dimensions and institutional success (Sharma, 2019),
that´s why this variable in the mentioned study (Sharma, 2019) was controlled.
However, the life satisfaction or work success depend rather on how well
one has mastered the (corporate) language of his/her new country (company)
than on the number of languages he knows. This fact was confirmed by one
experimental study (Kurpis & Hunter, 2017). How comfortably one feels in his
long-term term stays abroad depends on the high overall CQ scores as well
(Wang et al., 2017). High CQ predicts a level of foreign language proficiency
(Marcum, 2017). There is a positive relationship between excellent foreign
language skills and cultural intelligence (Soldatova & Geer, 2013) which is
reflected in the expats´ ability to adapt to a new working environment and
to be satisfied at the workplace (Huff, 2013).
On the other hand, a company is losing the creative potential of the
employees who are not very fluent and skilful in the lingua franca of the
organization because they are less motivated to be engaged in the discus-
sions and talks with their workmates (Beyene, 2007)global organizations
are increasingly mandating that all employees use English as their common
language, or lingua franca. Recent research suggests that such a language

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

stipulation, in favoring native English speakers, may negatively impact

collaboration between international colleagues. However, empirical inquiry
of the effects of these regulations on non-native speakers and their work
groups remains notably absent. Using the multiple methodologies of 41
interviews, and 196 surveys (including open-ended narratives. They can
even be so frustrated that they stop working for the company. The employ-
ees´ turnover working for multinationals depends on the lingua franca of
the company (better if it is English) and motivational CQ (Froese et al., 2016).
The other researchers also intended to demonstrate which CQ compo-
nents correlate with different aspects of language competence. One study
(Ghonsooly et al., 2013) confirmed that the positive relationship between
metacognitive and motivational CQ and comprehension ability exists. Later
on, these results have been refined: the best predictor of the comprehen-
sion ability is motivational CQ. In this respect, it was also found (Rafieyan et
al., 2014, 2015) that people with higher CQs understood better a speaker´s
feelings and attitudes (such as sarcasm, warnings, jokes etc.) in a conver-
sation. They have higher pragmatic comprehension ability which depends
on the cultural distance from the target language area (Rafieyan et al., 2014;
Thomas & Peterson, 2017). The foreign language (English) proficiency in writ-
ing positively correlates with all components of CQ (Ghonsooly et al., 2013).
CQ is also related to the style of learning foreign languages: while less
advanced students use the motivational and behavioural component of CQ
to study foreign languages, more advanced students show a higher score of
metacognitive and cognitive factors of CQ (Rachmawaty et al., 2018)2018.

Research objectives, methodology and data

Research questions and hypotheses

This study examines the relationship between cultural intelligence (and its
components) and language skills first in terms of the number of foreign lan-

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

guages one knows and has ever studied, and then with regard to the level of
proficiency in these languages. Based on the previous research and studies
(Beyene, 2007; Mesiti, 2011; Rachmawaty et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017)2018;
Wang et al., 2017, the following hypotheses were set:
· H1: There is a positive relationship between the number of languages
mastered at any level and CQ.
· H2: There is a link between the language competence and the overall CQ.
The third hypothesis (H3) is supported by many previous studies. For
example, (Van Der Slik et al., 2015) reported that women were more motivated
than men in foreign language learning. At the same time, women had been
found to have more positive attitude toward studying a foreign language, and
to have more interest in a target culture. Another study (Jiang et al., 2009)
confirmed that there was a gender gap in favour of foreign language female
learners in speaking and writing. As we can see, knowledge of languages de-
pends on gender or, in other words, women are better predisposed for learning
and knowing foreign languages. Therefore, we set the following hypothesis:
· H3: There is a statistically significant difference in the knowledge of two
or more foreign languages (naturally learned or taught) mastered at the
native speaker´s level between men and women.

