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Date: 31/01/2021

List of Project Topics in Jurisprudence II

Session 2020-21
Sl. No. Roll No. Project Topic
1. 1901 Concept of Duty

Jurisprudential Concept of Possession and its

2. 1902

3. 1903 Legal Right and its Classification

4. 1905 Theories of Personality

5. 1906 Theories of Possession

6. 1907 Concept of Right and Jural Relations

7. 1908 Jurisprudence and Gender Justice

8. 1909 Natural Law and the Theory of Property

9. 1911 Legal Rights: A Safeguard for Justice

10. 1912 Legal Obligation

11. 1913 Title

12. 1914 Right and Law: An Analysis

13. 1915 Ownership as a Social Concept

14. 1916 Natural Rights in Theory and Practice

15. 1917 Judicial Precedent: A Comparative Analysis

Right to Affirmative Action Under the Indian
16. 1918

17. 1919 Concept of Right and Administration of Justice

18. 1920 Role of Judiciary in the Legal System

Role of Lawyers and Its Functions in the Developing

19. 1921
Comparative Study of Greek and Indian View of
20. 1922

21. 1923 Right to Education: A Jurisprudential Analysis

22. 1925 Right to Reservation: A Critical Analysis

23. 1926 Sources of Law

24. 1927 Theories of Punishment

25. 1928 Concept of Property in Indian Legal System

26. 1929 Intention as a form of Mens Rea

27. 1930 Juristic Person

28. 1931 Meaning and Kinds of Person

29. 1932 Meaning, Implications and Sources of Obligation

30. 1934 Ownership: Meaning and Implication

31. 1935 Rights and Duties: Comparative Analysis

32. 1936 Doctrine of individual and Individualism

33. 1937 Law and Morality

34. 1938 Law Making Powers in the Federal Constitution

35. 1939 Legal Rights

36. 1940 Legislation as a Source of Law

37. 1941 Vicarious Liability in Civil Law

38. 1942 Kinds and Modes of Acquisition of Property

39. 1943 The Concept of Ownership

40. 1944 Liability for Negligence

41. 1945 Ownership and Possession: Comparative Analysis

42. 1946 Theories and Modes of Acquisitions of Legal Rights

43. 1947 Theories of Ownership

44. 1948 Possession and its Various Kinds

45. 1949 Meaning and Analysis of Juristic Personality

Meaning, Implications and Theories of Origin of

46. 1950

47. 1951 Mens Rea and Liability

48. 1952 Fundamental Rights

49. 1953 International Law and Morality

50. 1954 The Measure of Civil and Criminal Liability

51. 1955 The Nature and Kinds of Liability

Contemporary Problem in the State of Affairs of
52. 1956

53. 1957 Criminal Liability of Corporate

54. 1958 The relevance of Motive in Liability

55. 1959 Natural Person

56. 1960 Nature of Corporate Personality

57. 1961 Strict Liability

58. 1962 Theories of Property

59. 1963 Vicarious Liability in Criminal Law

60. 1964 Precedent as a Source of Law

Comparative Analysis of Legal Concepts of India and

61. 1965

62. 1966 Statutes and Codes as Sources of Law

63. 1967 Due Process of Law and Procedure Established by Law

64. 1968 Freedom of Labour and Association

65. 1969 Human Rights

Critical Analysis of Hohfeld’s Analysis of the Concept

66. 1970
of Right

67. 1971 Correlativity of Rights: A Critical Analysis

68. 1972 Right in the Strict Sense

69. 1973 The Measure of Civil and Criminal Liability

70. 1974 The Nature and Kinds of Liability

71. 1975 The relevance of Motive in Liability

72. 1976 Theories and Modes of Acquisitions of Legal Rights

73. 1977 The Concept of Justice under the Indian Constitution

74. 1978 The Need and Justification for Punishment

75. 1979 Concept of Property in Indian Legal System

76. 1980 Theories of Rights

77. 1981 Mens Rea and Liability

78. 1982 Negligence

79. 1983 Doctrine of individual and Individualism

80. 1984 Due Process of Law and Procedure Established by Law

81. 1986 Freedom of Labour and Association

Fundamental Rights under Articles 15(4) and 15 (5):

82. 191759
Hohfeldian Analysis
Date: 31/01/2021
List of Project Topics in Jurisprudence II
Session 2020-21
Sl. No. Roll No. Project Topic
1. 2001 Right to Affirmative Action Under the Constitution

2. 2002 Right to Education: A Jurisprudential Analysis

3. 2003 Natural Person

4. 2004 Nature of Corporate Personality

5. 2005 Rights and Duties: Comparative Analysis

6. 2006 Strict Liability

7. 2007 Theories of Ownership

8. 2008 Theories of Possession

9. 2009 Vicarious Liability in Civil Law

10. 2010 Vicarious Liability in Criminal Law

11. 2011 Ownership and Possession: Comparative Analysis

12. 2012 Ownership: Meaning and Implication

13. 2013 State and the Concept of Juristic Personality

14. 2014 Jurisprudence and Gender Justice

15. 2015 Social and Economic Rights: A Juristic Analysis

16. 2016 Mortgages and Lien

17. 2017 Ownership as a Social Concept

18. 2018 Polluter Pays Principle

19. 2020 Meaning and Kinds of Person

20. 2021 Meaning, Implications and Sources of Obligation

Meaning, Implications and Theories of Origin of

21. 2022

22. 2023 Rule of Law

23. 2024 Significance of Study of Jurisprudence

24. 2025 Kinds of Ownership

25. 2026 Intention as a Form of Mens Rea

26. 2027 Juristic Person

27. 2028 Kinds and Modes of Acquisition of Property

28. 2029 Law Making Powers in the Federal Constitution

29. 2030 Criminal Liability of Corporate

30. 2031 Kinds of Possession

31. 2032 The Kinds of Legal Rights

32. 2033 The Law of Status

33. 2034 Collective Bargaining and Theory of Status to Contract

34. 2035 The Measure of Civil and Criminal Liability

35. 2036 The Nature and Kinds of Liability

36. 2038 The relevance of Motive in Liability

37. 2039 Theories and Modes of Acquisitions of Legal Rights

38. 2040 The Concept of Justice under the Indian Constitution

39. 2041 Legal Rights: Nature and Value

40. 2043 Moral and Legal Obligation

Fundamental Rights under Articles 16(4): Hohfeldian

41. 2045

42. 2046 Hohfeld’s Contribution to Jurisprudence

43. 2048 Legal Status of Unborn Child

44. 2049 Theories of Wrongs of Negligence

45. 2051 Legal Status of Animals

46. 2052 Legal Status of Dead Man

47. 2053 Jural Relations and Their Significance

48. 201855 Classifying Wrongs on the Basis of Mens Rea

49. 20181609 Theory of Penal Liability

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