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Engineering Manual


Engineering Manual

TMC 222


Version 4.7

Issued June 2012

Owner: Chief Engineer Track

Approved Andrew Wilson Authorised Malcolm Kerr

by: Technical Specialist by: Chief Engineer Track

This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only.
RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be
sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the
copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp.
RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes
any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document.
The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered,
stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp.


RailCorp Engineering Manual — Track
Rail Welding TMC 222

Document control
Version Date Summary of change
1.0 October 2006 First issue as a RailCorp document. Includes content from
RAP.5391, RAP.5394, RTS.3602, RTS.3733, RTS.3734,
CTN 01/11, CTN 04/14, CTN 05/02, CTN 06/15, CTN
2.0 April 2007 Removal of requirement for use of masks near multi-use
crucibles; removal of restriction on adjacent welds; removal
of requirement to re-cut HH rail after 30 mins; removal of
restriction on welding near heat numbers for new rail;
clarification of post weld actions; inclusion of requirement
not to cool with water; clarification of weld alignment
tolerances and method of assessment; changes to welding
codes; Additional Quick Reference information; Added
restriction on welding of swingnose crossings
3.0 October 2007 Includes mandatory use of PDAs, reporting of defective
components, additional competency requirements for
repair of manganese crossings, change of regulator type
for welds; check of rail damage before welding and
approved use of robotic welder for repair of manganese
4.0 May 2008 C4-7 – Addition of Thermit One Shot crucibles to approved
welding process. Section C4-16.8 and C4-18.1 – Changes
to igniter material and method.
4.1 December 2008 Section C2-2 - Addition of requirements to remove
adjacent squats when undertaking wirefeed head repair
welds; Added heading Section C4-23 – Weld Alignment
Acceptance Limits and renumbering of following sections:
Added welding codes for new weld types in C4-27, Table
4; Added Acceptance limits to Section C5-5: Added new
Section C5-6 detailing new longitudinal crossing profile
and method of measurement: Renumbered following
sections: Added reference to Acceptance limits in Section
4.2 May 2009 Complete document – Format Change; A-4.3-1.14 Quick
Reference Table – correction of incorrect Wide Gap
4.3 December 2009 Title changes to reflect organisational change; C4-8.4 –
Additional precautions regarding welding in tunnels from
CTN 09/04; C4-8.6 – Additional requirements regarding
welding in wet weather from CTN 09/04; C4-23 -
Straightness requirements added; Addition of use of rail
tensor to table 3; C4-29 – restrictions on placing welds
directly on slab track; Appendix 4.1 Addition of use of rail
tensor to Weld Return; C5-6.3 – Addition of Transverse
Crossing profile; C6-2 – Updating of colour coding
4.4 July 2010 C4-6 - Addition of clarification of relevant editions of
Australian Standards; – Correction of error in Table 6 –
Change 47kg rail (AS 1921) to 47kg rail (AS 1981); C4-7 -
Updating list of Approved Aluminothermic Welding
processes C4-10 & C4-12 – Reinforcement of restriction
on operating rail vehicles over unsecured rail ends; C4-17

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Rail Welding TMC 222

& C4-18 - Changes to suit restriction of approved welding

processes to Single Use crucibles; C4-27 – Introduction of
alternative Welding Return Form WR2; App 4.1 - Additional
Welding Return Form WR2 to suit manual entry of data;
App 4.2 - Changes to suit restriction of approved welding
processes to Single Use crucibles; App 4.5 - Changes to
suit restriction of approved welding processes to Single
Use crucibles
4.5 February 2011 C4-7 – Additional approved junction weld; C4-12.3, C4-24
– change of logo on weld sticker; C4-27 Table 3 - only
closures less than 6m in length need be crowed; App 4.1 -
Welding Return - only closures less than 6m in length need
be crowed; C5 - Correction of error in Figure 48 and 51;
C5-10 – change of logo on weld sticker
4.6 August 2011 C1-4 - Reference change; C3 - Competencies updated to
current National Competencies; C4-3, C4-11, C4-15.2, C4­
17, C4-17.5, C4-18, C4-18.1, C4-19, C4-20, C4-21.1 –
Removal of detailed PPE requirements, replacement with
reference to SWMS; C4-4 Deletion of first aid
requirements; C4-24 – added requirement to mark new
aluminothermic welds with pink fluorescent paint; C5-3,
C5-3.2 - Removal of detailed PPE requirements,
replacement with reference to SWMS; C6-2 – Updated
personnel authorised to inspect Oxy-Fuel Gas Equipment
4.7 June 2012 Changes detailed in Chapter Revisions

Summary of changes from previous version

Summary of change Chapter

Control changes Control


Reformatted to new template – Page numbering converted to continuous numbering. All

Separate document control on individual chapters removed

Addition of guidance on wirefeed repair / replacement of crossings (includes content C5-7.1.1

from CTN 12/05).

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Rail Welding TMC 222

Chapter 1 General...........................................................................................................................6

C1-1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................6

C1-2 Context............................................................................................................................6

C1-3 How to read the Manual..................................................................................................6

C1-4 References......................................................................................................................7

Chapter 2 Management Requirements.........................................................................................8

C2-1 Managers in charge of welders.......................................................................................8

C2-2 Team Managers..............................................................................................................9

C2-3 Rail Welding Inspectors ................................................................................................10

C2-4 Contract welders ...........................................................................................................10

C2-5 Special arrangements for testing ..................................................................................10

Chapter 3 Competencies .............................................................................................................11

Chapter 4 Aluminothermic Welding ...........................................................................................12

C4-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................12

C4-2 Records.........................................................................................................................12

C4-3 Personal Safety Equipment ..........................................................................................12

C4-4 Transport and storage of ignition tapes ........................................................................13

C4-5 Rails approved for welding ...........................................................................................13

C4-6 Approved welding processes........................................................................................14

C4-7 Welding requirements...................................................................................................14

C4-8 Ten Golden Rules .........................................................................................................18

C4-9 Preliminary Work...........................................................................................................19

C4-10 Cutting a gap for welding ..............................................................................................20

C4-11 Welding a closure into track..........................................................................................22

C4-12 Rail end condition .........................................................................................................23

C4-13 Lining ends for welding .................................................................................................24

C4-14 Fitting moulds to the rail................................................................................................27

C4-15 The Crucible..................................................................................................................28

C4-16 Preheating.....................................................................................................................29

C4-17 The Weld.......................................................................................................................30

C4-18 Break down and cut off of weld.....................................................................................32

C4-19 Cutting off the excess head metal ................................................................................34

C4-20 Disturbing the weld .......................................................................................................36

C4-21 Finishing off the weld ....................................................................................................38

C4-22 Weld Alignment Acceptance Limits ..............................................................................39

C4-23 Visual inspection of welds.............................................................................................42

C4-24 Identifying aluminothermic welds..................................................................................42

C4-25 Before leaving the site ..................................................................................................43

C4-26 Recording aluminothermic welds..................................................................................43

C4-27 Reporting aluminothermic welds...................................................................................46

C4-28 Welding on slab track ...................................................................................................46

Appendix 4.1 Welding Return ...........................................................................................................47

Appendix 4.2 Thermit Welding Methods..........................................................................................49

A-4.2-1 Thermit SKVE method ..................................................................................................49

A-4.2-2 Thermit Head Repair Weld ...........................................................................................55

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Rail Welding TMC 222

Appendix 4.3 Railtech Welding Methods .........................................................................................57

A-4.3-1 Railtech PLKCJ.............................................................................................................57

Appendix 4.4 Hot Work Crate............................................................................................................62

Appendix 4.5 Care and Maintenance of Welding Equipment ........................................................63

A-4.5-1 General .........................................................................................................................63

A-4.5-2 Single use crucible........................................................................................................63

A-4.5-3 Preheating torch............................................................................................................63

Appendix 4.6 Welding Process – Troubleshooting Guide .............................................................64

Appendix 4.7 Non-Conformance Report..........................................................................................66

Chapter 5 Wire Feed Welding......................................................................................................67

C5-1 Description ....................................................................................................................67

C5-2 Records.........................................................................................................................67

C5-3 Safety requirements......................................................................................................67

C5-4 General requirements ...................................................................................................67

C5-5 Rail Head Repair Acceptance standards......................................................................70

C5-6 Repairing Crossing Profile ............................................................................................71

C5-7 Repairing crossings ......................................................................................................77

C5-8 Repairing wheel burns ..................................................................................................83

C5-9 Speed of traffic over worksite .......................................................................................87

C5-10 Identifying wire feed welds............................................................................................87

C5-11 Recording wire feed welds............................................................................................87

C5-12 Reporting wire feed welds ............................................................................................88

Appendix 5.1 Wire Feed Welding Return .........................................................................................89

Appendix 5.2 Specifications..............................................................................................................90

A-5.2-1 Lincore 33 .....................................................................................................................90

A-5.2-2 TN3-0 ............................................................................................................................90

A-5.2-3 B3-0 ..............................................................................................................................90

A-5.2-4 Oxy LPG Gouging.........................................................................................................90

Appendix 5.3 Welding machine - Lincoln 400 AS ...........................................................................91

A-5.3-1 Current (AMPS) ............................................................................................................91

A-5.3-2 Voltage..........................................................................................................................91

A-5.3-3 Wire speed....................................................................................................................92

A-5.3-4 Visible stickout ..............................................................................................................92

Appendix 5.4 Trouble shooting.........................................................................................................93

A-5.4-1 To eliminate porosity.....................................................................................................93

A-5.4-2 To eliminate ropy convex bead.....................................................................................93

A-5.4-3 To eliminate splatter .....................................................................................................93

A-5.4-4 To eliminate stubbing....................................................................................................93

A-5.4-5 To eliminate poor penetration .......................................................................................94

A-5.4-6 To eliminate arc blow....................................................................................................94

Chapter 6 Inspection of Oxy-Fuel Gas Equipment....................................................................95

C6-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................95

C6-2 Requirements for testing...............................................................................................95

C6-3 Leak and function testing procedure.............................................................................95

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Rail Welding TMC 222

Chapter 1 General

C1-1 Purpose
This manual provides requirements, processes and guidelines for the installation and
repair of rail using aluminothermic and wirefeed welding techniques.

C1-2 Context
The manual is part of RailCorp's engineering standards and procedures publications.
More specifically, it is part of the Civil Engineering suite that comprises standards,
installation and maintenance manuals and specifications.

Manuals contain requirements, process and guidelines for the management of track
assets and for carrying out examination, construction, installation and maintenance

The manual is written for the persons undertaking installation and maintenance activities.

It also contains management requirements for Civil Maintenance Engineers and Team
Managers needing to know what they are required to do to manage the rail welding
activities on their areas, and production managers needing to know what they are
required to do to manage the renewal activity their teams are undertaking.

This manual is part of a series of seven (7) rail manuals

• TMC 221 – Rail Installation & Repair

• TMC 222 – Rail Welding
• TMC 223 – Rail Adjustment
• TMC 224 – Rail Defects & Testing
• TMC 225 – Rail Grinding
• TMC 226 – Rail Defects Handbook
• TMC 227 – Surface Defects in Rails

C1-3 How to read the Manual

The best way to find information in the manual is to look at the Table of Contents starting
on page 4. Ask yourself what job you are doing? The Table of Contents is written to
reflect work activities.

When you read the information, you will not need to refer to RailCorp Engineering
standards. Any requirements from standards have been included in the sections of the
manual and shown like this:

The following Design requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Welds MUST NOT be installed when exposed to moisture (rain, fog etc).

Reference is, however, made to other Manuals.

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Rail Welding TMC 222

C1-4 References

C1-4.1 Australian and International Standards

AS 4839 (2001) – The safe use of portable and mobile oxy-fuel gas systems for welding,
cutting, heating and allied processes

C1-4.2 RailCorp Documents

ESC 220 – Rail and Rail Joints
TMC 001 – Civil Technical Competencies and Engineering Authority
TMC 202 – Track Fundamentals
TMC 221 – Rail Installation & Repair
TMC 223 – Rail Adjustment
TMC 224 – Rail Defects & Testing
TMC 501 – Bushfire Hazard Management
SPC 201 – Measurement Gauges
RailCorp Safety Management System

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Rail Welding TMC 222

Chapter 2 Management Requirements

C2-1 Managers in charge of welders

The manager in charge of the welder is accountable for the performance of his/her
welders. He/she must have systems in place to:

For aluminothermic and wire feed welds

1. ensure only competent, licensed welders are used,

2. ensure only approved, tagged, equipment is used,

3. provide or arrange for a Hot Work Authority in Total Fire Bans,

4. ensure that all welds have been entered into RailCorp's SmartWeld database.

Normally the welders will enter the data for each weld into their PDAs and
upload this information directly into the SmartWeld database. If, however, this
is not possible for some reason (PDA breakdown etc) make sure that a paper
welding return is completed and uploaded into the SmartWeld database.

5. ensure that all the welder’s welds have been tested,

6. maintain an up-to-date record the welder’s defect rate,

7. manage the welder’s on-going performance.

Defective components

New or recently installed track components or tools are sometimes defective, or

otherwise fail to meet specified requirements. In some circumstances it will be necessary
to recall the product and take action with the supplier.

If you are notified by your field staff that potentially defective components or tools have
been supplied:

1. Raise an NCR. (NCR Form attached as Appendix 4.7).

2. Conduct an assessment of the non-conforming product by inspection and, if

practical, test sample at least 2-3 other such items from the same batch.

This will help to determine the extent of the problem.

3. Forward the NCR to:

Ilya Soyfer, Logistics Support Engineer in Track Services

(phone 8922 1148 (2 1148)

fax 8922 1726 (2 1726)

email [email protected].

4. If there is any immediate concern, contact should be made by phone.

5. Track Services will investigate the failure and its implications and take other
actions as required. This may include:

6. Quarantine all product to avoid installation

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Rail Welding TMC 222

7. Allow installed product to remain in track under special conditions

8. Remove all product from track etc.

If this occurs official notification will be by the issue of a Civil Technical Note

C2-2 Team Managers

Team Managers are accountable for the condition of track in their area, including the
condition of welds. They must:

For aluminothermic and wire feed welds

1. Monitor the progress of weld testing to ensure that welds are tested within 14

2. Check that weld data is uploaded into SmartWeld for ALL welds in his/her area
(from his/her own welders and from welders from outside his/her area).

3. Maintain updated records of welders under his/her control or forward a copy of

the results to the manager in charge of the welder.

For aluminothermic welds

1. Arrange for ultrasonic testing of aluminothermic welds within 14 days after the
work has been completed.

For wire feed welds

1. Arrange for locations proposed for wire feed welding to be inspected to

determine if the repair is viable.

Check what material the crossing is made from. RailCorp Engineering Manual
TMC 202 – Track Fundamentals gives guidance on checking material type.
Check both the nose and wing material. They may not be the same material.

Manganese crossing noses cannot currently be repaired in track without the use
of the robotic welder.

Chrome Vanadium crossing noses can be repaired using normal wirefeed

welding process.

2. If wirefeed welding is planned to remove rail squat defects, make sure that all
squats in the immediate vicinity are removed as part of the work. If this is not
undertaken the heat affected zone of the wire feed weld may cause an adjacent
squat lamination to turn down, leading to a potential broken rail.

3. Arrange for ultrasonic testing of proposed wire feed repair locations 1 week
prior to the repair. The Rail Flaw Detection officer will provide a report on the
depth and length all defect indications.

4. Confirm that there are no reportable rail defects or any defects below 12m from
the surface. Otherwise these crossings cannot be welded.

5. Provide the welders including contract welders with information confirming:

o the crossing and wing rail material ie is it carbon steel, chrome vanadium

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Rail Welding TMC 222

o that the crossing has been ultrasonically tested and details of any defects
present have been provided,

6. Arrange for track repairs to the proposed repair site prior to the repair.

7. Arrange for ultrasonic testing of wire feed repair locations within 14 days after
the work has been completed.

8. Arrange for follow up work to be completed within 2 weeks after the repair.

9. Keep a record of the location of all wire feed welds performed, the person who
performed them and the reasons they were performed. The results of ultrasonic
tests shall also be included in the records. This information is available in

C2-3 Rail Welding Inspectors

RailCorp’s Welding Inspectors monitor the performance of welders and of welding
equipment and consumables. To assist in maintaining the quality of the product and to
ensure correct procedures are being observed, Rail Welding Inspectors (or equivalent)
are required to regularly inspect the work of all welders.

