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HIDEOUT offers hot and cold coffee, and milk tea for the customer and it will be served

to them
by employees with respect to the customers at their satisfaction. Espresso, brewed coffee coffees
with such varieties such as frap, Cappuccino, and brewed coffee. Complementing the coffee will
be a milk tea. Rounding out the simple menu line will be pastries. The offering may vary with
season ability, but the primary line will muffins, bread, cookies, scones and rolls. We are
offering at a cheaper price.

a concentrated form of coffee served in small, strong shots and is the base for many coffee
drinks. It's made from the same beans as coffee but is stronger, thicker, and higher in caffeine.
Shot espresso coffee

Gride the coffee beans then boil the water (200 degrees Fahrenheit) add coffee ground and stir.

a coffee drink that today is typically composed of a single espresso shot and hot milk, with the
surface topped with foamed milk.

Shot espresso coffee
Steamed milk
Milk foam


First, steam the milk. Heat 1 cup of milk in a 2-quart saucepan over medium heat. Let the milk
simmer until bubbles form around the edges,. Remove the pan from heat and set it on a flat
surface. whip the milk with an electric mixer, increasing the speed as the milk begins to
thicken. Continue mixing until you get the desired volume of froth. whip the milk with an
electric mixer, increasing the speed as the milk begins to thicken. Continue mixing until you get
the desired volume of froth.

a trademarked brand of the Starbucks Corporation for a line of iced, blended coffee drinks. It
consists of coffee or crème base, blended with ice and other various ingredients like flavored
syrups, usually topped with whipped cream and or spices.
chocolate milk
Flavored syrup
vanilla extract

Whisk ingredients together. Freeze in shallow containers or an ice cube tray .Once frozen, pop
the blocks out. Thaw until just soft enough for your blender to be able to handle it. Blend until
desired slushiness is reached.

Milk tea 
any tea drink with milk added. It can be as simple as a splash of milk in a hot cup of tea.
Flavored syrup
ice cubes
Tapioca pearls
In a large bowl, steep the tea bags in the hot water for 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and
discard. Add the creamer and simple syrup to taste, and stir to mix and dissolve. Add and stir in
ice to cool off mixture then transfer to a serving glass filled with tapioca pearls
Coffee Jelly
Coffee jelly is a jelly dessert flavored with coffee and sugar.
unflavored gelatin
condensed milk

Combine hot water, coffee powder, and sugar in a bowl. Add gelatin powder, and stir until
dissolved. Transfer to a rectangular mold. Refrigerate until set, about 4 hours or overnight. Once
set, slice coffee jelly into 1/2-inch cubes. Set aside until ready to assemble. Combine all-purpose
cream, condensed milk, and coffee powder in a bowl. Add coffee jelly and mix gently.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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