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Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Fisika

Kelompok 2

Offering A

Anggota : 1. Delia Mandandari 190341621610

2. Devi Maria Sulfa 190341621674

3. Devi Meiliawati 190341621683

4. Ghauts Mannah Aji 190341621677

5. Haniar Mei Sila Kinanti 190341621693

6. Hanindya Dwi Kartika 190341621626

Hal 276, No 47 (8.6 Rotational Kinetic Energy)

47. A solid, uniform disk of radius 0.250 m and mass 55.0 kg rolls down a ramp of
length 4.50 m that makes an angle of 15.0° with the horizontal. The disk starts from
rest from the top of the ramp. Find (a) the speed of the disk’k center of mass when it
reaches the bottom of the ramp (b) the angular speed of the disk at the bottom of the


( KE t + KE r ¿f = ¿

1 2 1 2
mv + Iw = mgy
2 2

1 2 1 1
mv + ( mr ¿ ¿ 2) ¿ ¿) = mgy
2 2 2

1 2 1 2
v + v =9 y
2 4

2 2 1 2
v + v =9 y
4 4

3 2
v =9y
√ 49 y y
v = Sin α = .L
3 L

L Sin α = y

√ 49 Lsin α

√ 49 ( 9.8 ) ( 4.50 ) sin(15)

v = 3.90 m/s


3.90 m/ s
0.25 m

w = 15.6 rad/s

Hal 277, No 63 (8.7 Angular Momentum)

63. The puck in the Figure P8.63 has a mass of 0.120 kg. Its original distance from
the center of rotation is 40.0 cm, and it moves with a speed of 80.0 cm/s. The string is
pulled donwnward 15.0 cm through the hole in the frinctionless table. Determine the
work done on the puck. Hint: Consider the change in kinetic energy of the puck.

Ii. wi = If wf

r i .w i = r f .w f
2 2

( 40 cm)2 wi = (25 cm)2 w f

v 80 cm/s
wi = = = 2 rad/s
r 40 cm

¿ ¿ = ¿ ¿ . wf

5.10 rad/s =w f

2.0 rad/s = w i

w = K E f K Ei

1 1
w= I f w F - Ii w i
2 2

1 2 1 2
w = ( m. r f ) wf - ( m. r i )wi
2 2
2 2

1 2 1 2
w = ( 0.12. 0.25 )¿ - ( 0.12. 0.40 )¿
2 2

w = 5.99 ×10−2 = 0.0599

Hal. 277 No. 61 (8.7 Angular Momentum)

A solid, horizontal cylinder of mass 10.0 kg and radius 1.00 m rotates with an angular
speed of 7.00 rad/s about a fixed vertical axis through its center. A 0.250-kg piece of
putty is dropped vertically onto the cylinder at a point 0.900 m from the center of
rotation and sticks to the cylinder. Determine the final angular speed of the system.

Li = I ω = mr 2 ω
= ( 10 ) (1)2( 7,00)

kg . m
= 35

Lf = ΣI ω= I cylinder ω f + I putty ω f

Lf = ΣI ω= m r 2 ω + m putty r 2 ω f
2 cyl ❑ f

1 2
Lf = (10)(1)❑ ω f + 0,250(0,900)2 ω f

= 5,2ω f

Li = Lf

35 = 5,2 ω f

ωf = 6,7

Soal no 57 halaman 277

A light rigid rod of length , 1.00 m rotates about an axis perpendicular to its length
and through its center.Two particles of masses m1 4.00 kg and m2 3.00 kg are
connected to the ends of the rod. What is the angular momentum of the system if
the speed of each particle is 5.00 m/s? (Neglect therod’s mass.)

Diketahui ;

Panjang kayu = 1 m, maka r =0,5 m

m1 = 4 kg

m2 = 3 kg

V1 = 5 m/s

V2 = 5 m/s

Ditanya ; momentum sudut/ L

Dijawab ;

0,5 m 0,5 m

I0 = m 1 r 2 +m 2 r 2

IO = 4 x ¿ +3 ¿

I O = 1+

IO = kgm2

L = I0 ω

L = I0 ( )

7 x
L= 1

L= x 10

L= atau 17,25 kgm2/ s

Jadi, momentum sudutnya adalah 17,25 kgm2/ s

Soal No 4 halaman 270

A dental bracket exerts a horizontal force of 80.0 N on a tooth at point B in Figure P8.4.
What is the torque on the root of the tooth about point A?


T= F x r

T= F sin 48° x r

T = 80 x 0,74 x 1,2

T= 71,34 Nm
Soal no 4 hal 270

A hungry bear weighing 700 N walks out on a beam in an attempt to retrieve a basket of
goodies hanging at the end of the beam. The beam is uniform, weighs 200 N, and is 6.00 m
long, and it is supported by a wire at an angle of theta = 60.0 degrees. The basket weighs
80.0 N. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for the beam. (b) When the bear is at x = 1.00 m, find
the tension in the wire and the components of the force exerted by the wall on the left end
of the beam. (c) If the wire can withstand a maximum tension of 900 N, what is the
maximum distance the bear can walk before the wire breaks?

H 60

τ = F.d sin a V 700 200 _ 80

b) ∑ τ=0
-(700)(1) sin 90 - (200)(3) sin 90 - (80)(6) sin 90 + τ ( 6 ) sin 60 = 0

τ =343 N

∑ Fx=0
H - T cos 60 =0

H – 343 cos 60 =0

H= 172 N

∑ Fy=0
-700-200-80 + v + 343 cos 60 =0

V = 683 N

c) ∑ τ=0
-(700)(x) sin 90 - (200)(3) sin 90 - (80)(6) sin 90 + τ ( 6 ) sin 60 = 0

x=5,14 m

66. A particle of mass 0,4 kg is attached to the 100 cm mark of a meter

stick of mass 0,1 kg. The meter stick rotates on a horizontal, frictionless
table with an angular speed of 4 rad/s. Calculate the angular momentum
of the system when the stick is pivoted about an axis :

A. Perpendicular to the table through the 50 cm mark

B. Perpendicular to the table through the 0 cm mark

Answer :

A. I = 1/12 m1L2 + m2 0.52

I = 1/12 x 0.1 x 12 + 0.4 x 0.52
I = 0.1083 kg m2 

L = 0.1083 x 4
L = 0.433 kg m2 /s
L = 0.433 J/sec
B. I = 1/3 m1L2 + m2 R2
I = 1/3 0.1 x 12 + 0.4 x 12
I = 0.433 kg m2

L = 0.433 x 4
L = 1.73 kg m2 /s
L = 1.73 J-sec

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