Using the information collated from weld data entered into SmartWeld and other sources,
the Inspectors provide advice to Civil Maintenance Engineers on welder performance
issues, and to the Chief Engineer Track on the adequacy of training, engineering
practices and equipment and material specifications.

The Inspectors have the authority to instruct welders in all matters of both a practical and
technical nature related to field welding and adjustment of rails.

C2-4 Contract welders

Where contract welders are engaged the field manager (e.g. Team Leader, Project
Supervisor) in RailCorp in charge of the contractor's work is responsible for the activities
of the "Manager in charge of the welder" (C2-1 above) and in addition for ensuring:

• the welders engaged are competent and hold a current licence,

• the welders engaged have a satisfactory weld performance history,
• weld data for each weld has been appropriately entered by the welders into
SmartWeld, and
• the outcomes of the weld testing are forwarded to the company from which the
welder was hired.

C2-5 Special arrangements for testing

In some cases, such as for new construction work, testing of welds may be carried out by
staff within the construction group. Such arrangements are permissible provided that
there is a written agreement between the construction group and maintenance
organisation and provided the testing and control outcomes in this manual are achieved.

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Chapter 3 Competencies
NOTE: These competencies may enable activities to be carried out in other manuals.
For a comprehensive list of all activities that are covered by a given competency see
Engineering Manual TMC 001 – Civil Technical Competencies and Engineering Authority.

To carry out this work You need these competencies

Aluminothermic welding TLIW3015A - Weld rail using aluminothermic welding process
Grind rails TLIW2012A - Grind rails OR TLIW3015A - Weld rail using
aluminothermic welding
Certify aluminothermic TLIW3015A - Weld rail using aluminothermic welding process
welds during or after
Wire feed welding TLIW3014A - Weld rail using electric welding process
Wire feed welding of TLIW3014A - Weld rail AND Additional training in the use of
manganese crossings using electric welding the "Robotic Welder"
Certify wirefeed welds TLIW3014A - Weld rail using electric welding process
during or after welding
Certify plain track during TLIX2509A - Install rail AND TLIB3094A - Check and repair
or after welding has been track geometry
done (sleepers restored,
fastenings, geometry
Certify turnouts and Certify plain track during AND TLIB9509A - Check and repair
special trackwork during or after welding points and crossings
or after welding has been competencies
done (sleepers restored,
fastenings, geometry
Inspect and test oxygen Authorised RailCorp personnel (See Chapter 6).
/LPG or acetylene

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Rail Welding TMC 222

Chapter 4 Aluminothermic Welding

C4-1 Introduction
This chapter details the approved processes for aluminothermic welding.

The body of the chapter provides general requirements, including safety issues, and the
common parts of all processes. In addition there are six (6) appendices

Appendix 4.1: Welding Return

Appendix 4.2: Thermit Welding Methods – Special Instructions
Provides requirements for use with Thermit processes including gap,
oxy and LPG pressure, preheat time, strip down and cut off time,
finish grind time etc. for SKVE standard, junction and wide gap
The Thermit Head Repair Welding process is also detailed
Appendix 4.3: Railtech Welding Methods – Special Instructions
Provides requirements for use with Railtech processes including gap,
oxy and LPG pressure, preheat time, strip down and cut off time,
finish grind time etc. for PLKCJ welds
Appendix 4.4: Hot Work Crate
Appendix 4.5: Care and Maintenance of Welding Equipment
Appendix 4.6: Welding Process – Troubleshooting Guide

C4-2 Records
Records of all welding performed shall be maintained in RailCorp's SmartWeld Web
based information system. All welders, whether RailCorp employees or contractors must
use hand held PDAs to enter data. Failure to do so may result in loss of authority to weld
on RailCorp infrastructure.

Enter data into the SmartWeld application by entering data into the field based
SmartWeld application and uploading it to the SmartWeld web application. Forms are
made available only for use in the event of failure of field PDAs. If forms are used, the
manual records for each weld shall be entered into the SmartWeld web application within
2 days.

C4-3 Personal Safety Equipment

When you are conducting aluminothermic welding operations, you MUST wear
appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Your welder's assistant and other
personnel on site (where necessary) must also wear the PPE. Requirements for PPE are
contained in the relevant Safe Work Method Statements (SWMs) in the RailCorp Safety
Management System.

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C4-4 Transport and storage of ignition tapes

Ignition tapes should be stored and transported in the same type of container as
detonators and have the following signage attached:



C4-5 Rails approved for welding

The following rails approved for welding are extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Rails approved for aluminothermic welding are detailed below. For the rail sizes
nominated in the table, rail manufactured to Australian standards published since the
editions listed below are also approved for welding

60 kg AS. 1981 Standard

60 kg AS. 1981 Head Hardened
53 kg AS. 1981
107 lb AS. 1936 All treated as 53 kg rail
See Notes below regarding welding of 'French'
103 lb AS. 1936 rail
100 lb AS. 1928
47 kg AS. 1981
94 lb AS. 1937
90 lb AS. 1928
All treated as 47 kg rail
90 lb AS. 1925
90 lb A.S. 1916
90J 1913

41kg AS. 1977

80 lb AS. “B” 1928
(commonly called 80 NEW)
80 lb AS. “A” 1928 All treated as 41kg rail

80 lb AS. 1916
(Both commonly called 80

Rails of dissimilar section may be welded together using approved junction welds. The
approved dissimilar sections that can be welded using aluminothermic welds are:

• 60kg to 53kg
• 53kg to 47kg
• 47kg to 41kg

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Welding of 'French' rails

Because of a high percentage of internal failures in 'French' rails (Longwy and Micheville),
particularly vertical split webs, they are NOT to be welded into CWR lengths in main lines.

Field welding of these French rails may be carried out in crossing loops and sidings,
provided that ultrasonic testing is carried out and proves the rail satisfactory for welding.

Ultrasonic testing is to include the side of the rail web for a distance of one (1) metre in the
vicinity of the proposed weld.

C4-6 Approved welding processes

The following approved welding processes are extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220.
Approved processes

Thermit Railtech
(kg/m) Weld Weld
Process Part Number Hardness Process Part Number Hardness

SHORT PREHEAT (Standard Gap Welds)

47 SKVE Z90 SU 404745-01 260-300 PLK CJ; X 79700007 280-320
50 PLK CJ; X 79700009 280-320
53 SKVE Z90 SU 405345-01 260-300 PLK CJ; X 79800006 280-320
60 SKVE Z90 SU 406045-01 260-300 PLK CJ; X 79700003 280-320
60HH SKVE Z110 SU 406045-03 340-380 PLK CJ; HH 79700002 340-380
WIDE GAP (Short Preheat)
47 WG68; X CJ 75800019 280-320
53 WG68; X CJ 75800016 280-320
60 WG68; X CJ 75800015 280-320
JUNCTION WELDS (Standard Gap Welds, Short Preheat)
47/53 SKVE Z90 SU 260-300 PLK CJ; X 79707002 280-320
53/60 SKVE Z90 SU 260-300 PLK CJ; X 79707004 280-320

C4-7 Welding requirements

C4-7.1 Use of “complying” equipment

All flammable gas cutting and welding equipment must comply with the requirements of
Australian Standard AS 4839 “The safe use of portable and mobile oxy-fuel gas systems
for welding, cutting, heating and allied processes”. RailCorp’s process for inspecting and
tagging this equipment is detailed in Chapter 6.

C4-7.2 Approved welding equipment

Oxy and LPG Gas equipment used in aluminothermic welding needs to provide a
guaranteed gas flow rate at the nozzle.

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It is therefore extremely important that the combination of regulator, flashback arrestor,

non-return valve, cutting attachment, hand piece, mixer and quick release hose couplings
operate as a unit.

Flash back arrestors, MUST be used with gas cutting and welding equipment to stop the
flame from flashbacks from burning back to oxygen or LPG cylinders.

There are a many Flash back arrestors available on the market. Because of the size of
the preheaters used in aluminothermic welding and the different flow rates available in
Flashback arrestors the only suitable Flash back arrestors for use in Aluminothermic
welding are as listed in Table 1.

Quick Release Fittings are only to be fitted to the torch end. The approved quick release
fittings detailed in Table 1 have no effect on flow rates, whereas some other fittings have
a big effect on flow rates.

Equipment has been tested and approved by RailCorp's Welding Inspectors. The only
configurations of welding equipment approved for use are detailed in Table 1below.

Approved Oxy/LPG Welding Equipment

For Thermit welds
Part Stock code
Regulator LPG (cig weld) 001469253
Oxy (cig weld) 001469246
Flashback LPG Model 85-10R-LP; 5/8in-18/in UNF; Fuel Gases; 001882083
arrestors connects to regulator; 500kPa; 1040 air flow
capacity; (used for aluminothermic welding)
Oxy Model 85-10R-LP; 5/8in-18/in UNF; Oxygen; 001882091
connects to regulator ;3000 kPa; 5500 air flow
capacity; (used for aluminothermic welding)
Non return LPG 5/8in-18in UNF; LH thread; LPG; 10 bar working & 001885144
valve 50 bar opening pressures; 19mm dia; 35mm lg;
(non-return valve used for aluminothermic welding)
Oxy 5/8in-18in UNF; RH thread; OXYGEN; 10 bar 001885169
working & 50 bar opening pressures; 19mm dia;
35mm lg; (non-return valve used for aluminothermic
Cutting attachment. 001468776
Hand piece 001468735
Mixer 13 mm (cigweld) 001468750
For Railtech (Boutet) welds
Regulator LPG (cig weld) 001469253
Oxy (cig weld) 001469246
Flashback LPG Model 85-10R-LP; 5/8in-18/in UNF; Fuel Gases; 001882083
arrestors connects to regulator; 500kPa; 1040 air flow
capacity; (used for aluminothermic welding)
Oxy Model 85-10R-LP; 5/8in-18/in UNF; Oxygen; 001882091
connects to regulator ;3000 kPa; 5500 air flow
capacity; (used for aluminothermic welding)

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Approved Oxy/LPG Welding Equipment

Non return LPG 5/8in-18in UNF; LH thread; LPG; 10 bar working & 001885144
valve 50 bar opening pressures; 19mm dia; 35mm lg;
(non-return valve used for aluminothermic welding)
Oxy 5/8in-18in UNF; RH thread; OXYGEN; 10 bar 001885169
working & 50 bar opening pressures; 19mm dia;
35mm lg; (non-return valve used for aluminothermic
Cutting attachment. 001468776
Hand piece 001468735
Mixer - 13 mm 001468750
Preheating hand piece 001584317
Preheating mixer 001665199
Quick Release Fittings (for Thermit and Railtech)
Hose Coupling - 10mm LPG 001785179
Oxy 001785195
Nipple Male LPG 001785187
Oxy 001785203
Nipple Female LPG 001884212
Oxy 001884220

Table 1 - Approved Oxy - Fuel Gas Equipment

C4-7.3 Firefighting equipment

A knapsack spray full of water (or equivalent firefighting appliance) MUST be on hand
before any flame cutting or welding is commenced.

A dry chemical extinguisher MUST be available on site to extinguish fuel fires from
grinders etc.

A Fire Blanket MUST also be on hand to be used if fire occurs on clothing etc.

C4-7.4 Tunnels
Special precautions must be observed during welding in tunnels. The use of a filtered
weld is required to remove particulates from the welding fumes. All motor driven
equipment must be electric or distillate powered to minimise risk of inhalation of fumes by
welders and team members.

When working in Sydney’s underground network welding activities need to be managed

to avoid exposing the public to inconvenience and irritation (noise, fumes and smoke) and
to avoid giving rise to concern (appearance of smoke or setting off of smoke alarms).

In tunnels where there is either dripping water or water ponded near the rail:

• keep water from falling on the weld by using a tarp or similar.

• if there is water pooling on the slab around the weld area remove it before welding.

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• during the course of the reaction and until the pour is complete all staff should
stand at least 50m away

C4-7.5 Fumes
All staff involved in the welding or standing within 10m of the process when using multi­
use crucibles MUST wear P2 breathing masks during the portion reaction until the fumes
have cleared.

To avoid the inhalation of welding fumes after lighting the crucible non-essential staff are
to move sufficiently away to be clear of fumes from the reaction.

C4-7.6 Weather conditions

The following Design requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Welds MUST NOT be installed when exposed to moisture (rain, fog etc).

There are a number of reasons for this requirement:

1. The weld metal will be molten during a pour and the combination with water
may cause an explosion.

2. Rain will cause rapid cooling of the rail in the immediate area of the weld,
resulting in contraction of the rail and a hot tear, which is not detectable

You MUST follow the following procedures:

• DO NOT start a weld if it is raining.
• If you start a weld and it starts raining (or looks like it will rain before the completed
weld has cooled for at least 20min) you MUST protect the weld, AND the rail at
least 1.5m each side of it, with a tarp or similar.
• Before the job is started, if it looks like it might rain before the work can be
completed, saw cut the rail ends and the closure ends. If it starts raining and you
can't weld, you can drill and plate a temporary joint. If you oxy-cut the rail you can
only leave it under severe emergency operating conditions.
• If the weld becomes wet or is subject to rapid cooling it MUST be marked as a
defect and arrangements made for its removal. If it cannot be removed straight
away it must be plated and the district notified.

Staff involved in planning or supervising welding including in closedowns should take

note of this matter both to ensure welders are reminded of the problem and that
measures are in place in the event of wet weather to address the situation. DO NOT
encourage welders to complete welding work when weather conditions are unfavourable.

C4-7.7 Total Fire Bans

DO NOT commence welding during Total Fire Bans unless a Hot Work Authority has
been provided in accordance with TMC 501 - Bushfire Hazard Management.

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C4-7.8 Handling of hot materials and equipment on site

1. When you are planning for welding activities, assess each site and establish a
“Hot Work Area” in which all hot material and equipment (crucible, slag trays
etc.) will be placed during the work. The Hot Work Area needs to be located
close enough to the weld site to minimise hazards when moving hot material
and equipment, but should be isolated by location or barriers (or both) from the
location used to store equipment used during the welding.

2. Place a Hot Work Crate (as specified in Appendix 4.4) in the Hot Work Area and
place all hot waste e.g. slag, rail ends, moulds etc. in the crate as it is removed
from the weld area.

3. Remove all waste from site for disposal.

C4-7.9 Reporting Defective Components

New or recently installed track components or tools are sometimes defective, or
otherwise fail to meet specified requirements. In some circumstances it will be necessary
to recall the product and take action with the supplier.

To ensure that appropriate investigation is undertaken and action is taken by field staff,
engineering and logistics staff, follow the process below.

If you suspect that track components or tools that have been delivered to you are
defective, report the defect to your Team Manager who will investigate and report the
problem in accordance with the requirements of Section C2-1.

C4-8 Ten Golden Rules

1. Don't weld in the rain.

2. Prepare and check welding equipment for serviceability.

3. Mark out, preheat rail to 1500C, and cut rail ends by saw or oxy/LP cutting. Rail
ends must be both saw cut or both oxy cut. Old oxy cuts are to be re-cut.

4. Check and correct track geometry adjacent to the weld and line up the rail ends.

5. Position and fit correct moulds to rail, including luting of moulds.

6. Prepare and install crucible for welding.

7. Preheat rail ends to correct colour.

8. Complete and monitor reaction and pour process to ensure welding takes place.
Wear face masks.

9. Remove mould protectors and universal clamp after time specified and trim the
weld to standard. Place hot waste in Hot Work Crate.

10. Restore top and line and track fastenings for running of trains, grind weld to
standard and visually inspect weld.

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C4-9 Preliminary Work

C4-9.1 Equipment availability

DO NOT weld if a rail profile grinding machine is not available, either through lack of
supply or breakdown, (except under absolute emergency conditions).

DO NOT commence any flame cutting or welding unless the required fire protection
equipment is on hand (see Section C4-7.3).

