Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses: Finding Feature Information

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses

• Finding Feature Information, page 1

• Restrictions for Configuring RTU Licenses, page 1
• Information About Configuring RTU Licenses, page 2
• How to Configure RTU Licenses, page 5
• Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses, page 10
• Configuration Examples for RTU Licensing, page 11
• Additional References for RTU Licensing, page 15
• Feature History and Information for RTU Licensing, page 16

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature
information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not

Restrictions for Configuring RTU Licenses

The following are the restrictions for configuring and using RTU licenses.
• AP count licenses can be ordered and pre-activated on your switch.
• Imaged based licenses can be upgraded. AP count licenses can be deactivated and moved between
switches and controllers.
• To activate a permanent license, you must reboot your switch after configuring the new image level.
The AP-count license does not require a reboot to activate.
• An expired image based evaluation license can not be reactivated after reboot.
• Stack members of a switch stack must run the same license level.

Consolidated Platform Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches)
OL-30686-01 1
Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Information About Configuring RTU Licenses

• Your switch is pre-installed with the image that you ordered. If an image was not pre-ordered, then the
switch is booted with a LAN base image by default.
• Adder AP-count licenses are installed in the factory.

Related Topics
Activating an Imaged Based License, on page 5
Examples: Activating RTU Image Based Licenses, on page 11

Information About Configuring RTU Licenses

Right-To-Use Licensing
Right-to-use (RTU) licensing allows you to order and activate a specific license type and level, and then to
manage license usage on your switch. The types of licenses available to order are:
• Permanent licenses—Purchased with a specific feature set with no expiration date.
• Evaluation licenses—Pre-installed on the switch and is valid for only a 90 day in-use period.

To activate a permanent or evaluation license, you are required to accept the End-User License Agreement
(EULA). For the evaluation license, you are notified to purchase a permanent license or deactivate the license
before the 90 day period expires.
A permanent license can be moved from one device to another. To activate a license, you must reboot your
An evaluation license is a manufacturing image on your switch and is not transferable to another switch. This
type of license cannot be reactivated after reboot.

Related Topics
Activating an Imaged Based License, on page 5
Examples: Activating RTU Image Based Licenses, on page 11

Right-To-Use Image Based Licenses

Right-to-use imaged licenses support a set of features based on a specific image-based license:
• LAN Base—Layer 2 features.
• IP Base—Layer 2 and Layer 3 features.
• IP Services—Layer 2, Layer 3, and IPv6 features. (Applicable only to switches and not controllers.)

The default image based license is LAN Base.

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Right-To-Use License States

Right-To-Use License States

After you configure a specific license type and level, you can manage your licenses by monitoring the license

Table 1: RTU License States

License State Description

Active, In Use EULA was accepted and the license is in use after device reboot.

Active, Not In Use EULA was accepted and the switch is ready to use when the license
is enabled.

Not Activated EULA was not accepted.

Guidelines to follow when monitoring your image based license state:

• A purchased permanent license is set to Active, In Use state only after a switch reboot.
• If more than one license was purchased, a reboot will activate the license with the highest feature set.
For instance, the IP Services license is activated and not the LAN Base license.
• Remaining licenses purchased after switch reboot, stay in Active, Not In Use state.

Note For the AP count license, to change the state to Active, In Use, you must first make sure that the evaluation
AP count license is deactivated.

License Activation for Switch Stacks

Right-to-use licensing is supported on switch stacks. A switch is a set of up to nine stacking-capable switches
connected through theirStackWise-480 ports. You can connect only one switch type in a stack. One switch
in the stack is identified as the active switch and the remaining switches are standby switches. The active
switch is the switch that is activated with an RTU license and from its active console, the license level for the
standby switches in the stack can be activated at the same time.
A new switch is allowed to join the switch stack if its license level matches. If there is a mismatch, then the
active switch can reconfigure the license level and reboot it to allow it to join the stack.

Mobility Controller Mode

AP-count licenses are used only when the switch is in Mobility Controller mode. The MC is the gatekeeper
for tracking the AP-count licenses and allows an access point to join or not.
Management of AP-count licenses is performed by the switch in mobility controller mode configurable through
the CLI.

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Right-To-Use AP-Count Licensing

Related Topics
Changing Mobility Mode, on page 9

Right-To-Use AP-Count Licensing

Right-to-use licensing (RTU) allows you to order and activate a specific license type, and then to manage
license usage on your switch.
You can order your switch with support for any number of access points as the adder access point count
licenses but the total number of the licenses ordered should not exceed 50. You can also order the adder access
point count licenses after receiving the switch.
For example, if you have ordered 50 new adder licenses, you can add only those ordered adder licenses to the
switch. The licenses can be added in increments of 1, but the total number of licenses added for the switch
should not exceed 50 .
You can configure your switch to manage the access point count licenses and view the number of access
points currently in use from the CLI.
The following are the two different types of access point licenses:
1 Permanent licenses for the access points
• Adder access point count license—You can purchase the adder license to increase the switch capacity
at the later point of time. You can transfer the adder access point count license from one switch to

2 Evaluation licenses for the access points

• You can activate the evaluation licenses to evaluate more access point count licenses before
• Maximum number of access points that can be evaluated is 50 .
• The evaluation period for trying for the access point licenses is 90 days.
• You can activate and deactivate the evaluation license for the access points from the CLI.

