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Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers) Answer

Unit 1
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 forty-seven a the twenty-fourth of February
2 34 b 3/12
3 sixty-eight c 47
4 the third of June d 1/9
5 24/2 e thirty-four
6 13/6 f 3/6
7 the first of September g 68
8 the third of December h the thirteenth of June

B Circle eight family-related words and complete the sentences.

1 My parents’ son is my__________.
2 Mrs Harris has got six grandsons, but only
D S S U K I Y W G U C 3 ‘Have you got any children?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got
a__________and two daughters.
A F S R B D K N V I G 4 ‘Have you got any brothers and__________?
U U T P D Y H S O N I 5 I call my grandmother__________.
6 My grandparents got__________in 1965.
T F S G J O H Q F H L 7 Lucinda’s daughters are 13 years old.
R D G U A P S O S J A 8 Marianne is my dad’s sister. She’s my__________.

A Circle the correct words.
1 Sammy and his little sister usually go / goes to bed early.
2 What do you and your friends do / does in the holidays?
3 What / Where does your grandmother live?
4 What do you have usually / usually have for dinner?
5 It hardly ever / ever hardly rains in the desert.
6 Who / Why does your brother go to a different school?
7 When / What time is your first English class?
8 We usually hang / hanging out with Annie and Sarah after school.

B Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs.

chat cycle do enjoy fly not feel play wait

1 I _______________ my homework now.

2 We _______________ for Susan to arrive. She’s very late.
3 ‘Where’s mum?’ ‘She _______________ to Aunt Celia.’
4 I _______________ very well. I need to go home and rest.
5 David _______________ to Paris. He’s on the plane right now.
6 Fabio _______________ to our house. He isn’t walking.
7 The children _______________ in the garden. They are having lots of fun together.
8 ‘_______________ you _______________ the party?’ ‘No, not really. I want to go home.’

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

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Unit 2
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the odd one out.
1 curly straight weird
2 smart culture beautiful
3 snacks traditional professional
4 silly unkind freckles
5 wavy cheerful shy
6 kind blonde red

B Choose the correct answer.

1 Do you think Arthur is ____?
a laze b lazy c laziness
2 Flavia has ____ long hair.
a love b loving c lovely
3 Monica has red hair and ____ skin.
a pale b freckles c tan
4 I’m so annoyed ____ Andrew. He’s late again!
a to b with c for
5 We were so ____ when we heard the news.
a shock b shocked c shocking
6 Are you worried ____ Harry? He isn’t very happy.
a for b with c about
7 Please shave off your ____. I really don’t like it.
a moustache b braces c freckles
8 She’s a very ____ cat. She loves people.
a shy b friendly c lazy

A Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of these verbs.

break bring catch drink not buy teach think stay

1 Daniel __________ lots of presents back from Germany.

2 I went shopping but I __________ anything.
3 I’m sorry! I __________ you were out.
4 They __________ tea this morning because there wasn’t any coffee.
5 Caroline __________ me lots of new words in Italian.
6 Poor Alberto! He __________ his leg when he was playing football.
7 I __________ at home because it was snowing very hard.
8 They went fishing at the weekend and __________ lots of fish.

B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Andres _______________ (live) in Mexico when he met Pedro for the first time.
2 What time _______________ (you / get) home last night?
3 They _______________ (drive) to work when the accident happened. Luckily everybody was OK.
4 Sylvia _______________ (hang out) with her friends when her mum called to say it was time to come home.
5 The first time I tried tomatoes, I _______________ (hate) them.
6 When he _______________ (study) for his exams, he only went out with his friends once a week.

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Unit 3
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the correct words.
1 There were sixty balloons / candles on my grandma’s birthday cake!
2 Where are the streamers / confetti? We need them to decorate the tables.
3 Don’t stay up / in too late. Remember you have to get up early tomorrow.
4 Marina and Yuka get out / on very well.
5 Did you take the dog out / around for a walk today?
6 We made / had so much fun at the party.
7 I really like them. They’re very good company / friend.
8 We had a great fun / time at the festival.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 inbox attachment snail
2 forward recent reply
3 digital technology ski
4 respect webcam smartphone
5 overseas laptop desktop
6 save useful delete

A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs.

do download drive go meet play tidy visit

1 On Thursday, we_______________to my aunt’s house. It takes about an hour to get there by car.
2 We_______________computer games after school.
3 Jack_______________his room when he gets back from Luc’s house.
4 Laila_______________Sara at the mall. She wants to buy a new bag.
5 Ahmed_______________relatives in Leeds at the weekend. He’s staying with them for a few days.
6 I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I_______________homework after school.
7 They_______________swimming on Sunday morning.
8 She_______________some new music for the party.