DO NOT commence any flame cutting or welding unless rail clamps are available to plate
the rail ends in an emergency. Rail vehicles MUST NOT travel over unsecured rail ends.

C4-9.2 Maintaining adjustment during welding operations

When you are welding in CWR track you MUST follow the requirements for measuring,
punch marking and recording a check distance either side of the work area, in
accordance with Engineering Manual TMC 223 – Rail Adjustment.

C4-9.3 Examination prior to welding

1. Check the top and line of the rail to be welded for 10 metres each side of the
weld before commencing a weld.

You can do this by walking approximately 10 metres one side of the proposed weld
area and sighting along the track.
2. Carry out any lining, or lifting and packing of track before welding.

C4-9.4 Determining the welding bay

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
1. Rail ends or Aluminothermic welds may not be located closer than 1.2 m
from the centre of a bonded insulated joint.

2. Aluminothermic welds may not be placed within 2.2 metres of any weld
(flashbutt or aluminothermic) or mechanical joint on plain track (main line
or siding) except as indicated below:

o In Turnouts Aluminothermic welds may be placed closer than 2.2

metres to a minimum distance of 1.2m to a flashbutt weld,
aluminothermic weld or rail joint (mechanical or glued) provided that -

■ The flashbutt weld or joint has no internal defects

■ The rail length is well secured by two ties with the ties held by more
than two rails such that they will not be able to skew if the rail
breaks in two places.
■ The aluminothermic weld is ultrasonically tested within 6 hours of

3. Aluminothermic welds may be installed opposite each other on adjacent

rails as long as gauge side of each weld is ground prior to passage of

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DO NOT install both welds at the same time.

4. Aluminothermic welds are not permitted on a sleeper.

Also consider:

• bay size and sleeper condition.

• location in the bay – welds need to be placed far enough away from the sleepers
so that moulds can be installed and packed, but should be moved “uphill” from the
centre of the bay (away from the direction of rail movement). This is aimed at
preventing the base of the weld jamming against sleepers when rail movement

C4-9.5 Preparing welding bay

1. Remove the ballast from the welding bay to allow adequate working space for
oxy cutting and luting of moulds.

2. When welding after rain, dry out any water ponding in the welding bay to
prevent splashing of molten metal during the welding process.

3. This can generally be achieved by spreading sand over the wet area.

4. Take special precautions when welding on open top bridges to prevent any
welding material or tools from falling either onto traffic below or into waterways.

Place non-flammable safety nets, trays or blankets below the weld area.

C4-10 Cutting a gap for welding

C4-10.1 Preparing rail ends

Clean the rail ends to be welded, to free them from grease, oil, dirt and excessive rust.

C4-10.2 Preheat prior to oxy cutting

Preheat the rail to 1500C prior to oxy cutting, to reduce thermal shock.

C4-10.3 Making the cut

1. Mark the position for a cut clear of the damaged end or rail defect on the head
of the rail.

2. Continue the marks around to the foot and the web of the rail, using the rail

3. Use a cutting blowpipe with size 15 or 20 nozzle and adjust the pressure to
300 kPa for oxygen and 150 kPa for L.P Gas.

4. First cut the foot of the rail in two operations, continuing one cut up the web of
the rail (see Figure 1), keeping the oxy cutting stream as close as possible to

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The ideal oxy cut surface is square, has no deep gouges or high ridges or
overhangs but has a smooth, slightly rippled surface.

5. Cut the head of the rail with the oxy cutting stream vertical.

6. Remove all slag, scale, and overflow.

3rd Cut

1st Cut 2nd Cut

Figure 1 - Flame cut end of rail showing cutting stream angle

C4-10.4 Recut of oxy cut rail end

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
A flame cut rail end which has been left more than 12 hours (4 hours for Head
Hardened rail) must be re-cut immediately prior to welding, removing a minimum
of 25mm.

The faces of the two rails to be welded must be matching, ie, both saw cut faces or both
flame cut faces.

C4-10.5 Cutting the welding gap

1. Measure the gap applicable to the welding process using a rule or gap gauge and
mark it on the head of the rails using a piece of sharp engineers chalk.
2. Mark the cut using the correct template.
3. Cut on the inside of the thin chalk lines, using the oxy torch, to produce a gap that is
exactly that required.
4. Complete each cut separately so that if the first is unsatisfactory a trim will be
possible, or, if there is too little steel in the section, rail can jump open.

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C4-11 Welding a closure into track

C4-11.1 Closure length

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
The minimum length of a closure to be welded into track is 2.2 metres except as
indicated below

o In turnouts, closures shorter than 2.2 metres to a minimum length of 1.2m

may be used, provided that -

■ The closure is well secured by two ties with the ties held by more than two
rails such that they will not be able to skew if the rail breaks in two places.
■ The aluminothermic welds are ultrasonically tested within 6 hours of

If a closure is to be welded into track then decide which bays the 2 welds will be in. In
general try to use the maximum length of closure available.

C4-11.2 Matching closures

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
The closure must conform to existing rail with a maximum 5mm mismatch in
height (unless the rail is being welded using a junction weld in which case
appropriate limits apply) and 5 mm in gauge wear.

When welding closures in curves, cut the closure from rail with curve wear that matches
as closely as possible to the curve wear on the existing rails.

C4-11.3 Curvature
The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
For curves of 500m radius and under, closures of less than 6m in length must
have the last 600mm of each end crowed to the correct curvature.

C4-11.4 Cutting closure to length

Measure and cut the closure to a length 1.5 welding gaps shorter than the break cut in
the track.

C4-11.5 Speed over unwelded closures

Rail vehicles MUST NOT travel over unsecured rail ends.

The speed over a closure that has been clamped is 20kph. 30 tonne axle load vehicles
MUST NOT travel over oxy-cut rail ends.

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C4-12 Rail end condition

C4-12.1 Rail damage

Notches or bruising of rail close to the rail end may lead to a rail defect or broken rail
because of the heat and stress of the welding process. Inspect both rail ends for damage
(old or new). DO NOT weld if damage is present. Cut the rail end off at least 20mm
beyond the damaged area. Take care not to damage rail ends while you are preparing
the weld.

C4-12.2 Bolt holes

There are restrictions on welding near bolt holes.

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220

1. Rail ends which have been part of mechanical joints in service in the track
are to be removed and replaced with a closure where rail ends have wear
>0.3mm or any indication of damage.

2. Bolt holes that are being, or have been, used in track to form a
mechanical joint must be closely examined and if there is any damage, no
matter how slight, then all the bolt holes must be removed. If there is no
damage then they may be treated as if they were unused.

3. Bolt holes that have not been used in track to form a mechanical joint shall
be dealt with as follows:

o 4 hole pattern - Rails with the 4 hole pattern where only the outer 2
holes are bored on each rail end can be welded straight into track
provided that the first bolt hole is maintained at a minimum of 80mm
from the weld.

o 6 Hole Pattern - Rails which have all 3 holes bored on each rail end
must be cut behind the first bolt hole so that a minimum of 80mm is
achieved from the weld to the first bolt hole (see Figure 2).


Figure 2 - Minimum distance of bolt hole from weld

C4-12.3 Crippled joints (end batter)

1. When removing a mechanical joint, examine the rail ends for any crippling ie.
bending of the rails at the joint.

2. Check for crippling using a 1m straight edge and cut back to where no light can
be seen between the straight edge and rail.

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C4-12.4 Welding near signal bonding holes

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Aluminothermic welds may not be placed within 80mm of any holes drilled in the
rail web for attachment of signalling bonds. This includes holes currently in use,
those no longer in use and those that have been plugged.

Note: The end of the cut rail cannot be located after the weld has been completed.
When testing welds for compliance the measurement from the weld collar to the bolthole
or bonding hole shall be 70mm.

C4-13 Lining ends for welding

C4-13.1 Aligning the running surface

Align the running surface (top) so that when the 1m straightedge is placed centrally over

the gap, each end is 1.5mm above the running surface (see Figure 3).

To peak the running surface, use the following steps:

For double shouldered sleeper plates (dogspikes):

1. Lift the 4 dogs on the sleeper each side of the gap using a pigsfoot and

2. Place steel wedges between the rail and the sleeper plate through the lockspike
holes and wedge the rail ends up to achieve correct peak without twisting the
rail. (1.5mm on each end of a 1m straight edge).

For Pandrol plates:

1. Remove the clips from the one or two sleepers either side of the gap.

2. Place wedge between the sleeper plate and under the foot of the rail and lift the
rail to the correct peak, without twisting the rail, OR

3. Loosen the lockspikes holding the plate each side of the weld area using a
pigsfoot and hammer. Using 4 wedges, 1 each side of the plate between the
sleeper and the plate, lift the rail to the correct peak without twisting it.

For Concrete sleepers:

1. Remove clips and insulating biscuits from one or two sleepers either side of the

2. Place wedges between the rail and the insulating pad and lift the rail, without
twisting, to the correct peak.

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1m Straight Edge

1.5 mm 1.5 mm

Steel Wedge

Figure 3 - Alignment of the Running Surface

C4-13.2 Aligning the gauge face

Align the rail ends so that there is no gap between a 1 metre straight edge and the gauge
face of the rail (see Figure 4).

When welding in curves less than 800m radius, take the curvature of the rail into account
when lining up the rail ends. To do this:

1. Check the curvature on the gauge face of the rail near the weld location using a
1 metre straight edge

2. Measure radius or versine at the mid-point of the straightedge using a radius

rule. (When the curve is concave, hold one end of the straightedge against the
gauge face and measure the gap at the other end).

3. Line the rail ends at the weld so that the measured versine or gap is duplicated.

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Figure 4 - Aligning the Gauge Face

Line the rail ends using the following steps:

1. Look along the rail to decide which way to move the ends.

For double shouldered sleeper plates (dogspikes):

2. Move the rail in or out using a wedge between appropriate dogspike and the
foot of the rail end.

3. If the rail end will not move far enough, remove the opposite dogspike to allow

For Pandrol plates:

4. Move the rail in or out using a sharp chisel between the foot of the rail and the
lip of the plate.

5. If there isn't sufficient movement, give the plate a hit with a hammer. DO NOT
hit the rail foot.

6. If there is still not enough movement remove the plate. Bore a dog hole or drive
a wedge into the sleeper to give support for lining up.

For Concrete sleepers:

7. Remove ALL burnable or meltable material (pads, insulators etc).

8. Move the rail in or out using a steel wedge between the foot of the rail and the
lug in the concrete sleeper.

9. Check the alignment with the straight edge.

10. After lining the gauge face recheck the running surface and adjust until both are

11. Match curve worn rail at the unworn part of the gauge face. Wear is matched in
the contact zone by grinding.

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C4-13.3 Aligning the foot

The maximum mismatch of the rail foot that can be accommodated by the moulds is 5mm
vertically and 0mm sideways.

To remove a twist in the rail end:

1. Remove dogspikes (or clips) for 15 sleepers on one side of rail (the side the you
want to lift.

2. Insert a wedge 10 sleepers back from the gap.

3. Hammer in the wedge to rotate the rail till the mismatch in gauge face and rail
foot is the same.

4. Realign the gauge face by moving the rail sideways with a wedge inserted
under the rail foot on opposite side.

5. Check foot for mismatch.

6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until gauge face and foot are aligned.

7. The running surface and gauge face may then need realignment.

Once the rails are correctly lined, make sure no movement occurs:

• Do not step on the sleepers.

• Keep other people away from the weld area.
• If there is another welder working close by, you must work together to ensure both
welds are lined correctly.

C4-14 Fitting moulds to the rail

C4-14.1 Preliminary Checks

1. Ensure that the correct moulds are used for the process and rail size.

2. Ensure that the moulds are not wet.

If the mould has been wet, normally it would show a white powder on the mould
surface. A slight dusting is not uncommon due to moisture in the atmosphere
but if it is excessive do not use the mould.

If the cardboard carton has been wet which would indicate that the moulds are
wet or were previously wet, then discard the moulds.

3. Ensure that the moulds are not badly cracked. (Some very minor surface
cracking is normal and this should not affect the weld).

Moulds that are received cracked or damaged with no sign of bad handling
(carton damage) are not to be used, and should be kept and reported for action
with the supplier.

4. If any significant indentations are present in the back of the mould up towards
the top half then it should not be used as this area is very thin and a run out
may result.

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C4-14.2 Mould Fitting Procedure

Attach the moulds to the rail by the process appropriate to the weld method being used,
as described in Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3.

1. Generally, one mould is held in both hands against the rail over the gap and
lightly pushed (while being held up) backwards and forwards, toward and away
from the gap to rub it to a good fit.

2. When rubbing marks can be seen over the whole mould contact surface and the
mould fits closely by sight, remove the dust from the rail and mould and fit it to
the mould protector.

3. Check for dags across the runner or riser holes and remove them if they are

4. Special care must be taken when rubbing the moulds if the rail ends to be
welded have a mismatch in the overall height.

5. The maximum mismatch that may be welded is 5 mm.

6. Align the moulds correctly over the gap.

C4-14.3 Luting of moulds

Use only the correct luting material for the process.

C4-14.4 Welding Biscuit

Place the biscuit on top of the luted moulds, with the bottom of the biscuit clear of, but as
close as possible to the outside edge of, one of the riser holes.

C4-15 The Crucible

C4-15.1 Examine the crucible

Examine the new crucible for transport damage

C4-15.2 Loading the portion

Load the portion into the crucible.

1. Double check that it is the correct portion i.e. correct process, correct rail size
and hardness.

2. Make sure that the portion bag is sealed properly.

3. If the portion bag is split or not sealed then don't use it.

Some of the portion being lost, or moisture from the air may have got into the
portion material which could cause a violent reaction and porosity (gas holes) in
the weld.

4. If the portion material is free to move in the bag then turn it end on end a few
times to mix the material which may have segregated during transport.

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5. Open the bag at one end and pour the material into the crucible.

6. Prepare a cone of powder in the centre of the crucible

7. Make sure that no portion is lost onto the ground or left in the bag and then put
the bag aside for later reference for welding returns.

C4-15.3 Placing igniter nugget

1. Place the nugget igniter on top of the cone.

2. Gently press the igniter into the powder until the top of the igniter is level with
the portion. (See Figure 5)

Figure 5 - Placement of Igniter

Keep the container of igniter nuggets close at hand in case another is needed
when attempting to light the portion after the preheat.

3. Place the cover on the crucible.

C4-15.4 Attaching support units

Depending on the welding process used, fit supports for the preheating torch and the
welding crucible to attach them to the rail. Fit supports as required by the process
specific practices detailed in Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3.

C4-16 Preheating

C4-16.1 Preheating flame

1. Use the gas pressures specified for the welding process in Appendix 4.2 and
Appendix 4.3.

2. Use a dual stage oxy regulator to maintain an accurate flow rate during

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3. Use 10 mm inside diameter hoses.

4. DO NOT use excessively long hoses. In general no problems will be

experienced with hoses up to 20 metres in length.

5. Maintain equipment in good repair (e.g. preheater clean, hand piece no leaks,
regulators correct etc.).

C4-16.2 Preheater height

1. Check and adjust the preheater height to the correct height for the process,
before fitting the moulds (See Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3).

C4-16.3 Lighting the preheater

1. Light the preheater using a flint gun and with a small amount of LPG.

2. Introduce oxygen flow.

3. Adjust the flame to suit the welding process being used (See Appendix 4.2 and
Appendix 4.3).

C4-16.4 Preheating time

Preheat for the recommended times (See Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3).

Use a watch or a timer to check the preheat time.

C4-16.5 During the preheat

1. After the preheater is correctly adjusted take a look down the risers to see if
there are any large pieces of luting etc.

2. Remove any large pieces of luting etc by breaking them up carefully with wire
so they will be blown out.

3. Keep a careful watch over the rail ends during the preheat period to ensure it is
proceeding evenly.

4. If the heat is uneven adjust the direction of the preheater and the flame.

C4-17 The Weld

C4-17.1 Lighting the portion

Before lighting the portion, check the immediate area and remove any flammable
material, taking note of wind direction and strength.

