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HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator

Version 2.5


1. How the manual is organized.................................................... 2

2. Introduction to HiCALC ............................................................ 2
3. Installation and Uninstallation .................................................. 6
3.1 Installation for Pocket PC .................................................... 6
3.2 Uninstallation for Pocket PC ................................................. 6
4. Components in HiCALC main screen ....................................... 7-8

5. Instruction of functions ................................................................ 9

5.1 Using Arithmetical Calculator.................................................... 9
5.1.1 Basic functions ....................................................... 10
5.1.2 F(x) functions ................................................... 10-12
5.2 Using Trigonometric Calculator .......................................... 13-14
5.3 Using Matrix Calculator..................................................... 14-17
5.4 Lookup Constants ................................................................. 18
5.5 Using Financial Calculator ................................................. 19-22
5.6 Using Statistics Calculator................................................. 22-24
5.7 Using Tip Calculator ............................................................. 25
5.8 Using Biorhythm Calculator ............................................... 26-27
5.9 Using Currency Converter ...................................................... 27
5.9.1 How to convert between two currencies......................... 28
5.9.2 How to updating currency exchange rates ............... 28-29
5.10 Using Unit Converter ........................................................... 29
5.11 Using Base Conversion.........................................................30
5.12 Using User’s Macros ............................................................ 31
5.12.1 How to create a macro .............................................. 31
5.12.2 How to use a predefined-macro ................................ 31
5.13 Using Equation Solver ................................................... 32-34
5.14 Using Function Graph .................................................... 34-37
5.15 Using Date Time calculator ............................................. 37-39
5.16 Formula ..................................................................... 39-42
5.17 Preferences .................................................................. 43-44

How to purchase and register HiCALC .................................... 45-46 1 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

1. How the manual is organized

This manual guide provides detailed information about the different

components of the product, its functions as well as instruction of purchase
and support.

Symbol Descriptions

L Text Special Notes

{=} Equal Button

2 Text Introduction of function

) Text Steps to call the calculator or module

Text Steps to calculate or steps on how to use function

Examples: Example for the current function

{A} Button A

the LED The area of the screen where display expression result
and indicators

2. Introduction of HiCALC
Springing from a high demand for a neat and easy-to-use calculator
software which can give calculations on various fields, we have decisively
produced HiCALC including 15 modules as Arithmetic, Trigonometry,
Matrices, Constants, Finance, Statistics, Biorhythm, Tip, Currency Converter,
Unit converter, Base conversion and User’s macro. Now, we have 3 more
modules which are very helpful as Equation solver, Graph Function and
Date-Time Calculator.

HiCALC especially supports the following key features:

• Support landscape mode
• Support 186 currencies
• Supports advanced functions as Integrate, Differentiate, Solve
Equations… 2 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

• Supports Matrices’ functions as Determinant, Eigenvectors, Invert,

Transpose and more
• Supports Financial functions as Time Value of Money, Loan, Mortgage,
Straight-line depreciation, DB, SYD and more
• Supports currency converter for 152 currencies with online update
• Show expression in writing mode for verifying

What’s new in version 2.5?

1. Comprehensive Unit Converter

• Over 3,000 units with 108 Categories

(version 2.0 contains only ~800 Units with 39 Categories)

• Smart interface for Women and Girl's Clothing, Men's Clothing,

Bra size Charts, ClothingSize-Pants, Hats, Socks, T-Shirts, Suits
& Dresses…

2. Support Touch control for navigation between modules and LED

• This feature is very useful when you have to do with some
modules at the same time.
• When you have to do with the long expression you will see how
valuable of this feature.

3. Support devices with 320x320 screen

All screen have re-arranged for the new screen size.

4. New history design

• Support 5 histories, one history can store up to 30 expressions
• Very easy to access histories from the main screen.

5. Bug Fix
• Looped-numerics when entering values in some devices fixed
• Fixed lost of editing expression when switching between modules
• Stability bug fixes 3 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Changes in version 2.0?

6. Bug Fix

HiCalc 2.0 is a fulfilled solution for all popular bugs met in HiCalc 1.5 and
even some which still exist in HiCalc 1.8. Hereafter will you see:

- How the ANSWER button plays its smart role in this calculator.

) Tap on Shift and Answer key to recall the result of the previous
calculation in order to put it on the successive one instead of having to keep
it in mind or write it down on papers.

- How exactly the TIME VALUE MONEY in Financial Module does

function without any bug due to the wrong sign.

- How the response ability of the keys is speeded up compared to its

being frozen each time being tapped on too fast as before

7. Small Upgrade

- In addition to the EU and US mode, from now on, UK users will feel
comfortable with the UK output mode including the EU date display
(dd/mm/yyyy) and the US number display (123,456,789)

- Furthermore, to meet the various demands of users, new HiCalc 2.0

allows to copy and paste the LED into clipboard.

) Just hold on the LED till an option board appears, choose Copy, and
paste it in where you want to locate.

8. Formula Module

Beyond a collection of more than 600 formulas in technical fields

enclosed with description and indicated figure, this new module does support
users to do calculation directly on these formulas. 4 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Changes in version 1.8?

