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An Overview of


Structure Page Nos.

2.0 Introduction 22
2.1 Objectives 23
2.2 Engineering the Product 23
2.2.1 Requirements Engineering
2.2.2 Types of Requirements
2.2.3 Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
2.2.4 Problems in SRS
2.2.5 Requirements Gathering Tools
2.3 Modeling the System Architecture 26
2.3.1 Elementary Modeling Techniques
2.3.2 Data Flow Diagrams
2.3.3 Rules for Making DFD
2.3.4 Data Dictionary
2.3.5 E-R Diagram
2.3.6 Structured Requirements Definition
2.4 Software Prototyping and Specification 34
2.4.1 Types of Prototype
2.4.2 Problems of Prototyping
2.4.3 Advantages of Prototyping
2.5 Software Metrics 35
2.6 Summary 36
2.7 Solutions/Answers 37
2.8 Further Readings 38

In the design of software, the first step is to decide about the objectives of software.
This is the most difficult aspect of software design. These objectives, which the
software is supposed to fulfill are called requirements.

The IEEE [IEEE Std 610.12] definition of requirement is:

1. A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an
2. A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system component,
to satisfy a contract formally imposed document.
3. A documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2).

Thus, requirements specify “what the system is supposed to do?” These requirements
are taken from the user. Defining the requirements is most elementary & most
difficult part of system design, because, at this level, sometimes, the user himself is
not clear about it. Many software projects have failed due to certain requirements
specification issues. Thus, overall quality of software product is dependent on this
aspect. Identifying, defining, and analysing the requirements is known as requirements
analysis. Requirements analysis includes the following activities:
1. Identification of end user‟s need.
2. Preparation of a corresponding document called SRS (Software Requirements

3. Analysis and validation of the requirements document to ensure consistency, Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
completeness and feasibility.

4. Identification of further requirements during the analysis of mentioned


After going through this unit, you should be able to:

 understand the significance of requirements analysis;

 develop SRS, and
 know various tools and techniques used for requirements analysis.


Due to the complexity involved in software development, the engineering approach
is being used in software design. Use of engineering approach in the area of
requirements analysis evolved the field of Requirements Engineering.

2.2.1 Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering is the systematic use of proven principles, techniques and

language tools for the cost effective analysis, documentation, on-going evaluation of
user‟s needs and the specification of external behaviour of a system to satisfy those
user needs. It can be defined as a discipline, which addresses requirements of objects
all along a system development process.

The output of requirements of engineering process is Requirements Definition

Description (RDD). Requirements Engineering may be defined in the context of
Software Engineering. It divides the Requirements Engineering into two categories.
First is the requirements definition and the second is requirements management.

Requirements definition consists of the following processes:

1. Requirements gathering.
2. Requirements analysis and modeling.

3. Creation of RDD and SRS.

4. Review and validation of SRS as well as obtaining confirmation from user.
Requirements management consists of the following processes:

1. Identifying controls and tracking requirements.

2. Checking complete implementation of RDD.
3. Manage changes in requirements which are identified later.
2.2.2 Types of Requirements
There are various categories of the requirements.
On the basis of their priority, the requirements are classified into the following
three types:
An Overview of 1. Those that should be absolutely met.
Software Engineering 2. Those that are highly desirable but not necessary.
3. Those that are possible but could be eliminated.

On the basis of their functionality, the requirements are classified into the following
two types:

i) Functional requirements: They define the factors like, I/O formats, storage
structure, computational capabilities, timing and synchronization.

ii) Non-functional requirements: They define the properties or qualities of a

product including usability, efficiency, performance, space, reliability,
portability etc.