1. Remove the preheater when the preheat is complete.

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2. Place the welding biscuit in the centre of the mould using tongs (the biscuit is

3. Place the crucible on the top of the mould.

4. Lift the crucible cover, and light the igniter nugget with the preheat torch on a
reduced flame. When the portion lights, replace the cover.

5. Move back away from the reaction

6. If the portion fails to light, then it will generally be necessary to supply additional
preheating to the moulds.

Figure 6 – Portion reaction

C4-17.2 Pouring the weld

After the reaction is complete (within the range 18-28 seconds from when the portion was
lit) and after portion has settled (a further 5-15 seconds), the thimble should tap cleanly
and allow the weld metal to pour from the crucible over the biscuit into the mould.

1. Monitor the Reaction and Settlement time from lighting the portion to pouring of
the weld and whether the reaction was complete when the thimble tapped.

If any weld portion does not tap, DO NOT move the crucible
for at least 10 minutes.

If the weld portion taps after the correct settlement time,

PLATE the weld and MONITOR for signs of failure.

If it appears the thimble tapped early or late or the reaction was too long, then
the weld may not be to the appropriate standard.

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If the weld appears defective, replace the weld and report the failure to local
field management for follow up investigation of the cause.

If the weld does not appear defective, plate the weld and report the situation to
local field management so that early ultrasonic testing can be arranged.

Figure 7 - Pouring the weld

2. When the weld metal has poured from the crucible, set the timer to the cut off
time for the weld.

3. Remove the crucible carefully from the mould covers.

4. Place the crucible in the established Hot Work Area.

C4-18 Break down and cut off of weld

1. Remove the slag trays three (3) minutes after the pour.

2. Remove the mould protectors and rail clamp approximately half a minute (30
seconds) before the due cut off time.

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Figure 8 - Removing the slag tray

Figure 9 - Removing the protectors

C4-18.1 Removing sand mould

1. Break the top of the moulds off onto the shovel when the timer indicates that the
cut off time is up.

2. If the weld metal is still liquid when the mould is broken off, replace the mould
for a short period of time, say 15 to 20 seconds before trying again. This will
very likely be the case if an extra long preheat was required to get the correct

3. Place the top of the moulds in the hot waste crate.

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Figure 10 - Removing the sand mould

4. After removing the top of the mould, remove the luting paste and mould to the
outer edge of the weld on both sides by sliding a hotset along the head of the

5. Clean the rail head using a wire brush.

6. Completely remove the remainder of the sand mould, if necessary, using the
hot set by hitting the hot set lightly with the hammer on the side of the excess
metal head to get under it and then lift it away.

C4-19 Cutting off the excess head metal

1. Remove excess metal and trim the weld using Mechanical Weld Shears or Hot
sets. Weld shears are recommended because they are easier to operate and
because they produce a better result.

2. Ensure that the excess metal has cooled sufficiently before attempting to
remove it. If a bubbling effect or any globules of molten metal can be seen then
it is necessary to wait for a short time until the surface goes a blotchy red.

C4-19.1 Using weld shears

1. Use the manufacturer’s recommended procedure for operating the weld shears.

2. Adjust hold down support to a 2.5mm gap under the head of a straight rail for
standard welds, and a 3.5mm gap for wide gap welds.

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Figure 11 – Using Weld Shears

Figure 12 – Sheared Weld

C4-19.2 Using hot sets

Use two hot sets cooling each in turn in a bucket of water that is in easy reach of the

1. Lay the side of the cutting head of the first hot set flat on the head of the rail.

2. Strike the hot set with the hammer, gently at first, until it is certain that the metal
has cooled sufficiently (if the metal is crumbly it is still too hot), and then with
more force.

3. Keep the hot set blade square to the rail head so that the excess is cut off

4. Keep the hot set blade low enough to prevent "undercutting" of the weld i.e.
cutting too deep.

5. tilt the back of the hot set up a little when the excess is cut about half way
through, or if the cut starts to rise too much above level with the rail head.

6. Place the excess metal in the Hot Work Crate.

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7. Change hot sets, putting the first into the water.

8. Cut the gauge side riser as follows:

o Cut the corner from the running surface to the gauge face (approximately
o Cut vertically down the gauge face. If the cut is tending to leave too much
metal then tilt the hot set away from the rail but be careful not to "undercut".

9. Change hot sets again.

10. Cut the outside riser in the same manner.

11. Cut any sharp corners where the gauge face meets the running surface, if

Figure 13 - Cutting off Sides of Rail

12. Bend the top of the risers away from the weld as much as possible (about 450)
using the back of the hot set.

13. Leave them connected until the weld is cool.

14. Remove them when cold, by tapping them back toward the web.

C4-20 Disturbing the weld

1. DO NOT carry out any rail pulling, vibration or other work which may disturb the
weld for 10 minutes after the excess head metal has been removed.

2. If the rail gap is being held by rail tensors during the weld, DO NOT remove the
tensors until 20 minutes after the excess head metal has been removed.

If there is any indication that the rail may have moved during this time, the weld
MUST be replaced. If it cannot be replaced immediately, it MUST be plated and
reported immediately to the local field management for follow up.

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C4-20.1 Rough grinding

DO NOT allow trains to pass over the weld until at least 10 minutes after the removal of
the excess weld metal.

Rough grind the weld down to approximately 1mm above the rail head using the rail
profile grinder.

DO NOT grind closer since on cool down the weld could finish up out of tolerance.

Figure 14 – Weld after rough grinding

C4-20.2 Preparation before allowing a train across the weld.

Before allowing a train across the weld carry out the following steps:

1. Remove the wedges from one side of the weld

2. Reinstall any pads that have been removed. DO NOT overlift the rail. You may
need to cut the lip off one side of the pad so that you can slide the pad in. If you
cut off the sides of the pad make sure that the cut-off end of the pad is placed in
the direction of travel so that any movement is restricted (See Figure 15).

Direction of
Cut off these travel

Figure 15 - Replacing pads

3. Pack sleepers as required. You MUST mechanically pack welds on concrete

sleepered track

4. Remove the wedges from the other side of the weld

5. Reinstall any pads that have been removed.

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6. Pack sleepers up to the rail as required and re-install fastenings. You MUST
mechanically pack welds on concrete sleepered track.

If possible leave them until the weld has cooled. In this case tap the wedges
back in under the rail foot after cut off.

C4-20.3 Speed across a new weld

Apply the following speed restrictions over a weld until it is Finish Ground.

Weld finish Speed (kph)

Hot Set 15
Weld shears 25
Rough Ground 25

C4-21 Finishing off the weld

1. DO NOT "Finish Grind" the weld until at least 1 hour after removal of the excess
head metal. This may lead to discoloration (blueing). It is not correct practice
and must be noted in the "Comments" field in SmartWeld for follow up.

2. Welds MUST be allowed to cool naturally in air. DO NOT under any

circumstances accelerate the cooling by applying water. This changes the
metallurgy of the weld and may lead to failure

3. Finish grind the weld to tolerance using the rail profile grinder. The tolerances
are detailed below.

4. Grind the rail for a distance 300mm each side of the weld using the rail profile

Figure 16 – Grinding

5. Check the work frequently while grinding using a straightedge to make sure that
a good straight surface, with no hollows, is produced.

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6. DO NOT to over-grind as a dipped weld can only be repaired by replacing the


7. Grind the gauge face, running surface and field side of the rail head flush.

8. Grind the transition from running surface to gauge face to a smooth curve.

9. Grind the outside of the rail head smooth.

Use a hand grinder ONLY in an absolute emergency.

If a hand grinder must be used, take extra care to ensure a smooth surface without
hollows. Re-grind the weld using a profile grinder within 24 hours.

Figure 17 – Finished Weld (Note Weld Identification label

C4-22 Weld Alignment Acceptance Limits

The following requirement is extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220

Welds shall be vertical to the top surface of the rail with no more than 5mm
mismatch between the top and bottom of the weld

On Straight Track

Check the top surface and rail alignment with a 1m straight edge as illustrated in
Figure 18 and Figure 19 (top surface) and Figure 20 and Figure 21 (alignment).

The permitted tolerances are as shown in Table 2.



Figure 18 - Weld misalignment tolerance in vertical plane (peaking)

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Figure 19 - Weld misalignment tolerance in vertical plane (hollow)

Gauge Face


Figure 20 - Weld misalignment tolerance in horizontal plane


Gauge Face 500mm


Figure 21 - Weld misalignment tolerance in horizontal plane (widening)

Vertical Horizontal
Weld Surface/Alignment “A” “B” “C” “D”
step step
Limits mm mm mm mm
mm mm

For rail on concrete sleepers 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 ± 0.3 over ± 0.3 over
(new rail or rail in very good 100 100

Other situations 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 ± 0.3 over ± 0.3 over
100 100

Table 2 - Weld Surface/Alignment Limits

On Curved Track

Top surface requirements are as for straight track.

The horizontal alignment of the newly welded portion of rail must have a curvature
consistent with the curvature of the existing rail, and the gauge face at the weld(s)
must be smooth and continuous. . There must be no visible “elbow” at the weld.

When testing for weld peaking:

• Check alignment with the centre of the straight edge over the centre of the weld.

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• Move the straight edge so that one end is at the centre of weld and check

alignment again.

• Move the straight edge so that the other end is at the centre of weld and check
alignment again.

This additional check is essential to check that grinding of the weld has not transferred
the peak error away from the centre of the weld.

There are two different types of peak that do not comply with the defect limits.

1. An excessive peak resulting from the rails being peaked too much, prior to
welding. Attempts to remove this type of problem with a long grind do not result
in the removal of the peak but in a transfer of the peak to another location away
from the weld (See Figure 22). Classify this as a peak even though the peak is
not in the weld. This can only be repaired with a closure.

Peaked weld

Weld ground to remove


Peak transferred to
end of grinding

Figure 22 – Transfer of peaked weld by grinding

2. A peak resulting from insufficient removal of the weld metal. It can sometimes
be the case that the weld is ground to profile on the gauge side but is left proud
on the field side top of the rail head. This non-compliance will not correct itself
no matter how long the weld is left in the track and means that the weld cannot
be tested on the field side top and will be failed as a peak weld. This kind of
peak is easily removed with further grinding.

There are four different types of dip that do not comply with the defect limits.
1. A dip resulting from the rails not being peaked enough prior to welding. This
can only be repaired by a replacement weld or a rail bending process.

2. A dip resulting from the rails not being peaked enough prior to welding but the
weld metal has been left high to try and compensate. This is the most harmful
alignment problem as the wheels hit this very hard. This also can only be
repaired by a replacement weld or a rail bending process combined with

3. A dip resulting from a dip in the track. Packing may resolve this problem but a
‘memory’ is often set up in the weld that can only be repaired with a closure or
rail bending.

4. A dip resulting from an attempt to weld a crippled rail joint. This can only be
reliably repaired with a closure.

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Dips cannot be removed with a long grind. This will only transfer the misalignment to
another location away from the weld. This can only be repaired with a closure.

C4-23 Visual inspection of welds

1. Clean and visually inspect each weld after the weld has been completed prior to
leaving the worksite.

2. Remove all mould material to allow visual inspection and later ultrasonic testing.

3. Remove any welds that show holes, slag inclusions, hot tears or other defects.

C4-24 Identifying aluminothermic welds

All welds need to be identified to allow testing and tracking of material and welder

1. When a weld has been completed place a weld identification label (see Figure
23on the inside foot of the rail 300mm - 400mm from the weld.

WELD No. 0 3 7 9 0 1

Figure 23 - Weld Identification Label (Sample)

Shown actual size (80mm x 35mm)

2. Paint ALL aluminothermic welds after grinding using a fluorescent pink line
marking paint. DO NOT paint over the Weld Identification Label.

Apply the paint from field side of the rail head down the web on both sides of
the rail for at least 100mm either side of the weld (See Figure 24). DO NOT
paint the running surface and the foot of the rail. Any paint that gets onto the
rail foot should be wiped off with a rag before it dries.

When the weld has been ultrasonically tested the rail flaw detection operator will
paint over the pink paint mark with blue paint if satisfactory and yellow paint if a
defect is found.

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Figure 24 – New weld paint marking

C4-25 Before leaving the site

1. Box up the sleepers, check all fastenings are replaced.

2. Make a careful check for any fires or smouldering sleepers, bridge timbers or
vegetation and extinguish any fires found.

3. Replace any burnt insulating pads on concrete sleepers.

4. Clean up and remove from site any rubbish including the steel scrap.

C4-26 Recording aluminothermic welds

1. Each field welder is required to complete a Welding Return for all field welds
installed in the track. It is your responsibility to ensure that the return is

2. Record the information about each weld in SmartWeld (or on the Welding
Return Form WR1 if the SmartWeld system is not available (Appendix 4.1).
The fields on the form are explained in Table 3.

3. An alternative Welding Return Form WR2, which has space for multiple entries,
is available for use if preferred. The fields on the form are explained in Table 3.
Welding information is still required to be entered into SmartWeld.

Codes have been supplied for Weld Reason, Weld type and Site conditions
(See Table 4).

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Welder’s Details
Welder's Name Name of welder
If the welder is a contractor, Insert Welding company name as
Welder's Licence No.
Welder's signature (Not required in SmartWeld)
Weld Details
Weld Date Insert date of completion of the weld.
Base Code & Line Insert sector code (sector or base) from code listing
Track Circle track identifier UP or DOWN
District Insert District (Illawarra, Central, West, North or Infrastructure
Km Km of weld
NOTE: Only ONE weld can be recorded in each section of the
return, therefore a closure rail or a Glued Insulated Joint would
require two (2) kilometrages, e.g. 93.400 and 93.403
Rail Circle to indicate the rail welded
UP = Up rail and DN = Down rail
UT = Up turnout Rail, DT = Down Turnout Rail
Weld Number Weld number from weld identification label
Rail Size Rail size e.g. 60HH, 60, 53, 47 Include both rail sizes if it is a
junction weld
Weld Reason Insert code from list (see Table 4)
Weld Type Weld process code from list (see Table 4)
Weld Condition Insert appropriate code from list (see Table 4)
Weather Condition Insert appropriate code from list (see Table 4)
Track Condition Insert appropriate code from list (see Table 4)
Batch Number Batch number from the weld portion bag
Have rail tensors been Circle YES or NO Must be
used? completed for
all Adjustment
Punch marks before Insert length between punch marks before
welds and
rail is cut
welds when
Punch marks after Insert length between punch marks after RAIL
rail is welded OUT/RAIL IN
process is used
Adjustment maintained Are the before and after measurements of
punch marks the same (within ± 3mm)?
Circle YES or NO
Rail temperature Temperature of rail at time of weld
Have welds been If the response is NO then additional details are required
Are closures less than Have closures crowed to give smooth alignment in curves? If
6m in length crowed to the response is NO additional details are required.
correct curvature?
Comments Write down any comments relevant to the work

Table 3 - Information to be recorded on Welding Return

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Welding codes
Description Code
Weld Reason (code)
Broken rail / weld (also insert Railfail No.) 2
Switch 3
Stockrail 4
Closure 5
Adjustment (CWR) 6
Adjustment (LWR) 12
Free weld (only when welding shorter lengths in preparation for CWR) 7
Rerailing - Change from one rail size to another e.g. 53 to 60 8
Ground out tolerance 9
Broken crossing 10
Rail defect (also insert Railfail No.) 11
Other Only use if absolutely necessary 20
Weld Type
SKVF Standard 1
SKVF Wide Gap 4
SKVE Standard 15
PLK CJ (one shot) 11
PLK CJ Junction 14
Flashbutt 20
Site Conditions / Code
Thimble tap too early 1
Weld blowout 2
No problems 3
Other Only use if absolutely necessary 10
Sunny / hot 1
Sunny / cold 2
Intermittent showers 3
Rain 4
Cloudy 5
Night 6
Other Only use if absolutely necessary 10
Good condition 1
Track pumping 2
Poor top 3
Poor alignment 4
Bog hole 5
High rail wear 6
Mismatch rail profiles 7
Track panels under construction (off track) 8
Other Only use if absolutely necessary 10
Table 4 - Welding Codes

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C4-27 Reporting aluminothermic welds

Each field welder is required to complete a Weld Return for all field welds installed in the
track. It is your responsibility to ensure that the weld return data is uploaded (or entered,
if manual forms are used) into the web database within two (2) days.

