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One year in the world of intelligent automation If the need for RPA alone can change by a
can yield more changes than one might reported 49% in less than a year, imagine the
imagine. With the necessary speed of progress impact that intelligent automation as a whole can
one technology may have been rendered achieve in the same time period.
obsolete within 12 months, while another may Last year in a PEX benchmarking report it was
have sprung to prominence. shown that 18% of respondents had automated
Not only are companies becoming more tech 5-10 processes and 13% had automated 10-50.
savvy, but the rise of agile has created a need for This year’s report showed that those numbers had
everyone in any given business to be IT literate. increased to 26% and 16% respectively.
This makes the advent and implementation of This means that more and more organisations
automation all the more likely among companies are willing to entrust processes to an automation
In a 2017 report, Deloitte stated: “RPA is solution, this also indicates that industries are
increasingly becoming an enterprise-level maturing along the automation scale and using its
opportunity: for 64% of respondents, RPA is a capabilities to their fullest.
strategic or enterprise-wide initiative. This figure We spoke to five automation leaders to find out
has grown significantly. Just 12 months ago only their biggest changes and focusses over the past
15% of respondents reported RPA being a part of a year, as well as what innovation they are looking
wider corporate initiative.”1 forward to over the next.

1 –
Having Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for robotics and automation is not a new concept, keeping
the innovation of automation allows for high-level talent to have a playground to pilot and
experiment and also allows for process augmentation to a contained repeatable level.

Sarunas Suipis Tatiana Vell

VP Operations & Head RPA CoE
Managing Director Swiss Re
Western Union (WU) “Our Robotic
“We use automation Automation Centre is an
to boost employees’ integral part of Swiss Re
capabilities and motivation, Bratislava BSC (Business
creating more value to the Solution Centre). Established
company and to generate additional capacity in 2015 within the Global Business Solutions
in Regional Operating Centers. In 2017 WU division, it started to produce robotic solutions
established their Center of Excellence for RPA for the business across Swiss Re Group and,
in Vilnius, Lithuania. Robotics software usage most importantly, introduced the governance
creates fundamental change on manual and framework around these solutions.
repetitive process management, creating The primary business objective for
multiple benefits to our customers and our automation in the past 12 months has been
employees. to free up staff capacity in order to allow them
While first WU robots, developed by our to take on higher value work and to improve
consultants for the pilot process, were released quality by avoiding mistakes associated with
to production in December of 2016. After mundane tasks.
consultancy period concluded, in March The Robotics Process Automation Centre
of 2017 WU RPA modelers deployed and continues to service the entire Swiss Re Group
successfully released their own automations to and since inception has deployed a total of
production. 61 Robots into production, six of which have
Having an RPA CoE, WU started creating completed their full life-cycle. Driving robotics
impressive automation projects that eliminate solutions forward, the focus is to build some
the redundant work and increase focus on robust machine learning enable robot cases
delighting customers. Throughout 2017 the that will bring further benefits to the Group.
foundation of RPA was established within
our Regional Operating Center, finishing the Key achievements in the past 12 months:
year with over 20 automated processes and • Augmenting our initial measure of capacity
40 robots running in production for variety of to capture actual business benefit relevant
functions including: compliance, operations, metrics including but not limited to –
accounting, customer care and marketing.” robot hours worked and FTE equivalent of
transactions processed by robots
• Achieving successful deployment of robots
for risk reduction, improvement of internal
controls and governance processes as a key
aspect of the value proposition”
AI &
Megan Caywood
Chief Platform Officer
Starling Bank
“AI and machine learning
are definitely things that
have been a core part of our
strategy that we’ve been quite

