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“Cashless Payments: A Consumer’s Perception Towards E-wallets”

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship of consumers' demographic and e-

wallet profiles to their perception towards e-wallets in Angeles City.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:
1.1 sex,
1.2 age, and
1.3 educational attainment?

2. How may the e-wallet profile of the respondents be described in terms of:
2.1 awareness of e-wallets,
2.2 usage of smartphone for online payment,
2.3 familiarity and preferred e-wallet application,
2.4 online payment activities, and
2.5 frequency of usage?

3. How may the perception of the respondents towards e-wallets be described in

terms of:
3.1 reasons for using e-wallet, and
3.2 obstacle faced while using e-wallet?

4. How may the satisfaction of the respondents towards e-wallets be described in

terms of:
4.1 satisfaction level?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ perception towards

e-wallet and their demographic profile?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ perception towards

e-wallet and their e-wallet profile?

7. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ perception towards

e-wallet and their satisfaction?

8. What are the implications of findings for the e-wallet usage based on the
respondents’ perception?


Based on the specific problem of the study, the following hypothesis is created:

H01: There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ perception

towards e-wallet and their demographic profile.

H02: There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ perception

towards e-wallet and their e-wallet profile.

H03: There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ perception

towards e-wallet and their satisfaction.
Republic Central Colleges
Plaridel St., Angeles City, Philippines


Dear Participant:

We, the 3rd year BSA students of the College of Business and Accountancy, are
currently conducting a research study about the Cashless Payments: A Consumer’s
Perception Towards E-wallets.

In this regard, we would like to request your participation in this research endeavor by
filling out this questionnaire. Rest assured that your participation, and whatever data
you will provide, will be kept with the utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,

CBA Researchers:

Shiori B. Bano Angel B. Bastona Shawn Philip A. Chuidian

Jocelyn D. Nuevo Chenee M. Quiñones Naomi Ruth B. Rogriguez


I hereby agree to participate in the research undertaking of CBA Researchers. My

participation is voluntary without any remuneration and that I have the right to withdraw
at any time should I object to the nature of research. I further understand that:
 This research study aims to determine the relationship of consumers’
demographic and e-wallet profiles to their perception towards e-wallets in
Angeles City;
 I will be asked to provide confidential information about myself;
 I am entitled to ask question about this research; and
 I will be given opportunity to learn about the result of this research, which may be
useful to me.

My signature below indicates that I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

Dated this day of 2021.

Name/Signature of Participant
Republic Central Colleges

Part I: Demographic Profile

Direction. Kindly provide your appropriate answers to the following: (please do not leave any blank):

Sex Male Female
Age: 18-25 26-40 41-55 56 and above

Educational Attainment: (Select only one)

Elementary Level/Graduate
Highschool Level/Graduate
Senior Highschool Level/Graduate
College Level/Graduate
Master's Degree Level/Graduate
Doctorate Degree Level/Graduate

Part II: E-wallet Profile

Direction. Kindly put a check that corresponds to your appropriate answers to the following (please do
not leave any blank):

2.1 Awareness about E-wallet payment gateways

Are you aware of e-wallets? (Select only one)
Hearing about it for the 1st time.
Heard about it and used
Heard about it but never used it.

2.2 Usage of smart phone for making Online Payment

Do you use your smart phone
for making online payment? Yes No

2.3 Familiarity and Preferences about E-wallet service providers

Familiarity Preference
Do you know this e-wallet app? (Select any Which one do you prefer?
of the following) (Select only one)
GCash GCash
PayMaya PayMaya
Coins PH Coins PH
GrabPay GrabPay
PayPal PayPal
7-Eleven CLIQQ app 7-Eleven CLIQQ app
Lazada Wallet Lazada Wallet
Shoppee Wallet Shoppee Wallet
Moneygment Moneygment
Others (Please specify): ______________________ Others (Please specify): ___________________
Online Payment Activities
Which are the following reasons you use e-wallets?
(Select any of the following)
For Cash in & Cash out/Recharge
For payment of Utility Bill (electric, water)
For Transportation payment
To buy Food/Movie tickets
For Online Shopping
For Money Transferring
Others (Please specify): __________________________
2.5 Frequency of E-wallet usage (per month).