C4-28 Welding on slab track

The following acceptance limits are extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Aluminothermic welds shall not sit directly on slab track.

The method applied for welding rail on slab track depends on the height of the rail above
the slab.

If rail has been installed on cologne egg fastenings, there is sufficient gap between the
slab and the underside of the rail to use either Thermit or Railtech processes, but the
recommended process is the Railtech PLK-CJ weld because it requires less height
(footless weld).

If rail has been installed on other fastenings and there is insufficient room to install the
moulds, use the following process:

1. Unclip approximately 7m each side of the proposed weld.

2. Lift the rail onto blocks (100mm x100mm).

3. Lift the rail onto ¼ sleeper either side of the weld.

4. Align the rail using dog/pin holes in the ¼ sleeper.

5. Install the weld using the standard procedure.

If possible aluminothermic welds on the slab should be avoided. If, however, they cannot
be avoided, the normal practise is to remove a small amount of concrete from the surface
of the slab to allow the weld to sit free, including when under load.

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Appendix 4.1 Welding Return

Weld Return Form WR1

Welder’s Details
Welder’s Name Licence No. Signature

Weld Details
Weld Date Base Code /Track UP DN

District Km Rail UP DN UT DT

Weld Number Rail Size 60HH 60 53 47 Other ___ Weld Reason Weld Type
Weld Condition Weather Condition Track Condition Batch Number
Have rail tensors Punch Mark Punch Mark Adjustment
been used? YES NO mm mm YES NO
Before After Maintained
0 Has weld Are closures less than 6m in
Rail Temperature C been packed?
length crowed to correct curvature?

Weld Testing Data

Test Date Ultrasonic Pass YES NO Alignment Pass YES NO Punch Mark Check mm
Rail Fail ID Alignment Failure ID

RFD Operator’s Name Signature

Retest (Alignment
Test Date Alignment Pass YES NO Alignment Failure ID
RFD Operator’s Name Signature

Weld Details
Weld Date Base Code /Track UP DN

District Km Rail UP DN UT DT

Weld Number Rail Size 60HH 60 53 47 Other ___ Weld Reason Weld Type
Weld Condition Weather Condition Track Condition Batch Number
Have rail tensors Punch Mark Punch Mark Adjustment
been used? YES NO mm mm YES NO
Before After Maintained
0 Has weld Are closures less than 6m in
Rail Temperature C been packed?
length crowed to correct curvature?

Weld Testing Data

Test Date Ultrasonic Pass YES NO Alignment Pass YES NO Punch Mark Check mm
Rail Fail ID Alignment Failure ID

RFD Operator’s Name Signature

Retest (Alignment
Test Date Alignment Pass YES NO Alignment Failure ID
RFD Operator’s Name Signature

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Welding Return Form WR2

Welder's Name Welder's Signature Date Ultrasonic Operator

Licence No. Welder’s Home Station Name
Week Ending Supervisor's Signature Date Signature


Weld Location Weld Detail Ultrasonic and Alignment Test

Site Conditions Steel in-Steel out Alignment Retest

Weld Reason

Punch Mark
Weld Sticker
Sector Code

Defect Type
Weld Type

Rail (U/D)

Batch No.
OK Rail Fail No.

Rail Size
Line No.

Punch Marks

Rail Temp 0C


Rail or

YES OR Alignment

Track Km Date

or Alignment Date Pass


NO Failure No. YES or NO


NOTES Associated Work

Have welds been packed? YES NO
Are closures less than 6m in length crowed to correct
Do rail ends and closures match existing rail? YES NO

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Appendix 4.2 Thermit Welding Methods

These Special Instructions apply to Thermit’s SKVE Process

A-4.2-1 Thermit SKVE method

These instructions are in addition to the General Instructions in Chapter 4.

A-4.2-1.1 Gap
The weld gap for all SKVE welds except wide gap is 28 mm ±2.

A-4.2-1.2 Attaching the universal clamp

1. Position the universal clamp on the rail by using the gap gauge and check that
the locating arm is in line with the centre of the gap (see Figure 26).

Figure 25 – Universal clamp

2. Check that the universal clamp is vertical after tightening to the rail.

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Figure 26 - Positioning of the Universal clamp with the aid of the Gap Gauge

3. Assemble the preheating torch and fit it into the supporting cradle.

A-4.2-1.3 Setting preheater height

1. Place the preheater in the preheater support on the universal clamp.

2. Check that the height is 40 mm between the top of the rail and the bottom of the
preheater tip. (See Figure 27)

Figure 27 - Adjusting Preheater Torch Height

3. Remove the preheating torch from its cradle.

A-4.2-1.4 Check moulds and rubbing in (See Section C4-14.2)

1. Check the moulds for cracks in the foot/web area in addition to the usual

2. Take care when rubbing in the moulds, ensuring that the foot/web is not

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Figure 28 – Rubbing in Moulds

A-4.2-1.5 Attaching moulds to rail and luting

1. Place each side in mould covers

2. Place the mould centrally over the rail gap and use the locating arms of the
universal clamp to hold the moulds in place by tightening the ”T” screw to apply
a firm but not excessive pressure to the mould.

Figure 29 - Positioning the Moulds

3. Pack luting paste around the moulds.

4. Place the slag tray on the mould clamp and place dry luting sand in the tray

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5. Pack the luting material firmly around the head of rail with the aid of a 50mm
paint scraper.

Figure 30 - Luting of the Moulds

6. Pack luting paste firmly around the moulds and the join under the rail (Figure

Fill the luting grooves surrounding the rail and under the rail foot with luting
material and pack it firmly into place to prevent leakage of the molten metal
when the mould is filled. Take care when luting under the rail foot, to make sure
that the luting material is placed on the correct side of the luting groove.

7. Attach the slag tray/s to sides of the mould covers and place dry luting sand in
the trays.

Figure 31 – Luting complete

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Figure 32 –Preheating

A-4.2-1.6 P
Preheating Pressures

An Oxy check gauge is to be used at all times on the hand piece.

Oxygen 400 KPA

1. Preheat the rail ends to dull red web and foot with some colour change in the

This should be achieved after:

Standard and junction weld

Rail size
47kg 3
53kg 3
60kg 3.5

A-4.2-1.7 C
The crucible is a single use product. No crucible pre heat is required

1. Check crucible for damage and that there is no loose crucible lining over the

2. Load portion

3. Insert ignition plug

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Figure 33 –Thermit SKVE Single Use crucible

A-4.2-1.8 Strip down and cut off

Standard and junction
Strip down 5
Cut off 6

A-4.2-1.9 Quick Reference Table

Rail Size Kg. 47 53 60 41-47 47-53 53-60
Prealignment For Welding Gap with 1 m Straight Edge
1.5 to 1.8 mm Each End 1.5 to 1.8 mm Each End
(Running Surface)
No Gap No Gap
(Guage Face)
Gap (mm) 28 ± 2 28 ± 2
Oxy Pressure (kPa) 400 400
LPG Pressures (kPa) 150 150
Preheat Time (min) 3 3 3.5 3 3 3.5
Colour Required red foot & web red foot & web
some change in head some change in head
Strip Down Time (mins) 5 5
Cut Off Time (mins) 6 6
Finish Grind Time 1 Hour 1 Hour

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A-4.2-2 Thermit Head Repair Weld

(Welding Procedure for all rail sizes)

A-4.2-2.1 Preliminary
1. Examine the head defects, their size, number and proximity to each other and
determine if repair of the defects or replacement by a closure, is the most
economical solution.

2. Arrange for the head defect to be ultrasonically tested to determine the depth of
any defect. DO NOT use Thermit Head Repair Welds to repair defects that
extend more than 8mm below the running surface.

A-4.2-2.2 Repair Procedure

1. Check track geometry over the repair area and lift and pack if required.

2. Locate the head defect to be repaired.

3. Measure the head defect to determine the number of welds required. The
maximum repair area of one weld is 100mm. When using multiple repairs the
head repair welds must overlap by at least 10mm.

4. Mark with chalk the 100mm repair area or the mould location to evenly cover
the repair area.

5. If the repair area falls over a sleeper, lift the dogspikes or remove the clips on
that sleeper alone, otherwise lift the dogs or remove the clips on the sleeper
each side of the repair area.

6. Rub the moulds to a neat fit on the rail and to each other (the reservoir half on
the high side), fitted to the mould protector then set aside.

7. Peak of the rail at the repair area to approx. 1.5mm each side of the 1metre
straight edge using wedges on the sleeper/s under the repair area.

8. Fit the universal rail clamp to the rail, locating the arms at the centre of the
repair area.

9. Check and adjust the preheater height to 70mm.

10. Apply a bead of luting from the tube to the luting grooves in the moulds.

11. Fit the moulds centrally over the repair area and clamp firmly.

12. Tear the 0.5mm cardboard and place half under each end of the mould-luting

13. Pack the wedge firmly with luting sand or premixed paste.

14. Fit the biscuit to the moulds ensuring it locates properly.

15. Place the crucible on the clamp and adjust the height to 20mm above the
moulds with the pouring throat directly above the wire loop on the biscuit.

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16. Swing the crucible away, fit the 18mm thimble (Yellow cap), load the correct
hardness portion and place an ignition tape.

17. Remove the biscuit and hold it with tongs, or on your round cleaning wire, at the
side of the preheater flame, when lit, to completely dry it both sides.

18. Light the preheater (SKV modified E36A.i.e. with heat shields) with pressures
set at 500kPa oxygen, 150kPa LPG adjusted to full flow oxygen.

19. Preheat the repair area evenly inside the moulds for 2 mins for all rail sizes,
sliding the preheater backwards and forwards in the preheater support cradle.
The rail head should show a dull red at the end of the preheat.

20. Place the biscuit in position when the preheat is complete using tongs or pliers
ensuring it seats correctly.

21. Swing the crucible over the biscuit and light the portion.

22. After the weld metal has poured remove the crucible and place it in the hot work

23. Remove the mould protectors and rail clamp 5.5 minutes after the pour.

24. Break away the mould from the ends of the weld by sliding a hotset along the
rail head.

25. Break away the sides of the moulds and slag by hitting on the top corners with a
hammer and then lifting the slag with a hotset.

26. Remove excess metal head at 6-7 minutes after the pour using 150mm stroke
hydraulic shears.

Take extreme care not to cut when the weld metal is too hot as this will cause a
hot tear.

27. Remove wedges, lift and pack, rough grind and replace fastenings before
allowing a train across the weld at 25 kph.

28. "Finish grind" the weld to the requirements detailed in Section C4-21 when the
weld has cooled. (not less than 1hour).

29. Mark the weld position and welder identification in accordance with the
requirements of Section C4-24.

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Appendix 4.3 Railtech Welding Methods

These Special Instructions apply to Railtech’s PLKCJ welds.

A-4.3-1 Railtech PLKCJ

These instructions are in additional to the General Instruction in Chapter 4.

A-4.3-1.1 Gap
Weld type Gap Rail size
PLKCJ 25 mm ± 2 53 & 60

A-4.3-1.2 Setting the Regulator pressures

1. Assemble the oxy/LPG equipment with a LP test gauge at the hand piece.

2. Turn on cylinders (ensure that the control knob is fully out).

3. Open the handle oxygen valve, turn control knob in until the regulator is reading
300kPa then close handle valve.

4. Open the handle LPG valve, turn control knob in until the test gauge is reading
40kPa then close handle valve.

A-4.3-1.3 Final adjustment

1. Light the torch, turn LPG handle valve fully on.

2. Adjust oxy handle valve to required flame.

3. Check and adjust LPG so that the test gauge reads 40kPa.

A-4.3-1.4 Attaching moulds to rail and luting

1. Place each side of the mould in the mould covers and place base plate mould in
the base plate cover.

2. Place luting paste from the tube supplied on each side of base plate.

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Figure 34 - Base plate mould and luting in base plate

3. Place base plate under the foot of the rail centrally covering the weld gap and
tighten clamp screws while tapping base plate.

Figure 35 –Base plate clamped to rail

4. Place side mould on rail and ensure that the moulds are aligned to the base

5. Fit mould clamp and tighten.

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Figure 36 - Side moulds with mould clamp attached

6. Pack luting paste around moulds and base plate.

7. Place slag tray on mould clamp and place dry luting sand in tray.

A-4.3-1.5 Crucible
The crucible is the one shot e.g. single use. No crucible pre heat is required

1. Load portion

2. Insert ignition tape

Figure 37 – Unused One Shot Crucible

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A-4.3-1.6 Preheater support

1. Attach the preheater support to the opposite rail and fit the pre heater over the

A-4.3-1.7 Preheater tip

PLKCJ weld preheater tip.

A-4.3-1.8 Preheater height

The preheater height for PLKCJ is the low setting on the support.

A-4.3-1.9 Preheating pressures

Weld Type LPG Oxygen

(Kpa) (Kpa)
PLKCJ 40 300

A-4.3-1.10 Preheat
1. Preheat the rail ends to dull red web and foot and some colour change in the

This should be achieved at

Preheat time (mins)

Rail size
53kg 3
60kg 4

A-4.3-1.11 Placement and lighting of crucible

1. After preheating the rail ends and placement of the biscuit in the moulds, place
the crucible in the centre on top of the moulds.

2. Remove the crucible lid, light the portion and replace the lid.

A-4.3-1.12 Removal of crucible

1. Use a crucible handling tool to remove the crucible from the moulds after the
required time and place it in waste bin. DO NOT use bare hands to handle
used crucibles.

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A-4.3-1.13 Strip down and cut off

Time (mins)
Strip 5
Cut off 6

A-4.3-1.14 Quick Reference Table

Rail Size Kg. 47 53 60 47-53 53-60 53 60
Prealignment For Welding Gap with 1 m Straight Edge
Top (Running Surface) 1.5 mm Each End 1.5 mm Each End 1.5 mm Each End
Side (Guage Face) No Gap No Gap No Gap
Gap (mm) 25±2 25±2 65±2
Oxy Pressure (kPa) 300 300 300
LPG Pressures (kPa) 40 40 40
Preheat Time (min) 3 3 4 3 4 3.5 4.5
Colour Required red foot & web red foot & web red foot & web some
some change in some change in head change in head
Strip Down Time (min) 5 5 9
Cut Off Time (min) 6 6 10
Finish Grind Time 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour

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Appendix 4.4 Hot Work Crate

13mm round
500mm dia

25 x 6mm

Lifting lugs

100 x 75 x 6mm Mesh

ref 3022

25 x 25 x 2.2 rhs

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Appendix 4.5 Care and Maintenance of Welding Equipment

A-4.5-1 General

A-4.5-1.1 Moisture
Portions, crucible linings, crucible thimbles, moulds, and pouring pots should be kept dry
at all times. Portions cannot be dried and used once they become damp. If they are
used, the reaction will be violent and the weld weak and porous. The other materials may
be used if heated and thoroughly dried before use.

A-4.5-1.2 Maintenance
On a regular basis checks should be made of all equipment and the following work
should be done:

Sharpening hot sets, inserting handles into hot sets or hammers; cleaning, lubricating,
and filling the grinding machine; cleaning screw threads on equipment, checking crucibles
and replacing if necessary and cleaning the preheating torch should be carried out.

A-4.5-2 Single use crucible

As far as possible, the crucible must always be kept dry. Check for evidence of moisture
damage (white powder coating on outside of crucible).

Care must be taken when handling crucibles because damage to the crucible will require
its replacement.

A-4.5-3 Preheating torch

A-4.5-3.1 Care
The preheating torch should be placed carefully in the tool box after use, before
transportation. Torches must not be thrown on the ballast. After preheating and before
tapping, take off the torch and lay it down with the burner head upwards. Care must be
taken to make sure that the torch head does not come in contact with the mould,
otherwise the torch head will become too hot and melt.

A-4.5-3.2 Maintenance
Clogged or damaged torches not in good working order must not be used and must be
repaired only by experienced workers.

After 100 welds have been made, the holes in the burner head should be cleaned out
with the tools provided.

If this maintenance is not carried out, the performance of the torch will deteriorate
resulting in longer preheating times or insufficient preheating of the rail ends.