Based on 15 modules in version 1.5, HiCalc version1.8 has further developed
the mode functions of each module that briefed in these smart features

1. Fraction Mode in Arithmetical Calculator allows presenting the results

in fraction with 3 variable presentation options as well as in improper
fraction form.

2. Integration and Differentiation Upgrade: rewrite the integration

and differentiation operations using a faster and more accurate

3. Tool tip for Matrix and Financial Module present the usage
description of their complicated functions

4. Graph Seek and Graph Capture: the 2 new modes can better assist
users in Function Graph together with the 3 functions and 4 convenient
modes as you can see formerly in Hicalc 1.5

5. 1st-4th Equations: Beyond the simple, quadratic or cubic equations,

the NEW Equation Solver now can support equations of the 4th degree
with one unknown.

6. N-simultaneous Equations from now on allow solving the simple

equations with N-unknowns instead of just only 2 or 3 unknowns as
before. 5 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

3.1 Installation for Pocket PC

Requirements: The product needs 5 MB of free space. You need to have MS

Active Sync Software on your device and make sure your device is
connecting with Desktop PC.

1. Unzip downloaded file to a folder with a zip tool. The popular unzip
program WinZip is available at
2. Run setup and follow instructions
3. When finished, go to Start Menu>>Program, here you will see the
symbols of HiCALC

We recommend storing in the Storage Card when the installation asks to

select Main memory or Storage Card.

L You can copy the CAB file to your device and run the CAB file directly but
it will automatically install the software to the main memory.

3.2 Uninstallation

To remove the product from your Pocket PC:

1. Go to Start menu >> Settings
2. Open System and tap on Remove Programs
3. Select HiCALC - Your Trusted Calculator from the list and tap on
the Remove button
4. Choose “Yes” to confirm removing 6 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

4. Components in the HiCALC main screen

Expression history
indicatior The LED of HiCALC

HotMenu button

Clear the calculator

Function and the
control keys
Store result into
Numpad and simple current memory
operator store variable

Recalls a value from

current memory
store variable to
the LED

Base indicator Angle mode indicator

Current expression Numeric format indicator

box indicator
Current memory store

Show editing expression

Move the cursor in advanced mode
backward (For viewing only see the
below picture)
Show result of the
operation or error
The cursor

Tool tips for calling

function 7 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Button Descriptions/function

Tap on this button and select function button to call the function
yellow label
• Tap on this button to save result to the current memory store
• Tap on SHIFT button and select this button to change memory
store variable

• Tap on this button to put the contents of the current memory

store variable onto the LED
• Tap on SHIFT button and select this button to clear current
memory store variable

Tap on this button to select advanced functions as Integrate,

Differentiate, Root-Finder, etc…
Clears the calculator, and reset any functions

• Tap on this button to show the result of the expression

• Ans is the variable to store the current result, you can use it in
repeated operators

For example: if you want to calculate 3*2*2*2*2

1. Enter 3 then tap on {=} (now the variable ANS=3)
2. Clear the LED and enter 2
3. Enter operator {x}
4. Press SHIFT button and select this button(this will put ANS
var to the LED
5. Press {=} 4 times then you will see the result for each steps. 8 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5. Instruction of functions

5.1 Using Arithmetical Calculator

2 Besides providing basically arithmetical
functions, HiCALC supports some particular
functions such as Integration, Derivation,
function root-finder etc

) Tap on the hot menu button then select

Arithmetic icon you will see the screen as


To calculate:
Enter expression to the LED then tap on {=} button, you will see the result
in the third line of the LED

1. Enter first number in the LED

2. Select operator (+, −, ÷, ×)
3. Enter next number in the LED
4. Type any remaining operators and numbers
5. Select {=}


To calculate the expression:

35 + 108x (100-27)/4
Please follow steps as below:

1. Enter 35
2. Select operator {+}
3. Enter 108
4. Select operator {x}
5. Enter Left Parenthesis {(}
6. Enter 100
7. Select operator {−}
8. Enter 27
9. Enter Right Parenthesis {)}
10. Select operator {÷}
11. Enter 4
12. Select {=}
13. Then you will see the result is 2006 9 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

L HiCALC allows you to enter a complicated expression with many

calculations on the LED. If the expression is too long, you can use navigator
buttons § ¨ to move, the button to delete operand or operator on the

5.1.1 Basic functions: The calculator supports functions as below:

Label Descriptions Label Descriptions

+ Addition operation − Subtraction operation

÷ Division operation × Multiplication operation

RAN Random function 1/x Inverse operation

GCD Greatest Common Divisor LCM Least Common Multiple

MOD Modulus operation FIB Fibonacci function

Lg Base 10 logarithm x Inverse logarithm operation


Ln Natural logarithm operation x Inverse natural logarithm

y x to the Power of y y th
x √x y Root of x

2 Square operation 2 Square Root

x √x
3 x to the Power of 3 (Cube 3 Cube Root
x √x

n! Factorial operation % Percent operation

5.1.2 F(x) functions: included advanced functions and user predefined


a) δ(expression, variable, value)

