Gold in Ground and Near-Term Production Plan 43-101 Resources Over 3.3m Gold

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Gold In Ground and Near-Term Production Plan

43-101 Resources over 3.3m Gold TSX-V: EAS March 2020

East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX-V: EAS) • EAS to fund all exploration costs up to BFS, thereafter
is a Canadian publicly listed mineral resource pro-rata or dilution to 7% of net profit
• IUP’s were introduced in 2009: Exploration IUP is 8
exploration company focused on developing
years with extensions, Operations IUP is 20 years with 2
producing precious metals projects in Indonesia. x 10 year extensions, production royalty of 3.75%, 25%
corporate tax rate, requirement to divest up
East Asia is managed by professionals with
to 51% over 10 year period
extensive international experience in the after commencing production
mineral exploration and mining industry. The • Resource Model (NI 43-101,
A Unique team’s skills and experience encompass all I. Taylor, 2011) defined an
Investment aspects, ranging from project generation and Inferred Resource containing
early-stage exploration to feasibility studies 3.14Moz Au and 8.95Moz Ag
Opportunity with exploration upside
and mine development – supplemented by a
In Precious deep knowledge of mineral potential in East Asia. Sangihe Gold Project Overview
Metals and East Asia Minerals Highlights
This project has near-term, low cost
production potential:
Gold Over 3.3 million ounces of NI 43-101 gold resource: • Indicated & Inferred
• Miwah with 3,140,000 oz Au, open on along strike, Resources of 266,000 Au
across width and at depth, in Protected Forest Reserve (NI43-101 2017) equivalent
• Sangihe with 266,000 oz Au including near surface ounces at Bowone and
oxides for near-term production cash flow Binebase, located on Sangihe
• Strong management team with Indonesia expertise living Island, North Sulawesi
in-country to focus full time on building the company’s • Own 70% of COW valid until 30 years after the start of
resources. production – License estimated to be valid until 2049
• Attractive valuation and strong shareholder base • Increase Resources and Reserves through infill drilling
including Tocqueville Gold Fund as anchor shareholder. program planned in 2019 for the Binebase – Bowne
Indonesia – 10th Largest Producer of Gold Worldwide corridor to bring much of the 800,000 (NI43-101 2010)
The country is a stable multi-party democracy with: Resource from Inferred to Indicated and Measured.
• World-class gold deposits, including Grasberg the • After receiving Production License Upgrade of COW
world’s largest gold deposit company plans to commence production of 1,000 oz
• Improving climate for gold mining attracting renewed per month in 2019 via heap leach of oxides.
exploration activity and investment
• Martabe Mine in Sumatra bought for Location of Miwah and Sangihe projects in Indonesia
US$775 million from G-Resources
March 2016 by EMR Capital (61.4%),
Farallon Capital (20.6%), and two
Indonesian Investors (18%)
Miwah Gold Project Overview
This project has a 3.14 Moz resource with
exploration upside:
• 85% ownership interest through agreements
with three IUP holders on 30,000 hectares
located 130 km southeast of Banda Aceh
on Sumatra, key asset in Protected Forest

Miwah Gold Project – Mineral Resource Summary – Resource open along strike, across width and at depth.

Sangihe Gold Project – Mineral Resource Summary – Resource open along strike, across width and at depth.

East Asia Management and Board of Directors Indonesian Management Team

Terry Filbert, CEO & Chairman – has been closely involved in the mining and Terry Filbert, CEO & Chairman
exploration industry since 2005, with significant on-the-ground experience in See Management and Board of Directors
Frank Rocca, Chief Geologist & Qualified Person – has over 25
Ronald Scott Chaykin, CPA, Independent Director & Audit Committee Chair – years of experience in international exploration and mine
brings over 30 years of hands-on domestic and international financial and development, including Indonesia, Australia, Africa, USA, and Chile.
administrative management experience.
Todotua Pasairbu – brings 20 years Indonesian mining industry
Alan McMillan, Independent Director – is dynamic international executive with experience to help manage the assets of Sangihe and Miwah.
a history of driving and managing growth for both early stage and mature
Garry Kielenstyn, Director PTTMS
See Management and Board of Directors
Garry Kielenstyn, Independent Director – brings over 40 years of experience in
the Indonesian mining and civil contracting industries, and has been living and
working in Indonesia exclusively since 1990.
Scott Davis, CPA, CGA, Chief Financial Officer – is a partner of Cross Davis & 51,443,020
Company LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, a firm focused on providing Options: 3,098,572
accounting services for public companies. Total Shares/Warrants/Options: 158,703,291

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