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Appendix 4.6 Welding Process – Troubleshooting Guide

Possible Cause Remedies
Short Head
1 Preparing the crucible Loss of metal due to incorrect preparation of crucible. Carefully pour
the portion into the crucible to avoid loss of welding material.
2 Gap Width Too large a gap requires additional metal. Adjust gap as
3 Mould Adjustment Incorrect loose attachment of moulds will cause loss of metal. Fit mould
as per instructions.
4 Incorrect Aligning Sloping of Pouring Pot towards the centre of the moulds can cause a
of Pouring Pot fast flow of metal, with loss into the slag pot. Adjust Pouring Pot.
Sloping of Pouring Pot backwards will cause metal to stay in the
Pouring Pot.
5 Pouring of Crucible Fit the crucible to preheat support to ensure that the welding is poured
Metal downhill from the low side of the rail.
6 Careless Luting Always commence luting under the foot of the rail. Pack firmly into
place as advised.
7 Incorrect high gas Will cause overheating of the rail head and web with melting and
running of the metal, causing a larger gap size and a short head. Set
pressures as stipulated.
8 Incorrect Tip Height As above (7). Adjust the torch height as per instructions.
9 Excessive Preheating Will cause running of metal on the head and web of rail, causing a
larger gap and a short head. Preheat for recommended length of time.
10 Badly Flame Cut rail Difficult to set correct gap or maintain even preheat, both resulting in
ends too large a gap with a short head. Ensure good flame cut rail ends at all
11 Incorrect Portion Size Always check that the welding portion is the correct size for the weight
of the rail being welded.
Porous Welds
1 Luting Mixture “Over wet” luting mixture can allow excessive moisture to be released
during pouring into the weld metal. Mix the luting sand as per
instructions (Applicable to Thermit process only).
2 Careless Luting Globules of sand dropped into the mould can cause sand inclusion, gas
entrapment and porosity. Take care when luting.
3 Use of beach sand and Beach sand contains shell grit, which releases CO2 during the welding
other alternative luting process causing porosity. Always use the correct luting mixture.
4 Small Gap A smaller gap than stipulated will cause lack of preheat with porosity in
the head of rail. Always check gap with gauge provided.
5 Excessive Preheating Will cause the metal to run on the head and web of rail, causing
porosity in the weld. Preheat for recommended length of time.
6 Lack of Preheat Will cause cold spots with the metal forming into shot or pellets causing
a porous weld.
7 Badly Flame Cut rail Difficult to preheat correctly causing head and web to heat
ends inconsistently and overheat, causing porous weld. Ensure good flame
cut rail ends at all times.

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Possible Cause Remedies

8 Damp Welding Portion Will react violently, and will result in a porous weld. Always store
portions in a dry place.
9 Crucible Preheat The crucible must be preheated for twenty (20) minutes before use
every day so as to remove moisture which will cause a violent reaction
and a porous weld.
10 Wet Conditions Welding carried out in rail or very damp conditions can result in a violent
reaction and a porous weld. Never weld in doubtful weather.
Lack of Fusion
1 Small Gap A small gap will cause lack of preheat with of fusion to the foot and web
of rail. Always check gap with gauge provided.
2 Low Pressures Incorrect low pressure reduces the preheat to the foot of the rail,
resulting in lack of fusion. Set pressures as stipulated.
3 Lack of Preheating Will cause cold spots on the web and foot of the rail, resulting in lack of
fusion. Preheat as per Instructions.
4 Badly Flame Cut rail Causes difficulty in preheating with lack of fusion. Cut rails as
ends recommended.
5 Machine Cut Face to a Difficult to preheat, causing lack of fusion to flame cut face. Always
Flame Cut Face match machine cut ends together or flame cut ends together. Never
match a machine end to a flame cut end.
1 Careless Luting Careless luting could cause globules of sand to fall into the mould,
resulting in sand inclusions. Take care when luting.
2 Wet Luting Mixture An “over wet” luting mixture could cause moisture to be released into
the weld metal during pouring, causing gas inclusions. Mix luting
mixture as per Instructions.
3 Excessive Preheating Will cause the mould to break down with globules of sand flowing into
the weld metal, causing sand inclusions. Preheat for recommended
length of time.
4 Careless Positioning of Care must be taken in positioning the Preheating torch as the sand
the Preheating Torch mould can be damaged, causing sand material to fall into welding gap.
Position preheater as per Instructions.
1 Tearing of Metal Caused by trimming too early with the metal still in a plastic stage.
Trimming should always be carried out along the rail, not across.
2 Sand Mould Breakdown Moulds that have been wet and allowed to dry, should be replaced, as
the material in the mould has changed and can break down during the
preheat and allow molten metal to flow out.
3 Excessive Preheating Small diameter tubing under 10mm (3/8") I.D. will cause pressure
Time drops, especially over long lengths. Always use the correct 10mm
(3/8") I.D. tubing.
4 Incorrect Portion Size Under no circumstances should part of another portion be added as this
will cause a change in the chemical analysis of the mixture and will
result in a weak, faulty weld. Always use the correct portion.
5 Hot Tears Caused by rail movement before the weld has set. Do not disturb the
weld until at least 10 minutes after removing the excess weld metal
from the head.

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Appendix 4.7 Non-Conformance Report

Non-Conformance Report
NCR No: Date:
1. Non-Conformance Description
Send to: Track Service/Supply Contracts Manager/ Logistics
Business Unit: Manager/Supervisor:

Part Description: Supplier:

Part No: Supplier Contact Name:

Non-Compliance Details:

Inspection/ Tests Conducted:


Name/Position: Phone No Date:

2. Track Services Assessment
Send to: Originator / Supply Contracts Manager / Logistics; Issue an CAR
A Acceptable

B Acceptable with repairs

C Acceptable without repair to Engineering concession

D Not acceptable - Corrective Action Report has been initiated CAR No


Name/Position: Phone No Date:

3. Originator
Action to be taken:
A Place in service
B Return to Supplier for repair
C Quarantine the stock


Name/Position: Phone No Date:

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Chapter 5 Wire Feed Welding

C5-1 Description
Wire feed welding is a semi-automatic welding process, using self-shielding flux –cored
continuous wire. The process allows the operator to accurately place the weld deposit
and to visually control the weld pool for maximum weld deposition and quality.

C5-2 Records
Records of all welding performed shall be maintained in RailCorp's SmartWeld Web
based information system.

Enter data into the SmartWeld application by entering data into the field based
SmartWeld application and uploading it to the SmartWeld web application. Forms are
made available only for use in the event of failure of field PDAs. If forms are used, the
manual records for each weld shall be entered into the SmartWeld web application within
2 days.

C5-3 Safety requirements

C5-3.1 Personal Safety Equipment

When you are conducting wirefeed welding operations, you MUST wear appropriate
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Your welder's assistant and other personnel on
site (where necessary) must also wear the PPE. Requirements for PPE are contained in
the relevant Safe Work Method Statements (SWMs) in the RailCorp Safety Management

C5-3.2 Protection of others

Place welding screens around the welding area. Always inform the people standing near
you, that you are about to commence welding. Inform them not to look at the arc.

C5-4 General requirements

C5-4.1 Approved Uses

The following Design requirements are extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
Wirefeed welding processes may be used to:

• build up fabricated and welded crossings manufactured from standard carbon

and head hardened rail
• repair wheel burns, Small EBTD, dipped aluminothermic and flash butt welds
in standard carbon rail
• repair wheel burns, Small EBTD, dipped aluminothermic and flash butt welds
in head hardened rail where axle loads DO NOT exceed 27 tonnes.

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Wire feed welding processes are NOT approved for

• repairs of wheel burns in head hardened rail where axle loads exceed 27
• repairs to switches in turnouts and other special trackwork. This includes the
area from the switch tip to the heel (inclusive)..
• repair of swingnose crossings,
• Repair of rail defects more than 12mm below the top of the rail.

C5-4.2 Repair of Manganese Crossings

Manganese Crossings may be repaired in track using the "Robotic Welder". Additional
competency requirements apply to the use of the "Robotic Welder".

C5-4.3 Approved Welding Equipment

Item Supplier Part No.
Welding Machine Lincoln 400as
Wire feed unit Lincoln LN 22
Magnetic Particle test unit Chemi-Clean Pty Ltd Lectromax 2000

Table 5 - Approved welding equipment

C5-4.4 Wires Approved For Welding

Repair type Lincore 33 TN3-0 Restrictions
Standard rail 4 4
Head hardened 4 4
Wheel burns
maximum depth 10 mm
Standard rail 4 4
maximum length 200 mm
Head hardened 4 4 Up to 27 tonne axle load
Rail ends
Standard rail 4 4 maximum depth 10 mm
Head hardened 4 4 Up to 27 tonne axle load

Table 6 - Wires approved for welding

C5-4.5 Reporting Defective Components

New or recently installed track components or tools are sometimes defective, or
otherwise fail to meet specified requirements. In some circumstances it will be necessary
to recall the product and take action with the supplier.

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To ensure that appropriate investigation is undertaken and action is taken by field staff,
engineering and logistics staff, follow the process below.

If you suspect that track components or tools that have been delivered to you are
defective, report the defect to your Team Manager who will investigate and report the
problem in accordance with the requirements of Section C2-1.

C5-4.6 Weld area

1. DO NOT weld the rail if defects are found that are not in the repair area, as
thermal stress induced during welding may lead to rapid crack propagation.

2. DO NOT wire feed weld more than 200mm of rail in any single operation.

3. This covers any form of wire feed repair due to wear or damage on rails such as
continuous wheelslip or a series of individual wheelburns.

4. Any series of single repairs (each less than 200mm) must be separated by no
less than 1000 mm.

5. DO NOT undertake additional wire feed weld repairs to extend a length already
repaired until the initial repair work has completely cooled (ie below 100 C).

6. DO NOT undertake welding work unless you have material and defect
information that confirms that no reportable defects are present and there are
no defects too deep to be removed (below 12mm from the surface).

7. Each 200mm length is to be let cool before the next 200mm is welded and the
maximum length that can be welded in any one session is 600mm. Preheating
is required before commencing each new 200mm section.

C5-4.7 Preheat
1. The area to be preheated is the weld area (maximum of 200 mm) plus a
minimum 100 mm each side giving a total of 400 mm.

2. Preheat the whole distance in (1) above and then feather the preheat out for a
further 200mm each end to a temperature of 1500C. It takes about 3 minutes to
preheat rail to approximately 1500C.

C5-4.8 Copper bonds

1. DO NOT deposit weld metal within 25mm of copper bond position on rails to
which copper bonds are, or formerly were attached. (See Figure 38).

2. If this cannot be avoided grind out the copper deposit.

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Weld Metal not

to be deposited

inside this line

Copper Bond


Figure 38 - Welding near Bonds

C5-5 Rail Head Repair Acceptance standards

The following Design requirements are extracted from RailCorp standard ESC 220
All new rail head repair welds shall meet the following acceptance requirements:

Internal condition

All welds shall be ultrasonically tested. ALL ultrasonic indicators must be below
reportable limits as detailed in TMC 224.

Surface geometry and condition

All welds shall be ground to the profile of the rail each side of the weld with no
visible deviations from a straightedge. The gauge face will normally be parent rail
and shall be visibly smooth and consistent with the curvature of the existing rail.

All welds shall be ground to the profile of the rail each side of the weld with no
visible deviations from a straightedge.

The top surface shall be checked with a 1m straight edge as illustrated in Figure 39
and Figure 40. The permitted tolerances are as shown in Table 7.

“A” “B”
Weld Surface Limits
mm mm

For rail head repair welds 0.6 0.3

Table 7 – Head repair weld surface limits

The gauge face will normally be parent rail and shall be visibly smooth and
consistent with the curvature of the existing rail.

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Figure 39 – Head Repair misalignment tolerance in vertical plane




Figure 40 - Head Repair misalignment tolerance in vertical plane


C5-6 Repairing Crossing Profile

C5-6.1 Crossing Profile

The section of the crossing to be welded at the nose requires special attention.

Different profiles apply depending on the direction of traffic over the crossing, the type of
traffic (freight or passenger), the design flangeway width and the profile of the wingrail.

The longitudinal profiles detailed in Table 8 are mainly for use in repair of fabricated
crossings. They may, however, be used for other crossings. Where manufacturers have
provided specific profiles or gauges these should continue to be used.

The design profiles are defined by the nose depths at the 16mm point and the 32mm
point. A straight is formed by these two locations shown as A and B in Figure 41.

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Longitudinal Profile
Nose Width 32mm 16mm
Nose Depth A B
Facing Profiles F1 A= 1mm
F2 A= 2mm
B= 8mm
F3 A= 3mm
F4 A= 4mm
Trailing Profiles T1 A= 1mm
T2 A= 2mm B= 6mm
T3 A= 3mm

Table 8 - Longitudinal Profiles

32 mm 16 mm
point point



Figure 41 – Crossing nose design slope for F1 profile

Select the profile to be used on any particular crossing by referring to Table 9. Select the
profile based on the flangeway width at the crossing, wingrail profile, traffic task and
whether the crossing is facing, trailing or both.

Profile Selection
Traffic direction Facing or Both
Traffic Type Freight or Mixed Passenger Only
Wing 44 Flangeway 42 Flangeway 44 Flangeway 42 Flangeway
Standard wing rail
F1 F2 F2 F3
rounded shape
Square Wing F2 F3 F3 F4
Traffic direction Trailing Only
Traffic Type Freight or Mixed Passenger Only
Wing 44 Flangeway 42 Flangeway 44 Flangeway 42 Flangeway
Standard wing rail
T1 T2 T2 T3
rounded shape
Square Wing T2 T3 T3 T3

Table 9 - Longitudinal Crossing Profile Selection

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Square wingrails (see Figure 42) provide greater support for the wheel and allow a longer
nose ramp. VAE achieve a square wingrail by machining a standard rail. Monoblock and
RBM crossings are designed with a square wing.

-60 Standard
Square wing
provides better wingrail with
support for rounded wing



0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


wheel profile


Figure 42 – Cross-Section showing square vs rounded wing

C5-6.2 Applying the crossing profiles

To apply the selected profile you need to know:

1. the crossing rate

2. the location of the 16mm and 32mm points

C5-6.2.1 Determining the crossing rate

For conventional crossings the crossing rate is usually stamped on the wingrail of the
crossing. For curved tangential crossings the turnout description may be misleading. A
schedule of designs and correct crossing rates is given in Table 10.

C5-6.2.2 Finding the nose width

The standard design for a crossing is based on the nose width. The nose width is
measured 16mm below the wingrail (similar to measuring gauge) as shown in Figure 43.

Wing Height
Nose depth

Gauge Point

Nose Width

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Figure 43 – Cross-Section of crossing nose

Note that the slope on the side of the nose is approximately 4:1.

Crossing noses are not always the correct width. The preferred method of locating the 16
and 32mm theoretical nose widths is to measure along the wingrail from the theoretical
point (which normally has two centre punch marks on the outside of the wing rail. If you
can't find the punch marks use the stringline method in TMC 202 C6-3.1 to locate the
Theoretical Point). The distance to the target nose widths is dependent on the crossing
rate. For a 1 in 9 crossing the 16mm point is 9 x 16 = 144mm from the theoretical point.
Likewise the 32mm point is 9 x 32 = 288mm from the theoretical point. Figure 44 below
shows how the various points can be marked out.

Significant wear on the wingrail should be repaired at the same time as any crossing
nose work.



Distances for a 1:9

crossing 288m

Figure 44 – Location measurement points on crossings

C5-6.2.3 Applying the crossing profile

When the nose is at 16mm wide at the gauge point (called the 16mm point) it should be
either 8mm below the wingrail (or 6mm below if the crossing is trailing ONLY). The nose
then slopes upwards in a straight line to the 32mm point (where the nose is 32mm wide
at the gauge point). The nose depth at the 32mm point will vary depending on selected

Example: For a crossing with a standard wingrail and design 44mm flangeway, with
freight traffic operating in the facing direction, a 1F profile is required.

The nose slope is determined as follows:

Near the nose tip when the nose is 16mm wide it should be 8mm below the
wingrail, when the nose is 32mm wide the nose should be 1mm below the
wingrail; these points define a straight line as shown in Figure 45.

