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A. Instruction: True or False. Write true if the statement is true. Otherwise, write False in the space
provided. (1-10 Pts.)

True1. History is the study of the past.

True2. History is as old as Philosophy.

False 3. The word “historia” was derived from “Latin” word.

True4. Epic is one example of oral tradition.

False 5. Monarch, saints and heroes were the earliest subject of history.

False 6. Post-colonialism is a school of thought that emerged in the early ninetieth century.

True7. Annales thinkers believe in the use of common historical subjects.

True8. One problem of history is the accusation of being written by victors.

False 9. Historians do not derive only from historical sources and evidences.

True10. Written history is always intended for a certain group of audience.

B. Instruction: Using a particular era in Philippine History, write a short essay using the concept of
post-colonialism. You may use other historical sources aside from our module. Use the vacant space
provided below. You may add extra sheet of paper but limited to one. (10Pts.)

The investigation of Filipino American writing offers a spot for the edges of postcolonial talk and
the abstract endeavors of the "hypenated" or "ethnic" American to join. This convergence offers a test
to the putative need to isolate these undertakings based on the US's apparently unsteady status as a
frontier power (before the American occupation, the Philippines went through three centuries under
Spanish standard). American extension of the Philippines happened after two separate wars: the
Spanish-American War (1898) and the Filipino-American War (1899-1902). U.S provincial standard of the
archipelago was relaxed during the Federation Time of 1935-1946, a period after which the Philippines
picked up its freedom. Notwithstanding that, the issues of colonization become convoluted considering
the way that the Philippines experienced many years of authorized "deregulation" with the US up to and
even after this freedom. Such a reality brings up a wide range of helpful issues about the impacts of
neocolonialism, and furthermore the dormant "imperialism" of estrangement and separation
experienced by certain migrants

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