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a.     Definition (Article 1156)

·      Leung Ben v. O’Brien, 38 Phil 182

b.     Sources of Obligations (Articles 1157 – 1162)

·      Sagrada Orden v. NACOCO, 91 Phil 503

1.     Law (Article 1158)

2.     Contracts (Articles 1159, 1305)

3.     Quasi-contracts (Articles 1160, 2142 – 2175)

  i.               Negotiorum Gestio (Articles 2144 – 2153)

ii.             Solutio Indebiti (Articles 2154 – 2163)

iii.            Other Quasi-contracts (Articles  2164 – 2175)

4.     Delicts (Articles 1167, 2177; RPC Articles 100 and 104)

5.     Quasi-delicts (Articles 1162; 2176 – 2194)


·      Gutierrez Hermanos v. Orense, 28 Phil 571

·      Saludaga v. FEU, GRN 179337, April 30, 2008

·      Puyat and Sons v. Manila, 7 SCRA 970

·      Andres v. Mantrust, 177 SCRA 618

·      Adile v. CA, 157 SCRA 455

c.     Nature and Effect of Obligations (Articles 1163 – 1178)

·      Real v. Belo, GRN 146224, January 26, 2007

·      Lirag Textile Mills v. CA, GRN. L-30736, July 11, 1975

·      Cangco v. MRR, 38 Phil 768 (Breach, 1170)

·      Solar Harvest v. Davao Corrugated, GRN 176868, July 26, 2010

·      Sangco v. Calipano, GRN 209964, September 27, 2017

d.     Kinds of Obligations

i.               Pure and Conditional (Articles 1179 – 1192)

Baluran v. Navarro, GRN L-44428, September 30, 1977

Smith, Bell & Co. v. Sotelo, 44 Phil 875

ii.             Obligations with a Period (Articles 1193 – 1198)

Salonte v. CA, GRN 207348, August 19, 2014

iii.            Alternative Obligations (Articles 1199 – 1206)

iv.            Joint and Solidary Obligations (Articles 1207 – 1222)

Calang v. People, GRN 190696, August 3, 2010

TWBI v. Feb Mitsui Marine Insurance, GRN 194121, July 11, 2016

v.              Divisible and Indivisible Obligations (Articles 1223 – 1225)

Spouses Lam v. Kodak Philippines, GRN 167615, January 11, 2016

vi.            Obligations with a Penal Clause (Articles 1226 – 1230)

Castillo v. Security Bank, GRN 196118, July 30, 214

e.     Natural Obligations (Articles 1423 – 1430)

f.      Extinguishment of Obligations (Article 1231)

i.               Payment or Performance (Articles 1232 – 1251)

Landbank v. Ong, GRN 190755, November 24, 2010

Tibajia v. CA, 223 SCRA 163

1.     Application of Payments (Articles 1252 – 1254)

2.     Payment by Cession (Article 1255)

3.     Tender of Payment and Consignation (Article 1256 – 1261)

ii.             Loss of the Thing Due (Articles 1262 – 1269)

People v. Franklin, 39 SCRA 363

iii.            Condonation or Remission of the Debt (Articles 1270 – 1274)

iv.            Confusion or Merger of Rights (Articles 1275 – 1277)

v.              Compensation (Articles 1278 – 1290)

  Union Bank v. DBP, GRN 191555, January 20, 2014

Francia v. IAC, 162 SCRA 753

vi.            Novation (Articles 1291 – 1304)

Odiamar v. Valencia, GRN 213582, June 28, 2017

Japan Airlines v. Simangan, GRN 170141, April 22, 2008

Cochingyan v. R&B Surety, 151 SCRA 339


a.     General Provisions (Articles 1305 – 1317)

·      Vales v. Villa, 35 Phil 769

·      Ferrazzini v. Gsell, 34 Phil 967

·      Spouses Omengan v. PNB, GRN 161319, January 23, 2007

·      Republic v. PLDT, 26 SCRA 620 (consensuality)

·      Cui v. Arellano University, 2 SCRA 205 (autonomy)

·      Florendo v. CA, 265 SCRA 678 (mutuality)

·      New World v. AMA-CLC, GRN 187930, February 23, 2015 (obligatory force)

·      PNB v. Tan Dee, GRM 182128, February 19, 2014 (relativity)

·      Bank of America v. IAC, 145 SCRA 419

b.     Requisites (Article 1318 – 1355) 

·      Law v. Olympic Sawmill, 129 SCRA 439

·      Tang v. CA, 90 SCRA 426

·      Lagunzad v. Gonzales, 92 SCRA 426

c.     Form of Contracts (Articles 1356 – 1358)

·      Gallardo v. IAC, 155 SCRA 248

d.     Reformation of Instruments (Articles 1359 – 1369)

e.     Interpretation of Contracts (Articles 1370 – 1379)

 ·      Republic v. Vda. de Castellvi, 58 SCRA 336

·       Lim v. CA, 99 SCRA 668

f.      Rescissible Contracts (Articles 1380 – 1389)

·      HSBC v. Pauli, 161 SCRA 634

·      Oria v. McMicking, 21 Phil 243

g.     Voidable Contracts (Articles 1390 – 1402)

·      Poole-Bunden v. Union Bank, 205838, November 29, 2017

·      Caddwallader & Co. v. Smith, Bell & Co., 7 Phil 416

h.     Unenforceable Contracts (Articles 1403 – 1408)