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32 mm 16 mm


8 mm Nose

Continue the slope beyond the 32mm point to the wing and
beyond the 16mm point till the face of the nose is reached

Figure 45 – Crossing nose design slope for IF profile

The nose depth below the wing is a straight line between the 16mm point and the 32mm
point. This straight is extended until it reaches the same height as the wingrail in one
direction and the end of the nose in the other direction. See Figure 45.

Table 10 provides distances from the theoretical point to the different crossing nose
widths for various crossing rates.

Distances from theoretical point to nose width (mm)

Standard Crossings (Conventional & Tangential)

Nose Width Crossing Rate 1 in

(mm) 8.25 9 10.5 15 18.5 21
16 132 144 168 240 296 336
32 264 288 336 480 592 672
Curved Tangential Crossings
Crossing 160 – 190. – 250 - 300 - 500 - 800 - 1200 -
Description 1 in 6.6 1 in 7 1 in 8.25 1 in 9 1 in 12 1in 15 1 in 18.5

Nose Width True Crossing Rate 1 in :

(mm) 7.433 8.106 9.3 10.2 13.3 16.7 20.4
16 119 130 149 163 213 267 326
32 238 259 298 326 426 534 653

Table 10 - Distances from theoretical point to nose width

Crossings where the new profiles have been applied should be paintmarked and
performance reviewed during follow up (as required in Section C5-7.5.2).

C5-6.3 Transverse Profile

A transverse crossing nose profile has been developed that can be applied to the
crossing nose as shown in Figure 47. The template is detailed in RailCorp Engineering
Specification SPC 201 – "Measurement Gauges".

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Figure 46 – Crossing nose transverse profile template

Figure 47 shows the profile applied from one side using the profile gauge. The gauge
can be reversed to give the profile for the other side of the crossing nose. For crossings
with similar traffic levels on both routes the crossing nose would be symmetrical.

Where the traffic is predominantly in one direction the gauge can be used more in one
direction than other. This would typically align with the natural wear shape of the
crossing nose.

The gauge can be applied along the crossing nose until the normal rail shape is reached.
The gauge corner at the nose tip needs to be manually chamfered off at about 45
degrees to about one mm depth at the 16mm point running back to zero at the 19mm

The crossing nose profile gauge only gives the shape. The vertical position needs to be
set with reference to the longitudinal profile as defined in C5-6.1. The gauge can be lifted
to the correct vertical position by putting relevant packers on both wing rails.

Xing Profiles - new crossing nose shape for 60kg/m

With contact for various wheels and 14mm offset from wing.
(full shape shown but only applied to mid-point of nose)







-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 new

120shape 140 160 180
0 60kg rail D=14 Nose=16 flangway=44
Checking Rail
New Wheel
Pass some tread & flange wear
Pass mod tread neg flange wear
Pass typ flange worn
20 DDIC worn
freight only 130?
freight mod worn
loco low wear ANZR1
xing nose
Rail Level
40 Design Nose Level

Figure 47 – Crossing nose transverse profile

A wing profile is also provided (see Figure 48and SPC 201). This profile provides for the
square wing design. It would normally be applied along the zone of wheel transfer. It is
the same in all longitudinal positions and gives the vertical position as well as the shape.

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The square wing shape can only be achieved after build up in some crossings (which
have a rounded wing at manufacture). The square wing profile should be transitioned to
a normal rail shape at either end of the transfer zone. It must not be applied more than
75mm past the crossing nose.


Figure 48 – Wingrail profile template

C5-7 Repairing crossings

C5-7.1 Preliminary Inspection

1. Carry out a field inspection prior to welding to determine what work is required
prior to welding or if welding will be viable.

C5-7.1.1 Allowable Extent of wear

1. Measure the extent of wear by placing a 1m straight edge across the wingrail in
line with the 16mm point. Measure the distance to the bottom point of the worn
nose or to any visible cracking. The worn depth is this distance MINUS the
crossing profile design depth (refer to C5-6 for guidance on finding the 16mm
point and determining what the design crossing profile depth should be.)

2. The crossing should be welded when the wear is less than 5 mm.

The effective repair limit for the building up of crossings is 10 mm before

starting. For crossing wear greater than this, the chances of the repair failing
increases substantially. Monitoring of the repaired crossing is to be increased
in these circumstances.

3. Determine how many previous welds

o Visually inspect the crossing- weld dates are written in white underneath the
previous weld; or
o look up Teams 3 and count welds performed since the last replacement

4. Select the best action

Use Table 11 below to establish whether the crossing should be repaired or


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Worn Depth Number of Previous Welds

0 1 2 3 4 5
Up to 5 mm Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld Replace*
(build up)
6 mm -12mm Weld Weld Replace* Replace Replace Replace
>12mm Replace* Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace

Table 11 – Determining crossing repair action

* Consider replacement at this stage based on traffic type and frequency, and
how long the previous weld lasted.

5. When replacement is the next action

If practical constraints prohibit welding OR using the above table your next
action is replace:

o Consider reducing the 6 monthly KK testing to 3 monthly (note manganese

crossings are already inspected 3 monthly).
o Monitor and predict the wear growth rate. Consult your Civil Maintenance
Engineer for help
o Order crossings early to avoid causing speed restrictions if defects develop.
For a stock item the typical lead time is 1 month, 3 months for a non-stock
item, and up to 9 months for a manganese special crossing.


• Enter correct information (particularly crossing wear, defect type (if present), action
and cost) in Teams 3 to give data to improve current practices
• To get the best life out of crossings, build up when wear reaches 5mm
• Try to weld at least twice before replacing to get the best value for money
• Repair the wing rail if needed when you repair the crossing nose
• Grind the weld to the correct profile.
• Make sure you do your follow up grinds to remove overflow
• You are better off replacing crossings with multiple welds or which are badly worn.
Put welding resources into crossings with moderate wear as you get greater life
from those crossings.

C5-7.2 Preparation
1. Arrange for an ultrasonic test to be undertaken within 1 week of proposed work
paying particular attention to bolt holes.

2. DO NOT weld the crossing if there is any elongation or cracks around the bolt

3. Tighten all crossing bolts.

All crossing bolts must be straight, in sound condition, of correct length with
nuts fully threaded and properly tightened. Use only one spring washer on each

If Huck bolting is to be carried out complete this before welding commences.

4. Pack all bearers, especially the three under the nose.

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5. Check and tighten check rail bolts.

6. Check checkrail effectiveness in steering wheels away from crossing nose and
fix if necessary.

7. Check flangeways.

8. Check and correct top and line.

9. All track fastenings must be correctly fitted.

C5-7.3 Preparing the welding surface

1. Clean the surface of the rail by heating the area with an oxy propane torch and
brushing the area thoroughly with a wire brush.

2. If the crossing has previously been built up using oxy acetylene, remove all the
old oxy acetylene build up by either grinding or oxy propane gouging then

3. Preheat the rail using an Oxygen/LPG gouging tip 48GB.

4. Start gouging using a low angle.

5. Increase angle until the desired depth is obtained.

6. Move the nozzle forward, reducing and increasing the angle as required to
maintain the depth.

7. Repeat the process until required length of the gouge is made.

C5-7.3.1 Checking for cracks, laminations or old welds

1. Check the rail for old lamination welds and cracks which will become noticeable
when heat is applied.

Laminations and cracks will heat up and change to a bright orange very quickly
while the solid metal will stay dark in colour.

2. Completely remove any laminations or cracks using the oxy propane gouging
torch. Reduce the surface uniformly.

C5-7.3.2 Grinding
1. Reduce the surfaces uniformly so there are no deep craters.

2. Remove sharp corners and ridges in the metal using an angle grinder.

3. Remove all scale and slag (oxides of steel).

4. If oxy propane gouging has been used grind away a minimum of 3mm to
remove any heat effected zone.

5. Remove the damaged area plus 25 mm each side by either oxy propane
gouging or grinding.

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8 9
Incorrect Correct

Figure 49 - Finish grinding requirements

C5-7.3.3 Magnetic Particle Inspection.

1. Carry out this inspection after oxy propane gouging and grinding of the repair
area and before build-up is commenced.

2. Remove any loose dirt or scale from the area to be tested.

3. Spray the area with a thin even coat of white background lacquer.

4. Place the magnetic particle test unit across the rail head over the area to be

5. Turn on the magnetic test unit then spray the black magnetic ink on the area.

If rapid bubbling of the ink or rapid evaporation occurs the area of the rail being
tested is too hot and must be allowed to cool before a retest is conducted.

6. Check the results. A defect will show as a black line if a crack is found.

7. Remove any cracks that are shown up by this test.

C5-7.4 Welding

C5-7.4.1 Preheat
1. Preheat the repair area to the correct temperature for the wire in use as detailed
in Table 12.

The area to be preheated is the weld area (maximum of 200mm) plus a

minimum 100 mm each side giving a total of 400 mm.

2. Apply the initial preheat the rail so that 2 minutes after you stop applying the
heat the required rail temperature is achieved. The wait of 2 minutes is required
to allow the preheat to soak into the rail.

Wire Type Minimum preheat

LINCORE 33 3500C
TN3-0 3500C
Table 12 - Preheat Temperatures

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3. Test the preheat before welding commences using a thermomelt crayon applied
at the bottom of the rail head (see Figure 50).

4. The preheat must be not fall below this temperature until welding is completed.
If welding is stopped for more than 3 minutes then an additional preheat and
wait of 2 minutes is required and the temperature rechecked before welding is
to recommence.

Repair Area



Figure 50 - Location of preheat temperature check

C5-7.4.2 Welder settings

1. Set the Wirefeed Speed, Current (amperage) control, Voltage and Visible Stick
Out on the welder as indicated in Appendix 5.2 and Appendix 5.3 for the wire
being used.

C5-7.4.3 Electrical connections

1. Connect the wirefeed unit to the generator with electrode positive (DC reverse
polarity). The wirefeed unit must be connected to the POSITIVE terminal of the
welding machine.

2. Connect the earth (NEGATIVE) wire from the machine to the foot of the same
rail that is to be welded, as close as possible to the weld area.

3. Clean the rail where the earth clamp is attached thoroughly with a grinder to
ensure a complete metal to metal contact. DO NOT damage the foot of the rail.



C5-7.4.4 Welding Technique

1. Carry out the welding using stringer beads in a pad configuration.

A Stringer bead is a single bead of weld (maximum 200 mm) with NO weaving.

Pad welding is the laying of a number of stringer beads where the next run
overlaps the previous weld bead by half.

2. Where possible starts and finishes should not be in a single line.

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3. Where multiple layers are necessary DO NOT start and finish the layers should
in the same line.

4. Hold the welding gun with the drag angle of 300 from the vertical in the direction
of travel.


Figure 51 - Drag Angle

5. When welding is stopped, remove all slag from welds before welding

6. When welding has been completed, remove all slag and scale which is still
attached to the rail.

7. Allow the weld to cool naturally. A slow cool contributes to reducing stresses.


C5-7.5 Grinding of weld

1. Grind the repaired area to the correct alignment, cross-levels and longitudinal
levels detailed in C5-6. The wing rail can be ground using a profile grinder and
the nose ground with the disk grinder. The points and crossing grinder can also
be used.

C5-7.5.1 Completion of work

1. Retest using the magnetic particle test. If defects are found repeat the repair

2. Arrange for repaired area to be ultrasonically tested.

C5-7.5.2 Follow up work

The following work is to be completed within 2 weeks after the repair:

1. Grind off any flow that has occurred through work hardening.

2. Recheck tightness of bolts.

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3. Check finished surface of repair and build up further if necessary.

C5-8 Repairing wheel burns

C5-8.1 Preliminary Inspection

1. Carry out a field inspection prior to welding to determine what work is required
prior to welding or if welding will be viable.

DO NOT repair by wire feed welding if the defect is larger than a small EBTD.

C5-8.2 Preparation
1. Arrange for an ultrasonic test to be undertaken within 1 week of proposed work
paying particular attention to near surface cracks.

2. Check and correct top and line.

3. P
ack sleepers/timbers.

4. Loosen rail fastenings and lift rail 15mm with wedges.

5. If the repair is at a joint ensure clear (min 5mm) separation exists between rail

C5-8.3 Preparing the welding surface

1. Clean the surface of the rail by heating the area with an oxy propane torch and
brushing the area thoroughly with a wire brush.

2. If a rail has been built up using oxy acetylene, then all old weld metal must be
removed by either grinding or oxy propane gouging then grinding.

3. Preheat the rail using an Oxygen/LPG gouging tip 48GB.

4. Start gouging using a low angle.

5. Increase angle until the desired depth is obtained.

6. Move the nozzle forward, reducing and increasing the angle as required to
maintain the depth.

7. Repeat the process until required length of the gouge is made.

C5-8.3.1 Checking for cracks, laminations or old welds

1. Check the rail for old lamination welds and cracks which will become noticeable
when heat is applied.
Laminations and cracks will heat up and change to a bright orange very quickly while
the solid metal will stay dark in colour.
2. Completely remove any laminations or cracks using the oxy propane gouging torch.
Reduce the surface uniformly.

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C5-8.3.2 Grinding
1. Reduce the surfaces uniformly so there are no deep craters.

2. Remove sharp corners and ridges in the metal using an angle grinder.

3. Remove all scale and slag (oxides of steel).

4. If oxy propane gouging has been used grind away a minimum of 3mm to
remove any heat affected zone.

5. Remove the damaged area plus 25 mm each side by either oxy propane
gouging or grinding.

6. The final grinding should be across the rail not along the rail as defects can be
missed when magnetic particle testing.

8 9
Incorrect Correct

Figure 52 - finish grinding requirements

C5-8.3.3 Magnetic Particle Inspection.

1. Carry out this inspection after oxy propane gouging and grinding of the repair
area and before build-up is commenced.

2. Remove any loose dirt or scale from the area to be tested.

3. Spray the area with a thin even coat of white background lacquer.

4. Place the magnetic particle test unit across the rail head over the area to be

5. Turn on the magnetic test unit then spray the black magnetic ink on the area.

If rapid bubbling of the ink or rapid evaporation occurs the area of the rail being
tested is too hot and must be allowed to cool before a retest is conducted.

6. Check the results. A defect will show as a black line if a crack is found.

7. Remove any cracks that are shown up by this test.

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C5-8.4 Welding

C5-8.4.1 Preheat
1. Preheat the repair area to the correct temperature for the wire in use as detailed
in Table 13.

The area to be preheated is the weld area (maximum of 200mm) plus a

minimum 100 mm each side giving a total of 400 mm.

2. Apply the initial preheat the rail so that 2 minutes after you stop applying the
heat the required rail temperature is achieved. The wait of 2 minutes is required
to allow the preheat to soak into the rail.

Wire Type Minimum preheat

LINCORE 33 3500C
TN3-0 3500C
Table 13 - Preheat Temperatures

3. Test the preheat before welding commences using a thermomelt crayon applied
at the bottom of the rail head (see Figure 53).

4. The preheat must be not fall below this temperature until welding is completed.
If welding is stopped for more than 3 minutes then an additional preheat and
wait of 2 minutes is required and the temperature rechecked before welding is
to recommence.

Repair Area



Figure 53 - Location of preheat temperature check

C5-8.4.2 Welder settings.

1. Set the Wirefeed Speed, Current (amperage) control, Voltage and Visible Stick
Out on the welder as indicated in Appendix 5.2and Appendix 5.3 for the wire
being used.

C5-8.4.3 Electrical connections

1. Connect the wirefeed unit to the generator with electrode positive (DC reverse
polarity). The wirefeed unit must be connected to the POSITIVE terminal of the
welding machine.

2. Connect the earth (NEGATIVE) wire from the machine to the foot of the same
rail that is to be welded, as close as possible to the weld area.

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3. Clean the rail where the earth clamp is attached thoroughly with a grinder to
ensure a complete metal to metal contact. DO NOT damage the foot of the rail.



C5-8.4.4 Welding technique.

1. Carry out the welding using stringer beads in a pad configuration.

A Stringer bead is a single bead of weld (maximum 200 mm) with NO weaving.