Function Derivation. The operation returns an approximately numerical

derivation of an expression with respect to a variable at a specific value.
Function numerical derivative: Returns an approximate numerical derivative
of expression with respect to variable evaluated at value. Example:
δ(x^2+5x,x,5) returns 15

b) ƒ(expression, variable, value) 10 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK
HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Function Evaluation. Evaluate an expression with respect to a variable at a

specific value.
ƒ(x^3+x^2+4,x,5) returns 154

c) ∫(expression, variable, lower, upper)

Function Integration. The operation returns the numerical function
integration of an expression with respect to a variable at discrete values
moving from lower to upper bounds. ∫ is valid only for expressions with real
Function definite : Returns the numerical function integral of expression with
respect to variable, between real lower and upper bounds for variable. ∫ is
valid only for expressions with real results.
∫(x^2,x,0,1) returns 0.3333...

d) fnRoot(expression, variable, lower, upper)

Function Root-Finder. The operation finds the value among lower and upper
bounds for the given variable at which the expression is evaluated to zero.
fnRoot is valid only for expressions with real results.
fnRoot(x^2-5x+6,x,1,3) returns 2.

e) П(expression, variable, start, end)

The operation finds different results of an expression with respect to a
variable at different values moving from lower to upper bounds and then
multiplies those results for the final product. Values from lower to upper
bounds must be integers.
The operation evaluates an expression at discrete variable values within a
range (from start to end), and then calculates a product of each evaluation.
The values start and end must be integers.
П(x^2,x,1,5) returns 14400

f) ∑(expression, variable, start, end)

The operation finds different results of an expression with respect to a
variable at different values moving from lower to upper bounds and then
calculates a sum of those results. The values from lower to upper bounds
must be integers. 11 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Evaluates an expression at discrete variable values within a range (from

start to end), and then calculates a sum of each evaluation. The values start
and end must be integers.
∑(x^2,x,1,10) returns 385

g) fib(number)
Fibonacci Operation. The operation returns the value of Fibonacci function at
a specific number.
Example: fib(5) = 5

*What’s new in HiCalc 1.8?

2 Moreover, Fraction Mode now allows presenting the results both in

fraction and mixed number.
Fraction mode

) Use your stylus to

change among Norm, Fix, Sci and

Frac in the top of the LED as beside number

Fraction 12 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Also, the infraction form includes 3 presentation

options with denominators of the infraction less
than 1,000; 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000.

) In the Setting of HiCalc, tap on Modes and

select the presentation option at the Fraction


5.2 Using Trigonometric Calculator

2 The calculator supports trigonometric functions as Sine, Cosine, and

Hyperbolic Sine

) Tap on the Hot menu button then

select Trigonometric icon you will see

the screen as beside.

To calculate:

Enter expression to the LED then tap on {=}

button then you will see the result in the third
line of the LED

For example: To calculate Sin(Pi/4)

1. Select Sin button
2. Select ∏ and tap on operator ÷
3. Select number 4
4. Select Closed quote “)”
5. Tap on {=} 13 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK
HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

HiCALC supports Trigonometric functions as below table.

Label Descriptions Label Descriptions

Sin Sine Asin Inverse Sine
Cos Cosine Acos Inverse Cosine
Tg Tangent Atg Inverse Tangent
Csc Cosecant Acsc Inverse Cosecant
Sec Secant Asec Inverse Secant
Sinh Hyperbolic sine Asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine
Cosh Hyperbolic cosine Acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine
Tgh Hyperbolic tangent Atgh Inverse hyperbolic tangent

L Tap on Shift then tap function button to select the second function in the
button (if you want to select Asin, first select Shift and then select button
Sin), If you enable “Tap n Hold”… on preferences then you can quick input
by Tap n Hold. Tap on {Mode} button to switch measurement of plane
angle (Degree, Gradian or Radian)

5.3 Using Matrix Calculator

2 This module allows operations on Matrix
such as Determinant, Inverse etc…

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select

Matrix icon
you will see the screen as beside.

How to enter matrix value:

1. From the Matrix Calculator main screen tap on

2. Then select Edit Matrix…
3. Then you will see the screen as beside 14 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

4. Tap on Edit button then select New matrix

5. Select Name of matrix
6. Enter number of Columns and Rows
7. Tap on {OK} button
8. Enter value for each Elements
9. After that tap on {Back} button to return main

How to use matrix functions:

 If you want to use simple operators for matrix as
(+, −, ÷, ×)
1. Select first matrix from matrix list
2. Select operator ( +, −, ÷, × )
3. Select second matrix
4. Tap on {=} button
5. Then you can see the result in matrix result
6. To view [VRE] just tap on select matrix button
and choose Edit Matrix... then you will editing
matrix screen
7. In this screen choose [VRE] tab to view the matrix value

 If you want to use other matrix functions, follow these steps

1. Select function( the Left Parenthesis is automatically added)
2. Select matrix you want to use the function
3. Tap on Right Parenthesis
4. Tap on {=} button
5. Then you can see the result in matrix result [VRE]

The matrix calculator supports functions as below table.