B Circle the correct words.

1 I’m seeing Carla in / at 3 o’clock.
2 At / In the weekend, we’re visiting friends.
3 What are you doing in / on Monday morning?
4 I left my computer at / in home.
5 Your book is in / on the table.
6 Don’t go into / onto her room. She’s sleeping.
7 We were driving from / for home to school when we saw Phil on his bike.
8 The children ran towards / onto their mother when she arrived.

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Unit 4
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

brush hang iron make sweep take

1 Did she__________the floor? It doesn’t look very clean!

2 Can you__________my shirt, please? I need it for work.
3 Annie didn’t__________her hair this morning. It looks a mess.
4 Could you__________out the washing for me please?
5 I’m going to__________a shower now. I won’t be long.
6 He didn’t__________his bed this morning because he was late for school.

B Match 1–8 with a–h.

1 Can I have a can a of tomatoes for this recipe.
2 Do we have any jars b of water please.
3 Don’t forget to buy a loaf c of olives in the house?
4 Pass me that bottle d of chocolate and now I feel sick.
5 There’s a carton e of cola please?
6 Have we got a packet f of apple juice in the fridge.
7 We need two tins g of bread on your way home.
8 I ate a bar h of biscuits somewhere in the house?

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to and one of these verbs.

answer drive have help miss visit

1 On Tuesday, we____________________to the beach. I can’t wait.

2 Don’t worry. I____________________you tidy up this mess.
3 That’s the phone ringing. I____________________it.
4 This summer Sharon____________________her family in California.
5 Oh, no! There’s so much traffic. We____________________our flight!
6 I’m sure you____________________lots of fun at the party.

B Choose the correct answers.

1 I’ve got a_____books here. Do you want them?
a few b little c some
2 Where can I get_____information about this course?
a an b little c some
3 Have you got_____furniture you don’t need?
a some b any c a
4 We haven’t got_____food left.
a many b some c much
5 We’ve got_____vegetables, but no fruit.
a some b a little c any
6 How_____hours will it take to get there?
a much b many c often
7 They did a lot of_____before deciding on a course.
a research b researches c researched
8 There is_____orange juice left in the carton.
a few b little c a little

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Unit 5
Vocabulary and Use your English
A The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 There are four summers in the year. Winter is very difficult.__________
2 We have a wood cooker in our ger. It keeps us warm.__________
3 I’ll put another carpet on the bed as it’s quite cold tonight.__________
4 Please put your clothes in the floor. That’s what it’s for!__________
5 We have a hallway with a table and chairs, but we usually eat in the kitchen.__________
6 Have you got a living room for the washing machine and tumble dryer?__________
7 I like sitting on that armchair to watch TV. It’s really comfortable and it’s big enough for four.__________
8 I can’t mow the lawn because the barbecue isn’t working.__________

B Circle the odd one out.

1 cottage villa patio
2 hallway poster bathroom
3 lamp pillow duvet
4 blinds shelves curtains
5 mat rug mirror
6 patio fridge shed
7 painting poster nomad
8 air conditioner toilet bathroom

A Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of these verbs.

not change enjoy not have learn never live ever stay never travel try

1 __________ you __________ in a ger?

2 We _______________ in a flat.
3 Sally _______________ any dinner yet. She’s really hungry.
4 We _______________ outside our country.
5 Tobias _______________ a lot about nomads and their way of life.
6 Life _______________ here for hundreds of years.
7 Since we came here, we _______________ lots of different food.
8 ‘__________you __________ your stay?’ ‘Yes, it’s been great.’

B Circle the correct words.

1 The childrens’ / children’s toys are over there.
2 That boy’s / boys’ room is very untidy.
3 The girl’s / girls are going to play in the garden.
4 David’s / Davids car is outside.
5 Are they going to stay in your parents’ / parents’s house?
6 This isn’t my / mine. It’s Angela’s.
7 Our shopping is over here. Their / Theirs is in the car.
8 Where are your / you’re brothers?

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Unit 6
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the crossword.

1 8 12

3 11


1 Don’t forget to___________your books to the library.
2 I never buy books. I always go to the___________.
3 I had a wonderful, calm, quiet weekend. It was so___________.
4 The___________was full when we went to the football match. We were lucky to get tickets.
5 This city is very___________. The air isn’t at all clean.
6 Your children are very___________. Please ask them to be quiet.
7 They_____ _____a fantastic play at school last night. The actors were brilliant.
8 a more formal way of saying ‘come in’
9 where workers make things with machines
10 not at all interesting
11 The room was so_________it was difficult to get from one side to the other. There were too many people.
12 This is a great car. It’s very well made. It won’t_______ _______.

A Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.
1 Look over there at_____building. Can you see it?
2 Look over here.____are the shoes I was telling you about. Aren’t they lovely?
3 ‘Hi, Anna. _____is Stella.’ ‘Nice to meet you, Stella.’
4 _____people from that shop over there weren’t very nice.
5 ‘What are_____spots on your arm?’ ‘They’re freckles!’
6 _____coffee is delicious. Thank you.

B There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Correct each mistake.

1 We went to the Spain on holiday.
2 Can I have a orange juice, please?
3 Do you play a piano?
4 I’m going to go skiing in Andes.
5 They had the pasta for lunch.
6 I live near River Seine in Paris.
7 Mediterranean Sea is quite warm at this time of year.
8 A people on the train looked tired this afternoon.

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Unit 7
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 Please don’t try to solve a to be really good at the piano.
2 This course will be good for building b is quite an unusual hobby.
3 I’m going to join c I made lots of new friends.
4 You have to practise hard every day d my problems for me.
5 I enjoyed it because e I have to spend all my time studying.
6 She loves hiking f your confidence.
7 Learning how to juggle and do other circus g but I think it’s really boring.
skills h a hiking club in the summer.
8 I don’t have time to be creative because

B Circle the correct words.

1 Are you interested in / of robotics?
2 We’re going sailing at / in the weekend.
3 We searched on / for it everywhere, but we couldn’t find it.
4 She’s really onto / into hiking. I don’t know why.
5 Are you involved in / for the circus club?
6 She’s crazy about / for the guitar. She plays it all the time.

A Complete the conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets.
1 I don’t buy things if I__________(not need) them.
2 She’s annoyed if I__________(be) late for school.
3 If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we__________(go) to the beach.
4 I’ll go to the cinema if there__________(be) a good film on.
5 You__________(not be) tired tomorrow if you sleep well tonight.
6 They always__________(visit) their grandparents when they go to Athens.
7 If I do my shopping in the market, I always__________(pay) with cash.
8 If this washing machine__________(break) down again, I’m going to buy a new one.

B Circle the correct words.

1 I was so glad to see / seeing her at the meeting.
2 Oh, no! We forgot invite / to invite him to our party.
3 Play / Playing video games is his favourite pastime.
4 If you keep practise / practising, you’ll be really good at juggling.
5 We’d better go / going to the supermarket. There’s nothing to eat in the house.
6 We miss to see / seeing you so often now that you have moved.
7 She hopes to visit / visit soon.
8 Luis really enjoyed to learn / learning how to swim.

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Unit 8
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

athletics cricket goalkeeper manager opponent referees tennis volleyball

1 You can play__________on a court or on the beach. All you need is a net and a ball.
2 To play__________you need a court, a ball and a racket.
3 People usually play__________outside on a pitch. They need a ball, a bat and protective clothes like gloves
and helmets.
4 If you are playing singles tennis, you have only one__________.
5 The__________of a football team usually chooses the players.
6 The__________club is doing long jump and hurdles today.
7 Each football team has ten players and one__________.
8 Good__________don’t like one team or player more than the others. They are always fair.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 keep going continue give up
2 score miss lose
3 win beat serve
4 race serve throw
5 warm up drop out prepare
6 exercise pass out work out

A Choose the correct answers.
1 _____I borrow your car today, please? I need to visit granny.
a Should b Can c Shall
2 I’m sorry. You_____borrow the car. I broke down last night on my way home.
a can b can’t c won’t
3 Oh, dear! I think you_____go to the doctor. Your arm doesn’t look good.
a should b shall c may
4 When he was young, he_____sing really well.
a can b could c shall
5 _____I help you with these bags? They look heavy.
a Must b Will c Shall
6 I_____win next time. I won’t lose again. You’ll see!
a can b can’t c shall

B Circle the correct words.

1 The children don’t have / mustn’t stay up too late tonight.
2 You need to / needn’t do it now. You can do it later.
3 Do we have / must to wear gloves? It isn’t very cold.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. We can pay later.
5 ‘Do you think we needn’t / should go now?’ ‘No, it’s a bit early. We can go in half an hour.’
6 You shouldn’t / don’t have to play ice hockey without a helmet and shin guards.
7 You can’t / need to go to the gym now. It’s closed.
8 You must / need fill in this form if you want to join the club.

