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Angeles, Jana Micaela P.


DDM 1-1 02/17/ 2021

Activity 1

In 100 words or less, discuss the role of the youth in nation building
through NSTP.
The youth has the biggest impact in our society. Through NSTP we are
able to get knowledge and use it for the innovation of our country, as well as it
teaches us to communicate with others and understand everyone despite of
differences in culture, religion and race. As part of the youth, I believe that we
are very open minded specially these days and I am sure that we can raise
awareness through different issues starting to the smallest one, we become
the role models for other future generations. We, the youth are entitled to our
own opinions that leads to creating an identity within ourselves that can move
the nation forward.
Activity 2
(Diagram Illustration)
The Evolution of the NSTP
     Illustrate a diagram that will explain the legal bases and chronology
of events in the passage of the R.A. 9163 (NSTP Act of 2001)
Evolution and development of
Citizenship training in the

Started when the
military instructions Reserve Officers Training ( ROTC)
by Pres. Corazon Aquino - The 2001
was conducted in the
objective is to train all able - bodied
tertiary students for military skills in The end of mandatory Reserve
Dec 21 1935
Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

National Defense Act 1935 1991

Commonwealth Act 1 by Pres.
January 23 2002
Manuel L. Quezon
Republic Act 7077 by NSTP Act: RA 9163
The purpose of this act was to

Aug 8 1980 1995

Presidential Decree No 1706 (National Civil Education and defense

ROTC was conceptualized, all
service Law) By Pres. Ferdinand Marcos students were required to enroll in
the military training service
A law stating that citizens are obliged to
Activity 3
(True or False)

Read each item carefully, write T if the statement is True and F if the
statement is False, put answer on the space provided.
T___ 1. NSTP is a prerequisite for graduation.

F___ 2. Only male students is required to join the ROTC.

T___ 3. There are three components in NSTP namely: CWTS, LTS, and

T___ 4. The LTS is a component that best suit the students enrolled in a
bachelor courses intended for teaching.

T___ 5. The CWTS is the most appropriate component, the students can
experience variety of activities in terms of services; health, education,
environment, safety, and other social welfare services.

T___ 6. The NSTP is commonly taken for first year students and need to
finish within two semesters.

F___ 7. One summer program is intended for students who are foreigners.

F___8. Students who are considered foreigner are required to enroll NSTP.

T___ 9. TESDA, CHED, and DND are tasked to monitor the implementation of

T___ 10. Any students that belong to SUCs, LGUs, and private schools must
take their NSTP 1 and NSTP 2 as their standard subjects.

T___ 11. All higher and technical vocational educational institutions shall be
offering at least one of the NSTP components, while State Universities and
Colleges (SUCs) will offer the ROTC component and at least one other NSTP

F___12. Any students may qualify for enlistment in the AFP Reserve Force if
he/she completed the two semesters of CWTS/LTS.

F___ 13. No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP components except
basic tuition fees, which should not be more than 25% of the charges of the
school per academic unit.

T___ 14. The ROTC is designed to provide military training to tertiary level
students in order to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national
defense preparedness.

T___ 15. All incoming freshmen students, male and female, enrolled in any
baccalaureate and in at least two-year technical-vocational or associate
course, are required to complete one NSTP component of their choice as a
graduation requirement.
Activity 4
(Agree or Disagree)

Write on the space provided Agree if the statement is true; Disagree if


DISAGREE___ 1. Of the three program components of NSTP, ROTC is the

graduation requisite for male students.

DISAGREE___ 2. Since implementation of R.A. 9163, CWTS and LTS

programs components replaced ROTC.

DISAGREE___ 3. The implementation of NSTP Act of 2001 as embodied in

RA 9163 commenced in school year 2001-2002.

DISAGREE___ 4. Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos signed R.A.

9163 into law on January 23, 2002.

AGREE___ 5. As provided for in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshmen

students enrolled in any baccalaureate degree or at least two-year technical-
vocational course are mandated to enroll in NSRC.

