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VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 433

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

G.R. Nos. 88075-77. December 20, 1989.


TAGUM, Davao del Norte, Branches 1 and 2, Presided by
Hon. Marcial Fernandez and Hon. Jesus Matas,
respectively, PATSITA GAMUTAN, Clerk of Court, and
GODOFREDO PINEDA, respondents.

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Judgment; Dismissal of

petition for failure to comply with Circular No. 1-88; Copies of
challenged orders were not certified by the clerk of court or his
duly authorized representative but by petitioner’s counsel which is
not allowed.—It should be dismissed for failure to comply with
this Court’s Circular No. 1-88 (effective January 1, 1989). The
copies of the challenged Orders thereto attached were not certified
by the proper Clerk of Court or his duly authorized
representative. Certification was made by the petitioners’ counsel,
which is not allowed.
Same; Same; Actions; Jurisdiction; Determinative of the
court’s jurisdiction in actions for recovery of possession of real
property is the nature thereof, not the amount of the damages
allegedly arising from or connected with the issue of title or
possession, and regardless of the value of the property.—It is true
that the complaints do not state the amounts being claimed as
actual, moral and nominal damages. It is also true, however, that
the actions are not basically for the recovery of sums of money.
They are principally for recovery of possession of real property, in
the nature of an accion publiciana. Determinative of the court’s
jurisdiction in this type of actions is the nature thereof, not the
amount of the damages allegedly arising from or connected with
the issue of title or possession, and regardless of the value of the
property. Quite obviously, an action for recovery of possession of
real property (such as an accion plenaria de posesion) or the title
thereof, or for partition or condemnation of, or the foreclosure of a
mortgage on, said real property—in other words, a real action—
may be commenced and prosecuted without an accompanying 1/14

claim for actual, moral, nominal or exemplary damages; and such

an action would fall within the exclusive, original jurisdiction of
the Regional Trial Court.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Jurisdiction of Regional Trial
Courts under B.P. 129; Application of the rule.—Batas Pambansa
Bilang 129 provides that Regional Trial Courts shall exercise
exclusive original





Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

jurisdiction inter alia over “all civil actions which involve the title
to, or possession of, real property, or any interest therein, except
actions for forcible entry into and unlawful detainer of lands or
buildings, original jurisdiction over which is conferred upon
Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts.” The rule applies regardless of the value of
the real property involved, whether it be worth more than
P20,000.00 or not, infra. The rule also applies even where the
complaint involving realty also prays for an award of damages;
the amount of those damages would be immaterial to the question
of the Court’s jurisdiction. The rule is unlike that in other cases—
e.g., actions simply for recovery of money or of personal property,
or actions in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction—in which the
amount claimed, or the value of the personal property, is
determinative of jurisdiction; i.e., the value of the personal
property or the amount claimed should exceed twenty thousand
pesos (P20,000.00) in order to be cognizable by the Regional Trial
Same; Same; Same; Same; Filing Fees; Circular No. 7ofthe
Supreme Court cannot be invoked as authority for dismissal of the
actions at bar; Circular was avowedly inspired by the Manchester
ruling.—Circular No. 7 of this Court, dated March 24, 1988,
cannot thus be invoked, as the petitioner does, as authority for
the dismissal of the actions at bar. That circular, avowedly
inspired by the doctrine laid down in Manchester Development
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 149 SCRA 562 (May 7, 1987), has
but limited application to said actions, as shall presently be 2/14

discussed. Moreover, the rules therein laid down have since been
clarified and amplified by the Court’s subsequent decision in Sun
Insurance Office, Ltd. (SIOL) v. Asuncion, et al., G.R. Nos..79937-
38, February 13, 1989.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Purpose of Circular No. 7.—
Circular No. 7 was aimed at the practice of certain parties who
omit from the prayer of their complaints “any specification of the
amount of damages,” the omission being “clearly intended for no
other purpose than to evade the payment of the correct filing fees
if not to mislead the docket clerk, in the assessment of the filing
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Requirement in Circular
No. 7 that complaints, etc. should specify the amount of damages
being prayed for not only in the body of the pleading but also in the
prayer has not been altered; New rule that trial courts are now
authorized to allow payment of the fee within a reasonable time
but not beyond the prescriptive or reglementary period; For
damages arising after the filing of the complaint or similar
pleading, the additional filing fee shall constitute a lien


VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 435

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

on the judgment.—As will be noted, the requirement in Circular

No. 7 that complaints, petitions, answers, and similar pleadings
should specify the amount of damages being prayed for not only in
the body of the pleading but also in the prayer, has not been
altered. What has been revised is the rule that subsequent
“amendment of the complaint or similar pleading will not thereby
vest jurisdiction in the Court, much less the payment of the
docket fee based on the amount sought in the amended pleading,”
the trial court now being authorized to allow payment of the fee
within a reasonable time but in no case beyond the applicable
prescriptive or reglementary period. Moreover, a new rule has
been added, governing awards of claims not specified in the
pleading—i.e., damages arising after the filing of the complaint or
similar pleading—as to which the additional filing fee therefor
shall constitute a lien on the judgment.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Where the action is purely
for recovery of money or damages, the docket fees are assessed on
the basis of the aggregate amount claimed, exclusive only of
interests and costs.—Where the action is purely for the recovery of
money or damages, the docket fees are assessed on the basis of 3/14

the aggregate amount claimed, exclusive only of interests and

costs. In this case, the complaint or similar pleading should,
according to Circular No. 7 of this Court, “specify the amount of
damages being prayed for not only in the body of the pleading but
also in the prayer, and said damages shall be considered in the
assessment of the filing fees in any case.”
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Rules to be applied
where the complaint or similar pleading sets out a claim purely for
money or damages, and there is no precise statement of the
amounts being claimed, or where the pleading specifies the amount
of every claim, but the fees paid are insufficient.—Two situations
may arise. One is where the complaint or similar pleading sets
out a claim purely for money or damages and there is no precise
statement of the amounts being claimed. In this event the rule is
that the pleading will “not be accepted nor admitted, or shall
otherwise be expunged from the record.” In other words, the
complaint or pleading may be dismissed, or the claims as to which
the amounts are unspecified may be expunged, although as
aforestated the Court may, on motion, permit amendment of the
complaint and payment of the fees provided the claim has not in
the meantime become time-barred. The other is where the
pleading does specify the amount of every claim, but the fees paid
are insufficient; and here again, the rule now is that the court
may allow a reasonable time for the payment of the prescribed
fees, or the balance thereof, and upon such payment, the defect is
cured and the court may properly take



Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

cognizance of the action, unless in the meantime prescription has

set in and consequently barred the right of action.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Where the action involves
real property and a related claim for damages, the legal fees shall
be assessed on the basis of both the value of the property and the
total amount of related damages sought; Rule where no amounts of
the damages are specified.—Where the action involves real
property and a related claim for damages as well, the legal fees
shall be assessed on the basis of both (a) the value of the property
and (b) the total amount of related damages sought. The Court
acquires jurisdiction over the action if the filing of the initiatory
pleading is accompanied by the payment of the requisite fees, or,
if the fees are not paid at the time of the filing of the pleading, as 4/14

of the time of full payment of the fees within such reasonable time
as the court may grant, unless, of course, prescription has set in
in the meantime. But where—as in the case at bar—the fees
prescribed for an action involving real property have been paid,
but the amounts of certain of the related damages (actual, moral
and nominal) being demanded are unspecified, the action may not
be dismissed. The Court undeniably has jurisdiction over the
action involving the real property, acquiring it upon the filing of
the complaint or similar pleading and payment of the prescribed
fee. And it is not divested of that authority by the circumstance
that it may not have acquired jurisdiction over the accompanying
claims for damages because of lack of specification thereof. What
should be done is simply to expunge those claims for damages as
to which no amounts are stated, which is what the respondent
Courts did, or allow, on motion, a reasonable time for the
amendment of the complaints so as to allege the precise amount of
each item of damages and accept payment of the requisite fees
therefor within the relevant prescriptive period.