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Unit 9
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 We don’t want to camp, a they stayed in youth hostels.
2 The campsite is brilliant. b to castles and museums near us.
3 We stayed in a wonderful caravan c There are toilets and showers and you can
4 When the students travelled around Europe, rent a tent.
5 The whole family stayed in a villa in Italy, d It isn’t far from Madrid.
6 When we go to Amsterdam, e so we’re staying in a bed and breakfast.
7 There are some interesting excursions f I want to go on a guided tour of the city.
8 We could go on a day trip to Segovia. g park near the beach.
h with a garden and a swimming pool.

B Circle the correct words.

1 You should pack / make your bag now or we’ll be late!
2 We’re going to sleep / stay at a lovely hotel near the beach.
3 We wandered around / on the museum and saw lots of paintings.
4 When you get there, remember to make / take lots of photos.
5 I don’t want to walk / go sightseeing tomorrow.
6 Is she using / wearing sunglasses? It’s very bright outside.

A Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun if necessary.
1 Annie is the tour guide_____is taking us to the museum.
2 Sami is the athlete_____we invited to join our club.
3 Is that the cat_____had kittens the other day?
4 This is the table_____we sat at the last time we came to this restaurant.
5 She’s the waitress_____took our order the last time.
6 Oh, dear. This isn’t the hotel_____we booked.
7 She’s the hotel receptionist_____helped us this morning.
8 Isn’t he the boy_____they met last night?

B There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and write the correct word.
1 Tom plays the piano good. __________
2 The little girl is very sweetly. __________
3 We didn’t sleep very deep last night. __________
4 They were so hungrily they ate everything on their plates. __________
5 He drives too fastly! __________
6 Ask her polite and she will help you. __________

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Unit 10
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

fashioned hand mind removed traditional waterproof

1 My backpack isn’t__________, so all my clothes got wet in the rain.

2 Could you give her a__________with those heavy bags, please?
3 Have you changed your__________again? I thought you wanted to go out.
4 That’s a lovely dress, but it’s really old__________. Does it belong to your grandmother?
5 They__________all their possessions when they left the flat for the last time.
6 They had a__________wedding with both their families and all their friends. They didn’t want anything too
modern or different.

B The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the word next to the sentence it belongs to.
1 There is a lot of traffic on the platform at this time of the day.__________
2 Is there a lorry near here? I need to fill the car up.__________
3 ‘What time do we need to get to the bus stop?’ ‘Our train leaves at 4pm, so 3.30pm or 3.45pm at the
4 ‘Do you know what coach our train goes from?’ ‘Six, I think.’__________
5 When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a destination driver like my uncle.__________
6 I’m going to take the motorway to Bristol because it’s much cheaper than going on the train.__________
7 Our petrol station is just round the corner. It’s opposite the bank.__________
8 When you select your train station, you choose where you want to go.__________

A Change the sentences into the passive voice.
1 People make these cars in Germany.
2 People grow this coffee in Kenya.
3 People pick these berries by hand.
4 Bad weather delays lots of flights.
5 You can only find this species of butterfly in Brazil.
6 Plants die if you don’t water them.

B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple Passive form of these verbs.

build close find not tell pay protect send use

1 This road__________________a long time ago and is very dangerous.

2 This printing machine__________________every day by students and professors. Now it doesn’t work
any more.
3 I was so happy when my book__________________!
4 All the shops__________________because of the public holiday.
5 The parcel__________________to you last week so you should get it soon.
6 The children__________________from the storm by staying inside.
7 We__________________about the problem until it was too late to do anything about it.
8 Everything__________________for before we left for our holiday.

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Unit 11
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle eight weather-related words and complete the sentences.

1 I think the temperature is going to go below zero. It will be__________tonight.

2 The__________weather has stopped all the boats going out today. It’s too dangerous.
3 It’s over 40oC! It’s__________!
4 Be careful driving today because the roads are very__________.
5 It hasn’t rained for nine months, which has caused a terrible__________.
6 It’s__________and warm today, perfect for sailing!
7 I hate driving when it’s__________. It’s so hard to see the road.
8 It’s going to be a nice day, a bit__________but mostly fine.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 lightning thunder warm
2 bush fire flood drought
3 September spring autumn
4 June October winter
5 destroyed stung collapsed
6 trapped surfing buried

A Complete the sentences with a comparative adjective or adverb. Use the words in brackets.
1 I read_______________than you, so you’ll finish your book before I do. (slow)
2 I feel_______________today than I felt yesterday. I have to stay in bed another day. (bad)
3 Surprisingly, the children did the exercise_______________than the adults. We thought the adults would be
faster. (quick)
4 It’s_______________at this time of year than any other. You’ll need an umbrella. (wet)
5 We completed the job_______________this time because we’d done it once before. (easy)
6 The rain fell_______________this morning than any other day this week. (heavy)
7 The journey was much_______________than we imagined. (long)
8 It was_______________to get there than last time because of the rain. (difficult)

B The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.

