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Chapter 1


One of the challenges that every student encounter is to manage

the money that their parents provided for them. Many students are having difficulties in

terms of budgeting their allowances because of their different expense in schools. With

the help of money as one of the main necessity plays a significant role in every student

to survive Senior High School (Babbie,)

Daily allowance is the amount of money that a student is entitled to on a daily basis. It

is one of the resources for buying the needs of each student. Most of the student gets

their allowance from their parents and parents’ money earned as salary from their work.

Higher family income may have a good contribution in academic performance, but for

the responsible and serious students, low family income must not be an excuse for poor

performance (Adzido, Dzogbede, Ahiare, Dorkpah, 2016). Bhat, Joshi, Wani (2016)

supported the latter claim that socioeconomic status is the significant factor in academic

achievement. Thus, the higher level of socioeconomic status shows a big contribution

toward the quality of student achievement (Farooq, Chaudry, Shafiq and Berhanu,


Academic achievement carry out primary significance in the context of an education

system, intend a successful scholastic achievement of the students and human

resources improvement at the high level. In addition, adolescents having high and

middle socioeconomic status excel in academic performance than adolescents having

low socioeconomic status (Singh and Choudhary, 2015). Socioeconomic status of the
students haveam impact to their academic achievement. Students having a high

socioeconomic status have a good exposure and surroundings giving a good result as

compared to low socioeconomic status (Chandra and Azzimudin, 2013).

Due to factors that can affect budgeting, there exists a difference on planning a budget.

The manner in which high school students manage their money is based on several

factors such as age, personality, traits, and knowledge (Gordon, 2010).


According to the Department of Education,the continuous increase of the students

which is out of school and those which doesn’t like school .In addition, schools with

lower socioeconomic status are associated with positive impacts on the university

academic performance, but that the magnitude is minimal students from lower

socioeconomic status schools have been found to perform marginally better than there

fromsocioeconomic status schools (Li & Dockery, 2014). Caro (2009) identified

socioeconomic statusas a student transition from elementary and secondary education

level differs between low socioeconomic status. Lastly, Adzido, (Dzogbede, Ahiave, and

Dorkpah, 2016) stated that even though family with higher socioeconomic status may

help improve students’ performance, being in low socioeconomic status is not an

excuse for poorperformance.


This study seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the 1st Quartile of the daily allowance of the students?

2. What is the 2nd Quartile of the daily allowance of the students?

3. What is the 3rd Quartile of the daily allowance of student?



This study was limited to “Daily Allowance and It’s Relationship to the Academic

Performance of SeniorHigh students in Lucena Dalahican National High School” for the

school year 2019-2020 with an aid to determine factors that had a relationship to the

study. This study was also limited to Selected Senior high Students of Lucena

Dalahican National High School where in a survey questionnaire is used to gather data

and with the use of random sampling for the frequency distribution and the weighted

mean formula to statistically analyze the gathered data. The time frame of this study

was from February to March 2020.


This study is beneficial to the following:

A. The Students. This study may help students to appraise their practice of spending

money. This will inform them where students like them generally spend their money

with. Upon this information, this study can enlighten them on how to use their allowance

wisely. This also improves their skills in managing their budget whenever there are so

many expenses that they have encountered.

B. The Parents/Guardians.

This study may help the parents/guardians by providing insights and

information about the allowance they give to their children and how and where they

generally use it. This study can inform them as to how much allowance is accurate for

their children to use it for their needs in their chosen course. This research will give

them idea on the amount of money they will allocate to their children and to monitor, on

how their children spend their allowances in the different variables given.

C. The Teachers.

This study may help also the teachers to teach their students on how

to manage their allowance correctly. Specifically, Mathematics teachers are most

involved on this study because they teach more on solving problems. On the other

hand, other teachers can also helps students to provide better understanding about this
topic. It is important also for them so that this research could they use as their teaching


D. The Administrators. This study may help them to make programs and symposiums

that focuses on how to manage their expenses. This will also serves as a basis to teach

the students to be responsible enough in their financial budget.


Some terms are technically and operationally defined for better understanding.

Allocate - to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things, or

simply to set a part.

Appraise - to set a value on : to estimate the amount of appraise the damage: to

evaluate the worth, significance, or status of especially : to give an expert judgment of

the value or merit of.

Budget - a quantity (as of energy or water) involved in, available for, or assignable to a

particular situation.

