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Preliminary Report (Structural/Infrastructural design)(PLOI3-A5)
SEMESTER / SESSION : ____________________________ PROJECT TITLE / FIELD: ______________________
GROUP NAME : ____________________________ DATE : ______________________

Assessment Criteria Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent

 Description of the project background. 4

Conceptual Planning

 Indicate the suitable structural/ infrastructure

scheme to be used. 10
 Sketch the structural/ infrastructure scheme.

Design data

 Identify the parameters and data to be used in

the structural/ infrastructure design according to 6
the relevant standard or guideline.

Total /100

19 August 2015


Final Report (Structural/Infrastructural design) (PLO9-P5)
SEMESTER / SESSION : ____________________________ PROJECT TITLE / FIELD: ______________________
GROUP NAME : ____________________________ DATE : ______________________
Assessment Criteria Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
 Detail description of the project background and team 2
Analysis & Design
 Application of civil engineering software to carry out
structural/ infrastructure analysis and design. 8
Verification of the design output. Interpretation and
Comparison of Result
Calculation & Drawing
 Provide calculation for structural/ infrastructure design.
 Produce structural / infrastructure drawing/layout & 6
detailing by using CAD software.
Cost Estimation
 Estimation of the project cost. 2
Organization of report
 Organize and arrange the information, calculation, 2
design output, drawings, references and appendices.
Total /100
TOOL 1 2 3 4 5

Project Ability to Ability to Ability to propose the type Ability to justify or defend
Define and Report describe the analyse the of study or investigation the proposed course of

19 August 2015
formulate solutions Ability to identify causes of the implications in order to solve the action in project
to complex design [C] Problems related problems in of the problem problem in project management
problem to the various project selected in project management
project management management

Use the design Ability to

Ability to solve the
standards with Ability to propose the Ability to
Ability to apply the problems using
consideration of analyse the type of design evaluate or
Project technical technical
real world design and implications or investigation justify the
competency using competency with
Report of the problem in order to proposed
constraint in moden tools to moden tools to
selected using technical solve the design using technical
particular the complex design complex design
[C] competency with moden problem using technical competency with moden
environmental problem problem
tools to complex design competency with moden tools to complex design
responsibilities of problem tools to complex design problem
professional problem
Demonstrate Aware of Ability to Ability to express the Ability to Ability to
leadership skills, the basic describe the components of design formulate and influence
ability to work contents of design contents of the project (key plan, defend the “clients” on
[P] project design project drawings, loading, design project the soundness
analysis, etc) of the design project
leadership skills,
ability to work All the members in group
Project Ability to All the members in group
independently and Ability to give a good very good commitment
Report Ability to develop responsibilities ability to contibute the
in a team through the team members among the group
interaction among the
idea how to defend the
and ability to justify the
project design, group. idea how to defend the
[A] members project finding.
presentation and project finding.
defend of project


Presentation Interview Structure/Infrastructural (PLOI3-A5)

19 August 2015
SEMESTER / SESSION : ____________________________ PROJECT TITLE / FIELD: ______________________
GROUP NAME : ____________________________ DATE : ______________________

Assessment Criteria Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Organization of Presentation

 Introduction of the project background and

team members. 6
 Group participation.
 Deliver the main ideas and relevant content
within the time given in the presentation.


 Use proper language and appropriate

engineering terms. 6
 Capture the interest of the audience.
 Eye contact and vocal expression.

Question and Answer

 Respond and provide the relevant answers for

the questions given by the panel. 6

 Summarize the presentation and highlight the 2

final output.
Total /100

TOOL 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrate effective Presentation Aware of Ability to Ability to Ability to Ability to

19 August 2015 communication skill the basic communicate express the formulate and influence
( used slide power
through presentation point , poster,
contents of of the design components of defend the “clients” on
and defense of design model etc) design project design project design project the
project. project (key plan, soundness

19 August 2015

Preliminary Report (Structural design)(PLOI3-A5) : 100% 6% CLO 3

Preliminary Report (Infrastructure) (PLOI3-A5) : 100% 8% CLO 3

Final Report (Structural design) (PLO9-P5) : 100% 20% CLO 2

Final Report (Infrastructure) (PLO9-P5) : 100% 20% CLO 2

Final Report Presentation/Interview

i. Presentation Interview Structure (PLOI3-A5) : 100% 3% CLO 3

ii. Presentation Interview Infrastructure (PLOI3-A5) 100% 3% CLO 3

100% CLO 1
Fundamental Civil Engineering Exam(PLOI0-C5) : 20%

100% CLO 1
Test 1 : 20%

Total : 100%

19 August 2015
A Preliminary Report (Structural design)(PLOI3-A5) 6% CLO 3
1. Introduction 20
2. Analysis & Design 50
3. Calculation & Drawing 30
A Preliminary Report (Infrastructure)(PLOI3-A5) 8% CLO 3
1. Introduction 20
2. Analysis & Design 50
3. Calculation & Drawing 30

B Final Report (Structural design) (PLO9-P5) 30% CLO 2

1. Introduction 10
2. Analysis & Design 40
3. Calculation & Drawing 30
4. Cost Estimation 10
5. Organization of report 10

B Final Report (Structural design) (PLO9-P5) 30% CLO 2

1. Introduction 10
2. Analysis & Design 40
3. Calculation & Drawing 30
4. Cost Estimation 10
5. Organization of report 10

C Presentation Interview Structure (PLOI3-A5) 3% CLO 3

1. Organization of Presentation 30
2. Delivery 30
3. Question and Answer 30
4. Conclusion 10
C Presentation Interview Structure (PLOI3-A5) 3% CLO 3
1. Organization of Presentation 30

19 August 2015
2. Delivery 30
3. Question and Answer 30
4. Conclusion 10

D Fundamental Civil Engineering Exam(PLO10-C5) 100 20% CLO 1


19 August 2015

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