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Choosing Appropriate
1 Quantitative Research Design

Methodology are concise description of the research method and justification for
its choice. It presents sufficient description or field procedures followed in the collection
of data (when, where, and how data are to be obtained).

Quantitative research designs are divided into two: Descriptive Designs and
Experimental Designs.

Descriptive research is defined as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing,

classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, process,
trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate
interpretation about such data with statistical methods. Under this design are the
following: case studies, surveys, assessment or evaluation studies, comparative studies,
correlational studies, tracer studies, trends and projection studies, and documentary

Case Study is a type of detailed and in-depth research involving few respondents,
ranging from one to a small size of less than 10, over a considerable period of time.

Example: A case study on profitability of Pure gold stores

Survey Research is used to gather relatively limited data from relatively large
number of cases. It seeks to gather information about the prevailing conditions or about
the variables under study.

Example: Consumers’ buying behavior

Assessment and Evaluation Studies refer to the study on the efficiency or

effectiveness of policies, instruments, or the variables that may be considered.

Example: Compliance of Food Establishments on DOH and DENR requirements

Comparative Studies refer to comparing the result in the differences in certain

characteristics according to variable considered

Example: Effectiveness of social marketing (non-print) versus print advertisement

Correlational Studies examine the relationship between two or more variables
which are the predictor and criterion variables. One variable is X and the other variable
is Y.

Example: Marketing Strategies: Predictor of Company’s Profitability

Tracer Studies is used when one wants to follow up the development of certain
conditions or particular sets of people.

Example: Employability and productivity of BSME graduates from SY 2012-2015

Trends and Projection is used for projects that are forward looking and it is also
called feasibility study.

Example: Feasibility Study for the Opening of JCO Donut in Malolos

Documentary Analysis involve the gathering of information by analyzing written

records and documents to solve a problem. It uses secondary data from the archives, or

Experimental Research Designs are future-oriented type of research and it

basically seeks to answer the question: “what will be?”. It is also said to the most
prestigious and sophisticated method since it deals with the actual cause and effect of
certain variables and/or intervention. It is never hypothesis free and it also deals with
the control group vs. experimental group. The control group does not receive any action
or treatment or intervention whereas the experimental group is the one that receives the
action or treatment or intervention. Groups usually have to undergo tests such as
pretests and/or posttest.

Experimental research designs are divided into three: The Pre-Experimental

Designs, True-Experimental Designs, and Quasi-Experimental Designs.

Pre-experimental designs are divided into three: Design 1 - The One Spot Case
Study, Design 2 - The One Group Pretest Post Test Design, Design 3 - The Static Group

Design No.1 The One-Shot Case Study

Where X = treatment

O = posttest

Example: when one wants to know the effectiveness of promotional activity.

Design No.2 The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

O1 X O2
Where O1 = pretest

X = treatment

O2 = posttest
Design No.3 The Static-Group Comparison

X O1


Where X = treatment

O1 = experimental posttest

O2 = control posttest

True Experimental Designs

Design No.4 The True Control Group or the Pretest Posttest Design

R O1 X O2

R O3 O4

Where R = random assignment

O1 = experimental pretest

O3 = control pretest

O2 = experimental posttest

O4 = control posttest

Design No.5 The Solomon Four-Group Design

R O1 X O2

R O3 O4

R X O5

R O6

Design No.6

R X O1

R O2

Where R = random assignment

X = treatment
O1 = experimental posttest

O2 = control pretest

Quasi Experimental Designs

Design No.7 The Time Series Experiment

O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 O8

Design No.8 Counterbalanced Designs

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4





The foregoing design uses only posttests since the problem cannot make use of
pretests. It makes use of three classifications: groups, time, and treatments.

Activity 1
Direction: Write T if the sentence is True and F, if it is false.

____________1. Survey research seeks to gather information about the prevailing

conditions or about the variables under study.

____________2. Case Study is a research involving few respondents, ranging from one to
a small size of less than 10, over a considerable period of time.

____________3. In One Shot Case Study, there is no treatment or intervention, but it has

____________4. Correlational studies refer to comparing the result in the differences in

certain characteristics according to variable considered

____________5. Feasibility Study for the Opening of JCO Donut in Malolos is an example
of Trends and Projection design.

____________6. In One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, there are two

treatment/intervention and two tests.

