A2 UNIT 4 Test Standard

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Grammar 3 Complete the short dialogues with the correct

past simple form of the verbs given.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct past
simple form of be or can. 1 A: You’ve got a lot of bags!
B: Yes. We ……………………… (buy) a lot of food for the
1 It ……………………… very sunny last weekend.
party at the supermarket this morning.
2 We walked a long way yesterday so we ………………………
2 A: Can you come to the cinema this evening?
tired when we got home.
B: No, sorry. Our teacher ……………………… (give) us lots
3 The water was very cold at the swimming pool so we
of homework today so I have to stay at home.
……………………… swim.
3 A: How was your holiday?
4 How many people ……………………… on the plane?
B: Great. I really ……………………… (like) Spain!
5 He told me where I ……………………… buy tickets, but I
4 A: I ……………………… (watch) a programme
couldn’t find the place.
about Mexico on TV last night.
/5 B: Yes. There are some amazing places there.
5 A: The food in Italy is fantastic, isn’t it?
2 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One B: Yes. I ……………………… (eat) lots of pizza, pasta and
sentence is correct. ice cream. I must do some exercise now!

1 Last morning, I did my homework before lunch. /5


2 We did see some beautiful buildings in Prague. Total / 15


3 I couldn’t understood the English teacher today.

4 The day before yesterday, we went to London by train.
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. 4 Complete the sentences with words for
5 Why was you at home this morning?
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. 1 We often go to Greece on holiday. My mum loves
……………………… food.
2 Baseball is an ……………………… game. We went to a
game when we were in the United States.
3 My dad wants to go to Turkey for our holiday. He knows
some ……………………… words.
4 My aunt went to Peru last year and now she always
drinks ……………………… coffee.
5 Hogmanay is a big celebration in Scotland. It is the
name for the ……………………… New Year.


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5 Complete the sentences with these words. There Use of English
are two extra options.
7 Choose the best answers (A, B, or C) to complete
guidebook • luggage • package • sightseeing the text.
souvenir • tickets • trip
My favourite holiday
1 We went on a ……………………… holiday last year. The My favourite holiday was when I was five years old.
price included the flight, the hotel and all our meals. My mum and dad (1) ……………………… me and my brother,
2 My dad lost his ……………………… at the airport. He had to James, to Sweden for a winter holiday. We went
go shopping for clothes when he got to Moscow. (2) ……………………… ship. It took two days and I
3 The ……………………… to the pyramids took three hours, (3) ……………………… very ill, but it (4) ………………………
but it was really good. very exciting!
4 I don’t really like ……………………… in cities. I prefer beach When we arrived in Sweden, it was very cold and we
holidays. (5) ……………………… a lot of snow. We (6) ……………………… for
5 I read the ……………………… before we went so I knew all a long time, and then we came to a small house. It was
about the city and the places to go. beautiful. There were five houses and a shop near our
house. There wasn’t a TV so we (7) ……………………… watch
films, but we played games with Mum and Dad. One day,
we (8) ……………………… skiing. It was the best holiday of
6 Complete the sentences with words related to
my life!

1 My dad says we can go to America by sea on a 1 A gave

big ……………………… . B took
C made
2 My brother has got a moped, but he wants to get a
2 A on
……………………… now.
B in
3 When we moved to a new house last summer, we C by
needed two ……………………… for our furniture. 3 A felt
4 The police use special ……………………… to follow B went
criminals from the air. C did
4 A was
5 I don’t like going to school on the ………………………
B is
because you can’t see outside.
C were
/5 5 A looked
B felt
C saw
Total / 15 6 A rode
B ran
C drove
7 A weren’t
B couldn’t
C mustn’t
8 A were
B went
C stopped


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8 Read the blog posts about holidays. Match the questions (1–6) with the people (A–C).

Which person:
1 had nothing to do at night? ………………………

2 visited places away from the hotel? ………………………

3 liked the people at the hotel? ………………………

4 went swimming at the beach a lot? ………………………

5 wasn’t happy with their room? ………………………

6 wanted to go shopping? ………………………

A Jane
We stayed at the Stella Hotel in Malaga in Spain. We had a fantastic holiday. We loved the hotel and the people were
very kind to us. We went swimming every day at the lovely beach. It was only two minutes from the hotel. The rooms in
the hotel were very comfortable and the food in the dining room was good. We ate a lot of chips and pizza! There
weren’t any Spanish dishes on the menu, but that wasn’t a big problem.

B Robert
We went to a small town in Turkey and stayed in the Hotel Nova. I didn’t like it because I had to stay in the same room as
my brother. Our room was very small and there wasn’t a TV! We couldn’t see the sea from the window but I liked the
swimming pool. That was good. There weren’t any excursions, so we took a taxi to visit interesting places, but it wasn’t
expensive. We saw some amazing places.

C Caroline
We went to France and stayed in the Hotel Belle Vue in Cannes. It was a beautiful hotel with lots of trees and flowers. It
was near the beach, but I preferred the pool at the hotel. There weren’t any shops near the hotel. We wanted to buy
some souvenirs, but we couldn’t. We bought postcards, but they were all pictures of the hotel! The hotel was very busy,
but after dinner in the evening there wasn’t anything to do. It was really boring. There were TVs in the rooms, but the
programmes were in French and we couldn’t understand them!


9 Read the blog posts and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

1 It was ……………………… from the Stella Hotel to 4 Robert and his family took a taxi to ……………………… .
the beach. A get to the beach
A a lovely walk B go shopping
B a long way C go sightseeing
C a short distance 5 There weren’t any shops so Caroline ……………………… .
2 The Stella Hotel didn’t serve any ……………………… . A didn’t buy anything to take home
A local food B couldn’t buy any food
B fast food C didn’t find any postcards
C English food 6 The ……………………… only had pictures of the hotel.
3 Robert wasn’t happy because ……………………… . A TV
A he didn’t like the beach B souvenirs
B he didn’t have enough space C postcards
C the swimming pool was too small

Total / 12

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10 Listen to a conversation about a holiday. Are 11 Listen again and complete the sentences with
these statements True (T) or False (F)? one word or a number in each gap.
1 The tickets to New York were expensive. T/F 1 Kathy and her family stayed for ……………………… days in
2 They went to the Statue of Liberty by boat. T/F New York.
3 Kathy’s mum nearly lost the tickets. T/F
2 Kathy bought lots of ……………………… in New York.
4 Julie had a seat by the window. T/F
5 Kathy didn’t sleep on the plane home. T/F 3 It took an ……………………… to get to the airport.
4 Kathy’s mum left the plane tickets in the …………………… .
5 The bread on the plane was ……………………… and hard.


Total / 10

12 Imagine that you went to another country on holiday last year. Your friend is planning to visit the same
place and wants to know what it was like. Write an email to your friend.

Write about:
• where you stayed.
• what you did.
• how you got around.
• why you enjoyed the holiday.

Write 35–50 words.






/ 10

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13 Imagine that you have been on holiday to London. Look at the photos and describe your holiday.

• where you went.

• who you went with.
• how you travelled there.
• where you stayed.
• what you saw and did.
• what you ate and bought.



/ 10

Total / 80

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