* We use two matrices for examples 15 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Matrix: [VA] Matrix [VB]

4 5 2 5
5 8 1 1
2 1 3 7

Label Descriptions
DET Compute determinant of matrix (square matrix only)
Ex: det([VA]) = 5
INV Invert a matrix (square matrix only)
Ex: inv([VA]) = [VRE]
4.6 -2.6 -2.2
-2.6 1.6 1.2
-2.2 1.2 1.4

EIGV Compute the eigenvectors of -0.796362 0.564650 0.216743

specified matrix. 0.455990 0.795950 -0.398167
Ex: eigv([VA]) = [VRE] 0.397342 0.218252 0.891339

EIGL Compute the eigenvalues of specified matrix.

Ex: eigl([VA]) = [VRE] 0.139151

ORTH Return the orthogonal matrix of the specified square matrix

Ex: orth([VA]) = [VRE]
0.596285 -0.238884 -0.766406
0.745356 0.519314 0.418040
0.298142 -0.820516 0.487713

RANK Returns the rank of the specified matrix

Ex: rank([VA]) = 3 16 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

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TRANS Returns the transpose of the specified matrix

Ex: rank([VA]) = [VRE]
4 5 2
5 8 1
2 1 3

DIAG Returns a one-row matrix containing the main diagonal elements

of the specified symmetric matrix
Ex: rank([VA]) = [VRE]
0.139151 0 0
0 11.8212 0
0 0 3.039626

TRI Returns the triangle matrix of the specified matrix

Ex: rank([VA]) = [VRE]

4 5 2
0 1.75 -1.5
0 0 0.71

SOLVE Solves a linear system AX = B, return the X matrix

Ex: rank([VA]) = [VRE]
4 5 2
0 1.75 -1.5
0 0 0.71

*What’s new in HiCalc 1.8?

2 Tool tip in Matrix can better help the users
with its brief introduction of how to use Matrix
functions. Here no longer has Matrix made you

) Just tap and hold on the abbreviation

button to see what it stands for and what role it

plays in Matrix. Here no longer has Matrix made
you confused. 17 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.4 Lookup Constants

2 This module will help you to lookup necessary

) Tap on the Hot menu button then

select Constants icon, you will see the

screen as beside.

To calculate:
Find the main category that the constant can belong to, and then select the
constant that is being looked for among the listed ones in the category.

For example: Find the speed of light in vacuum (c):

1. Select category Physical (you must guess which category the constant
belongs to)
2. Lookup the listed constants in Physical
3. Select Speed of light in vacuum (c)
4. You then will find the looked constant in the last textbox.

L If you want to enter the constant up to the LED for further operation,
select the yellow button right beside the constant result textbox

HiCALC supports basic constants belonging to the following fields:

Physics Chemical
Area Formula
Volume Formula
Chemical Elements
Planet 18 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.5 Using Financial Calculator:

2 This module supplies financial functions such as
Present Value (PV), Future Value (FV), Interest
Rate, Mortgage etc

) Tap on the Hot menu button then

select Finance icon then you will see

the screen as beside.

This financial module includes the following smaller


Time Value of Money (TVM) After having activated the calculator, you will
find the screen as beside:

TMV allows the operations as below:

Label Descriptions

NPER The total number of

payment periods.
RATE The annual interest rate.
PV The present value
FV The future value
PMT The payment made each

To calculate:
1. Choose the value that you want to calculate
2. Enter values into text boxes
3. Tap on {Calculate} button then you will see
the result in the corresponding text box. 19 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Mortgage Calculator
Allow calculating installments and the amount of monthly interest payment

To calculate:
1. Enter parameters such as Mortgage
Amount, Interest Rate, Length in Years

2. Tap on {Calculate} button, you will see

the monthly detailed amounts of money as
being shown in the image below

L To return Mortgage Calculator main screen,

tap on “OK” button on the top-right of the screen

Loan Calculator
Allow finding out interest, monthly payment and
detailed numbers of payment per period

To calculate:
1. Enter values for parameters such as Loan
Amount, Annual Interest Rate, Periods per
Year, Total number of Payments and
Payments Per Period.
2. Tap on {Calculate} button, you will see
the detailed monthly payment amount on
the screen.

L If you want the calculator to evaluate payment per period, just check the
checkbox Payments Each Period.

Besides, Financial Calculator also supports the following functions: 20 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Label Descriptions

Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one

SLN period.

Syntax: SLN(cost,salvage,life)

Cost is the initial cost of the asset.

Salvage is the value at the end of the depreciation
(sometimes called the salvage value of the asset).
Life is the number of periods over which the asset is
depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the asset).
Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a
SYD specified period.
Syntax: SYD(cost,salvage,life,per)

Cost is the initial cost of the asset.

Salvage is the value at the end of the depreciation

(sometimes called the salvage value of the asset).

Life is the number of periods over which the asset is

depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the asset).

Per is the period and must use the same units as life.
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using
the fixed-declining balance method.
Syntax: DB(cost,salvage,life,period,month)

Cost is the initial cost of the asset.

Salvage is the value at the end of the depreciation

(sometimes called the salvage value of the asset).

Life is the number of periods over which the asset is being

depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the asset).

Period is the period for which you want to calculate the

depreciation. Period must use the same units as life.
Month is the number of months in the first year. If month is
omitted, it is assumed to be 12. 21 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

*What’s new in HiCalc 1.8?

