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“Nothing more exciting than

meeting new people, hearing

their stories, and being


In this unit students will listen to audios of socializing and will be able to
use expressions (language function) for socialization
1 Meeting a new team member

Before Listening

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Complete the questions and sentences using the phrases in the box.
✓ to meet you ✓ you do ✓ you from
✓ you work ✓ you worked here ✓ your name

1. What’s ……………………………………………………………?
2. Where do ……………………………………………………………?
3. It’s nice …………………………………………………………… .
4. What do ……………………………………………………………?
5. Where are ……………………………………………………………?
6. How long have ……………………………………………………………?

Complete the following dialogue based on the audio!

Peter : Hi, my name’s Peter. What’s your name?

Carla : Hi, Peter. I’m Carla. I’m ____________ here.
Peter : Welcome to the company, Carla.
Carla : Thanks, Peter. I’m happy to be here and it’s _____________ to meet you.
Peter : It’s nice to meet you too.
Carla : Where do you work?
Peter : I work in the ________________ team. We _____________ over there.
Carla : I’m in the _________________ team. I started last week.
Peter : You work in marketing? That’s very interesting.
Carla : Yes, it is. I’m _______________ it. But there are a lot of new things to learn.
Peter : I’m ______________ there are. I’m happy to _______________ you if I can.
Carla : Thank you, Peter. What do you do in the design ________________________?
Peter : I design new ___________________.
Carla : That _______________ interesting. I ________________ marketing events for new
products. So, I ________________ we’ll work together sometimes.
Peter : That would be great. So, where are you from, Carla?
Carla : Brazil. And you?
Peter : I’m from the UK.
Carla : How long have you been here?
Peter : I’ve worked here for three years but I actually _______________ here from the
UK five years ago, to study.

Exercise 1: Listen to the dialogue once again and state whether the statement is
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Peter is new in the company. ❑ True ❑ False
2. Peter is a designer. ❑ True ❑ False
3. Carla works in marketing. ❑ True ❑ False
4. Peter plans events for new products. ❑ True ❑ False
5. Carla is Brazilian. ❑ True ❑ False
6. Peter started his job five years ago. ❑ True ❑ False

Exercise 2: Write the sentences under the correct speaker.
✓ I’m happy to be here. ✓ I started last week.
✓ I moved here from the UK five years ago. ✓ I work in the design team.
✓ I design new products. ✓ I’m new here.

Carla Peter
✓ ... ✓ ...
✓ ... ✓ ...
✓ ... ✓ ...
✓ ... ✓ ...

Exercise 3: Match the answers (a–f) with the sentences (1–6).

Sentences Answers
1. …… What’s your name? a. I’m from Brazil.
2. …… Where do you work? b. I design new products.
3. …… It’s nice to meet you. c. I’ve worked here for three years.
4. …… What do you do? d. My name’s Peter. / I’m Carla.
5. …… Where are you from? e. I work in the design team.
6. …… How long have you been here? f. It’s nice to meet you too.

Discussion: What do you usually talk about when you meet people for the first


Before Listening

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).

Vocabulary Definition
1. …… lead programmer a. a person who works in a job to get experience
2. …… a manager b. machines that doctors use
3. …… an intern c. a job that is not for a long time
4. …… Ltd d. the main programmer
5. …… a director e. a person who leads other people in a company
6. …… a temporary job f. the highest level of university education
7. …… a doctorate g. the person at the top of a company
8. …… medical equipment h. ‘Limited’, a kind of company that has private owners

Exercise 1: Listen to the audio and put the name provided into the correct
Business card!
✓ Alessandro Rossi ✓ Andres Mulligan Jr.
✓ Dr. Peter Miller ✓ Megumi Tanaka


Sales Director ..........

DX Medical Equipment Ltd. Lead Programmer


>> Product Manager
>>> Global Engineering Consults Intern, R&D team
MaXtin Ltd.

Exercise 2: Listen to the dialogue and state whether the statement is TRUE or

Are the sentences true or false?

1. Peter Miller is not a medical doctor. ❑ True ❑ False
2. Peter sells machines for hospitals and doctors. ❑ True ❑ False
3. Starlight is the name of Alessandro’s company. ❑ True ❑ False
4. Alessandro is the manager of the company. ❑ True ❑ False
5. Megumi thinks her real name is difficult to say. ❑ True ❑ False
6. Andres is not a permanent member of the team. ❑ True ❑ False

Exercise 3: Match the sentences to the people who said them.
✓ Alessandro Rossi ✓ Andres Mulligan Jr.
✓ Dr. Peter Miller ✓ Megumi Tanaka

1. …………………………………………My doctorate was in electronic engineering.

2. …………………………………………I’m the project leader.
3. …………………………………………I use another name when I’m working internationally.
4. …………………………………………I’m happy to be joining this team for the next few months.

Discussion: Which information do people have on their business cards in your



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