2.2.3 Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

This document is generated as output of requirement analysis. The requirement

analysis involves obtaining a clear and thorough understanding of the product to be
developed. Thus, SRS should be consistent, correct, unambiguous & complete,
document. The developer of the system can prepare SRS after detailed communication
with the customer. An SRS clearly defines the following:

 External Interfaces of the system: They identify the information which is to flow
„from and to’ to the system.
 Functional and non-functional requirements of the system. They stand for the
finding of run time requirements.
 Design constraints:

The SRS outline is given below:

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
2.1 Product perspective
2.2 Product functions
2.3 User characteristics
2.4 Constraints
2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
3. Specific requirements
3.1 External Interfaces
3.2 Functional requirements
3.3 Performance requirements
3.4 Logical Database requirements
3.5 Design Constraints
3.6 Software system attributes
3.7 Organising the specific requirements
3.8 Additional Comments
4. Supporting information
4.1 Table of contents and index
4.2 Appendixes
2.2.4 Problems in SRS Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
There are various features that make requirements analysis difficult. These are
discussed below:
1. Complete requirements are difficult to uncover. In recent trends in engineering,
the processes are automated and it is practically impossible to understand the
complete set of requirements during the commencement of the project itself.
2. Requirements are continuously generated. Defining the complete set of
requirements in the starting is difficult. When the system is put under run, the new
requirements are obtained and need to be added to the system. But, the project
schedules are seldom adjusted to reflect these modifications. Otherwise, the
development of software will never commence.
3. The general trends among software developer shows that they have over
dependence on CASE tools. Though these tools are good helping agents, over
reliance on these Requirements Engineering Tools may create false requirements.
Thus, the requirements corresponding to real system should be understood and
only a realistic dependence on tools should be made.

4. The software projects are generally given tight project schedules. Pressure is
created from customer side to hurriedly complete the project. This normally cuts
down the time of requirements analysis phase, which frequently lead to
5. Requirements Engineering is communication intensive. Users and developers
have different vocabularies, professional backgrounds and psychology. User
writes specifications in natural language and developer usually demands precise
and well-specified requirement.

6. In present time, the software development is market driven having high

commercial aspect. The software developed should be a general purpose one to
satisfy anonymous customer, and then, it is customised to suit a particular
7. The resources may not be enough to build software that fulfils all the customer‟s
requirements. It is left to the customer to prioritise the requirements and develop
software fulfilling important requirements.

2.2.5 Requirements Gathering Tools

The requirements gathering is an art. The person who gathers requirements should
have knowledge of what and when to gather information and by what resources. The
requirements are gathered regarding organisation, which include information
regarding its policies, objectives, and organisation structure, regarding user staff. It
includes the information regarding job function and their personal details, regarding
the functions of the organisation including information about work flow, work
schedules and working procedure.

The following four tools are primarily used for information gathering:

1. Record review: A review of recorded documents of the organisation is

performed. Procedures, manuals, forms and books are reviewed to see format and
functions of present system. The search time in this technique is more.

2. On site observation: In case of real life systems, the actual site visit is performed
to get a close look of system. It helps the analyst to detect the problems of existing

An Overview of 3. Interview: A personal interaction with staff is performed to identify their
Software Engineering requirements. It requires experience of arranging the interview, setting the stage,
avoiding arguments and evaluating the outcome.

4. Questionnaire: It is an effective tool which requires less effort and produces a

written document about requirements. It examines a large number of respondents
simultaneously and gets customized answers. It gives person sufficient time to
answer the queries and give correct answers.
 Check Your Progress 1
1) Why is it justified to use engineering approach in requirements analysis?


Before the actual system design commences, the system architecture is modeled. In
this section, we discuss various modeling techniques.

2.3.1 Elementary Modeling Techniques

A model showing bare minimum requirements is called Essential Model. It has two

1. Environmental model: It indicates environment in which system exists. Any big

or small system is a sub-system of a larger system. For example, if software is
developed for a college, then college will be part of University. If it is developed
for University, the University will be part of national educational system. Thus,
when the model of the system is made these external interfaces are defined. These
interfaces reflect system‟s relationship with external universe (called
environment). The environment of a college system is shown in Figure 2.1.

Courses offered
to students


Interfaces to
external systems

National Educational System

Figure 2.1 : Environmental model of educational system

In environmental model, the interfaces should clearly indicate the inflow and outflow
of information from the system.
The tools of environment model are: Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
(i) Statement of purpose: It indicates the basic objectives of system.
(ii) Event list: It describes the different events of system and indicates functionality
of the system.
(iii) Context diagram: It indicates the environment of various sub-systems.

