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Assignment 1

1.0 Definition of Information system

1.1 Information System

Information system is designed to support some crucial aspect when running a

company or organization such as communication, decision making, record keeping, data
analysis and many more. This information is used by the organization/company to fix and
boosting their business operation, to be able to make good strategic decision as well as to
gain competitive edge. On the other hand, Information System (IS) can be define as a set of
components that work together to manage data processing and storage. The system will
accept data as a raw material store and then process it to generate information as a product
to assist and support in decision making and controlling activities of the organization.

According to Duff and Assad in 1980, they defined information system as a collection
of people, procedure, a database which can exist in the form of software and hardware.
These software or hardware is responsible to collect, process, store and translate data for
transaction processing purposes at the operational level and information to support
Management decision making.

Information system in organization keeps detailed information regarding with the

company as well as its surrounding. The surrounding environment comprises of customers,
supplies, competitors and other stakeholders of the organization. The basic three activities
input, processing and output generate the meaningful information that organization need.
There is another essential element of system known as feedback. It is output returned to
appropriate authorities in the organization to evaluate input (Laudon and Laudon 2006 9th
Ed.). One of the simple examples of information system is the sales management system.
Company as an overall will get input from the sale system, the next example is the
budgeting system. This will give the detailed overview of the amount of money that flow in
and out from the company. The last example is the Human Resource Management system
which responsible in taking care the employee welfare, salaries, employee performance and
well as staff turnover.
The use of computer had become a major necessity in our daily life and human
becoming more and more relying on the services provided by them. W.B Adeoti-Adekeye
(1997) in 1997 said that the advancement in computer technology have intensified man’s
need to obtain computer assistance in solving daily chores and more complex problems and
therefore, information systems are becoming area of interest in advancement and dynamic

Past researchers have identified the statement of right information and its flow within
the organization and company are giving a positive impact in enhancing the company’s
performance as well as the ability of the company to achieve their goal with ease. Despite of
this, not all information they accept would be useful to the company and this is where the
information management come into play. Information management system is really crucial
to help the organization to make relevant information readily available for the organization
in more precise and comprehensible format.
1.2 Importance of Information Technology in Daily operation of an organization

Information system plays important role in the daily operation of an organization.

With the use of information system, organization and companies that running small or
multimillionaire business can safe their time and money by making a smart company
decision making that benefit their business since they have the data related to their
business. The result of your decision can be modelled by the information system and as a
decision will involve choosing a course of action from several alternatives and carrying out
the corresponding tasks. When you have accurate, up-to-date information, you can make
the choice with confidence (Terry Lucey, 2005). On The other hand, if more than one
decision is appealing to the manager’s point of view, information system is used to run a
few different scenario and each possibilities, the system will calculate the key indicator such
as sales, cost and profit to aid the company in determining which alternative or decision that
bring the most beneficial result.

Moreover, the next importance it bring to the daily operation in the organization is
on the Business operation management. How you cope your company's operations rest
on the info that you have. Information systems can offer more complete and more recent
information, allowing you to operate your company more efficiently. You can use
information systems to gain a cost advantage over competitors or to differentiate yourself
by offering better customer service. Sales data give you insights about what customers are
buying and let you stock or produce items that are selling well. With guidance from the
information system, you can streamline your operations.
2.0 Implementation of Human Resource Management System in Organization

Human Resource department workload and efficiency are increasing by the help of Human
Resource Information System (HRIS) or better known as Human Resource Management
System (HRMS). The combination of information technology into Human resource makes
most desirable output to the company. HRMS also plays important role in boosting employee
satisfaction, job performance and the company profitability. This is because this system
helps in minimizing the total of paperwork and manual record keeping that Human resource
department need to handle. Apart from that, it also retrieves information and data more
reliable and accurate as well as able to make a quick analysis when problem is arise.

Moreover, the implementation of HRMS in a company also help to support and fix health
sector policies and practices to certify a workforce of staff’s qualification also placement are
well allocated. The organisation should be aware that the HR department are require to
maintain and improves their service delivery. To put it into a simpler word, this system helps
the organization to train, motivate and reward the staffs. Moreover, a solid HRM system
provides the foundation for employee performance improvement. The performance
improvement is a process for achieving individual and organization results by identifying the
key of elements of strong performance and then makes sure that these elements are in
Importance of Human Resources Management System in Organisation

A company and organization are at the stake without proper human resources department.
Human resources department are the one who handling all the most important, crucial,
valuable asset of the company and organization. Incapable and incompetent human
resources department will lead to the failure of the company in achieving their mission and
vision. The main functions of HR department are recruiting people, provide job training,
performance appraisal, and ensure workplace safety and more.

Human Resource Management System is really vital and crucial for every
organisation as the effective HRM system will enable the organisations to address the
problem arises with full of accountability. This is essential because it can help the workforce
to take the high quality of job performance, despite internal and external challenges that the
organization faced.

A powerful human resource management system can assist the organisation

prioritize. In addition to that, according “”, human resources management
system can increase the productivity and profit for an organisation. For example, the human
resource management can make sure the right quality and quantity of personnel in
organisation. It also will create the opportunities to facilitate and motivate individual and
group of employees to grow and advance to their career. The HRM system will helps the
organisation to attract and maintain competent employees, assists employees and managers
in adapting to the organisational change and facilitates the use of technology to determine
how and where work is done. Moreover, developing public relations also the important of
human resources management system. The responsibility of setup good public relations lies
with the HRM system to a great extent. They arrange business meetings, seminars and
various official gatherings on the behalf of the company in order to build up relationship
with other business sectors. The HRM is perhaps one of the most misunderstood, however
most important management systems. Employees are the important asset for an
organisation and companies must put a lot of effort and energy into setting up an effective
HRM. All human resources management system has its eyes set on providing every
organisation the best service that would work to drive not just for making profit but also
team synergy.
How human resource management system able to facilitate the business process
between department in organisation

According to Maryati Mohd Yusuf (2013), she claimed that Information system requires the
employee feedback from all departments and this feedback is prepared in the form of
questionnaire to evaluate the company business process. The evaluation of the output which
is return back to the company is usually in the form of complaint. These complaints are then
will be mitigate immediately via the corrective measure or suggestion of improvement which
is used to improvised the system and boosting business process of the organization. This
give the opportunity for employee from different department to taking part directly in the
organization business process by commenting on the weakness of the organization itself.

Next, human resource department are responsible in helping other department in the
organization to understand the overall business process of different activities for

How human resources management system able to support the management decision in
promotion, increment and staffing

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