Related Topics
Activating an AP-Count License, on page 7
Obtaining an Upgrade or Capacity Adder License, on page 7
Rehosting a License, on page 8

Right-to-Use AP-Count Evaluation Licenses

If you are considering upgrading to a license with a higher access point count, you can try an evaluation license
before upgrading to a permanent version of the license. For example, if you are using a permanent license
with a 10 access-point count and want to try an evaluation license with a 40-access-point count, you can try
out the evaluation license for 90 days.

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Right-To-Use Adder AP-Count Rehosting Licenses

When an evaluation license is activated, the permanent AP-count licenses are ignored. The maximum supported
licenses of 50 access points are available for 90 days.
To prevent disruptions in operation, the switch does not change licenses when an evaluation license expires.
A warning expiry message is displayed daily starting five days prior to the expiry date. After 90 days, the
evaluation license expires with a warning message. You must disable the evaluation license and then purchase
the permanent license.
When the switch reboots after the evaluation license expiry, the license defaults to a permanent license.

Related Topics
Activating an AP-Count License, on page 7
Obtaining an Upgrade or Capacity Adder License, on page 7
Rehosting a License, on page 8

Right-To-Use Adder AP-Count Rehosting Licenses

Revoking a license from one device and installing it on another is called rehosting. You might want to rehost
a license to change the purpose of a device.
To rehost a license, you must deactivate the adder ap-count license from one device and activate the same
license on another device.
Evaluation licenses cannot be rehosted.

How to Configure RTU Licenses

Activating an Imaged Based License


1. license right-to-use activate{ipbase |ipservices | lanbase} {all | evaluation all } [slot slot-number] [
2. reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]
3. show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number ]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 license right-to-use activate{ipbase |ipservices | lanbase} {all | evaluation all } Activates a type of image based
[slot slot-number] [ acceptEULA] license. Activation can happen on all
switches and also include the EULA
Example: acceptance.

Switch# license right-to-use activate ipservices all acceptEULA

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Activating an Imaged Based License

Command or Action Purpose

Note If you do not accept EULA,
the modified configuration
will not take effect after
reload. The default license (or
a license that was not
deactivated) becomes active
after reload.
Step 2 reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ] Reloads a specific stack member to
complete the activation process for the
Example: RTU adder AP-count license.
Switch# reload slot 1
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y
Note The reminder to accept a
EULA is displayed after
reload if it was not accepted
Step 3 show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number ] Displays detailed usage information.

Switch# show license right-to-use usage

Slot# License Name Type usage-duration(y:m:d) In-Use EULA


1 ipservices permanent 0 :10 :0 yes yes

1 ipbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
1 ipbase evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 lanbase permanent 0 :0 :7 no yes
1 apcount evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 apcount base 0 :0 :0 no no
1 apcount adder 0 :0 :0 no no


Related Topics
Restrictions for Configuring RTU Licenses, on page 1
Right-To-Use Licensing, on page 2
Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses, on page 10
Examples: Activating RTU Image Based Licenses, on page 11

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Activating an AP-Count License

Activating an AP-Count License


1. license right-to-use activate{apcount ap-number slot slot-num} | evaluation} [ acceptEULA]

2. show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number ]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 license right-to-use activate{apcount ap-number slot slot-num} | evaluation} [ Activates one or more adder
acceptEULA] AP-count licenses and
immediately accepts the EULA.
Switch# license right to use activate apcount 5 slot 1 acceptEULA

Step 2 show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number ] Displays detailed usage
Switch# show license right-to-use usage

Slot# License Name Type usage-duration(y:m:d) In-Use EULA


1 ipservices permanent 0 :3 :29 yes yes

1 ipservices evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 ipbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
1 ipbase evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 lanbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
1 apcount evaluation 0 :3 :11 no no
1 apcount base 0 :0 :0 no yes
1 apcount adder 0 :0 :17 yes yes


Related Topics
Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses, on page 10
Right-To-Use AP-Count Licensing, on page 4
Right-to-Use AP-Count Evaluation Licenses, on page 4

Obtaining an Upgrade or Capacity Adder License

You can use the capacity adder licenses to increase the number of access points supported by the switch.