____________7. Comparative Studies explore the relationship between two or more

variables which are the predictor and criterion variables.
____________8. Documentary Analysis involve the gathering of information by analyzing
written records and documents to solve a problem. It uses secondary data from the
archives, or records.

____________9. Counterbalanced Designs uses only posttests since the problem cannot
make use of pretests. It makes use of three classifications: groups, time, and treatments.

____________10. Assessment and Evaluation design is used when one wants to follow
up the development of certain conditions or particular sets of people.

____________11. Tracer studies refer to the study on the efficiency or effectiveness of

policies, instruments, or the variables that may be considered.

____________12. In Solomon Four-Group Design, have four test and four random

______________13. In Posttest-Only Control Group Design, have two random assignment,

one treatment/intervention and two tests.

______________14. Experimental research designs are divided into three: The Pre-
Experimental Designs, True-Experimental Designs, and Quasi-Experimental Designs.

______________15. Pre-experimental designs are divided into four: Design 1 - The One
Spot Case Study, Design 2 - The One Group Pretest Post Test Design, Design 3 - The
Static Group Comparison and The Solomon Four-Group Design.

Activity 2.
Direction: Based on the given sample situational, write the appropriate research design
and your justification in choosing that design.

1. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to find out if there is a relationship

between achievement and students' use of instructional materials available at
home. Researcher simply gathers data on availability of instructional materials
used at home, and the grades of students, and then applies a correlation
tool to determine relation of these variations.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________

2. Sample Situation: Researcher wants to find out if the effectiveness of the Health
Program for a group of families from a depressed area has been sustained for
a period of 3 years since the time immediate evaluation of the program has been
Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________

3. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to find out what could be causing a

high incidence of lung cancer among males in a community that he hypothesizes
that cigarette smoking could be the culprit.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________



4. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to find out how a group of children are
behaving now, after they have undergone a special course on personality
development five years earlier.
Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________

5. Sample Situation: A researcher is interested to know why Barangay Pag-
asa has become a very prosperous community in a matter of 3 years. The
researcher would want to set benchmarks for community development using
this community. He plans to get immersed in the community for a year, study
the structure, the leaders, the families, etc. It may take the researcher one
year to take the study.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________



6. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to know the perceptions of students

toward a program being implemented in school. He issues out a questionnaire
which aims to elicit such perceptions.
Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________

7. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to find how science education developed
and evolved since the Educational Decree of 1863. The researcher intends
to analyze records and documents related to this subject matter from 1863
to the present, and come up with milestones or important developments from
that period.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________


8. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to do a study about the lives of "living
heroes". He wants to establish what would make for a living hero on the bases
of data that would be gathered from 10 identified "living heroes".

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________



9. Sample Situation: A researcher wants to find out why John is consistently

characterized as a bully in class. His profile is entirely different from the rest
of the class. He intends to do an in-depth study, and find out why John is
acting that way. The researcher intends to gather data from the guidance
counselor, doctor, parents, teachers, classmates, psychologists, etc.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________



10. Sample Situation: A researcher intends to get a sample using a formula at which
he or she can identify his or her sample size from the total number of populations
with the usual 0.05 margin of error.

Most Appropriate Research Design: ___________________________________________



Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not considered as description of case study?

a. in-depth research
b. uses respondents ranging from one to a small size of less than 10.
c. gathers relatively limited data
d. made over a considerable period of time.

2. It refers to the study on the efficiency or effectiveness of policies, instruments, or the

variables that may be considered.

a. Assessment and Evaluation Studies

b. Case Study
c. Tracer Studies
d. Survey research

3. What research design is used to gather relatively limited data from relatively large
number of cases? It seeks to gather information about the prevailing conditions or
about the variables under study.
a. Assessment and Evaluation Studies
b. Case Study
c. Tracer Studies
d. Survey research

1. What research design is used when one wants to follow up the development of certain
conditions or particular sets of people?

a. Assessment and Evaluation Studies

b. Case Study
c. Tracer Studies
d. Survey research
5. Which of the following is not considered as definition of Correlational Design?
a. Comparing result
b. Explores the relationship between two or more variables
c. Having predictor and criterion variables
d. Variables consist of X and Y.

