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Article · June 2018

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3 authors:

Niyati Jain Vijay Bahadur

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences

Arghya Mani
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya


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Inno. Farm., 3(1): 1-5 Jain et al., 2018

Research Article



Niyati Jain1*, Vijay Bahadur1 and Arghya Mani2

Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Allahabad, INDIA
Department of Post-harvest technology of Horticultural crops, BCKV, Mohanpur, INDIA
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]


Physio-chemical, The study was conducted so as to identify most suitable integrated nutrient management
INM, vermicompost, (INM) practice for enhancing the physio-chemical properties of strawberry (Fragaria ×
Azotobacter, sweet ananassa duch.) fruits of variety Sweet Charlie with 21 treatments and different
charlie combinations of organic and microbial sources of nutrients (Compost, Poultry Manure,
Vermicompost, FYM, Azotobacter and PSB) replicated thrice with 18 plants per 2x2 m
ARTICLE INFO plot size in Randomized Block Design. . The study revealed that INM comprising
Received on: application of vermicompost 5t/ha+ poultry manure 2.5t/ha+ Azotobacter + phosphorus
17.11.2017 solubilizing bacteria (PSB) was the best to obtain a maximum fruit yield (112.63 g plant -1),
Revised on: fruit weight (12.86 g), in terms of length and breadth, fruit with maximum specific gravity
27.02.2018 and highest shelf life (5.69 days),. This was much significantly higher as compared to that
Accepted on: of the control. A similar trend was observed in the fruit bio-chemical attributes like Total
29.02.2018 Soluble Solids (7.05 °B), titratable acidity (0.64%), ascorbic acid content (53.42 mg/100 g
fruit pulp), and pH (2.66) content of the harvested fruits. Hence, it can be considered the
integrated application of vermicompost 5t/ha+ poultry manure 2.5t/ha +Azotobacter + PSB
is most suitable INM practice for enhancing physio-chemical properties of strawberry cv.
Sweet Charlie fruits as grown under Allahabad conditions.
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is an aggregate the fertility status of the soil, maintenance of appropriate
fruit, occupies a significant place in fruit growing in status of microflora, to make safe the produce and for
India. Since, it can be cultivated in plains as well as in realizing the additional yields, Integrated Nutrient
hills, it has gained the status of being one of the most Management (INM) is a certain answer. To combat this
important soft fruit of the worlds after grapes. Its problem, use of organic manures and bio fertilizers are
popularity can be judged from the very fact that total probably the best way to maintain a sustained food
area and production of the world had increased production pattern. Since the need is to ensure that the
considerably over the past decade. It occupies on an area physio chemical properties of the fruits are enhanced,
of 2, 43,907 ha with a total production 43, 66,662 tones hence an effort had been made so as to determine the
(FAO, 2010). It is cultivated to a limited extent is plains most suitable INM practice that can positively influence
and sub mountainous areas of Himachal Pradesh, the fruit physiochemical properties.
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, MATERIALS AND METHODS
Punjab, Haryana Madhya Pradesh and Meghalaya, Experimental site
wherever, irrigation facilities are available in India. Strawberry plants were planted by transplanting method
Among the various factors which contribute to the with 60 x 30 cm spacing. Cultural practice had used
growth and yield of strawberry, nutrition is an important manually with the help of labours, water supply provided
aspect of crop production that accounts for about one by hazara on an alternate days and in term of pest
third of the total cost of production (Bhatt, 1999; Nazir, management practice use trap card. Strawberry fruits
2005). A balanced form of fertilizer is a pre- requisite to were harvested in fresh conditions during morning hours.
higher yields. However, these chemical fertilizers are The fruits were cleaned properly with water. It was
costlier and also pollute the environment through the ensured that the fruits harvested were free from
process of denitrification, volatilization and leaching. blemishes and spots. Then the fruits were analysed
The surest means to tide over the challenge is through physio-chemically in Post graduate Lab, Department of
environmentally sustainable farming methods. To sustain horticulture, SHUATS, Allahabad.