JOINT PETITION for certiorari, prohibition and

mandamus to review the orders of the Regional Trial Court
of Tagum, Davao del Norte, Br. 1 and 2.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Eduardo C. De Vera for petitioners.


In the Regional Trial Court at Tagum, Davao del Norte,


1 Eleventh Judicial District.


VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 437

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

(3) actions for recovery of possession (acciones publicianas )
were separately instituted by Godofredo Pineda against
three (3) defendants, docketed as follows:

1) vs. Antonia Noel Civil Case No. 2209 5/14

2) vs. Ponciano Panes Civil Case No. 2210

3) vs. Maximo Tacay Civil Case No. 2211.

Civil Cases Numbered 2209 and 2211 were raffled to

Branch I of the Trial Court, presided over by Judge Marcial
Hernandez. Civil No. 2210 was assigned to Branch 2,
presided over by Judge
Jesus Matas.
The complaints all alleged the same essential facts: (1)
Pineda was the owner of a parcel of land measuring 790
square meters, his ownership being evidenced by TCT No.
T-46560; (2) the previous owner had allowed the
defendants to occupy portions of the land by mere
tolerance; (3) having himself need to use the property,
Pineda had made demands on the defendants to vacate the
property and pay reasonable rentals therefor, but these
demands had been refused; and (4) the last demand had
been made more than a year prior to the commencement of
suit. The complaints prayed for the same reliefs, to wit:

1) that plaintiff be declared owner of the areas

occupied by the defendants;
2) that defendants and their “privies and allies” be
ordered to vacate and deliver the portions of the
land usurped by them;
3) that each defendant be ordered to pay:

1) P2,000 as monthly rents from February, 1987;

2) “Actual damages, as proven;”
3) “Moral and nominal
damages as the Honorable
Court may fix;”
4) “P30,000.00, “as attorney’s fees, and representation
fees of P5,000.00 per day of appearance;”


4) that he (Pineda) be granted such “further relief and

remedies x x just and equitable in the premises.”


2 Acciones Plenarias de posesion.

3 Annexes A, B, and C, petition.
4 Emphasis supplied.



Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

The prayer of each complaint contained a handwritten

notation (evidently made by plaintiffs counsel) reading,
“P5,000.00 as and for,” immediately above the typewritten
words, “Actual damages, as proven,” the intention
apparently being to make the entire phrase
read, “5,000.00
as and for actual damages as proven.”
Motions to dismiss were filed
in behalf of each of the
defendants by common counsel. Every motion alleged that
the Trial Court had not acquired jurisdiction of the case—

“. . . for the reason that the x x complaint violates the mandatory

and clear provision of Circular No. 7 of the x x Supreme Court
dated March 24, 1988, by failing to specify all the amounts of
damages which plaintiff is claiming from defendant;” and
“. . . for x x failure (of the complaint) to even allege the basic
requirement as to the assessed value of the subject lot in dispute.”

Judge Matas denied the motion to dismiss filed in Civil

Case No. 2210 but ordered the expunction of the
“allegations in paragraph 11 of the x x complaint
moral as well as nominal damages.” On motion of
defendant Panes, Judge Matas later ordered the striking
out, too, of the “handwritten amount of ‘P5,000.00 as and
for,’ including the typewritten words ‘actual damages as
proven’ x x in sub-paragraph b of paragraph 8
4 in the
conclusion and prayer of the complaint x x.”
The motions to dismiss submitted in Civil Cases
Numbered 2211 and 2209 were also denied in separate 9
orders promulgated by Judge Marcial Fernandez. His
Order in Case No. 2209 dated March 15, 1989 (a) declared
that since the “action at bar is for Reivindicatoria,
Damages and Attorney’s fees x x (d)efinitely this Court has
the exclusive jurisdiction,” (b) that the claims for actual,
moral and nominal damages “are only one aspect of the
cause of action,” and (c) because of absence of specification
of the amounts claimed as moral, nominal and actual
damages, they


5 See Order dated Feb. 27, 1989 of Judge Fernandez in Civil Case No.
2211, at p. 56 of the rollo.
6 Annexes G, H, and I, petition.
7 Annex J, petition; His Honor’s order is dated Jan. 13, 1989.
8 Annex L, petition; the order is dated March 8, 1989.
9 Annexes M and N, petition. 7/14


VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 439

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

should be “expunged from the records.”

