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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering?

- Happho

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How Much Cement, Sand And Water Is Required For 12mm Thick Plastering?

Plastering is done on the walls to remove surface imperfections, maintain line level and alignment. In addition to that
it also acts as a protective surface for external walls. Cement plaster, Gypsum plaster and Lime plaster are the
commonly used plastering materials for house constructions.

Cement plaster is made by mixing cement and sand in the proportions required. Cement plaster is applied to both
interior and exterior walls to give them a smooth surface.

Calculation of Cement and Sand Required for 12 mm thick Plastering (1…


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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

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Recommended Cement Mortar Ratio For Plastering

Mix Ratio of General Usage Recommended


1:3  Very rich mortar mix. Not recommended for general usage at sites. Can act as a repair mortar with a
waterproo ng/bonding agent

1:4 For External Plaster and for ceiling plaster

1:5 Brickwork Mortar and for Internal plaster (If sand is not ne Fineness Modulas > 3)

1:6 For Internal Plaster (if ne sand is available)

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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

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How To Calculate Cement And Sand Required For Cement Plastering

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To arrive at the quantities of Cement, Sand and Water required for Plastering work, we need to understand on what
parameters do these quantities depend.

1. Volume of Plaster required: Volume of Plaster can be determined by multiplying the area of plastering to be
done and thickness of plaster (12 mm in this case)
2. Mix Ratio of Plaster: Mix ratio mean the ratio of Volume of Cement to the Sand used in the mixture. Plaster of
mix ratio 1:4 mean that it contains one part of cement and 4 parts of sand by volume. Since the amount of
cement and sand changes with the change in the mix ratio, it is one of the most important factors in
determining the quantities.

Quantities Of Cement, Sand And Water In Various Plaster Mix Ratios

Area (Sqm) Plaster thickness (mm) Mix Ratio of Mortar Cement (in Kgs) Sand (In cft) Water (in Kgs)

10 12 1:3 49.37 3.77 44

10 12 1:4 39.29 3.99 44

10 12 1:5 32.54 4.14 44

10 12 1:6 27.80 4.24 44

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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

Wastage of materials is not considered in the calculation.

(+91) 7249196273 You can Construction
Buy Materials consider a wastage
Packagesfactor of 5%
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Tip: Ready Made plaster bags (40 kg) are also available in market. They are ready to use and just water needs to be
added to the mixture.

Method-1: DLBD Method To Calculate Cement, Sand And Water Required For Plaster (1:4)

For calculation purposes, lets assume that the area that needs to be plastered is 100 sqft (10 ft X 10 ft wall) and a
Plaster of Mix ratio 1:4 (cement:sand) is used.

We shall use DLBD method (Dry Loose Bulk Density) in determining the ratios.  This is the most accurate method as
it accounts for the variations in the Loose Bulk Density. Loose bulk density might vary based on the location
available materials.

Step-1: Calculate The Weight Of Materials Required Using Bulk Densities

Plaster of 1:4  Cement : sand (Volume proportion)

Volume of 1 Bag of Cement (50 kg) = 36 litre or 0.036 cum (cement loose density as 1440 kgs/cum)

Volume of Sand required (using 1:4 proportion) = 0.036 x 4 = 0.144 x 1600 = 230 kgs (considering sand dry bulk
density as 1600 kgs/cum.) Privacy - Terms 4/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

Usually around 20% of water by weight of the total dry

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Water required = Weight of total dry material * 20% = (50+230) x 0.2 = 56 liter = 0.056 cum

*(Keep this handy to derive initial water requirement in any cement mortar)

Step-2: Calculate The Volume Of Wet Plaster Mix

Cement = 50 kgs , Sand = 230 kgs and Water = 56 kgs

Total weight of the mixture = 50+230+56 kgs = 336 kgs

Density of Cement sand mortar = 2200 kg/cum (Approximately)

So, Amount of plaster mortar (1: 4) yielded with one Bag of cement (50 kgs) = 336/2200 = 0.153 cum

Step-3: Calculate Plaster Volume Required

Amount of plaster mortar required for plastering 100 sq.ft. (10 area of 12 mm thickness

= 10 x 0.012 = 0.12 cum

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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) to do 100 sq.ft.plaster (12mm thick) with 1:4 proportion,
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Step-4: Calculate Materials Required For Plaster Volume

Cement needed would be = (50/0.153)x 0.12 = 39.21 kgs. or 0.784 bags

Sand needed would be = (230/0.153)x 0.12 = 180 kgs or 5 cft

Bulkage of Sand is not taken into account. A correction for bulkage has to be taken into account.