2. Behavioural Model: It describes operational behaviour of the system. In this

model, various operations of the system are represented in pictorial form. The
tools used to make this model are: Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), E-R diagrams,
Data Dictionary & Process Specification. These are discussed in later sections.
Hence, behavioural model defines:
Data of proposed system.
(i) The internal functioning of proposed system,
(ii) Inter-relationship between various data.
In traditional approach of modeling, the analyst collects great deal of relatively
unstructured data through data gathering tools and organize the data through system
flow charts which support future development of system and simplify communication
with the user. But, flow chart technique develops physical rather than logical system.

In structured approach of modeling the standard techniques of DFD, E-R diagram etc.
are used to develop system specification in a formal format. It develops a system
logical model.
2.3.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
It is a graphical representation of flow of data through a system. It pictures a system as
a network of functional processes. The basis of DFD is a data flow graph, which
pictorially represents transformation on data as shown in Figure 2.2.

Level 1
External Input data Input data External
Entity Entity

Intermediate data

External Input data Output data External

Level 2
Entity Processing Entity

Intermediate data

Level 3
Data store

Output data


Figure 2.2: Data flow diagram 27

An Overview of In this diagram, the external entities provide input data for the processing. During the
Software Engineering processing, some intermediate data is generated. After final processing, the final
output data is generated. The data store is the repository of data.

The structured approach of system design requires extensive modeling of the system.
Thus, instead of making a complete model exhibiting the functionality of system, the
DFD‟s are created in a layered manner. At the first layer, the DFD is made at block
level and in lower layers, the details are shown. Thus, level “0” DFD makes a
fundamental system (Figure 2.3).

Process A Output

Figure 2.3: Layer 1 depiction of process A

DFD‟s can represent the system at any level of abstraction. DFD of “0” level views
entire software element as a single bubble with indication of only input and output
data. Thus, “0” level DFD is also called as Context diagram. Its symbols are shown in
Figure 2.4.
Symbol Name Description

Data Flow Represents the connectivity between

various processes
Process Performs some processing of input data

External Defines source or destination of system

Entity data. The entity which receives or
supplies information.
Data Store Repository of data

Figure 2.4: Symbols of a data flow diagram

2.3.3 Rules for making DFD

The following factors should be considered while making DFDs:

1. Keep a note of all the processes and external entities. Give unique names to them.
Identify the manner in which they interact with each other.

2. Do numbering of processes.

3. Avoid complex DFDs (if possible).

4. The DFD should be internally consistent.

5. Every process should have minimum of one input and one output.
The data store should contain all the data elements that flow as input and output.
To understand the system functionality, a system model is developed. The developed Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
model is used to analyze the system. The following four factors are of prime concern
for system modeling:

1. The system modeling is undertaken with some simplifying assumptions about the
system. Though these assumptions limit the quality of system model, it reduces
the system complexity and makes understanding easier. Still, the model
considers all important, critical and material factors. These assumptions are made
regarding all aspects like processes, behaviors, values of inputs etc.

2. The minute details of various components are ignored and a simplified model is
developed. For example, there may be various types of data present in the system.
The type of data having minute differences are clubbed into single category, thus
reducing overall number of data types.

3. The constraints of the system are identified. Some of them may be critical. They
are considered in modeling whereas others may be ignored. The constraints may
be because of external factors, like processing speed, storage capacity, network
features or operating system used.

4. The customers mentioned preferences about technology, tools, interfaces, design,

architecture etc. are taken care of.

Example 1: The 0th and 1st levels of DFD of Production Management System are
shown in Figure 2.5 (a) and (b)

Let us discuss the data flow diagram of Production Management System.

