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Flue Gas Carbon Capture Plants.

By Linde and BASF.
02 Linde and BASF

Taking on the Challenge

of Carbon Capture.

Capturing carbon dioxide from low pressure Your benefits

flue gas streams in power or chemical plants
has become an important global environ- The alliance between Linde, a world-leading gases and engineering company and BASF, The
mental topic. Linde and BASF have joined Chemical Company, offers great benefits to our customers:
forces to take on the challenges associated
with carbon capture and are jointly mar- →→ Complete capture plants including →→ Proven and tested processes including
keting new, advanced technology. Linde is CO2-compression/drying from one source – guarantees
offering turn-key capture plants while BASF Linde with BASF technology →→ Synergies between process, engineering,
is the leading technical supplier for gas →→ Backflow of many operators experiences construction and operation
treatment world wide. from numerous gas treatment reference →→ Optimised total and operational costs for
plants the owner
The captured carbon dioxide can be →→ Integrated technical solutions
used commercially for example for EOR
(enhanced oil recovery) or as a building
block for the production of urea. Alterna-
tively it can be stored underground as a
carbon abatement measure.

Based on the pilot plant experiences in Wil-

sonville, USA, and Niederaussem, Germany,
Linde and BASF are constanly developing
solutions for full scale power plants. The
PCC (Post-Combustion Capture) technology
is now commercially available for lignite
and hard coal fired power plant as well as
for gas turbine applications.
Linde and BASF 03

Reference projects.
Post-Combustion Capture pilot plant Post-Combustion Capture at lignite-fired power plant
in Wilsonville, USA in Niederaussem, Germany

The U.S. Department of Energy has selected technology group The Linde Linde has successfully installed a PCC pilot plant, which is connected
Group for the improvement of CO2 capture technologies. In this field to the world’s most modern lignite-fired power plant in Niederaussem,
Linde was strongly supported by BASF, the leading technology supplier Germany. The innovative project is the result of cooperation between
for acid gas removal from gaseous streams. Linde’s pilot plant, to be built Linde, the power plant operator RWE and BASF, which has developed
in Wilsonville, AL, is due to be operational by early 2014. a new CO2 capture technology. The new solution is the most effective
way to capture the CO2. Linde delivered detailed engineering, equip-
Based on BASF’s design of the process set-up for state-of-the-art sol- ment procurement and construction of the pilot plant. The installation
vents for CO2 scrubbing the facility will test novel CO2 scrubbing solutions was completed and tested in 2009.
to reduce the energy consumption and costs of advanced carbon capture
and separation systems for coal-fired power plants. As part of the cooperation with RWE and Linde, BASF started the devel-
opment of highly energy efficient technology to capture CO2 from flue
The pilot plant is designed to limit the increase of levelized cost of gases. Novel technology including new solvents is being tested at this
electricity to no more than 35 percent compared to about 80 percent facility in Niederaussem.
added cost for existing technologies. The new plant is build on the
extensive experience Linde and BASF jointly gained in Niederaussem. BASF has extensive experience in removing CO2 from gas streams, mar-
keting its amine scrubbing technology for the removal of acid gases such
as CO2 under the brand name OASE®. The BASF process is used success-
fully in more than 300 plants worldwide to scrub natural, synthesis and
other industrial gases.
Profiles and contacts.

Technologies of BASF Technologies of Linde

→→ Capture of CO2 from flue gases PCC →→ PCC (Post-Combustion Capture)
(Post-Combustion Capture) →→ IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)
→→ Capture of CO2 from ammonia and →→ Oxy-fuel combustion (air separation unit, CO2 handling)
oxo-synthesis gas and iron ore gas →→ CO2 compression, purification, liquefaction, utilisation
→→ Capture of acid gas from natural gas and storage (above ground)
→→ Food grade CO2

Contact Contact
Mr. Iven Clausen Mr. Torsten Stoffregen
[email protected] [email protected]
Phone +49.621.60-99232 Phone +49.351.250-3538
Fax +49.621.60-21033 Fax +49.351.250-4805

Headquarters (postal address) Headquarters (postal address)

BASF SE Linde Engineering Dresden GmbH
E-CZA/ML – G200 Carbon & Energy Solutions
67056 Ludwigshafen Postal office box 210353
Germany 01265 Dresden

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