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Print ISSN 0255-965X; Electronic ISSN 1842-4309
Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj 37 (1) 2009, 139-143 Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici

Effect of Fym, Urea and Azotobacter on Growth, Yield and

Quality of Strawberry Cv. Chandler
Iqbal UMAR, Vinod Kumar WALI, Ravi KHER, Mahital JAMWAL
Division of Fruit Science, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, FOA, Udheywalla, India; [email protected]


The present investigation was carried out in the Research orchard of Division of Fruit Science, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-J ,
Udheywalla, Jammu during 2005-06 and 2006-07 to study the effect of organics FYM integrated with urea and Azotobacter on growth,
yield and quality of strawberry cv. Chandler. The strawberry plants attained the height of 21.24cm with 28.16cm plant spread , 74.95cm2
leaf area and fruit size (37.62 x 28.01mm) and fruit weight (15.87g)with the application of 25 per cent nitrogen through FYM augmented
with Azotobacter and was at par with the plants supplied with cent per cent nitrogen in the form of urea in combination with Azotobacter.
The fruit quality viz. total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid and anthocyanin content was highest in fruits obtained from plants
supplied with 25 per cent nitrogen through FYM + 75 per cent nitrogen in the form of urea + Azotobacter recording 6.81 oBrix, 4.73 per
cent, 73.71mg/100g fresh berries and 0.191 OD respectively. Maximum yield of 372.89g per plant was obtained with the application of
cent per cent nitrogen in the form of urea along with Azotobacter whereas 358.43g fruits per plant were recorded with the application of
25 per cent nitrogen in the form of FYM + 75 per cent through urea + Azotobacter and were at par with each other.
Keywords: FYM, Azotobacter, urea, strawberry, yield

Materials and methods

The present investigations were conducted on strawber-
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is one of the ry cv. Chandler at Research Orchard of Division of Fruit
most important soft fruit of the world after grapes. It gives Science, Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-J, Udheywalla,
quickest returns in shortest possible time, as its fruit is the Jammu during 2005-06 and 2006-07. Required quantity
first of the season’s home-grown supplies to reach the mar- of FYM (@150kg nitrogen per hectare) was applied 20
ket. Among the various factors which contribute in growth days before transplanting strawberry runners in the respec-
and yield of strawberry, nutrition is one of the most impor- tive plots. The urea was applied in two split doses, viz. first
tant aspects of crop production and accounts for about one half dose of urea was mixed into soil prior to planting and
third of the total cost of production (Bhat, 1999; Nazir, the second half was applied before flowering. Phosphorus
2005). At present, chemical fertilizers contribute a lot in (@ 80 kg P2O5/ha) and potassium (45 kg K2O/ha) was
fulfilling the nutrient requirement but their regular, exces- worked out after subtracting the quantity of each of these
sive and unbalanced use may lead to health and ecological nutrients supplied by FYM and remaining full quantity was
hazards, depletion of physico-chemical properties of the soil applied through single super phosphate (SSP) and murate
and ultimately poor yields. Hence application of organic of potash (MOP) before planting. The roots of the straw-
manures like FYM to soil not only improve soil physical berry runners were thoroughly dipped in the slurry of Azo-
properties, pH, water holding capacity but also add impor- tobacter culture and after two months of planting, the soil
tant nutrients to the soil, thus increase the nutrient avail- was also inoculated with Azotobacter at the rate of 2 kg per
ability and its ultimate absorption by plant. Biofertilizers hectare. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block
like Azotobacter fix atmospheric nitrogen and enhances the Design with twelve treatment combinations. The data on
production of various field crops. Keeping this in view, a vegetative growth parameters like plant height, spread and
study was conducted to analyse the effect of FYM, urea and leaf area were recorded. TSS, titraTab. acidity, total sugars
Azotobacter alone and in combination on growth, yield and and ascorbic acid content were estimated as per AOAC (1)
fruit quality of strawberry cv. Chandler. methods. Total anthocyanin was estimated according to
the method given by Ranganna, (16). Data was pooled and
subjected to statistical secrutiny as prescribed by Panse and
Sukhatme (11).
Umar, I. et al./ Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj 37 (1) 2009, 139-143

Tab. 1. Effect of FYM, urea and Azotobacter on growth of strawberry cv. Chandler
Plant growth
Plant height (cm) Plant spread (cm) Leaf area (cm2)

T1- 100% of N ha-1through FYM 15.19 24.11 59.14

T2- 75% of N ha-1 through FYM

18.08 25.30 63.23
+25% of N ha-1 through urea

T3- 50% of N ha-1 through FYM +

18.70 26.49 64.90
50% of N ha-1 through urea

T4- 25% of N ha-1 through FYM

19.34 27.49 67.79
+75% of N ha-1 through urea
T5- 100% of N ha-1 through urea 19.51 27.77 68.55
T6- Azotobacter 12.67 19.58 33.86
T7- Azotobacter + (T1) 17.70 25.17 64.60
T8- Azotobacter + (T2) 18.79 26.32 66.21
T9- Azotobacter + (T3) 19.34 27.50 69.29
T10- Azotobacter + (T4) 21.24 28.16 74.95
T11- Azotobacter + (T5) 21.50 28.67 75.31
T12- Absolute control
10.39 17.22 29.32
S.Em. (±) 0.603 0.342 1.33
CD (5%) 1.25 0.71 2.76