Pad welding is the laying of a number of stringer beads where the next run
overlaps the previous weld bead by half.

2. Where possible starts and finishes should not be in a single line.

3. Where multiple layers are necessary DO NOT start and finish the layers should
in the same line.

4. Hold the welding gun with the drag angle of 300 from the vertical in the direction
of travel.


Figure 54 - Drag Angle

5. When welding is stopped, remove all slag from welds before welding

6. When welding has been completed, remove all slag and scale which is still
attached to the rail.

7. Allow the weld to cool naturally. A slow cool contributes to reducing stresses.


C5-8.5 Grinding of weld.

1. Grind the repaired area to the correct levels detailed in C5-5 using a profile

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C5-8.5.1 Completion of work

1. Retest using the magnetic particle test. If defects are found repeat the repair

2. Arrange for repaired area to be ultrasonically tested.

C5-9 Speed of traffic over worksite

The maximum speed of traffic passing over crossing in the process of being repaired is
10 km/h. Normal speed may be allowed when welding is complete and crossing has
been ground to profile.

C5-10 Identifying wire feed welds

All welds need to be identified to allow testing and tracking of material and welder

When a weld has been completed:

1. Place a weld identification label (see Figure 55) on the inside foot of the rail
300mm - 400mm from the weld.

WELD No. 0 3 7 9 0 1

Figure 55 - Weld Identification Label (Sample)

Shown actual size (80mm x 35mm)

2. For wheel burn repairs, mark the start and finish of the repair on the head and
web of the rail.

3. Paint ALL wire feed welds after grinding using a fluorescent pink line marking
paint. DO NOT paint over the Weld Identification Label.

4. Apply the paint from the top surface of the foot to the rail head excluding the
running surface and cover at least 150mm either side of the weld and both
sides of the rail.

5. When the weld has been ultrasonically tested paint over the pink paint mark
with blue paint if satisfactory and yellow paint if a defect is found.

C5-11 Recording wire feed welds

1. Each field welder is required to complete a Wirefeed Welding Return for all field
welds installed in the track. It is your responsibility to ensure that the return is

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2. Record the following information about each weld in SmartWeld (or on the
Welding Return Form WFR1 if the SmartWeld system is not available (See
Appendix 5.1). The fields on the form are explained in Table 14.

Welder’s Details
Welder's Name Name of welder
If the welder is a contractor, Insert Welding company name as
Welder's Licence No.
Welder's signature (Not required in SmartWeld)

Weld Details
Weld Date Insert date of completion of the weld.
Base Code & Line Insert sector code (sector or base) from code listing
Track Circle track identifier UP or DOWN
District Insert District (Illawarra, Central, West, North or
Infrastructure Facilities)
Km Kilometrage of weld
Rail Circle one of the following to indicate the rail welded
UP = Up rail, DN = Down rail, UT = Up turnout Rail,
DT = Down Turnout Rail
Weld Number Weld number from weld identification label
Weld Type Circle the weld type
Wire Type Write in the type of wire used for the repair
For wheelburn repairs ONLY
Rail Size Circle Rail size eg 60HH, 60, 53, 47
Wheelburn Depth and Length Depth and length of the repair area
For wheelburn repairs ONLY
Nose Repair Depth and Depth and length of the repair area
Main Wing Repair Depth and Depth and length of the repair area
Turnout Wing Repair Depth Depth and length of the repair area
and Length
Yard Is the repair in a yard? Circle YES or NO
Turnout Number/type Identify the turnout by number and type

Comments Write down any comments relevant to the work

Table 14 - Information to be recorded on Welding Return

C5-12 Reporting wire feed welds

Each field welder is required to complete a Wirefeed Welding Return for each repair task.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the wirefeed weld return data is uploaded (or
entered, if manual forms are used) into the web database within two (2) days.

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Appendix 5.1 Wire Feed Welding Return

Wire Feed Weld Return Form WFR1

Welder’s Details
Welder’s Name Licence No. Signature

Weld Details
Weld Date Base Code /Track UP DN

District Km Rail UP DN UT DT


For Wheelburns
Rail size 60HH 60 53 47 Wheelburn Depth mm Wheelburn Length mm
For Crossing Repairs
Nose Repair Depth mm Nose Repair Length mm Yard YES NO

Main Wing Repair Depth mm Main Wing Repair Length mm Turnout

Turnout Wing Repair Depth mm Turnout Wing Repair Length mm

Weld Testing Data

Test Date Ultrasonic Pass YES NO
Defect Size S M L Defect Location Rail Fail ID
RFD Operator’s Name Signature

Weld Details
Weld Date Base Code /Track UP DN

District Km Rail UP DN UT DT


For Wheelburns
Rail size 60HH 60 53 47 Wheelburn Depth mm Wheelburn Length mm
For Crossing Repairs
Nose Repair Depth mm Nose Repair Length mm Yard YES NO

Main Wing Repair Depth mm Main Wing Repair Length mm Turnout

Turnout Wing Repair Depth mm Turnout Wing Repair Length mm

Weld Testing Data

Test Date Ultrasonic Pass YES NO
Defect Size S M L Rail Fail ID
RFD Operator’s Name Signature

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Appendix 5.2 Specifications

A-5.2-1 Lincore 33
Pre Alignment (Wheel Burn 15 mm to 25 Mm Between Rail And Sleeper
Only) Plate
Magnetic Particle test test before preheating
Preheat 3500C
Wait Before Welding 2 Minutes
Stick Out 15-25
Machine settings
Volts 25
Amps 260-270
Wire Speed 4.25 / 160
OCV Normal

A-5.2-2 TN3-0

Magnetic Particle test test before preheating
Technique Stringer Beads Pad Welding
Preheat 3500C
Wait Before Welding 2 Minutes
Stick Out 40 mm
Machine settings
Volts 27
Amps 260-270
Wire Speed 4.25 / 160
OCV Normal

A-5.2-3 B3-0

Magnetic Particle test test before preheating
Technique Stringer Beads Pad Welding
Preheat 3500C
Wait Before Welding 2 Minutes
Stick Out 40 Mm
Machine settings
Volts 27
Amps 260-270
Wire Speed 4.25 / 160
OCV Normal

A-5.2-4 Oxy LPG Gouging

Tip Size Oxygen LPG
48gb 600 150

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Appendix 5.3 Welding machine - Lincoln 400 AS

A-5.3-1 Current (AMPS)

Set the current (amps) control to the required setting for the type of wire being used. (See
section 9)

Note: It is essential to keep the machine on the correct setting because variations of this
control have the following major effects:
• Change the melt off and

deposition rates, which can

cause lack of fusion.

• Excessive current produces

convex beads and under cut on

edges of beads.

• Too low a current will give large

droplet transfer and stubbing.


A-5.3-2 Voltage
Set the Job Selector (OCV) control to the normal welding position and adjust the control
until the volt meter on the wire feed unit is showing the volts for the wire being used.

Variations of voltage has the

following effects: Normal Range
Higher voltage results in

1. a wider flatter bead.

2. large amounts of

3. porosity

Low voltage results in

1. a convex (ropy) bead

2. stubbing Large

Job Selector

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A-5.3-3 Wire speed

Set the wire speed metre (on the speed control dial on the end of the wire feed unit) to
the value required for the wire being used.

If the current, voltage and the stickout are held constant, wire speed variations have the
following effects:

1. An increase in wire speed results in stubbing.

2. An increase in wire speed results in convex beads.

3. A decrease in wire speed results in wire burn back to tip.

A-5.3-4 Visible stickout

The visible stickout is measured from the bottom of the insulated nozzle to the end of the


This is set to the stickout for the type of wire in use.

Variation of the visible stickout has the following effects:

1. Increased stickout DECREASES the welding Nozzle

2. Decreased stickout INCREASES the welding

Wire Visible

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Appendix 5.4 Trouble shooting

A-5.4-1 To eliminate porosity

(in order of importance)

1. Decrease voltage.

2. Increase stickout.

3. Increase drag angle

4. Decrease speed

5. Increase current

A-5.4-2 To eliminate ropy convex bead

1. Increase voltage

2. Decrease stickout

3. Increase drag angle

4. Decrease current

5. Decrease speed

A-5.4-3 To eliminate splatter

1. Increase voltage

2. Decrease stickout

3. Increase drag angle

4. increase current

5. Decrease speed

A-5.4-4 To eliminate stubbing

1. Decrease wire speed

2. Increase voltage

3. Decrease drag angle

4. Decrease stickout

5. Decrease current

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A-5.4-5 To eliminate poor penetration

1. Decrease stickout

2. Increase current

3. Decrease voltage

4. Increase speed

5. Increase drag angle

A-5.4-6 To eliminate arc blow

1. Increase drag angle

2. Increase stickout

3. Decrease voltage

4. Decrease current

5. Decrease speed.

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Chapter 6 Inspection of Oxy-Fuel Gas Equipment

C6-1 Introduction
In accordance with the requirements of Australian Standard AS 4839 all oxygen /LPG or
acetylene equipment used in RailCorp must be inspected and tested on a regular basis.
The inspection must be undertaken by a technically competent person.

Oxy and LPG gas equipment used in aluminothermic welding is specialised equipment.
The combination of regulator, flashback arrestor, non return valve, cutting attachment,
hand piece, mixer and quick release hose couplings operate as a unit and should be
tested to meet requirements RailCorp has established as necessary to provide
satisfactory aluminothermic welds.

Accordingly, RailCorp has established the following requirements

C6-2 Requirements for testing

1. All equipment is to be inspected and tested once (1) per year

2. Flashback Arrestors are to be replaced every 5 years

3. Welders are to visually inspect equipment before use

4. All equipment is to be tagged with a sticker that displays the following


o Date inspected
o Equipment Identifier
o Name of inspector?

5. A cable tie to be placed on all hoses to identify tested hoses. The colour of the
cable tie will indicate the year of testing. A cycle of 5 years will be adopted

o 2008 - grey
o 2009 - blue
o 2010 – red
o 2011 - green
o 2012 - yellow
o 2013 - grey
o 2014 - blue

6. The following RailCorp personnel are competent and are to conduct the testing

o John Mason
o Stephen Maddock

C6-3 Leak and function testing procedure

This test procedure covers the following equipment:

1. R

2. Hoses

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3. Blowpipe

4. Cutting attachment

5. Flashback arresters

C6-3.1 Test equipment required

1. Gas supply

2. Water tank

3. Lead Detector

4. Blanking off type 40 cutting nozzle

5. Blanking off tip

6. Setting gauge RT 611 & RT 612

7. Hose blanking plugs

8. Flashback arrester test unit

C6-3.2 Testing Set Up

1. Connect all system components.

2. Connect regulator to gas supply.

3. Connect FBA to outlet of regulator.

4. Connect hose to blowpipe.

5. Repeat for other gas supply.

6. Connect mixer or cutting attachment to blowpipe.

7. Fit cutting tip.

Note: Ensure all connections are tight using appropriate spanner.

C6-3.3 Leak Tests

C6-3.3.1 General Leak Test

1. Ensure regulator pressure adjusting knob is turned fully anti- clockwise.

2. Blowpipe valves fully closed.

3. Open cylinder gas supply valve slowly.

4. Observe regulator low pressure gauge.

If pressure registers on low pressure gauge (creep), this indicates a faulty

regulator and it must be replaced

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5. Screw in regulator pressure adjusting knob.

6. Set pressure to 100 kpa.

7. Repeat for other gas supply.

8. Close cylinder gas supply valves.

9. Observe regulator pressure gauges (nominal 1 minute).

If a drop in pressure is observed then there is a leak in the system.

C6-3.3.2 Specific leak test


1. Disconnect hose and flashback arrester from regulator.

2. Blank off regulator outlet( use RT610 or RT611).

3. Pressure regulator to 100 kpa.

4. Check for leaks using a suitable leak detection liquid.

5. Check for leaks at:

o Gas cylinder supply valve and regulator connection

o Regulator inlet and body connection
o Regulator outlet and body connection
o Pressure gauge and body connections
o Hose connection


1. Disconnect hose from blowpipe.

2. Blank off hose end.

3. Pressure hose to 100 kpa.

4. Check for leaks using a suitable leak detection liquid.

5. Check for leaks at hose connections.

Blowpipe control valves

1. Connect blowpipe to hose.

2. Pressurise to 100 kpa.

3. Immerse welding tip in clean water.

If bubbles appear from tip end, this indicates leaking control valve seats and the
blowpipe must be repaired or replaced.

Cutting attachments control and cutting oxygen valve

1. Connect cutting attachment to be tested to a tested blowpipe.

2. Pressurise to 100 kpa.

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3. Immerse nozzle in clean water.

If bubbles appear from nozzle end, this indicates leaking control valve seats and
the blowpipe must be repaired or replaced.


1. Fit mixer to blowpipe.

2. Fit blanked off tip to mixer.

3. Pressurise to 100 kpa.

4. Open blowpipe all control valves fully.

5. Immerse whole assembly in clean water.

6. Check for leaks at:

o Hose connections
o Control valve gland nuts
o Mixer to blowpipe connection
o Brazed joints

Cutting attachment

1. Fit cutting attachment to tested blowpipe.

2. Fit blanked off nozzle to cutting attachment.

3. Pressurise to 100 kpa.

4. Open blowpipe control valves fully.

5. Immerse whole assembly in clean water.

6. Operate cutting attachment lever.

7. Check for leaks at:

o Control valve gland nut

o Cutting attachment to blowpipe connection
o Cutting oxygen valve
o Nozzle nut
o Brazed joints

C6-3.4 Function Test Procedure

C6-3.4.1 Regulator
Seat inter-leak test.

1. Connect setting gauge to regulator outlet (TR610 & RT611).

2. Ensure regulator pressure adjusting knob is turned fully anti- clockwise.

3. Open cylinder gas supply valve slowly.

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4. Observe regulator low pressure gauge.

If pressure registers on low pressure gauge, this indicates a faulty regulator and
it must be replaced or repaired.

Maximum Outlet pressure

1. Screw in regulator pressure adjusting knob fully.

2. Check maximum outlet pressure is as per specification.

e.g. maximum outlet pressure for acetylene regulators = 150 kPa.

IF maximum outlet pressure is not to specification, regulator must be repaired or


Pressure Drop

1. Operate setting gauge lever several times.

2. Check pressure drop when lever is depressed.

If pressure drop is excessive, regulator must be repaired or replaced.

Seat Creep Test

1. Operate setting gauge lever.

2. Observe low pressure gauge.

Pressure gauge should remain stable after setting gauge lever has been

If pressure gauge needle continues to rise, regulator must be repaired or


C6-3.4.2 Flashback arrestor testing

Setup procedure

1. Connect air hose to back of box No.1.

2. Connect No3 to top.

3. Connect No2 to bottom.

4. Fit FB fittings to top and bottom of clamp.

5. Turn selector knob to (11).

6. Place FB in clamp with the flow ↓.

7. Increase air pressure to 0.5 bar.

8. Result should be 85%.

Non return leak test

1. Connect air hose to back of box No.1.

2. Connect No3 to top.

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3. Connect No2 to bottom.

4. Fit FB fittings to top and bottom of clamp.

5. Turn selector knob to (1).

6. Place FB in clamp with the flow ↓.

7. Increase air pressure to 2.5 bar.

External leak test

1. Connect air hose to back of box No.1.

2. Connect No3 to top.

3. Connect No2 to bottom.

4. Fit FB fittings to top and bottom of clamp.

5. Connect lead hose to No.3.

6. Connect inlet to FB to lead hose.

7. Blank off FB outlet.

8. Increase pressure to 2.0 bar.

9. Immerse in water. Check for leaks.

Figure 56 - Leak Test of Flash Back Arrestor

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Figure 57 - Leak Test of Flash Back Arrestor - Close up

Figure 58 - Set up for test of Flash Back Arrestor - Bottom

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Figure 59 - Set up for test of Flash Back Arrestor - Top

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Gas Equipment - Audit Sheet to AS4839

Site Location: Auditor:
Nominated Contact: Date:

Testing F.B.A Next test

Product Condition/Functional/Leak Replaced Date Comments
Tag No. Pass Fail Complies Repair Replace Date

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