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< Project scenario name > Version < X.

Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

< team Name >

< Scenario Name >

Software Requirements Specification

Version < X.0>

Team Guide:( Faculty Guide’s Name )

Members:(Team members name)

College Name:



<Team Name>/ <College Name> Page 1

< Project scenario name > Version <X.0>
Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

<date> 1.0 Synopsis <team name>
<date> 2.0 Synopsis <team name>

<Team Name>/ <College Name> Page 2

< Project scenario name > Version X.0
Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

Table of Contents

Description Page

1.0 Introduction No.

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.4 References

1.5 Technologies to be used

1.6 Overview

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

2.2 Software Interface

2.3 Hardware Interface

2.4 Product Function

2.5 User Characteristics

2.6 Constraints

2.7 Architecture Design

2.8 Use Case Model Description

<Team Name>/ <College Name> Page 3
< Project scenario name > Version X.0
Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

2.9 Class Diagram ........................................................................

Sequence Diagram s...............................................................

2.10 Database Design ....................................................................

2.11.1 ER Diagram ...............................................................

2.11.2 Schema ......................................................................

2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies

3.0 Specific Requirements

3.1 Use Case Reports

3.2 Supplementary Requirements

<Team Name>/ <College Name> Page 4
< Project scenario name > Version X.0

< Project scenario name > Version X.0

Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

Software Requirements Specification

1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Purpose:

1< To describe the purpose of the project >

1.3 Scope: The Scope of the < Project > includes:

1< Enter the scope of the project >

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

1• HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

2• JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

3• J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

4• WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application server

that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications.

5• WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer ): It is a designer toolkit which is

designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web service.

6• DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and

efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

7• HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol

between a web browser and a web server.

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< Project scenario name > Version X.0

< Project scenario name > Version X.0

Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

 XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to

transport and store data.

1• Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create

dynamic web pages.

2• Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive

information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide


1.4 References:

1< Enter the reference taken for project development >

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< Project scenario name > Version X.0

< Project scenario name > Version X.0

Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

1.5 Technologies to be used:

< Mention the technologies to be used in your project >

Ex :
1• J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture.

2• JAVA: Application architecture.

3• WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community

Edition) Web Server

4• DB2: IBM Database.

5• Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.

6• XML: Extension Markup Language.

Web 2.0: RSS Feed 2.0.

1• RAD 7.0: Development tool.

2• Localization: 3 Languages - Hindi, Kannada, and English

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< Project scenario name > Version X.0

< Project scenario name > Version X.0

Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

1.6 Overview: The SRS will include two sections, namely:

-I- Overall Description: This section will describe major components of

the system, interconnections, and external interfaces.

-I- Specific Requirements: This section will describe the

functions of actors, their roles in the system and the constraints
faced by the system.

2.0 Overall Description:

2.1 Product Perspective:

1< Enter the product perspective >

2.2 Software Interface:

-I- Front End Client:

-I- Web Server:

-I- Data Base Server:

4- Back End:

<team name>/ < College name > Page 8

< Project scenario name > Version X.0
Software Requirements Specification <date>
<team name>

2.3 Hardware Interface:

4- Client Side:
4- Server Side:

2.4 Product Functions:.

2.5 User Characteristics:

2.6 Constraints:

2.8 Architecture Design:

2.9 Use Case Diagram :

2.10 Class Diagram:

2.11 Sequence Diagrams:

2.10.1 Database Design:
2.10.2 ER Diagram:

2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies:

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1 Use Case Reports:

3.2 Supplementary Requirements:

<Team Name>/ <College Name> Page 9

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