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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES City of Cebu JOINT AFFIDAVIT OF TWO DISINTERESTED PERSONS: We, DEBBYSHIRE |i hl! and HELENA ~~ , both single, of legal ages, Filipinos and residents of Mandaue City and Cebu City respectively, after having swom to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say; ant Unified Multi 1D CRN- Issued at; Cebu, Philippines 1, That we have personally known KRISTINE | illu S00 and ROIZA — = for a longer period of time having been there long time friends; 2, That both KRISTINE ill SHH GHUHHOTTTY and ROIZA SERN HP have been living together for more than two (2) years since May 2016 without the benefit of marriage; 3. That they are not able to get married since it is not allowed in our country; 4. They have an existing Joint Account with Bank of the Philippine Islands (BP!) with account number 5. ‘That we are not in a way related either by consanguinity or affinity to the said person and neither are we interested in the outcome of this affidavit, our purpose being ‘merely to set the records straight; 6, ‘That we are executing this affidavit voluntarily to attest the veracity of the foregoing facts is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, and for whatever legal purpose this may serve. AFFIANTS FURTHER SAYETH NONE. IN, MITNES§{QWHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signature this {1S in Cebu City, Philippines. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this wc. no. PAGE NO. BOOK No. SERIES OF). NOTARY COM,0929 LIFE TIME NO.O7936 OFFC.D, JAKOSALEM STS Aa?

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