1 Which is the higher mountain in the world?__________
2 Anthony is the tallest boy than his class.__________
3 The windy day of the year was yesterday.__________
4 The drier place on earth is in South America.__________
5 I thought the lightning was most frightening than the thunder.__________
6 It was the most strong hurricane in ten years.__________

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Unit 12
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with one of these adjectives.

aggressive cute extinct massive scary strange

1 These furry little kittens are so__________.

2 His dog can be__________sometimes, so you have to be careful.
3 I don’t think hamsters are__________. What’s unusual about them?
4 I’m so worried that tigers will become__________and there won’t be any more anywhere.
5 Some people are afraid of spiders but I don’t think they are at all__________.
6 You don’t realise how__________elephants are until you see one. They are enormous.

B Complete the sentences with down, off, out, up or with.

1 I didn’t finish the exam because I ran__________of time.
2 Please don’t use__________all the milk. Leave a bit for my coffee.
3 Can you deal__________the problem, please? I really haven’t got time today.
4 They switched__________the internet connection and now I can’t get any emails.
5 They have cut__________so many trees that this area is becoming a desert.
6 The drought has been so bad that the river has dried__________.
7 Student numbers are going__________because it is too expensive to carry on studying.
8 Don’t give__________hoping for happiness. You never know what’s going to happen.

A Put these words in the correct order. Then write complete sentences with the descriptions.
1 lady old little
2 big box wooden
3 red and blue beautiful carpet old
4 cotton yellow dress lovely
5 wool cosy jumper new
6 about the environment new interesting book

B Complete the sentences with adjectives made from these verbs. Two of the words can be used
more than once.

amaze bore excite frighten interest tire

1 I was so________________I had to go to bed straight after dinner.

2 Our walk was very________________because is was mostly uphill.
3 Did you watch that scary film? Were you________________?
4 I’m not at all________________in watching that film. It looks really boring.
5 The stars are so bright in the sky tonight. They look________________.
6 We’re going on holiday tomorrow. I’m so________________! I’ve never been on a plane before.
7 I was so________________during the film, I fell asleep.
8 That book is really________________. You should read it.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 1
A Complete the words in the sentences.
 1 David and Maureen have got three children – one s _ _ and two daughters.
 2 February is the s _ _ _ _ _ month of the year.
 3 Janette’s mum is from France; she’s F _ _ _ _ _.
 4 Four and nine is t _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
 5 Write your first name and s _ _ _ _ _ _.
 6 Uncle Hugh is m _ _ _ _ _ _ to Aunt Helen.
 7 My family is Dutch. We’re from the N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
 8 Mrs Di Fabrio’s h _ _ _ _ _ _ is from Italy.
 9 George and his brother Ken are ten years old. They’re t _ _ _ _.
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10 The twenty-eighth of O _ _ _ _ _ _ is a national holiday in Greece.

B Choose the correct answer, a or b.

does not guarantee this page will contain current material or match the published product.

 1 Where ___ your family come from?

a is b does
 2 ___ do you play with at weekends?
a  Who b When
 3 Ted ___ to Canada now.
a  is flying b flies
 4 What ___ you do after school?
a do b does
 5 Nick hardly ___ his uncle in Ireland.
a  visits ever b  ever visits
 6 I ___ to English lessons on Mondays every week.
a go b  am going
 7 Why ___ cycling to school today?
a  you aren’t b  aren’t you
 8 The Smith’s children ___ in bed at nine o’clock.
a  always are b  are always

Not For Sale

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Close-up A2
Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 2
Not For Sale
Circle the correct words.
 1 Louise is very silly / sociable, so she’s got lots of good friends.
 2 Ian has got a lot of braces / freckles on his face.
 3 My brother is always doing stupid things. He’s so annoying / beautiful.
 4 Karen doesn’t talk very much. She’s really kind / shy.
 5 Andy’s dad doesn’t shave, so he’s got a long beard / tan.
 6 Patrick has got pale / wavy skin and red hair.
 7 Janice isn’t scared from / of dogs. She loves them.
 8 The school bus is late again and I’m angry about / with it.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 My friends ___________ (be) at my house last night.
 2 Jack ___________ (catch) the ball before it went into the net.