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Inno. Farm., 3(1): 1-5 Jain et al., 2018

Design used in this experiment The specific gravity of fruit was calculated by dividing
The design of the experiment was Randomized Block the average fruit weight to average volume of water
Design (RBD) with 21 treatments replicate thrice time displaced by fruit (ml).
with 2 x 2 m plot size. Weight of fruit (g)
Treatment details Specific gravity =
T0-Control (N- 100kg/ha, p-80kg/ha and k-80kg/ha) Volume of water displaced by
T1-Compost (7 t ha -1) fruit (ml)
T2-Poultry Manure (5 t ha -1)
T3-Vermicompost (10 t ha -1 ) Chemical parameters
T4-FYM (10 t ha -1) Total Soluble Solids (ºBrix)
T5-Vermicompost (5 t ha -1) + Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha - The total soluble solids of fruit were estimated with the
) help of hand refractometer and expressed in degree Brix.
T6-Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha -1) + Compost (3.5 t ha -1) Acidity (%)
T7-FYM (5 t ha -1 ) + Vermicompost (2.5 t ha -1) The acidity of the fruit juice was estimated by titrating
T8-Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha -1) + FYM (5 t ha -1) against standard alkali solution (0.1 N NaOH) using the
T9-Vermicompost (5 t ha -1) + Compost (3.5 t ha -1) phenolphthalein indicator and is expressed in mg.
T10-Compost (3.5 t ha -1 ) + FYM (5 t ha -1) (Rangana, 1977).
T11-Compost (7 t ha -1) + Azotobacter + PSB pH of juice
T12-Poultry Manure (5 t ha -1) + Azotobacter + PSB The pH of the fruit samples were determined by digital
T13-Vermicompost (10 t ha -1) + Azotobacter PSB pH meter manufactured by UTech.
T14-FYM (10 t ha -1) + Azotobacter + PSB Ascorbic acid (mg /100g of pulp)
T15-Vermicompost (5 t ha -1) + Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha - Ascorbic acid content of fruits was estimated based on
) + Azotobacter + PSB the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydro ascorbic acid
T16-Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha -1 ) + Compost (3.5 t ha -1) + and then to diketogluconic acid followed by coupling
Azotobacter + PSB with 2,4 DNPH and expressed as mg per 100 g fruit pulp
T17-FYM (5 t ha -1) + Vermicompost (2.5 t ha -1) + (Rangana, 1977).
Azotobacter + PSB Total Sugar
T18-Poultry Manure (2.5 t ha -1) + FYM (5 t ha -1) + The reducing sugar content were estimated with the help
Azotobacter + PSB of freshly made mixture containing equal volumes of
T19-Vermicompost (5 t ha -1) + Compost (3.5 t ha -1 ) + Fehling’s solution A & B by copper reducing method
Azotobacter + PSB (A.O.A. C, 1984) using methylene blue as an indicator
T20-Compost (3.5 t ha -1 ) + FYM (5 t ha -1) + Azotobacter and was expressed in mg (Mazumdar and Majumder,
+ PSB 2003).
Application of manures and bio fertilizers Shelf life of fruit
Recommended amount of manures viz. farm yard Shelf life of fruit was assessed under ambient conditions
manure, vermicompost, poultry manure, compost were at temperature 7-13ºC by recording the days taken from
applied before transplanting as per the treatment and harvesting stage to rotting in the harvested fruits.
mixed thoroughly in the soil and bio fertilizers were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
applied as Slurry of 200 ml of the lignite based culture of Results revealed that the plants which are being
PSB and Azotobacter were prepared in 15 liter of water nourished with T15 (vermicompost + poultry manure +
individually and combinations of both 100 ml Azotobacter + PSB) recorded the highest fruit yield per
Azotobacter and 100 ml PSB culture were prepared in 15 plant (112.6 g), average fruit weight of (12.26 g) which
liter of water. was found at par with T17 (FYM + vermicompost +
Parameters studied Azotobacter + PSB) (12.23 g). However, plants treated
Physical parameters with T0 (Recommended dose of nutrients through
Fruit diameter (cm) chemical fertilizers) exhibited least fruit weight (7.94 g).
The average fruit diameter of mature berries was also Maximum fruit diameter (2.99 cm) was recorded in T15
measured by vernier calipers and expressed in (vermicompost + poultry manure+ Azotobacter + PSB)
centimeter. which was significantly higher to other treatments but it
Fruit length (cm) was at par with T17 (FYM + vermicompost+ Azotobacter
The average fruit length was measured treatment wise + PSB) (2.98 cm) and T18 (poultry manure + FYM
with the help of vernier calipers and expressed in +Azotobacter + PSB) (2.94 cm). Least fruit diameter
centimeter. (2.42 cm) was obtained in T0 (recommended dose of
Fruit weight (g) nutrients through chemical fertilizers). T15
The fruit weight was determined electronically by (vermicompost + poultry manure + Azotobacter + PSB)
electronic weighing balance was recorded highest average fruit length of (5.25 cm)
Specific gravity followed by T17 (FYM + vermicompost + Azotobacter +
PSB) (4.61 cm). However, plants treated with T0
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Inno. Farm., 3(1): 1-5 Jain et al., 2018