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Rehosting a License


1. license right-to-use {activate | deactivate} apcount {ap-number | evaluation } slot slot-num [



Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 license right-to-use {activate | deactivate} apcount {ap-number | Activates one or more adder AP-count licenses
evaluation } slot slot-num [ acceptEULA] and immediately accepts the EULA.

Switch# license right to use activate apcount 5 slot 2

Related Topics
Right-to-Use AP-Count Evaluation Licenses, on page 4
Right-To-Use AP-Count Licensing, on page 4

Rehosting a License
To rehost a license, you have to deactivate the license from one switch and then activate the same license on
another switch.


1. license right-to-use deactivate apcount ap-number slot slot-num [ acceptEULA]

2. license right-to-use activate apcount ap-number slot slot-num [ acceptEULA]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 license right-to-use deactivate apcount ap-number slot slot-num [ Deactivates the license on one switch.

Switch# license right to use deactivate apcount 1 slot 1

Step 2 license right-to-use activate apcount ap-number slot slot-num [ Activates the license on another switch.

Switch# license right to use activate apcount 2 slot 2 acceptEULA

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Changing Mobility Mode

Related Topics
Right-To-Use AP-Count Licensing, on page 4
Right-to-Use AP-Count Evaluation Licenses, on page 4

Changing Mobility Mode


1. wireless mobility controller

2. write memory
3. reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]
4. no wireless mobility controller
5. write memory
6. reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 wireless mobility controller Changes a switch in Mobility
Agent mode to Mobility
Example: Controller mode.
Switch(config)# wireless mobility controller
Mobility role changed to Mobility Controller.
Please save config and reboot the whole stack.

Step 2 write memory

Switch# write memory

Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 13870 bytes to 5390 bytes[OK]

Step 3 reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]

Switch# reload slot 3
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 no wireless mobility controller Changes a switch in Mobility
Controller mode to Mobility
Example: Agent mode.
Switch(config)# no wireless mobility controller
Mobility role changed to Mobility Agent.
Please save config and reboot the whole stack.

Step 5 write memory

Switch# write memory

Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 13870 bytes to 5390 bytes[OK]

Step 6 reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]

Switch# reload slot 3
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y

Related Topics
Mobility Controller Mode, on page 3

Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses

Command Purpose
show license right-to-use default Displays the default license information.

show license right-to-use detail Displays detailed information of all the licenses in
the switch stack.

show license right-to-use eula {adder | evaluation Displays the end user license agreement.
| permanent}

show license right-to-use mismatch Displays the license information that does not match.

show license right-to-use slot slot-number Displays the license information for a specific slot in
a switch stack.

show license right-to-use summary Displays a summary of the license information on the
entire switch stack.

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Configuration Examples for RTU Licensing

Command Purpose
show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number Displays detailed information about usage for all
] licenses in the switch stack.

show switch Displays detailed information of every member in a

switch stack including the state of the license.

Related Topics
Activating an Imaged Based License, on page 5
Examples: Activating RTU Image Based Licenses, on page 11
Activating an AP-Count License, on page 7

Configuration Examples for RTU Licensing

Examples: Activating RTU Image Based Licenses

This example shows how to activate an IP Services image license and accept the EULA for a specific slot:

Switch# license right-to-use activate ipservices slot 1 acceptEULA

% switch-1:stack-mgr:Reboot the switch to invoke the highest activated License level

This example shows how to activate a license for evaluation:

Switch# license right-to-use activate ipservices evaluation acceptEULA

% switch-1:stack-mgr:Reboot the switch to invoke the highest activated License level

Related Topics
Activating an Imaged Based License, on page 5
Restrictions for Configuring RTU Licenses, on page 1
Right-To-Use Licensing, on page 2
Monitoring and Maintaining RTU Licenses, on page 10

Examples: Displaying RTU Licensing Information

This example shows the consolidated RTU licensing information from the active switch on a switch stack.
All of the members in the stack have the same license level. When the evaluation AP-count license is activated,
the adder AP-count licenses are ignored. The maximum number of AP-count licenses are available when
evaluation is enabled.

Switch# show license right-to-use summary

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Example: Displaying RTU License Details

License Name Type Count Period left

ipservices permanent 10 Lifetime
apcount evaluation 40 90


License Level In Use: ipservices

License Level on Reboot: ipbase
Evaluation AP-Count: Enabled
Total AP Count Licenses: 50
AP Count Licenses In-use: 10
AP Count Licenses Remaining: 40

This example shows a summary of permanent and adder licenses. The evaluation AP-count license is disabled
displaying the total number of activated adder AP-count licenses in the switch stack. AP-count licenses in-use
mean that they are connected.
Switch# show license right-to-use summary

License Name Type Count Period left

ipservices permanent N/A Lifetime
apcount base 0
apcount adder 40 Lifetime


License Level In Use: ipservices

License Level on Reboot: ipservices eval
Evaluation AP-Count: Disabled
Total AP Count Licenses: 40
AP Count Licenses In-use: 10
AP Count Licenses Remaining: 30

