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MAURER Guided Cross-Tie

Railway Expansion Joint

MAURER Guided cross-tie

At the ends of railway bridge decks displacements occur  Longitudinal displacements of the superstructure of up
which are caused not only by changes in temperature, but
to 1,600 mm possible
also by concentrated acting live loads. These displacements
can cause stresses in the rails. In particular in case of a non-  Compact design while facilitating a large movement
ballasted track the resulting vertical displacements and capacity
rotations cannot be accommodated by the resilience of the
 Controlled spacing of sleepers caused by “non-floating
ballast, but required is a suitable bridging system. The
objective is to allow a free vertical displacement in support”
combination with a longitudinal displacement at the ends of  Covering all usually occurring end rotations and
the superstructure, as well as a limitation of the vertical mutually vertical displacements of the superstructure
forces in the supporting points of the rails while maintaining
the passing comfortable. In consideration of the of a non-ballasted track
permissible spacing of the sleepers, Maurer adapted the  Torsional resilience and little constraints by
“swivel joist joint system” which is being used for decades independently acting supporting axes
in road bridges to the requirements of railway bridges.
 Installation possible also in extreme curves and in a
The durable solution is named Guided Cross-Tie system and
is characterized by the following points: longitudinal slope
 No limitation of the passing velocity of the train
 Long term wear resistant, fatigue proof, and watertight
 Wearing parts can be replaced from below
 Safe anchorage against uplift in the concrete
 Independent of the type of the fixation of the rails
 No gapping in the supporting elements possible

PI 064 EN / 2015-10 1/4 forces in motion

MAURER Guided Cross-Tie
Railway Expansion Joint

So called Guided Cross-Tie systems which are individually The bending strain in the rails is being allocated equally to
guided take care of the traffic loads and the movement of the two edges, in case of rotations around the longitudinal
the superstructure. These sleepers are prestressed on two axis of the structure the system can freely rotate, which is
skewly positioned support beams below, and at least facilitated by the two separate supporting axes. Each
partially supported in sliding. A third support beam is in moving sleeper is separately controlled, and thus the
charge of the control of the displacements. These support system employs redundancy in case of local damages.
beams are themselves supported on rocker bearings which
are located at the edge of the superstructure. The guiding The installation of the Guided Cross-Tie is being done by one
mechanism at these bearings leads to a swiveling single unit, inclusive of the connecting structures to the
movement of the support bars when the superstructure edges of the superstructure. Thus the adaption to its final
undergoes a longitudinal displacement, while ensuring an position is easily possible and does not require any final
equal spacing between the sleepers. Vertical displacements adjustments..
between the edges of the superstructure can be
accommodated by way of rotation of the bearings.

Fig. 1 - Section MAURER Guided Cross-Tie System Type WS 1

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MAURER Guided Cross-Tie
Railway Expansion Joint

Fig. 2 - Ground View MAURER Guided Cross-Tie System WS 1

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MAURER Guided Cross-Tie
Railway Expansion Joint

Fig. 3 - Sections MAURER Guided Cross-Tie System WS 1

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