(recommended dose of nutrients through chemical carbohydrate synthesis (Singh et al., 1970). Beside
fertilizers) exhibited least fruit length (3.06 cm). Specific nitrogen fixing abilities of the microbial inoculants, the
gravity of fruits was found maximum in T17 (FYM + capacity to releasing phyto-hormones especially
Vermicompost + Azotobacter + PSB) which is 1.86. gibberellins should be regarded which increases the fruit
However T15 (vermicompost + poultry manure + size. Also the different partitioning of photosynthesis
Azotobacter + PSB) was found at par with T17 . T0 towards the sink by Azotobacter inoculation increased
(control) showed least specific gravity of the fruits the fruit size and weight (Rana and Chandel, 2003). The
(1.13). The shelf life of fruits as stored under ambient increased in yield enhanced uptake of nutrients and water
conditions was observed maximum in T15 (vermicompost caused to higher photosynthesis leading to an increase of
+ poultry manure + Azotobacter + PSB) which was the assimilation rates. The generation of Co2 during
(4.51) and minimum in T0 (control) which was (2.53). compost decomposition has also been found responsible
The increase may be due to balanced availability of for increasing yield (Lieten, 1996). Brown et al., (1993)
macro and micro nutrients and growth promoting showed that among various organic sources, poultry
hormones produced by different bio-fertilizers applied in manure had the most important role followed by FYM
different treatment combinations. This may be attributed that is in agreement with the result of this study. A
to better fillings of fruits due to more balanced uptake of similar finding was found in (Ahmad and Mohammad,
nutrients which may have lead to better metabolic 2012).
activities in the plant ultimately lead to high protein and

Table 1. Physical properties and shelf life of harvested fruits

Treatments Fruit yield Fruit weight Fruit diameter Fruit length Specific Shelf
plant-1 (g) (cm) (cm) gravity life
T0 51.61 7.94 2.42 3.08 1.13 2.53
T1 67.70 8.97 2.54 3.58 1.23 3.14
T2 70.33 9.18 2.47 3.37 1.48 3.13
T3 80.88 10.63 2.75 3.84 1.43 4.07
T4 66.25 9.89 2.54 3.57 1.38 3.18
T5 100.7 11.71 2.89 4.55 1.81 4.46
T6 97.87 11.59 2.76 3.92 1.60 4.24
T7 105.3 11.94 2.89 3.89 1.70 4.4
T8 92.45 11.28 2.83 4.27 1.66 4.41
T9 86.11 11.28 2.73 3.67 1.67 4.25
T10 77.52 10.84 2.77 3.35 1.45 3.89
T11 77.03 10.38 2.53 3.62 1.54 3.82
T12 79.36 10.40 2.76 3.66 1.76 3.94
T13 81.24 10.51 2.80 3.73 1.59 4.10
T14 81.40 10.50 2.75 3.71 1.59 4.28
T15 112.6 12.26 2.99 5.25 1.84 4.51
T16 98.65 11.89 2.77 3.72 1.53 4.36
T17 109.5 12.23 2.98 4.61 1.86 4.48
T18 105.4 12.11 2.94 4.14 1.80 4.42
T19 88.29 11.37 2.85 3.83 1.74 4.45
T20 87.81 11.67 2.83 3.50 1.75 4.21
F-test S S S S S S
SE.d (+) 1.817 0.076 0.053 0.285 0.220 0.334
CD (0.5%) 3.673 0.153 0.107 0.576 0.445 0.675