Results and discussion in combination (Tab. 1). The maximum increase in plant
height (21.50) ,spread (28.67cm) and leaf area (75.31cm2
Effect on plant growth ) was recorded by the application of cent per cent nitro-
gen was applied in the form of urea along with Azotobacter
The plant growth was significantly influenced by the (T11) followed by treatment comprising of 25 per cent
application of FYM, urea and Azotobacter alone as well as of nitrogen applied in the form of FYM + 75 per cent
Tab. 2. Effect of FYM , urea and Azotobacter on yield parameters of strawberry cv. Chandler
Yield parameters
Fruit weight (g) No. of achenes Yield (q/ha)
T1- 100% of N ha-1 through FYM 13.27 326.11 218.95
T2- 75% of N ha-1 through FYM
12.97 334.69 239.82
+25% of N ha-1 through urea
T3- 50% of N ha-1 through FYM
13.96 347.94 276.10
+ 50% of N ha-1 through urea
T4- 25% of N ha-1 through FYM +75%
15.51 351.75 322.48
of N ha-1 through urea
T5- 100% of N ha-1 through urea 15.79 352.31 338.31
T6- Azotobacter 12.77 319.68 190.02
T7- Azotobacter + (T1) 13.27 335.49 249.33
T8- Azotobacter + (T2) 13.42 345.38 265.40
T9- Azotobacter + (T3) 14.26 350.91 309.51
T10- Azotobacter + (T4) 15.87 362.67 358.43
T11- Azotobacter + (T5) 16.49 363.13 372.89
T12- Absolute control 12.08 296.20 151.46
S.Em. (±) 0.561 1.355 11.96
CD (5%) 1.13 2.73 24.10
Umar, I. et al./ Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj 37 (1) 2009, 139-143

Tab. 3. Effect of FYM , urea and Azotobacter on fruit quality of strawberry cv. Chandler
Fruit size
TitraTab. Total Ascorbic acid Anthocyanin
Length Diameter TSS
Treatment acidity sugars (mg/100g of content
of fruit of fruit (0Brix)
(%) (%) fresh berries) (OD at 535nm)
(mm) (mm)

T1 32.99 24.44 6.74 0.74 4.59 67.84 0.171

T2 34.39 24.81 6.72 0.74 4.57 68.56 0.174

T3 35.55 25.15 6.72 0.74 4.56 70.40 0.178

T4 36.42 27.28 6.75 0.75 4.62 72.45 0.183

T5 37.03 27.47 6.68 0.76 4.49 72.48 0.184

T6 32.62 24.99 6.57 0.74 4.11 65.90 0.166

T7 34.34 24.81 6.81 0.75 4.70 68.51 0.177

T8 36.00 26.39 6.80 0.75 4.67 69.97 0.184

T9 36.33 27.01 6.79 0.76 4.62 70.98 0.184

T10 37.62 28.01 6.81 0.76 4.73 73.71 0.191

T11 37.83 28.23 6.74 0.77 4.53 73.11 0.188

T12 30.83 23.45 6.44 0.70 3.95 62.24 0.160

S.Em. (±) 0.651 0.437 2.015 0.012 0.960 0.002

CD (5%) 1.35 0.88 0.021 NS 0.024 1.991 0.005

through urea + Azotobacter (T10) where plants attained Effect on yield

height of 21.24 cm , spread (28.16 cm)and leaf area (74.95
cm2) .T10 was found to be statistically at par with T11. The data on fruit weight (g), achene number and yield
The maximum increase in vegetative growth characters of (q/ha) has been presented in Tab. 2. The results reveal that
strawberry cv. Chandler under these treatment combina- the application of cent per cent nitrogen was applied in
tions is supported by the fact that nitrogen through urea the form of urea along with Azotobacter (T11) resulted
is readily available to the plant, which increased vegeta- in maximum fruit weight (16.49g), number of achenes
tive growth abruptly contrary to other treatments where (363.13) and yield (372.89q/ha). The results were, how-
nitrogen was released slowly. Secondly, increased nitrogen ever, statistically at par with those obtained when 25 per
availability is affected by higher percentage of nitrogen cent of nitrogen was applied in the form of FYM + 75
through urea in association with nitrogen fixing culture per cent through urea + Azotobacter (T10). The increased
has been documented by Bambal et al. (1998) whereas weight of berries with nutrient application might had first
production of growth regulators by the Azotobacter in the improved the internal nutritive condition of plant leading
root zone which gets absorbed by the plant roots has been to increased growth and vigour associated with photosyn-
reported by Rana and Chandel (2003). Saraf and Tiwari thesis and translocation of assimilates in the fruits. Such
(2004) found that phytohormones extracted from FYM assumption gains support from the findings of several
help the plant to grow more luxuriously even with reduced workers like Magge (1963) in apples and Hansen (1969)
doses of chemical fertilizers. in strawberry who reported increased rate of transloca-
Umar, I. et al./ Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj 37 (1) 2009, 139-143

tion of photosynthetic products from leaves to developing with the finding of Antipchuk et al. (1982) who reported
fruits increased fruit weight. The increase in fruit weight that inoculation of different Azotobacter strains to soil re-
was also reported by Neuweiler et al. (1996) with the in- sulted in higher vitamin C in tomato. Increase in nitrogen
creasing nitrogen application in strawberry. Increase in application has also been found to increase the ascorbic
achene number is in line with findings of Rana (2001). acid content in strawberry by Kopanaski and Kawecki
The results in the present study on yield due to integration (1994) whereas FYM levels have also been reported to in-
of 25 per cent nitrogen through FYM+75 per cent nitro- crease vitamin C in strawberry (Bhat, 1999). The increase
gen through urea + Azotobacter and also with applica- in anthocyanin pigment with the application of nitrogen
tion of cent per cent nitrogen through urea+ Azotobacter and Azotobacter is in consonance with findings of Rana
are similar to observations of Sharma and Gupta (1998) (2001) who observed increase in red pigment of straw-
and Pathak et al. (2002) who found integration of 75 per berry cv. Chandler with the combined application of ni-
cent nutrient supply through chemical fertilizers and 25 trogen and biofertilizers.
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