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Maternity Case 7: Carla Hernandez (Core)

Guided Reflection Questions

Opening Questions
How did the simulated experience of Carla Hernandez’s case make you feel?

The simulated experience made me felt a little nervous at first. That was the first time I took care for
someone who had umbilical cord compression so I did not realize what to do next when I entered the
room even though I have learnt the priority interventions for this specific case.

Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario.

For the second time, I did smoothly throughout the scenario. I communicated with the patient, assessed
her vital signs, recognized that there was something wrong with the mom and fetal which is late
deceleration shown on the EFM. I gave 10L oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, turned the patient into
Trendelenburg position, started a bolus of 500 ml of lactated Ringer based on the physician’s order. I
contacted with the charge nurse, provider, surgery unit, NICU, and anesthesia care team for her.

Scenario Analysis Questions1

EBP Consider the emergent nature of umbilical cord prolapse. What nursing actions should be
initiated immediately? Why?

I should immediately relieve umbilical cord pressure using a gloved hand. Repositioning the
mother to Trendelenburg position, or knee-chest position. The mother should also be educated
about the situation so that she does not become so anxious of frightened. The baby’s heart rate
should be continuously monitored, to watch out for fetal hypoxia. The mom should also be
provided the oxygen.

PCC What is the priority need for Carla Hernandez at this time?

The priority need for Carla Hernandez at this time would be prepared for an emergency C-
section. After initial intervention include relieving pressure so that the situation would not get
worse, then prepare her for surgery by educating and calming the mother and family, witnessing
the signed consent for the surgery, calling surgery, calling anesthesia, and calling the NICU.

The Scenario Analysis Questions are correlated to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collaboration (T&C), Evidence-Based Practice (EBP),
Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informatics (I). Find more information at:

From vSim for Nursing | Maternity. © Wolters Kluwer Health.

T&C What key elements would you include in the handoff report for this patient? Consider the
situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) format.

S: Carla Hernandez is 32 yo Hispanic female, G2P1 (L1), at 39 5/7 weeks of gestation, has
prolapsed umbilical cord and is being prepared for an emergency C-section.

B: Hernandez is at 39 5/7 weeks gestation and is a G2P1 with no known allergies. She was
admitted to the L&D in active labor at 0600. The provider performed the artificial rupture of
membranes before the prolapsed umbilical cord occurred. She is currently on 125 ml/hr
Lactated Ringers.

A: HR: 89, RR: 16, O2: 97, T 37C, BP: 136/81. She reports pain 2/10 in between contractions. The
fetal heart is low at 71 bpm and shows late deceleration. Physical head-to-toe examination was
performed and nothing to find on the exam. No pitting edema on the legs. IV sites was assessed
and there is no redness, swelling, infiltration, bleeding, or drainage; the dressing was dry and
intact. Breath sound was clear bilaterally. The surgical team, anesthesia, NICU, and provider
have all been called.

R: I recommend Hernandez and baby continue to be monitored and prepared for emergency C-

S/QI/I Based on your experience with Carla Hernandez’s case, reflect on possible nursing actions for
enhanced safety and quality improvement.

Repositioning of the patient, manually relieving pressure of the umbilical cord, educating the
mother and the family, providing comfort and support to both the mother and her family,
communicating with the health care team so the birth can go as smoothly as possible.

Concluding Questions
Reflecting on Carla Hernandez’s case, were there any actions you would do differently? Explain.

I would palpate the fundus and massaged the fundus when she was in Trendelenburg position rather
than lying flat. I would have helped Carla into the Trendelenburg position sooner.

Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you obtained in Carla Hernandez’s case to
an actual patient care situation.

I will know what to do if a patient is experiencing a prolapsed umbilical cord. I will know the signs to look
out for and then how to implement the intervention to make sure both mother and baby are safe

From vSim for Nursing | Maternity. © Wolters Kluwer Health.

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