// Copy Figures 2.5 (a), (b)

Production Planning report
PMS Finished goods


Figure 2.5 (a) : Level 0 DFD of PMS

Machine Code
An Overview of Process table
Software Engineering
Process type


List detail
Plan detail
Job Card 2.0
Job card table Listing Master table

3.0 Machine detail


Progress table

Job Card
4.0 Acknowledgement
Material Manager
Product detail

Product detail

Figure 2.5 (b): Level 1 DFD of PMS

2.3.4 Data Dictionary

This is another tool of requirement analysis which reduces complexity of DFD. A data
dictionary is a catalog of all elements of a system. DFD depicts flow of data whereas
data dictionary gives details of that information like attribute, type of attribute, size,
names of related data items, range of values, data structure definitions etc. The name
specifies the name of attribute whose value is collected. For example, fee deposit may
be named as FD and course opted may be named as CO.

Related data items captures details of related attributes. Range of values store total
possible values of that data. Data structure definition captures the physical structure of
data items.

Some of the symbols used in data dictionary are given below:

X= [a/b] x consists of either data element a or b

X=a x consists of an optional data element a
X=a+b x consists of data element a & b.

X=y{a}z x consists of some occurrences of data elements a which are Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
between y and z.
| Separator
** Comments
@ Identifier
() Options

Example 2: The data dictionary of payroll may include the following fields:

PAYROLL = [Payroll Details]

= @ employee name + employee + id number +

employee address + Basic Salary + additional

Employee name = * name of employee *

Employee id number = * Unique identification no. given to every employee*

Basic Salary = * Basic pay of employee *

Additional allowances = * The other perks on Basic pay *

Employee name = First name + Last name

Employee address = Address 1 + Address 2 + Address 3

2.3.5 E-R Diagram

Entity-relationship (E-R) diagram is detailed logical representation of data for an

organisation. It is data oriented model of a system whereas DFD is a process oriented
model. The ER diagram represent data at rest while DFD tracks the motion of data.
ERD does not provide any information regarding functionality of data. It has three
main components – data entities, their relationships and their associated attributes.

Entity: It is most elementary thing of an organisation about which data is to be

maintained. Every entity has unique identity. It is represented by rectangular box with
the name of entity written inside (generally in capital letters).

Relationship: Entities are connected to each other by relationships. It indicates how

two entities are associated. A diamond notation with name of relationship represents
as written inside. Entity types that participate in relationship is called degree of
relationship. It can be one to one (or unary), one to many or many to many.

Cardinality & Optionally: The cardinality represents the relationship between two
entities. Consider the one to many relationship between two entities – class and
student. Here, cardinality of a relationship is the number of instances of entity student
that can be associated with each instance of entity class. This is shown in Figure 2.6.

Class Consists students


Figure 2.6: One to Many cardinality relationship

An Overview of The minimum cardinality of a relationship is the minimum number of instances of
Software Engineering second entity (student, in this case) with each instance of first entity (class, in this

In a situation where there can be no instance of second entity, then, it is called as

optional relationship. For example‟ if a college does not offer a particular course then
it will be termed as optional with respect to relationship „offers‟. This relationship is
shown in Figure 2.7.

College offers Course

Figure 2.7: Minimum cardinality relationship

When minimum cardinality of a relationship is one, then second entity is called as

mandatory participant in the relationship. The maximum cardinality is the maximum
number of instances of second entity. Thus, the modified ER diagram is shown in
Figure 2.8.

College offers Course

Figure 2.8: Modified ER diagram representing cardinalities

The relationship cardinalities are shown in Figure 2.9.

Mandatory - 1 cardinality

Mandatory many (m) cardinality, n is

n highest range

Optional 0 or 1 cardinality

Optional zero-many cardinality

Figure 2.9: Relationship cardinalities

Attributes: Attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to

the organisation. It is represented by oval shaped box with name of attribute written
inside it. For example, the student entity has attributes as shown in Figure 2.10.