Research strategy

To test the first and second hypothesis, it is advisable to use the Spearman
correlation coefficient between variables in the two relationships: cultural
intelligence and the number of languages each
​​ respondent declared to know
in the questionnaire, i.e. the relationship between cultural intelligence and
overall language skills. The relationship between variables is assumed to
be monotonous, consistently unidirectional. The language competence is
quantified by conversion in this study; moreover, the respondents self-eval-
uated their language skills. Therefore, this recalculated score is subjective
and it rather serves for the comparison of the respondents´ capability to

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

use various languages on different levels; it expresses rather the order in

terms of language competence than precise evaluation of this parameter.
Using the Chi–Square Test for Independence, the H3 was tested. The
Chi–Square Test for Independence was calculated according to the formula:

Measurements and variables

Measurement items for the main variables of interest are borrowed from the
established literature. The cultural intelligence constructs are borrowed from
(Ang et al., 2007). The respondents were asked to read the 20 statements on
the 7–point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree) and select
the response that best describes them. These twenty items were included in
4 measurement dimensions: the metacognitive component of CQ (items 1–4),
the cognitive component of CQ (items 5-10), the motivational component of
CQ (items 11–15), and the behavioural component of CQ (items 16–20). The
examples of the four measurement dimensions are: “I am conscious of the
cultural knowledge I use when interacting with different cultural background.”,
“I know the cultural values and religious beliefs of other cultures.”, “I enjoy
interacting with people from different cultures” and “I use pause and silence
differently to suit different cross-cultural situations”.
Cronbach’s alpha (correlation) expresses the reliability of individual items
for individual items of the measured construct. Cronbach’s alpha for all four
components is satisfactorily high (0.869 for the MC CQ, 0.828 for the COG
CQ, 0.897 for the MOT CQ, 0.864 for the BEH CQ). The high Cronbach´s al-
pha indicates that the data is normally distributed, which is also confirmed
by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normal data distribution (KS = 0.200).
The construct of cultural intelligence is evaluated using descriptive
statistics techniques. The characteristics of the data collected from the
respondents (N = 132) are described and summarized in Table 1.

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

Table 3. Cultural intelligence (descriptive statistics)

Mean Deviation
MC(1-4) 4,94 1,13
COG(5-10) 4,42 0,99
MOT(11-15) 5,09 1,16
BEH(16-20) 4,62 1,11
CQ(TOTAL) 4,74 0,93

Source: own.

To determine if there are statistically significant differences among all

four CQ subdimensions (Mesiti, 2011)2003, Repeated–Measures Analysis
of Variance (RM) was conducted. Bonferroni correction, which is used to test
multiple hypotheses in order to reduce the likelihood of the Type I error, was
also conducted in this study to investigate the mean differences between the
particular CQ components. The Mauchly’s test of Sphericity showed that the
variance of the differences between all groups (i.e. all four CQ subdimensions)
is equal, i.e. the null hypothesis could not be rejected, χ2 (5) = 9.331, p (= 0.097)
> .05, which means that the assumption of sphericity has not been violated.
In this case, the tests of within-subjects effects have demonstrated that the
differences in the values between the CQ components, i.e. metacognitive (M
= 4.94, SD = 1.13), cognitive (M = 4.42, SD = 0.99), motivational (M = 5.09, SD
= 1.16) and behavioural (M = 5.09, SD = 1.11) are statistically significant and
not the same (zero hypothesis was rejected), F (3.393) = 27.451, p = 0.000.
The level of language proficiency, i.e. involved in four aspects of language
skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, was a kind of self–reporting
questionnaire adapted from Kuchař & Buriánek (cf. Průcha 2010). Respond-
ents were asked to rate their language skills on the scale ranging from 1 to
4. The ‘fluent’ or ‘excellent’ level (coded by 1) concerns the proficiency in all
four aspects of language skills not only in general topics, but also in pro-
fessional ones. The level of ´good´ or ´above average´ (coded by 2) differs