2 Tooltip in Financial Calculator with its

summary of the module’s functions hereafter does
no doubt help users easily get familiar with
financial terms and operations.

)Just tap and hold on the abbreviation button to

see what it stands for and what role it plays in
Financial Calculator.

5.6 Using Statistics Calculator

2 This module consists of statistical functions

) Tap on Hot menu button then select Statistics

icon you then will see the main screen of
the calculator as beside.

To calculate:
1. Firstly, tap on green button to enter
statistics then you will see the screen as
Tap on « Size » button to enter the number of
rows. During entering time, you can edit data
by tapping on « Edit » button to delete, add
one more or total data.

2. After having entered data, tap on buttons to

select the wanted statistical function on the
LED and tap on {=}. The result will be
displayed on the result line of the LED. 22 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

This module supports the following statistical functions:

N: the total number of values of data.

∑x: the sum of all the values of data.
∑x2 : the sum of the squares of all the values of data.
σn: the standard deviation of all the values of data.
σn-1: the sample standard deviation of all the values of data.
: The mean (arithmetic average) of all the values of data.
: The median of (the number in the middle) all the values of data.
AVD: the average of the absolute deviations of all the values of data.
MD: the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in all the values of
DSQ: the sum of squares of deviations of all the values of data
GM: the geometric mean of all the values of data.
MIN: the minimum of all the values of data.
MAX: the maximum of all the values of data.
!: computes the factorial.
nCr: Compute the number of combinations.
nPr: Computes the number of permutations.

For examples:

Suppose that you need to enter data such as {1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10}. The
calculated results will be as below :

N = 7.
∑x = 34
∑x2 = 224.
σn = 2.899683304312
σn-1 = 3.132015933791
= 4.857142857143
AVD = 2.408163265306
MD = 3
DSQ = 58.857142857143
GM = 3.926917565502
MIN = 1
MAX = 10 23 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

9! = 362880
nCr(5,3) = 10
nPr(5,3) = 60

*What’s new?

HiCalc version 1.5 supports graph for this module which is easy to
understand and follow.

After entering data, you tap on “back” and continuously graph icon. It
will show you a graph with 2 modes P and Z on the right corner of the
screen as below:

Mode P

With mode P, you can move the graph to make it clearer

With mode Z, you can move the datum line of the graph 24 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.7 Using Tip Calculator:

2 This module allows calculating Tip amount
quickly. Its interface is very easy and
convenient to use. It includes some features:
• Quickly itemize bills to split them fairly
between friends.
• Fast numeric keypad entry for all numeric
• Easy to use interface.
Use Tip Calculator to calculate the tip for:
Ô Servers
Ô Bar Tenders
Ô Bell-hops
Ô Room Service
Ô Taxi drivers
Ô And anyone else you tip!

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Tip icon you will see the
screen as above.

To calculate:

1. Enter values for parameters such as Total People, Percentage to

Tip and Bill amount.
2. Tap on {=} button then you will see the result in the LED

For examples:

We should have something like screen shot at the below. Let’s test the Tip
Calculator now. You will take 3 steps to get tip amount:

1. You change Total people to 10P.

2. Change Percentage to Tip to 5%
3. Nothing will happen since we need to find out the bill total 10,000$

The results will be displayed immediately. Now we know how much each
person needs to pay and the Tip amount. 25 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.8 Using Biorhythms Calculator

2 Biorhythm allows you to calculate and view
your three main biorhythm cycles. Biorhythm is
a powerful, easy to use application ideal for
making personal forecasts and biorhythms. The
program is base on the scientific theory of
biorhythms. The guide gives a brief of
introduction to biorhythm and describes how to
use the Biorhythm program which is convenient
to use.

It includes main features:

• Day of the week is displayed on the chart
(format depends on your regional settings)
• Good and bad days report(as beside picture)
• Tips of the day display – showing rhythms ms and interpretation any

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Biorhythm icon then you will
see the screen as above.

How to use:

1. Date of birth: you tap on it your birthday and

your device will automatically save it.
2. Date of view: the day you want to see.
Selecting from the calendar below the chart,
by this date it is set to the current date.
3. Biorhythm displays the biorhythm charts for
a month at a time. You can move forward
(see chart for the next month) by tapping
arrow buttons on the right hand or backward
(see chart for the previous month) by tapping
button on the left hand. 26 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

*What’s new?
From version 1.5, Biorhythm allows you to use for many people at the same
time especially for your family.

Enter the name and birthday into the

birthday database, click on the button on the
right hand and going on, you make a list as
you like.

If you want to add new person, tap on

If you want to delete one, tap on

If you want to see someone’s Biorhythm, tap on

Daily Summary: Display, at a glance, the biorhythm predicted comments.

Oh, believe or not. Are they interesting? It will notice how many percent of
your health, the ability of logical thinking and your emotion. They present for
Physical, Intellectual, Intuitional and Emotional lines. Therefore, it is possible
for you to choose suitable work to do today, if it’s good day to go out, for
instance, etc.

