Journal Review

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Journal Review

News Report : A Blended Extensive Reading and

Intensive Reading Activity

Dung Thi Thanh Do

In this journal, Dung Thi Thanh Do analyse a blended Extensive Reading and

Intensive Reading activity in school. Ding Thi Thanh Do explain the important,

challenges, materials, methods, the way applying in classroom and teachers’

role in implement these types of reading among students.

In this journal, writer explain the different benefits of reading types that

choose by teacher to students. The advantages of Intensive Reading is that it

focuses the leaner on certain aspects of the language such as structure,

vocabulary, idiom, grammar points focus on specific comprehensive. The

teaching aids, methods and materials are choose by teachers. Intensive

Reading introduce new language items to the students and provides a base

for students to develop a greater control of a language. Students who prefer

to intensive reading may read a short text and helps students to develop

reading skill, vocabulary and grammar knowledge. They able to detailed

meaning from the text and good in linguistics components. The disadvantages

of Intensive Reading is students may not able to read at their own level

because everyone in the class is reading the same material. Moreover, it

cause the materials are chosen by the teacher. Furthermore, this Intensive

reading for students might be boring or difficult to understand the reading.

Besides, exercise and assessment usually follow intensive reading, students

may come to associate reading with testing and not pleasure.

In this journal, the writer explain the advantages of Extensive Reading is

reader is intensely involved in looking inside the text, students focuses on

linguistic or semantic details of a reading, students focuses, on surface

structure details such as grammar and discourse makers, students also

identify the key vocabulary, students may draw pictures to aid them and able

to build more language knowledge rather than simply practice the skill of

reading. Extensive Reading is good for language development, allow students

to meet the language in its natural context and see how it works in extended

discourse beyond the language met in textbooks, new vocabulary and

grammar points may be acquired, facilitate a deep understanding and this kind

of reading builds confidence, motivation, enjoyment and also a love of reading

which makes students more effective language users. The challenges of

Extensive reading is students are advised to choose texts within their

language proficiency level, it can be very time-consuming for teachers to read

each students’ journals and reports and students faced problem in to know

the proper way to learn.

I surely can say that the writer also explain more confidently regarding the

material and methods practicing Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading.

Students read to get information and increase their knowledge and to enjoy

reading, create a reading habit anyway. Students choose materials which are

of their interest and within or slightly beyond their English proficiency from

free online sources. This research successfully apply in classroom in Vietnam.

The result shows three students make a short presentation on the news they

have read. They were successfully summarize the text and give their

viewpoints on the topics. Students who more to Intensive Reading do not

have to answer some questions related to the topic which is given by

teacher, but Extensive Readers can making a short presentation and knew

being responsible for their own learning and reading for themselves is not


I can simplify that this journal is the best answer and explanation to

everyone in order to understand the differences between Intensive Reading

and Extensive Reading. Teachers should identify the ability of their students

in reading part to introduce them the reading types which suitable for their

ability. And the materials are most important thing to students to reading and


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