open about since day one. The
thing about AI and machine learning is it really
comes to fruition once you have large data sets.
Since we launched last year, we added customers,
we’re getting data, it’s something that we’re
increasingly looking to bring into the product.
There is no doubt that innovative It’s something that we’re already starting to do,
technologies including AI and Machine particularly in terms of our insights and how we
Learning are revolutionising the way we provide those customers based off of their financial
work. But over the last 12 months these data, but continuing to evolve that out.”
technologies once thought to be the stuff
of sci-fi became a very real tool. Thierry Derungs
PwC states that “54% of executives say AI Chief Digital Officer
solutions implemented in their businesses has BNP Paribas Wealth
already increased productivity”2 Management
With higher adoption rates completely “As intelligent automation
modifying how organisations use data, run combines artificial intelligence
processes and view workflows, it’s a cert that and Automation, it inherits all the
the next year should hold similar revolutions complexity from both worlds: not
in the space. only regarding the new technologies, but also
human change management.
From there, agility is key to succeed: not the IT
well-known Agile Scrum, the business capacity to
define and work on use cases in short cycles while
co-designing with clients and full co-working with IT
as a single team.
At BNP Paribas Wealth Management, we strongly
rely on our Factories to incubate and accelerate our
initiatives on AI, RPA, Big Data and Blockchain. They
have one goal: deliver POC (Proof Of Concept) or
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in short time for a
limited, but valuable, first set of functionalities of the
use case.

In the past year we have mastered:

• Exploring NLP and semantic analysis to capture
• Delivering NLG capacities to give feed-back or
reports in natural languages
• Extending the data analytics capacities through AI
• Automating simple task with classic RPA
• Working on our Data Lake and Data Lab to go
• Moving faster on a full fledge API approach”

2 –
The next
The past year has seen leaps forward in the
wider usage of ML and RPA CoEs, but what the
a thoroughly trained and optimized model that's
ready to predict.”3
next will bring remains a mystery. In the next 12 months we may see automation
Forbes reported that: “AutoML focuses on becoming even more self-sufficient, this will
two aspects – Data acquisition and prediction. require more up-skilled staff to interpret the
All the steps that take place in between these results, but should also allow for more immediate
two phases will be abstracted by the AutoML data analysis, making its speed to market much
platform. Essentially, users bring their own dataset, more viable.
identify the labels, and push a button to generate

Megan Caywood So now that we have the regulatory permission,

Chief Platform Officer we’re very uniquely poised as the only bank with
Starling Bank the full set of permission to introduce third-party
“Over the next 12 months, providers in Starling, or in the banking app, but it’s
our core focus is on our very much the visionary, different side of banking
various product lines. We’re that everyone talks about but really has yet to be
launching business accounts seen yet.
imminently, in the next couple of We’re excited to be thought leaders in that
months, and then, going international. space and start pushing that out and expanding on
Then it’s on to expanding our marketplace. that as well.”

Tatiana Vell robots: apply statistical models and machine

Head RPA CoE learning to a very specific task, e.g. sophisticated
Swiss Re reconciliations, improving business rules,
“Vision for the future: Evolve categorising incoming documents, processing free
from Robotic Automation text etc.)”
to Intelligent Automation
(machine learning enabled

Gilbert Hannouche these technologies. I think the biggest change

Head RPA & AI is seeing how we should lead the change
Crédit Agricole CIB management side of things.
“The biggest change is the It’s a culture to be changed, to do more analysis
change management, so the tasks and less repetitive administrative tasks. I
ways employees work. When think this is the biggest challenge that we will have
we are testing automation over the next 12 months. As well as accepting that
solutions, we see that not all what we are doing today, can be done by new
employees are ready to work with technologies tomorrow.”

3 –
26 - 28 November,
Twickenham Stadium, London
RPA will become part and parcel of any modern organisation’s DNA, but
while some are setting the scene with piloting, proof of concepts and
implementation, many are making the shift to cognitive automation.

The convergence of technologies and methodologies such as process

mining, NLP, OCR, BPM, chat bots and lean six sigma will maximise business
opportunities from your operating ecosystem. Intelligent Automation Week
is the place to learn from the best to do just this. There’s something for

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