Water needed would be = (56/0.153) x 0.12 = 44 liters.

Note: Keep wastage allowance of 5% over and above arrived quantities.

Method-2: Empirical Method To Calculate Cement, Sand And Water For Plaster (1:4)

The empirical method is easiest way to calculate the quantities of materials required. Again considering the same
parameters (i.e., Area – 100 sqft or 10 Sq meter and thickness 12mm

Step-1: Calculate The Dry Volume Of Cement And Sand Mixture Required

Volume of plaster = Area X Thickness = 10 sq.m. X 0.012 = 0.12 cu.m. Privacy - Terms 6/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

The wet volume of the mixture is always less than the

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Dry volume of motor required for plastering = 1.27 X Wet volume of plaster = 1.27 X 0.12 = 0.1524 cu.m.

Step-2: Calculate The Volume Of Sand And Cement Required

The mix ratio of plaster mortar is 1:4, So the volumes of materials required would be

Cement required = 1/5 X 0.1524 = 0.03048 cu.m.

Sand required = 4/5 X 0.1524 = 0.12192 cu.m.

Step-3: Get Weights Of Required Materials Using Densities

To get the weights of materials required in multiply it with its density

Cement required = 0.03048 cu.m. X 1440 kg/cu.m. = 43.89 Kgs

Since Sand is usually measured in cu.ft. = 0.12192 X 35.29 = 4.302 cu.ft. or  195 kgs

You can calculate the cement and Sand requirement for other Thickness of plaster and Mix ratio by just changing the
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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

Note: Keep wastage allowance of 5% over and aboveBuy

(+91) 7249196273 arrived quantities.
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33 Thoughts On “How Much Cement, Sand And Water Is Required For 12mm Thick Plastering?”

APRIL 15, 2017 AT 10:42 AM

I have one question in DLBD method in step-1 who have calculated volume of water is 56 litres and in
step-2 instead of converting that 56 litres into kg who had directly put that value in kgs why???

APRIL 15, 2017 AT 11:09 AM

The density of water is 1 kg/ltr. So 1 Ltr volume of water weighs 1 Kg. Thats why we have converted the
volume of water required in Ltrs to Kgs directly.

APRIL 15, 2017 AT 11:34 AM

Ok understood thank you Privacy - Terms 8/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) 7249196273 Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost Pune

APRIL 15, 2017 AT 11:40 AM Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

Keep sending this type of article

APRIL 18, 2017 AT 4:35 PM

Thanks for your comments.

you can post specific question of your interest on our forum,

JUNE 2, 2017 AT 10:48 AM

What about the compaction rario. Shouldn’t you be multiply it in order to convert in between wet
volume(plastered) and dry bulk volume?

JUNE 2, 2017 AT 12:59 PM

The multiplication factor from wet volume to dry volume has been considered in the empirical method.

Dry volume of motor required for plastering = 1.27 X Wet volume of plaster Privacy - Terms 9/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

But in the
(+91) DLBD method since we are using weights
7249196273 of materials
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Construction the material
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the conversion is not required.
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JUNE 15, 2017 AT 6:39 PM

Can ppc be used in same proportion as ppc for plastering works?

JUNE 15, 2017 AT 6:42 PM

I mean can ppc and opc be used in same proportion for plastering works?

JUNE 16, 2017 AT 1:10 PM

Thanks for your query

As discussed in our blog ,strength (early

or later ages) is not a primary selection criteria for selection of type of cement for plaster
applications,thus both types of cement,OPC (early age and ultimate strength) and PPC (low early age
and comparable ultimate strength) is recommended to be used with same proportion for better
adhesion,workability and low rebound losses.

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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

We strongly
(+91) recommend PPC for all masonry and
7249196273 Buyplaster
Materialsapplications, as PPC has
Construction Packages slower
Design Costrate of heat of
hydration. Due to less heat of hydration PCC is prone to less cracks & has reduced shrinkage). It also has
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better workability and finishing (as fly ash in PPC are spherical in shape and finer in size).

You may also raise other questions on our forum

JUNE 28, 2017 AT 9:01 PM

Please let me know the ground for taking Dry value of mortar required for plaster as 1.27 cum . Can we
force govt departments to follow this in govt works in the public interest to save money

JULY 29, 2017 AT 12:45 PM

Can u Please Clearly explain about how much water is added in 1:4 ratio plastering with 12 mm Thick?..
Why should we Use 1.27 as Multiplication Factor for Calculating Dry Volume of Plaster?