Principles of Software
Roll no. add Requirements Analysis
Name ,
Father‟s name class


Figure 2.10: Attributes of entity student

2.3.6 Structured Requirements Definition

Structured Requirements definition is an approach to perform the study about the

complete system and its various sub-systems, the external inputs and outputs,
functionality of complete system and its various sub-systems. The following are
various steps of it:
Step 1: Make a user level data flow diagram.
This step is meant for gathering requirements with the interaction of employee. In this
process, the requirements engineer interviews each individual of organisation in order
to learn what each individual gets as input and produces as output. With this gathered
data, create separate data flow diagram for every user.
Step 2: Create combined user level data flow diagram.
Create an integrated data flow diagram by merging old data flow diagrams. Remove
the inconsistencies if encountered, in this merging process. Finally, an integrated
consistent data flow diagram is generated.
Step 3: Generate application level data flow diagram.
Perform data analysis at system‟s level to define external inputs and outputs.
Step 4: Define various functionalities.
In this step, the functionalities of various sub-systems and the complete system is

 Check Your Progress 2

1) What is the advantage of DFD over ER diagram?
2) What is the significance specifying functional requirements in SRS document?
3) What is the purpose of using software metrics?

An Overview of
Software Engineering 2.4 SOFTWARE PROTOTYPING AND
Prototyping is a process that enables developer to create a small model of software.
The IEEE 610.12 standard defines prototype as a preliminary form or instance of a
system that serves as a model for later stages for the final complete version of the

A prototype may be categorised as follows:

1. A paper prototype, which is a model depicting human machine interaction in a

form that makes the user understand how such interaction, will occur.
2. A working prototype implementing a subset of complete features.
3. An existing program that performs all of the desired functions but additional
features are added for improvement.

Prototype is developed so that customers, users and developers can learn more about
the problem. Thus, prototype serves as a mechanism for identifying software
requirements. It allows the user to explore or criticise the proposed system before
developing a full scale system.

2.4.1 Types of Prototype

Broadly, the prototypes are developed using the following two techniques:

Throw away prototype: In this technique, the prototype is discarded once its purpose
is fulfilled and the final system is built from scratch. The prototype is built quickly to
enable the user to rapidly interact with a working system. As the prototype has to be
ultimately discarded, the attention on its speed, implementation aspects,
maintainability and fault tolerance is not paid. In requirements defining phase, a less
refined set of requirements are hurriedly defined and throw away prototype is
constructed to determine the feasibility of requirement, validate the utility of function,
uncover missing requirements, and establish utility of user interface. The duration of
prototype building should be as less as possible because its advantage exists only if
results from its use are available in timely fashion.

Evolutionary Prototype: In this, the prototype is constructed to learn about the

software problems and their solutions in successive steps. The prototype is initially
developed to satisfy few requirements. Then, gradually, the requirements are added in
the same prototype leading to the better understanding of software system. The
prototype once developed is used again and again. This process is repeated till all
requirements are embedded in this and the complete system is evolved.

According to SOMM [96] the benefits of developing prototype are listed below:

1. Communication gap between software developer and clients may be identified.

2. Missing user requirements may be unearthed.

3. Ambiguous user requirements may be depicted.

4. A small working system is quickly built to demonstrate the feasibility and

usefulness of the application to management.
5. It serves as basis for writing the specification of the system. Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
The sequence of prototyping is shown in following Figure 2.11.

Requirements Quick Building Customer
Gathering Design Prototype evaluation of

Engineering product Refine Prototype

Figure 2.11: Sequence of prototyping

2.4.2 Problems of Prototyping

In some organisations, the prototyping is not as successful as anticipated. A common

problem with this approach is that people expect much from insufficient effort. As the
requirements are loosely defined, the prototype sometimes gives misleading results
about the working of software. Prototyping can have execution inefficiencies and this
may be questioned as negative aspect of prototyping. The approach of providing early
feedback to user may create the impression on user and user may carry some negative
biasing for the completely developed software also.

2.4.3 Advantages of Prototyping

The advantages of prototyping outperform the problems of prototyping. Thus, overall,

it is a beneficial approach to develop the prototype. The end user cannot demand
fulfilling of incomplete and ambiguous software needs from the developer.

One additional difficulty in adopting this approach is the large investment that exists
in software system maintenance. It requires additional planning about the
re-engineering of software. Because, it may be possible that by the time the prototype
is build and tested, the technology of software development is changed, hence
requiring a complete re-engineering of the product.


Measurement is fundamental to any engineering discipline and software engineering
is no exception. Software metric is a quantitative measure derived from the attribute
of software development life cycle [Fanton and Kaposi, 1987]. It behaves as software

A software measure is a mapping from a set of objects in the software engineering

world into a set of mathematical constructs such as numbers or vectors of numbers.