How often do you used e-wallets for online

(Select only one)
Once a month
Twice a month
Thrice a month
More than thrice a month

Part III: Perceptions Towards E-Wallets

Direction. Please refer to the following scale as frame of references and check the appropriate column
that corresponds to your rating:

4 - Strongly Agree (SA) 3 - Agree (A) 2 - Disagree (D) 1 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

3.1 Perception of using e-wallet
(4) (3) (2) (1)
3.1.1 The availability of mobile payment services
3.1.2 Convenience of the mobile payment services
3.1.3 Comfortable with the security of the mobile payments
3.1.4 Acceptance of the services at different stores
3.1.5 To take the advantage of loyalty/reward points and discounts
3.1.6 Time Saving through digital payment mode
3.1.7 Digital payment is user-friendly

3.2 Obstacle while using e-wallet
(4) (3) (2) (1)
3.2.1. Lack of security and safety
3.2.2 Problem of internet connection
3.2.3 Delayed payment
3.2.4 Long transaction time
3.2.5 Security breach
3.2.6 Transaction failure
3.2.7 Lack of infrastructure/ limited options
3.2.8 System outage/ server down
3.2.9 Functional failure of application
3.2.10 Resistance to change of system and design

Part IV: Satisfaction Towards E-Wallets

Direction. Please refer to the following scale as frame of references and check the appropriate column
that corresponds to your rating:

4-Strongly Satisfied (SS) 3-Satisfied (S) 2-Dissatisfied (D) 1-Strongly Dissatisfied (SD)

4.1 Satisfaction level
(4) (3) (2) (1)
4.1.1 Mobile wallets are capable of providing benefits to individual for
purchase of product.
4.1.2 Using the mobile wallet improves the quality of my decision making
for buying products.
4.1.3 Believe mobile wallets are useful in buying products than the
traditional methods.
4.1.4 Think that using online wallets can offer me a wider range of banking
services and payment options
4.1.5 Interacting with mobile wallet is helpful.
4.1.6 Trust the service providers of mobile wallet.
4.1.7 Money Transfer Speed
4.1.8 Account to account transfer
4.1.9 Payment process speed
Part V: Respondents’ Suggestion toward the enhancement of cashless payment services being
experienced in e-wallets

Direction. What can you suggest to fully achieve the enhancement of cashless payment of services being
experienced in e-wallets? You may state your answer in English or Filipino; in bullet form will also do.

** Thank You! **

Q Part 2 to 4 (adapted)

Akhila, P. H. (2018). Study on Consumer Perception Towards Digital Wallets.

IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(3),

Bayugo, J. E. (2020, March 12). 8 best mobile e-wallets in the Philippines.

Grit PH.

Mathiraj, S. P., Geeta, S. D. T., & Devi, R. S. (2019). Consumer Acuity on

Select Digital Wallets. International Journal of Scientific & Technology
Research, 8(12), 3551–3556.

Pobre, A. (2020, October 31). 10 e-wallets in the Philippines that let you
buy from online shops anywhere in the world & pay bills hassle-free.
TheSmartLocal Philippines.

Singh, S., & Rana, R. (2017). Study of consumer perception of digital payment
mode. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 22(3). 2-13.
Republic Central Colleges
Plaridel St., Angeles City, Philippines


“Demographic and Online Shopping Profiles as Determinants of Online Shopping

Convenience: Implication to Retail Business Innovation”
Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the researcher-made questionnaire to
establish its validity to be used in the data gathering of research stated above. You are
requested to give your honest assessment using the following criteria. Please check
() only one from the selection.
Scale Interpretation Description
The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for
5 Very high validity
the investigation, allowing 0-5%error.
The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for
4 High validity
the investigation, allowing 6-10%error.
The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for
3 Moderate validity
the investigation, allowing 11-15%error.
The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for
2 Low validity
the investigation, allowing16-20%error.
The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for
1 Not valid at all
the investigation, allowing 21-25%error.


5 4 3 2 1
1. The indicators in the questionnaire consistently and accurately measure
each variable of the investigation
2. The questionnaire fits with the variables under investigation, thus
measuring what it tends to measure
3. The questionnaire has the capability to measure items of variables
within a given time frame
4. The questionnaire has the ability to distinguish the characteristics or the
properties of differing attributes of the subjects under study
5. The questionnaire has the ability to gather factual data, eliminating
biases and subjectivity
6. The questionnaire can generate complete data within the given time
7. The questionnaire is attractive and the contents are printed clearly.
8. The questionnaire uses words that are clear, simple and straightforward
to understand to avoid confusion error.
9. The questionnaire is capable of generating data that will be of value and
practical use to the sectors concerned in the investigation.


Dean, College of Arts Sciences & Education Head, Research & Development Center


Vice-President, Academic Affairs

Source: Modified by Basco, J.G from the Validation Tool of Mindanao State University, General Santos City.

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