6. What research design refers to comparing the result in the differences in certain
characteristics according to variable considered?

a. Documentary Analysis
b. Trends and Projection
c. Comparative Studies
d. Experimental Research design

7. What research design used for projects that are forward looking and is also called
feasibility study?

a. Documentary Analysis
b. Trends and Projection
c. Comparative Studies
d. Experimental Research design

8. What research design involve the gathering of information by analyzing written

records and documents to solve a problem? It uses secondary data from the archives,
or records.

a. Documentary Analysis
b. Trends and Projection
c. Comparative Studies
d. Experimental Research design

9. What research designs are future-oriented type of research and it basically seeks to
answer the question: “what will be?”.

a. Documentary Analysis
b. Trends and Projection
c. Comparative Studies
d. Experimental Research design

1. Which of the following is not considered an example of experimental research

a. The One Spot Case Study
b. The Tracer and Projection
c. The One Group Pretest Post Test Design
d. The Static Group Comparison

Describing Sampling Procedure
2 and Sample

Population and Sample

The first step in determining the sample size is identifying the population of the
topic of interest. The population is the totality of all the objects, elements, persons, and
characteristics under consideration. It is understood that this population possesses
common characteristics about which the research aims to explore.

There are two types of population: target population and accessible population.
The actual population is the target population. Example of this are all Senior High
School Students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
in the Division of City of Malolos. While the accessible population is the portion of the
population in which the researcher has reasonable access, for example all Senior High
School enrolled, STEM strand at Marayon Science High School – X.

When the whole population is too costly or time-consuming or impractical to

consider, then, a sample representative is identified. Sampling pertains to the
systematic process of selecting the group to be analyzed in the research study. The goal
is to get information from a group that represents the target population. Once a good
sample is obtained, the generalizability and applicability of findings increases.

The representative subset of the population refers to the sample. All the 240
Senior High School Students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Strand in a school, for example, constitute the population; 60 of
those students constitute the sample. A good sample should have characteristics of the
represented population – characteristics that are within the scope of the study with fair

Generally, the larger the sample, the more reliable the sample be, but still, it will
depend on the scope and delimitation and research design of the study.

The most commonly used way of computing the sample size is through the use
of Slovin’s formula.

1 + N (e2)

Where: N (population) = 400

e (margin of error) = 0.05

n = ______________
1 + [400 (.05 ]

1+ [400 (.0025)]

1 +1

n = 200 (no. of participants)

Probability Sampling
Probability sampling involves the use of a random selection process to select a
sample from members or elements of a population. The main goal of this sampling
technique is to examine the representativeness elements of populations. It can be in the
form of simple random, stratified, cluster, or systematic.

A. Simple random
It is a way of choosing individuals in which all members of the accessible
population are given an equal chance to be selected. There are various ways of obtaining
samples through simple random sampling. These are fishbowl technique, roulette
wheel, or use of the table of random numbers. This technique is also readily available
In other words, this is the where the researcher can assign a number to each
member of the population and select the sample through a table of random numbers.

B. Stratified
The same with simple random sampling, stratified random sampling also gives
an equal chance to all members of the population to be chosen. However, the population
is first divided into strata or groups before selecting the samples. The samples are
chosen from these subgroups and not directly from the entire population. This
procedure is best used when the variables of the study are also grouped into classes
such as gender and grade level.
Thus, the researcher divides the population into subgroups or strata. A simple
random sample is taken from each of these subgroups.

C. Cluster
This refers to sampling when groups rather than people are selected randomly
from cluster. This procedure is usually applied in large-scale studies, geographical
spread out of the population is a challenge, and gathering information will be very time-
consuming. Similar to stratified random sampling, cluster sampling also involves
grouping of the population according to subgroups or clusters. It is a method where
multiple clusters of people from the chosen population will be created by the researcher
in order to have homogenous characteristics.

D. Systematic
Samples in this type can be obtained through listing of population. This
procedure is as simple as selecting samples every nth (example every 2nd, 5th) of the
chosen population until arriving at a desired total number of sample size. Therefore, the
selection is based on a predetermined interval. Dividing the population size by the
sample size, the interval will be obtained. For example, from a total population of 75,
you have 25 samples; using systematic sampling, you will decide to select every 3rd
person on the list of individuals.

Activity 1
Direction: Match Column A to Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on
a separate sheet of paper. Answers can be repeated.