Using the software metrics, software engineer measures software processes, and the
requirements for that process. The software measures are done according to the
following parameters:

 The objective of software and problems associated with current activities,

 The cost of software required for relevant planning relative to future projects,
 Testability and maintainability of various processes and products,
 Quality of software attributes like reliability, portability and maintainability,
An Overview of  Utility of software product,
Software Engineering  User friendliness of a product.

Various characteristics of software measures identified by Basili (1989) are given


 Objects of measurement: They indicate the products and processes to be

 Source of measurement: It indicates who will measure the software. For
example, software designer, software tester and software managers.
 Property of measurement: It indicates the attribute to be measured like cost of
software, reliability, maintainability, size and portability.
 Context of measurement: It indicates the environments in which context the
software measurements are applied.

Common software measures

There are significant numbers of software measures. The following are a few
common software measures:

Size : It indicates the magnitude of software system. It is most commonly used

software measure. It is indicative measure of memory requirement, maintenance
effort, and development time.

LOC : It represents the number of lines of code (LOC). It is indicative measure of

size oriented software measure. There is some standardisation on the methodology of
counting of lines. In this, the blank lines and comments are excluded. The multiple
statements present in a single line are considered as a single LOC. The lines
containing program header and declarations are counted.

 Check Your Progress 3

1) Explain rapid prototyping technique.
2) List languages used for prototyping.


This unit discusses various aspects of software requirements analysis, the significance
of use of engineering approach in the software design, various tools for gathering the
requirements and specifications of prototypes.

Due to the complexity involved in software development, the engineering approach is

being used in software design. Use of engineering approach in the area of
requirements analysis evolved the field of Requirements Engineering. Before the
actual system design commences, the system architecture is modeled. Entity-
relationship (E-R) diagram is detailed logical representation of data for an
organisation. It is data-oriented model of a system whereas DFD is a process oriented Principles of Software
Requirements Analysis
model. The ER diagram represent data at rest while DFD tracks the motion of data.
ERD does not provide any information regarding functionality of data. It has three
main components–data entities, their relationships and their associated attributes.
Structured Requirements definition is an approach to perform the study about the
complete system and its various subsystems, the external inputs and outputs,
functionality of complete system and its various subsystems. Prototyping is a process
that enables developer to create a small model of software. The IEEE 610.12 standard
defines prototype as a preliminary form or instance of a system that serves as a model
for later stages for the final complete version of the system. Measurement is
fundamental to any engineering discipline and software engineering is no exception.
Software metric is a quantitative measure derived from the attribute of software
development life cycle.


Check Your Progress 1

1) In the present era, the development of software has become very systematic and
the specification of requirements is very important. Accordingly, to analyse
requirements completely, the engineering approach is used in requirements

Check Your Progress 2

1) The DFD presents more pictorial representation of flow of data. Moreover, by

creating different levels of DFD, the accurate and in depth understanding of data
flow is possible.

2) By specifying functional requirements, general understanding about overall

working of system is possible.

3) The purpose of using software metrics is to achieve basic objectives of the system
with low cost and high quality. Metrics provide scale for quantifying qualities and
characteristics of a software. An analogy real life is that meter is the metric of
length but to determine the length of cloth, one requires the measuring means like
meter-tape etc. Similarly, in software measurement, method must be objective and
should produce the same result independent of various measures.

Check Your Progress 3

1) Rapid prototyping techniques are used for speedy prototype development. There
are three techniques used for this purpose.

 Dynamic high level language development

 Dynamic programming
 Component and application assembly.

2) High level languages that are used for prototyping are as follows:

Java, Prolog, Small talk, Lisp etc.

An Overview of
Software Engineering 2.8 FURTHER READINGS
1) Effective Requirements Practices, 2001, Ralph R. Young; Artech House
Technology Management and Professional Development Library.

2) Software Requirements and Specifications, 1995, M.Jackson; ACM Press.

3) Software Architecture in practice, 2003, Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman;
Addison-Wesley Professional.

Reference Websites:


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