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13. St. Paul Fire & Marine v.

Macondray, 70 SCRA 122 (1976)




TOPIC/SUBJECT MATTER: ________________

Winthrop Products, Inc., of U.S.A., shipped aboard the SS "Tai Ping", owned andoperated by Wilhelm Wilhelmsen,
218 cartons and drums of drugs and medicine, with thefreight prepaid, which were consigned to Winthrop-Stearns
Inc., Manila, Philippines. Theshipment was insured by the shipper against loss and/or damage with the St. Paul Fire
&Marine Insurance Company.The SS "Tai Ping" arrived at the Port of Manila and discharged its shipment into
thecustody of Manila Port Service, the arrastre contractor for the Port of Manila. The saidshipment was discharged
complete and in good order with the exception of one (1) drumand several cartons which were in bad order condition.
Hence, the consignee filed a claimin the amount of P1,109.67 representing the C.I.F. value of the damaged drum and
cartonsof medicine with the carrier, herein defendants-appellees and the Manila Port Service.Both refused to pay the
claim. Consequently, the consignee filed its claim with the insurer,St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., and the
insurance company, on the basis of suchclaim, paid to the consignee the insured value of the lost and damaged
goods, includingother expenses in connection therewith, in the total amount of $1,134.46As subrogee of the rights of
the shipper and/or consignee, the insurer, St. Paul Fire &Marine Insurance Co., instituted with the CFI the present
action against the defendants forthe recovery of said amount plus costs. Defendants resisted the action, contending
that thewhole cargo was delivered to the consignee in the same condition in which it was receivedfrom the carrying
vessel; that their rights, duties and obligations as arrastre contractor atthe Port of Manila are governed by and subject
to the terms, conditions and limitationscontained in the Management Contract between the Bureau of Customs and
Manila PortService, and their liability is limited to the invoice value of the goods, but in no case morethan P500.00
per package, pursuant to the said Management Contract; and that they arenot the agents of the carrying vessel in the
receipt and delivery of cargoes in the Port ofManila.The defendants Macondray & Co., Inc., Barber
Steamship Lines, Inc. and WilhelmWilhelmsen also contested the claim alleging that if any damage was
sustained by theshipment while it was under the control of the vessel, such damage was caused
byinsufficiency of packing, force majeure and/or perils of the sea, and that they, in good faithand for the purpose only
of avoiding litigation without admitting liability to the consignee,offered to settle the latter's claim in full by paying the
corresponding C.I.F. value, but theiroffer was declined by the consignee and/or the plaintiff. The lower court rendered
judgment ordering the defendants to pay to the plaintiff, jointlyand severally. Plaintiff-appellant argues that, as
subrogee of the consignee, it should beentitled to recover from the defendants appellees the amount of $1,134.46
which it actuallypaid to the consignee and which represents the value of the lost and damaged shipmentas well as
other legitimate expenses. Defendants appellees are not insurers of the goods,and as such they should not be made
to pay the insured value.


WON the insurance carrier can recover the said amount claimed.


YES, the plaintiff-appellant, as insurer, after paying the claim of the insured fordamages under the insurance, is
subrogated merely to the rights of the assured. Assubrogee, it can recover only the amount that is
recoverable by the latter. Since the right ofthe assured, in case of loss or damage to the goods, is
limited or restricted by theprovisions in the bill of lading, a suit by the insurer as subrogee necessarily is subject
tolike limitations and restrictions.DISPOSITIVE: Respondent Won. Decision is affirmed.

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