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(Note: refer to the structures above and familiarize the functions of each parts)

The term VULVA refers to the entire female external genitalia.


1. Mons Pubis or Mons Veneris

 The mons pubis is a pad of fat above the symphysis pubis that is an important obstetrical landmark and protects
the symphysis pubis from trauma.

2. Labia Majora

 The labia majora are two thick folds of adipose tissues originating from the mons and terminating in the
 It unites anteriorly to form the anterior commissure and posteriorly to form the posterior commissure.

3. Labia Minora

 The labia minora are two thin folds of connective tissue that joins anteriorly to form the prepuce and posteriorly
to form the fourchette.

4. Clitoris

 The clitoris is a highly sensitive and erectile tissue situated under the prepuce of the labia minora.
 It is known to be the “seat of a woman’s sexual arousal and orgasm” as it is the most sensitive part of the female
external genitalia.

5. Fossa Navicularis

 This is the space between the fourchette and vaginal introitus that is usually obliterated during childbirth. 

6. Perineal body or perineal muscle

 Posterior to the fourchette

 Easily stretch during childbirth to allow enlargement of the vagina & passage of the fetal head.
 KEGEL exercises are aimed at this area to:
 Strengthen, stretch, & relax the muscle
 To prepare the muscle to expand during birth so that it doesn’t tear

7. Vestibule

 The vestibule is the triangular space between the labia minora where the vaginal introitus, urethral meatus,
Bartholin’s glands and Skene’s glands are located.

8. Bartholin’s Glands

 These are a pair of glands that are also known as vulvovaginal glands, paravaginal and major vestibular glands.

9. Skene’s Glands

 These are a pair of glands also known as paraurethral and minor vestibular glands.

10. Vaginal Orifice

 It is the external opening of the Vagina located just below the urethral meatus.
 The Grafenberg or G-spot is a very sensitive area located at the inner anterior surface of the vagina.

11. Hymen

 The hymen is a thin circular membrane made of elastic tissue situated at the vaginal opening that separates the
female internal organs from the external organs.

12. Urethral Meatus

 The external opening of the female urethra is located just below the clitoris.
 The shortness of the female urethra makes women more susceptible to UTI than men.

Nerve Supply

 The anterior portion’s nerve supply is derived from the L1 & the posterior portion is derived from S3.

Blood Supply

 Blood supply to the vulva is provided by the pudendal artery and inferior rectus artery.
 This rich blood supply facilitates rapid healing during the postpartum period. However, it also predisposes the
women to hemorrhage caused by lacerations of childbirth.

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