Remarkable days report: Display a list showing the critical and your lucky
days for some years. It depends on you. This function allows you to view
critical days or lucky days by ticking at “show remarkable days” or you
can choose the quantity of years to show good and bad days.

Show good days - toggles on/off the good day display

Show bad days - toggles on/off the bad day


5.9 Using Currency Converter

2 The Currency Converter is an instant access
currency exchange rate. This converter helps
you to convert currency values to various
currencies. The currency converter will convert
between over 186 different currencies 27 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

It includes main features:

• Daily update currency exchange rate
• Modify/edit currency details
• Easy to use interface

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Currency icon then you

will see the screen as above.

5.9.1 How to convert between two currencies:

1. Select the 2 currencies to convert in the 2 currency list box.

2. Tap on the edit box then enter the amount in one of the edit box
3. The conversion result will be immediately displayed in the other edit

L To delete or start a new conversion, press the red “C” button.

L The currencies are listed alphabetically in order of their three letter
code, with the US dollar as the default setting. British customers will find
the Pound (code GBP) is listed as 'G'.

5.9.2 How to updating currency exchange rates

The values on this site are gathered from the International Monetary Fund
and/or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (according to their
availability). Values and dates are believed to be reliable but this makes no
warranties regarding these values, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy
or availability.

The date of the latest currency rates available is displayed beside the Update

Tap on the update button to download the latest currency rates online. When
the new rate is downloaded, the currency amount will be updated

LTo update the latest rate information, make sure that the internet
connection on your device is working properly. 28 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

*What’s new?
This module now supports calculation right when performing converting. It
means you can perform all necessary calculation before converting. This new
feature will save you much time and effort while still giving the exact result.

5.10 Using Unit Converter

2 Unit Converter is a powerful, intuitive, and easy-
to-use utility for quick and accurate conversion
between almost every possible unit of measure,
from one system to another. The program includes
Distance, Temperature, Speed, Volume, Cooking,
Computers, Area, Energy, Power, Mass, Force,
Pressure, Clothing and many more.

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Unit

Converter icon you will see the screen as beside.

How to convert between two units:

1. Select the type of units you would like to convert. The list includes:
Angle, Area, Capacity, Energy, Force, Gourmet, Length, Light, Power,
Pressure, Temperature, Time, Velocity, Weight and Volume etc
2. Select the units of the selected unit type to convert in the 2 unit boxes.
3. Enter the amount in one of the edit boxes
4. The conversion result will be immediately displayed in the other edit box.

LIf you want to start new conversion, press the red {C} button.

*What’s new?
This module now supports calculation right when
performing converting. It means you can perform
all necessary calculation before converting. This
new feature will save you much time and effort
while still giving the exact result. 29 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.11 Using Base Conversion

2 The Base conversion module supports binary, octal, decimal, and
hexadecimal number systems. This module supports integer arithmetic only.

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select

Base Conversion icon, you will see the screen as beside

To calculate:

1. Select base mode

2. Select word length (i.e. 8/16 or 32 bit)
3. Enter first number
4. Select operator (+, −, ÷, ×, AND, OR, etc…)
5. Enter second number
6. Tap on {=} button then you will see the result at the second line of
the LED

L When setting limitation to operand, values will be truncated to the

selected number of bits for display, with leading zeroes added. It is
possible to convert or directly set word length on the LED simply by
tapping on Base indicator or Word length indicator

Base Conversion supports functions as below:

Label Descriptions Label Descriptions

AND AND operation nand NAND operation
OR OR operation nor NOR operation
XOR XOR operation mod Modulus operation
Shl Shift Left operation shr Shift Right operation
Rtl Rotate Left operation rtr Rotate Right operation
Not NOT operation cpl Two's complement operation 30 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.12 Using User’s Macros

2 This module allows users to predefine the

formula themselves. It is very useful for people
who have to build up a predefined-formula
regularly (i.e. banker, accountant etc…)

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select

Users Conversion icon you will see the

screen as beside

How to create a macro:

1. From main screen select start editing macro button

2. Then you will see “macro editing…” in the LED
3. Enter name of the macro, if you do not enter then in the function list it
will show short name as Ma, Mc etc…
4. Enter formula to the LED, tap on variable button to
select variable for your formula
5. If you want to enter function, go to Arithmetical Calculator or
Trigonometric Calculator by tapping on the button

6. When finish editing the macro, please validate the macro by tapping
on the button

7. And then press on stop editing macro button to save the macro

L The system allows you to predefine 26 macros maximally. Once one

macro has been predefined, you will see the mark [*] beside its name.

How to use a predefined-macro:

1. In the Arithmetical Calculator tap on the button

2. Then you will see the user defined macros at the end of the function
list 31 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.13 Using Equation Solver

2 This module allows users to calculate quadratic

equation, quadratic simultaneous equations and
cubic simultaneous equations with the exact

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select

Equation Solver icon you will see the

screen as beside

*New in HiCalc 1.8?

2 1- 4 Equation Solver: Beyond the simple, quadratic or cubic equations,

the Equation Solver now can support equations of the 4th degree with one

- In Quadratic Equation: results in exact root formula.

