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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)

Week 3: Pre-Class Assignment

*Pre-class assignments are expected to be completed and uploaded to CAMS

prior to class. * As always, be prepared to discuss your homework in class.

Thinking Skill:

Identifying Signs and Symptoms

An ability to identify signs and symptoms indicating a situation is different,
changed, and not of a normal state. For example, there are signs that may indicate food
in the refrigerator is no longer fresh. Nurses learn about signs and symptoms of
diseases, side effects of drugs, and a host of other factors that indicate a situation
differs from normal functioning or what is expected in a situation.

Describe in your own words what this thinking skill means.

An ability to identify signs and symptoms indicating the situation is different, changed
and not in normal state. For example there are signs that food in the refrigerator is no
longer fresh that’s the same a nurse will learn to identify the signs amd symptoms of a
disease, side effect, a drug and a lot of other factors that indicate the situation differs
from normal functioning.

Write a paragraph (three or more sentences) explaining at least one example of

how you have used this thinking skill in your everyday life.

The skills of recognizing change in the patient through the signs and symptoms is very
important being able to notice change in the patient quickly can prevent further
complication for both the patient and the nurse.
The best example is my niece she is sweet but also emotional. Over the years I have
picked up her emotions by recognizing certain facial expression she mage before the

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 3: Pre-Class Assignment

tears begin to flow. I can pick up her emotions just by looking at her and some time I
can intervene before the emotions get best of her.

Thinking Skill:

Gathering Complete and Accurate Data

When assessing any situation it is important to gather complete and accurate
data. Gathering complete and accurate data is fundamental to critical thinking. Data are
collected from all sources available to the nurse. The data are then used as the basis
for identifying issues, problems, and concerns; solving problems; and making decisions.
It is important that data collection is complete and accurate.

Describe in your own words what this thinking skill means.

Gathering complete and accurate data which include both subjective and objective data.
It is important not only listen to the patient about their concern and medical history but
also look to the non verbal cues that may play part of their medical story.

Write a paragraph (three or more sentences) explaining for example, how you will
use this thinking skill in an actual patient situation as an RN.

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Nursing 200: Critical Thinking for the Registered Nurse (Winter 2021)
Week 3: Pre-Class Assignment

As a RN I would like to use the skill of thinking by collecting accurate and complete
data when admitting the patient in the unit of a hospital. I would use the nursing process
by assessing the patient and asking the question, cluster data that will lead to a propre
diagnosis so that I can implement a proper care plan.

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