Ascribing grave abuse of discretion to both Judges
Matas and Fernandez in the rendition of the Orders above
described, the defendants in all three (3) actions have filed
with this Court a “Joint Petition” for certiorari, prohibition
and mandamus, with prayer for temporary restraining
order and/or writ of preliminary prohibitory injunction,”
praying essentially that said orders be annulled and
respondent judges directed to dismiss all the complaints
“without prejudice to private respondent Pineda’s re-filing
a similar complaint that complies with Circular No. 7.” The
joint petition (a) re-asserted the proposition that because
the complaints had failed to state the amounts being
claimed as actual, moral and nominal damages, the Trial
Courts aquo had not acquired jurisdiction over the three (3)
actions in question—indeed, the respondent Clerk of Court
should not have accepted the complaints which initiated
said suits, and (b) it was not proper merely to expunge the
claims for damages and allow “the so-called cause 10
of action
for ‘reivindicatoria’ to remain for trial” by itself.
The joint petition should be, as it is hereby, dismissed. It
should be dismissed for failure to comply with this Court’s
Circular No. 1-88 (effective January 1, 1989).
The copies of
the challenged Orders thereto attached were not certified
by the proper Clerk of Court or his duly authorized
representative. Certification was made by the petitioners’
counsel, which is not allowed.
The petition should be dismissed, too, for another
equally important reason. It fails to demonstrate any grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the respondent Judges in
rendering the Orders complained of or, for that matter, the
existence of any proper cause for the issuance of the writ of
mandamus. On the contrary, the orders appear to have
correctly applied the law to the admitted facts.
It is true that the complaints do not state the amounts
being claimed as actual, moral and nominal damages. It is
also true,


10 The argument that the complaints were also fatally defective for
failure to state the assessed value of the land involved in the suits, is not 8/14

reiterated in the joint petition.

11 Annexes J, L, and N, petition.



Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

however, that the actions are not basically for the recovery
of sums of money. They are principally for recovery of
possession of real property, in the nature of an accion
publiciana. Determinative of the court’s jurisdiction in this
type of actions is the nature thereof, not the amount of the
damages allegedly arising from or connected with the issue
of title or possession, and regardless of the value of the
property. Quite obviously, an action for recovery of
possession of real property (such as 12
an accion plenaria de
posesion) or the title thereof, or for partition or
condemnation13of, or the foreclosure of a mortgage on, said
real property —in other words, a real action—may be
commenced and prosecuted without an accompanying claim
for actual, moral, nominal or exemplary damages; and such
an action would fall within the exclusive, original
jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court.
Batas Pambansa Bilang 129 provides that Regional
Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive original jurisdiction
inter alia over “all civil actions which involve the title to, or
possession of, real property, or any interest therein, except
actions for forcible entry into and unlawful detainer of
lands or buildings, original jurisdiction over which is
conferred upon Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal 14
Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts.” The rule
applies regardless of the value of the real property
involved, whether it be worth more than P20,000.00 or not,
infra. The rule also applies even where the complaint
involving realty also prays for an award of damages; the
amount of those damages would be immaterial to the
question of the Court’s jurisdiction. The rule is unlike that
in other cases—e.g., actions
simply for recovery of money or
of personal 16property, or actions in admiralty17and maritime
jurisdiction —in which the amount claimed, or the value
of the personal property, is determinative of jurisdiction;
i.e., the value of the personal property or the amount
claimed should exceed twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00)
in order to be cognizable by the Regional Trial

_______________ 9/14

12 Accion reivindicatoria.
13 SEE Rules 67, 68 and 69, Rules of Court.
14 Sec. 19 (2).
15 Sec. 19 (8).
16 Sec. 19 (3).
17 Exclusive of interests and costs.


VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 441

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

Circular No. 7 of this Court, dated March 24, 1988,
cannot thus be invoked, as the petitioner does, as authority
for the dismissal of the actions at bar. That circular,
avowedly inspired by the doctrine laid down in Manchester
Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 149 SCRA
562 (May 7, 1987), has but limited application to said
actions, as shall presently be discussed. Moreover, the rules
therein laid down have since been clarified and amplified
by the Court’s subsequent decision in Sun Insurance Office,
Ltd. (SIOL) v. Asuncion, et al., G.R. Nos. 79937-38,
February 13, 1989.
Circular No. 7 was aimed at the practice of certain
parties who omit from the prayer of their complaints “any
specification of the amount of damages,” the omission being
“clearly intended for no other purposes than to evade the
payment of the correct filing fees if not to mislead the
docket clerk, in the assessment of the filing fee.” The
following rules were therefore set down:

1. All complaints, petitions, answers, and similar

pleadings should specify the amount of damages
being prayed for not only in the body of the
pleading but also in the prayer, and said damages
shall be considered in the assessment of the filing
fees in any case.
2. Any pleading that fails to comply with this
requirement shall not be accepted nor admitted, or
shall otherwise be expunged from the record.
3. The Court acquires jurisdiction over any case only
upon the payment of the prescribed docket fee. An
amendment of the complaint or similar pleading
will not thereby vest jurisdiction in the Court, much
less the payment of the docket fee based on the
amount sought in the amended pleading. 10/14

The clarificatory and additional rules laid down in Sun

Insurance Office, Ltd. v. Asuncion, supra, read as follows:

1. It is not simply the filing of the complaint or

appropriate initiatory pleading, but (also) the
payment of the prescribed docket fee that vests a
trial court with jurisdiction over the subject-matter
or nature of the action. Where the filing of the
initiatory pleading is not accompanied by payment
of the docket fee, the court may allow payment of



Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

the fee within a reasonable time but in no case

beyond the applicable prescriptive or reglementary
2. The same rule applies to permissive counterclaims,
third-party claims and similar pleadings, which
shall not be considered filed until and unless the
filing fee prescribed therefor is paid. The court may
also allow payment of said fee within a reasonable
time but also in no case beyond its applicable
prescriptive or reglementary period.
3. Where the trial court acquires jurisdiction over a
claim by the filing of the appropriate pleading and
payment of the prescribed filing fee but,
subsequently, the judgment awards a claim not
specified in the pleading, or if specified, the same
has been left for determination by the court, the
additional filing fee therefor shall constitute a lien
on the judgment. It shall be the responsibility of the
Clerk of Court or his duly authorized deputy to
enforce said lien and assess and collect the
additional fee.”

As will be noted, the requirement in Circular No. 7 that

complaints, petitions, answers, and similar pleadings
should specify the amount of damages being prayed for not
only in the body of the pleading but also in the prayer, has
not been altered. What has been revised is the rule that
subsequent “amendment of the complaint or similar
pleading will not thereby vest jurisdiction in the Court,
much less the payment of the docket fee based on the
amount sought in the amended pleading,” the trial court 11/14

now being authorized to allow payment of the fee within a

reasonable time but in no case beyond the applicable
prescriptive or reglementary period. Moreover, a new rule
has been added, governing awards of claims not specified in
the pleading—i.e., damages arising after the filing of the
complaint or similar pleading—as to which the additional
filing fee therefor shall constitute a lien on the judgment.
Now, under the Rules of Court, docket or filing fees are
assessed on the basis of the “sum claimed,” on the one
hand, or the “value of the property
in litigation or the value
of the estate,” on the other. There are, in other words, as
already above intimated, actions or proceedings involving
real property, in