)In Equation Solver Module, tap on the blue button in the right and select
1-4 Equation Solver

1-4 Equation

Results in exact root

formula 32 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

- In Cube Equation and Equation of the 4th degree:

results in approximation.

- Inputted parameters are allowed in both

rational and in fractional forms.

2 N – Simultaneous Equation

)A little bit differed from HiCalc 1.5, the N –

Simultaneous Equation in new version 1.8 also

contains the Cubic – Simultaneous with the display
of unknown is X1, X2, X3, etc, instead of X, Y and Z. 33 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

How to calculate:
Enter equations along with the variable you wish to solve it for and tap on
the calculate button.


You want to solve a cubic simultaneous equation like this:

X1 – X2 + X3 = 1
X1 + X2 + X3 = 1
X1 + X2 – X3 = 1

1. Choose mode “N - simultaneous” by tapping on

2. Enter the number, tap on to add in a new equation.

3. Solve it! Tap on

L To clear all values, please tap on

Besides, to solve the 4th simultaneous equation likes this:

X1 – X2 + X3 – X4 = 1
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 1
X1 + X2 – X3 – X4 = 1
X1 – X2 – X3 + X4 = 1

1. Choose “N – simultaneous equation” mode by tapping on

2. Enter the number, remember to separate them with the Space button

, tap and hold on to enter a negative number. Tap on to add

in a new equation.

3. Lastly, choose to see the results.

5.14 Using Function Graph

2 Due to popular demand, the Function Graph module has been completely
designed with new features and better graphs. It supports 3 functions at a
time. Nothing is difficult to imagine with this module! 34 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Function Graph icon
you will see the screen as below

How to display a graph

You only enter source and it will be automatically displayed on the screen,
moreover you can customize colors as you like from color panel.

The Graph will be displayed in 4 modes P, Q, Z,? as you can see in the

• Mode P: To move the graph

• Mode Q: To change size of datum lines
• Mode Z: To zoom the graph to see it clearer
• Mode ?: To specify exactly co-ordinate of the stylus point

Mode Q
Mode Z
Mode ?
Mode P



there are 3 functions

Y1= sin x

Y2= 2x2 - 3

Y3= 3x + 2 35 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

After entering functions, you tap on button to display graph.

*What’s new in HiCalc 1.8?

2 Graph Seek mode: to fast move to graph area in case the graph does
not start at the origin point 0(0,0).

Graph Function

Graph Seek Graph Capture

)Tap on X, Y boxes and type in the numbers, then choose Go. Now,

instead of wasting time moving the stylus

yourself, HiCalc gives you image of the graph
exactly at the point you want.

2 Graph Capture mode: to capture the

graph and change the image to bitmap file. It
therefore allows indicating the range of X, Y
variables and the graph scale with regard
to the x, y axes. 36 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

)Select the Camera Symbol at the right corner of HiCalc, type the range
of X, Y variables from the keyboard in order for its accurate indication in the

)Choose X,Y scale (any value over 1024 pixels for each variable is not
available) to zoom in and out the graph at the scale you want.

Besides, much better than an ordinary magnifier as you can see in Graph
Capture up to now, the mode also allows you to locate the image in optional
memory store.

At the end, do not forget to choose DONE to affirm your decision or CANCEL
to return to the previous condition.

5.15 Using Date – Time

2This module allows you to calculate date- time formulas very efficiently.

) Tap on the Hot menu button then select Date-Time icon you will see
the screen as below.

There are 2 options of calculating basing on exact date or number of


L Time will be shown in US, European or UK style depending on your

settings in HICALC Preferences.

To calculate by exact date:

There are 3 bars in this module: From-Now bar, Interval bar and To-Now

Enter time values in 2 out of 3 bars, the expected result will be shown in the
rest bar by tapping on button at the end of the bar you want to
calculate the result. 37 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

You can calculate basing on Lunar calendar

or Solar calendar by tapping on


To know the Solar Interval between

05/12/2006 at 7h: 30m: 40s and 05/30/2006
at 20h: 20m: 30s. Please follow the below
1. Tap on From button
2. Enter 05/12/2006 and 7:30:40 in edit
3. Tap on To button
4. Enter 05/30/2006 and 20:20:30
5. Tap on Calc button on Interval Bar then you will see the result of
18d-12h-49m-50s in the box.

Similarly, you can find the Solar future date after 100 days since
05/12/2006 at 7h: 30m: 40s:

1. Tap on From button

2. Enter 05/12/2006 and 7:30:40 in edit box
3. Tap on Interval button
4. Enter 100 days
5. Tap on Calc button on To-Now bar then you will see the future date
of Sun-08/20/2006-7h: 30m: 40s.

- To resume the result into days, hours, minutes or seconds by tapping on


To calculate by number of days

This function allows calculating in number of days, hours, minutes or even


There are 3 bars in this module: From bar, Interval bar and To bar. Enter
time values in 2 out of 3 bars, the expected result will be shown in the rest 38 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

bar by tapping on button at the end of the bar you want to have the


To calculate the interval between (100d 7h 7m 7s) and (350d 7h 7m 7s),

please follow steps as below:

1. Enter 100d 7h 7m 7s in the From edit box

2. Enter 350 d 7h 7m 7s in the To edit box
3. Tap on Calc button on Interval bar, you will have the result of 250d
0h 0m 0s.
To resume the result into days, hours, minutes or seconds, click on

5.16 Formula

2 New Formula Module in HiCalc 2.0 is a great collection providing users

with a large number of formulas in such fields as Electric Engineering,
Dynamics and mechanics, etc.