Table 2 clearly shows that the total soluble solids, acidity, pulp) were recorded with treatment T15 (vermicompost +
ascorbic acid and pH were significantly influenced by the poultry manure + Azotobacter + PSB) followed by total
organic manure application. The maximum total soluble soluble solids ( 6.51°B) and ascorbic acid (52.86 mg/100g
solids (7.05 °B) and ascorbic acid (53.42 mg/100g of of pulp) with T17 (vermicompost + FYM +Azotobacter
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Inno. Farm., 3(1): 1-5 Jain et al., 2018

+PSB) respectively and while the minimum total soluble higher TSS and ascorbic acid in fruits. Increased TSS,
solids (5.31°B) and ascorbic acid ( 49.38 mg/100g of ascorbic acid in fruits and decreased acidity and pH are in
pulp) were observed in T0 (recommended dose of agreement with the findings of EI-Hamid et al., 2006 who
nutrients through chemical fertilizers) and minimum reported that that application of PSB on strawberry
acidity (0.64 %) and pH (2.63) was found in T15 resulted increase in TSS, total sugar, ascorbic acid and
(vermicompost + poultry manure +Azotobacter + PSB) juice percentage and Singh et al., 2008 who reported that
followed by acidity (0.66%) and (0.66%) and pH (2.69) the fruit harvested from plant receiving vermicompost
and (2.78) T17 (vermicompost+ FYM +Azotobacter + were TSS and ascorbic acid increases, acidity decreased
PSB) and T5 (vermicompost + poultry manure) and color more attractive. A similar trend was also
respectively and maximum acidity (0.72%) and pH (3.90) observed in T15 (vermicompost + poultry manure +
in T0 (Recommended dose of nutrients through chemical Azotobacter + PSB) which yielded fruits with a higher
fertilizers). Increased TSS and ascorbic acid at higher content of total sugar. However, the least total sugar
levels of nitrogen might have resulted due to the fact that content was observed in T7 (5.41).Poultry manure
absorption of nitrogen may be exerted regulatory role as contains essential plant nutrients that play significant role
an important and during ripening of fruits the in improving quality as reported by Prabakaran and Pichal
carbohydrate reserves of the roots and stem are drawn (2003).
upon heavily by fruits which might have resulted into

Table 2. Bio-chemical properties of harvested fruits

Treatment TSS (°B) Titratable acidity (%) Ascorbic acid (mg/100g pulp) Total sugar
T0 5.31 0.64 3.90 49.38 5.86
T1 5.56 0.71 3.79 49.79 6.17
T2 5.51 0.71 3.69 51.66 6.19
T3 6.08 0.68 3.12 51.28 5.94
T4 5.74 0.69 3.10 51.42 6.33
T5 6.59 0.66 2.78 52.78 5.77
T6 6.06 0.67 3.29 52.16 6.37
T7 6.08 0.70 3.60 52.26 5.41
T8 5.98 0.68 3.41 52.12 6.00
T9 5.58 0.69 3.23 51.95 5.98
T10 5.50 0.69 3.21 52.16 6.30
T11 5.38 0.66 3.49 50.31 5.90
T12 5.35 0.68 3.32 50.22 6.21
T13 5.38 0.70 3.30 51.98 6.44
T14 5.57 0.69 3.21 51.76 6.22
T15 7.05 0.72 2.63 53.42 6.51
T16 6.30 0.69 3.13 52.35 6.44
T17 6.51 0.71 2.69 52.86 6.23
T18 6.84 0.70 2.98 52.58 6.30
T19 6.10 0.69 3.28 52.49 6.46
T20 5.66 0.70 3.37 50.91 6.43
F-test S S S S S
SE.d (+) 0.237 0.009 0.107 0.222 0.156
CD (0.5%) 0.479 0.019 0.217 0.449 0.316

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