AGREE___ 6. The implementation of NSTP shall be jointly supervised by the


AGREE___ 7. As per provision of the NSTP Law, student-trainees shall be

required to complete the NSTP program component of the choice of the
school/higher educational institution (HEI).

AGREE___ 8. Private higher educational institutions and technical-vocational

schools, as stipulated in the Implementing Rules and Regulation of R.A. 9163,
may offer ROTC if they muster at least 350 cadets.

AGREE___ 9. Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall belong to the

National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) who may be tapped by the State for
literacy and civic welfare activities.

AGREE___ 10. In order to fulfill the requirements of NSTP, a student-trainee

must complete a total of 108 to 180 hours for any of the three program
Activity 5

Read each statement carefully. Choice the letter that corresponds to

your answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space

A___ 1. R.A. 9163 is also known as:

a. National Service Training Program
b. National Service Reserve Corps
c. Civic Welfare Training Service
d. National Security Policy
B___ 2. As per constitutional mandate, the prime duty of the government is to:
a. serve the Filipinos
b. serve and protect its citizens
c. defend the rights of the Filipinos
d. protect every member of the community
B___ 3. The following are programs components of NSTP, EXCEPT:
a. Literacy Training Service
b. Literacy Empowering Service
c. Civic Welfare Training Service
d. Reserve Officer’s Training Corps
A___ 4. The responsibility of the Filipino citizen to the State is to:
a. defend the security of the State
b. secure and serve community
c. serve the government
d. defend the citizens
B___ 5. The government may require each citizen to render:
a. political and economic assistance
b. personal, military or civil service
c. spiritual and emotional help
d. all of the above
A___ 6. The vital role of the youth as per R.A. 9163 is:
a. nation building
b. defend our country
c. protection of our patrimony
d. serve as auxiliary member of AFP
D___ 7. To promote civic consciousness among the youth through NSTP, the
State shall develop their:
a. artistic ability
b. intellectual capability
c. professional competence
d. none of the above
B___ 8. NSTP shall inculcate in the youth values on:
a. ethics of service
b. patriotism
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
D___ 9. In pursuit of the goals of NSTP, the youth, in service of the nation,
shall be:
a. motivated
b. trained
c. organized
d. all of the above
A___ 10. In service of the nation, the youth may be tapped for
a. military training, literacy, and civic welfare services
b. civic welfare services only
c. literacy training only
d. none of the above

Activity 6
(Research Connection)

     Read a research related to issues/concerns of the implementation of

NSTP and fill out the matrix given below:

Problem Research Methodology

Determining the benefits of the program in terms of The descriptive method is used as it attempts to describ
implementation and the difficulties of the program in systematically a situation, phenomenon, service or program,
implementation to the students enrolled in NSTP-CWTS provides information about, say, the living conditions of
community, or describes attitudes towards an issue (Kumar, 1996

The benefits derived from the program were topped by enhancement of skills on basic leadership with emphases on th
ability to listen and ability to communicate which were rated very important and very much benefited among other trainin
aspects of the program and render them as indispensable attributes of a good leader. Results also revealed that students a
aware of the importance of physical, mental and social health as well as the observance of proper hygiene for overall sense
well-being. Although recreation is one aspect that the respondents find important, appreciation of it underscores the need
have more time for assignments and projects as most of the respondents are enrolled in their respective courses with 29 unit
thereby rendering them unable to appreciate the perks of involving themselves into various recreational activities.

Conclusions Recommendation
Generally, the respondents benefited very much in the  faculty members handling classes need to exert efforts to
NSTP-CWTS implementation regardless of the college maintain the same level of assessment
they belonged to. The outstanding problems/difficulties  there is a need to further improve training strategies to raise
encountered in the NSTP-CWTS implementation are the level of implementer’s assessment
related to budgetary allocation and inadequacy of funds.
The implementation of NSTP-CWTS necessitate
collection of fees from the students for materials and
equipment and periodic trainings for faculty development
but lack of administrative support and proper allocation of
NSTP funds for that purpose affected the degree of
success and effectiveness of the program especially
during community immersion as implementers have to
rely on their own resources and initiatives.
Source: (Bibliographical Entry Format)

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