This example shows the RTU default licenses. Default licenses are pre-installed and cannot be removed or
transferred. If no license is activated the switch uses the default license, after a reboot.
Switch# show license right-to-use default

Slot# License Name Type Count

1 ipservices permanent N/A
1 apcount base 0
1 apcount adder 10

Slot# License Name Type Count

2 ipservices permanent N/A
2 apcount base 0
2 apcount adder 10

Slot# License Name Type Count

3 ipservices permanent N/A
3 apcount base 0
3 apcount adder 10

Example: Displaying RTU License Details

This example shows all the detailed information for the RTU licenses on slot 1:

Switch# show license right-to-use detail slot 1

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Example: Displaying RTU License Mismatch

Index 1: License Name: ipservices

Period left: Lifetime
License Type: permanent
License State: Active, In use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Location: Slot 1
Index 2: License Name: ipservices
Period left: 90
License Type: evaluation
License State: Not Activated
License Count: Non-Counted
License Location: Slot 1
Index 3: License Name: ipbase
Period left: Lifetime
License Type: permanent
License State: Active, Not In use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Location: Slot 1
Index 4: License Name: ipbase
Period left: 90
License Type: evaluation
License State: Not Activated
License Count: Non-Counted
License Location: Slot 1
License Location: Standby Switch 1
Index 5: License Name: lanbase
Period left: Lifetime
License Type: permanent
License State: Not Activated
License Count: Non-Counted
License Location: Slot 1
Index 6: License Name: apcount
Period left: 90
License Type: evaluation
License State: Active, In use
License Count: 50
License Location: Slot 1
Index 7: License Name: apcount
Period left: Lifetime
License Type: base
License State: Active, Not In use
License Count: 0
License Location: Slot 1
Index 8: License Name: apcount
Period left: Lifetime
License Type: adder
License State: Active, Not In use
License Count: 10
License Location: Slot 1

Example: Displaying RTU License Mismatch

This example shows the license information of the switches in a stack and a mismatch state of a member
switch. The member must match the active.

Switch# show switch

Switch/Stack Mac Address : 6400.f125.0c80

H/W Current
Switch# Role Mac Address Priority Version State
1 Standby 6400.f125.1b00 1 0 Ready
*2 Active 6400.f125.0c80 1 V01 Ready
3 Member 6400.f125.1780 1 0 Lic-Mismatch

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Example: Displaying RTU Licensing Usage

Note To resolve the license mismatch, first check the RTU license summary:

Switch# show switch right-to-use summary

Then change the license level of the mismatched switched so that it is the same license level of the active
switch. This example shows that the IP Base license was activated for the member switch to match the
active switch.

Switch# license right-to-use activate ipbase slot 1 acceptEULA

Example: Displaying RTU Licensing Usage

This example shows the detailed licensing usage on your switch stack. The IP Services license in Slot 1 is
permanent and usage is one day. An AP-count license in Slot 2 is ready for evaluation. EULA was accepted
and state shows in use, but after reboot the evaluation license will be deactivated.

Switch# show license right-to-use usage

Slot# License Name Type usage-duration(y:m:d) In-Use EULA


1 ipservices permanent 0 :0 :1 yes yes

1 ipservices evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 ipbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no yes
1 ipbase evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
1 lanbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
1 apcount evaluation 0 :0 :0 yes yes
1 apcount base 0 :0 :0 no yes
1 apcount adder 0 :0 :0 no yes

Slot# License Name Type usage-duration(y:m:d) In-Use EULA


2 ipservices permanent 0 :0 :1 yes no

2 ipservices evaluation 0 :0 :0 no yes
2 ipbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no yes
2 ipbase evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
2 lanbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
2 apcount evaluation 0 :0 :0 yes yes
2 apcount base 0 :0 :0 no yes
2 apcount adder 0 :0 :0 no no

Slot# License Name Type usage-duration(y:m:d) In-Use EULA


3 ipservices permanent 0 :0 :1 yes yes

3 ipservices evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
3 ipbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
3 ipbase evaluation 0 :0 :0 no no
3 lanbase permanent 0 :0 :0 no no
3 apcount evaluation 0 :0 :0 yes yes
3 apcount base 0 :0 :0 no yes
3 apcount adder 0 :0 :0 no no

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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Additional References for RTU Licensing

Additional References for RTU Licensing

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title

RTU commands System Management Command
Reference (Catalyst 3850 Switches)

RTU AP image preload feature System Management Configuration

Guide (Cisco WLC 5700 Series)

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title
None —



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Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Feature History and Information for RTU Licensing

Feature History and Information for RTU Licensing

Release Feature Information
Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE This feature was introduced.

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