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

from the level 1; the user no longer has a good orientation in the professional
terminology, but he is able to read, understand and talk on general topics.
The ´average´ level (coded by the number 3) expresses all above- mentioned
abilities in the everyday communication (such as shopping) at the basic
level. The ´beginner´ level (coded by the number 4) means that the user is
only able to read inscriptions, count up to ten, introduce himself and ask for
directions. For example, the respondents were asked to self-evaluate their
foreign (non-native) language level as “fluent” if they can understand, write,
and speak without a problem on most topics, even specific ones, or as “good”
if they can understand, read, write, and speak only about the most common
and basic daily situations (i.e., how to ask about arrivals/departures).
This questionnaire is a revised version of the CEFR (Division, 2001, p. 24).
The number 1 corresponds to a very advanced knowledge of the language
(level C2 – C1), the number 2 corresponds to the level of the ´independent
user´ (B2 – B1), the number 3 and 4 corresponds to the ´user – beginner´ (A2
and A1 respectively).
For the purpose of the statistical data processing, each self-assessment
level of the language competence was weighted: 8 points were assigned
to the level 1 (fluent), 6 points were assigned to the level 2 (good), 4 points
were assigned to the level 2 (weak) and 2 points were assigned to the level
1 (very little). This procedure is taking into account not only the number of
languages one knows, but also the level of these languages. Through this
procedure we can calculate the total language competence as a sum of all
languages the respondent has declared to know on a certain level.
In this study, the questionnaire was composed of three parts: Section I,
determining the level of language proficiency, Section II, measuring cultural
intelligence and Section III: asking for general information (gender, mother
tongue of respondents). The questionnaire was created in the Google Forms
and distributed to the university students in two languages: the bachelor
respondents studying in the English study program completed the online
questionnaire in English (104 respondents), the bachelor students studying in

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

the Czech study program completed the questionnaire in the Czech language
(41 respondents). As part of the procedural remedies against the threat of
common method bias the respondents were assured of the confidentiality of
their responses and that no answers were right or wrong and encouraged to
respond objectively. The data were processed using the statistical program
IBM SPSS Statistics 21.


The hypothesized relationships are studied on the sample of the students of

one private business university in the Czech Republic, which might be a cer-
tain limitation to the generalizability; nevertheless, the convenience samples
of college students are used quite often (Afsar et al., 2019). Furthermore,
the language skills are typically determined earlier than one starts to work
in an organization, therefore, the findings of this study (using the sample of
college students) can be transferred to the organizational environment in
which the students of the business college will start to work sooner or later.
After removing missing or otherwise defective answers, 132 of them
were analysed: 52 men (39.4%), 80 women (60.6%). 24 respondents had
been studying at the university for one year, 90 of all of them for two years,
13 students for three years, 2 students for four years and one for five years.
The questionnaire was also completed by 3 students who had been stud-
ying at the university for one semester within the Erasmus exchange study
program. 29 students do not currently use their mother tongue in everyday
communication (written, spoken, read), but only 10 of them stated that they
had no long-term foreign experience. The data provided by the respondents
showed that 27 languages were spoken at the university. 63 students can
prove the language proficiency with a certificate; 23 of them (most) reported
having passed the English exam at B2 level according to the CEFR (Common
European Framework of Reference for Language), i.e. at the intermediate level.

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence


Spearman correlation was performed to test the first and second hypothesis.
Our data showed that the statistically significant relationship existed only
between the motivational CQ and the number of languages the
​​ respondent
knows at any level (H1), r = + 0.220, n = 90, p < 0.05, two - tailed. In accord-
ance with the generally accepted recommendation for the interpretation
of the strength of the correlation (Cohen, 1988), this relationship is weak.
The coefficient of determination r2 = 0.0484, which means that only 4.84%
of the variance in the measurement of language proficiency is accounted
for by the motivational CQ.
However, if we focus only on the level of the best foreign (non-native)
language (H2), the results are quite different. In this case, the language
proficiency (or the level of the respondent´s knowledge) is clearly related
to the overall CQ, i.e. to all its components (metacognitive, cognitive, mo-
tivational and behavioural), r = + 0.366 (or for the CQ subfactors + 0.363, +
0.339, + 0, 356, + 0.204), n = 132, p < 0.05 for behavioural component CQ,
otherwise p < 0.01, two-tailed test.
The Chi-square test for independence (H3) showed that there was no
relationship in the sample of respondents between gender and the number
of foreign languages ​​(2 or more) that the students declared they knew. In
other words, the frequency of declared foreign language proficiency (2 and
more languages) does not differ for men and women, χ2 = (2, n = 50) = 1.126,
p = 0.570 > 0.05. If we assume the relationship between CQ and the number
of languages, then based on the results of Chi–Square test we can deduce
that we find (or not to find) a difference in average CQ values ​​depending on
gender. The one-factor ANOVA test confirmed the assumption that there
are no statistically significant differences in the overall CQ independent of
gender, F (1,130) = 2,425, p > 0.05.

