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Questions A B C D Solution

Dial Time recorder has _____ holes. 360 200 500 160 160
_____ card is placed at the entrance of the None of the
Job card Clock Card above Clock Card
None of the
Time _____ is essential for costing purpose.Records Booking Costing above Booking
_____ _____ _____ shows effective use of Time Effective use Idle Time None of the Idle Time
time. allowed of time Card above Card
Piece workers are paid wages on _____ _____ Time saved None of the
Piece Rate Time Rate basis above Piece Rate
Casual workers are appointed in place of Retrenched Sincere None of the
workers Absentees workers above Absentees
None of the
Time _____ is necessary for pay roll. Keeping Records Booking above Keeping
None of the
Time _____ is done to ascertain labour cost. Records Booking Controlling above Booking
_____ _____ sheet is the method of time Attendance None of the
Daily Time Register Time clock above Daily Time
The card which shows time spent by a worker None of the
Job Ticker Salary slip Job above Job
is called _____ card.
Workers who work outside the factory
Out Job Casual Badli Out
premises are called as _____ works.
_____ _____ accounting is conncerned with None of the
Pay roll Muster roll Pay slip above Pay roll
computation of wages.
Both (A) & None of the
_____ roll shows details of wages paid. Pay Muster (B) above Pay
All of the
_____ sheet shows gross wages. Net Deductions Wage above Wage
All of the
_____ _____ is prepared for individual worker. Job Card Pay Job Sheet above Pay

_____ labour cannot be readily identified. Direct Indirect Production Actual Indirect
_____ _____ is a system of recording arrival Time Book None of the Time
and departure time of each worker. keeping keeping Pay roll above keeping
None of the
Muster roll is kept at the _____ of the factory. Gate Office Godown above Gate
_____ _____ facilitates the reconciliation of Idle Time None of the
Card Job Card I Card above Job Card
gate time with work time.
Usually _____ workers are paid daily basis. Casual Job Retrenched Sincere Casual

_____ _____ is a periodic statement of wages. Pay Roll Pay slip Job Card Job Sheet Pay Roll
None of the
Net wages are gross wages less _____. Deduction Wage Gross wage above Deduction
Analysis of wages paid to each worker is called None of the
Net wage Gross wage Wage above Wage
_____ abstract.
The objective of Time Keeping is fixation of
wages. True False False
The objective of Time Booking is
ascertainment of labour cost. True False True
Attendance Register is a method of Time
Booking. True False False
Salary slip shows time spent by a worker on
every job. True False False
Job card records idle time. True False False
Idle time is the time during which workers
remain ideal. True False False

Casual workers in place of Retrenched workers. True False False

The workers who work outside the factory
premises are called outworkers. True False True
Payroll Accounting is concerned with
calculation of wages. True False True
Payroll shows Gross wages. True False True

Payslip is prepared for a group each of workers. True False True

Idle facility and idle time are the same. True False False
Overtime premium is always treated as factory
overheads. True False False
Abnormal idle time wages is included in cost of
production. True False False
Idle time is the difference between time clocked
and time booked. True False where the True
where the where the recovery where the
overhead recovery rates are overhead
recovery rates are based on unit recovery
rates are based on of none of the rates are
Time recording becomes necessary based on machine production above based on
about hourshours 200
about about 360 about 500 labour160
about hours
Dial Time Recorder has holes holes holes holes holes
the entrance the entrance the entrance none of the the entrance
Clock Card is placed at of the officeof the factory of the stores above of the factory
record costing controlling none of the costing
Time Booking is essential for purpose purpose purpose above purpose
effective use none of the
Idle Time Card shows time allowed of time idle time above idle time
piece rate time rate time saved none of the piece rate
Piece workers are paid wages on basis basis basis above
there basis
workers are accident machine none of the workers are
Casual workers are employed when absent takes place
Compliance breakdown above absent
Preparation statutory Fixation of All of the Preparation
The objective of Time keeping is of : of payroll requirments wage rates above of payroll
Ascertain labour Control
The objective of Time Booking is to : (i) & (ii) (i) & (ii)
labour cost performance labour
Daily Time Attendance none of the Daily Time
The methods of Time Booking include : sheet Register Time clock above sheet
The card which shows time spent by a worker Both (i) & Both (i) &
on every order or job is : Job
Idle card
Time Job Ticker Salary slip (ii) (ii)
The card which records idle time is : Card Job card Job sheet I card Idle Time
The workers who are entitled to wages on the Piece Casual Badli Card
basis of their output are called as : workers Out workers workers workers workers
Retrenched Sincere None of the
Casual workers work in place of : Absentees workers workers above Absentees
The workers who work outside the factory Casual None of the
premises are called as : Outworkers Job workers workers above Outworkers
Computation Appointment Termination All of the Computation
Payroll accounting is concerned with : of wages of workers of workers above of wages
All of the All of the
Payroll shows : Gross wages Deductions Net wages above above
Deductions allowed as per payment of wages P.F. All of the All of the
Act include : House rent Income tax Deductions above above
All of the All of the
Wages sheet shows : Gross wages Deductions Net wages above above
Individual All the Departmenta Temporary Individual
Payslip is prepared for : worker workers l workers workers worker

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