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Labexerciseon Blood

.What is the blood volume ofan avernge-sized adult male?

an average adult female?

2. What determines whether blood is bright red or a dull brick red?|

3. Use the key to identify the cell type(s) or blood elements that fit the following descriptive
statements. Some terms will be used more than once.

Key: a. red blood cell d. basophil g.lymphocyte

b. megakaryocyte e. monocyte h. formed


C. eosinophil f.neutrophil i. plasma

1. most numerous leukocyte

2 granulocytes

3. also called an erythrocyte; anucleate formed element

4. phagocytic leukocytes (3)

5. agranulocytes

6. precursor cell of pBlatelets

7. (a) through (g) are all examples of these

8. involved in destroying parasitic wormns

9. releases histamine; promotes inflammation

10. produces antibodies

11. transports oxygen

12. primarily water, noncellular; the fluid matrix of blood

13. exits a blood vessel to develop into a macrophage

14. the five types of white blood cells

4. List two classes of gases normally found in plasma.

5. Describe the consistency and color ofthe plasma you observed in the laboratory.

6. What is the average life span ofa red blood cell?

7. From memory, describe the structural characteristics of each of the following blood cell types as
accurately as possible, and note the percentage of each in the total white blood cell population.


8. Correctly identify the blood pathologies described in column A by matching them with selections
from column B:
Column A Column B

1. abnormal increase in the number of WBCs a. anemia

2. abnormal increase in the number of RBCs b. leukocytosis

3. condition of too few RBCs or of RBCs with hemoglobin c. leukopenia


4. abnormal decrease in the number of WBCs d. polycythemia

Anatomy and Physiology lab exercise I

important in the diagnosis ofdisease?
9Broadly speaking. why are hematologic studies of blood so

valuable than a total WBC count when trying
10. Why is a differential WBC count more
determine the specific source of pathology'

11. What name is given to the process of RBC production?_

What hormone acts as a stimulus for this process?
from anemia?.
Why might patients with kidney disease suffer

13.Define haematocrit.

determination to be high or
14. If you had a high hematocrit, would you expect your hemoglobin


blood type would be d B

15. If your blood clumped with both anti-A and anti-B sera, your ABO

give blood?
To what ABO blood groups could you
receive blood?.
From which ABO donor types could you

Which AB0 blood type is most common?. Least common?

demonstration slides viewed.

16. Record your observations of the five

a. Macrocytic hypochromic anemia:

b. Microcytic hypochromic anemia:

C. Sickle cell anemia:

d. L.ymphocytic leukemia (chronic):

c. Eosinophilia:

Anatomy and Phys.ology lab exercse -I

17. Explain why an Rh-negative person does not have a transfusion reaction on the lirst exposure lo

Rh-positive blood but does have a reaction on the second exposure.

What happens when an ABO blood type is mismatched for the lirst time?.

Anatomy and Pnysiotogy lab e r t s e I1

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