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký


Our analysis suggests that for the development of the intercultural skills, it is
worthwhile to study one language more deeply and to attempt to master it at
a higher level than to shatter attention and energy to learn more languages
(Wang et al., 2017). Unlike other studies (Marcum, 2017; Rachmawaty et al.,
2018)2018 showing that the relationship between the CQ subfactors and the
level of language proficiency is not significant, our data supported the conclu-
sion that the motivational component of CQ had some (but rather weak and
not casual) influence on the language mastering development. Thus, these
results are partly in line with the findings of Khodadady & Ghahari (2012), whose
study confirmed a statistically significant relationship between the cognitive,
resp. motivational component of CQ and the language advancement among
the Iranian college students learning English as a foreign language.
Of course, the satisfaction in the personal life is related to the work effi-
ciency. A person, who is not forced to solve some (serious) personal problems,
has more energy and drive to perform his work tasks better, which can be
reflected in his work performance and commitment. If the lingua franca of
the organization and the national language commonly used in the country
are different, an employee with the perfect lingua franca knowledge can be
even more successful at work if he feels comfortable in the culturally new
environment, for example by creating some network of friends and he suc-
ceeds in socializing himself in a culturally new environment thanks to some
knowledge of the local language. As it can be seen, it is certainly desirable
for the employees to know the language of the country to which they were
assigned by their organization, not only the lingua franca, although perfectly
mastered. Therefore, the company recruiters should select for the foreign
assignment the employees who already know the language of the country in
which they are sent out or to choose those employees who score high in the
CQ measurement. These candidates are likely to succeed in their new foreign
destination because they are able to cooperate with foreigners or they can

How to Improve Communication within an Organization?
The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence

adopt easily, and secondly, they are probably motivated to learn new cultural
things and issues. Although the language skills are an indirect indicator of
high CQ, it can be recommended to complement the recruitment process
with a CQ measurement which can provide supplementary information if
a candidate is suitable or not for the foreign assignment.
The authors are aware of a number of limitations or shortcomings that
might distort the conclusions and results presented in this study. First, the
results can be biased due to the self-reporting survey method; the com-
mon method bias can be a problem and it is necessary to deal with it by, for
example, implementing some social desirability items into the questionnaire.
When assessing the foreign language, it is more accurate to use international
tests such as TOEFL. Secondly, our sample size was not large enough so
that the results could be generalized to the whole population as the G *
power test showed (due to the fact of incomplete or otherwise erroneous
answers as well). Although a frequent problem in many researches is the use
of the so-called conventional sample which results in the worsened gener-
alizability and applicability (in terms of validity) also to the population itself
(Afsar et al., 2019), therefore, it is more than desirable (Peterson & Merunka,
2014) to carry out the further research on the non-conventional samples of
university students and in areas which are more spread geographically. In
the future, researches could address the issue of the relationship between
cultural intelligence and bilingualism, which, to the best of our knowledge,
has not been examined yet.


Our study brings some new insights into the relationship between the ca-
pability to function effectively in a culturally new environment ​​and foreign
language skills. This question has been examined relatively little and mainly
in a non-European (Czech) context. Our analysis of the sample of 132 under-
graduates studying mainly in the English program and coming from different

Miroslav Jurásek, Tomislav Potocký

countries of the world have shown that CQ depends on the quality (the level
of proficiency) rather than the quantity (the number) of foreign language
skills. Our data confirmed that there was a positive relationship between the
level of knowledge of the best foreign (non-native) language and CQ. On the
contrary, on the basis of our data the relationship between language skills
and gender has not been found.


This project was funded by IGA of the University of Finance and Administra-
tion (project number 7429/2018/02).

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