18 Secs. 5 and 6, Rule 141, in relation to Secs. 19 and 33, BP 129.


VOL. 180, DECEMBER 20, 1989 443

Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

which the value of the property is immaterial to the court’s

jurisdiction, account thereof being taken merely for
assessment of the legal fees; and there are actions or
proceedings, involving personal property or the recovery of
money and/or damages, in which the value of the property
or the amount of the demand is decisive of the trial court’s
competence (aside from being
the basis for fixing the
corresponding docket fees).
Where the action is purely for the recovery of money or
damages, the docket fees are assessed on the basis of the
aggregate amount claimed, exclusive only of interests and
costs. In this case, the complaint or similar pleading
should, according to Circular No. 7 of this Court, “specify
the amount of damages being prayed for not only in the
body of the pleading but also in the prayer, and said
damages shall be considered in the assessment of the filing
fees in any case.”
Two situations may arise. One is where the complaint or
similar pleading sets out a claim purely for money or
damages and there is no precise statement of the amounts
being claimed. In this event the rule is that the pleading
will “not be accepted nor admitted, or shall otherwise be
expunged from the record.” In other words, the complaint
or pleading may be dismissed, or the claims as to which the
amounts are unspecified may be expunged, although as 12/14

aforestated the Court may, on motion, permit amendment

of the complaint and payment of the fees provided the
claim has not in the meantime become time-barred. The
other is where the pleading does specify the amount of
every claim, but the fees paid are insufficient; and here
again, the rule now is that the court may allow a
reasonable time for the payment of the prescribed fees, or
the balance thereof, and upon such payment, the defect is
cured and the court may properly take cognizance of the
action, unless in the meantime prescription has set in and
consequently barred the right of action.


19 E.g., actions in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction where the

demand or claim exceeds P20,000.00, matters of probate, both testate and
intestate, where the gross value of the estate exceeds P20,000.00, cases in
which the demand, exclusive of interest and costs or the value of the
property in controversy, amounts to more, or less than, P20,000.00, are all
within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court. Sec.
19, BP 129.



Tacay vs. Regional Trial Court of Tagum, Davao del Norte

Where the action involves real property and a related claim

for damages as well, the legal fees shall be assessed on the
basis of both (a) the value of the property and (b) the total
amount of related damages sought. The Court acquires
jurisdiction over the action if the filing of the initiatory
pleading is accompanied by the payment of the requisite
fees, or, if the fees are not paid at the time of the filing of
the pleading, as of the time of full payment of the fees
within such reasonable time as the court may grant,
unless, of course, prescription has set in in the meantime.
But where—as in the case at bar—the fees prescribed for
an action involving real property have been paid, but the
amounts of certain of the related damages (actual, moral
and nominal) being demanded are unspecified, the action
may not be dismissed. The Court undeniably has
jurisdiction over the action involving the real property,
acquiring it upon the filing of the complaint or similar
pleading and payment of the prescribed fee. And it is not
divested of that authority by the circumstance that it may
not have acquired jurisdiction over the accompanying
claims for damages because of lack of specification thereof. 13/14

What should be done is simply to expunge those claims for

damages as to which no amounts are stated, which is what
the respondent Courts did, or allow, on motion, a
reasonable time for the amendment of the complaints so as
to allege the precise amount of each item of damages and
accept payment of the requisite fees therefor within the
relevant prescriptive period.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED, without
pronouncement as to costs.

          Fernan (C.J.), Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr.,

Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin,
Sarmiento, Cortés, Griño-Aquino, Medialdea and Regalado,
JJ., concur.

Petition dismissed.

Notes.—Jurisdiction is determined by the law in force

at the time of the commencement of the action. (Lee vs.
Municipal Trial Court of Legaspi, 145 SCRA 408.)
There is no rule authorizing a court personnel or branch
clerk of court to issue a “notice of case status.” (Koh vs.
Intermediate Appellate Court, 144 SCRA 259.)



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