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 3 I ___________ (not used to) like fish when I was young.
 4 Greg ___________ (make) dinner when the phone rang.

does not guarantee this page will contain current material or match the published product.
 5 We ___________ (not see) the film in the cinema. It was on TV.
 6 Brian used ___________ (worry) about his freckles, but he likes them now.
 7 ___________ you ___________ (go) to the tennis club yesterday?
 8 It was a hot day so they ___________ (drink) a lot of water.
 9 Mum cut my hair last week and it ___________ (look) horrible at first.
10 I ___________ (think) our teacher was American, but he’s from Canada.

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Unit 3
A Complete the sentences with these words.

company  contact  device  getting  hang up  looking  stay in  waste

1 Are you ___________ forward to Sylvia’s fancy dress party?

2 Let’s go for the bus now. It’s ___________ late.
3 Sometimes Steven likes to ___________ and watch football on TV.
4 I like going out with Michelle because she’s good ___________ .
5 Nancy uses her smartphone to ___________ her grandparents in New York.
6 Grandma says her tablet is a really useful ___________ and she uses it to keep in touch with us.
7 My parents tell me not to ___________ time playing online games.
8 I need some help to ___________ the streamers and balloons for the party.

B Complete the email. Write ONE word in each gap.

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From: Wendy
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To: Jane

Hi Jane,

What are you doing 1 ___________ Saturday evening? We’re having a party, so I’m sending invitations
 ___________ all the family. I’m inviting all my sister Tracy’s friends, but I’m not telling her 3 ___________ it.
It’s a surprise party for her birthday and she thinks we’re going 4 ___________ a quiet dinner.

We’re getting ready for the party while Tracy is playing basketball 5 ___________ the afternoon. We’re
planning to have the party in a big room 6 ___________ the back of the Italian restaurant. There will be lots
of presents and a huge birthday cake with candles 7 ___________ it. When Tracy walks 8 ___________ the
room, everyone will sing ‘Happy Birthday’. Our friend Hugh is downloading music for the party and we can
dance 9 ___________ the middle of the room.

Our parents are driving us home 10 ___________ the end of the night.

I hope you can come to the party.

See you there!


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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 4
Not For Sale
Circle the correct words.
 1 Who does / gets / makes the washing up in your house?
 2 When do you usually brush / make / tidy your bedroom?
 3 Mike always does / takes / makes a shower after basketball practice.
 4 I take a sandwich and a jar / carton / tin of orange juice for school lunch.
 5 We need a loaf / bar / packet of brown bread for the sandwiches.
 6 My family doesn’t pay / rent / land the home we live in. They’re buying it.
 7 I forgot to bring my money. Can you borrow / lend / save me some and I’ll give it back tomorrow?
 8 Let’s go / do / make shopping. I want to buy some clothes at the mall.

B Find the mistakes. Then write the sentences correctly.

 1 Look! Ben will win the tennis match.

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 2 The phone’s ringing. Don’t get up; I answer it.

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 3 I’m sure you’re going to enjoy your holiday.

 4 How much chocolate biscuits have you got?


 5 Sam has got a few homework to do before dinner.


 6 I haven’t got many money with me, so I can’t buy anything.


 7 We found a lot of informations about Thailand on the net.


 8 The shop sells lots of beautiful furnitures.


 9 We haven’t got many fruit. There’s only one banana.


10 The news on TV were about a lot of traffic problems in town.


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Unit 5
A Read the descriptions and complete the words.
 1 It’s in the house near our back door. The washing machine, tumble dryer and other things for cleaning are
there.   u _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _
 2 It’s a very noisy machine. It’s for cutting the grass.   l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 3 It’s a small house with a garden in the countryside.   c _ _ _ _ _ _
 4 It’s in the bathroom. I wash there every day.   s _ _ _ _ _
 5 It’s in the living room. Three people can sit on it.   s _ _ _
 6 It’s in the kitchen. Food keeps cool in it.   f _ _ _ _ _
 7 It’s in the bedroom. We hang up clothes in it.   w _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 8 They’re on the wall. We can put books on them.   s _ _ _ _ _ _
 9 It’s soft and it’s at the top of the bed. I put my head on it.   p _ _ _ _ _
10 They’re on the windows. I close them at night.   b _ _ _ _ _

B Put the words in order to make sentences.