·      Carbonell v. Poncio, 103 Phil 655

·      Luna v. Linatoc, 74 Phil 15

i.      Void and Inexistent Contracts (Articles 1409 – 1422)

·      Rodriguez v. Rodriguez, 20 SCRA 908

·      Angeles v. CA, 103 Phil 1006


j.      Estoppel (Articles 1431 – 1439)

·      Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, 23 SCRA 29

Spouses Erorita v. Spouses Dumlao, GRN 195477, January 25, 2016

1.     SALES

i.               Nature and Form (Articles 1458 – 1488)

·      Quiroga v. Parsons Hardware, 38 Phil. 501

·      Ker & Co. v. Lingad, 38 SCRA 524

·      Delpher Trades Corp. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 19259, January 26,

·      Sanchez v. Rigos, GRN L-25494, June 14, 1972

·      Mendoza v. Comple, G.R. No. L-19311, October 29, 1965

·      Equatorial Realty Development Corp. v. Mayfair Theaters, Inc. 264 SCRA 483

·      Vda. de Quirino v. Palarca, GRN L-28269, August 15, 1969

·      Luzon Brokerage Co. v. Maritime Bldg., 43 SCRA 93

·      Masiclat v. Centeno, 99 Phil. 1043

·      UP v. De los Angeles, G.R. No. L-28602, September 29, 1970

·      Olivarez v. Castillo, G.R. No. 196251, July 9, 2014

ii.             Capacity to Buy or Sell (Articles 1489 – 1492)

·      Abalos v. Macatangay, G.R. No. 155043, September 30, 2004

·      Pelayo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 141323, June 8, 2005

·      Rubias v. Batiller, 51 SCRA 120

iii.            Effects When Thing Sold Has Been Lost (Articles 1493 – 1494)

iv.            Rights and Obligations of the Vendor (Articles 1495 – 1544)

·      Barreto & Sons, Inc. v. Compania Maritima, G.R. No. L-22358, January 29, 1975

·      Addison v. Felix, 38 Phil. 404

·      Martin v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-4402, July 20, 1952

·      Power Commercial & Industrial Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 274 SCRA 597

·      Katigbak v. Court of Appeals, 4 SCRA 243

v.              Conditions and Warranties (Articles 1545 – 1581)

vi.            Rights and Obligations of the Vendee (Articles 1582 – 1593) 

·      Bareng v. Court of Appeals, 107 Phil. 641

·      Romero v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119777

·      Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc. v. Maritime Building Co., Inc., 43 SCRA 93

·      RA 6552 (Maceda Law)

vii.          Actions for Breach of Contract of Sale of Goods (Articles 1594 – 1599)

·      Ong v. Court of Appeals, 310 SCRA 1

·      Iringan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 129107, September 26, 2001

·      Rillo v. Court of Appeals, 34 Phil. 570

·      Leaño v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 129318, November 15, 2001

·      Valarao v. Court of Appeals, 304 SCRA 155

viii.         Extinguishment of Sale (Articles 1600 – 1623)

·      Doromal v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-36083, September 5, 1975

·      Butte v. Manuel Uy & Sons, Inc. 4 SCRA 526, 864

·      De la Cruz v. Cruz, 32 SCRA 307

·      Legaspi v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-39877, February 20, 1976

·      Montevirgen v. Court of Appeals, 112 SCRA 641

·      Crisostomo v. Court of Appeals, 197 SCRA 833

·      Heirs of Arches v. Vda. de Diaz, 50 SCRA 440

·      Labasan v. Lacuesta, 86 SCRA 16

·      Villarica v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-19196, November 29, 1968

ix.            Assignment of Credits and Other Incorporeal Rights (Articles 1624 – 1635)

1.     BARTER

·      Civil Code, Articles 1638 – 1641

·      Murphy v. Trinidad, 44 Phil 649

2.     LEASE

i.               General Provisions (Articles 1642 – 1645)

·      Mamaril v. Boy Scouts of the Philippines, 688 SCRA 437

·      Ermitaño v. Paglas, 689 SCRA 158

·      Marimperio Compania Naveria, SA v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 40234, December 14,

·      Filoil Refinery Corp. v. Mendoza, G.R. No. 55526, June 15, 1987

ii.             Lease of Rural and Urban Lands (Articles 1646 – 1688)

1.     Rights and Obligations of Lessor

·      Tan Chiong Sian v. Inchausti Co., 22 Phil. 152

·      Tanio v. Ticson, G.R. No. 154895, November 18, 2004

·      Limpin Investment Corp. v. Lim Sy, G.R. No. 31920, April 8, 1988

·      Roxas v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 74279, January 20, 1988

2.     Rights and Obligations of Lessee

·      United States Lines v. San Miguel Brewery, 10 SCRA 808

·      Paterno v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 115763, March 29, 1997

·      Jespajo Realty Corp. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113626, September 27, 2002

·      F.S. Divina Gracia Agro Commercial v. Court of Appeals, April 21, 1981

·      Southwestern University v. Salvador, 90 SCRA 318

·      Chua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 140886, April 19, 2001

·      Alcantara v. Reta, Jr., G.R. No. 136996, December 14, 2001

iii.            Work and Labor (Articles 1689 – 1731)

Common Carriers (Articles 1732 – 1766)

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