_________1. It is a way of choosing individuals in A. Simple Random

which all members of the accessible population are B. Stratified
given an equal chance to be selected. C. Cluster
D. Systematic
_________2. This procedure is as simple as selecting
samples every nth of the chosen population until
arriving at a desired total number of sample size.
_________3. It gives an equal chance to all members
of the population to be chosen.
_________4. Sampling wherein when groups rather
than people are selected random selection from
_________5. It is where the researcher can assign a
number to each member of the population and select
the sample through a table of random numbers.
_________6. This procedure is best used when the
variables of the study are also grouped into classes
such as gender and grade level.
________7. It is a method where multiple clusters of
people from the chosen population will be created by
the researcher in order to have homogenous
________8. In this sample the selection is based on a
predetermined interval. Dividing the population size
by the sample size, the interval will be obtained.
________9. This procedure is usually applied in large-
scale studies, geographical spread out of the
population is a challenge, and gathering information
will be very time-consuming.
________10. In this sampling procedure, the
researcher divides the population into subgroups or
strata. A simple random sample is taken from each
of these subgroups.

Solve this problem! Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Assuming that you are going to conduct a survey in a particular province and you are
going to compute the sample size from a population of 10 million using stratified
sampling, compute the sample size using the Slovin’s formula with 5% level of
significance and allocate it per barangay under the following considerations:

a. Only persons aged 10 years old and up are included in the survey and this
represents 80% of the population of the province

b. Only males are included in the survey and male represents 70% of the

c. The province has 3 major towns, A, B, and C.

d. The population of towns A, B, and C are 25% 30% and 45% of the total
population of the province respectively

e. Towns A, B, and C have 3, 4, and 5 barangays respectively

f. Distribution of the population of town A is 30%, 30%, and 40% to barangay

1, barangay 2, and barangay 3 respectively

g. Distribution of the population of town B is 20%, 22%, 25% and 33% to

barangay 1 barangay 2, barangay 3, and barangay 4 respectively

h. Distribution of the population of town C is equal among its 5 barangays.

2. The Philippine Molecular Laboratory and Research Center was able to produce a
potent vaccine known as “VIDA” for COVID 19 infection. Unfortunately, only 4,590
ampule of vaccines were produce for clinical trials for adult. The government selected
adult individuals in the National Capital Region with a breakdown: Manila having 1,300
adult, Caloocan having 350 cases, Manila 5,450, Navotas, 890, Valenzuela 1,005,
Quezon City 953, San Juan 435, Makati 659, Marikina 345, Paranaque 213,
Muntinlupa 197 and Pasay 554. How will you draw the sample distribution of vaccine?
3. Determine the number of samples needed in a quantitative research with a population
of 3,545 with a sampling error of 0.05.


Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Mrs. Trahan samples her class by using fishbowl technique in selecting 5 girls and 7
boys. This type of sampling is called______________.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

2. Mrs. Santos samples her class by selecting every third person on her class list. Which
type of sampling method is this?
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

3. Mr. Marcelo samples his class by selecting all students sitting at group 1 and group
5 in his classroom. This sampling technique is called?
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

4. Teacher Reyes samples her class by picking 10 numbers from her hat and each
number is assigned to a students. This is _________________ random sampling.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

5. Farmer Joe separates his apple tree farm into 10 regions. He counts the number of
apples produced in just one of the regions and uses that estimate to predict the
number of apples produced on the whole farm. This is _______ sampling.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

6. Farmer Joe's apple tree farm is set up in 100 rows. He counts the number of apples
produced on every 10th row to estimate the number apples produced on the whole
farm. This is _____________ sampling.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

7. Farmer Joe randomly picks 100 trees using a random number generator to estimate
the number of apples produced by his apple trees. This is ______________ sampling.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

8. Farmer Joe separates his farm into 10 regions. He then randomly selected 5 trees
from each region to estimate the number of apples produced on his apple tree
farm. This is _____________ sampling.
A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple
D. Cluster

9.In order to use samples to estimate something from the population, the sample
should be _________________ the population.
A. Exactly the same as
B. Nothing like
C. Representative of
D. Larger than

10. When one examines the entire population instead of a subgroup of the population,
this is called a______________.
A. Universal sampling
B. Census
C. Bias
D. Population

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