Enlighten - to furnish knowledge to: to give spiritual insight to.

Expenses - financial burden or outlay: a loss, detriment, or embarrassment that results

from some action or gain.

Financial Matters - relating to things that the finance of a financiers being appropriated.

Indebt - to place (as oneself) under an obligation (as of returning something borrowed).
Necessity - the quality or state of being necessary.

Privilege - a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor

Chapter ll

Research Methodology

The methodology used in undertaking the study on "Daily Allowance Of Senior High

School Students in Lucena Dalahican National High School“ .This includes reaserch

design,reaserch locale,reaserch sampling,data gadering procedure and also the

statistical treatment of this reaserch.


The study will be conducted in the Lucena Dalahican National High

School at Dalahican Road , Lucena City.


The method will be used to observe and interpret the data survey

questionaire with statement serve to obtain the necessary data needed.


The respondent of the research has total of 250 Senior High School

Students and they where choosen in a simple random sampling manner.


In the data gathering we composed first the letter of request asking

for permission to have a survey within the school zone. After the request had been

granted, we poceed in making the survey and then after that we move in conducting the

Chapter lll


This chapter presents the result and discussion together with the summary of gathered

data from the respondents the conclusion being derived from such data and the

recommendations based on the study.

Total of Senior High Respondents in Lucena Dalahican National High School


ABM 34


TVL 53

TVL 53


Total :250 Students

The table in the left side

shows the daily
allowance of Senior High

Interval=10 Highest:50-
59 total of 53 Students
Total=250 Lowest:0-9 total of 2 Students

Interval=10 Mean:61.98


- The 1st quartile of the daily allowance of senior high students is less
than or equal 75.63
- The 2nd quartile of the daily allowance of senior high students is less
than or equal 130.39
- The 3rd quartile of the daily allowance of senior high students is less
than or equal 345.5


Base on the finding in this research these are the


-Don’t spend to much on nonsense things.

-Parent should continuesly support their childrens in their financial.

-Teachers should teach their students to acknowledge the money that their parent

giving to them that came from their decent and honest job.

-Students shoul manage thei allowance or savings for their necessities than spending it

for liesure.




SCHOOL YEAR 2019 to 2020

A Research Paper



As a

Subject Riquirment


Lucena Dalahican National High School

Lucena City

Research by :

Irenia Segui
Alfredo Vergara
Izzy Mae Sanchez
Jezell Malasmas Umali
Valerie Betito Velarde
Samantha Ramos
Kenneth Mercado
SY 2019 - 2020

In the research focuses in the study of “Daily Allowances and

its Relationships to the academic Performance of Senior High Students of Lucena

Dalahican National High School.This study also aims to find out the allowances of every

senior high students .

Based on the study the allowance of every Senior High School

students is sufficient for their everyday needed and also they value their allowances for

their consumption in materials needed in school most of the time.

Based on the study the daily allowance of senior high

students are sufficient for their daily needs and also most of the students in senior high

spend their money mostly on food and spend their money least on their

transportations.Based on the study every senior high school student sustain all the

needs.And they also learned to budget their money for their expences.
Yes ______ No ______

Others, pls. specify ___________

3. How much money do you spend

for your transportation everyday?

Php ________

4. How much money do you spend

for your food everyday?

Php ________

5. A. Do you bring packed lunch in

school ?

Yes ____ No ____

B. If yes, how much money can you

usually save?

Php ________
6. How much money do you spend
usually spend on your projects?

Name:_________________________ Php ______

Year Level: _________Age: ________ 7. How much money do you spend for
your leisure time?
Date: _____________ Sex: ________
Php ______

8. Where do you think most of your

allowance go to ?
Please answer the questionnaire
Rank them using 1-5. (1-most
completely and concisely.
important),(5-least important)
1. How much is your allowance
_____ Food
_____Art materials (paint, papers,
Php ________
board, etc.)
2. Do you get your allowance in
_____Printing (for research papers,
your parent’s/guardian’s salary?
references, etc. )

r shops, cellphone load,gala,etc.)

9.. A. Do you make/write a budget


Always ____ Sometimes ____ Often

_____ Never ____

B. Do you follow the budget plan that

you have made?

Always ____ Sometimes ____

Often ____ Never____

10. A. Do you always try to save


Always ____ Sometimes____

Often _____ Never____

B. How much can you usually

save everyday?

Php _______

11. What is your grade in the Third


Grade/Average _____

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