JULY 29, 2017 AT 3:41 PM

The water content required for plastering work depends on the workability required. The water content
varies from 17% to 35%. So for the initial mix we have considered 20% water content (by weight of dry
materials) int the calculation.
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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

The multiplication
(+91) 7249196273 factor of 1.27 is used in the empirical method.
Buy Materials This is an
Construction empirical
Packages value
Design Cost(derived
Pune from
observations). So we emphasise on the use of DLBD method, where any local variations in the material
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densities are taken into account.

NOVEMBER 14, 2017 AT 7:49 PM

The volume of water can be converted with cement quantity… As 50kg of bag calculate like 1440/50 =
28.8… Then how 36 came in the calculation

NOVEMBER 16, 2017 AT 9:55 PM

Can we take 20% of water in empirical method.?

NOVEMBER 16, 2017 AT 9:55 PM

Can we take 20 % of water in empirical method??

NOVEMBER 28, 2017 AT 11:27 PM

yes it can be considered to arrive at initial(first trial/mix) water requirement for a plaster Privacy - Terms 12/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) 7249196273 Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost Pune

NOVEMBER 28, 2017 AT 11:33 PM Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

cement density is 1440 kg/cum

i.e 1440 kg cement with have volume of 1 cum (or 1000 liters)

50 kg cement will have volume of (1000/1440)*50 = ~35 liters

MARCH 7, 2018 AT 6:25 PM

nice good work.

JUNE 7, 2018 AT 2:40 PM

Gr8 blog.

SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 AT 1:11 AM

While applying ready mix plaster on red clay bricks the plaster stays in wet condition for more than 2
times compared with conventional plaster as the bricks are having tendency to hold water. Also intial
setting of ready mix plaster is more than 15 hours. Privacy - Terms 13/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

guide how to solve the issue so that the plaster
7249196273 will set and
Buy Materials dry faster.
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Sameer Desai
Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 AT 6:45 AM

Such issues usually doesn’t arise with ready made plaster. Add least amount of water required for getting
required workability.

If not, We strongly recommend you to change the ready mix plaster brand and see if it works properly.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 AT 8:49 AM

Dry volume of motor required for plastering = 1.27 X Wet volume of plaster = 1.27 X 0.012 = 0.1524 cu.m.
This ans is wrong . As as per example you are calculation for per 10 sqm and here you calculating of 1
sqm qty kindly correct this
Nimit Thacker

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 AT 10:05 AM

Thanks for pointing out. That’s a typo error. We have corrected it on the website.
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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) 7249196273 Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost Pune

SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 AT 4:52 PM Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

is this for a red brick wall or for aac block wall?

SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 AT 10:45 AM

We have derived quantities for 12mm thick plaster ,you need to check thickness of plaster required to be
build ,depending upon type of masonry wall.

JANUARY 1, 2019 AT 10:22 AM

Hello everyone,
I am MS student and currently i am working on heat insulation of buildings
for this purpose i am mainly focused on plaster as this problem is very common so plaster can also be
used for refurbishing the already built structures
I am using Pumice an extremely vescicular rock having inter and intra particle voids in powder form as
pumice has very low thermal conductivity values so it has the potential
I need your comments about my work.

JANUARY 10, 2019 AT 5:42 AM Privacy - Terms 15/21
11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) 7249196273 Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost Pune

I don’t understand why there is no lime in your mixture , lime is the ingredient that binds the mixture !
Without lime your mixture will not bind to the wall
Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

JANUARY 10, 2019 AT 10:45 AM

Cement is majorly made up of Lime. Cement is the binding product in the mixture.

FEBRUARY 5, 2019 AT 5:48 AM

yes you have selected right material ,you may also try vermiculite and perlite in your research work.

JUNE 1, 2019 AT 11:53 AM

Amazing post, thank you for sharing this knowledgeable post, really this is very helpful.

[email protected]
JANUARY 12, 2020 AT 3:51 PM

Very good

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11/24/2020 How much cement, sand and water is required for 12mm thick plastering? - Happho

(+91) 7249196273 Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost Pune
SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 AT 10:15 PM

Buy Materials Construction Packages Design Cost

i am interested in a research company who can develop a ready made dry mix plaster products that has
waterproofing, fire resistance and eliminate algae growth of plastered wall qualities i need the contact
thank you

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