Formula Module

Formula Options

)How to locate the formula?

- Tap on the item marked with to get into detail of the lower area.

- Tap on Up item to move out to the upper arear 39 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK
HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

- In item marked with or , use

detailed key to get the description of each

L item is not supported to calculate and

cannot use to get to the calculating boxes.

After selecting the formula:

- Choose the detailed key to see the


Then, tap on the arrow key to view the indicated figure of the formula as
in the pictures below:

Formula Module

Formula Description Indicated Figure 40 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

- In item, choose the key to turn to the calculating boxes to fill in

the data as in the pictures below.

L Only parameter is supported to calculate

)Tap on to switch to algebraic or trigonometric functions.

Extraordinarily, the calculation allows even data which are formed of an

expression of functions

Algebraic Functions Trigonometric

Functions 41 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK
HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

Tap on to successively clear out data in each box or hold on it to

clear out at once.

Tap and hold on to clear out all data in all boxes

Choose to do calculation

Choose to turn back to the formula options.

2 New HiCALC 2.0 now allows to copy and pass the LED of HiCalc

) Just tap and hold on the LED to see the options board. Copy the data in
the data box and paste it in other one.

)When choosing Use in Arithmetic module, HiCalc will automatically return

to Arithmetic module so that you can use these data you have got for your
calculation in this module. 42 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

5.17 Preferences

This function will allow you to customize some feature of HiCALC.

General You can enable/disable hint for calling function, set transparency
for menus and dialogs or enable/disable “Tap n Hold” for faster entering

Categories You can enable/disable

switching between categories by hard keys
(up/down key) as well as
define order of these categories.

L If you do not want a category in this

scrolling list, just uncheck this category.

Sounds enable/disable playing sound when tapping buttons (keypad and

function buttons)

Skins Allow you to change HiCALC skin, just select the skin you want and
tap on Top right {OK} button. You then get the color you love!

* What’s new?
Modes: There are 2 modes: Input Mode and Output Mode

Input Mode: now includes String mode beside Basic mode (Standard and
RPN). This mode will help you feel like normal calculator. This function is
only applied to Arithmetic, Trigonometric, and Base conversion.

To switch to the normal calculator, go to Preference, select Basic then

choose Standard
To calculate directly and quickly, go to Preference, select Basic

then choose RPN, your numbers will be separated by MS . 43 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide


To calculate by a string of numbers, go to Preference, select String then

you can input as many numbers as you want before having the final result.

Output Mode: now support not only US and EU but also UK styles of date
and number. This function will make you never confused though you are
American, European or English! Just select the style you want and go on.

- US Date: mm/dd/yyyy

US number: 123,456.798

- EU date: dd/mm/yyyy

EU number: 123.456,789

- UK date: dd/mm/yyyy

UK number: 123,456.789

L Basic mode is supported for direct calculating in Arithmetic,

Trigonometric, Base Conversion only, choose “Standard”.

Output mode: United States, European, and United Kingdom

When you choose United States and United Kingdom, the number will be
displayed like this: 1.00
When you choose European, the number will be displayed like this: 1,00

L Output mode is used for Mode String only. 44 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

How to buy and register HiCALC

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator is shareware product and it is free for 14

days while after that you have to register.

To register the software, order the product from:


From the above addresses, we offer the same standard price. However,
the price can vary at times between the addresses due to sale promotions.

Æ If you purchase directly from our websites at, you will

receive an account by which you can download upgraded versions, submit
questions as well as get access to our direct support. After purchasing, you
will receive an email from 2CheckOut and we will send you account
information you should use to login to our website: to get the Serial Key. In case
this is lost, you can re-login and receive a new one.

After receiving the registration key, unlock the product:

1. Go to Start menu >> Programs then tap on HiCALC – Your

Trusted Calculator icon to start.
2. Tap on hot menu button and select
3. Enter the key and tap on Register button.

L The Name on HiCALC about box is not changeable, if you wish to change
the owner name please go to Start menu >> Settings >>Owner
Information 45 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

HiCALC – Your Trusted Calculator User’s Guide

After successfully completing registration, please write down the name and
number and store in a safe place. You will need the registration key if you
are going to reinstall the software in a new device or incase your device is
hard-reset. You can obtain support information or answers to frequently
asked questions at:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
PPCLINK Support [email protected]
License [email protected]
Online support

‰ If you purchase at Handango or PocketGear, you will receive serial and

support from them as well. If you experience any trouble with this, please

Handango Online form:

Support email: [email protected]

Pocketgear Online form:

Support email: [email protected]

How to upgrade to the latest version

If you have registered version 1.xx and 2.0, please find upgrade offers at

The upgrade to version 2.5 is free for customers that obtained Hicalc for
Pocket PC after 24 March 2008 46 Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by PPCLINK

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