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 1 for / old / been / village / to / we / haven’t / years / the

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 2 ? / the / have / homework / their / children / yet / done


 3 tidy / the / just / shed / gone / Donald / has / to


 4 had / coffee / since / hasn’t / any / yesterday / Mum


 5 have / houseboat / always / I / in / a / lived


 6 cleaned / the / Margaret / hasn’t / kitchen / still


 7 ? / you / stayed / ever / in / have / five-star / a / hotel


 8 had / their / children / never / have / bedroom / own / many


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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 6
Not For Sale
Complete the sentences with these words.

break down  come down with  fill up  look for  look forward to  put on

run out of  sell out  take up  work out

 1 We’ve ___________ eggs. I’ll get some from the supermarket.

 2 Harry goes to the sports centre to ___________ on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
 3 Did your washing machine ___________ because it was so old?
 4 Dad isn’t going to work today. He’s ___________ the flu.
 5 The students always ___________ a play in the school theatre at the end of the year.
 6 I ___________ seeing you soon.
 7 Let’s get tickets for the concert before they ___________ .
 8 I want to ___________ swimming, but there’s no pool near my home.
 9 You can ___________ your car at the petrol station near the museum.
10 I’ve lost my keys. Please help me to ___________ them.

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B Circle the correct words.

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 1 We sailed across an / – / the Atlantic Ocean.
 2 Tomorrow we’re going to visit this / that / these museum over there.
 3 I took a / an / the amazing photo of the Eiffel Tower.
 4 They’ve built a / an / – new bridge over the River Forth.
 5 Have you ever been to – / the / a London?
 6 Do you like this / these / those shoes I am wearing?
 7 Excuse me, does this / that / these bus here go to Hyde Park?
 8 Are this / that / those cafes in Plaka always busy?

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Unit 7
A Circle the correct words.
 1 The violin is my favourite musical controller / guitar / instrument.
 2 Kate took a photo with her phone on a selfie stick / video game / youth club.
 3 I love doing athletics because I’m a very active / boring / creative person.
 4 If you stay in a tent in the Highlands, you’ll need a warm gaming / sleeping / camping bag.
 5 Do you like to do sports in / on / at your free time?
 6 I’m not really about / into / onto sport. I prefer reading.
 7 Are you keen in / to / on playing chess?
 8 How to / for / about going to the lake tomorrow?

B Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 Are you interested in ___________ (go) camping this weekend?
 2 No, I’d rather ___________ (stay) in a hotel.
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 3 Is it possible ___________ (take) a bus to the beach from here?

 4 Yes, but you’d better ___________ (run) because it leaves in two minutes.
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 5 If we go to the park, ___________ you ___________ (play) tennis with me?

 6 No, I’m too tired ___________ (play) today.
 7 Could I ___________ (join) the art class here?
 8 Yes. If you come here tomorrow, you ___________ (meet) the teacher.
 9 Do you want ___________ (go) for coffee?
10 No, thanks. I don’t sleep well if I ___________ (drink) coffee in the evening.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 8
Not For Sale
Complete the words in the sentences.
 1 Irene beat her o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and won the tennis tournament.
 2 Sanchez kicked the football across the p _ _ _ _ towards the goal.
 3 The c _ _ _ _ _ _ broke his arm when he fell off his bike in the race.
 4 The Liverpool fans began to sing happily when the r _ _ _ _ _ _ blew the final whistle.
 5 The c _ _ _ _ always tells us to warm up before a match.
 6 Maria is a good swimmer and she also goes d _ _ _ _ _ in the Aegean Sea.
 7 My favourite sport is v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and I play in the school team.
 8 Last summer, we went s _ _ _ _ _ _ on Loch Lomond and I really enjoyed being on the boat.
 9 Omar hit the ball across the pitch and scored a few more runs in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ match.
10 Our team won because the g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stopped the ball every time it went near the net.

B Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

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 1 Athletes ___ always warm up before a race.
a could b need c should

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 2 ___ Thomas take extra swimming lessons?
a Musn’t b Should c Shall
 3 ___ I borrow your racket to play tennis, please?
a May b Shall c Must
 4 You ___ bring your own skis; you can rent them at the ski centre.
a mustn’t b can’t c  don’t have to
 5 Climbers and riders ___ wear helmets.
a must b could c needn’t
 6 ___ we go to the stadium and watch the races? It’ll be fun!
a Need b Must c Shall
 7 You ___ pay to swim in this pool; it’s free.
a can’t b couldn’t c needn’t
 8 ___ I have a glass of water, please?
a Must b Could c Should

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Unit 9
A Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 This travel agent offers a guided  a and breakfast and we ate at restaurants in the evening.
2 Our class is going on a day  b park and have fun on the rides.
3 Let’s go to the amusement  c guide, who told us the history of the city.
4 When the girls stayed at the youth  d tour of the city sights.
5 In summer, we stayed at a bed  e resort in the Aegean Sea.
6 Santorini is a busy holiday  f information centre in the station.
7 You can get maps and tickets at the tourist  g trip to the science museum.
8 We had a very helpful tour  h hostel, they all slept in one big room.

