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Case Study Analysis #1

I - Summary

Lemuel Greene was hired by National Home Manufacturers, a large builder of

prefabricated homes, as a trainer. He was assigned in writing and revising company

brochures as well as with the most important correspondence at the senior level. These

senior level employees comprise of the supervisors, managers, and executives, which he

trained for new computer languages to time management skills, and to how possibly

achieved the most excellent performance from the plant floor workers.

However, even with the big salary he was receiving, he felt that there was no self-

fulfillment and everything was routinary because he kept on saying the same things over

and over during his seminars and with the writing jobs seemed not as interesting as what

he had before. Due to the above-mentioned situation, Lemuel Greene proposed to hold

classes for the floor workers, wherein many are illiterate. The workers appreciated his

effort and equipped with the new learning, they became more motivated, productive with

their work and learned to dream higher by trying their luck for higher positions in the


II – Issues and Concern

The work of Lemuel Greene as a trainer for the senior level employees made him

unhappy and there was no self-fulfillment in his part even if the business correspondence

of the company was flawlessly polished and annual reports became brief and concise

without sacrificing any important details. He felt that because everything was routinely
done, he lost interest in improving it, making his work behavior dull and unproductive. He

later on felt that he was no longer needed because of the immense improvement on their

work output.

III – Statement of the Problem

Lemuel Greene felt his work after he trained the senior level employees, making

the business correspondence and reports flawlessly polished and shortened, he was no

longer needed. His work became easy, undemanding and uninspiring. He felt that it falls

short on the challenges as the ones he was trained upon.

IV – Objectives

The lack of drive and enthusiasm of Lemuel Greene was noticed by his supervisor,

Mirela Albert. So, in order to motivate him, she agreed on the proposal he presented for

the benefit of the plant floor workers. The superiors also agreed but with the condition of

reducing his salary.

The proposal of offering English classes to the plant floor workers was agreed and

treated by management as added benefit to them in terms of avoiding wage hike, and

savings from the reduced compensation of Greene. For Greene, it was a new challenge

to test his capabilities on how to captivate the interest of workers to accept a new learning

and to mold them to be well-equipped in the future through the English class. For workers,
it could be an excuse or a break from the nailing guns or the opportunity to learn more to

gain advantage in the future.

The start of giving English lessons to the workers was both demanding and

challenging to Greene because only few joined. But later on, the former witnessed the

latter’s enthusiasm and seriousness on the project. They also saw how he put his heart

into it and realized that they will gain a lot from all the lessons that Greene is teaching


The workers were motivated to learn more and Lemuel Greene was much eager

and happy to do so following the news that the plant floor workers are now seeking higher

positions knowing they are now capable and qualified.

V – Alternative Courses of Action or ACA

The company can try three different approaches to bring back the enthusiasm of

Lemuel Greene, motivate him to be more productive with work as well as the company

can gain an edge among competitors, to wit;

a. Since the training of senior level employees on business correspondence

and reports are flawlessly polished and shortened, the company may also

assign him to train them for public speaking.

b. The management can deploy Mr. Greene to its subsidiary or sister

companies to train the employees there for business correspondence. This

way, the company can create a bond as well to other companies.

c. The company can offer Mr. Greene a vacation abroad to pay well his

contribution to the company, as well as these can be an avenue for him to gain

fresh ideas that he can share to the company.

Advantages Disadvantages

Training the senior level officers for public Training for public speaking would be a

speaking may give them more confidence strenuous activity both for Lemuel Greene

in dealing with clients, to further polish and and the officers but both can gain more

explain well their company’s presentation/ with it. The company will allot hours for the

product to the market. Since it would be training thus reducing their productivity

strenuous for Greene but it is also quite hours at work.

challenging for his part and could boost

again his motivation to do well.

Assigning Greene to subsidiary Officers and employees will be

companies to teach the employees to knowledgeable enough to pursue higher

polish their business correspondence can positions in the company or to be hired by

create bonds between the mother and competitors.

sister companies. This will also lead to a

smooth, concise, and correct exchange of

information between them.

Giving Greene a well-paid vacation will It is a form of expenditure from the

give him a fresh outlook and ideas that he company.

can share to the company. This will also

be a way for him to recharge his

enthusiasm with work.

VI – Recommendation

I could recommend the best course of action to take is the second one, assigning

Lemuel Greene to subsidiary companies to train and teach employees there to polish its

business correspondence. This may lead to employees seeking higher positions, but it

would also help in a smooth exchange of information between companies as well as to

create a bond between them.

VI – Plan of Action or Implementation

Plan Action Key Person/Department

Training for business Conduct training to Senior Coordinate with their

correspondence level Officers of the Human Resource

subsidiary companies Department

Polishing Reports Conduct training on how to Coordinate with

make reports concise but departments in-charge for a

well-explained specific report.

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