B Find the mistakes and correct them.

1 I can speak English good.
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2 We climbed the mountain slow yesterday.

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3 Your new furniture is really beautifully.


4 This is the boat that it goes around the island.


5 Andrea is a tour guide which takes people all around the castle.

6 The people that we met them on holiday were from Brazil.


7 That’s the hotel who we stayed in last year.


8 This is the photo I took it from the window on the plane.


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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 10
Not For Sale
Complete the sentences with these words.

airport  bus stop  ferry  flight  licence  lorry  mechanic  
platform  port  roundabout

 1 How long is the ___________ from Glasgow to Belfast?

 2 I waited on the ___________ for the train to arrive.
 3 We spent four hours at the ___________ because the plane was late.
 4 You can take the morning ___________ to get to the island.
 5 A large ___________ was moving slowly up the hill in front of our car.
 6 Take the third exit at the next ___________ .
 7 The ___________ fixed our car quickly.
 8 Liz has just passed her driving test and got her ___________ .
 9 We waited at the ___________ outside the cinema for 15 minutes before the number 5 came along.
10 The ___________ is always busy in the evening when the ships arrive from the islands.

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B Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

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 1 Many ships ___________ (delay) by bad weather every winter.
 2 How many meals ___________ (serve) in this restaurant every day?
 3 ___________ tickets ___________ (sell) online or at the port?
 4 Now all passports ___________ (check) at the airport.
 5 Who ___________ those photos ___________ (take) by?
 6 The ship’s cat ___________ (find) in the captain’s room.
 7 Our tickets ___________ (send) by email when we paid for them.
 8 How much money ___________ (steal) from your bag?

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Unit 11
A Complete the words in the sentences.
 1 We ran quickly into the house when we heard the t _ _ _ _ _ _ .
 2 We couldn’t water the garden during the long d _ _ _ _ _ _ and some plants died.
 3 There was a flash of l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the sky before the rain started.
 4 In winter, it’s f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Canada, so people wear warm clothes to go outside.
 5 It was a f _ _ _ _ night, so the captain didn’t see the rocks and the ship sank.
 6 We couldn’t see any stars because the sky was too c _ _ _ _ _ .
 7 What was the w _ _ _ _ _ _ like here last autumn?
 8 There was a huge s _ _ _ _ and the roof blew off our garden shed.

B Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.
 1 Siobhan likes living in Spain because it’s ___________ (sunny) than Ireland.
 2 Which is ___________ (long) day of the year in New Zealand?
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 3 The weather conditions are ___________ (difficult) in the north of Europe than in the south.
 4 That was ___________ (exciting) journey I’ve ever been on.
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 5 June is ___________ (good) month of the year for sailing.

 6 We sailed into the port because the wind was getting ___________ (strong).
 7 You can’t go out at midday in ___________ (hot) place on Earth.
 8 The metro is ___________ (fast) way to travel in the city.
 9 The weather was ___________ (bad) than it usually is this season.
10 You have to drive ___________ (slowly) when the roads are icy.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
Unit 12
Not For Sale
Circle the correct words.
 1 The lake will move down / dry up / cut down if it doesn’t rain soon.
 2 Many species of plants are in / on / at danger. So we shouldn’t cut down the rainforests.
 3 We must go shopping because we’ve fixed up / given up / used up all the food from the fridge.
 4 My grandma has two canaries / goldfish / spiders that sing beautifully.
 5 Tigers are in / on / at risk of disappearing because of hunting.
 6 The Nile and the Amazon are the longest deserts / rivers / mountains in the world.
 7 A big snail / butterfly / hamster with a brown shell has eaten the strawberries in our garden.
 8 The cat climbed up to the top branch / leaf / plant of the tree to catch the bird.
 9 I have a furry snake / ant / guinea pig that lives in a big cage and it comes out to run about in the garden.
10 I’m scared of snakes, so could you go down / bring up / deal with the one that’s gone into the garage?

B Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the correct order.

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 1 TV • interesting • new
Last night, we saw that ________________ documentary about plants.

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 2 stone • rectangular • tall
There was a ________________ tower on top of the hill near the castle.
 3 black • big • Belgian
Peter has got two ________________ sheepdogs.
 4 honey • busy • yellow
A ________________ bee was flying above the roses.
 5 frightening • brown • massive
The ________________ bear came running towards our picnic table.
 6 metal • round • biscuit • old
On the top shelf is our ________________ tin.
 7 polluted • horrible • sea • green
I don’t want to swim in that ________________ water.
 8 Italian • large • cheese • tasty
I ate all of the ________________ pizza.

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